1<WizardContent @headerText="Replication" @glyph="tour">
2  <WizardSection
3    @headerText="Your cluster information"
4    @docText="Docs: Replication"
5    @docPath="/docs/internals/replication.html"
6  >
7    <p>
8      Here you can see the details about your new replication cluster, manage or disable replication, and handle secondary clusters. You can also get a quick status by hovering over the "Replication" link at the top.
9    </p>
10  </WizardSection>
11  <div class="wizard-details">
12    <h3 class="title is-6">
13      Ready to move on?
14    </h3>
15    <button type="button" class="button next-feature-step" {{action onAdvance}}>
16      {{nextFeature}} <Chevron @isButton={{true}} />
17    </button>
18  </div>