3# A small example program for using the new getopt(1) program.
4# This program will only work with tcsh(1)
5# An similar program using the bash(1) script language can be found
6# as parse.bash
8# Example input and output (from the tcsh prompt):
9# ./parse.tcsh -a par1 'another arg' --c-long 'wow\!*\?' -cmore -b " very long "
10# Option a
11# Option c, no argument
12# Option c, argument `more'
13# Option b, argument ` very long '
14# Remaining arguments:
15# --> `par1'
16# --> `another arg'
17# --> `wow!*\?'
19# Note that we had to escape the exclamation mark in the wow-argument. This
20# is _not_ a problem with getopt, but with the tcsh command parsing. If you
21# would give the same line from the bash prompt (ie. call ./parse.tcsh),
22# you could remove the exclamation mark.
24# This is a bit tricky. We use a temp variable, to be able to check the
25# return value of getopt (eval nukes it). argv contains the command arguments
26# as a list. The ':q`  copies that list without doing any substitutions:
27# each element of argv becomes a separate argument for getopt. The braces
28# are needed because the result is also a list.
29set temp=(`getopt -s tcsh -o ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: -- $argv:q`)
30if ($? != 0) then
31  echo "Terminating..." >/dev/stderr
32  exit 1
35# Now we do the eval part. As the result is a list, we need braces. But they
36# must be quoted, because they must be evaluated when the eval is called.
37# The 'q` stops doing any silly substitutions.
38eval set argv=\($temp:q\)
40while (1)
41	switch($1:q)
42	case -a:
43	case --a-long:
44		echo "Option a" ; shift
45		breaksw;
46	case -b:
47	case --b-long:
48		echo "Option b, argument "\`$2:q\' ; shift ; shift
49		breaksw
50	case -c:
51	case --c-long:
52		# c has an optional argument. As we are in quoted mode,
53		# an empty parameter will be generated if its optional
54		# argument is not found.
56		if ($2:q == "") then
57			echo "Option c, no argument"
58		else
59			echo "Option c, argument "\`$2:q\'
60		endif
61		shift; shift
62		breaksw
63	case --:
64		shift
65		break
66	default:
67		echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1
68	endsw
71echo "Remaining arguments:"
72# foreach el ($argv:q) created problems for some tcsh-versions (at least
73# 6.02). So we use another shift-loop here:
74while ($#argv > 0)
75	echo '--> '\`$1:q\'
76	shift