1from gi.repository import Gtk
2import sys
5class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
7    def __init__(self, app):
8        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Calculator", application=app)
9        self.set_default_size(350, 200)
10        self.set_border_width(10)
12        # an entry
13        self.entry = Gtk.Entry()
14        # with an initial text
15        self.entry.set_text('0')
16        # text aligned on the right
17        self.entry.set_alignment(1)
18        # the text in the entry cannot be modified writing in it
19        self.entry.set_can_focus(False)
21        # a grid
22        grid = Gtk.Grid()
23        grid.set_row_spacing(5)
25        # to attach the entry
26        grid.attach(self.entry, 0, 0, 1, 1)
28        # the labels for the buttons
29        buttons = [7, 8, 9, '/',
30                   4, 5, 6, '*',
31                   1, 2, 3, '-',
32                   'C', 0, '=', '+']
34        # each row is a ButtonBox, attached to the grid
35        for i in range(4):
36            hbox = Gtk.ButtonBox.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
37            hbox.set_spacing(5)
38            grid.attach(hbox, 0, i + 1, 1, 1)
39            # each ButtonBox has 4 buttons, connected to the callback function
40            for j in range(4):
41                button = Gtk.Button(label=buttons[i * 4 + j])
42                button.set_can_focus(False)
43                button.connect("clicked", self.button_clicked)
44                hbox.add(button)
46        # some variables for the calculations
47        self.first_number = 0
48        self.second_number = 0
49        self.counter = 0
50        self.operation = ""
52        # add the grid to the window
53        self.add(grid)
55    # callback function for all the buttons
56    def button_clicked(self, button):
57        # for the operations
58        if button.get_label() == '+':
59            self.counter += 1
60            if self.counter > 1:
61                self.do_operation()
62            self.entry.set_text('0')
63            self.operation = "plus"
64        elif button.get_label() == '-':
65            self.counter += 1
66            if self.counter > 1:
67                self.do_operation()
68            self.entry.set_text('0')
69            self.operation = "minus"
70        elif button.get_label() == '*':
71            self.counter += 1
72            if self.counter > 1:
73                self.do_operation()
74            self.entry.set_text('0')
75            self.operation = "multiplication"
76        elif button.get_label() == '/':
77            self.counter += 1
78            if self.counter > 1:
79                self.do_operation()
80            self.entry.set_text('0')
81            self.operation = "division"
82        # for =
83        elif button.get_label() == '=':
84            self.do_operation()
85            self.entry.set_text(str(self.first_number))
86            self.counter = 1
87        # for Cancel
88        elif button.get_label() == 'C':
89            self.first_number = 0
90            self.second_number = 0
91            self.counter = 0
92            self.entry.set_text('')
93            self.operation = ""
94        # for a digit button
95        else:
96            new_digit = int(button.get_label())
97            if self.entry.get_text() == 'error':
98                number = 0
99            else:
100                number = int(self.entry.get_text())
101            number = number * 10 + new_digit
102            if self.counter == 0:
103                self.first_number = number
104            else:
105                self.second_number = number
106            self.entry.set_text(str(number))
108    def do_operation(self):
109        if self.operation == "plus":
110            self.first_number += self.second_number
111        elif self.operation == "minus":
112            self.first_number -= self.second_number
113        elif self.operation == "multiplication":
114            self.first_number *= self.second_number
115        elif self.operation == "division":
116            try:
117                self.first_number /= self.second_number
118            except ZeroDivisionError:
119                self.first_number = 0
120                self.second_number = 0
121                self.counter = 0
122                self.entry.set_text('error')
123                self.operation = ""
124                return
125        else:
126            self.first_number = 0
127            self.second_number = 0
128            self.counter = 0
129            self.entry.set_text('error')
132class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
134    def __init__(self):
135        Gtk.Application.__init__(self)
137    def do_activate(self):
138        win = MyWindow(self)
139        win.show_all()
141    def do_startup(self):
142        Gtk.Application.do_startup(self)
144app = MyApplication()
145exit_status = app.run(sys.argv)