2:: a batch script for converting classified LiDAR tiles into a
3:: number of raster products with a tile-based multi-core batch
4:: pipeline
7:: include LAStools in PATH to allow running script from anywhere
9set PATH=%PATH%;..;
11:: specify the number of cores to use
13set NUM_CORES=1
15:: create clean folder for the raster DTMs in ESRI ASCII format
17rmdir .\tiles_dtms /s /q
18mkdir .\tiles_dtms
20:: run las2dem on the ground-classified tiles to create raster DTMs
21:: in ESRI ASCII format (*.asc) for each individual tile. important
22:: is the '-keep_class 2' flag that activates a filter letting only
23:: the points classified as 'ground' through. in addition we use the
24:: '-thin_with_grid 0.5' filter to have only one ground point per
25:: 0.5m by 0.5m area. this assures that we construct and sample a
26:: TIN appropriate for the output resolution of 1.0m by 1.0m that is
27:: set by '-step 1.0'. very important is the '-use_tile_bb' parameter
28:: that limits rasterizating the TIN to the tile area *without* the
29:: buffer added by lastile in the 'tile_based_lidar_preparation.bat'
30:: batch script thereby avoiding any potential edge artifacts along
31:: the tile boundaries. the '-odir  tiles_dtms -oasc' flags specify
32:: to output the resulting DTMs in ESRI's ASCII format in the folder
33:: 'tiles_dtms' using the same name as the LAZ file but with a *.asc
34:: extension. if we have multiple tiles then this process will run
35:: on as many cores as specified by the %NUM_CORES% set above.
37las2dem -i tiles_ground\*.laz ^
38        -keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -step 1.0 -use_tile_bb ^
39        -odir tiles_dtms -oasc ^
40        -cores %NUM_CORES%
42:: create clean folder for the hillshaded DTM rasters
44rmdir .\tiles_hillshaded_dtms /s /q
45mkdir .\tiles_hillshaded_dtms
47:: use las2dem to create individual hillshaded DTM rasters from the
48:: LiDAR points that were classified as ground in each tile. important
49:: again is the '-keep_class 2' flag to only use ground points. with
50:: '-thin_with_grid 0.5' we again use only one ground point per 0.5m
51:: by 0.5m area. this makes the size of the TIN triangles (that are
52:: '-hillshade'd using smooth vertex normals) more appropriate for
53:: the output resolution of 1.0m by 1.0m that is set by '-step 1.0'.
54:: again, the '-use_tile_bb' parameter omits the buffer that was added
55:: by lastile from rasterization to avoid artifacts along the tile
56:: boundaries. the '-odir tiles_hillshaded_dtms -opng' flags specify
57:: to output the resulting hillshades in PNG format in the folder
58:: 'tiles_hillshaded_dtms' using the same file name but with a *.png
59:: extension. if we have multiple tiles then this process will run
60:: on as many cores as specified by the %NUM_CORES% set above.
62las2dem -i tiles_ground\*.laz ^
63        -keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -step 1.0 -use_tile_bb -hillshade ^
64        -odir tiles_hillshaded_dtms -opng ^
65        -cores %NUM_CORES%
67:: use las2dem to create a single hillshaded DTM raster from on-the
68:: fly merged ASC rasters. all LAStools can read ASC (and BIL) rasters
69:: that are converted into simple xyz points. the '-merged' flag lets
70:: multiple files appear as a single LAS input. the output resolution
71:: is specified by '-step 1.0' and '-hillshade' means that at each TIN
72:: vertex a smooth normal is computed that - together with the default
73:: light direction (0.5 0.5 1.0) - generates the shading.
75las2dem -i tiles_dtms\*.asc -merged ^
76        -step 1.0 -hillshade ^
77        -o hillshaded_dtm.png
79:: same as before but with a different light direction (1.0 0.0 0.5)
81las2dem -i tiles_dtms\*.asc -merged ^
82        -step 1.0 -hillshade -light 1.0 0.0 0.5 ^
83        -o hillshaded_dtm1.png
85:: same as before but with a different light direction (1.0 1.0 0.1)
87las2dem -i tiles_dtms\*.asc -merged ^
88        -step 1.0 -hillshade -light 1.0 1.0 0.1 ^
89        -o hillshaded_dtm2.png
91:: same as before but with a different light direction (0.0 1.0 0.2)
93las2dem -i tiles_dtms\*.asc -merged ^
94        -step 1.0 -hillshade -light 0.0 1.0 0.2 ^
95        -o hillshaded_dtm3.png
97:: same as before but using the actual LiDAR ground points from final
98:: tiles (i.e. those without buffer) with an additional '-extra_pass'
99:: flag that does an initial pass over the input to count the number
100:: of points that survive the filtering for optimal memory management.
102las2dem -i tiles_final\*.laz -merged ^
103        -keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -extra_pass ^
104        -step 1.0 -hillshade -light 0.0 1.0 0.2  ^
105        -o hillshaded_dtm3_points.png
107:: create clean folder for the false-colored slope DTM rasters
109rmdir .\tiles_slope_dtms /s /q
110mkdir .\tiles_slope_dtms
112:: use las2dem to create individual false-colored slope DTM rasters
113:: from the LiDAR points of each ground-classified tile. we use the
114:: '-keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -step 1.0 -use_tile_bb' flags
115:: for the same reasons as before. in addition we specify to compute
116:: the '-slope' at when we sample the TIN and map it to a '-false'
117:: color that is stored in PNG format. again we spawn the number of
118:: specified processes in case there are multiple input files.
120las2dem -i tiles_ground\*.laz ^
121        -keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -step 1.0 -use_tile_bb -slope -false ^
122        -odir tiles_slope_dtms -opng ^
123        -cores %NUM_CORES%
125:: use las2dem to create a single false-colored slope DTM raster from
126:: on-the fly merged ASC rasters. all LAStools can read ASC (and BIL)
127:: rasters that are converted into simple xyz points. the '-merged' flag
128:: lets multiple files appear as a single LAS input. the output resolution
129:: is specified by '-step 1.0' and '-slope' means that at each TIN vertex
130:: a smooth normal is computed to estimate the slope that is interpolated
131:: across the sampled TIN facets. The '-false' flag indicates that the
132:: slope value is mapped to a false coloring that is output in PNG format.
134las2dem -i tiles_dtms\*.asc -merged ^
135        -step 1.0 -slope -false ^
136        -o slope_dtm.png
138:: same as before but using the actual LiDAR ground points from final
139:: tiles (i.e. those without buffer) with an additional '-extra_pass'
140:: flag that does an initial pass over the input to count the number
141:: of points that survive the filtering for optimal memory management.
143las2dem -i tiles_final\*.laz -merged ^
144        -keep_class 2 -thin_with_grid 0.5 -extra_pass ^
145        -step 1.0 -slope -false ^
146        -o slope_dtm_points.png
148:: use las2dem to create a hillshaded DSM raster from the LiDAR points
149:: of the '-merged' final tiles. with '-first_only' we keep only the
150:: highest (aka the surface) points and with '-thin_with_grid 0.5' we
151:: subset them to an appropriate spacing of TIN vertices for our output
152:: resolution of 1.0m by 1.0m.
154las2dem -i tiles_final\*.laz -merged ^
155        -first_only -thin_with_grid 0.5 -extra_pass ^
156        -step 1.0 -hillshade ^
157        -o hillshaded_dsm.png