1# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3# distributed with this work for additional information
4# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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16# under the License.
18# pylint: disable=C0111,too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-locals,redefined-outer-name,fixme
19# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens, no-member, invalid-name
20import sys
21sys.path.insert(0, "../../python")
22import mxnet as mx
23from collections import namedtuple
24GRUState = namedtuple("GRUState", ["h"])
25GRUParam = namedtuple("GRUParam", ["gates_i2h_weight", "gates_i2h_bias",
26                                   "gates_h2h_weight", "gates_h2h_bias",
27                                   "trans_i2h_weight", "trans_i2h_bias",
28                                   "trans_h2h_weight", "trans_h2h_bias"])
29GRUModel = namedtuple("GRUModel", ["rnn_exec", "symbol",
30                                   "init_states", "last_states",
31                                   "seq_data", "seq_labels", "seq_outputs",
32                                   "param_blocks"])
34def gru(num_hidden, indata, prev_state, param, seqidx, layeridx, dropout=0.):
35    """
36    GRU Cell symbol
37    Reference:
38    * Chung, Junyoung, et al. "Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural
39        networks on sequence modeling." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3555 (2014).
40    """
41    if dropout > 0.:
42        indata = mx.sym.Dropout(data=indata, p=dropout)
43    i2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=indata,
44                                weight=param.gates_i2h_weight,
45                                bias=param.gates_i2h_bias,
46                                num_hidden=num_hidden * 2,
47                                name="t%d_l%d_gates_i2h" % (seqidx, layeridx))
48    h2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=prev_state.h,
49                                weight=param.gates_h2h_weight,
50                                bias=param.gates_h2h_bias,
51                                num_hidden=num_hidden * 2,
52                                name="t%d_l%d_gates_h2h" % (seqidx, layeridx))
53    gates = i2h + h2h
54    slice_gates = mx.sym.SliceChannel(gates, num_outputs=2,
55                                      name="t%d_l%d_slice" % (seqidx, layeridx))
56    update_gate = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[0], act_type="sigmoid")
57    reset_gate = mx.sym.Activation(slice_gates[1], act_type="sigmoid")
58    # The transform part of GRU is a little magic
59    htrans_i2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=indata,
60                                       weight=param.trans_i2h_weight,
61                                       bias=param.trans_i2h_bias,
62                                       num_hidden=num_hidden,
63                                       name="t%d_l%d_trans_i2h" % (seqidx, layeridx))
64    h_after_reset = prev_state.h * reset_gate
65    htrans_h2h = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=h_after_reset,
66                                       weight=param.trans_h2h_weight,
67                                       bias=param.trans_h2h_bias,
68                                       num_hidden=num_hidden,
69                                       name="t%d_l%d_trans_i2h" % (seqidx, layeridx))
70    h_trans = htrans_i2h + htrans_h2h
71    h_trans_active = mx.sym.Activation(h_trans, act_type="tanh")
72    next_h = prev_state.h + update_gate * (h_trans_active - prev_state.h)
73    return GRUState(h=next_h)
75def gru_unroll(num_gru_layer, seq_len, input_size,
76               num_hidden, num_embed, num_label, dropout=0.):
77    seqidx = 0
78    embed_weight = mx.sym.Variable("embed_weight")
79    cls_weight = mx.sym.Variable("cls_weight")
80    cls_bias = mx.sym.Variable("cls_bias")
81    param_cells = []
82    last_states = []
83    for i in range(num_gru_layer):
84        param_cells.append(GRUParam(gates_i2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_gates_weight" % i),
85                                    gates_i2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_gates_bias" % i),
86                                    gates_h2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_gates_weight" % i),
87                                    gates_h2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_gates_bias" % i),
88                                    trans_i2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_trans_weight" % i),
89                                    trans_i2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_i2h_trans_bias" % i),
90                                    trans_h2h_weight=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_trans_weight" % i),
91                                    trans_h2h_bias=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_h2h_trans_bias" % i)))
92        state = GRUState(h=mx.sym.Variable("l%d_init_h" % i))
93        last_states.append(state)
94    assert(len(last_states) == num_gru_layer)
95    # embeding layer
96    data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
97    label = mx.sym.Variable('softmax_label')
98    embed = mx.sym.Embedding(data=data, input_dim=input_size,
99                             weight=embed_weight, output_dim=num_embed, name='embed')
100    wordvec = mx.sym.SliceChannel(data=embed, num_outputs=seq_len, squeeze_axis=1)
102    hidden_all = []
103    for seqidx in range(seq_len):
104        hidden = wordvec[seqidx]
106        # stack GRU
107        for i in range(num_gru_layer):
108            if i == 0:
109                dp_ratio = 0.
110            else:
111                dp_ratio = dropout
112            next_state = gru(num_hidden, indata=hidden,
113                             prev_state=last_states[i],
114                             param=param_cells[i],
115                             seqidx=seqidx, layeridx=i, dropout=dp_ratio)
116            hidden = next_state.h
117            last_states[i] = next_state
118        # decoder
119        if dropout > 0.:
120            hidden = mx.sym.Dropout(data=hidden, p=dropout)
121        hidden_all.append(hidden)
123    hidden_concat = mx.sym.Concat(*hidden_all, dim=0)
124    pred = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=hidden_concat, num_hidden=num_label,
125                                 weight=cls_weight, bias=cls_bias, name='pred')
126    label = mx.sym.transpose(data=label)
127    label = mx.sym.Reshape(data=label, target_shape=(0,))
128    return mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=pred, label=label, name='softmax')