1# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3# distributed with this work for additional information
4# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15# specific language governing permissions and limitations
16# under the License.
18"""Operators that fallback to official NumPy implementation."""
21import numpy as onp
23__all__ = [
24    'allclose',
25    'alltrue',
26    'apply_along_axis',
27    'apply_over_axes',
28    'argpartition',
29    'argwhere',
30    'array_equal',
31    'array_equiv',
32    'choose',
33    'compress',
34    'corrcoef',
35    'correlate',
36    'count_nonzero',
37    'cov',
38    'digitize',
39    'divmod',
40    'extract',
41    'flatnonzero',
42    'float_power',
43    'frexp',
44    'heaviside',
45    'histogram2d',
46    'histogram_bin_edges',
47    'histogramdd',
48    'i0',
49    'in1d',
50    'interp',
51    'intersect1d',
52    'isclose',
53    'isin',
54    'ix_',
55    'lexsort',
56    'min_scalar_type',
57    'mirr',
58    'modf',
59    'msort',
60    'nanargmax',
61    'nanargmin',
62    'nancumprod',
63    'nancumsum',
64    'nanmax',
65    'nanmedian',
66    'nanmin',
67    'nanpercentile',
68    'nanprod',
69    'nanquantile',
70    'ndim',
71    'npv',
72    'partition',
73    'piecewise',
74    'packbits',
75    'poly',
76    'polyadd',
77    'polydiv',
78    'polyfit',
79    'polyint',
80    'polymul',
81    'polysub',
82    'positive',
83    'ppmt',
84    'promote_types',
85    'ptp',
86    'pv',
87    'rate',
88    'real',
89    'result_type',
90    'rollaxis',
91    'roots',
92    'searchsorted',
93    'select',
94    'setdiff1d',
95    'setxor1d',
96    'signbit',
97    'size',
98    'spacing',
99    'take_along_axis',
100    'trapz',
101    'tril_indices_from',
102    'trim_zeros',
103    'triu_indices_from',
104    'union1d',
105    'unpackbits',
106    'unwrap',
107    'vander',
110allclose = onp.allclose
111alltrue = onp.alltrue
112apply_along_axis = onp.apply_along_axis
113apply_over_axes = onp.apply_over_axes
114argpartition = onp.argpartition
115argwhere = onp.argwhere
116array_equal = onp.array_equal
117array_equiv = onp.array_equiv
118choose = onp.choose
119compress = onp.compress
120corrcoef = onp.corrcoef
121correlate = onp.correlate
122count_nonzero = onp.count_nonzero
123cov = onp.cov
124digitize = onp.digitize
125divmod = onp.divmod
126extract = onp.extract
127flatnonzero = onp.flatnonzero
128float_power = onp.float_power
129frexp = onp.frexp
130heaviside = onp.heaviside
131histogram2d = onp.histogram2d
132histogram_bin_edges = onp.histogram_bin_edges
133histogramdd = onp.histogramdd
134i0 = onp.i0
135in1d = onp.in1d
136interp = onp.interp
137intersect1d = onp.intersect1d
138isclose = onp.isclose
139isin = onp.isin
140ix_ = onp.ix_
141lexsort = onp.lexsort
142min_scalar_type = onp.min_scalar_type
143mirr = onp.mirr
144modf = onp.modf
145msort = onp.msort
146nanargmax = onp.nanargmax
147nanargmin = onp.nanargmin
148nancumprod = onp.nancumprod
149nancumsum = onp.nancumsum
150nanmax = onp.nanmax
151nanmedian = onp.nanmedian
152nanmin = onp.nanmin
153nanpercentile = onp.nanpercentile
154nanprod = onp.nanprod
155nanquantile = onp.nanquantile
156nanstd = onp.nanstd
157nansum = onp.nansum
158nanvar = onp.nanvar
159ndim = onp.ndim
160npv = onp.npv
161partition = onp.partition
162packbits = onp.packbits
163piecewise = onp.piecewise
164pmt = onp.pmt
165poly = onp.poly
166polyadd = onp.polyadd
167polydiv = onp.polydiv
168polyfit = onp.polyfit
169polyint = onp.polyint
170polymul = onp.polymul
171polysub = onp.polysub
172positive = onp.positive
173ppmt = onp.ppmt
174promote_types = onp.promote_types
175ptp = onp.ptp
176pv = onp.pv
177rate = onp.rate
178real = onp.real
179result_type = onp.result_type
180rollaxis = onp.rollaxis
181roots = onp.roots
182searchsorted = onp.searchsorted
183select = onp.select
184setdiff1d = onp.setdiff1d
185setxor1d = onp.setxor1d
186signbit = onp.signbit
187size = onp.size
188spacing = onp.spacing
189take_along_axis = onp.take_along_axis
190trapz = onp.trapz
191tril_indices_from = onp.tril_indices_from
192trim_zeros = onp.trim_zeros
193triu_indices_from = onp.triu_indices_from
194union1d = onp.union1d
195unpackbits = onp.unpackbits
196unwrap = onp.unwrap
197vander = onp.vander