1 // This file is part of OpenMVG, an Open Multiple View Geometry C++ library.
3 // Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre MOULON.
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include "openMVG/features/feature.hpp"
10 #include "openMVG/features/akaze/image_describer_akaze.hpp"
11 #include "openMVG/image/image_io.hpp"
12 #include "openMVG/matching/regions_matcher.hpp"
13 #include "openMVG/multiview/solver_homography_kernel.hpp"
14 #include "openMVG/robust_estimation/guided_matching.hpp"
16 #include "third_party/stlplus3/filesystemSimplified/file_system.hpp"
17 #include "third_party/cmdLine/cmdLine.h"
19 #include <string>
20 #include <iostream>
22 using namespace openMVG;
23 using namespace openMVG::image;
24 using namespace openMVG::matching;
25 using namespace std;
27 #include "openMVG/features/sift/SIFT_Anatomy_Image_Describer.hpp"
28 #include "nonFree/sift/SIFT_describer.hpp"
30 // Class to load images and ground truth homography matrices
31 // A reference image
32 // And a series of transformed images with the Homography mapping to the reference
33 class RepeatabilityDataset
34 {
35 public:
RepeatabilityDataset(const std::string & folderPath)36   explicit RepeatabilityDataset
37   (
38     const std::string& folderPath
39   ):
40     folderPath_(folderPath)
41   {
42     loadImages();
43     loadGroundTruthHs();
44   }
check() const46   bool check() const {
47     std::cout << "Dataset: " << folderPath_ << std::endl
48      << "#images: " << vec_image_.size() << "\n"
49      << "#homographies: " << vec_H_.size() << std::endl;
50     return !vec_H_.empty() && !vec_image_.empty() && vec_H_.size() == vec_image_.size();
51   }
image(size_t i) const53   const image::Image<RGBColor>& image(size_t i) const { return vec_image_[i]; }
H(size_t i) const54   const Mat3& H(size_t i) const { return vec_H_[i]; }
size() const55   size_t size() const { return vec_image_.size(); }
57 private:
58   /// Load the images of a directory
loadImages()59   bool loadImages()
60   {
61     std::cout << "Loading images of the dataset: " << stlplus::folder_part(folderPath_) << std::endl;
62     std::vector<std::string> vec_image_basename = stlplus::folder_wildcard( folderPath_, "*.ppm" );
63     if (vec_image_basename.empty())
64       vec_image_basename = stlplus::folder_wildcard( folderPath_, "*.pgm" );
65     if (vec_image_basename.empty())
66       return false;
67     sort(vec_image_basename.begin(), vec_image_basename.end());
68     vec_image_.resize(vec_image_basename.size());
69     for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_image_basename.size(); ++i)
70     {
71       const std::string path = stlplus::create_filespec(folderPath_, vec_image_basename[i]);
72       image::Image<RGBColor> imageRGB;
73       const bool bReadOk = image::ReadImage(path.c_str(), &imageRGB);
74       if ( bReadOk )
75       {
76         vec_image_[i] = imageRGB;
77       }
78       else
79       {
80         image::Image<unsigned char> imageGray;
81         if (image::ReadImage(path.c_str(), &imageGray))
82         {
83           image::ConvertPixelType(imageGray, &imageRGB);
84           vec_image_[i] = imageRGB;
85         }
86         else
87         {
88           std::cerr << "Error: unable to load image:\n" << path << std::endl;
89           return false;
90         }
91       }
92     }
93     return true;
94   }
96   /// Load the Homography related to each read images:
97   ///  0-> Identity,
98   ///  1-> H1to1p,
99   ///  2-> H1to2p, ...
loadGroundTruthHs()100   bool loadGroundTruthHs()
101   {
102     std::cout << "ground truth homographies of dataset: " << stlplus::folder_part(folderPath_) << std::endl;
103     vec_H_.resize(6);
104     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
105     {
106       if (i == 0)
107       {
108         vec_H_[i] = Mat3::Identity();
109         continue;
110       }
112       const std::string path = folderPath_ + "/H1to" + std::to_string(i+1) + "p";
113       std::ifstream f(path.c_str());
114       if (!f)
115       {
116         std::cerr << "Error: unable to load ground truth homography:\n"
117              << path << std::endl;
118         return false;
119       }
120       for (int k=0; k<9; ++k)
121         f >> vec_H_[i].data()[k];
123       vec_H_[i] /= vec_H_[i](2,2);
125       // Display
126       std::cout << "\n\n" << vec_H_[i] << std::endl;
127     }
128     return true;
129   }
131 private:
132   std::string folderPath_;
134   std::vector<image::Image<RGBColor>> vec_image_;
135   std::vector<Mat3> vec_H_;
136 };
140 /// Export point features based vector to matrices [(x,y)'T, (x,y)'T]
141 template< typename FeaturesT, typename MatT >
PointsToMat(const IndMatches & matches,const FeaturesT & vec_feats0,const FeaturesT & vec_feats1,MatT & m0,MatT & m1)142 void PointsToMat(
143   const IndMatches & matches,
144   const FeaturesT & vec_feats0,
145   const FeaturesT & vec_feats1,
146   MatT & m0,
147   MatT & m1)
148 {
149   using ValueT = typename FeaturesT::value_type; // Container type
151   m0.resize(2, matches.size());
152   m1.resize(2, matches.size());
154   for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i)
155   {
156     const ValueT & feat0 = vec_feats0[matches[i].i_];
157     m0.col(i) << feat0.x(), feat0.y();
158     const ValueT & feat1 = vec_feats1[matches[i].j_];
159     m1.col(i) << feat1.x(), feat1.y();
160   }
161 }
163 struct RepeatabilityResults_Matching
164 {
165   std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> results;
exportToFileRepeatabilityResults_Matching167   bool exportToFile(const std::string & sFile, const std::string & sdatasetName) const
168   {
169     std::ofstream ofs(sFile, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
171     if ( ! ofs.good() )
172     {
173         return false;
174     }
176     ofs << sdatasetName << "\n";
177     for ( const auto & val : results)
178     {
179       const std::string sParam = val.first;
180       const std::vector<double> & vec = val.second;
181       ofs << sParam << ";";
182       std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(ofs, ";"));
183       ofs << "\n";
184     }
185     ofs.close();
187     return true;
188   }
189 };
stringToEnum(const std::string & sPreset)191 features::EDESCRIBER_PRESET stringToEnum(const std::string & sPreset)
192 {
193   features::EDESCRIBER_PRESET preset;
194   if (sPreset == "NORMAL")
195     preset = features::NORMAL_PRESET;
196   else
197   if (sPreset == "HIGH")
198     preset = features::HIGH_PRESET;
199   else
200   if (sPreset == "ULTRA")
201     preset = features::ULTRA_PRESET;
202   else
203     preset = features::EDESCRIBER_PRESET(-1);
204   return preset;
205 }
207 //--
208 // Regions repeatability evaluation:
209 // - compare feature/descriptor matching repeatability on some dataset with known homography motions
210 // Must be run one of the dataset contained here:
211 //  https://github.com/openMVG/Features_Repeatability
212 //
main(int argc,char ** argv)213 int main(int argc, char **argv)
214 {
215   CmdLine cmd;
216   //--
217   // Command line parameters
218   std::string sDataset_Path = "";
219   std::string sImage_Describer_Method = "SIFT";
220   std::string sFeature_Preset = "NORMAL";
221   bool bFeature_Repeatability = false;
222   bool bMatching_Repeatability = true;
223   cmd.add( make_option('i', sDataset_Path, "input_dataset") );
224   cmd.add( make_option('d', sImage_Describer_Method, "describer_method") );
225   cmd.add( make_option('p', sFeature_Preset, "describer_preset") );
226   cmd.add( make_option('f', bFeature_Repeatability, "feature_repeatability") );
227   cmd.add( make_option('m', bMatching_Repeatability, "matching_repeatability") );
228   //--
230   //--
231   // Command line parsing
232   try {
233       if (argc == 1) throw std::string("Invalid command line parameter.");
234       cmd.process(argc, argv);
235   } catch (const std::string& s) {
236       std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << '\n'
237       << "[-i|--input_dataset] the path to the datasets \n"
238       << "\n[Optional]\n"
239       << "[-d|--describer_method]\n"
240       << "  (method to use to describe an image):\n"
241       << "   SIFT (default),\n"
242       << "   SIFT_ANATOMY,\n"
243       << "   AKAZE_FLOAT: AKAZE with floating point descriptors.\n"
244       << "[-p|--describer_preset]\n"
245       << "  (used to control the Image_describer configuration):\n"
246       << "   NORMAL (default),\n"
247       << "   HIGH,\n"
248       << "   ULTRA: !!Can take long time!!\n"
249       << "[-f|--feature_repeatability]\n"
250       << "  (used to control the Image_describer configuration):\n"
251       << "   0 (default),\n"
252       << "   1\n"
253       << "[-m|--matching_repeatability]\n"
254       << "   1 (default),\n"
255       << "   0\n"
256       << std::endl;
258       std::cerr << s << std::endl;
259       return EXIT_FAILURE;
260   }
261   //--
263   if (bFeature_Repeatability && bMatching_Repeatability)
264   {
265     std::cerr << "Only one repeatability test can be performed at a time." << std::endl;
266     return EXIT_FAILURE;
267   }
269   //--------------------------
270   // Evaluation parameters
271   //--------------------------
272   // - Precision radius to accept a point as a valid correspondence
273   const double m_dPrecision_robust = 2.5;
274   // - Nearest neighbor distance ratio to accept a photometric match between some descriptor
275   const double nndr = 0.8;
277   // List all subdirectories and for each one compute the repeatability
278   const std::vector<std::string> vec_dataset_path = stlplus::folder_subdirectories(sDataset_Path);
279   for (auto const& dataset_path : vec_dataset_path)
280   {
281     const std::string sPath = stlplus::create_filespec(sDataset_Path, dataset_path);
282     if (stlplus::is_file(sPath))
283       continue;
285     RepeatabilityDataset dataset(sPath);
286     if (dataset.check())
287     {
288       // 1. Compute regions
289       // 2. Test the repeatability (localization/overlap (accuracy))
290       // 3. Export data
292       using namespace openMVG::features;
293       std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer;
294       if (sImage_Describer_Method == "SIFT")
295       {
296         image_describer.reset(new SIFT_Image_describer);
297       }
298       else
299       if (sImage_Describer_Method == "SIFT_ANATOMY")
300       {
301         image_describer.reset(new SIFT_Anatomy_Image_describer);
302       }
303       else
304       if (sImage_Describer_Method == "AKAZE_FLOAT")
305       {
306         image_describer = AKAZE_Image_describer::create
307           (AKAZE_Image_describer::Params(AKAZE::Params(), AKAZE_MSURF));
308       }
310       if (!image_describer)
311       {
312         std::cerr << "Cannot create the designed Image_describer:"
313           << sImage_Describer_Method << "." << std::endl;
314         return EXIT_FAILURE;
315       }
316       else
317       {
318         if (!image_describer->Set_configuration_preset(stringToEnum(sFeature_Preset)))
319         {
320           std::cerr << "Preset configuration failed." << std::endl;
321           return EXIT_FAILURE;
322         }
323       }
325       // For each image computes the regions:
326       image::Image<unsigned char> imageGray;
327       Hash_Map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<Regions>> map_regions;
328       for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.size(); ++i)
329       {
330         image::ConvertPixelType(dataset.image(i), &imageGray);
331         image_describer->Describe(imageGray, map_regions[i]);
332         std::cout << "image: " << i << "\t #found features: " << map_regions[i]->RegionCount() << std::endl;
333       }
335       // Repeatability evaluation to the first image
336       // Evaluate the feature positions accuracy (descriptors are ignored)
337       if (bFeature_Repeatability)
338       {
339         RepeatabilityResults_Matching image_results;
340         for (size_t i = 1; i < dataset.size(); ++i)
341         {
342           if (map_regions.count(0) == 0 || map_regions.count(i) == 0)
343             continue;
345           const Regions * regions_0 = map_regions[0].get();
346           const Regions * regions_I = map_regions[i].get();
347           const PointFeatures pointsFeatures0 = regions_0->GetRegionsPositions();
348           const PointFeatures pointsFeaturesI = regions_I->GetRegionsPositions();
350           Mat x0, xI;
351           PointsToMat(pointsFeatures0, x0);
352           PointsToMat(pointsFeaturesI, xI);
354           IndMatches matches_0I;
355           geometry_aware::GuidedMatching
356             <Mat3, openMVG::homography::kernel::AsymmetricError>(
357             dataset.H(i).transpose(), x0, xI, Square(m_dPrecision_robust), matches_0I);
359           std::cout << "Feature repeatability Results" << "\n"
360            << "*******************************" << "\n"
361            << "# Keypoints 1:                        \t" << map_regions[0]->RegionCount() << "\n"
362            << "# Keypoints N:                        \t" << map_regions[i]->RegionCount() << "\n"
363            << "# Inliers:                            \t" << matches_0I.size() << "\n"
364            << "Inliers Ratio (%):                    \t" << matches_0I.size() / (float) map_regions[0]->RegionCount() << "\n"
365            << std::endl;
367            const std::vector<double> results = {
368             static_cast<double>( map_regions[0]->RegionCount() ) ,
369             static_cast<double>( map_regions[i]->RegionCount() ) ,
370             static_cast<double>( matches_0I.size() ) ,
371             static_cast<double>( matches_0I.size() / (float) map_regions[0]->RegionCount())
372             };
373           image_results.results[std::to_string(i)] = results;
374         }
375         image_results.exportToFile("repeatability_results.xls", stlplus::basename_part(sPath));
376       }
378       if (bMatching_Repeatability)
379       {
380         // Test the repeatability (matching (descriptor))
381         RepeatabilityResults_Matching image_results;
382         for (size_t i = 1; i < dataset.size(); ++i)
383         {
384           if (map_regions.count(0) == 0 || map_regions.count(i) == 0)
385             continue;
387           const Regions * regions_0 = map_regions[0].get();
388           const Regions * regions_I = map_regions[i].get();
389           const PointFeatures pointsFeatures0 = regions_0->GetRegionsPositions();
390           const PointFeatures pointsFeaturesI = regions_I->GetRegionsPositions();
392           matching::IndMatches putativesMatches;
393           matching::DistanceRatioMatch(
394             nndr, matching::BRUTE_FORCE_L2,
395             *regions_0, *regions_I,
396             putativesMatches);
398           Mat x0, xI;
399           PointsToMat(putativesMatches, pointsFeatures0, pointsFeaturesI, x0, xI);
401           IndMatches matches_0I;
402           geometry_aware::GuidedMatching
403             <Mat3, openMVG::homography::kernel::AsymmetricError>(
404             dataset.H(i).transpose(), x0, xI, Square(m_dPrecision_robust), matches_0I);
406           std::cout << "Feature matching repeatability Results" << "\n"
407            << "*******************************" << "\n"
408            << "** " << stlplus::basename_part(sPath) << " **" << "\n"
409            << "*******************************" << "\n"
410            << "# Keypoints 1:                        \t" << map_regions[0]->RegionCount() << "\n"
411            << "# Keypoints N:                        \t" << map_regions[i]->RegionCount() << "\n"
412            << "# Matches:                            \t" << putativesMatches.size() << "\n"
413            << "# Inliers:                            \t" << matches_0I.size() << "\n"
414            << "Inliers Ratio (%):                    \t" << matches_0I.size() / (float) putativesMatches.size() << "\n"
415            << std::endl;
417           const std::vector<double> results = {
418             static_cast<double>( map_regions[0]->RegionCount() ) ,
419             static_cast<double>( map_regions[i]->RegionCount() ) ,
420             static_cast<double>( putativesMatches.size() ) ,
421             static_cast<double>( matches_0I.size() ) ,
422             static_cast<double>( matches_0I.size() / (double) putativesMatches.size())
423             };
424           image_results.results[std::to_string(i)] = results;
425         }
426         image_results.exportToFile("repeatability_results.xls", stlplus::basename_part(sPath));
427       }
428     }
429     else
430     {
431       std::cerr << "Invalid dataset directory: " << dataset_path << std::endl;
432       return EXIT_FAILURE;
433     }
434   }
435   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
436 }