1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @author Nick Avramoussis, Francisco Gochez, Dan Bailey
5 ///
6 /// @file points/PointSample.h
7 ///
8 /// @brief Sample a VDB Grid onto a VDB Points attribute
13 #include "openvdb/util/NullInterrupter.h"
14 #include "openvdb/thread/Threading.h"
15 #include "openvdb/tools/Interpolation.h"
17 #include "PointDataGrid.h"
18 #include "PointAttribute.h"
20 #include <sstream>
21 #include <type_traits>
23 namespace openvdb {
26 namespace points {
29 /// @brief Performs closest point sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute
30 /// @param points           the PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
31 /// @param sourceGrid       VDB grid which will be sampled
32 /// @param targetAttribute  a target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This
33 ///                         attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does
34 ///                         not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
35 /// @param filter           an optional index filter
36 /// @param interrupter      an optional interrupter
37 /// @note  The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
38 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT,
39     typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
40 inline void pointSample(PointDataGridT& points,
41                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
42                         const Name& targetAttribute = "",
43                         const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
44                         InterrupterT* const interrupter = nullptr);
47 /// @brief Performs tri-linear sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute
48 /// @param points           the PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
49 /// @param sourceGrid       VDB grid which will be sampled
50 /// @param targetAttribute  a target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This
51 ///                         attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does
52 ///                         not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
53 /// @param filter           an optional index filter
54 /// @param interrupter      an optional interrupter
55 /// @note  The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
56 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT,
57     typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
58 inline void boxSample(  PointDataGridT& points,
59                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
60                         const Name& targetAttribute = "",
61                         const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
62                         InterrupterT* const interrupter = nullptr);
65 /// @brief Performs tri-quadratic sampling from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute
66 /// @param points           the PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
67 /// @param sourceGrid       VDB grid which will be sampled
68 /// @param targetAttribute  a target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This
69 ///                         attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does
70 ///                         not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
71 /// @param filter           an optional index filter
72 /// @param interrupter      an optional interrupter
73 /// @note  The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
74 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT,
75     typename FilterT = NullFilter, typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
76 inline void quadraticSample(PointDataGridT& points,
77                             const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
78                             const Name& targetAttribute = "",
79                             const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
80                             InterrupterT* const interrupter = nullptr);
83 // This struct samples the source grid accessor using the world-space position supplied,
84 // with SamplerT providing the sampling scheme. In the case where ValueT does not match
85 // the value type of the source grid, the sample() method will also convert the sampled
86 // value into a ValueT value, using round-to-nearest for float-to-integer conversion.
87 struct SampleWithRounding
88 {
89     template<typename ValueT, typename SamplerT, typename AccessorT>
90     inline ValueT sample(const AccessorT& accessor, const Vec3d& position) const;
91 };
94 // A dummy struct that is used to mean that the sampled attribute should either match the type
95 // of the existing attribute or the type of the source grid (if the attribute doesn't exist yet)
96 struct DummySampleType { };
99 /// @brief Performs sampling and conversion from a VDB grid onto a VDB Points attribute
100 /// @param order            the sampling order - 0 = closest-point, 1 = trilinear, 2 = triquadratic
101 /// @param points           the PointDataGrid whose points will be sampled on to
102 /// @param sourceGrid       VDB grid which will be sampled
103 /// @param targetAttribute  a target attribute on the points which will hold samples. This
104 ///                         attribute will be created with the source grid type if it does
105 ///                         not exist, and with the source grid name if the name is empty
106 /// @param filter           an optional index filter
107 /// @param sampler          handles sampling and conversion into the target attribute type,
108 ///                         which by default this uses the SampleWithRounding struct.
109 /// @param interrupter      an optional interrupter
110 /// @param threaded         enable or disable threading  (threading is enabled by default)
111 /// @note  The target attribute may exist provided it can be cast to the SourceGridT ValueType
112 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT, typename TargetValueT = DummySampleType,
113     typename SamplerT = SampleWithRounding, typename FilterT = NullFilter,
114     typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
115 inline void sampleGrid( size_t order,
116                         PointDataGridT& points,
117                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
118                         const Name& targetAttribute,
119                         const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
120                         const SamplerT& sampler = SampleWithRounding(),
121                         InterrupterT* const interrupter = nullptr,
122                         const bool threaded = true);
125 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 namespace point_sample_internal {
132 template<typename FromType, typename ToType>
133 struct CompatibleTypes { enum { value = std::is_constructible<ToType, FromType>::value }; };
135 // Specializations for types that can be converted from source grid to target attribute
136 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
137     T, T> {                             enum { value = true }; };
138 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
139     T, math::Vec2<T>> {                 enum { value = true }; };
140 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
141     T, math::Vec3<T>> {                 enum { value = true }; };
142 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
143     T, math::Vec4<T>> {                 enum { value = true }; };
144 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
145     math::Vec2<T>, math::Vec2<T>> {     enum { value = true }; };
146 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
147     math::Vec3<T>, math::Vec3<T>> {     enum { value = true }; };
148 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
149     math::Vec4<T>, math::Vec4<T>> {     enum { value = true }; };
150 template<typename T0, typename T1> struct CompatibleTypes<
151     math::Vec2<T0>, math::Vec2<T1>> {   enum { value = CompatibleTypes<T0, T1>::value }; };
152 template<typename T0, typename T1> struct CompatibleTypes<
153     math::Vec3<T0>, math::Vec3<T1>> {   enum { value = CompatibleTypes<T0, T1>::value }; };
154 template<typename T0, typename T1> struct CompatibleTypes<
155     math::Vec4<T0>, math::Vec4<T1>> {   enum { value = CompatibleTypes<T0, T1>::value }; };
156 template<typename T> struct CompatibleTypes<
157     ValueMask, T> {                     enum { value = CompatibleTypes<bool, T>::value }; };
160 // Ability to access the Order and Staggered template parameter from tools::Sampler<Order, Staggered>
161 template <typename T> struct SamplerTraits {
162     static const size_t Order = 0;
163     static const bool Staggered = false;
164 };
165 template <size_t T0, bool T1> struct SamplerTraits<tools::Sampler<T0, T1>> {
166     static const size_t Order = T0;
167     static const bool Staggered = T1;
168 };
171 // default sampling is incompatible, so throw an error
172 template <typename ValueT, typename SamplerT, typename AccessorT, bool Round, bool Compatible = false>
173 struct SampleWithRoundingOp
174 {
175     static inline void sample(ValueT&, const AccessorT&, const Vec3d&)
176     {
177         std::ostringstream ostr;
178         ostr << "Cannot sample a " << typeNameAsString<typename AccessorT::ValueType>()
179             << " grid on to a " << typeNameAsString<ValueT>() << " attribute";
180         OPENVDB_THROW(TypeError, ostr.str());
181     }
182 };
183 // partial specialization to handle sampling and rounding of compatible conversion
184 template <typename ValueT, typename SamplerT, typename AccessorT>
185 struct SampleWithRoundingOp<ValueT, SamplerT, AccessorT, /*Round=*/true, /*Compatible=*/true>
186 {
187     static inline void sample(ValueT& value, const AccessorT& accessor, const Vec3d& position)
188     {
189         value = ValueT(math::Round(SamplerT::sample(accessor, position)));
190     }
191 };
192 // partial specialization to handle sampling and simple casting of compatible conversion
193 template <typename ValueT, typename SamplerT, typename AccessorT>
194 struct SampleWithRoundingOp<ValueT, SamplerT, AccessorT, /*Round=*/false, /*Compatible=*/true>
195 {
196     static inline void sample(ValueT& value, const AccessorT& accessor, const Vec3d& position)
197     {
198         value = ValueT(SamplerT::sample(accessor, position));
199     }
200 };
203 template <typename PointDataGridT, typename SamplerT, typename FilterT, typename InterrupterT>
204 class PointDataSampler
205 {
206 public:
207     PointDataSampler(size_t order,
208                      PointDataGridT& points,
209                      const SamplerT& sampler,
210                      const FilterT& filter,
211                      InterrupterT* const interrupter,
212                      const bool threaded)
213         : mOrder(order)
214         , mPoints(points)
215         , mSampler(sampler)
216         , mFilter(filter)
217         , mInterrupter(interrupter)
218         , mThreaded(threaded) { }
220 private:
221     // No-op transformation
222     struct AlignedTransform
223     {
224         inline Vec3d transform(const Vec3d& position) const { return position; }
225     }; // struct AlignedTransform
227     // Re-sample world-space position from source to target transforms
228     struct NonAlignedTransform
229     {
230         NonAlignedTransform(const math::Transform& source, const math::Transform& target)
231             : mSource(source)
232             , mTarget(target) { }
234         inline Vec3d transform(const Vec3d& position) const
235         {
236             return mSource.worldToIndex(mTarget.indexToWorld(position));
237         }
239     private:
240         const math::Transform& mSource;
241         const math::Transform& mTarget;
242     }; // struct NonAlignedTransform
244     // A simple convenience wrapper that contains the source grid accessor and the sampler
245     template <typename ValueT, typename SourceGridT, typename GridSamplerT>
246     struct SamplerWrapper
247     {
248         using ValueType = ValueT;
249         using SourceValueType = typename SourceGridT::ValueType;
250         using SourceAccessorT = typename SourceGridT::ConstAccessor;
252         // can only sample from a bool or mask grid using a PointSampler
253         static const bool SourceIsBool = std::is_same<SourceValueType, bool>::value ||
254             std::is_same<SourceValueType, ValueMask>::value;
255         static const bool OrderIsZero = SamplerTraits<GridSamplerT>::Order == 0;
256         static const bool IsValid = !SourceIsBool || OrderIsZero;
258         SamplerWrapper(const SourceGridT& sourceGrid, const SamplerT& sampler)
259             : mAccessor(sourceGrid.getConstAccessor())
260             , mSampler(sampler) { }
262         // note that creating a new accessor from the underlying tree is faster than
263         // copying an existing accessor
264         SamplerWrapper(const SamplerWrapper& other)
265             : mAccessor(other.mAccessor.tree())
266             , mSampler(other.mSampler) { }
268         template <bool IsValidT = IsValid>
269         inline typename std::enable_if<IsValidT, ValueT>::type
270         sample(const Vec3d& position) const {
271             return mSampler.template sample<ValueT, GridSamplerT, SourceAccessorT>(
272                 mAccessor, position);
273         }
275         template <bool IsValidT = IsValid>
276         inline typename std::enable_if<!IsValidT, ValueT>::type
277         sample(const Vec3d& /*position*/) const {
278             OPENVDB_THROW(RuntimeError, "Cannot sample bool grid with BoxSampler or QuadraticSampler.");
279         }
281     private:
282         SourceAccessorT mAccessor;
283         const SamplerT& mSampler;
284     }; // struct SamplerWrapper
286     template <typename SamplerWrapperT, typename TransformerT>
287     inline void doSample(const SamplerWrapperT& sampleWrapper, const Index targetIndex,
288         const TransformerT& transformer)
289     {
290         using PointDataTreeT = typename PointDataGridT::TreeType;
291         using LeafT = typename PointDataTreeT::LeafNodeType;
292         using LeafManagerT = typename tree::LeafManager<PointDataTreeT>;
294         const auto& filter(mFilter);
295         const auto& interrupter(mInterrupter);
297         auto sampleLambda = [targetIndex, &sampleWrapper, &transformer, &filter, &interrupter](
298             LeafT& leaf, size_t /*idx*/)
299         {
300             using TargetHandleT = AttributeWriteHandle<typename SamplerWrapperT::ValueType>;
302             if (util::wasInterrupted(interrupter)) {
303                 thread::cancelGroupExecution();
304                 return;
305             }
307             SamplerWrapperT newSampleWrapper(sampleWrapper);
308             auto positionHandle = AttributeHandle<Vec3f>::create(leaf.constAttributeArray("P"));
309             auto targetHandle = TargetHandleT::create(leaf.attributeArray(targetIndex));
310             for (auto iter = leaf.beginIndexOn(filter); iter; ++iter) {
311                 const Vec3d position = transformer.transform(
312                     positionHandle->get(*iter) + iter.getCoord().asVec3d());
313                 targetHandle->set(*iter, newSampleWrapper.sample(position));
314             }
315         };
317         LeafManagerT leafManager(mPoints.tree());
319         if (mInterrupter) mInterrupter->start();
321         leafManager.foreach(sampleLambda, mThreaded);
323         if (mInterrupter) mInterrupter->end();
324     }
326     template <typename SourceGridT, typename SamplerWrapperT>
327     inline void resolveTransform(const SourceGridT& sourceGrid, const SamplerWrapperT& sampleWrapper,
328         const Index targetIndex)
329     {
330         const auto& sourceTransform = sourceGrid.constTransform();
331         const auto& pointsTransform = mPoints.constTransform();
333         if (sourceTransform == pointsTransform) {
334             AlignedTransform transformer;
335             doSample(sampleWrapper, targetIndex, transformer);
336         } else {
337             NonAlignedTransform transformer(sourceTransform, pointsTransform);
338             doSample(sampleWrapper, targetIndex, transformer);
339         }
340     }
342     template <typename SourceGridT, typename TargetValueT, size_t Order>
343     inline void resolveStaggered(const SourceGridT& sourceGrid, const Index targetIndex)
344     {
345         using SamplerWrapperT = SamplerWrapper<TargetValueT, SourceGridT, tools::Sampler<Order, false>>;
346         using StaggeredSamplerWrapperT = SamplerWrapper<TargetValueT, SourceGridT, tools::Sampler<Order, true>>;
348         using SourceValueType = typename SourceGridT::ValueType;
349         if (VecTraits<SourceValueType>::Size == 3 && sourceGrid.getGridClass() == GRID_STAGGERED) {
350             StaggeredSamplerWrapperT sampleWrapper(sourceGrid, mSampler);
351             resolveTransform(sourceGrid, sampleWrapper, targetIndex);
352         } else {
353             SamplerWrapperT sampleWrapper(sourceGrid, mSampler);
354             resolveTransform(sourceGrid, sampleWrapper, targetIndex);
355         }
356     }
358 public:
359     template <typename SourceGridT, typename TargetValueT = typename SourceGridT::ValueType>
360     inline void sample(const SourceGridT& sourceGrid, Index targetIndex)
361     {
362         using SourceValueType = typename SourceGridT::ValueType;
363         static const bool SourceIsMask = std::is_same<SourceValueType, bool>::value ||
364             std::is_same<SourceValueType, ValueMask>::value;
366         if (SourceIsMask || mOrder == 0) {
367             resolveStaggered<SourceGridT, TargetValueT, 0>(sourceGrid, targetIndex);
368         } else if (mOrder == 1) {
369             resolveStaggered<SourceGridT, TargetValueT, 1>(sourceGrid, targetIndex);
370         } else if (mOrder == 2) {
371             resolveStaggered<SourceGridT, TargetValueT, 2>(sourceGrid, targetIndex);
372         }
373     }
375 private:
376     size_t mOrder;
377     PointDataGridT& mPoints;
378     const SamplerT& mSampler;
379     const FilterT& mFilter;
380     InterrupterT* const mInterrupter;
381     const bool mThreaded;
382 }; // class PointDataSampler
385 template <typename PointDataGridT, typename ValueT>
386 struct AppendAttributeOp
387 {
388     static void append(PointDataGridT& points, const Name& attribute)
389     {
390         appendAttribute<ValueT>(points.tree(), attribute);
391     }
392 };
393 // partial specialization to disable attempts to append attribute type of DummySampleType
394 template <typename PointDataGridT>
395 struct AppendAttributeOp<PointDataGridT, DummySampleType>
396 {
397     static void append(PointDataGridT&, const Name&) { }
398 };
400 } // namespace point_sample_internal
402 /// @endcond
404 ////////////////////////////////////////
407 template<typename ValueT, typename SamplerT, typename AccessorT>
408 ValueT SampleWithRounding::sample(const AccessorT& accessor, const Vec3d& position) const
409 {
410     using namespace point_sample_internal;
411     using SourceValueT = typename AccessorT::ValueType;
412     static const bool staggered = SamplerTraits<SamplerT>::Staggered;
413     static const bool compatible = CompatibleTypes</*from=*/SourceValueT, /*to=*/ValueT>::value &&
414                                    (!staggered || (staggered && VecTraits<SourceValueT>::Size == 3));
415     static const bool round =   std::is_floating_point<SourceValueT>::value &&
416                                 std::is_integral<ValueT>::value;
417     ValueT value;
418     SampleWithRoundingOp<ValueT, SamplerT, AccessorT, round, compatible>::sample(
419         value, accessor, position);
420     return value;
421 }
424 ////////////////////////////////////////
427 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT, typename TargetValueT,
428     typename SamplerT, typename FilterT, typename InterrupterT>
429 inline void sampleGrid( size_t order,
430                         PointDataGridT& points,
431                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
432                         const Name& targetAttribute,
433                         const FilterT& filter,
434                         const SamplerT& sampler,
435                         InterrupterT* const interrupter,
436                         const bool threaded)
437 {
438     using point_sample_internal::AppendAttributeOp;
439     using point_sample_internal::PointDataSampler;
441     // use the name of the grid if no target attribute name supplied
442     Name attribute(targetAttribute);
443     if (targetAttribute.empty()) {
444         attribute = sourceGrid.getName();
445     }
447     // we do not allow sampling onto the "P" attribute
448     if (attribute == "P") {
449         OPENVDB_THROW(RuntimeError, "Cannot sample onto the \"P\" attribute");
450     }
452     auto leaf = points.tree().cbeginLeaf();
453     if (!leaf)  return;
455     PointDataSampler<PointDataGridT, SamplerT, FilterT, InterrupterT> pointDataSampler(
456         order, points, sampler, filter, interrupter, threaded);
458     const auto& descriptor = leaf->attributeSet().descriptor();
459     size_t targetIndex = descriptor.find(attribute);
460     const bool attributeExists = targetIndex != AttributeSet::INVALID_POS;
462     if (std::is_same<TargetValueT, DummySampleType>::value) {
463         if (!attributeExists) {
464             // append attribute of source grid value type
465             appendAttribute<typename SourceGridT::ValueType>(points.tree(), attribute);
466             targetIndex = leaf->attributeSet().descriptor().find(attribute);
467             assert(targetIndex != AttributeSet::INVALID_POS);
469             // sample using same type as source grid
470             pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT>(sourceGrid, Index(targetIndex));
471         } else {
472             auto targetIdx = static_cast<Index>(targetIndex);
473             // attempt to explicitly sample using type of existing attribute
474             const Name& targetType = descriptor.valueType(targetIndex);
475             if (targetType == typeNameAsString<Vec3f>()) {
476                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, Vec3f>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
477             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<Vec3d>()) {
478                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, Vec3d>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
479             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<Vec3i>()) {
480                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, Vec3i>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
481             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<int8_t>()) {
482                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, int8_t>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
483             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<int16_t>()) {
484                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, int16_t>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
485             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<int32_t>()) {
486                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, int32_t>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
487             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<int64_t>()) {
488                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, int64_t>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
489             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<float>()) {
490                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, float>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
491             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<double>()) {
492                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, double>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
493             } else if (targetType == typeNameAsString<bool>()) {
494                 pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, bool>(sourceGrid, targetIdx);
495             } else {
496                 std::ostringstream ostr;
497                 ostr << "Cannot sample attribute of type - " << targetType;
498                 OPENVDB_THROW(TypeError, ostr.str());
499             }
500         }
501     } else {
502         if (!attributeExists) {
503             // append attribute of target value type
504             // (point_sample_internal wrapper disables the ability to use DummySampleType)
505             AppendAttributeOp<PointDataGridT, TargetValueT>::append(points, attribute);
506             targetIndex = leaf->attributeSet().descriptor().find(attribute);
507             assert(targetIndex != AttributeSet::INVALID_POS);
508         }
509         else {
510             const Name targetType = typeNameAsString<TargetValueT>();
511             const Name attributeType = descriptor.valueType(targetIndex);
512             if (targetType != attributeType) {
513                 std::ostringstream ostr;
514                 ostr << "Requested attribute type " << targetType << " for sampling "
515                     << " does not match existing attribute type " << attributeType;
516                 OPENVDB_THROW(TypeError, ostr.str());
517             }
518         }
520         // sample using target value type
521         pointDataSampler.template sample<SourceGridT, TargetValueT>(
522             sourceGrid, static_cast<Index>(targetIndex));
523     }
524 }
526 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT, typename FilterT, typename InterrupterT>
527 inline void pointSample(PointDataGridT& points,
528                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
529                         const Name& targetAttribute,
530                         const FilterT& filter,
531                         InterrupterT* const interrupter)
532 {
533     SampleWithRounding sampler;
534     sampleGrid(/*order=*/0, points, sourceGrid, targetAttribute, filter, sampler, interrupter);
535 }
537 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT, typename FilterT, typename InterrupterT>
538 inline void boxSample(  PointDataGridT& points,
539                         const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
540                         const Name& targetAttribute,
541                         const FilterT& filter,
542                         InterrupterT* const interrupter)
543 {
544     SampleWithRounding sampler;
545     sampleGrid(/*order=*/1, points, sourceGrid, targetAttribute, filter, sampler, interrupter);
546 }
548 template<typename PointDataGridT, typename SourceGridT, typename FilterT, typename InterrupterT>
549 inline void quadraticSample(PointDataGridT& points,
550                             const SourceGridT& sourceGrid,
551                             const Name& targetAttribute,
552                             const FilterT& filter,
553                             InterrupterT* const interrupter)
554 {
555     SampleWithRounding sampler;
556     sampleGrid(/*order=*/2, points, sourceGrid, targetAttribute, filter, sampler, interrupter);
557 }
560 ////////////////////////////////////////
563 } // namespace points
564 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
565 } // namespace openvdb