1 /*
2  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3  */
6 #include <functional>
7 #include "onnx/defs/schema.h"
8 #include "onnx/defs/tensor_proto_util.h"
9 #include "onnx/defs/function.h"
12 namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {
MathDocGenerator_opset13(const char * name)14 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> MathDocGenerator_opset13(const char* name) {
15   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
16     std::string doc;
18         doc = R"DOC(
19 Performs element-wise binary {name} (with Numpy-style broadcasting support).
21 {broadcast_doc}
22 )DOC";
23         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
24         ReplaceAll(
25             doc, "{broadcast_doc}", GenerateBroadcastingDocMul().c_str()););
26     schema.SetDoc(doc);
27     schema.Input(0,
28         "A",
29         "First operand.",
30         "T",
31         OpSchema::Single,
32         true,
33         1,
34         OpSchema::Differentiable);
35     schema.Input(1,
36         "B",
37         "Second operand.",
38         "T",
39         OpSchema::Single,
40         true,
41         1,
42         OpSchema::Differentiable);
43     schema.Output(0,
44         "C",
45         "Result, has same element type as two inputs",
46         "T",
47         OpSchema::Single,
48         true,
49         1,
50         OpSchema::Differentiable);
51     schema.TypeConstraint(
52         "T",
53         OpSchema::numeric_types_for_math_reduction_with_bfloat(),
54         "Constrain input and output types to high-precision numeric tensors.");
55     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
56       propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
57       if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
58         bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
59             ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
60             ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
61             *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
62     });
63   };
64 }
67     Add,
68     13,
69     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset13("addition")));
72     Sub,
73     13,
74     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset13("subtraction")));
77     Mul,
78     13,
79     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset13("multiplication")));
82     Div,
83     13,
84     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset13("division")));
MathDocGenerator_opset_7(const char * name)86 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> MathDocGenerator_opset_7(const char* name) {
87   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
88     std::string doc;
90         doc = R"DOC(
91 Performs element-wise binary {name} (with Numpy-style broadcasting support).
93 {broadcast_doc}
94 )DOC";
95         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
96         ReplaceAll(
97             doc, "{broadcast_doc}", GenerateBroadcastingDocMul().c_str()););
98     schema.SetDoc(doc);
99     schema.Input(0, "A", "First operand.", "T");
100     schema.Input(1, "B", "Second operand.", "T");
101     schema.Output(0, "C", "Result, has same element type as two inputs", "T");
102     schema.TypeConstraint(
103         "T",
104         OpSchema::numeric_types_for_math_reduction(),
105         "Constrain input and output types to high-precision numeric tensors.");
106     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
107       propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
108       if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
109         bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
110             ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
111             ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
112             *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
113     });
114   };
115 }
118     Add,
119     7,
120     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset_7("addition")));
123     Sub,
124     7,
125     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset_7("subtraction")));
128     Mul,
129     7,
130     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset_7("multiplication")));
133     Div,
134     7,
135     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_opset_7("division")));
SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset_11(const char * name,const char * description)137 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset_11(
138     const char* name,
139     const char* description) {
140   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
141     std::string doc;
142     POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(doc = R"DOC(
143 The operator computes the {name} ({description}) values for each layer in the batch
144  of the given input.
146 The input does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be
147 coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor
148 input \in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is
149 the axis provided, then input will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with
150 dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default
151 case where axis=1, this means the input tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor
152 of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size.
153 In this situation, we must have a_0 = N and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D.
154 Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator
155 will throw errors. The output tensor has the same shape
156 and contains the {name} values of the corresponding input.
157 )DOC";
158                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
159                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{description}", description););
160     schema.SetDoc(doc);
161     schema.Attr(
162         "axis",
163         "Describes the axis of the inputs when coerced "
164         "to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes "
165         "the batch_size. Negative value means counting dimensions "
166         "from the back. Accepted range is [-r, r-1] where r = rank(input).",
167         AttributeProto::INT,
168         static_cast<int64_t>(1));
169     schema.Input(
170         0,
171         "input",
172         "The input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (NxD) "
173         "as described above.",
174         "T");
175     schema.Output(
176         0,
177         "output",
178         "The output values with the same "
179         "shape as input tensor (the original size without coercion).",
180         "T");
181     schema.TypeConstraint(
182         "T",
183         {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
184         "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.");
185     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
186       // Type inference
187       propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
189       // Shape inference starts
190       if (!hasNInputShapes(ctx, 1)) {
191         return;
192       }
194       // Validate the value of 'axis'
195       const TensorShapeProto& input_shape =
196           ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape();
197       int r = input_shape.dim_size();
198       int axis = static_cast<int>(getAttribute(ctx, "axis", 1));
199       if (axis < -r || axis >= r) {
200         fail_shape_inference(
201             "'axis' must be in [",
202             -r,
203             " , ",
204             (r - 1),
205             "]. Its actual value is: ",
206             axis);
207       }
209       // Shape inference
210       propagateShapeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
211     });
212   };
213 }
216     Softmax,
217     11,
218     OpSchema().FillUsing(SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset_11(
219         "softmax",
220         "normalized exponential")));
223     LogSoftmax,
224     11,
225     OpSchema().FillUsing(
226         SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset_11("logsoftmax", "log of softmax")));
229     Hardmax,
230     11,
231     OpSchema().FillUsing(SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset_11(
232         "hardmax",
233         "1 for the first maximum value, and 0 for all others")));
235 static const char* Mod_doc_10 = R"DOC(
236   Performs element-wise binary modulus (with Numpy-style broadcasting support).
237     The sign of the remainder is the same as that of the Divisor.
239     Mod operator can also behave like C fmod() or numpy.fmod. In this case, the sign of the remainder however, will be the same as the Dividend
240     (in contrast to integer mod). To force a behavior like numpy.fmod() an 'fmod' Attribute is provided.
241     This attribute is set to 0 by default causing the behavior to be like integer mod.
242     Setting this attribute to 1 causes the remainder to be calculated similar to that of numpy.fmod().
244     If the input type is floating point, then `fmod` attribute must be set to 1.
246     In case of dividend being zero, the results will be platform dependent.
248   This operator supports **multidirectional (i.e., Numpy-style) broadcasting**; for more details please check [the doc](Broadcasting.md).
249 )DOC";
252     Mod,
253     10,
254     OpSchema()
255         .SetDoc(Mod_doc_10)
256         .Attr(
257             "fmod",
258             "Whether the operator should behave like fmod (default=0 meaning it will do integer mods); Set this to 1 to force fmod treatment",
259             AttributeProto::INT,
260             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
261         .Input(0, "A", "Dividend tensor", "T")
262         .Input(1, "B", "Divisor tensor", "T")
263         .Output(0, "C", "Remainder tensor", "T")
264         .TypeConstraint(
265             "T",
266             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
267             "Constrain input and output types to high-precision numeric tensors.")
__anon4a9f2ddb0702(InferenceContext& ctx) 268         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
269           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
270           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
271             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
272                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
273                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
274                 *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
275         }));
277 static const char* Neg_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
278 Neg takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
279 (Tensor<T>) where each element flipped sign, y = -x, is applied to
280 the tensor elementwise.
281 )DOC";
284     Neg,
285     6,
286     OpSchema()
287         .SetDoc(Neg_ver6_doc)
288         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
289         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
290         .TypeConstraint(
291             "T",
292             {"tensor(float)",
293              "tensor(int32)",
294              "tensor(int8)",
295              "tensor(int16)",
296              "tensor(int64)",
297              "tensor(float16)",
298              "tensor(double)"},
299             "Constrain input and output types to signed numeric tensors.")
300         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
302 static const char* Abs_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
303 Absolute takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
304 (Tensor<T>) where the absolute is, y = abs(x), is applied to
305 the tensor elementwise.
306 )DOC";
309     Abs,
310     6,
311     OpSchema()
312         .SetDoc(Abs_ver6_doc)
313         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
314         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
315         .TypeConstraint(
316             "T",
317             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
318             "Constrain input and output types to all numeric tensors.")
319         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
321 static const char* Reciprocal_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
322 Reciprocal takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
323 (Tensor<T>) where the reciprocal is, y = 1/x, is applied to
324 the tensor elementwise.
325 )DOC";
328     Reciprocal,
329     6,
330     OpSchema()
331         .SetDoc(Reciprocal_ver6_doc)
332         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
333         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
334         .TypeConstraint(
335             "T",
336             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
337             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
338         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
340 static const char* Floor_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
341 Floor takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
342 (Tensor<T>) where the floor is, y = floor(x), is applied to
343 the tensor elementwise.
344 )DOC";
347     Floor,
348     6,
349     OpSchema()
350         .SetDoc(Floor_ver6_doc)
351         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
352         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
353         .TypeConstraint(
354             "T",
355             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
356             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
357         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
359 static const char* Ceil_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
360 Ceil takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
361 (Tensor<T>) where the ceil is, y = ceil(x), is applied to
362 the tensor elementwise.
363 )DOC";
366     Ceil,
367     6,
368     OpSchema()
369         .SetDoc(Ceil_ver6_doc)
370         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
371         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
372         .TypeConstraint(
373             "T",
374             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
375             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
376         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
378 static const char* Sqrt_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
379 Square root takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
380 (Tensor<T>) where the square root is, y = x^0.5, is applied to
381 the tensor elementwise. If x is negative, then it will return NaN.
382 )DOC";
385     Sqrt,
386     6,
387     OpSchema()
388         .SetDoc(Sqrt_ver6_doc)
389         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
390         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
391         .TypeConstraint(
392             "T",
393             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
394             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
395         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
397 static const char* Relu_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
398 Relu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
399 (Tensor<T>) where the rectified linear function, y = max(0, x), is applied to
400 the tensor elementwise.
401 )DOC";
404     Relu,
405     6,
406     OpSchema()
407         .SetDoc(Relu_ver6_doc)
408         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
409         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
410         .TypeConstraint(
411             "T",
412             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
413             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
414         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
416 static const char* Relu_ver13_doc = R"DOC(
417 Relu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
418 (Tensor<T>) where the rectified linear function, y = max(0, x), is applied to
419 the tensor elementwise.
420 )DOC";
423     Relu,
424     13,
425     OpSchema()
426         .SetDoc(Relu_ver13_doc)
427         .Input(0,
428             "X",
429             "Input tensor",
430             "T",
431             OpSchema::Single,
432             true,
433             1,
434             OpSchema::Differentiable)
435         .Output(0,
436             "Y",
437             "Output tensor",
438             "T",
439             OpSchema::Single,
440             true,
441             1,
442             OpSchema::Differentiable)
443         .TypeConstraint(
444             "T",
445             {"tensor(float16)",
446              "tensor(float)",
447              "tensor(double)",
448              "tensor(bfloat16)"},
449             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
450         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
452 static const char* Exp_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
453 Calculates the exponential of the given input tensor, element-wise.
454 )DOC";
457     Exp,
458     6,
459     OpSchema()
460         .SetDoc(Exp_ver6_doc)
461         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
462         .Output(
463             0,
464             "output",
465             "The exponential of the input tensor computed "
466             "element-wise",
467             "T")
468         .TypeConstraint(
469             "T",
470             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
471             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
472         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
474 static const char* Log_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
475 Calculates the natural log of the given input tensor, element-wise.
476 )DOC";
479     Log,
480     6,
481     OpSchema()
482         .SetDoc(Log_ver6_doc)
483         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
484         .Output(
485             0,
486             "output",
487             "The natural log of the input tensor computed "
488             "element-wise",
489             "T")
490         .TypeConstraint(
491             "T",
492             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
493             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
494         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
496 static const char* Tanh_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
497 Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the given input tensor element-wise.
498 )DOC";
501     Tanh,
502     6,
503     OpSchema()
504         .SetDoc(Tanh_ver6_doc)
505         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
506         .Output(
507             0,
508             "output",
509             "The hyperbolic tangent values of the input tensor "
510             "computed element-wise",
511             "T")
512         .TypeConstraint(
513             "T",
514             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
515             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
516         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
518 static const char* Pow_ver13_doc = R"DOC(
519 Pow takes input data (Tensor<T>) and exponent Tensor, and
520 produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = x^exponent`,
521 is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
522 )DOC";
525     Pow,
526     13,
527     OpSchema()
528         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
529             std::string(Pow_ver13_doc) + GenerateBroadcastingDocMul()))
530         .Input(0,
531             "X",
532             "First operand, base of the exponent.",
533             "T",
534             OpSchema::Single,
535             true,
536             1,
537             OpSchema::Differentiable)
538         .Input(1,
539             "Y",
540             "Second operand, power of the exponent.",
541             "T1",
542             OpSchema::Single,
543             true,
544             1,
545             OpSchema::Differentiable)
546         .Output(0,
547             "Z",
548             "Output tensor",
549             "T",
550             OpSchema::Single,
551             true,
552             1,
553             OpSchema::Differentiable)
554         .TypeConstraint(
555             "T",
556             {"tensor(int32)",
557              "tensor(int64)",
558              "tensor(float16)",
559              "tensor(float)",
560              "tensor(double)",
561              "tensor(bfloat16)"},
562             "Constrain input X and output types to float/int tensors.")
563         .TypeConstraint(
564             "T1",
565             {"tensor(uint8)",
566              "tensor(uint16)",
567              "tensor(uint32)",
568              "tensor(uint64)",
569              "tensor(int8)",
570              "tensor(int16)",
571              "tensor(int32)",
572              "tensor(int64)",
573              "tensor(float16)",
574              "tensor(float)",
575              "tensor(double)"},
576             "Constrain input Y types to float/int tensors.")
__anon4a9f2ddb0802(InferenceContext& ctx) 577         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
578           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
579           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
580             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
581                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
582                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
583                 *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
584         }));
586 static const char* Pow_ver12_doc = R"DOC(
587 Pow takes input data (Tensor<T>) and exponent Tensor, and
588 produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = x^exponent`,
589 is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
590 )DOC";
593     Pow,
594     12,
595     OpSchema()
596         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
597             std::string(Pow_ver12_doc) + GenerateBroadcastingDocMul()))
598         .Input(0, "X", "First operand, base of the exponent.", "T")
599         .Input(1, "Y", "Second operand, power of the exponent.", "T1")
600         .Output(0, "Z", "Output tensor.", "T")
601         .TypeConstraint(
602             "T",
603             {"tensor(int32)",
604              "tensor(int64)",
605              "tensor(float16)",
606              "tensor(float)",
607              "tensor(double)"},
608             "Constrain input X and output types to float/int tensors.")
609         .TypeConstraint(
610             "T1",
611             {"tensor(uint8)",
612              "tensor(uint16)",
613              "tensor(uint32)",
614              "tensor(uint64)",
615              "tensor(int8)",
616              "tensor(int16)",
617              "tensor(int32)",
618              "tensor(int64)",
619              "tensor(float16)",
620              "tensor(float)",
621              "tensor(double)"},
622             "Constrain input Y types to float/int tensors.")
__anon4a9f2ddb0902(InferenceContext& ctx) 623         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
624           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
625           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
626             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
627                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
628                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
629                 *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
630         }));
632 static const char* Sigmoid_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
633 Sigmoid takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
634 (Tensor<T>) where the sigmoid function, y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), is applied to the
635 tensor elementwise.
636 )DOC";
639     Sigmoid,
640     6,
641     OpSchema()
642         .SetDoc(Sigmoid_ver6_doc)
643         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
644         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
645         .TypeConstraint(
646             "T",
647             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
648             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
649         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
651 // Generate opschema for element-wise ops. Leaves type constraint "T"
652 // unspecified.
ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8(const char * name)653 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8(
654     const char* name) {
655   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
656     std::string doc;
658         doc = R"DOC(
659 Element-wise {name} of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support).
660 All inputs and outputs must have the same data type.
661 {broadcast_doc}
662 )DOC";
663         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
664         ReplaceAll(
665             doc, "{broadcast_doc}", GenerateBroadcastingDocMul().c_str()););
666     schema.SetDoc(doc);
667     schema.Input(
668         0,
669         "data_0",
670         "List of tensors for " + std::string(name) + ".",
671         "T",
672         OpSchema::Variadic);
673     schema.Output(0, name, "Output tensor.", "T");
674     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
675       propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
676       int num_inputs = static_cast<int>(ctx.getNumInputs());
677       std::vector<const TensorShapeProto*> shapes;
678       for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) {
679         auto input_type = ctx.getInputType(i);
680         if (nullptr == input_type || !input_type->has_tensor_type() ||
681             !input_type->tensor_type().has_shape()) {
682           return;
683         }
684         shapes.push_back(&input_type->tensor_type().shape());
685       }
687       multidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
688           shapes,
689           *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
690     });
691   };
692 }
695     Max,
696     12,
697     OpSchema()
698         .FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8("max"))
699         .TypeConstraint(
700             "T",
701             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
702             "Constrain input and output types to numeric tensors."));
705     Min,
706     12,
707     OpSchema()
708         .FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8("min"))
709         .TypeConstraint(
710             "T",
711             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
712             "Constrain input and output types to numeric tensors."));
715     Sum,
716     8,
717     OpSchema()
718         .FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8("sum"))
719         .TypeConstraint(
720             "T",
721             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
722             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
725     Mean,
726     8,
727     OpSchema()
728         .FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_opset8("mean"))
729         .TypeConstraint(
730             "T",
731             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
732             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
734 static const char* Clip_ver12_doc = R"DOC(
735 Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is
736 specified by the inputs 'min' and 'max'. They default to
737 numeric_limits::lowest() and numeric_limits::max(), respectively.
738 )DOC";
741     Clip,
742     12,
743     OpSchema()
744         .SetDoc(Clip_ver12_doc)
745         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor whose elements to be clipped", "T")
746         .Input(
747             1,
748             "min",
749             "Minimum value, under which element is replaced by min. "
750             "It must be a scalar(tensor of empty shape).",
751             "T",
752             OpSchema::Optional)
753         .Input(
754             2,
755             "max",
756             "Maximum value, above which element is replaced by max. "
757             "It must be a scalar(tensor of empty shape).",
758             "T",
759             OpSchema::Optional)
760         .Output(0, "output", "Output tensor with clipped input elements", "T")
761         .TypeConstraint(
762             "T",
763             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
764             "Constrain input and output types to all numeric tensors.")
765         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
767 static const char* Gemm_ver11_doc = R"DOC(General Matrix multiplication:
768 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms#Level_3
770 A' = transpose(A) if transA else A
772 B' = transpose(B) if transB else B
774 Compute Y = alpha * A' * B' + beta * C, where input tensor A has shape (M, K) or (K, M),
775 input tensor B has shape (K, N) or (N, K), input tensor C is broadcastable to shape (M, N),
776 and output tensor Y has shape (M, N). A will be transposed before doing the
777 computation if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
778 )DOC";
781     Gemm,
782     11,
783     OpSchema()
784         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
785             std::string(Gemm_ver11_doc) +
786             GenerateBroadcastingDocUni("tensor C", "tensor A * B") + "\n" +
787             GenerateOptionalArgumentsDoc()))
788         .Input(
789             0,
790             "A",
791             "Input tensor A. "
792             "The shape of A should be (M, K) if transA is 0, "
793             "or (K, M) if transA is non-zero.",
794             "T")
795         .Input(
796             1,
797             "B",
798             "Input tensor B. "
799             "The shape of B should be (K, N) if transB is 0, "
800             "or (N, K) if transB is non-zero.",
801             "T")
802         .Input(
803             2,
804             "C",
805             "Optional input tensor C. "
806             "If not specified, the computation is done as if C is a scalar 0. "
807             "The shape of C should be unidirectional broadcastable to (M, N).",
808             "T",
809             OpSchema::Optional)
810         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor of shape (M, N).", "T")
811         .TypeConstraint(
812             "T",
813             {"tensor(float16)",
814              "tensor(float)",
815              "tensor(double)",
816              "tensor(uint32)",
817              "tensor(uint64)",
818              "tensor(int32)",
819              "tensor(int64)"},
820             "Constrain input and output types to float/int tensors.")
821         .Attr(
822             "transA",
823             "Whether A should be transposed",
824             AttributeProto::INT,
825             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
826         .Attr(
827             "transB",
828             "Whether B should be transposed",
829             AttributeProto::INT,
830             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
831         .Attr(
832             "alpha",
833             "Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B.",
834             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
835             1.0f)
836         .Attr(
837             "beta",
838             "Scalar multiplier for input tensor C.",
839             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
840             1.0f)
__anon4a9f2ddb0c02(InferenceContext& ctx) 841         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
842           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
843           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
844             auto transAAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transA");
845             bool transA =
846                 transAAttr ? static_cast<int>(transAAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
847             auto transBAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transB");
848             bool transB =
849                 transBAttr ? static_cast<int>(transBAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
850             auto& first_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 0);
851             auto& second_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 1);
852             if (first_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
853               fail_shape_inference("First input does not have rank 2");
854             }
855             if (second_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
856               fail_shape_inference("Second input does not have rank 2");
857             }
858             updateOutputShape(
859                 ctx,
860                 0,
861                 {first_input_shape.dim(transA ? 1 : 0),
862                  second_input_shape.dim(transB ? 0 : 1)});
863           }
864         }));
matmulShapeInference_opset_9(ONNX_NAMESPACE::InferenceContext & ctx,int input1Idx,int input2Idx)866 void matmulShapeInference_opset_9(
867     ONNX_NAMESPACE::InferenceContext& ctx,
868     int input1Idx,
869     int input2Idx) {
870   if (!hasInputShape(ctx, input1Idx) || !hasInputShape(ctx, input2Idx)) {
871     return;
872   }
874   const auto shape0 = ctx.getInputType(input1Idx)->tensor_type().shape();
875   const auto shape1 = ctx.getInputType(input2Idx)->tensor_type().shape();
877   if (shape0.dim_size() == 0 || shape1.dim_size() == 0) {
878     fail_shape_inference("Input tensors of wrong rank (0).");
879   }
881   ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorShapeProto shapeL, shapeR;
883   // First promote each shape to at least rank-2. This logic is
884   // specific to matmul, not generic broadcasting.
885   {
886     if (shape0.dim_size() == 1) {
887       shapeL.add_dim()->set_dim_value(1);
888       *shapeL.add_dim() = shape0.dim(0);
889     } else {
890       *shapeL.mutable_dim() = shape0.dim();
891     }
892     if (shape1.dim_size() == 1) {
893       *shapeR.add_dim() = shape1.dim(0);
894       shapeR.add_dim()->set_dim_value(1);
895     } else {
896       *shapeR.mutable_dim() = shape1.dim();
897     }
898   }
900   // Check for compatible matrix multiply dimensions
901   {
902     auto dimL = shapeL.dim(shapeL.dim_size() - 1);
903     auto dimR = shapeR.dim(shapeR.dim_size() - 2);
904     if (dimL.has_dim_value() && dimR.has_dim_value() &&
905         dimL.dim_value() != dimR.dim_value()) {
906       fail_shape_inference("Incompatible dimensions for matrix multiplication");
907     }
908   }
910   ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorShapeProto resultShape;
912   // Now call out to generic multidimensional broadcasting for
913   // the broadcastable prefixes.
914   {
915     ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorShapeProto prefixShapeL, prefixShapeR;
916     for (int i = 0; i < shapeL.dim_size() - 2; ++i) {
917       *prefixShapeL.add_dim() = shapeL.dim(i);
918     }
919     for (int i = 0; i < shapeR.dim_size() - 2; ++i) {
920       *prefixShapeR.add_dim() = shapeR.dim(i);
921     }
922     bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
923         prefixShapeL, prefixShapeR, resultShape);
924   }
926   // Back to matmul-specific. Add the trailing dimensions back in.
927   {
928     if (shape0.dim_size() != 1) {
929       *resultShape.add_dim() = shapeL.dim(shapeL.dim_size() - 2);
930     }
931     if (shape1.dim_size() != 1) {
932       *resultShape.add_dim() = shapeR.dim(shapeR.dim_size() - 1);
933     }
934   }
936   *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape() = resultShape;
937 }
939 static const char* MatMul_ver9_doc = R"DOC(
940 Matrix product that behaves like numpy.matmul: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/generated/numpy.matmul.html
941 )DOC";
944     MatMul,
945     9,
946     OpSchema()
947         .Input(0, "A", "N-dimensional matrix A", "T")
948         .Input(1, "B", "N-dimensional matrix B", "T")
949         .Output(0, "Y", "Matrix multiply results from A * B", "T")
950         .TypeConstraint(
951             "T",
952             {"tensor(float16)",
953              "tensor(float)",
954              "tensor(double)",
955              "tensor(uint32)",
956              "tensor(uint64)",
957              "tensor(int32)",
958              "tensor(int64)"},
959             "Constrain input and output types to float/int tensors.")
960         .SetDoc(MatMul_ver9_doc)
__anon4a9f2ddb0d02(InferenceContext& ctx) 961         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
962           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
963           matmulShapeInference_opset_9(ctx, 0, 1);
964         }));
966 static const char* Expand_ver8_doc = R"DOC(
967 Broadcast the input tensor following the given shape and the broadcast rule.
968 The broadcast rule is similar to numpy.array(input) * numpy.ones(shape):
969 Dimensions are right alignment;
970 Two corresponding dimension must have the same value, or one of them is equal to 1.
971 Also, this operator is similar to numpy.broadcast_to(input, shape),
972 but the major difference is numpy.broadcast_to() does not allow shape to be smaller than input.size().
973 It is possible that the output.shape is not equal to shape, when some dimensions in shape is equal to 1,
974 or the shape.ndim < input.shape.ndim.
975 )DOC";
978     Expand,
979     8,
980     OpSchema()
981         .SetDoc(Expand_ver8_doc)
982         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
983         .Input(
984             1,
985             "shape",
986             "A 1-D tensor indicates the shape you want to expand to, following the broadcast rule",
987             "tensor(int64)")
988         .Output(0, "output", "Output tensor", "T")
989         .TypeConstraint(
990             "T",
991             OpSchema::all_tensor_types(),
992             "Constrain input and output types to all tensors.")
__anon4a9f2ddb0e02(InferenceContext& ctx) 993         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
994           // Type inference
995           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
997           // Shape inference
998           // For shape inference (and rank inference), we need both input shape
999           // and values in 'shape' tensor
1000           const auto* shape_initializer = ctx.getInputData(1);
1001           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2) && nullptr != shape_initializer) {
1002             const auto& shape_initializer_shape =
1003                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape();
1004             if (shape_initializer_shape.dim_size() != 1 ||
1005                 shape_initializer->data_type() != TensorProto::INT64) {
1006                     fail_shape_inference("'shape' input must be 1D tensor of type INT64");
1007                 }
1009             const auto& input_shape =
1010                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape();
1011             const auto& shape_data = ParseData<int64_t>(shape_initializer);
1013             TensorShapeProto second_shape;
1014             for (const auto& e : shape_data) {
1015               auto* dim = second_shape.add_dim();
1016               dim->set_dim_value(e);
1017             }
1019             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
1020                 input_shape, second_shape, *getOutputShape(ctx, 0));
1021           }
1022           return;
1023         }));
1025 static const char* Sign_ver9_doc = R"DOC(
1026 Calculate the sign of the given input tensor element-wise.
1027 If input > 0, output 1. if input < 0, output -1. if input == 0, output 0.
1028 )DOC";
1031     Sign,
1032     9,
1033     OpSchema()
1034         .SetDoc(Sign_ver9_doc)
1035         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
1036         .Output(
1037             0,
1038             "output",
1039             "The sign of the input tensor "
1040             "computed element-wise. It has the same shape and type of the input.",
1041             "T")
1042         .TypeConstraint(
1043             "T",
1044             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
1045             "Constrain input and output types to all numeric tensors.")
1046         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
1048 static const char* Erf_ver9_doc = R"DOC(
1049 Computes the error function of the given input tensor element-wise.
1050 )DOC";
1053     Erf,
1054     9,
1055     OpSchema()
1056         .SetDoc(Erf_ver9_doc)
1057         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
1058         .Output(
1059             0,
1060             "output",
1061             "The error function of the input tensor "
1062             "computed element-wise. It has the same shape and type of the input.",
1063             "T")
1064         .TypeConstraint(
1065             "T",
1066             OpSchema::all_numeric_types(),
1067             "Constrain input and output types to all numeric tensors.")
1068         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
1070 static const char* CumSum_ver11_doc = R"DOC(
1071 Performs cumulative sum of the input elements along the given axis.
1072 By default, it will do the sum inclusively meaning the first element is copied as is.
1073 Through an `exclusive` attribute, this behavior can change to exclude the first element.
1074 It can also perform summation in the opposite direction of the axis. For that, set `reverse` attribute to 1.
1076 Example:
1077 ```
1078 input_x = [1, 2, 3]
1079 axis=0
1080 output = [1, 3, 6]
1081 exclusive=1
1082 output = [0, 1, 3]
1083 exclusive=0
1084 reverse=1
1085 output = [6, 5, 3]
1086 exclusive=1
1087 reverse=1
1088 output = [5, 3, 0]
1089 ```
1090  )DOC";
1093     CumSum,
1094     11,
1095     OpSchema()
1096         .SetDoc(CumSum_ver11_doc)
1097         .Attr(
1098             "exclusive",
1099             "If set to 1 will return exclusive sum in which the top element is not included."
1100             " In other terms, if set to 1, the j-th output element would be the sum of the first (j-1) elements."
1101             " Otherwise, it would be the sum of the first j elements.",
1102             AttributeProto::INT,
1103             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
1104         .Attr(
1105             "reverse",
1106             "If set to 1 will perform the sums in reverse direction.",
1107             AttributeProto::INT,
1108             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
1109         .Input(
1110             0,
1111             "x",
1112             "An input tensor that is to be processed.",
1113             "T",
1114             OpSchema::Single,
1115             true,
1116             1,
1117             OpSchema::Differentiable)
1118         .Input(
1119             1,
1120             "axis",
1121             "A 0-D tensor. Must be in the range [-rank(x), rank(x)-1]. "
1122             "Negative value means counting dimensions from the back.",
1123             "T2",
1124             OpSchema::Single,
1125             true,
1126             1,
1127             OpSchema::NonDifferentiable)
1128         .Output(
1129             0,
1130             "y",
1131             "Output tensor of the same type as 'x' with cumulative sums of the x's elements",
1132             "T",
1133             OpSchema::Single,
1134             true,
1135             1,
1136             OpSchema::Differentiable)
1137         .TypeConstraint(
1138             "T",
1139             {"tensor(uint32)",
1140              "tensor(uint64)",
1141              "tensor(int32)",
1142              "tensor(int64)",
1143              "tensor(float)",
1144              "tensor(double)"},
1145             "Input can be of any tensor type.")
1146         .TypeConstraint(
1147             "T2",
1148             {"tensor(int32)", "tensor(int64)"},
1149             "axis tensor can be int32 or int64 only")
1150         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(
1151             ONNX_NAMESPACE::propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
1153 static const char* NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss_ver12_doc = R"DOC(
1154 A NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss operator computes (weighted) negative log likelihood loss.
1155 Its "input" tensor has the shape of (N, C, d1, d2, ..., dk) where k >= 0.
1156 The "input" tensor contains log-probabilities for input[n, :, d_1, d_2,..., d_k] being in a class of [0, C).
1157 The operator's "target" input tensor has the shape of (N, d1, d2, ..., dk). It encodes class labels (one of C classes)
1158 or it may contain a special value (indicated by an attribute ignore_index) for N x d1 x d2 x ... x dk samples.
1159 The loss value for input[n, :, d_1, d_2,...d_k] being classified as class c = target[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] is computed as:
1160     loss[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] = -input[n][c][d_1][d_2]...[d_k].
1161 When an optional "weight" is provided, the sample loss is calculated as:
1162     loss[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] = -input[n][c][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] * weight[c].
1163 loss is zero for the case when target-value equals ignore_index.
1165     loss[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] = 0, when target[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k] = ignore_index
1166 If "reduction" attribute is set to "none", the operator's output will be the above loss with shape (N, d1, d2, ..., dk).
1167 If "reduction" attribute is set to "mean" (the default attribute value), the output loss is (weight) averaged:
1168     mean(loss), if "weight" is not provided,
1169 or if weight is provided,
1170     sum(loss) / sum(weight[target[n][d_1][d_2]...[d_k]]]), for all samples.
1171 If "reduction" attribute is set to "sum", the output is a scalar:
1172     sum(loss).
1173 See also https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.NLLLoss.
1174 Example 1:
1175     // negative log likelihood loss, "none" reduction
1176     N, C, d1 = 2, 3, 2
1177     input = [[[1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 2.0]],
1178              [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2]]]
1179     target = [[2, 1], [0, 2]]
1180     loss = np.zeros((N, d1))
1181     for n in range(N):
1182         for d_1 in range(d1):
1183             c = target[n][d_1]
1184             loss[n][d_1] = -input[n][c][d_1]
1185     // print(loss)
1186     // [[-3. -2.]
1187     //  [-0. -2.]]
1188 Example 2:
1189     // weighted negative log likelihood loss, sum reduction
1190     N, C, d1 = 2, 3, 2
1191     input = [[[1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 2.0]],
1192             [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2]]]
1193     target = [[2, 1], [0, 2]]
1194     weight = [0.2, 0.3, 0.1]
1195     loss = np.zeros((N, d1))
1196     for n in range(N):
1197         for d_1 in range(d1):
1198             c = target[n][d_1]
1199             loss[n][d_1] = -input[n][c][d_1] * weight[c]
1200     loss = np.sum(loss)
1201     // print(loss)
1202     // -1.1
1203 Example 3:
1204     // weighted negative log likelihood loss, mean reduction
1205     N, C, d1 = 2, 3, 2
1206     input = [[[1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 2.0]],
1207             [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2]]]
1208     target = [[2, 1], [0, 2]]
1209     weight = [0.2, 0.3, 0.1]
1210     loss = np.zeros((N, d1))
1211     weight_total = 0
1212     for n in range(N):
1213         for d_1 in range(d1):
1214             c = target[n][d_1]
1215             loss[n][d_1] = -input[n][c][d_1] * weight[c]
1216             weight_total = weight_total + weight[c]
1217     loss = np.sum(loss) / weight_total
1218     // print(loss)
1219     // -1.57
1220 )DOC";
ToDimensionOneFloatTensor_old(float value)1222 TensorProto ToDimensionOneFloatTensor_old(float value) {
1223   auto t = ToTensor(std::vector<float>({value}));
1224   t.add_dims(1);
1225   return t;
1226 }
ToDimensionOneTensor_old(int32_t value)1228 TensorProto ToDimensionOneTensor_old(int32_t value) {
1229   auto t = ToTensor(std::vector<int32_t>({value}));
1230   t.add_dims(1);
1231   return t;
1232 }
ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old(int64_t value)1234 TensorProto ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old(int64_t value) {
1235   auto t = ToTensor(std::vector<int64_t>({value}));
1236   t.add_dims(1);
1237   return t;
1238 }
ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old(std::vector<int64_t> value)1240 TensorProto ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old(std::vector<int64_t> value) {
1241   auto t = ToTensor(value);
1242   t.add_dims(value.size());
1243   return t;
1244 }
BuildContextDependentFunctionBody_opset12(const FunctionBodyBuildContext & ctx,const OpSchema & schema,FunctionProto & functionProto)1246 bool BuildContextDependentFunctionBody_opset12(
1247     const FunctionBodyBuildContext& ctx,
1248     const OpSchema& schema,
1249     FunctionProto& functionProto) {
1250   if (ctx.getInputType(0) == nullptr) {
1251     // we cannot create a correct function body without knowing the input type
1252     return false;
1253   }
1254   auto input_type = ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().elem_type();
1255   bool float_input = input_type == TensorProto_DataType_FLOAT;
1256   auto reduction_attr_proto = ctx.getAttribute("reduction");
1257   std::string reduction_attr =
1258       reduction_attr_proto != nullptr && reduction_attr_proto->has_s() ? reduction_attr_proto->s() : "mean";
1259   std::vector<FunctionBodyHelper::NodeDef> body;
1260   body.push_back(
1261       {{"const_zero"},
1262        "Constant",
1263        {},
1264        {MakeAttribute("value", ToDimensionOneTensor_old(0))}});
1266   body.push_back(
1267       {{"const_one"},
1268        "Constant",
1269        {},
1270        {MakeAttribute("value", ToDimensionOneTensor_old(1))}});
1272   body.push_back(
1273       {{"expanded_target"},
1274        "Unsqueeze",
1275        {"target"},
1276        {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1278   if (ctx.getAttribute("ignore_index") == nullptr) {
1279     body.push_back(
1280         {{"input_gather_element"},
1281          "GatherElements",
1282          {"input", "expanded_target"},
1283          {MakeAttribute("axis", (int64_t)1)}});
1285     body.push_back({{"loss_NCdd"}, "Neg", {"input_gather_element"}});
1287     body.push_back(
1288         {{"loss_N1dd"},
1289          "Slice",
1290          {"loss_NCdd", "const_zero", "const_one", "const_one"}});
1292     if (!ctx.hasInput(2)) {
1293       if (reduction_attr == "none") {
1294         body.push_back(
1295             {{"loss"},
1296              "Squeeze",
1297              {"loss_N1dd"},
1298              {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1299       } else {
1300         body.push_back(
1301             {{"loss_Ndd"},
1302              "Squeeze",
1303              {"loss_N1dd"},
1304              {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1305         if (reduction_attr == "mean") {
1306           body.push_back(
1307               {{"loss"},
1308                "ReduceMean",
1309                {"loss_Ndd"},
1310                {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1311         } else {
1312           body.push_back(
1313               {{"loss"},
1314                "ReduceSum",
1315                {"loss_Ndd"},
1316                {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1317         }
1318       }
1319     } else {
1320       body.push_back({{"weight_gather"}, "Gather", {"weight", "target"}});
1321       body.push_back(
1322           {{"loss_unweighted"},
1323            "Squeeze",
1324            {"loss_N1dd"},
1325            {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1326       if (reduction_attr == "none") {
1327         body.push_back({{"loss"}, "Mul", {"loss_unweighted", "weight_gather"}});
1328       } else {
1329         body.push_back(
1330             {{"loss_Ndd"}, "Mul", {"loss_unweighted", "weight_gather"}});
1331         if (reduction_attr == "mean") {
1332           body.push_back(
1333               {{"loss_sum"},
1334                "ReduceSum",
1335                {"loss_Ndd"},
1336                {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1337           body.push_back(
1338               {{"weight_gather_sum"},
1339                "ReduceSum",
1340                {"weight_gather"},
1341                {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1342           body.push_back({{"loss"}, "Div", {"loss_sum", "weight_gather_sum"}});
1343         } else {
1344           body.push_back(
1345               {{"loss"},
1346                "ReduceSum",
1347                {"loss_Ndd"},
1348                {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1349         }
1350       }
1351     }
1352   } else {
1353     body.push_back(
1354         {{"const_ignore_index"},
1355          "Constant",
1356          {},
1357          {MakeAttribute(
1358              "value",
1359              ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old(
1360                  ctx.getAttribute("ignore_index")->i()))}});
1362     body.push_back(
1363         {{"const_zero_target_typed"},
1364          "Sub",
1365          {"expanded_target", "expanded_target"}});
1366     body.push_back(
1367         {{"expanded_target_int64"},
1368          "Cast",
1369          {"expanded_target"},
1370          {MakeAttribute(
1371              "to",
1372              (int64_t)TensorProto_DataType::TensorProto_DataType_INT64)}});
1374     body.push_back(
1375         {{"mask"}, "Equal", {"expanded_target_int64", "const_ignore_index"}});
1376     body.push_back(
1377         {{"transform_targets"},
1378          "Where",
1379          {"mask", "const_zero_target_typed", "expanded_target"}});
1380     body.push_back(
1381         {{"input_gather_element"},
1382          "GatherElements",
1383          {"input", "transform_targets"},
1384          {MakeAttribute("axis", (int64_t)1)}});
1385     body.push_back(
1386         {{"const_zero_float"},
1387          "Constant",
1388          {},
1389          {MakeAttribute("value", ToDimensionOneFloatTensor_old(0.0f))}});
1390     if (!float_input) {
1391       body.push_back(
1392           {{"const_zero_casted"},
1393           "Cast",
1394           {"const_zero_float"},
1395           {MakeAttribute("to", static_cast<int64_t>(input_type))}});
1396     }
1397     body.push_back(
1398         {{"input_gather_element_transform"},
1399          "Where",
1400          {"mask", float_input ? "const_zero_float" : "const_zero_casted", "input_gather_element"}});
1401     body.push_back({{"loss_NCdd"}, "Neg", {"input_gather_element_transform"}});
1402     body.push_back(
1403         {{"loss_N1dd"},
1404          "Slice",
1405          {"loss_NCdd", "const_zero", "const_one", "const_one"}});
1407     if (!ctx.hasInput(2)) {
1408       body.push_back(
1409           {{"squeeze_mask"},
1410            "Squeeze",
1411            {"mask"},
1412            {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1414       body.push_back(
1415           {{"const_one_float"},
1416            "Constant",
1417            {},
1418            {MakeAttribute("value", ToDimensionOneFloatTensor_old(1.0f))}});
1419       if (!float_input) {
1420         body.push_back(
1421           {{"const_one_casted"},
1422            "Cast",
1423            {"const_one_float"},
1424            {MakeAttribute("to", static_cast<int64_t>(input_type))}});
1425       }
1426       body.push_back(
1427           {{"weight_gather"},
1428            "Where",
1429            {"squeeze_mask", float_input ? "const_zero_float" : "const_zero_casted",
1430            float_input ? "const_one_float" :"const_one_casted"}});
1432     } else {
1433       body.push_back(
1434           {{"weight_gather_temp"}, "Gather", {"weight", "transform_targets"}});
1436       body.push_back(
1437           {{"weight_gather_temp_1"},
1438            "Where",
1439            {"mask", float_input ? "const_zero_float" : "const_zero_casted", "weight_gather_temp"}});
1441       body.push_back(
1442           {{"weight_gather"},
1443            "Squeeze",
1444            {"weight_gather_temp_1"},
1445            {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1446     }
1448     body.push_back(
1449         {{"loss_unweighted"},
1450          "Squeeze",
1451          {"loss_N1dd"},
1452          {MakeAttribute("axes", std::vector<int64_t>({1}))}});
1453     if (reduction_attr == "none") {
1454       body.push_back({{"loss"}, "Mul", {"loss_unweighted", "weight_gather"}});
1455     } else {
1456       body.push_back(
1457           {{"loss_Ndd"}, "Mul", {"loss_unweighted", "weight_gather"}});
1458       if (reduction_attr == "mean") {
1459         body.push_back(
1460             {{"loss_sum"},
1461              "ReduceSum",
1462              {"loss_Ndd"},
1463              {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1464         body.push_back(
1465             {{"weight_gather_sum"},
1466              "ReduceSum",
1467              {"weight_gather"},
1468              {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1469         body.push_back({{"loss"}, "Div", {"loss_sum", "weight_gather_sum"}});
1470       } else {
1471         body.push_back(
1472             {{"loss"},
1473              "ReduceSum",
1474              {"loss_Ndd"},
1475              {MakeAttribute("keepdims", (int64_t)0)}});
1476       }
1477     }
1478   }
1480   auto func_nodes = FunctionBodyHelper::BuildNodes(body);
1481   for (const auto& node : func_nodes) {
1482     auto new_node = functionProto.add_node();
1483     new_node->CopyFrom(node);
1484   }
1486   schema.BuildFunction(functionProto);
1487   return true;
1488 }
1491     NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss,
1492     12,
1493     OpSchema()
1494         .SetDoc(NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss_ver12_doc)
1495         .Input(
1496             0,
1497             "input",
1498             "Input tensor of shape (N, C) or (N, C, d1, d2, ..., dk).",
1499             "T")
1500         .Input(
1501             1,
1502             "target",
1503             "Target tensor of shape (N) or (N, d1, d2, ..., dk). Target element value shall be in range of [0, C). "
1504             "If ignore_index is specified, it may have a value outside [0, C) and the target values should either be "
1505             "in the range [0, C) or have the value ignore_index.",
1506             "Tind")
1507         .Input(
1508             2,
1509             "weight",
1510             "Optional rescaling weight tensor. "
1511             "If given, it has to be a tensor of size C. Otherwise, it is treated as if having all ones.",
1512             "T",
1513             OpSchema::Optional)
1514         .Output(0, "loss", "The negative log likelihood loss", "T")
1515         .Attr(
1516             "reduction",
1517             "Type of reduction to apply to loss: none, sum, mean (default). "
1518             "'none': the output is the loss for each sample. "
1519             "'sum': the output will be summed. "
1520             "'mean': the sum of the output will be divided by the sum of applied weights.",
1521             AttributeProto::STRING,
1522             std::string("mean"))
1523         .Attr(
1524             "ignore_index",
1525             "Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the input gradient. It's an optional value.",
1526             AttributeProto::INT,
1527             false)
1528         .TypeConstraint(
1529             "T",
1530             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
1531             "Constrain input, weight, and output types to floating-point tensors.")
1532         .TypeConstraint(
1533             "Tind",
1534             {"tensor(int32)", "tensor(int64)"},
1535             "Constrain target to integer types")
1536         .SetContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder(
1537             BuildContextDependentFunctionBody_opset12)
__anon4a9f2ddb0f02(InferenceContext& ctx) 1538         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
1539             // Type inference
1540   propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
1542   // Shape inference
1543   if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
1544     const TensorShapeProto& input_shape =
1545      ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape();
1546     const TensorShapeProto& target_shape =
1547      ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape();
1549     const int input_rank = static_cast<int>(input_shape.dim_size());
1550     const int target_rank = static_cast<int>(target_shape.dim_size());
1552     if (input_rank < 2) {
1553       fail_shape_inference("Input rank must be >= 2.");
1554     }
1555     if (target_rank != input_rank - 1) {
1556       fail_shape_inference(
1557           "Target rank must be 1 less than the input rank.");
1558     }
1560     // match input dimensions (N, C, d1, ..., dk) with target
1561     // dimensions of (C, d1, ..., dk)
1562     for (int dim = 0; dim < target_rank; dim++) {
1563       const auto input_dim =
1564        dim == 0 ? input_shape.dim(dim) : input_shape.dim(dim + 1);
1565       const auto target_dim = target_shape.dim(dim);
1566       if (input_dim.has_dim_value() && target_dim.has_dim_value() &&
1567           input_dim.dim_value() != target_dim.dim_value())
1568         fail_shape_inference(
1569             "Input and target dimension value mismatch.");
1570     }
1572     if (ctx.getNumInputs() == 3 && hasInputShape(ctx, 2)) {
1573       const TensorShapeProto& weight_shape =
1574           ctx.getInputType(2)->tensor_type().shape();
1575       if (weight_shape.dim_size() != 1) {
1576         fail_shape_inference("Weight rank must be 1.");
1577       }
1578     }
1580     TensorShapeProto* output_shape = ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape();
1581     if (getAttribute(ctx, "reduction", "mean") == "none") {
1582       // output tensor is of shape (N, d1, d2, ..., dk) if
1583       // reduction attribute is "none".
1584       for (int i = 0; i < input_rank - 1; i++) {
1585         auto* dim = output_shape->add_dim();
1586         if (i == 0)
1587           *dim = input_shape.dim(i);
1588         else
1589           *dim = input_shape.dim(i + 1);
1590       }
1591     }
1592     // otherwise output is a scalar.
1593   }
1594         }));
1596 const char* reduction_doc_sce_opset12 =
1597     "Type of reduction to apply to loss: none, sum, mean(default). "
1598     "'none': no reduction will be applied, "
1599     "'sum': the output will be summed. "
1600     "'mean': the sum of the output will be divided by the number of "
1601     "elements in the output.";
1603 static const char* SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss_ver12_doc =
1604     R"DOC(Loss function that measures the softmax cross entropy
1605 between 'scores' and 'labels'.
1606 This operator first computes a loss tensor whose shape is identical to the labels input.
1607 If the input is 2-D with shape (N, C), the loss tensor may be a N-element vector L = (l_1, l_2, ..., l_N).
1608 If the input is N-D tensor with shape (N, C, D1, D2, ..., Dk),
1609 the loss tensor L may have (N, D1, D2, ..., Dk) as its shape and L[i,][j_1][j_2]...[j_k] denotes a scalar element in L.
1610 After L is available, this operator can optionally do a reduction operator.
1612 shape(scores): (N, C) where C is the number of classes, or (N, C, D1, D2,..., Dk),
1613         with K >= 1 in case of K-dimensional loss.
1614 shape(labels): (N) where each value is 0 <= labels[i] <= C-1, or (N, D1, D2,..., Dk),
1615         with K >= 1 in case of K-dimensional loss.
1617 The loss for one sample, l_i, can caculated as follows:
1618     l[i][d1][d2]...[dk] = -y[i][c][d1][d2]..[dk], where i is the index of classes.
1619 or
1620     l[i][d1][d2]...[dk] = -y[i][c][d1][d2]..[dk] * weights[c], if 'weights' is provided.
1622 loss is zero for the case when label-value equals ignore_index.
1623     l[i][d1][d2]...[dk]  = 0, when labels[n][d1][d2]...[dk] = ignore_index
1625 where:
1626     p = Softmax(scores)
1627     y = Log(p)
1628     c = labels[i][d1][d2]...[dk]
1630 Finally, L is optionally reduced:
1631 If reduction = 'none', the output is L with shape (N, D1, D2, ..., Dk).
1632 If reduction = 'sum', the output is scalar: Sum(L).
1633 If reduction = 'mean', the output is scalar: ReduceMean(L), or if weight is provided: ReduceSum(L) / ReduceSum(W),
1634 where tensor W is of shape (N, D1, D2, ..., Dk) and W[n][d1][d2]...[dk] = weights[labels[i][d1][d2]...[dk]].
1635 )DOC";
BuildContextDependentFunctionBodySCE_opset12(const FunctionBodyBuildContext & ctx,const OpSchema & schema,FunctionProto & functionProto)1637 bool BuildContextDependentFunctionBodySCE_opset12(
1638     const FunctionBodyBuildContext& ctx,
1639     const OpSchema& schema,
1640     FunctionProto& functionProto) {
1641   std::vector<FunctionBodyHelper::NodeDef> body;
1643   // Using stable implementation of LogSoftmax
1644   body.push_back(
1645       {{"Shape3D"},
1646         "Constant",
1647         {},
1648         {MakeAttribute("value", ToDimensionOneInt64Tensor_old({0,0,-1}))}});
1649   body.push_back(
1650       {{"X_NCD"},
1651        "Reshape",
1652        {"scores", "Shape3D"}});
1653   body.push_back(
1654       {{"X_NDC"},
1655        "Transpose",
1656        {"X_NCD"},
1657        {MakeAttribute("perm", std::vector<int64_t>({0,2,1}))}});
1658   body.push_back(
1659       {{"X_LogSM"},
1660        "LogSoftmax",
1661        {"X_NDC"},
1662        {MakeAttribute("axis", (int64_t)2)}});
1663   body.push_back(
1664       {{"X_LogSM_NCD"},
1665        "Transpose",
1666        {"X_LogSM"},
1667        {MakeAttribute("perm", std::vector<int64_t>({0,2,1}))}});
1668   body.push_back(
1669       {{"X_shape"},
1670        "Shape",
1671        {"scores"}});
1672   body.push_back(
1673       {{"X_Log"},
1674        "Reshape",
1675        {"X_LogSM_NCD", "X_shape"}});
1677   // Review(mzs): Ideally we want to reuse the output from Log for sub-graph
1678   // output as well but looking at the graph resolve code it does not include
1679   // graph outputs as intermediate outputs, hence if intermediate X_log is
1680   // renamed as log_prob then it will be treated as graph output and will not be
1681   // available to NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss. May be my understanding is
1682   // incorrect or there is a bug in function population code in ORTbut I will
1683   // dig further to be 100%. In the meantime we just replicate the log.
1684   if (ctx.hasOutput(1)) {
1685     body.push_back({{"log_prob"}, "Identity", {"X_Log"}});
1686   }
1688   std::vector<std::string> input_tensor_names{"X_Log", "labels"};
1689   std::vector<FunctionBodyHelper::AttributeProtoWrapper> attributes{
1690       MakeRefAttribute("reduction", AttributeProto::STRING)};
1691   // Add weights as input if needed.
1692   if (ctx.hasInput(2)) {
1693     input_tensor_names.push_back("weights");
1694   }
1696   // add ignore_index attributes if needed.
1697   if (ctx.getAttribute("ignore_index") != nullptr) {
1698     attributes.push_back(MakeRefAttribute("ignore_index", AttributeProto::INT));
1699   }
1701   body.push_back(
1702       {{"output"},
1703        "NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss",
1704        input_tensor_names,
1705        attributes});
1707   auto func_nodes = FunctionBodyHelper::BuildNodes(body);
1708   for (const auto& node : func_nodes) {
1709     auto new_node = functionProto.add_node();
1710     new_node->CopyFrom(node);
1711   }
1713   schema.BuildFunction(functionProto);
1714   return true;
1715 }
1718     SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss,
1719     12,
1720     OpSchema()
1721         .SetDoc(SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss_ver12_doc)
1722         .Attr(
1723             "reduction",
1724             reduction_doc_sce_opset12,
1725             AttributeProto::STRING,
1726             std::string("mean"))
1727         .Attr(
1728             "ignore_index",
1729             "Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the input gradient. It's an optional value.",
1730             AttributeProto::INT,
1731             false)
1732         .Input(
1733             0,
1734             "scores",
1735             "The predicted outputs with shape [batch_size, class_size], or "
1736             "[batch_size, class_size, D1, D2 , ..., Dk], where K is the number of dimensions.",
1737             "T")
1738         .Input(
1739             1,
1740             "labels",
1741             "The ground truth output tensor, with shape [batch_size], or "
1742             "[batch_size, D1, D2, ..., Dk], where K is the number of dimensions. "
1743             "Labels element value shall be in range of [0, C). "
1744             "If ignore_index is specified, it may have a value outside [0, C) and the label values should either be "
1745             "in the range [0, C) or have the value ignore_index.",
1746             "Tind")
1747         .Input(
1748             2,
1749             "weights",
1750             "A manual rescaling weight given to each class. If given, it has to "
1751             "be a 1D Tensor assigning weight to each of the classes. Otherwise, "
1752             "it is treated as if having all ones.",
1753             "T",
1754             OpSchema::Optional)
1755         .Output(
1756             0,
1757             "output",
1758             "Weighted loss float Tensor. If reduction is 'none', this has the "
1759             "shape of [batch_size], or [batch_size, D1, D2, ..., Dk] in case of "
1760             "K-dimensional loss. Otherwise, it is a scalar.",
1761             "T")
1762         .Output(
1763             1,
1764             "log_prob",
1765             "Log probability tensor. If the output of softmax is prob, its value is log(prob).",
1766             "T",
1767             OpSchema::Optional)
1768         .TypeConstraint(
1769             "T",
1770             {"tensor(float16)",
1771              "tensor(float)",
1772              "tensor(double)"},
1773             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
1774         .TypeConstraint(
1775             "Tind",
1776             {"tensor(int32)", "tensor(int64)"},
1777             "Constrain target to integer types")
1778         .SetContextDependentFunctionBodyBuilder(
1779             BuildContextDependentFunctionBodySCE_opset12)
__anon4a9f2ddb1002(InferenceContext& ctx) 1780         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
1781           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
1782           std::string reduction = getAttribute(ctx, "reduction", "mean");
1783           if (reduction.compare("none") == 0) {
1784             if (hasInputShape(ctx, 1)) {
1785               propagateShapeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 1, 0);
1786             }
1787           } else {
1788             updateOutputShape(ctx, 0, TensorShapeProto());
1789           }
1791           if (ctx.getNumOutputs() == 2) {
1792             propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 1);
1793             propagateShapeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 1);
1794           }
1795         }));
SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset1(const char * name,const char * description)1797 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset1(
1798     const char* name,
1799     const char* description) {
1800   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
1801     std::string doc;
1802     POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(doc = R"DOC(
1803 The operator computes the {name} ({description}) values for each layer in the batch
1804  of the given input. The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor<float>) of size
1805 (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions). The output tensor has the same shape
1806 and contains the {name} values of the corresponding input.
1808 Input does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be
1809 coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor
1810 input \in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is
1811 the axis provided, then input will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with
1812 dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default
1813 case where axis=1, this means the input tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor
1814 of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size.
1815 In this situation, we must have a_0 = N and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D.
1816 Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator
1817 will throw errors.
1818 )DOC";
1819                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
1820                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{description}", description););
1821     schema.SetDoc(doc);
1822     schema.Attr(
1823         "axis",
1824         "Describes the axis of the inputs when coerced "
1825         "to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes "
1826         "the batch_size",
1827         AttributeProto::INT,
1828         static_cast<int64_t>(1));
1829     schema.Input(
1830         0,
1831         "input",
1832         "The input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (NxD) "
1833         "as described above.",
1834         "T");
1835     schema.Output(
1836         0,
1837         "output",
1838         "The output values with the same "
1839         "shape as input tensor (the original size without coercion).",
1840         "T");
1841     schema.TypeConstraint(
1842         "T",
1843         {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
1844         "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.");
1845     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput);
1846   };
1847 }
1850     Softmax,
1851     1,
1852     OpSchema().FillUsing(
1853         SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset1("softmax", "normalized exponential")));
1856     LogSoftmax,
1857     1,
1858     OpSchema().FillUsing(
1859         SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset1("logsoftmax", "log of softmax")));
1862     Hardmax,
1863     1,
1864     OpSchema().FillUsing(SoftmaxFamilyDocGenerator_opset1(
1865         "hardmax",
1866         "1 for the first maximum value, and 0 for all others")));
1868 const char* kBroadcastDoc_old = R"DOC(
1869 If necessary the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted to match the
1870 shape of left-hand-side argument. When broadcasting is specified, the second
1871 tensor can either be of element size 1 (including a scalar tensor and any
1872 tensor with rank equal to or smaller than the first tensor), or having its
1873 shape as a contiguous subset of the first tensor's shape. The starting of the
1874 mutually equal shape is specified by the argument "axis", and if it is not set,
1875 suffix matching is assumed. 1-dim expansion doesn't work yet.
1877 For example, the following tensor shapes are supported (with broadcast=1):
1879   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (,), i.e. B is a scalar tensor
1880   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (1, 1), i.e. B is an 1-element tensor
1881   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (5,)
1882   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (4, 5)
1883   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (3, 4), with axis=1
1884   shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (2), with axis=0
1886 Attribute `broadcast=1` needs to be passed to enable broadcasting.
1887 )DOC";
MathDocGenerator_old(const char * name)1889 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> MathDocGenerator_old(const char* name) {
1890   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
1891     std::string doc;
1892     POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(doc = R"DOC(
1893 Performs element-wise binary {name} (with limited broadcast support).
1894 {broadcast_doc})DOC";
1895                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
1896                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{broadcast_doc}", kBroadcastDoc_old););
1897     schema.SetDoc(doc);
1898     schema.Attr(
1899         "broadcast",
1900         "Pass 1 to enable broadcasting",
1901         AttributeProto::INT,
1902         static_cast<int64_t>(0));
1904     // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
1905     // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the old
1906     // definition.
1907     schema.Attr(
1908         "consumed_inputs",
1909         "legacy optimization attribute.",
1910         AttributeProto::INTS,
1911         OPTIONAL_VALUE);
1912     schema.Attr(
1913         "axis",
1914         "If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.",
1915         AttributeProto::INT,
1916         OPTIONAL_VALUE);
1917     schema.Input(
1918         0,
1919         "A",
1920         "First operand, should share the type with the second operand.",
1921         "T");
1922     schema.Input(
1923         1,
1924         "B",
1925         "Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. "
1926         "If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.",
1927         "T");
1928     schema.Output(0, "C", "Result, has same dimensions and type as A", "T");
1929     schema.TypeConstraint(
1930         "T",
1931         {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
1932         "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.");
1933   };
1934 }
MathDocGenerator_old_opset6(const char * name)1936 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> MathDocGenerator_old_opset6(const char* name) {
1937   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
1938     std::string doc;
1939     POPULATE_OP_DOC_STR(doc = R"DOC(
1940 Performs element-wise binary {name} (with limited broadcast support).
1941 {broadcast_doc})DOC";
1942                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
1943                         ReplaceAll(doc, "{broadcast_doc}", kBroadcastDoc_old););
1944     schema.SetDoc(doc);
1945     schema.Attr(
1946         "broadcast",
1947         "Pass 1 to enable broadcasting",
1948         AttributeProto::INT,
1949         static_cast<int64_t>(0));
1950     schema.Attr(
1951         "axis",
1952         "If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.",
1953         AttributeProto::INT,
1954         OPTIONAL_VALUE);
1955     schema.Input(
1956         0,
1957         "A",
1958         "First operand, should share the type with the second operand.",
1959         "T");
1960     schema.Input(
1961         1,
1962         "B",
1963         "Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. "
1964         "If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.",
1965         "T");
1966     schema.Output(0, "C", "Result, has same dimensions and type as A", "T");
1967     schema.TypeConstraint(
1968         "T",
1969         OpSchema::numeric_types_for_math_reduction(),
1970         "Constrain input and output types to high-precision numeric tensors.");
1971     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput);
1972   };
1973 }
1976     Add,
1977     1,
1978     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old("addition")));
1981     Sub,
1982     1,
1983     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old("subtraction")));
1986     Mul,
1987     1,
1988     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old("multiplication")));
1991     Div,
1992     1,
1993     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old("division")));
1996     Add,
1997     6,
1998     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old_opset6("addition")));
2001     Sub,
2002     6,
2003     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old_opset6("subtraction")));
2006     Mul,
2007     6,
2008     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old_opset6("multiplication")));
2011     Div,
2012     6,
2013     OpSchema().FillUsing(MathDocGenerator_old_opset6("division")));
2015 static const char* Pow_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2016 Pow takes input data (Tensor<T>) and exponent Tensor, and
2017 produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = x^exponent`,
2018 is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
2019 )DOC";
2022     Pow,
2023     1,
2024     OpSchema()
2025         .SetDoc(Pow_ver1_doc + std::string(kBroadcastDoc_old))
2026         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor of any shape, base of the exponent.", "T")
2027         .Input(
2028             1,
2029             "Y",
2030             "Input tensor of any shape broadcastable to X shape, "
2031             "the exponent component.",
2032             "T")
2033         .Attr(
2034             "broadcast",
2035             "Pass 1 to enable broadcasting",
2036             AttributeProto::INT,
2037             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2038         .Attr(
2039             "axis",
2040             "If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.",
2041             AttributeProto::INT,
2042             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2043         .Output(0, "Z", "Output tensor (same size as X)", "T")
2044         .TypeConstraint(
2045             "T",
2046             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2047             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2048         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
2050 static const char* Pow_ver7_doc = R"DOC(
2051 Pow takes input data (Tensor<T>) and exponent Tensor, and
2052 produces one output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = x^exponent`,
2053 is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
2054 )DOC";
2057     Pow,
2058     7,
2059     OpSchema()
2060         .SetDoc(std::string(Pow_ver7_doc) + GenerateBroadcastingDocMul())
2061         .Input(0, "X", "First operand, base of the exponent.", "T")
2062         .Input(1, "Y", "Second operand, power of the exponent.", "T")
2063         .Output(0, "Z", "Output tensor.", "T")
2064         .TypeConstraint(
2065             "T",
2066             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2067             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
__anon4a9f2ddb1402(InferenceContext& ctx) 2068         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
2069           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
2070           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2))
2071             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
2072                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape(),
2073                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape(),
2074                 *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
2075         }));
2077 static const char* Neg_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2078 Neg takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2079 (Tensor<T>) where each element flipped sign, y = -x, is applied to
2080 the tensor elementwise.
2081 )DOC";
2084     Neg,
2085     1,
2086     OpSchema()
2087         .SetDoc(Neg_ver1_doc)
2088         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2089         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2090         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2091         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2092         // old definition.
2093         .Attr(
2094             "consumed_inputs",
2095             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2096             AttributeProto::INTS,
2097             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2098         .TypeConstraint(
2099             "T",
2100             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2101             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2103 static const char* Abs_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2104 Absolute takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2105 (Tensor<T>) where the absolute is, y = abs(x), is applied to
2106 the tensor elementwise.
2107 )DOC";
2110     Abs,
2111     1,
2112     OpSchema()
2113         .SetDoc(Abs_ver1_doc)
2114         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2115         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2116         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2117         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2118         // old definition.
2119         .Attr(
2120             "consumed_inputs",
2121             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2122             AttributeProto::INTS,
2123             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2124         .TypeConstraint(
2125             "T",
2126             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2127             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2129 static const char* Reciprocal_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2130 Reciprocal takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2131 (Tensor<T>) where the reciprocal is, y = 1/x, is applied to
2132 the tensor elementwise.
2133 )DOC";
2136     Reciprocal,
2137     1,
2138     OpSchema()
2139         .SetDoc(Reciprocal_ver1_doc)
2140         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2141         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2142         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2143         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2144         // old definition.
2145         .Attr(
2146             "consumed_inputs",
2147             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2148             AttributeProto::INTS,
2149             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2150         .TypeConstraint(
2151             "T",
2152             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2153             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2155 static const char* Floor_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2156 Floor takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2157 (Tensor<T>) where the floor is, y = floor(x), is applied to
2158 the tensor elementwise.
2159 )DOC";
2162     Floor,
2163     1,
2164     OpSchema()
2165         .SetDoc(Floor_ver1_doc)
2166         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2167         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2168         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2169         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2170         // old definition.
2171         .Attr(
2172             "consumed_inputs",
2173             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2174             AttributeProto::INTS,
2175             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2176         .TypeConstraint(
2177             "T",
2178             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2179             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2181 static const char* Ceil_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2182 Ceil takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2183 (Tensor<T>) where the ceil is, y = ceil(x), is applied to
2184 the tensor elementwise.
2185 )DOC";
2188     Ceil,
2189     1,
2190     OpSchema()
2191         .SetDoc(Ceil_ver1_doc)
2192         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2193         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2194         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2195         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2196         // old definition.
2197         .Attr(
2198             "consumed_inputs",
2199             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2200             AttributeProto::INTS,
2201             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2202         .TypeConstraint(
2203             "T",
2204             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2205             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2207 static const char* Sqrt_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2208 Square root takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2209 (Tensor<T>) where the square root is, y = x^0.5, is applied to
2210 the tensor elementwise. If x is negative, then it will return NaN.
2211 )DOC";
2214     Sqrt,
2215     1,
2216     OpSchema()
2217         .SetDoc(Sqrt_ver1_doc)
2218         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2219         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2220         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2221         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2222         // old definition.
2223         .Attr(
2224             "consumed_inputs",
2225             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2226             AttributeProto::INTS,
2227             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2228         .TypeConstraint(
2229             "T",
2230             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2231             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2233 static const char* Relu_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2234 Relu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2235 (Tensor<T>) where the rectified linear function, y = max(0, x), is applied to
2236 the tensor elementwise.
2237 )DOC";
2240     Relu,
2241     1,
2242     OpSchema()
2243         .SetDoc(Relu_ver1_doc)
2244         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2245         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2246         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2247         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2248         // old definition.
2249         .Attr(
2250             "consumed_inputs",
2251             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2252             AttributeProto::INTS,
2253             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2254         .TypeConstraint(
2255             "T",
2256             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2257             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2259 static const char* LeakyRelu_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2260 LeakyRelu takes input data (Tensor<T>) and an argument alpha, and produces one
2261 output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = alpha * x for x < 0`,
2262 `f(x) = x for x >= 0`, is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
2263 )DOC";
2266     LeakyRelu,
2267     1,
2268     OpSchema()
2269         .Attr(
2270             "alpha",
2271             "Coefficient of leakage default to 0.01.",
2272             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2273             0.01f)
2274         .SetDoc(LeakyRelu_ver1_doc)
2275         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2276         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2277         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2278         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2279         // old definition.
2280         .Attr(
2281             "consumed_inputs",
2282             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2283             AttributeProto::INTS,
2284             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2285         .TypeConstraint(
2286             "T",
2287             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2288             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2290 static const char* Selu_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2291 Selu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2292 (Tensor<T>) where the scaled exponential linear unit function,
2293 `y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0`, `y = gamma * x for x > 0`,
2294 is applied to the tensor elementwise.
2295 )DOC";
2298     Selu,
2299     1,
2300     OpSchema()
2301         .Attr(
2302             "alpha",
2303             "Coefficient of SELU default to 1.6732.",
2304             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2305             1.6732f)
2306         .Attr(
2307             "gamma",
2308             "Coefficient of SELU default to 1.0507.",
2309             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2310             1.0507f)
2311         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2312         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2313         // old definition.
2314         .Attr(
2315             "consumed_inputs",
2316             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2317             AttributeProto::INTS,
2318             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2319         .SetDoc(Selu_ver1_doc)
2320         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2321         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2322         .TypeConstraint(
2323             "T",
2324             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2325             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2327 static const char* Elu_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2328 Elu takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2329 (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = alpha * (exp(x) - 1.) for x <
2330 0`, `f(x) = x for x >= 0`., is applied to the tensor elementwise.
2332 )DOC";
2335     Elu,
2336     1,
2337     OpSchema()
2338         .Attr(
2339             "alpha",
2340             "Coefficient of ELU default to 1.0.",
2341             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2342             1.0f)
2343         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2344         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2345         // old definition.
2346         .Attr(
2347             "consumed_inputs",
2348             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2349             AttributeProto::INTS,
2350             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2351         .SetDoc(Elu_ver1_doc)
2352         .Input(0, "X", "1D input tensor", "T")
2353         .Output(0, "Y", "1D input tensor", "T")
2354         .TypeConstraint(
2355             "T",
2356             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2357             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2359 static const char* Exp_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2360 Calculates the exponential of the given input tensor, element-wise.
2361 )DOC";
2364     Exp,
2365     1,
2366     OpSchema()
2367         .SetDoc(Exp_ver1_doc)
2368         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
2369         .Output(
2370             0,
2371             "output",
2372             "The exponential of the input tensor computed "
2373             "element-wise",
2374             "T")
2375         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2376         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2377         // old definition.
2378         .Attr(
2379             "consumed_inputs",
2380             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2381             AttributeProto::INTS,
2382             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2383         .TypeConstraint(
2384             "T",
2385             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2386             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2388 static const char* Log_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2389 Calculates the natural log of the given input tensor, element-wise.
2390 )DOC";
2393     Log,
2394     1,
2395     OpSchema()
2396         .SetDoc(Log_ver1_doc)
2397         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor", "T")
2398         .Output(
2399             0,
2400             "output",
2401             "The natural log of the input tensor computed "
2402             "element-wise",
2403             "T")
2404         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2405         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2406         // old definition.
2407         .Attr(
2408             "consumed_inputs",
2409             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2410             AttributeProto::INTS,
2411             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2412         .TypeConstraint(
2413             "T",
2414             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2415             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2417 static const char* Tanh_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2418 Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the given input tensor element-wise.
2419 )DOC";
2422     Tanh,
2423     1,
2424     OpSchema()
2425         .SetDoc(Tanh_ver1_doc)
2426         .Input(0, "input", "1-D input tensor", "T")
2427         .Output(
2428             0,
2429             "output",
2430             "The hyperbolic tangent values of the input tensor "
2431             "computed element-wise",
2432             "T")
2433         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2434         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2435         // old definition.
2436         .Attr(
2437             "consumed_inputs",
2438             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2439             AttributeProto::INTS,
2440             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2441         .TypeConstraint(
2442             "T",
2443             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2444             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2446 static const char* PRelu_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2448 PRelu takes input data (Tensor<T>) and slope tensor as input, and produces one
2449 output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = slope * x for x < 0`,
2450 `f(x) = x for x >= 0`., is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
2452 )DOC";
2455     PRelu,
2456     1,
2457     OpSchema()
2458         .SetDoc(PRelu_ver1_doc)
2459         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2460         .Input(
2461             1,
2462             "slope",
2463             "Slope tensor. If `Slope` is of size 1, the value is shared"
2464             "across different channels",
2465             "T")
2466         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2467         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2468         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2469         // old definition.
2470         .Attr(
2471             "consumed_inputs",
2472             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2473             AttributeProto::INTS,
2474             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2475         .TypeConstraint(
2476             "T",
2477             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2478             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2481     PRelu,
2482     6,
2483     OpSchema()
2484         .SetDoc(PRelu_ver1_doc)
2485         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2486         .Input(
2487             1,
2488             "slope",
2489             "Slope tensor. If `Slope` is of size 1, the value is shared"
2490             "across different channels",
2491             "T")
2492         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2493         .TypeConstraint(
2494             "T",
2495             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2496             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2497         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
2499 static const char* PRelu_ver7_doc = R"DOC(
2500 PRelu takes input data (Tensor<T>) and slope tensor as input, and produces one
2501 output data (Tensor<T>) where the function `f(x) = slope * x for x < 0`,
2502 `f(x) = x for x >= 0`., is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
2503 )DOC";
2506     PRelu,
2507     7,
2508     OpSchema()
2509         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
2510             std::string(PRelu_ver7_doc) +
2511             GenerateBroadcastingDocUni("tensor slope", "input tensor X")))
2512         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2513         .Input(
2514             1,
2515             "slope",
2516             "Slope tensor. The shape of slope can be smaller then first input X; "
2517             "if so, its shape must be unidirectional broadcastable to X",
2518             "T")
2519         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor (same size as X)", "T")
2520         .TypeConstraint(
2521             "T",
2522             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2523             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2524         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
2526 static const char* Sigmoid_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2527 Sigmoid takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2528 (Tensor<T>) where the sigmoid function, y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), is applied to the
2529 tensor elementwise.
2530 )DOC";
2533     Sigmoid,
2534     1,
2535     OpSchema()
2536         .SetDoc(Sigmoid_ver1_doc)
2537         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2538         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2539         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2540         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2541         // old definition.
2542         .Attr(
2543             "consumed_inputs",
2544             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2545             AttributeProto::INTS,
2546             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2547         .TypeConstraint(
2548             "T",
2549             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2550             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2552 static const char* HardSigmoid_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2553 HardSigmoid takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data
2554 (Tensor<T>) where the HardSigmoid function, y = max(0, min(1, alpha * x + beta)),
2555 is applied to the tensor elementwise.
2556 )DOC";
2559     HardSigmoid,
2560     1,
2561     OpSchema()
2562         .Attr(
2563             "alpha",
2564             "Value of alpha default to 0.2",
2565             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2566             0.2f)
2567         .Attr(
2568             "beta",
2569             "Value of beta default to 0.5",
2570             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2571             0.5f)
2572         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2573         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2574         // old definition.
2575         .Attr(
2576             "consumed_inputs",
2577             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2578             AttributeProto::INTS,
2579             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2580         .SetDoc(HardSigmoid_ver1_doc)
2581         .Input(0, "X", "Input tensor", "T")
2582         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor", "T")
2583         .TypeConstraint(
2584             "T",
2585             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2586             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2588 static const char* Max_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2589 Element-wise max of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
2590 have the same shape and data type.
2591 )DOC";
2594     Max,
2595     1,
2596     OpSchema()
2597         .SetDoc(Max_ver1_doc)
2598         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Max.", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
2599         .Output(0, "max", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
2600         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2601         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2602         // old definition.
2603         .Attr(
2604             "consumed_inputs",
2605             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2606             AttributeProto::INTS,
2607             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2608         .TypeConstraint(
2609             "T",
2610             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2611             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2613 static const char* Min_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2614 Element-wise min of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
2615 have the same shape and data type.
2616 )DOC";
2619     Min,
2620     1,
2621     OpSchema()
2622         .SetDoc(Min_ver1_doc)
2623         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Min", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
2624         .Output(0, "min", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
2625         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2626         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2627         // old definition.
2628         .Attr(
2629             "consumed_inputs",
2630             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2631             AttributeProto::INTS,
2632             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2633         .TypeConstraint(
2634             "T",
2635             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2636             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2638 static const char* Sum_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2639 Element-wise sum of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
2640 have the same shape and data type.
2641 )DOC";
2644     Sum,
2645     1,
2646     OpSchema()
2647         .SetDoc(Sum_ver1_doc)
2648         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Sum.", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
2649         .Output(0, "sum", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
2650         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2651         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2652         // old definition.
2653         .Attr(
2654             "consumed_inputs",
2655             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2656             AttributeProto::INTS,
2657             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2658         .TypeConstraint(
2659             "T",
2660             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2661             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2663 static const char* Mean_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2664 Element-wise mean of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
2665 have the same shape and data type.
2666 )DOC";
2669     Mean,
2670     1,
2671     OpSchema()
2672         .SetDoc(Mean_ver1_doc)
2673         .Input(
2674             0,
2675             "data_0",
2676             "List of tensors for Mean.",
2677             "T",
2678             OpSchema::Variadic)
2679         .Output(0, "mean", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
2680         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2681         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2682         // old definition.
2683         .Attr(
2684             "consumed_inputs",
2685             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2686             AttributeProto::INTS,
2687             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2688         .TypeConstraint(
2689             "T",
2690             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2691             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2693 static const char* Clip_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
2694 Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is
2695 specified with arguments 'min' and 'max'. They default to
2696 numeric_limits::lowest() and numeric_limits::max() respectively.
2697 )DOC";
2700     Clip,
2701     1,
2702     OpSchema()
2703         .SetDoc(Clip_ver1_doc)
2704         .Attr(
2705             "min",
2706             "Minimum value, under which element is replaced by min",
2707             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2708             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2709         .Attr(
2710             "max",
2711             "Maximum value, above which element is replaced by max",
2712             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2713             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2714         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2715         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2716         // old definition.
2717         .Attr(
2718             "consumed_inputs",
2719             "legacy optimization attribute.",
2720             AttributeProto::INTS,
2721             OPTIONAL_VALUE)
2722         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor whose elements to be clipped", "T")
2723         .Output(0, "output", "Output tensor with clipped input elements", "T")
2724         .TypeConstraint(
2725             "T",
2726             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2727             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors."));
2729 static const char* Gemm_ver1_doc = R"DOC(General Matrix multiplication:
2730 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms#Level_3
2731 Compute Y = alpha * A * B + beta * C, where input tensor A has
2732 dimension (M X K), input tensor B has dimension (K X N), input tensor C and
2733 output tensor Y have dimension (M X N).
2734 If attribute broadcast is non-zero, input tensor C will be broadcasted to match
2735 the dimension requirement. A will be transposed before doing the computation
2736 if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
2737 )DOC";
2740     Gemm,
2741     1,
2742     OpSchema()
2743         .SetDoc(Gemm_ver1_doc)
2744         .Input(0, "A", "Input tensor A", "T")
2745         .Input(1, "B", "Input tensor B", "T")
2746         .Input(2, "C", "Input tensor C, can be inplace.", "T")
2747         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor.", "T")
2748         .TypeConstraint(
2749             "T",
2750             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2751             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2752         // This attribute was added via AllowConsumed API in OpSchema.
2753         // After removing the API, we're now using the Attr API to simulate the
2754         // old definition.
2755         .Attr(
2756             "transA",
2757             "Whether A should be transposed",
2758             AttributeProto::INT,
2759             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2760         .Attr(
2761             "transB",
2762             "Whether B should be transposed",
2763             AttributeProto::INT,
2764             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2765         .Attr(
2766             "broadcast",
2767             "Whether C should be broadcasted",
2768             AttributeProto::INT,
2769             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2770         .Attr(
2771             "alpha",
2772             "Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B, the default value is 1.0.",
2773             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2774             1.0f)
2775         .Attr(
2776             "beta",
2777             "Scalar multiplier for input tensor C, the default value is 1.0.",
2778             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2779             1.0f));
2781 static const char* Gemm_ver6_doc = R"DOC(General Matrix multiplication:
2782 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms#Level_3
2783 Compute Y = alpha * A * B + beta * C, where input tensor A has
2784 dimension (M X K), input tensor B has dimension (K X N), input tensor C and
2785 output tensor Y have dimension (M X N).
2786 If attribute broadcast is non-zero, input tensor C will be broadcasted to match
2787 the dimension requirement. A will be transposed before doing the computation
2788 if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
2789 )DOC";
2792     Gemm,
2793     6,
2794     OpSchema()
2795         .SetDoc(Gemm_ver6_doc)
2796         .Input(0, "A", "Input tensor A", "T")
2797         .Input(1, "B", "Input tensor B", "T")
2798         .Input(2, "C", "Input tensor C", "T")
2799         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor.", "T")
2800         .TypeConstraint(
2801             "T",
2802             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2803             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2804         .Attr(
2805             "transA",
2806             "Whether A should be transposed",
2807             AttributeProto::INT,
2808             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2809         .Attr(
2810             "transB",
2811             "Whether B should be transposed",
2812             AttributeProto::INT,
2813             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2814         .Attr(
2815             "broadcast",
2816             "Whether C should be broadcasted",
2817             AttributeProto::INT,
2818             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2819         .Attr(
2820             "alpha",
2821             "Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B, the default value is 1.0.",
2822             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2823             1.0f)
2824         .Attr(
2825             "beta",
2826             "Scalar multiplier for input tensor C, the default value is 1.0.",
2827             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2828             1.0f)
__anon4a9f2ddb1502(InferenceContext& ctx) 2829         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
2830           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
2831           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
2832             auto transAAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transA");
2833             bool transA =
2834                 transAAttr ? static_cast<int>(transAAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
2835             auto transBAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transB");
2836             bool transB =
2837                 transBAttr ? static_cast<int>(transBAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
2839             *ctx.getOutputType(0)
2840                  ->mutable_tensor_type()
2841                  ->mutable_shape()
2842                  ->add_dim() =
2843                 ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape().dim(transA ? 1 : 0);
2844             *ctx.getOutputType(0)
2845                  ->mutable_tensor_type()
2846                  ->mutable_shape()
2847                  ->add_dim() =
2848                 ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape().dim(transB ? 0 : 1);
2849           } else if (
2850               hasInputShape(ctx, 2) &&
2851               (!ctx.getAttribute("broadcast") ||
2852                static_cast<int>(ctx.getAttribute("broadcast")->i()) == 0)) {
2853             *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape() =
2854                 ctx.getInputType(2)->tensor_type().shape();
2855           }
2856         }));
2858 static const char* Gemm_ver7_doc = R"DOC(General Matrix multiplication:
2859 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms#Level_3
2861 A' = transpose(A) if transA else A
2863 B' = transpose(B) if transB else B
2865 Compute Y = alpha * A' * B' + beta * C, where input tensor A has shape (M, K) or (K, M),
2866 input tensor B has shape (K, N) or (N, K), input tensor C is broadcastable to shape (M, N),
2867 and output tensor Y has shape (M, N). A will be transposed before doing the
2868 computation if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
2869 )DOC";
2872     Gemm,
2873     7,
2874     OpSchema()
2875         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
2876             std::string(Gemm_ver7_doc) +
2877             GenerateBroadcastingDocUni("tensor C", "tensor A * B")))
2878         .Input(
2879             0,
2880             "A",
2881             "Input tensor A. "
2882             "The shape of A should be (M, K) if transA is 0, "
2883             "or (K, M) if transA is non-zero.",
2884             "T")
2885         .Input(
2886             1,
2887             "B",
2888             "Input tensor B. "
2889             "The shape of B should be (K, N) if transB is 0, "
2890             "or (N, K) if transB is non-zero.",
2891             "T")
2892         .Input(
2893             2,
2894             "C",
2895             "Input tensor C. "
2896             "The shape of C should be unidirectional broadcastable to (M, N).",
2897             "T")
2898         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor of shape (M, N).", "T")
2899         .TypeConstraint(
2900             "T",
2901             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
2902             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
2903         .Attr(
2904             "transA",
2905             "Whether A should be transposed",
2906             AttributeProto::INT,
2907             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2908         .Attr(
2909             "transB",
2910             "Whether B should be transposed",
2911             AttributeProto::INT,
2912             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
2913         .Attr(
2914             "alpha",
2915             "Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B.",
2916             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2917             1.0f)
2918         .Attr(
2919             "beta",
2920             "Scalar multiplier for input tensor C.",
2921             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
2922             1.0f)
__anon4a9f2ddb1602(InferenceContext& ctx) 2923         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
2924           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
2925           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
2926             auto transAAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transA");
2927             bool transA =
2928                 transAAttr ? static_cast<int>(transAAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
2929             auto transBAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transB");
2930             bool transB =
2931                 transBAttr ? static_cast<int>(transBAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
2932             auto& first_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 0);
2933             auto& second_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 1);
2934             if (first_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
2935               fail_shape_inference("First input does not have rank 2");
2936             }
2937             if (second_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
2938               fail_shape_inference("Second input does not have rank 2");
2939             }
2940             updateOutputShape(
2941                 ctx,
2942                 0,
2943                 {first_input_shape.dim(transA ? 1 : 0),
2944                  second_input_shape.dim(transB ? 0 : 1)});
2945           }
2946         }));
2948 static const char* Gemm_ver9_doc = R"DOC(General Matrix multiplication:
2949 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms#Level_3
2951 A' = transpose(A) if transA else A
2953 B' = transpose(B) if transB else B
2955 Compute Y = alpha * A' * B' + beta * C, where input tensor A has shape (M, K) or (K, M),
2956 input tensor B has shape (K, N) or (N, K), input tensor C is broadcastable to shape (M, N),
2957 and output tensor Y has shape (M, N). A will be transposed before doing the
2958 computation if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
2959 )DOC";
2962     Gemm,
2963     9,
2964     OpSchema()
2965         .SetDoc(GET_OP_DOC_STR(
2966             std::string(Gemm_ver9_doc) +
2967             GenerateBroadcastingDocUni("tensor C", "tensor A * B")))
2968         .Input(
2969             0,
2970             "A",
2971             "Input tensor A. "
2972             "The shape of A should be (M, K) if transA is 0, "
2973             "or (K, M) if transA is non-zero.",
2974             "T")
2975         .Input(
2976             1,
2977             "B",
2978             "Input tensor B. "
2979             "The shape of B should be (K, N) if transB is 0, "
2980             "or (N, K) if transB is non-zero.",
2981             "T")
2982         .Input(
2983             2,
2984             "C",
2985             "Input tensor C. "
2986             "The shape of C should be unidirectional broadcastable to (M, N).",
2987             "T")
2988         .Output(0, "Y", "Output tensor of shape (M, N).", "T")
2989         .TypeConstraint(
2990             "T",
2991             {"tensor(float16)",
2992              "tensor(float)",
2993              "tensor(double)",
2994              "tensor(uint32)",
2995              "tensor(uint64)",
2996              "tensor(int32)",
2997              "tensor(int64)"},
2998             "Constrain input and output types to float/int tensors.")
2999         .Attr(
3000             "transA",
3001             "Whether A should be transposed",
3002             AttributeProto::INT,
3003             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
3004         .Attr(
3005             "transB",
3006             "Whether B should be transposed",
3007             AttributeProto::INT,
3008             static_cast<int64_t>(0))
3009         .Attr(
3010             "alpha",
3011             "Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B.",
3012             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
3013             1.0f)
3014         .Attr(
3015             "beta",
3016             "Scalar multiplier for input tensor C.",
3017             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
3018             1.0f)
__anon4a9f2ddb1702(InferenceContext& ctx) 3019         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
3020           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
3021           if (hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
3022             auto transAAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transA");
3023             bool transA =
3024                 transAAttr ? static_cast<int>(transAAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
3025             auto transBAttr = ctx.getAttribute("transB");
3026             bool transB =
3027                 transBAttr ? static_cast<int>(transBAttr->i()) != 0 : false;
3028             auto& first_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 0);
3029             auto& second_input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 1);
3030             if (first_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
3031               fail_shape_inference("First input does not have rank 2");
3032             }
3033             if (second_input_shape.dim_size() != 2) {
3034               fail_shape_inference("Second input does not have rank 2");
3035             }
3036             updateOutputShape(
3037                 ctx,
3038                 0,
3039                 {first_input_shape.dim(transA ? 1 : 0),
3040                  second_input_shape.dim(transB ? 0 : 1)});
3041           }
3042         }));
3044 static const char* Max_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
3045 Element-wise max of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
3046 have the same shape and data type.
3047 )DOC";
3050     Max,
3051     6,
3052     OpSchema()
3053         .SetDoc(Max_ver6_doc)
3054         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Max.", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
3055         .Output(0, "max", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
3056         .TypeConstraint(
3057             "T",
3058             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3059             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3060         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
3062 static const char* Min_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
3063 Element-wise min of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
3064 have the same shape and data type.
3065 )DOC";
3068     Min,
3069     6,
3070     OpSchema()
3071         .SetDoc(Min_ver6_doc)
3072         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Min", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
3073         .Output(0, "min", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
3074         .TypeConstraint(
3075             "T",
3076             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3077             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3078         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
3080 static const char* Sum_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
3081 Element-wise sum of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
3082 have the same shape and data type.
3083 )DOC";
3086     Sum,
3087     6,
3088     OpSchema()
3089         .SetDoc(Sum_ver6_doc)
3090         .Input(0, "data_0", "List of tensors for Sum.", "T", OpSchema::Variadic)
3091         .Output(0, "sum", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
3092         .TypeConstraint(
3093             "T",
3094             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3095             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3096         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
3098 static const char* Mean_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
3099 Element-wise mean of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must
3100 have the same shape and data type.
3101 )DOC";
3104     Mean,
3105     6,
3106     OpSchema()
3107         .SetDoc(Mean_ver6_doc)
3108         .Input(
3109             0,
3110             "data_0",
3111             "List of tensors for Mean.",
3112             "T",
3113             OpSchema::Variadic)
3114         .Output(0, "mean", "Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.", "T")
3115         .TypeConstraint(
3116             "T",
3117             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3118             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3119         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
3121 static const char* MatMul_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
3122 Matrix product that behaves like numpy.matmul: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/generated/numpy.matmul.html
3123 )DOC";
3126     MatMul,
3127     1,
3128     OpSchema()
3129         .Input(0, "A", "N-dimensional matrix A", "T")
3130         .Input(1, "B", "N-dimensional matrix B", "T")
3131         .Output(0, "Y", "Matrix multiply results from A * B", "T")
3132         .TypeConstraint(
3133             "T",
3134             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3135             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3136         .SetDoc(MatMul_ver1_doc)
__anon4a9f2ddb1802(InferenceContext& ctx) 3137         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
3138           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
3139           if (!hasNInputShapes(ctx, 2)) {
3140             return;
3141           }
3143           const auto shape0 = ctx.getInputType(0)->tensor_type().shape();
3144           const auto shape1 = ctx.getInputType(1)->tensor_type().shape();
3146           if (shape0.dim_size() == 0 || shape1.dim_size() == 0) {
3147             fail_shape_inference("Input tensors of wrong rank (0).");
3148           }
3150           TensorShapeProto shapeL, shapeR;
3152           // First promote each shape to at least rank-2. This logic is
3153           // specific to matmul, not generic broadcasting.
3154           {
3155             if (shape0.dim_size() == 1) {
3156               shapeL.add_dim()->set_dim_value(1);
3157               *shapeL.add_dim() = shape0.dim(0);
3158             } else {
3159               *shapeL.mutable_dim() = shape0.dim();
3160             }
3161             if (shape1.dim_size() == 1) {
3162               *shapeR.add_dim() = shape1.dim(0);
3163               shapeR.add_dim()->set_dim_value(1);
3164             } else {
3165               *shapeR.mutable_dim() = shape1.dim();
3166             }
3167           }
3169           // Check for compatible matrix multiply dimensions
3170           {
3171             auto dimL = shapeL.dim(shapeL.dim_size() - 1);
3172             auto dimR = shapeR.dim(shapeR.dim_size() - 2);
3173             if (dimL.has_dim_value() && dimR.has_dim_value() &&
3174                 dimL.dim_value() != dimR.dim_value()) {
3175               fail_shape_inference(
3176                   "Incompatible dimensions for matrix multiplication");
3177               ;
3178             }
3179           }
3181           TensorShapeProto resultShape;
3183           // Now call out to generic multidimensional broadcasting for
3184           // the broadcastable prefixes.
3185           {
3186             TensorShapeProto prefixShapeL, prefixShapeR;
3187             for (int i = 0; i < shapeL.dim_size() - 2; ++i) {
3188               *prefixShapeL.add_dim() = shapeL.dim(i);
3189             }
3190             for (int i = 0; i < shapeR.dim_size() - 2; ++i) {
3191               *prefixShapeR.add_dim() = shapeR.dim(i);
3192             }
3193             bidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
3194                 prefixShapeL, prefixShapeR, resultShape);
3195           }
3197           // Back to matmul-specific. Add the trailing dimensions back in.
3198           {
3199             if (shape0.dim_size() != 1) {
3200               *resultShape.add_dim() = shapeL.dim(shapeL.dim_size() - 2);
3201             }
3202             if (shape1.dim_size() != 1) {
3203               *resultShape.add_dim() = shapeR.dim(shapeR.dim_size() - 1);
3204             }
3205           }
3207           *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape() =
3208               resultShape;
3209         }));
3211 static const char* TopK_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
3212 Retrieve the top-K elements along a specified axis. Given an input tensor of
3213 shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, r] and integer argument k, return two outputs:
3214   -Value tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n]
3215     which contains the values of the top k elements along the specified axis
3216   -Index tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] which
3217    contains the indices of the top k elements (original indices from the input
3218    tensor).
3219 Given two equivalent values, this operator uses the indices along the axis  as
3220  a tiebreaker. That is, the element with the lower index will appear first.
3221 )DOC";
3224     TopK,
3225     1,
3226     OpSchema()
3227         .SetDoc(TopK_ver1_doc)
3228         .Input(0, "X", "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, r]", "T")
3229         .Output(
3230             0,
3231             "Values",
3232             "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] "
3233             "containing top K values from the input tensor",
3234             "T")
3235         .Output(
3236             1,
3237             "Indices",
3238             "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] "
3239             "containing the corresponding input tensor indices for the top K "
3240             "values.",
3241             "I")
3242         .TypeConstraint(
3243             "T",
3244             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3245             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3246         .TypeConstraint(
3247             "I",
3248             {"tensor(int64)"},
3249             "Constrain index tensor to int64")
3250         .Attr(
3251             "k",
3252             "Number of top elements to retrieve",
3253             AttributeProto::INT,
3254             true)
3255         .Attr(
3256             "axis",
3257             "Dimension on which to do the sort.",
3258             AttributeProto::INT,
3259             static_cast<int64_t>(-1))
__anon4a9f2ddb1902(InferenceContext& ctx) 3260         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
3261           // Type inference:
3262           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
3263           updateOutputElemType(ctx, 1, TensorProto::INT64);
3265           // Shape inference:
3266           if (!hasInputShape(ctx, 0))
3267             return;
3268           auto& input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 0);
3269           int64_t rank = input_shape.dim_size();
3270           int64_t axis = getAttribute(ctx, "axis", -1);
3271           if (axis < 0)
3272             axis += rank;
3273           if (axis < 0 || axis >= rank) {
3274             fail_shape_inference("Invalid value for attribute axis");
3275           }
3276           int64_t k = getAttribute(ctx, "k", -1);
3277           if (k <= 0) {
3278             fail_shape_inference("Invalid value for attribute k");
3279           }
3280           // TODO: unclear what results should be if axis has less than k
3281           // elements.
3282           TensorShapeProto result_shape = input_shape;
3283           result_shape.mutable_dim(static_cast<int>(axis))->set_dim_value(k);
3284           updateOutputShape(ctx, 0, result_shape);
3285           updateOutputShape(ctx, 1, result_shape);
3286         }));
3288 static const char* TopK_ver10_doc = R"DOC(
3289 Retrieve the top-K elements along a specified axis. Given an input tensor of
3290 shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, r] and integer argument k, return two outputs:
3291   -Value tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n]
3292     which contains the values of the top k elements along the specified axis
3293   -Index tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] which
3294    contains the indices of the top k elements (original indices from the input
3295    tensor).
3297 Given two equivalent values, this operator uses the indices along the axis  as
3298  a tiebreaker. That is, the element with the lower index will appear first.
3299 )DOC";
3302     TopK,
3303     10,
3304     OpSchema()
3305         .SetDoc(TopK_ver10_doc)
3306         .Input(0, "X", "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, r]", "T")
3307         .Input(
3308             1,
3309             "K",
3310             "A 1-D tensor containing a single positive value corresponding to the number of top elements to retrieve",
3311             "tensor(int64)")
3312         .Output(
3313             0,
3314             "Values",
3315             "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] "
3316             "containing top K values from the input tensor",
3317             "T")
3318         .Output(
3319             1,
3320             "Indices",
3321             "Tensor of shape [a_1, a_2, ..., a_{axis-1}, k, a_{axis+1}, ... a_n] "
3322             "containing the corresponding input tensor indices for the top K "
3323             "values.",
3324             "I")
3325         .TypeConstraint(
3326             "T",
3327             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3328             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3329         .TypeConstraint(
3330             "I",
3331             {"tensor(int64)"},
3332             "Constrain index tensor to int64")
3333         .Attr(
3334             "axis",
3335             "Dimension on which to do the sort.",
3336             AttributeProto::INT,
3337             static_cast<int64_t>(-1))
__anon4a9f2ddb1a02(InferenceContext& ctx) 3338         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
3339           // Type inference:
3340           propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
3341           updateOutputElemType(ctx, 1, TensorProto::INT64);
3342           // Shape inference:
3343           if (!hasInputShape(ctx, 0))
3344             return;
3345           auto& input_shape = getInputShape(ctx, 0);
3346           int64_t rank = input_shape.dim_size();
3347           int64_t axis = getAttribute(ctx, "axis", -1);
3348           if (axis < 0)
3349             axis += rank;
3350           if (axis < 0 || axis >= rank) {
3351             fail_shape_inference("Invalid value for attribute axis");
3352           }
3354           const auto& axis_dim = input_shape.dim(static_cast<int>(axis));
3355           const auto* k = ctx.getInputData(1);
3357           // Infer output shape if:
3358           // (1) 'K' is available
3359           // (2) axis_dim has dim value
3360           // Othewise cannot reliably compute output shape as axis dim value is
3361           // unknown and hence cannot determine if axis dim value >= k (which
3362           // should be enforced)
3363           if (nullptr != k && axis_dim.has_dim_value()) {
3364             int64_t k_value = 0;
3365             if (k->dims_size() != 1 || k->dims(0) != 1) {
3366               fail_shape_inference("K input must be a one-dimensional tensor of size 1.");
3367             }
3369             if (k->data_type() == TensorProto::INT64) {
3370               const auto& data = ParseData<int64_t>(k);
3371               k_value = data[0];
3372             } else {
3373               fail_shape_inference("K input must be of type int64.");
3374             }
3376             if (axis_dim.dim_value() < k_value) {
3377                 fail_shape_inference("Axis has less than the requested k elements.");
3378             }
3380             TensorShapeProto result_shape = input_shape;
3381             result_shape.mutable_dim(static_cast<int>(axis))
3382                 ->set_dim_value(k_value);
3384             updateOutputShape(ctx, 0, result_shape);
3385             updateOutputShape(ctx, 1, result_shape);
3387             return;
3388           }
3390           // Infer output shapes' rank in any case
3391           auto* output_shape_0 = getOutputShape(ctx, 0);
3392           auto* output_shape_1 = getOutputShape(ctx, 1);
3393           for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.dim_size(); ++i) {
3394             output_shape_0->add_dim();
3395             output_shape_1->add_dim();
3396           }
3398           return;
3399         }));
3401 static const char* Clip_ver6_doc = R"DOC(
3402 Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is
3403 specified with arguments 'min' and 'max'. They default to
3404 numeric_limits::lowest() and numeric_limits::max() respectively.
3405 )DOC";
3408     Clip,
3409     6,
3410     OpSchema()
3411         .SetDoc(Clip_ver6_doc)
3412         .Attr(
3413             "min",
3414             "Minimum value, under which element is replaced by min",
3415             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
3416             std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest())
3417         .Attr(
3418             "max",
3419             "Maximum value, above which element is replaced by max",
3420             AttributeProto::FLOAT,
3421             std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
3422         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor whose elements to be clipped", "T")
3423         .Output(0, "output", "Output tensor with clipped input elements", "T")
3424         .TypeConstraint(
3425             "T",
3426             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3427             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3428         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
3430 static const char* Clip_ver11_doc = R"DOC(
3431 Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is
3432 specified by the inputs 'min' and 'max'. They default to
3433 numeric_limits::lowest() and numeric_limits::max(), respectively.
3434 )DOC";
3437     Clip,
3438     11,
3439     OpSchema()
3440         .SetDoc(Clip_ver11_doc)
3441         .Input(0, "input", "Input tensor whose elements to be clipped", "T")
3442         .Input(
3443             1,
3444             "min",
3445             "Minimum value, under which element is replaced by min. "
3446             "It must be a scalar(tensor of empty shape).",
3447             "T",
3448             OpSchema::Optional)
3449         .Input(
3450             2,
3451             "max",
3452             "Maximum value, above which element is replaced by max. "
3453             "It must be a scalar(tensor of empty shape).",
3454             "T",
3455             OpSchema::Optional)
3456         .Output(0, "output", "Output tensor with clipped input elements", "T")
3457         .TypeConstraint(
3458             "T",
3459             {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3460             "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.")
3461         .TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction(propagateShapeAndTypeFromFirstInput));
ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_old(const char * name)3463 std::function<void(OpSchema&)> ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_old(
3464     const char* name) {
3465   return [=](OpSchema& schema) {
3466     std::string doc;
3468         doc = R"DOC(
3469 Element-wise {name} of each of the input tensors (with Numpy-style broadcasting support).
3470 All inputs and outputs must have the same data type.
3471 {broadcast_doc}
3472 )DOC";
3473         ReplaceAll(doc, "{name}", name);
3474         ReplaceAll(
3475             doc, "{broadcast_doc}", GenerateBroadcastingDocMul().c_str()););
3476     schema.SetDoc(doc);
3477     schema.Input(
3478         0,
3479         "data_0",
3480         "List of tensors for " + std::string(name) + ".",
3481         "T",
3482         OpSchema::Variadic);
3483     schema.Output(0, name, "Output tensor.", "T");
3484     schema.TypeConstraint(
3485         "T",
3486         {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
3487         "Constrain input and output types to float tensors.");
3488     schema.TypeAndShapeInferenceFunction([](InferenceContext& ctx) {
3489       propagateElemTypeFromInputToOutput(ctx, 0, 0);
3490       int num_inputs = static_cast<int>(ctx.getNumInputs());
3491       std::vector<const TensorShapeProto*> shapes;
3492       for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) {
3493         auto input_type = ctx.getInputType(i);
3494         if (nullptr == input_type || !input_type->has_tensor_type() ||
3495             !input_type->tensor_type().has_shape()) {
3496           return;
3497         }
3498         shapes.push_back(&input_type->tensor_type().shape());
3499       }
3501       multidirectionalBroadcastShapeInference(
3502           shapes,
3503           *ctx.getOutputType(0)->mutable_tensor_type()->mutable_shape());
3504     });
3505   };
3506 }
3509     Max,
3510     8,
3511     OpSchema().FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_old("max")));
3514     Min,
3515     8,
3516     OpSchema().FillUsing(ElementwiseMultiOpDocGenerator_old("min")));
3518 } // namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE