2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Simon Kern
4# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2020 Holger Nahrstaedt
5# Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Chris Lee-Messer
6# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The pyedflib Developers
7#                         <https://github.com/holgern/pyedflib>
8# See LICENSE for license details.
10Created on Tue Jan  7 12:13:47 2020
12This file contains high-level functions to work with pyedflib.
15    - Reading and writing EDFs
16    - Anonymizing EDFs
17    - Comparing EDFs
18    - Renaming Channels from EDF files
19    - Dropping Channels from EDF files
21@author: skjerns
24import os
25import numpy as np
26import warnings
27import pyedflib
28from copy import deepcopy
29from datetime import datetime
30# from . import EdfWriter
31# from . import EdfReader
34def _get_sample_frequency(signal_header):
35    # Temporary conditional assignment while we deprecate 'sample_rate' as a channel attribute
36    # in favor of 'sample_frequency', supporting the use of either to give
37    # users time to switch to the new interface.
38    return (signal_header['sample_rate']
39            if signal_header.get('sample_frequency') is None
40            else signal_header['sample_frequency'])
43def tqdm(iteratable, *args, **kwargs):
44    """
45    These is an optional dependecies that shows a progress bar for some
46    of the functions, e.g. loading.
48    install this dependency with `pip install tqdm`
50    if not installed this is just a pass through iterator.
51    """
52    try:
53        from tqdm import tqdm as iterator
54        return iterator(iteratable, *args, **kwargs)
55    except:
56        return iteratable
59def _parse_date(string):
60    """
61    A simple dateparser that detects common  date formats
63    Parameters
64    ----------
65    string : str
66        a date string in format as denoted below.
68    Returns
69    -------
70    datetime.datetime
71        datetime object of a time.
73    """
74    # some common formats.
75    formats = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%d-%m-%Y', '%d.%m.%Y', '%Y.%m.%d', '%d %b %Y',
76               '%Y/%m/%d', '%d/%m/%Y']
77    for f in formats:
78        try:
79            return datetime.strptime(string, f)
80        except:
81            pass
82    try:
83        import dateparser
84        return dateparser.parse(string)
85    except:
86        print('dateparser is not installed. to convert strings to dates'\
87              'install via `pip install dateparser`.')
88        raise ValueError('birthdate must be datetime object or of format'\
89                         ' `%d-%m-%Y`, eg. `24-01-2020`')
91def dig2phys(signal, dmin, dmax, pmin, pmax):
92    """
93    converts digital edf values to physical values
95    Parameters
96    ----------
97    signal : np.ndarray or int
98        A numpy array with int values (digital values) or an int.
99    dmin : int
100        digital minimum value of the edf file (eg -2048).
101    dmax : int
102        digital maximum value of the edf file (eg 2048).
103    pmin : float
104        physical maximum value of the edf file (eg -200.0).
105    pmax : float
106        physical maximum value of the edf file (eg 200.0).
108    Returns
109    -------
110    physical : np.ndarray or float
111        converted physical values
113    """
114    m = (pmax-pmin) / (dmax-dmin)
115    b = pmax / m - dmax
116    physical = m * (signal + b)
117    return physical
120def phys2dig(signal, dmin, dmax, pmin, pmax):
121    """
122    converts physical values to digital values
124    Parameters
125    ----------
126    signal : np.ndarray or int
127        A numpy array with int values (digital values) or an int.
128    dmin : int
129        digital minimum value of the edf file (eg -2048).
130    dmax : int
131        digital maximum value of the edf file (eg 2048).
132    pmin : float
133        physical maximum value of the edf file (eg -200.0).
134    pmax : float
135        physical maximum value of the edf file (eg 200.0).
137    Returns
138    -------
139    digital : np.ndarray or int
140        converted digital values
142    """
143    m = (pmax-pmin) / (dmax-dmin)
144    b = pmax / m - dmax
145    digital = signal/m - b
146    return digital
150def make_header(technician='', recording_additional='', patientname='',
151                patient_additional='', patientcode= '', equipment= '',
152                admincode= '', gender= '', startdate=None, birthdate= ''):
153    """
154    A convenience function to create an EDF header (a dictionary) that
155    can be used by pyedflib to update the main header of the EDF
157    Parameters
158    ----------
159    technician : str, optional
160        name of the technician. The default is ''.
161    recording_additional : str, optional
162        comments etc. The default is ''.
163    patientname : str, optional
164        the name of the patient. The default is ''.
165    patient_additional : TYPE, optional
166        more info about the patient. The default is ''.
167    patientcode : str, optional
168        alphanumeric code. The default is ''.
169    equipment : str, optional
170        which system was used. The default is ''.
171    admincode : str, optional
172        code of the admin. The default is ''.
173    gender : str, optional
174        gender of patient. The default is ''.
175    startdate : datetime.datetime, optional
176        startdate of recording. The default is None.
177    birthdate : str/datetime.datetime, optional
178        date of birth of the patient. The default is ''.
180    Returns
181    -------
182    header : dict
183        a dictionary with the values given filled in.
185    """
187    if not birthdate=='' and isinstance(birthdate, str):
188        birthdate = _parse_date(birthdate)
189    if startdate is None:
190        now = datetime.now()
191        startdate = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day,
192                             now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
193        del now
194    if isinstance(birthdate, datetime):
195        birthdate = birthdate.strftime('%d %b %Y').lower()
196    local = locals()
197    header = {}
198    for var in local:
199        if isinstance(local[var], datetime):
200            header[var] = local[var]
201        else:
202            header[var] = str(local[var])
203    return header
206def make_signal_header(label, dimension='uV', sample_rate=256, sample_frequency=None,
207                       physical_min=-200, physical_max=200, digital_min=-32768,
208                       digital_max=32767, transducer='', prefiler=''):
209    """
210    A convenience function that creates a signal header for a given signal.
211    This can be used to create a list of signal headers that is used by
212    pyedflib to create an edf. With this, different sampling frequencies
213    can be indicated.
215    Parameters
216    ----------
217    label : str
218        the name of the channel.
219    dimension : str, optional
220        dimension, eg mV. The default is 'uV'.
221    sample_rate : int, optional
222        sampling frequency. The default is 256. Deprecated: use 'sample_frequency' instead.
223    sample_frequency : int, optional
224        sampling frequency. The default is 256.
225    physical_min : float, optional
226        minimum value in dimension. The default is -200.
227    physical_max : float, optional
228        maximum value in dimension. The default is 200.
229    digital_min : int, optional
230        digital minimum of the ADC. The default is -32768.
231    digital_max : int, optional
232        digital maximum of the ADC. The default is 32767.
233    transducer : str, optional
234        electrode type that was used. The default is ''.
235    prefiler : str, optional
236        filtering and sampling method. The default is ''.
238    Returns
239    -------
240    signal_header : dict
241        a signal header that can be used to save a channel to an EDF.
243    """
245    signal_header = {'label': label,
246               'dimension': dimension,
247               'sample_rate': sample_rate,
248               'sample_frequency': sample_frequency,
249               'physical_min': physical_min,
250               'physical_max': physical_max,
251               'digital_min':  digital_min,
252               'digital_max':  digital_max,
253               'transducer': transducer,
254               'prefilter': prefiler}
255    return signal_header
258def make_signal_headers(list_of_labels, dimension='uV', sample_rate=256,
259                       sample_frequency=None, physical_min=-200.0, physical_max=200.0,
260                       digital_min=-32768, digital_max=32767,
261                       transducer='', prefiler=''):
262    """
263    A function that creates signal headers for a given list of channel labels.
264    This can only be used if each channel has the same sampling frequency
266    Parameters
267    ----------
268    list_of_labels : list of str
269        A list with labels for each channel.
270    dimension : str, optional
271        dimension, eg mV. The default is 'uV'.
272    sample_rate : int, optional
273        sampling frequency. The default is 256.  Deprecated: use 'sample_frequency' instead.
274    sample_frequency : int, optional
275        sampling frequency. The default is 256.
276    physical_min : float, optional
277        minimum value in dimension. The default is -200.
278    physical_max : float, optional
279        maximum value in dimension. The default is 200.
280    digital_min : int, optional
281        digital minimum of the ADC. The default is -32768.
282    digital_max : int, optional
283        digital maximum of the ADC. The default is 32767.
284    transducer : str, optional
285        electrode type that was used. The default is ''.
286    prefiler : str, optional
287        filtering and sampling method. The default is ''.
289    Returns
290    -------
291    signal_headers : list of dict
292        returns n signal headers as a list to save several signal headers.
294    """
295    signal_headers = []
296    for label in list_of_labels:
297        header = make_signal_header(label, dimension=dimension, sample_rate=sample_rate,
298                                    sample_frequency=sample_frequency,
299                                    physical_min=physical_min, physical_max=physical_max,
300                                    digital_min=digital_min, digital_max=digital_max,
301                                    transducer=transducer, prefiler=prefiler)
302        signal_headers.append(header)
303    return signal_headers
306def read_edf(edf_file, ch_nrs=None, ch_names=None, digital=False, verbose=False):
307    """
308    Convenience function for reading EDF+/BDF data with pyedflib.
310    Will load the edf and return the signals, the headers of the signals
311    and the header of the EDF. If all signals have the same sample frequency
312    will return a numpy array, else a list with the individual signals
315    Parameters
316    ----------
317    edf_file : str
318        link to an edf file.
319    ch_nrs : list of int, optional
320        The indices of the channels to read. The default is None.
321    ch_names : list of str, optional
322        The names of channels to read. The default is None.
323    digital : bool, optional
324        will return the signals as digital values (ADC). The default is False.
325    verbose : bool, optional
326        Print progress bar while loading or not. The default is False.
328    Returns
329    -------
330    signals : np.ndarray or list
331        the signals of the chosen channels contained in the EDF.
332    signal_headers : list
333        one signal header for each channel in the EDF.
334    header : dict
335        the main header of the EDF file containing meta information.
337    """
338    assert (ch_nrs is  None) or (ch_names is None), \
339           'names xor numbers should be supplied'
340    if ch_nrs is not None and not isinstance(ch_nrs, list): ch_nrs = [ch_nrs]
341    if ch_names is not None and \
342        not isinstance(ch_names, list): ch_names = [ch_names]
344    with pyedflib.EdfReader(edf_file) as f:
345        # see which channels we want to load
346        available_chs = [ch.upper() for ch in f.getSignalLabels()]
347        n_chrs = f.signals_in_file
349        # find out which number corresponds to which channel
350        if ch_names is not None:
351            ch_nrs = []
352            for ch in ch_names:
353                if not ch.upper() in available_chs:
354                    warnings.warn('{} is not in source file (contains {})'\
355                                  .format(ch, available_chs))
356                    print('will be ignored.')
357                else:
358                    ch_nrs.append(available_chs.index(ch.upper()))
360        # if there ch_nrs is not given, load all channels
362        if ch_nrs is None: # no numbers means we load all
363            ch_nrs = range(n_chrs)
365        # convert negative numbers into positives
366        ch_nrs = [n_chrs+ch if ch<0 else ch for ch in ch_nrs]
368        # load headers, signal information and
369        header = f.getHeader()
370        signal_headers = [f.getSignalHeaders()[c] for c in ch_nrs]
372        # add annotations to header
373        annotations = f.readAnnotations()
374        annotations = [[s, d, a] for s,d,a in zip(*annotations)]
375        header['annotations'] = annotations
378        signals = []
379        for i,c in enumerate(tqdm(ch_nrs, desc='Reading Channels',
380                                  disable=not verbose)):
381            signal = f.readSignal(c, digital=digital)
382            signals.append(signal)
384        # we can only return a np.array if all signals have the same samplefreq
385        sfreqs = [_get_sample_frequency(shead) for shead in signal_headers]
386        all_sfreq_same = sfreqs[1:]==sfreqs[:-1]
387        if all_sfreq_same:
388            dtype = np.int32 if digital else float
389            signals = np.array(signals, dtype=dtype)
391    assert len(signals)==len(signal_headers), 'Something went wrong, lengths'\
392                                         ' of headers is not length of signals'
393    del f
394    return  signals, signal_headers, header
397def write_edf(edf_file, signals, signal_headers, header=None, digital=False,
398              file_type=-1, block_size=1):
399    """
400    Write signals to an edf_file. Header can be generated on the fly with
401    generic values. EDF+/BDF+ is selected based on the filename extension,
402    but can be overwritten by setting file_type to pyedflib.FILETYPE_XXX
404    Parameters
405    ----------
406    edf_file : np.ndarray or list
407        where to save the EDF file
408    signals : list
409        The signals as a list of arrays or a ndarray.
411    signal_headers : list of dict
412        a list with one signal header(dict) for each signal.
413        See pyedflib.EdfWriter.setSignalHeader..
414    header : dict
415        a main header (dict) for the EDF file, see
416        pyedflib.EdfWriter.setHeader for details.
417        If no header present, will create an empty header
418    digital : bool, optional
419        whether the signals are in digital format (ADC). The default is False.
420    file_type: int, optional
421        choose file_type for saving.
422        EDF = 0, EDF+ = 1, BDF = 2, BDF+ = 3, automatic from extension = -1
423    block_size : int
424        set the block size for writing. Should be divisor of signal length
425        in seconds. Higher values mean faster writing speed, but if it
426        is not a divisor of the signal duration, it will append zeros.
427        Can be any value between 1=><=60, -1 will auto-infer the fastest value.
429    Returns
430    -------
431    bool
432         True if successful, False if failed.
433    """
434    assert header is None or isinstance(header, dict), \
435        'header must be dictioniary or None'
436    assert isinstance(signal_headers, list), \
437        'signal headers must be list'
438    assert len(signal_headers)==len(signals), \
439        'signals and signal_headers must be same length'
440    assert file_type in [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], \
441        'file_type must be in range -1, 3'
442    assert block_size<=60 and block_size>=-1 and block_size!=0, \
443        'blocksize must be smaller or equal to 60'
445    # copy objects to prevent accidential changes to mutable objects
446    header = deepcopy(header)
447    signal_headers = deepcopy(signal_headers)
449    if file_type==-1:
450        ext = os.path.splitext(edf_file)[-1]
451        if ext.lower() == '.edf':
452            file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_EDFPLUS
453        elif ext.lower() == '.bdf':
454            file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS
455        else:
456            raise ValueError('Unknown extension {}'.format(ext))
458    n_channels = len(signals)
460    # if there is no header, we create one with dummy values
461    if header is None:
462        header = {}
463    default_header = make_header()
464    default_header.update(header)
465    header = default_header
467    # block_size sets the size of each writing block and should be a divisor
468    # of the length of the signal. If it is not, the remainder of the file
469    # will be filled with zeros.
470    signal_duration = len(signals[0]) // _get_sample_frequency(signal_headers[0])
471    if block_size == -1:
472        block_size = max([d for d in range(1, 61) if signal_duration % d == 0])
473    elif signal_duration % block_size != 0:
474            warnings.warn('Signal length is not dividable by block_size. '+
475                          'The file will have a zeros appended.')
477    # check dmin, dmax and pmin, pmax dont exceed signal min/max
478    for sig, shead in zip(signals, signal_headers):
479        dmin, dmax = shead['digital_min'], shead['digital_max']
480        pmin, pmax = shead['physical_min'], shead['physical_max']
481        label = shead['label']
482        if digital: # exception as it will lead to clipping
483            assert dmin<=sig.min(), \
484            'digital_min is {}, but signal_min is {}' \
485            'for channel {}'.format(dmin, sig.min(), label)
486            assert dmax>=sig.max(), \
487            'digital_min is {}, but signal_min is {}' \
488            'for channel {}'.format(dmax, sig.max(), label)
489            assert pmin != pmax, \
490            'physical_min {} should be different from physical_max {}'.format(pmin,pmax)
491        else: # only warning, as this will not lead to clipping
492            assert pmin<=sig.min(), \
493            'phys_min is {}, but signal_min is {} ' \
494            'for channel {}'.format(pmin, sig.min(), label)
495            assert pmax>=sig.max(), \
496            'phys_max is {}, but signal_max is {} ' \
497            'for channel {}'.format(pmax, sig.max(), label)
500        frequency_key = 'sample_rate' if shead.get('sample_frequency') is None else 'sample_frequency'
501        shead[frequency_key] *= block_size
503    # get annotations, in format [[timepoint, duration, description], [...]]
504    annotations = header.get('annotations', [])
506    with pyedflib.EdfWriter(edf_file, n_channels=n_channels, file_type=file_type) as f:
507        f.setDatarecordDuration(int(100000 * block_size))
508        f.setSignalHeaders(signal_headers)
509        f.setHeader(header)
510        f.writeSamples(signals, digital=digital)
511        for annotation in annotations:
512            f.writeAnnotation(*annotation)
513    del f
515    return os.path.isfile(edf_file)
518def write_edf_quick(edf_file, signals, sfreq, digital=False):
519    """
520    wrapper for write_pyedf without creating headers.
521    Use this if you don't care about headers or channel names and just
522    want to dump some signals with the same sampling freq. to an edf
524    Parameters
525    ----------
526    edf_file : str
527        where to store the data/edf.
528    signals : np.ndarray
529        The signals you want to store as numpy array.
530    sfreq : int
531        the sampling frequency of the signals.
532    digital : bool, optional
533        if the data is present digitally (int) or as mV/uV.The default is False.
535    Returns
536    -------
537    bool
538        True if successful, else False or raise Error.
540    """
541    signals = np.atleast_2d(signals)
542    header = make_header(technician='pyedflib-quickwrite')
543    labels = ['CH_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(signals))]
544    pmin, pmax = signals.min(), signals.max()
545    signal_headers = make_signal_headers(labels, sample_frequency=sfreq,
546                                         physical_min=pmin, physical_max=pmax)
547    return write_edf(edf_file, signals, signal_headers, header, digital=digital)
550def read_edf_header(edf_file, read_annotations=True):
551    """
552    Reads the header and signal headers of an EDF file and it's annotations
554    Parameters
555    ----------
556    edf_file : str
557        EDF/BDF file to read.
559    Returns
560    -------
561    summary : dict
562        header of the edf file as dictionary.
564    """
565    assert os.path.isfile(edf_file), 'file {} does not exist'.format(edf_file)
566    with pyedflib.EdfReader(edf_file) as f:
568        summary = f.getHeader()
569        summary['Duration'] = f.getFileDuration()
570        summary['SignalHeaders'] = f.getSignalHeaders()
571        summary['channels'] = f.getSignalLabels()
572        if read_annotations:
573            annotations = f.read_annotation()
574            annotations = [[float(t)/10000000, d if d else -1, x.decode()] for t,d,x in annotations]
575            summary['annotations'] = annotations
576    del f
577    return summary
580def compare_edf(edf_file1, edf_file2, verbose=False):
581    """
582    Loads two edf files and checks whether the values contained in
583    them are the same. Does not check the header or annotations data.
585    Mainly to verify that other options (eg anonymization) produce the
586    same EDF file.
588    Parameters
589    ----------
590    edf_file1 : str
591        edf file 1 to compare.
592    edf_file2 : str
593        edf file 2 to compare.
594    verbose : bool, optional
595        print progress or not. The default is False.
597    Returns
598    -------
599    bool
600        True if signals are equal, else raises error.
601    """
602    signals1, shead1, _ =  read_edf(edf_file1, digital=True, verbose=verbose)
603    signals2, shead2, _ =  read_edf(edf_file2, digital=True, verbose=verbose)
605    for i, sigs in enumerate(zip(signals1, signals2)):
606        s1, s2 = sigs
607        if np.array_equal(s1, s2): continue # early stopping
608        s1 = np.abs(s1)
609        s2 = np.abs(s2)
610        if np.array_equal(s1, s2): continue # early stopping
611        close =  np.mean(np.isclose(s1, s2))
612        assert close>0.99, 'Error, digital values of {}'\
613              ' and {} for ch {}: {} are not the same: {:.3f}'.format(
614                edf_file1, edf_file2, shead1[i]['label'],
615                shead2[i]['label'], close)
617    dmin1, dmax1 = shead1[i]['digital_min'], shead1[i]['digital_max']
618    pmin1, pmax1 = shead1[i]['physical_min'], shead1[i]['physical_max']
619    dmin2, dmax2 = shead2[i]['digital_min'], shead2[i]['digital_max']
620    pmin2, pmax2 = shead2[i]['physical_min'], shead2[i]['physical_max']
622    for i, sigs in enumerate(zip(signals1, signals2)):
623        s1, s2 = sigs
625        # convert to physical values, no need to load all data again
626        s1 = dig2phys(s1, dmin1, dmax1, pmin1, pmax1)
627        s2 = dig2phys(s2, dmin2, dmax2, pmin2, pmax2)
629        # compare absolutes in case of inverted signals
630        if np.array_equal(s1, s2): continue # early stopping
631        s1 = np.abs(s1)
632        s2 = np.abs(s2)
633        if np.array_equal(s1, s2): continue # early stopping
634        min_dist = np.abs(dig2phys(1, dmin1, dmax1, pmin1, pmax1))
635        close =  np.mean(np.isclose(s1, s2, atol=min_dist))
636        assert close>0.99, 'Error, physical values of {}'\
637            ' and {} for ch {}: {} are not the same: {:.3f}'.format(
638                edf_file1, edf_file2, shead1[i]['label'],
639                shead2[i]['label'], close)
640    return True
643def drop_channels(edf_source, edf_target=None, to_keep=None, to_drop=None,
644                  verbose=False):
645    """
646    Remove channels from an edf file. Save the file.
647    For safety reasons, no source files can be overwritten.
649    Parameters
650    ----------
651    edf_source : str
652        The source edf file from which to drop channels.
653    edf_target : str, optional
654        Where to save the file.If None, will be edf_source+'dropped.edf'.
655        The default is None.
656    to_keep : list, optional
657         A list of channel names or indices that will be kept.
658         Strings will always be interpreted as channel names.
659         'to_keep' will overwrite any droppings proposed by to_drop.
660         The default is None.
661    to_drop : list, optional
662        A list of channel names/indices that should be dropped.
663        Strings will be interpreted as channel names. The default is None.
664    verbose : bool, optional
665        print progress or not. The default is False.
667    Returns
668    -------
669    edf_target : str
670         the target filename with the dropped channels.
672    """
674    # convert to list if necessary
675    if isinstance(to_keep, (int, str)): to_keep = [to_keep]
676    if isinstance(to_drop, (int, str)): to_drop = [to_drop]
678    # check all parameters are good
679    assert to_keep is None or to_drop is None,'Supply only to_keep xor to_drop'
680    if to_keep is not None:
681        assert all([isinstance(ch, (str, int)) for ch in to_keep]),\
682            'channels must be int or string'
683    if to_drop is not None:
684        assert all([isinstance(ch, (str, int)) for ch in to_drop]),\
685            'channels must be int or string'
686    assert os.path.exists(edf_source), \
687            'source file {} does not exist'.format(edf_source)
688    assert edf_source!=edf_target, 'For safet, target must not be source file.'
690    if edf_target is None:
691        edf_target = os.path.splitext(edf_source)[0] + '_dropped.edf'
692    if os.path.exists(edf_target):
693        warnings.warn('Target file will be overwritten')
695    ch_names = read_edf_header(edf_source)['channels']
696    # convert to all lowercase for compatibility
697    ch_names = [ch.lower() for ch in ch_names]
698    ch_nrs = list(range(len(ch_names)))
700    if to_keep is not None:
701        for i,ch in enumerate(to_keep):
702            if isinstance(ch,str):
703                ch_idx = ch_names.index(ch.lower())
704                to_keep[i] = ch_idx
705        load_channels = list(to_keep) # copy list compatible with py2.7
706    elif to_drop is not None:
707        for i,ch in enumerate(to_drop):
708            if isinstance(ch,str):
709                ch_idx = ch_names.index(ch.lower())
710                to_drop[i] = ch_idx
711        to_drop = [len(ch_nrs)+ch if ch<0 else ch for ch in to_drop]
713        [ch_nrs.remove(ch) for ch in to_drop]
714        load_channels = list(ch_nrs)
715    else:
716        raise ValueError
718    signals, signal_headers, header = read_edf(edf_source,
719                                               ch_nrs=load_channels,
720                                               digital=True, verbose=verbose)
722    write_edf(edf_target, signals, signal_headers, header, digital=True)
723    return edf_target
726def anonymize_edf(edf_file, new_file=None,
727                  to_remove=['patientname', 'birthdate'],
728                  new_values=['xxx', ''], verify=False, verbose=False):
729    """Anonymize an EDF file by replacing values of header fields.
731    This function can be used to overwrite all header information that is
732    patient specific, for example birthdate and patientname. All header fields
733    can be overwritten this way (i.e., all header.keys() given
734    _, _, header = read_edf(edf_file, digital=True)).
736    Parameters
737    ----------
738    edf_file : str
739         Filename of an EDF/BDF.
740    new_file : str | None
741         The filename of the anonymized file. If None, the input filename
742         appended with '_anonymized' is used. Defaults to None.
743    to_remove : list of str
744        List of attributes to overwrite in the `edf_file`. Defaults to
745        ['patientname', 'birthdate'].
746    new_values : list of str
747        List of values used for overwriting the attributes specified in
748        `to_remove`. Each item in `to_remove` must have a corresponding item
749        in `new_values`. Defaults to ['xxx', ''].
750    verify : bool
751        Compare `edf_file` and `new_file` for equality (i.e., double check that
752        values are same). Defaults to False
753    verbose : bool, optional
754        print progress or not. The default is False.
756    Returns
757    -------
758    bool
759        True if successful, or if `verify` is False. Raises an error otherwise.
761    """
762    if not len(to_remove) == len(new_values):
763        raise AssertionError('Each `to_remove` must have one `new_value`')
765    if new_file is None:
766        file, ext = os.path.splitext(edf_file)
767        new_file = file + '_anonymized' + ext
769    signals, signal_headers, header = read_edf(edf_file, digital=True,
770                                               verbose=verbose)
772    for new_val, attr in zip(new_values, to_remove):
773        header[attr] = new_val
775    write_edf(new_file, signals, signal_headers, header, digital=True)
776    if verify:
777        compare_edf(edf_file, new_file, verbose=verbose)
778    return True
781def rename_channels(edf_file, mapping, new_file=None, verbose=False):
782    """
783    A convenience function to rename channels in an EDF file.
785    Parameters
786    ----------
787    edf_file : str
788        an string pointing to an edf file.
789    mapping : dict
790         a dictionary with channel mappings as key:value.
791         eg: {'M1-O2':'A1-O2'}
792    new_file : str, optional
793        the new filename. If None will be edf_file + '_renamed'
794        The default is None.
795    verbose : bool, optional
796        print progress or not. The default is False.
798    Returns
799    -------
800    bool
801        True if successful, False if failed.
803    """
804    header = read_edf_header(edf_file)
805    channels = header['channels']
806    if new_file is None:
807        file, ext = os.path.splitext(edf_file)
808        new_file = file + '_renamed' + ext
810    signal_headers = []
811    signals = []
812    for ch_nr in tqdm(range(len(channels)), disable=not verbose):
813        signal, signal_header, _ = read_edf(edf_file, digital=True,
814                                            ch_nrs=ch_nr, verbose=verbose)
815        ch = signal_header[0]['label']
816        if ch in mapping :
817            if verbose: print('{} to {}'.format(ch, mapping[ch]))
818            ch = mapping[ch]
819            signal_header[0]['label']=ch
820        else:
821            if verbose: print('no mapping for {}, leave as it is'.format(ch))
822        signal_headers.append(signal_header[0])
823        signals.append(signal.squeeze())
825    return write_edf(new_file, signals, signal_headers, header, digital=True)
828def change_polarity(edf_file, channels, new_file=None, verify=True,
829                    verbose=False):
830    """
831    Change polarity of certain channels
833    Parameters
834    ----------
835    edf_file : str
836        from which file to change polarity.
837    channels : list of int
838        the indices of the channels.
839    new_file : str, optional
840        where to save the edf with inverted channels. The default is None.
841    verify : bool, optional
842        whether to verify the two edfs for similarity. The default is True.
843    verbose : str, optional
844        print progress or not. The default is True.
846    Returns
847    -------
848    bool
849        True if success.
851    """
853    if new_file is None:
854        new_file = os.path.splitext(edf_file)[0] + '.edf'
856    if isinstance(channels, str): channels=[channels]
857    channels = [c.lower() for c in channels]
859    signals, signal_headers, header = read_edf(edf_file, digital=True,
860                                               verbose=verbose)
861    for i,sig in enumerate(signals):
862        label = signal_headers[i]['label'].lower()
863        if label in channels:
864            if verbose: print('inverting {}'.format(label))
865            signals[i] = -sig
866    write_edf(new_file, signals, signal_headers, header,
867              digital=True, correct=False, verbose=verbose)
868    if verify: compare_edf(edf_file, new_file)
869    return True