1 /*	$NetBSD: rf_pqdegdags.c,v 1.13 2011/08/01 12:28:53 mbalmer Exp $	*/
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * Author: Daniel Stodolsky
7  *
8  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
9  * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
10  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
11  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
12  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
13  *
17  *
18  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
19  *
20  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
21  *  School of Computer Science
22  *  Carnegie Mellon University
23  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
24  *
25  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
26  * rights to redistribute these changes.
27  */
29 /*
30  * rf_pqdegdags.c
31  * Degraded mode dags for double fault cases.
32 */
35 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
36 __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: rf_pqdegdags.c,v 1.13 2011/08/01 12:28:53 mbalmer Exp $");
38 #include "rf_archs.h"
40 #if (RF_INCLUDE_DECL_PQ > 0) || (RF_INCLUDE_RAID6 > 0)
42 #include <dev/raidframe/raidframevar.h>
44 #include "rf_raid.h"
45 #include "rf_dag.h"
46 #include "rf_dagdegrd.h"
47 #include "rf_dagdegwr.h"
48 #include "rf_dagfuncs.h"
49 #include "rf_dagutils.h"
50 #include "rf_etimer.h"
51 #include "rf_acctrace.h"
52 #include "rf_general.h"
53 #include "rf_pqdegdags.h"
54 #include "rf_pq.h"
56 static void
57 applyPDA(RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * pda, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * ppda,
58     RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * qpda, void *bp);
60 /*
61    Two data drives have failed, and we are doing a read that covers one of them.
62    We may also be reading some of the surviving drives.
65  *****************************************************************************************
66  *
67  * creates a DAG to perform a degraded-mode read of data within one stripe.
68  * This DAG is as follows:
69  *
70  *                                      Hdr
71  *                                       |
72  *                                     Block
73  *                       /         /           \         \     \   \
74  *                      Rud  ...  Rud         Rrd  ...  Rrd    Rp  Rq
75  *                      | \       | \         | \       | \    | \ | \
76  *
77  *                                 |                 |
78  *                              Unblock              X
79  *                                  \               /
80  *                                   ------ T ------
81  *
82  * Each R node is a successor of the L node
83  * One successor arc from each R node goes to U, and the other to X
84  * There is one Rud for each chunk of surviving user data requested by the user,
85  * and one Rrd for each chunk of surviving user data _not_ being read by the user
86  * R = read, ud = user data, rd = recovery (surviving) data, p = P data, q = Qdata
87  * X = pq recovery node, T = terminate
88  *
89  * The block & unblock nodes are leftovers from a previous version.  They
90  * do nothing, but I haven't deleted them because it would be a tremendous
91  * effort to put them back in.
92  *
93  * Note:  The target buffer for the XOR node is set to the actual user buffer where the
94  * failed data is supposed to end up.  This buffer is zero'd by the code here.  Thus,
95  * if you create a degraded read dag, use it, and then re-use, you have to be sure to
96  * zero the target buffer prior to the re-use.
97  *
98  * Every buffer read is passed to the pq recovery node, whose job it is to sort out whats
99  * needs and what's not.
100  ****************************************************************************************/
101 /*   init a disk node with 2 successors and one predecessor */
102 #define INIT_DISK_NODE(node,name) \
103 rf_InitNode(node, rf_wait, RF_FALSE, rf_DiskReadFunc, rf_DiskReadUndoFunc, rf_GenericWakeupFunc, 2,1,4,0, dag_h, name, allocList); \
104 (node)->succedents[0] = unblockNode; \
105 (node)->succedents[1] = recoveryNode; \
106 (node)->antecedents[0] = blockNode; \
107 (node)->antType[0] = rf_control
109 #define DISK_NODE_PARAMS(_node_,_p_) \
110   (_node_).params[0].p = _p_ ; \
111   (_node_).params[1].p = (_p_)->bufPtr; \
112   (_node_).params[2].v = parityStripeID; \
113   (_node_).params[3].v = RF_CREATE_PARAM3(RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY, which_ru)
115 #define DISK_NODE_PDA(node)  ((node)->params[0].p)
118 {
119 	rf_DoubleDegRead(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList,
120 	    "Rq", "PQ Recovery", rf_PQDoubleRecoveryFunc);
121 }
123 static void
applyPDA(RF_Raid_t * raidPtr,RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * pda,RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * ppda,RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * qpda,void * bp)124 applyPDA(RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *pda, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *ppda, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *qpda, void *bp)
125 {
126 	RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
127 	RF_RaidAddr_t s0off = rf_StripeUnitOffset(layoutPtr, ppda->startSector);
128 	RF_SectorCount_t s0len = ppda->numSector, len;
129 	RF_SectorNum_t suoffset;
130 	unsigned coeff;
131 	char   *pbuf = ppda->bufPtr;
132 	char   *qbuf = qpda->bufPtr;
133 	char   *buf;
134 	int     delta;
136 	suoffset = rf_StripeUnitOffset(layoutPtr, pda->startSector);
137 	len = pda->numSector;
138 	/* see if pda intersects a recovery pda */
139 	if ((suoffset < s0off + s0len) && (suoffset + len > s0off)) {
140 		buf = pda->bufPtr;
141 		coeff = rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(&(raidPtr->Layout), pda->raidAddress);
142 		coeff = (coeff % raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol);
144 		if (suoffset < s0off) {
145 			delta = s0off - suoffset;
146 			buf += rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(&(raidPtr->Layout), delta);
147 			suoffset = s0off;
148 			len -= delta;
149 		}
150 		if (suoffset > s0off) {
151 			delta = suoffset - s0off;
152 			pbuf += rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(&(raidPtr->Layout), delta);
153 			qbuf += rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(&(raidPtr->Layout), delta);
154 		}
155 		if ((suoffset + len) > (s0len + s0off))
156 			len = s0len + s0off - suoffset;
158 		/* src, dest, len */
159 		rf_bxor(buf, pbuf, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, len), bp);
161 		/* dest, src, len, coeff */
162 		rf_IncQ((unsigned long *) qbuf, (unsigned long *) buf, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, len), coeff);
163 	}
164 }
165 /*
166    Recover data in the case of a double failure. There can be two
167    result buffers, one for each chunk of data trying to be recovered.
168    The params are pda's that have not been range restricted or otherwise
169    politely massaged - this should be done here. The last params are the
170    pdas of P and Q, followed by the raidPtr. The list can look like
172    pda, pda, ... , p pda, q pda, raidptr, asm
174    or
176    pda, pda, ... , p_1 pda, p_2 pda, q_1 pda, q_2 pda, raidptr, asm
178    depending on whether two chunks of recovery data were required.
180    The second condition only arises if there are two failed buffers
181    whose lengths do not add up a stripe unit.
182 */
185 int
rf_PQDoubleRecoveryFunc(RF_DagNode_t * node)186 rf_PQDoubleRecoveryFunc(RF_DagNode_t *node)
187 {
188 	int     np = node->numParams;
189 	RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap = (RF_AccessStripeMap_t *) node->params[np - 1].p;
190 	RF_Raid_t *raidPtr = (RF_Raid_t *) node->params[np - 2].p;
191 	RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = (RF_RaidLayout_t *) & (raidPtr->Layout);
192 	int     d, i;
193 	unsigned coeff;
194 	RF_RaidAddr_t sosAddr, suoffset;
195 	RF_SectorCount_t len, secPerSU = layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
196 	int     two = 0;
197 	RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *ppda, *ppda2, *qpda, *qpda2, *pda, npda;
198 	char   *buf;
199 	int     numDataCol = layoutPtr->numDataCol;
200 	RF_Etimer_t timer;
201 	RF_AccTraceEntry_t *tracerec = node->dagHdr->tracerec;
203 	RF_ETIMER_START(timer);
205 	if (asmap->failedPDAs[1] &&
206 	    (asmap->failedPDAs[1]->numSector + asmap->failedPDAs[0]->numSector < secPerSU)) {
207 		RF_ASSERT(0);
208 		ppda = node->params[np - 6].p;
209 		ppda2 = node->params[np - 5].p;
210 		qpda = node->params[np - 4].p;
211 		qpda2 = node->params[np - 3].p;
212 		d = (np - 6);
213 		two = 1;
214 	} else {
215 		ppda = node->params[np - 4].p;
216 		qpda = node->params[np - 3].p;
217 		d = (np - 4);
218 	}
220 	for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {
221 		pda = node->params[i].p;
222 		buf = pda->bufPtr;
223 		suoffset = rf_StripeUnitOffset(layoutPtr, pda->startSector);
224 		len = pda->numSector;
225 		coeff = rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(layoutPtr, pda->raidAddress);
226 		/* compute the data unit offset within the column */
227 		coeff = (coeff % raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol);
228 		/* see if pda intersects a recovery pda */
229 		applyPDA(raidPtr, pda, ppda, qpda, node->dagHdr->bp);
230 		if (two)
231 			applyPDA(raidPtr, pda, ppda, qpda, node->dagHdr->bp);
232 	}
234 	/* ok, we got the parity back to the point where we can recover. We
235 	 * now need to determine the coeff of the columns that need to be
236 	 * recovered. We can also only need to recover a single stripe unit. */
238 	if (asmap->failedPDAs[1] == NULL) {	/* only a single stripe unit
239 						 * to recover. */
240 		pda = asmap->failedPDAs[0];
241 		sosAddr = rf_RaidAddressOfPrevStripeBoundary(layoutPtr, asmap->raidAddress);
242 		/* need to determine the column of the other failed disk */
243 		coeff = rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(layoutPtr, pda->raidAddress);
244 		/* compute the data unit offset within the column */
245 		coeff = (coeff % raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol);
246 		for (i = 0; i < numDataCol; i++) {
247 			npda.raidAddress = sosAddr + (i * secPerSU);
248 			(raidPtr->Layout.map->MapSector) (raidPtr, npda.raidAddress, &(npda.row), &(npda.col), &(npda.startSector), 0);
249 			/* skip over dead disks */
250 			if (RF_DEAD_DISK(raidPtr->Disks[npda.row][npda.col].status))
251 				if (i != coeff)
252 					break;
253 		}
254 		RF_ASSERT(i < numDataCol);
255 		RF_ASSERT(two == 0);
256 		/* recover the data. Since we need only want to recover one
257 		 * column, we overwrite the parity with the other one. */
258 		if (coeff < i)	/* recovering 'a' */
259 			rf_PQ_recover((unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) pda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, pda->numSector), coeff, i);
260 		else		/* recovering 'b' */
261 			rf_PQ_recover((unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) pda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, pda->numSector), i, coeff);
262 	} else
263 		RF_PANIC();
265 	RF_ETIMER_STOP(timer);
266 	RF_ETIMER_EVAL(timer);
267 	if (tracerec)
268 		tracerec->q_us += RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(timer);
269 	rf_GenericWakeupFunc(node, 0);
270 	return (0);
271 }
273 int
rf_PQWriteDoubleRecoveryFunc(RF_DagNode_t * node)274 rf_PQWriteDoubleRecoveryFunc(RF_DagNode_t *node)
275 {
276 	/* The situation:
277 	 *
278 	 * We are doing a write that hits only one failed data unit. The other
279 	 * failed data unit is not being overwritten, so we need to generate
280 	 * it.
281 	 *
282 	 * For the moment, we assume all the nonfailed data being written is in
283 	 * the shadow of the failed data unit. (i.e,, either a single data
284 	 * unit write or the entire failed stripe unit is being overwritten. )
285 	 *
286 	 * Recovery strategy: apply the recovery data to the parity and q. Use P
287 	 * & Q to recover the second failed data unit in P. Zero fill Q, then
288 	 * apply the recovered data to p. Then apply the data being written to
289 	 * the failed drive. Then walk through the surviving drives, applying
290 	 * new data when it exists, othewise the recovery data. Quite a mess.
291 	 *
292 	 *
293 	 * The params
294 	 *
295 	 * read pda0, read pda1, ... read pda (numDataCol-3), write pda0, ... ,
296 	 * write pda (numStripeUnitAccess - numDataFailed), failed pda,
297 	 * raidPtr, asmap */
299 	int     np = node->numParams;
300 	RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap = (RF_AccessStripeMap_t *) node->params[np - 1].p;
301 	RF_Raid_t *raidPtr = (RF_Raid_t *) node->params[np - 2].p;
302 	RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = (RF_RaidLayout_t *) & (raidPtr->Layout);
303 	int     i;
304 	RF_RaidAddr_t sosAddr;
305 	unsigned coeff;
306 	RF_StripeCount_t secPerSU = layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
307 	RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *ppda, *qpda, *pda, npda;
308 	int     numDataCol = layoutPtr->numDataCol;
309 	RF_Etimer_t timer;
310 	RF_AccTraceEntry_t *tracerec = node->dagHdr->tracerec;
312 	RF_ASSERT(node->numResults == 2);
313 	RF_ASSERT(asmap->failedPDAs[1] == NULL);
314 	RF_ETIMER_START(timer);
315 	ppda = node->results[0];
316 	qpda = node->results[1];
317 	/* apply the recovery data */
318 	for (i = 0; i < numDataCol - 2; i++)
319 		applyPDA(raidPtr, node->params[i].p, ppda, qpda, node->dagHdr->bp);
321 	/* determine the other failed data unit */
322 	pda = asmap->failedPDAs[0];
323 	sosAddr = rf_RaidAddressOfPrevStripeBoundary(layoutPtr, asmap->raidAddress);
324 	/* need to determine the column of the other failed disk */
325 	coeff = rf_RaidAddressToStripeUnitID(layoutPtr, pda->raidAddress);
326 	/* compute the data unit offset within the column */
327 	coeff = (coeff % raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol);
328 	for (i = 0; i < numDataCol; i++) {
329 		npda.raidAddress = sosAddr + (i * secPerSU);
330 		(raidPtr->Layout.map->MapSector) (raidPtr, npda.raidAddress, &(npda.row), &(npda.col), &(npda.startSector), 0);
331 		/* skip over dead disks */
332 		if (RF_DEAD_DISK(raidPtr->Disks[npda.row][npda.col].status))
333 			if (i != coeff)
334 				break;
335 	}
336 	RF_ASSERT(i < numDataCol);
337 	/* recover the data. The column we want to recover we write over the
338 	 * parity. The column we don't care about we dump in q. */
339 	if (coeff < i)		/* recovering 'a' */
340 		rf_PQ_recover((unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, pda->numSector), coeff, i);
341 	else			/* recovering 'b' */
342 		rf_PQ_recover((unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, pda->numSector), i, coeff);
344 	/* OK. The valid data is in P. Zero fill Q, then inc it into it. */
345 	memset(qpda->bufPtr, 0, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, qpda->numSector));
346 	rf_IncQ((unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) ppda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, qpda->numSector), i);
348 	/* now apply all the write data to the buffer */
349 	/* single stripe unit write case: the failed data is only thing we are
350 	 * writing. */
351 	RF_ASSERT(asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed == 1);
352 	/* dest, src, len, coeff */
353 	rf_IncQ((unsigned long *) qpda->bufPtr, (unsigned long *) asmap->failedPDAs[0]->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, qpda->numSector), coeff);
354 	rf_bxor(asmap->failedPDAs[0]->bufPtr, ppda->bufPtr, rf_RaidAddressToByte(raidPtr, ppda->numSector), node->dagHdr->bp);
356 	/* now apply all the recovery data */
357 	for (i = 0; i < numDataCol - 2; i++)
358 		applyPDA(raidPtr, node->params[i].p, ppda, qpda, node->dagHdr->bp);
360 	RF_ETIMER_STOP(timer);
361 	RF_ETIMER_EVAL(timer);
362 	if (tracerec)
363 		tracerec->q_us += RF_ETIMER_VAL_US(timer);
365 	rf_GenericWakeupFunc(node, 0);
366 	return (0);
367 }
369 {
370 	RF_PANIC();
371 }
372 /*
373    Two lost data unit write case.
375    There are really two cases here:
377    (1) The write completely covers the two lost data units.
378        In that case, a reconstruct write that doesn't write the
379        failed data units will do the correct thing. So in this case,
380        the dag looks like
382             full stripe read of surviving data units (not being overwriten)
383 	    write new data (ignoring failed units)   compute P&Q
384 	                                             write P&Q
387    (2) The write does not completely cover both failed data units
388        (but touches at least one of them). Then we need to do the
389        equivalent of a reconstruct read to recover the missing data
390        unit from the other stripe.
392        For any data we are writing that is not in the "shadow"
393        of the failed units, we need to do a four cycle update.
394        PANIC on this case. for now
396 */
399 {
400 	RF_RaidLayout_t *layoutPtr = &(raidPtr->Layout);
401 	RF_SectorCount_t sectorsPerSU = layoutPtr->sectorsPerStripeUnit;
402 	int     sum;
403 	int     nf = asmap->numDataFailed;
405 	sum = asmap->failedPDAs[0]->numSector;
406 	if (nf == 2)
407 		sum += asmap->failedPDAs[1]->numSector;
409 	if ((nf == 2) && (sum == (2 * sectorsPerSU))) {
410 		/* large write case */
411 		rf_PQ_DDLargeWrite(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList);
412 		return;
413 	}
414 	if ((nf == asmap->numStripeUnitsAccessed) || (sum >= sectorsPerSU)) {
415 		/* small write case, no user data not in shadow */
416 		rf_PQ_DDSimpleSmallWrite(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList);
417 		return;
418 	}
419 	RF_PANIC();
420 }
422 {
423 	rf_DoubleDegSmallWrite(raidPtr, asmap, dag_h, bp, flags, allocList, "Rq", "Wq", "PQ Recovery", rf_PQWriteDoubleRecoveryFunc);
424 }
425 #endif				/* (RF_INCLUDE_DECL_PQ > 0) ||
426 				 * (RF_INCLUDE_RAID6 > 0) */