1[ theme ]
2# windows in screen by rows and columns
3# sintax: row = height(width|win, width|win, ...)
4# win can be empty or: help, tree, info, blank,
5# height can be empty, absolute or percent with % at the end
6# width can be like height
7row = (help)
8row = 1(blank)
9row = 60%(tree,60|text)
10row = (,blank)
11row = (info)
12# columns of the tree window
13columns = title,priority,category,deadline
14# colors the first one is the text color the second the background
15# valid colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, transparent
16# or a color defined like: (r, g, b)
17# with r, g and b numbers from 0 to 1000
18color = cyan, transparent
19selected = green, transparent
20help = (756,200,100), blue
21tree = magenta, (134,72,890)
22deadlineMark = red, transparent