1 // This is core/vpgl/vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion.hxx
2 #ifndef vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion_hxx_
3 #define vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion_hxx_
4 //:
5 // \file
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <limits>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include "vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion.h"
11 #include <vgl/vgl_homg_point_2d.h>
12 #include <vgl/vgl_point_2d.h>
14 #ifdef _MSC_VER
15 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
16 #endif
17 template <class T>
apply_distortion(vgl_vector_2d<T> const & x) const18 vgl_vector_2d<T> vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion<T>::apply_distortion(vgl_vector_2d<T> const& x) const{
19   T rsq = x.length();// radial distance
20   rsq *= rsq;
21   T xi = x.x(), yi = x.y();//projection onto the image plane
23   size_t max_k = k_.size();
24   T num = T(1);
25   T den = T(1);
26   T rpow = rsq;
28   if(max_k <= 3){
29     for(size_t k = 0; k<max_k; ++k){
30       num += k_[k]*rpow;
31       rpow *= rsq;
32     }
33   }else if(max_k > 3 && max_k<=6){
34     for(size_t k = 0; k<3; ++ k){
35       num += k_[k]*rpow;
36       rpow *= rsq;
37     }
38     rpow = rsq;
39     for(size_t k = 3; k<max_k; ++k){
40       den += k_[k]*rpow;
41       rpow *= rsq;
42     }
43   }else{
44     std::cout << "more than 6 radial distortion coefficients - not valid  nk = " << max_k << std::endl;
45     return vgl_vector_2d<T>(T(0), T(0));
46   }
47   T fr = num/den;
48   T x_xp = (xi*fr) + T(2)*p1_*xi*yi + p2_*(rsq + T(2)*xi*xi);
49   T x_yp = (yi*fr) + p1_*(rsq + T(2)*yi*yi) + T(2)*p2_*xi*yi;
51   return vgl_vector_2d<T>(x_xp, x_yp);
52 }
53   //: Distort a projected point on the image plane
54 //  Calls the pure virtual radial distortion function
55 template <class T>
56 vgl_homg_point_2d<T>
distort(const vgl_homg_point_2d<T> & point) const57 vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion<T>::distort( const vgl_homg_point_2d<T>& point ) const
58 {
59   vgl_vector_2d<T> x = vgl_point_2d<T>(point) - center_;
60   vgl_vector_2d<T> xp = apply_distortion(x);
61   return vgl_homg_point_2d<T>(center_ + xp);
62 }
65 //: Return the original point that was distorted to this location (inverse of distort)
66 // \param init is an initial guess at the solution for the iterative solver
67 // if \p init is NULL then \p point is used as the initial guess
68 // calls the radial undistortion function
69 template <class T>
70 vgl_homg_point_2d<T>
undistort(const vgl_homg_point_2d<T> & point,const vgl_homg_point_2d<T> * init) const71 vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion<T>::undistort( const vgl_homg_point_2d<T>& point,
72                                                  const vgl_homg_point_2d<T>* init ) const
73 {
74   vgl_point_2d<T> p(point);
75   vgl_vector_2d<T> pr = p-center_;
76   vgl_vector_2d<T> p0 = p-center_;
77   if(init)
78     p0 = vgl_point_2d<T>(*init)-center_;
80   // uses the Newton Method with finite differences for root finding
81   T eps = T(100)*std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
82   T delta = 0.0001;
83   vgl_vector_2d<T> dpx(delta, T(0));
84   vgl_vector_2d<T> dpy(T(0), delta);
85   T large = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
86   vgl_vector_2d<T> del(large, large);
87   unsigned int i = 0;
88   for (; i<100 && fabs(del.x())>eps && fabs(del.y())>eps ; ++i){
89     vgl_vector_2d<T> v0 = apply_distortion(p0);//input point predicted from current solution
90     del = pr-v0; // get the difference vector
91     //compute derivatives for Taylor series
92     vgl_vector_2d<T> dvx = (apply_distortion(p0+dpx)-v0)/delta;
93     vgl_vector_2d<T> dvy = (apply_distortion(p0+dpy)-v0)/delta;
94     // solve the linear system for the update to p0
95     T det = dvx.x()*dvy.y() - dvx.y()*dvy.x();
96     if(fabs(det)<eps){
97       std::cout << "singular system in undistort radial/tangential" << std::endl;
98       return point;
99     }
100     // the delta for new undistorted point relative to the previous solution
101     vgl_vector_2d<T> del_p0((dvy.y()*del.x() - dvx.y()*del.y()),
102                            dvx.x()*del.y() - dvy.x()*del.x());
103 #if 0
104 	std::cout << "pr (" << pr.x() << ' ' << pr.y() << " )" << std::endl;
105 	std::cout << "v0( " << v0.x() << ' ' << v0.y() << " )" << std::endl;
106 	std::cout << "pr-v0( " << del.x() << ' ' << del.y() << " )" << std::endl;
107 	std::cout << "dx'/dx " << dvx.x() << "  dx'/dy " << dvx.y() << std::endl;
108 	std::cout << "dy'/dx " << dvy.x() << "  dy'/dy " << dvy.y() << std::endl;
109 	std::cout << "det " << det << std::endl;
110 #endif
111     del_p0/=det;
112     p0 += del_p0;
113 #if 0
114 	std::cout << "p-p0 " << del_p0.x() << ' ' << del_p0.y() << " )" << std::endl;
115 	std::cout << "v0+ (" << p0.x() << ' ' << p0.y() << " )" << std::endl;
116 	std::cout << "pr (" << pr.x() << ' ' << pr.y() << " )" << std::endl;
117 #endif
118   }
119   if (i >= 100) {
120 	  std::cout << "Newton's methhod failed to converge in undistort" << std::endl;
121 	  return vgl_homg_point_2d<T>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//ideal point
122   }
123   vgl_point_2d<T> temp = center_+p0;
124   return vgl_homg_point_2d<T>(temp);
125 }
127 // Code for easy instantiation.
130 template class vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion<T>
132 #endif // vpgl_radial_tangential_distortion_hxx_