1 /*
2  * Copyright 1993, 1994 Liverpool University Computer Science Department
3  *
4  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
5  * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
6  * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
7  * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
8  * documentation, and that the name of L.U.C.S. not be used in advertising
9  * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
10  * written prior permission. L.U.C.S. makes no representations about the
11  * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
12  * without express or implied warranty.
13  *
14  * FILE NAME:	XbrCreate.h
15  * CREATED:	Fri Nov  5 1993
16  * AUTHOR:	Rik Turnbull (rik@csc.liv.ac.uk)
17  * DESCRIPTION:	Header file for XbrCreate.c
18  *
19  */
22 #define	XBRLIB_XBRCREATE_H		1
24 extern Widget XbrCreateList(Widget, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char,
25   int, unsigned char, int, unsigned char, int, unsigned char, int);
27 extern Widget XbrCreateText(Widget, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, unsigned char,
28   unsigned char, int, unsigned char, int, unsigned char, int, unsigned char,
29   int);
31 #define XbrCreateForm(w) \
32     XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Form", xmFormWidgetClass, w,              \
33       XmNmarginWidth, 5, XmNmarginHeight, 5, NULL)
35 #define XbrCreateFormWH(w, width, height) \
36     XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Form", xmFormWidgetClass, w,                \
37       XmNmarginWidth, 5, XmNmarginHeight, 5, XmNwidth, width, XmNheight, \
38       height, NULL)
40 #define XbrCreateMainW(w, seps, width, height) \
41     XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Main Window", xmMainWindowWidgetClass, w, \
42       XmNshowSeparator, seps, XmNwidth, width, XmNheight, height,      \
43       NULL)
45 #define XbrCreateLabelN(w, name, string, alignment, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt, \
46     rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                            \
47     XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, xmLabelWidgetClass, w,               \
48      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,         \
49      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,        \
50      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,          \
51      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,          \
52      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),  \
53      XmNalignment, alignment, NULL)
55 #define XbrCreateLabel(w, string, alignment, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt, \
56     rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                            \
57     XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Label", xmLabelWidgetClass, w,            \
58      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,         \
59      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,        \
60      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,          \
61      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,          \
62      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),  \
63      XmNalignment, alignment, NULL)
65 #define XbrCreatePBN(w, name, string, alignment, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt,    \
66     rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                                   \
67    XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, xmPushButtonWidgetClass, w,                  \
68      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,                \
69      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,               \
70      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,                 \
71      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,                 \
72      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),         \
73      XmNalignment, alignment, NULL)
75 #define XbrCreatePB(w, string, alignment, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt, rightPos, \
76    topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                                              \
77    XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Push Button", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, w,         \
78      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,                \
79      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,               \
80      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,                 \
81      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,                 \
82      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),         \
83      XmNalignment, alignment, NULL)
85 #define XbrCreateToggleN(w, name, string, set, alignment, leftAt, leftPos,    \
86    rightAt,  rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                          \
87    XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, w,                \
88      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,                \
89      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,               \
90      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,                 \
91      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,                 \
92      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),         \
93      XmNalignment, alignment,      XmNset,            set, NULL)
95 #define XbrCreateToggle(w, string, set, alignment, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt,  \
96    rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                                    \
97    XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Toggle Button", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, w,     \
98      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,   leftPos,                \
99      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,  rightPos,               \
100      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,    topPos,                 \
101      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition, botPos,                 \
102      XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString, string, sizeof(char *),         \
103      XmNalignment, alignment,      XmNset,            set, NULL)
105 #define XbrCreateSep(w, style, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt,               \
106    rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                             \
107    XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Separator", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, w,     \
108      XmNseparatorType,    style,                                       \
109      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,          leftPos,  \
110      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,         rightPos, \
111      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,           topPos,   \
112      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition,        botPos,   \
113      NULL)
115 #define XbrCreateTextF(w, string, editable, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt,  \
116    rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                             \
117    XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Text Field", xmTextFieldWidgetClass, w,    \
118      XmNeditable,         editable,XmNcursorPositionVisible, editable, \
119      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,          leftPos,  \
120      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,         rightPos, \
121      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,           topPos,   \
122      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition,        botPos,   \
123      XmNvalue,            string,  NULL)
125 #define XbrCreateTextFN(w, name, string, editable, leftAt, leftPos, rightAt, \
126    rightPos, topAt, topPos, botAt, botPos)                                   \
127    XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, xmTextFieldWidgetClass, w,                  \
128      XmNeditable,         editable,XmNcursorPositionVisible, editable,       \
129      XmNleftAttachment,   leftAt,  XmNleftPosition,          leftPos,        \
130      XmNrightAttachment,  rightAt, XmNrightPosition,         rightPos,       \
131      XmNtopAttachment,    topAt,   XmNtopPosition,           topPos,         \
132      XmNbottomAttachment, botAt,   XmNbottomPosition,        botPos,         \
133      XmNvalue,            string,  NULL)
136 #endif