1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
3  *
4  * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
5  * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
6  * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
7  * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
8  * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
9  * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10  */
12 #include <assert.h>
13 #include <limits.h>
14 #include <math.h>
16 #include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
17 #include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h"
18 #include "aom_scale/yv12config.h"
19 #include "aom/aom_integer.h"
20 #include "av1/encoder/context_tree.h"
21 #include "av1/encoder/av1_noise_estimate.h"
22 #include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
24 #include "av1/encoder/av1_temporal_denoiser.h"
25 #endif
28 // For SVC: only do noise estimation on top spatial layer.
noise_est_svc(const struct AV1_COMP * const cpi)29 static INLINE int noise_est_svc(const struct AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
30   return (!cpi->ppi->use_svc ||
31           (cpi->ppi->use_svc &&
32            cpi->svc.spatial_layer_id == cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers - 1));
33 }
34 #endif
av1_noise_estimate_init(NOISE_ESTIMATE * const ne,int width,int height)36 void av1_noise_estimate_init(NOISE_ESTIMATE *const ne, int width, int height) {
37   ne->enabled = 0;
38   ne->level = (width * height < 1280 * 720) ? kLowLow : kLow;
39   ne->value = 0;
40   ne->count = 0;
41   ne->thresh = 90;
42   ne->last_w = 0;
43   ne->last_h = 0;
44   if (width * height >= 1920 * 1080) {
45     ne->thresh = 200;
46   } else if (width * height >= 1280 * 720) {
47     ne->thresh = 140;
48   } else if (width * height >= 640 * 360) {
49     ne->thresh = 115;
50   }
51   ne->num_frames_estimate = 15;
52   ne->adapt_thresh = (3 * ne->thresh) >> 1;
53 }
enable_noise_estimation(AV1_COMP * const cpi)55 static int enable_noise_estimation(AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
56   ResizePendingParams *const resize_pending_params =
57       &cpi->resize_pending_params;
58   const int resize_pending =
59       (resize_pending_params->width && resize_pending_params->height &&
60        (cpi->common.width != resize_pending_params->width ||
61         cpi->common.height != resize_pending_params->height));
64   if (cpi->common.seq_params->use_highbitdepth) return 0;
65 #endif
66 // Enable noise estimation if denoising is on.
68   if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi) &&
69       cpi->common.width >= 320 && cpi->common.height >= 180)
70     return 1;
71 #endif
72   // Only allow noise estimate under certain encoding mode.
73   // Enabled for 1 pass CBR, speed >=5, and if resolution is same as original.
74   // Not enabled for SVC mode and screen_content_mode.
75   // Not enabled for low resolutions.
76   if (cpi->oxcf.pass == AOM_RC_ONE_PASS && cpi->oxcf.rc_cfg.mode == AOM_CBR &&
77       cpi->oxcf.q_cfg.aq_mode == CYCLIC_REFRESH_AQ && cpi->oxcf.speed >= 5 &&
78       resize_pending == 0 && !cpi->ppi->use_svc &&
79       cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.content != AOM_CONTENT_SCREEN &&
80       cpi->common.width * cpi->common.height >= 640 * 360)
81     return 1;
82   else
83     return 0;
84 }
copy_frame(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG * const dest,const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG * const src)87 static void copy_frame(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const dest,
88                        const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src) {
89   const uint8_t *srcbuf = src->y_buffer;
90   uint8_t *destbuf = dest->y_buffer;
92   assert(dest->y_width == src->y_width);
93   assert(dest->y_height == src->y_height);
95   for (int r = 0; r < dest->y_height; ++r) {
96     memcpy(destbuf, srcbuf, dest->y_width);
97     destbuf += dest->y_stride;
98     srcbuf += src->y_stride;
99   }
100 }
av1_noise_estimate_extract_level(NOISE_ESTIMATE * const ne)103 NOISE_LEVEL av1_noise_estimate_extract_level(NOISE_ESTIMATE *const ne) {
104   int noise_level = kLowLow;
105   if (ne->value > (ne->thresh << 1)) {
106     noise_level = kHigh;
107   } else {
108     if (ne->value > ne->thresh)
109       noise_level = kMedium;
110     else if (ne->value > (ne->thresh >> 1))
111       noise_level = kLow;
112     else
113       noise_level = kLowLow;
114   }
115   return noise_level;
116 }
av1_update_noise_estimate(AV1_COMP * const cpi)118 void av1_update_noise_estimate(AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
119   const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
120   const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cm->mi_params;
122   NOISE_ESTIMATE *const ne = &cpi->noise_estimate;
123   const int low_res = (cm->width <= 352 && cm->height <= 288);
124   // Estimate of noise level every frame_period frames.
125   int frame_period = 8;
126   int thresh_consec_zeromv = 2;
127   int frame_counter = cm->current_frame.frame_number;
128   // Estimate is between current source and last source.
129   YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *last_source = cpi->last_source;
131   if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi)) {
132     last_source = &cpi->denoiser.last_source;
133     // Tune these thresholds for different resolutions when denoising is
134     // enabled.
135     if (cm->width > 640 && cm->width <= 1920) {
136       thresh_consec_zeromv = 2;
137     }
138   }
139 #endif
140   ne->enabled = enable_noise_estimation(cpi);
141   if (cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers > 1)
142     frame_counter = cpi->svc.current_superframe;
143   if (!ne->enabled || frame_counter % frame_period != 0 ||
144       last_source == NULL ||
145       (cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers == 1 &&
146        (ne->last_w != cm->width || ne->last_h != cm->height))) {
148     if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi))
149       copy_frame(&cpi->denoiser.last_source, cpi->source);
150 #endif
151     if (last_source != NULL) {
152       ne->last_w = cm->width;
153       ne->last_h = cm->height;
154     }
155     return;
156   } else if (frame_counter > 60 && cpi->svc.num_encoded_top_layer > 1 &&
157              cpi->rc.frames_since_key > cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers &&
158              cpi->svc.spatial_layer_id == cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers - 1 &&
159              cpi->rc.avg_frame_low_motion < (low_res ? 60 : 40)) {
160     // Force noise estimation to 0 and denoiser off if content has high motion.
161     ne->level = kLowLow;
162     ne->count = 0;
163     ne->num_frames_estimate = 10;
165     if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi) &&
166         cpi->svc.current_superframe > 1) {
167       av1_denoiser_set_noise_level(cpi, ne->level);
168       copy_frame(&cpi->denoiser.last_source, cpi->source);
169     }
170 #endif
171     return;
172   } else {
173     unsigned int bin_size = 100;
174     unsigned int hist[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS] = { 0 };
175     unsigned int hist_avg[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS];
176     unsigned int max_bin = 0;
177     unsigned int max_bin_count = 0;
178     unsigned int bin_cnt;
179     int bsize = BLOCK_16X16;
180     // Loop over sub-sample of 16x16 blocks of frame, and for blocks that have
181     // been encoded as zero/small mv at least x consecutive frames, compute
182     // the variance to update estimate of noise in the source.
183     const uint8_t *src_y = cpi->source->y_buffer;
184     const int src_ystride = cpi->source->y_stride;
185     const uint8_t *last_src_y = last_source->y_buffer;
186     const int last_src_ystride = last_source->y_stride;
187     int mi_row, mi_col;
188     int num_low_motion = 0;
189     int frame_low_motion = 1;
190     for (mi_row = 0; mi_row < mi_params->mi_rows; mi_row += 2) {
191       for (mi_col = 0; mi_col < mi_params->mi_cols; mi_col += 2) {
192         int bl_index =
193             (mi_row >> 1) * (mi_params->mi_cols >> 1) + (mi_col >> 1);
194         if (cpi->consec_zero_mv[bl_index] > thresh_consec_zeromv)
195           num_low_motion++;
196       }
197     }
198     if (num_low_motion <
199         (((3 * (mi_params->mi_rows * mi_params->mi_cols) >> 2)) >> 3))
200       frame_low_motion = 0;
201     for (mi_row = 0; mi_row < mi_params->mi_rows; mi_row++) {
202       for (mi_col = 0; mi_col < mi_params->mi_cols; mi_col++) {
203         // 16x16 blocks, 1/4 sample of frame.
204         if (mi_row % 8 == 0 && mi_col % 8 == 0 &&
205             mi_row < mi_params->mi_rows - 3 &&
206             mi_col < mi_params->mi_cols - 3) {
207           int bl_index =
208               (mi_row >> 1) * (mi_params->mi_cols >> 1) + (mi_col >> 1);
209           int bl_index1 = bl_index + 1;
210           int bl_index2 = bl_index + (mi_params->mi_cols >> 1);
211           int bl_index3 = bl_index2 + 1;
212           int consec_zeromv =
213               AOMMIN(cpi->consec_zero_mv[bl_index],
214                      AOMMIN(cpi->consec_zero_mv[bl_index1],
215                             AOMMIN(cpi->consec_zero_mv[bl_index2],
216                                    cpi->consec_zero_mv[bl_index3])));
217           // Only consider blocks that are likely steady background. i.e, have
218           // been encoded as zero/low motion x (= thresh_consec_zeromv) frames
219           // in a row. consec_zero_mv[] defined for 8x8 blocks, so consider all
220           // 4 sub-blocks for 16x16 block. And exclude this frame if
221           // high_source_sad is true (i.e., scene/content change).
222           if (frame_low_motion && consec_zeromv > thresh_consec_zeromv &&
223               !cpi->rc.high_source_sad) {
224             unsigned int sse;
225             // Compute variance between co-located blocks from current and
226             // last input frames.
227             unsigned int variance = cpi->ppi->fn_ptr[bsize].vf(
228                 src_y, src_ystride, last_src_y, last_src_ystride, &sse);
229             unsigned int hist_index = variance / bin_size;
230             if (hist_index < MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS)
231               hist[hist_index]++;
232             else if (hist_index < 3 * (MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS >> 1))
233               hist[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 1]++;  // Account for the tail
234           }
235         }
236         src_y += 4;
237         last_src_y += 4;
238       }
239       src_y += (src_ystride << 2) - (mi_params->mi_cols << 2);
240       last_src_y += (last_src_ystride << 2) - (mi_params->mi_cols << 2);
241     }
242     ne->last_w = cm->width;
243     ne->last_h = cm->height;
244     // Adjust histogram to account for effect that histogram flattens
245     // and shifts to zero as scene darkens.
246     if (hist[0] > 10 && (hist[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 1] > hist[0] >> 2)) {
247       hist[0] = 0;
248       hist[1] >>= 2;
249       hist[2] >>= 2;
250       hist[3] >>= 2;
251       hist[4] >>= 1;
252       hist[5] >>= 1;
253       hist[6] = 3 * hist[6] >> 1;
254       hist[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 1] >>= 1;
255     }
257     // Average hist[] and find largest bin
258     for (bin_cnt = 0; bin_cnt < MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS; bin_cnt++) {
259       if (bin_cnt == 0)
260         hist_avg[bin_cnt] = (hist[0] + hist[1] + hist[2]) / 3;
261       else if (bin_cnt == MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 1)
262         hist_avg[bin_cnt] = hist[MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 1] >> 2;
263       else if (bin_cnt == MAX_VAR_HIST_BINS - 2)
264         hist_avg[bin_cnt] = (hist[bin_cnt - 1] + 2 * hist[bin_cnt] +
265                              (hist[bin_cnt + 1] >> 1) + 2) >>
266                             2;
267       else
268         hist_avg[bin_cnt] =
269             (hist[bin_cnt - 1] + 2 * hist[bin_cnt] + hist[bin_cnt + 1] + 2) >>
270             2;
272       if (hist_avg[bin_cnt] > max_bin_count) {
273         max_bin_count = hist_avg[bin_cnt];
274         max_bin = bin_cnt;
275       }
276     }
277     // Scale by 40 to work with existing thresholds
278     ne->value = (int)((3 * ne->value + max_bin * 40) >> 2);
279     // Quickly increase VNR strength when the noise level increases suddenly.
280     if (ne->level < kMedium && ne->value > ne->adapt_thresh) {
281       ne->count = ne->num_frames_estimate;
282     } else {
283       ne->count++;
284     }
285     if (ne->count == ne->num_frames_estimate) {
286       // Reset counter and check noise level condition.
287       ne->num_frames_estimate = 30;
288       ne->count = 0;
289       ne->level = av1_noise_estimate_extract_level(ne);
291       if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi))
292         av1_denoiser_set_noise_level(cpi, ne->level);
293 #endif
294     }
295   }
297   if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 && noise_est_svc(cpi))
298     copy_frame(&cpi->denoiser.last_source, cpi->source);
299 #endif
300 }