1 // Copyright 2016 The Draco Authors.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
14 //
18 #include <unordered_map>
19 #include <unordered_set>
21 #include "draco/compression/attributes/mesh_attribute_indices_encoding_data.h"
22 #include "draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_decoder_impl_interface.h"
23 #include "draco/compression/mesh/mesh_edgebreaker_shared.h"
24 #include "draco/compression/mesh/traverser/mesh_traversal_sequencer.h"
25 #include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h"
26 #include "draco/draco_features.h"
27 #include "draco/mesh/corner_table.h"
28 #include "draco/mesh/mesh_attribute_corner_table.h"
30 namespace draco {
32 // Implementation of the edgebreaker decoder that decodes data encoded with the
33 // MeshEdgebreakerEncoderImpl class. The implementation of the decoder is based
34 // on the algorithm presented in Isenburg et al'02 "Spirale Reversi: Reverse
35 // decoding of the Edgebreaker encoding". Note that the encoding is still based
36 // on the standard edgebreaker method as presented in "3D Compression
37 // Made Simple: Edgebreaker on a Corner-Table" by Rossignac at al.'01.
38 // http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~jarek/papers/CornerTableSMI.pdf. One difference is
39 // caused by the properties of the spirale reversi algorithm that decodes the
40 // symbols from the last one to the first one. To make the decoding more
41 // efficient, we encode all symbols in the reverse order, therefore the decoder
42 // can process them one by one.
43 // The main advantage of the spirale reversi method is that the partially
44 // decoded mesh has valid connectivity data at any time during the decoding
45 // process (valid with respect to the decoded portion of the mesh). The standard
46 // Edgebreaker decoder used two passes (forward decoding + zipping) which not
47 // only prevented us from having a valid connectivity but it was also slower.
48 // The main benefit of having the valid connectivity is that we can use the
49 // known connectivity to predict encoded symbols that can improve the
50 // compression rate.
51 template <class TraversalDecoderT>
52 class MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl : public MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImplInterface {
53  public:
54   MeshEdgebreakerDecoderImpl();
55   bool Init(MeshEdgebreakerDecoder *decoder) override;
57   const MeshAttributeCornerTable *GetAttributeCornerTable(
58       int att_id) const override;
59   const MeshAttributeIndicesEncodingData *GetAttributeEncodingData(
60       int att_id) const override;
62   bool CreateAttributesDecoder(int32_t att_decoder_id) override;
63   bool DecodeConnectivity() override;
64   bool OnAttributesDecoded() override;
GetDecoder()65   MeshEdgebreakerDecoder *GetDecoder() const override { return decoder_; }
GetCornerTable()66   const CornerTable *GetCornerTable() const override {
67     return corner_table_.get();
68   }
70  private:
71   // Creates a vertex traversal sequencer for the specified |TraverserT| type.
72   template <class TraverserT>
73   std::unique_ptr<PointsSequencer> CreateVertexTraversalSequencer(
74       MeshAttributeIndicesEncodingData *encoding_data);
76   // Decodes connectivity between vertices (vertex indices).
77   // Returns the number of vertices created by the decoder or -1 on error.
78   int DecodeConnectivity(int num_symbols);
80   // Returns true if the current symbol was part of a topology split event. This
81   // means that the current face was connected to the left edge of a face
82   // encoded with the TOPOLOGY_S symbol. |out_symbol_edge| can be used to
83   // identify which edge of the source symbol was connected to the TOPOLOGY_S
84   // symbol.
IsTopologySplit(int encoder_symbol_id,EdgeFaceName * out_face_edge,int * out_encoder_split_symbol_id)85   bool IsTopologySplit(int encoder_symbol_id, EdgeFaceName *out_face_edge,
86                        int *out_encoder_split_symbol_id) {
87     if (topology_split_data_.size() == 0) {
88       return false;
89     }
90     if (topology_split_data_.back().source_symbol_id >
91         static_cast<uint32_t>(encoder_symbol_id)) {
92       // Something is wrong; if the desired source symbol is greater than the
93       // current encoder_symbol_id, we missed it, or the input was tampered
94       // (|encoder_symbol_id| keeps decreasing).
95       // Return invalid symbol id to notify the decoder that there was an
96       // error.
97       *out_encoder_split_symbol_id = -1;
98       return true;
99     }
100     if (topology_split_data_.back().source_symbol_id != encoder_symbol_id) {
101       return false;
102     }
103     *out_face_edge =
104         static_cast<EdgeFaceName>(topology_split_data_.back().source_edge);
105     *out_encoder_split_symbol_id = topology_split_data_.back().split_symbol_id;
106     // Remove the latest split event.
107     topology_split_data_.pop_back();
108     return true;
109   }
111   // Decodes event data for hole and topology split events and stores them for
112   // future use.
113   // Returns the number of parsed bytes, or -1 on error.
114   int32_t DecodeHoleAndTopologySplitEvents(DecoderBuffer *decoder_buffer);
116   // Decodes all non-position attribute connectivity on the currently
117   // processed face.
119   bool DecodeAttributeConnectivitiesOnFaceLegacy(CornerIndex corner);
120 #endif
121   bool DecodeAttributeConnectivitiesOnFace(CornerIndex corner);
123   // Initializes mapping between corners and point ids.
124   bool AssignPointsToCorners(int num_connectivity_verts);
IsFaceVisited(CornerIndex corner_id)126   bool IsFaceVisited(CornerIndex corner_id) const {
127     if (corner_id < 0) {
128       return true;  // Invalid corner signalizes that the face does not exist.
129     }
130     return visited_faces_[corner_table_->Face(corner_id).value()];
131   }
SetOppositeCorners(CornerIndex corner_0,CornerIndex corner_1)133   void SetOppositeCorners(CornerIndex corner_0, CornerIndex corner_1) {
134     corner_table_->SetOppositeCorner(corner_0, corner_1);
135     corner_table_->SetOppositeCorner(corner_1, corner_0);
136   }
138   MeshEdgebreakerDecoder *decoder_;
140   std::unique_ptr<CornerTable> corner_table_;
142   // Stack used for storing corners that need to be traversed when decoding
143   // mesh vertices. New corner is added for each initial face and a split
144   // symbol, and one corner is removed when the end symbol is reached.
145   // Stored as member variable to prevent frequent memory reallocations when
146   // handling meshes with lots of disjoint components.  Originally, we used
147   // recursive functions to handle this behavior, but that can cause stack
148   // memory overflow when compressing huge meshes.
149   std::vector<CornerIndex> corner_traversal_stack_;
151   // Array stores the number of visited visited for each mesh traversal.
152   std::vector<int> vertex_traversal_length_;
154   // List of decoded topology split events.
155   std::vector<TopologySplitEventData> topology_split_data_;
157   // List of decoded hole events.
158   std::vector<HoleEventData> hole_event_data_;
160   // Configuration of the initial face for each mesh component.
161   std::vector<bool> init_face_configurations_;
163   // Initial corner for each traversal.
164   std::vector<CornerIndex> init_corners_;
166   // Id of the last processed input symbol.
167   int last_symbol_id_;
169   // Id of the last decoded vertex.
170   int last_vert_id_;
172   // Id of the last decoded face.
173   int last_face_id_;
175   // Array for marking visited faces.
176   std::vector<bool> visited_faces_;
177   // Array for marking visited vertices.
178   std::vector<bool> visited_verts_;
179   // Array for marking vertices on open boundaries.
180   std::vector<bool> is_vert_hole_;
182   // The number of new vertices added by the encoder (because of non-manifold
183   // vertices on the input mesh).
184   // If there are no non-manifold edges/vertices on the input mesh, this should
185   // be 0.
186   int num_new_vertices_;
187   // For every newly added vertex, this array stores it's mapping to the
188   // parent vertex id of the encoded mesh.
189   std::unordered_map<int, int> new_to_parent_vertex_map_;
190   // The number of vertices that were encoded (can be different from the number
191   // of vertices of the input mesh).
192   int num_encoded_vertices_;
194   // Array for storing the encoded corner ids in the order their associated
195   // vertices were decoded.
196   std::vector<int32_t> processed_corner_ids_;
198   // Array storing corners in the order they were visited during the
199   // connectivity decoding (always storing the tip corner of each newly visited
200   // face).
201   std::vector<int> processed_connectivity_corners_;
203   MeshAttributeIndicesEncodingData pos_encoding_data_;
205   // Id of an attributes decoder that uses |pos_encoding_data_|.
206   int pos_data_decoder_id_;
208   // Data for non-position attributes used by the decoder.
209   struct AttributeData {
AttributeDataAttributeData210     AttributeData() : decoder_id(-1), is_connectivity_used(true) {}
211     // Id of the attribute decoder that was used to decode this attribute data.
212     int decoder_id;
213     MeshAttributeCornerTable connectivity_data;
214     // Flag that can mark the connectivity_data invalid. In such case the base
215     // corner table of the mesh should be used instead.
216     bool is_connectivity_used;
217     MeshAttributeIndicesEncodingData encoding_data;
218     // Opposite corners to attribute seam edges.
219     std::vector<int32_t> attribute_seam_corners;
220   };
221   std::vector<AttributeData> attribute_data_;
223   TraversalDecoderT traversal_decoder_;
224 };
226 }  // namespace draco