1 /***************************************************************************
3     copyright            : (C) 2006 by mean
4     email                : fixounet@free.fr
5  ***************************************************************************/
7 /***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  ***************************************************************************/
15 #ifndef ADM_PTRQUEUE_H
16 #define ADM_PTRQUEUE_H
18 template <class T>
19 class ADM_ptrQueue
20 {
22 typedef struct queueElem
23 {
24   queueElem   *next;
25   void        *data;
26 }queueElem;
28   protected:
29     queueElem *head;
30     queueElem *tail;
31   public:
ADM_ptrQueue()32             ADM_ptrQueue()
33             {
34                 head=NULL;
35                 tail=NULL;
36             }
~ADM_ptrQueue()37             ~ADM_ptrQueue()
38             {
39                  if(head)
40                 {
41                   ADM_warning(">>>>>>> Warning queue is not empty <<<<<<<\n");
42                 }
43             }
isEmpty(void)44     bool isEmpty(void)
45     {
46           if(head) return 0;
47           ADM_assert(!tail);
48           return 1;
49     }
clear()50     bool clear()
51     {
52         queueElem *elem=head;
53         while(elem)
54         {
55             queueElem *c=elem;
56             elem=elem->next;
57             delete c;
58         }
59         head=tail=NULL;
60         return true;
61     }
push(T * data)62     bool push(T *data)
63     {
64         queueElem *elem=new queueElem;
66         elem->next=NULL;
67         elem->data=data;
68         if(!head)
69         {
70           head=tail=elem;
71           return 1;
72         }
73         ADM_assert(tail);
74         tail->next=elem;
75         tail=elem;
76         return 1;
77       }
pushBack(T * data)78     bool pushBack(T *data)
79     {
80         queueElem *elem=new queueElem;
81         elem->next=NULL;
82         elem->data=data;
84         if(tail)
85         {
86             tail->next=elem;
87             tail=elem;
88         }else
89         {
90             head=tail=elem;
91         }
92         return true;
93     }
pop()94     T *pop()
95     {
96         T* r=NULL;
97          ADM_assert(head);
98          if(isEmpty()) return NULL;
99          r=(T*)head->data;
100          queueElem *tmp=head;
101          head=head->next;
102          if(!head)
103          {
104               head=tail=NULL;
105          }
106          delete tmp;
107          return r;
108     }
popBack()109      T *popBack()
110     {
111          queueElem *h;
112          T *r;
113          if(isEmpty()) return NULL;
114          ADM_assert(head);
115          ADM_assert(tail);
117          r=(T *)tail->data;
119          if(head==tail) // only one element..
120          {
121              delete tail;
122              head=tail=NULL;
123              return r;
124          }
126          h=head;
127          while(h->next!=tail)
128          {
129              h=h->next;
130              ADM_assert(h);
131          }
132          // h is now the one before the last
133          h->next=NULL;
134          delete tail;
135          tail=h;
136          return r;
137     }
139 };
143 #endif