1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2019, Intel Corporation
3 *
4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
5 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
6 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
7 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
8 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
9 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10 *
11 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
12 * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13 *
21 */
22 //!
23 //! \file     mos_interface.h
24 //! \brief    MOS interface definition
25 //!
26 //! Device level: OsDeviceContext in device/Libva context.
27 //!               The global level of entire media driver instance in user space.
28 //!               There could be multiple devices in a single process.
29 //! Stream level: OsStreamState in Hal instances (Codec pipeline, VP pipeline, CM device, CP session, etc)
30 //!               Each Hal instance can have an OsStreamState to indicate that stream's state specific to OS.
31 //!               Each Device can have multiple streams.
32 //!               All OsStreamStates must be binded with a valid OsDeviceContext to indicate the inclusion relationship
33 //!               between device and stream in DDI
34 //!
35 //! MOS interface provide following OS services: (OS services are abstracted and diff OS behavior is tranparent to MOS customers)
36 //! 1) Workload scheduling (GPU context, cmdbuffer, sync, virtual engine, etc)
37 //! 2) Resource managment (Graphic resource, external resource)
38 //! 3) Utilities (Abstraction of generalized system call)
39 //! 4) Performance interface
40 //! 5) Debug interface
41 //!
42 //! Caller: DDI, Media interface, HAL, MHW
43 //! Any interface func returning MOS_STATUS_UNKNOWN mean Device level is go into unstable situation.
44 //! Caller needs to make sure exiting properly.
47 #ifndef __MOS_INTERFACE_H__
48 #define __MOS_INTERFACE_H__
50 #include "mos_defs.h"
51 #include "mos_os.h"
53 class GpuContextSpecificNext;
59 class MosInterface
60 {
61 protected:
62     //!
63     //! \brief   Destructor
64     //! \details There is no members in Mos Interface, it's pure interface.
65     //!          Never call the Destructor of Mos interface
66     //!
67     ~MosInterface() = default;
69     //!
70     //! \brief   Constructor
71     //! \details There is no members in Mos Interface, it's pure interface.
72     //!          Never call the Constructor of Mos interface
73     //!
74     MosInterface() = default;
76 public:
77     //!
78     //! \brief    Create Os Device Context
79     //! \details  Create the Os Device Context in device level.
80     //! \details  Caller: DDI only.
81     //! \details  The Os Device Context is a singleton in the device, DDI must make sure call this only once.
82     //!           If the creation failed, DDI must yield to continue the initialization of device.
83     //!
84     //! \param    [in] ddiDeviceContext
85     //!           Pointer of device context in DDI to init Os Device Context
86     //! \param    [out] deviceContext
87     //!           Handle of Os Device Context to create. If creation failed, it is INVALID_HANLE.
88     //!           OsDeviceContext is a device level singleton which stores the states, info specific to OS.
89     //!           It contain sub modules of MOS to transfer OS specific services to OS agnositic abstractions.
90     //!
91     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
92     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
93     //!
94     static MOS_STATUS CreateOsDeviceContext(DDI_DEVICE_CONTEXT ddiDeviceContext, MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE *deviceContext);
96     //!
97     //! \brief    Destroy Os Device Context
98     //! \details  Destroy the Os Device Context in device level
99     //! \details  Caller: DDI only.
100     //!
101     //! \param    [in] deviceContext
102     //!           Handle of Os Device Context to Destroy
103     //!
104     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
105     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
106     //!
107     static MOS_STATUS DestroyOsDeviceContext(MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceContext);
109     //!
110     //! \brief    Create Os Stream State
111     //! \details  Create the Os Stream State in stream level.
112     //! \details  Caller: DDI
113     //! \details  In DDI, one stream (Hal instance) can only create one Os Stream State corresponding to it.
114     //!           Os Stream state directly created by DDI is not corresponding any streams (Hal instances)
115     //!
116     //! \param    [out] streamState
117     //!           Handle of Os Stream State to create. If creation failed, it is INVALID_HANLE.
118     //!           OsStreamState is a stream level state which stores the flags, info specific to OS specfic to that stream.
119     //!           It is be binded with a valid OsDeviceContext to indicate the inclusion relationship between device and stream.
120     //!
121     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
122     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
123     //!
124     static MOS_STATUS CreateOsStreamState(
125         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE *streamState,
126         MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceContext);
128     //!
129     //! \brief    Destroy Os Stream State
130     //! \details  Destroy the Os Stream State in stream level
131     //! \details  Caller: DDI
132     //!
133     //! \param    [in] streamState
134     //!           Handle of Os Stream State to Destroy
135     //!
136     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
137     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
138     //!
139     static MOS_STATUS DestroyOsStreamState(
140         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
142     //!
143     //! \brief    Get OS runtime interface version
144     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get OS runtime interface version
145     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
146     //! \details  Only DDI can derive diff behavior due to OS runtime interface version
147     //!
148     //! \param    [in] deviceContext
149     //!           Handle of Os Device Context
150     //!
151     //! \return   uint32_t
152     //!           Read-only OS runtime interface version, it's meaning diff from OS and API
153     //!
154     static uint32_t GetInterfaceVersion(MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceContext);
156     //!
157     //! \brief    Get Platform
158     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get Get Platform information
159     //! \details  Caller: DDI & HAL & MHW
160     //! \details  This func is called in DDI only to generate hal instance stand for specific platform.
161     //!           This func can be used in HAL & MHW to get platfrom detailed info to judge the path of different behavior.
162     //!
163     //! \param    [in] streamState
164     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
165     //!
166     //! \return   PLATFORM
167     //!           Gfx driver shared enum of platform got. Read-only.
168     //!
169     static PLATFORM *GetPlatform(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
171     //!
172     //! \brief    Get SkuTable
173     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get Sku Table
174     //! \details  Caller: DDI & HAL & MHW
175     //! \details  This func is called to differentiate the behavior according to SKU table.
176     //!
177     //! \param    [in] streamState
178     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
179     //!
180     //! \return   MEDIA_FEATURE_TABLE*
181     //!           Read-only SKU table got, nullptr if failed to get
182     //!
183     static MEDIA_FEATURE_TABLE *GetSkuTable(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
185     //!
186     //! \brief    Get WaTable
187     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get WA Table
188     //! \details  Caller: DDI & HAL & MHW
189     //! \details  This func is called to differentiate the behavior according to WA table.
190     //!
191     //! \param    [in] streamState
192     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
193     //!
194     //! \return   MEDIA_WA_TABLE*
195     //!           Read-only WA table got, nullptr if failed to get
196     //!
197     static MEDIA_WA_TABLE *GetWaTable(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
199     //!
200     //! \brief    Get Gt System Info
201     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get Gt System Info
202     //! \details  Caller: HAL & MHW
203     //! \details  This func is called to differentiate the behavior according to Gt System Info.
204     //!
205     //! \param    [in] streamState
206     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
207     //!
208     //! \return   MEDIA_SYSTEM_INFO*
209     //!           Read-only GT system info got, nullptr if failed to get
210     //!
211     static MEDIA_SYSTEM_INFO *GetGtSystemInfo(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
213     //!
214     //! \brief    Get Adapter Info
215     //! \details  [System info Interface] Get Adapter Info
216     //! \details  Caller: DDI & HAL
217     //! \details  This func is called to differentiate the behavior according to Adapter Info.
218     //!
219     //! \param    [in] streamState
220     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
221     //!
222     //! \return   ADAPTER_INFO*
223     //!           Read-only Adapter Info got, nullptr if failed to get
224     //!
225     static ADAPTER_INFO *GetAdapterInfo(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
227     //!
228     //! \brief    Get current gmmclientcontext
229     //! \details  Get current gmmclientcontext
230     //! \param    PMOS_INTERFACE pOsInterface
231     //!           [in] OS Interface
232     //! \return   GMM_CLIENT_CONTEXT
233     //!           Current gmmclientcontext
234     //!
235     static GMM_CLIENT_CONTEXT *GetGmmClientContext(
236         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
238     //!
239     //! \brief    Create Gpu Context
240     //! \details  [GPU Context Interface] Create Gpu Context to submit cmdbuffers
241     //! \details  Caller: HAL (Media Context) only
242     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) needs a SW queue to submit cmd buffers programmed with GPU cmds.
243     //! \details  This queue contain options to indicate the properties of virtual GPU engine to execute these cmds.
244     //! \details  Caller can use Usage & option & GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE to track and re-use the GPU contexts.
245     //!
246     //! \param    [in] streamState
247     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
248     //! \param    [in] createOption
249     //!           Properties of Gpu context to create. They stand for the request from HAL on the Gpu context.
250     //!           The request include engine type, pipe count, restrictions, etc.
251     //! \param    [out] gpuContext
252     //!           Handle of gpu Context created. If creation failed, it is INVALID_HANLE
253     //!           GPU context stands for a SW queue in user space to submit cmd buffers FIFO.
254     //!
255     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
256     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
257     //!
258     static MOS_STATUS CreateGpuContext(
259         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
260         GpuContextCreateOption &createOption,
261         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE &gpuContext);
263     //!
264     //! \brief    Destroy Gpu Context
265     //! \details  [GPU Context Interface] Destroy Gpu Context to submit cmdbuffers
266     //! \details  Caller: HAL (Media Context) only
267     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) never needs this SW queue to submit cmd buffers
268     //! \details  This func is called only in the destruction stage of Hal instance.
269     //!           Never should be SetGpuContext called to set destroied Gpu Context.
270     //!
271     //! \param    [in] streamState
272     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
273     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
274     //!           Handle of gpu Context to destroy.
275     //!
276     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
277     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
278     //!
279     static MOS_STATUS DestroyGpuContext(
280         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
281         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
283     //!
284     //! \brief    Set Gpu Context
285     //! \details  [GPU Context Interface] Set current Gpu Context to submit cmd buffers for the stream(Hal instance)
286     //! \details  Caller: HAL (Media Context) only
287     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) needs an existing GPU context to submit cmd buffers.
288     //! \details  Current GPU context is the major state of Os Stream State.
289     //! \details  Before getting a cmd buffer to program GPU cmds, a valid GPU context must be setted into the stream.
290     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer -> AddCommand ...
291     //!           -> ReturnCommandBuffer -> SubmitCommandBuffer -> SetGpuContext ...
292     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
293     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
294     //!
295     //! \param    [in] streamState
296     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
297     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
298     //!           Current handle of gpu Context to set.
299     //!
300     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
301     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
302     //!
303     static MOS_STATUS SetGpuContext(
304         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
305         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
307     //!
308     //! \brief    Add Command
309     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Add gpu commands into cmd buffer
310     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
311     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) adds gpu cmds into cmd buffer.
312     //! \details  Before getting a cmd buffer to program GPU cmds, a valid GPU context must be setted into the stream.
313     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer -> AddCommand ...
314     //!           -> ReturnCommandBuffer -> SubmitCommandBuffer -> SetGpuContext ...
315     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
316     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
317     //!
318     //! \param    [in] cmdBuffer
319     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to add cmd. cmd buffer handle can be get by calling GetCommandBuffer.
320     //! \param    [in] cmd
321     //!           Pointer to the memory to indicate cmd, caller must make sure it's valid.
322     //! \param    [in] cmdSize
323     //!           Size of cmd to program.
324     //!
325     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
326     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
327     //!
328     static MOS_STATUS AddCommand(
329         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer,
330         const void *cmd,
331         uint32_t   cmdSize);
334     //!
335     //! \brief    Dump Command Buffer
336     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Dump an existing cmd buffer
337     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
338     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) needs to dump cmd buffer.
339     //! \details  Only after ReturnCommandBuffer can Command Buffer being dumped
340     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
341     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
342     //!
343     //! \param    [in] streamState
344     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
345     //! \param    [in] cmdBuffer
346     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to add cmd. cmd buffer handle can be get by calling GetCommandBuffer.
347     //!
348     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
349     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
350     //!
351     static MOS_STATUS DumpCommandBuffer(
352         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
353         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer);
356     //!
357     //! \brief    Get Command Buffer
358     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Get current cmd buffer to program based on streamState
359     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
360     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) needs to get a cmd buffer corresponding to current GPU context in os stream state.
361     //! \details  Before getting a cmd buffer to program GPU cmds, a valid GPU context must be setted into the stream.
362     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer -> AddCommand ...
363     //!           -> ReturnCommandBuffer -> SubmitCommandBuffer -> SetGpuContext ...
364     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
365     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
366     //!
367     //! \param    [in] streamState
368     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
369     //! \param    [out] cmdBuffer
370     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to get. If get failed, it is INVALID_HANLE.
371     //! \param    [in] pipeIdx
372     //!           Pipe index to indicate which pipe's cmdbuffer to get.
373     //!           In frame split, pipe index is indicated to get secondary cmd buffers. They are cmd buffers split to different engines.
374     //!
375     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
376     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
377     //!
378     static MOS_STATUS GetCommandBuffer(
379         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
380         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE &cmdBuffer,
381         uint32_t pipeIdx = 0);
383     //!
384     //! \brief    Return Command Buffer
385     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Return current cmd buffer to the MOS
386     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
387     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) finished add cmds into a cmd buffer.
388     //! \details  ReturnCommandBuffer must be called before submit cmd buffer. MOS will do necessary operations in this interface.
389     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer -> AddCommand ...
390     //!           -> ReturnCommandBuffer -> SubmitCommandBuffer -> SetGpuContext ...
391     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
392     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
393     //!
394     //! \param    [in] streamState
395     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
396     //! \param    [in] cmdBuffer
397     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to return.
398     //! \param    [in] pipeIdx
399     //!           Pipe index to indicate which pipe's cmdbuffer to get.
400     //!           In frame split, pipe index is indicated to get secondary cmd buffers. They are cmd buffers split to different engines.
401     //!
402     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
403     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
404     //!
405     static MOS_STATUS ReturnCommandBuffer(
406         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
407         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer,
408         uint32_t pipeIdx = 0);
410     //!
411     //! \brief    Submit Command Buffer
412     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Submit current cmd buffer to current GPU context queue.
413     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
414     //! \details  When a stream (Hal instance) call this interface, cmd buffer is enqueued into current GPU context in streamState.
415     //! \details  OS runtime and KMD will schedule the workload. HW cmds in the cmd buffer will be executed in HW engines.
416     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer -> AddCommand ...
417     //!           -> ReturnCommandBuffer -> SubmitCommandBuffer -> SetGpuContext ...
418     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
419     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
420     //! \details  Cmd buffer execution in GPU context is async with Hal programming. Return of this interface does not guarantee finish executing actual cmds.
421     //!
422     //! \param    [in] streamState
423     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
424     //! \param    [in] cmdBuffer
425     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to Submit.
426     //!           If there is frame split case (more than 1 pipe) in current GPU context queue, this is primary cmd buffer handle.
427     //! \param    [in] nullRendering
428     //!           Flag to indicate if not actually submit workload into HW.
429     //!
430     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
431     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
432     //!
433     static MOS_STATUS SubmitCommandBuffer(
434         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
435         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer,
436         bool nullRendering = false);
438     //!
439     //! \brief    Reset Command Buffer
440     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Reset cmd buffer to the initialized state.
441     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
442     //! \details  ResetCommandBuffer can be called after a stream (Hal instance) call GetCommandBuffer.
443     //! \details  OS runtime and KMD will schedule the workload. HW cmds in the cmd buffer will be executed in HW engines.
444     //! \details  Calling sequence is like: SetGpuContext -> GetCommandBuffer (-> ResetCommandBuffer) -> AddCommand ...
445     //! \details  If Current GPU context is never set, all command buffer / resource interfaces cannot be used.
446     //!           (They will return MOS_STATUS_INVALID_GPU_CONTEXT)
447     //! \details  Cmd buffer reset means stream starts to program a new set of cmds into a cmd buffer got.
448     //!           This interface must not be called when the cmd buffer already programed cmds and not submitted unless the stream needs to drop these cmds.
449     //!
450     //! \param    [in] streamState
451     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
452     //! \param    [in, out] cmdBuffer
453     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to reset.
454     //!           If there is frame split case (more than 1 pipe) in current GPU context queue, this is primary cmd buffer handle.
455     //!
456     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
457     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
458     //!
459     static MOS_STATUS ResetCommandBuffer(
460         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
461         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer);
463     //!
464     //! \brief    Verify Command Buffer Size
465     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Check if cmd buffer size is larger than the requested size
466     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
467     //!
468     //! \param    [in] streamState
469     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
470     //! \param    [in, out] cmdBuffer
471     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to verify size
472     //! \param    [in] requestedSize
473     //!           Requested size
474     //! \param    [in] pipeIdx
475     //!           Pipe index to indicate which pipe's cmdbuffer to verify.
476     //!           In frame split, pipe index is indicated to get secondary cmd buffers. They are cmd buffers split to different engines.
477     //!
478     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
479     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, MOS_STATUS_UNKNOWN if size does not meet the requirment, otherwise failed
480     //!
481     static MOS_STATUS VerifyCommandBufferSize(
482         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
483         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer,
484         uint32_t requestedSize,
485         uint32_t pipeIdx = 0);
487     //!
488     //! \brief    Resize Command Buffer and Patch List
489     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Resize the cmd buffer to contain more cmds. Resize the patch list to have more resource.s
490     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
491     //! \details  ResizeCommandBuffer can be called at any time if providing valid a cmd buffer.
492     //!           When cmds number to be added is increased, this interface needs to be called.
493     //!           MOS will make sure the existing cmds copied to the resized cmd buffer.
494     //!           Patch list contain the entries to patch cmds. When cmds number to be added is increased, this interface needs to be called.
495     //! \details  Recommand to call this interface only once for a specific cmd buffer with a conservative requestedSize.
496     //!
497     //! \param    [in] streamState
498     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
499     //! \param    [in, out] cmdBuffer
500     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to resize.
501     //! \param    [in] requestedSize
502     //!           Requested size. If the size already larger than the requirement, no operations is done to cmd buffer.
503     //! \param    [in] requestedPatchListSize
504     //!           Requested patch list size. If the size already larger than the requirement, no operations is done to cmd buffer.
505     //! \param    [in] pipeIdx
506     //!           Pipe index to indicate which pipe's cmdbuffer to resize.
507     //!           In frame split, pipe index is indicated to get secondary cmd buffers. They are cmd buffers split to different engines.
508     //!
509     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
510     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
511     //!
512     static MOS_STATUS ResizeCommandBufferAndPatchList(
513         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
514         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer,
515         uint32_t requestedSize,
516         uint32_t requestedPatchListSize,
517         uint32_t pipeIdx = 0);
519     //!
520     //! \brief    Set Patch Entry
521     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Set a patch entry in cmd buffer.
522     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
523     //! \details  This interface is called only when adding a resource into a cmd.
524     //!           The entries in cmd buffer indicate the gfx address to be patched.
525     //!
526     //! \param    [in] streamState
527     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
528     //! \param    [in] params
529     //!           Pointer to the patch entry parameters.
530     //!
531     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
532     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
533     //!
534     static MOS_STATUS SetPatchEntry(
535         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
536         PMOS_PATCH_ENTRY_PARAMS params);
538     //!
539     //! \brief    Get Indirect State
540     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Get the indirect state in cmd buffer.
541     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
542     //! \details  This interface is called when preparing indirect state data in cmd buffer.
543     //!           Indirect state is a reserved region in cmd buffer which contains the data needed by execute Media kernel.
544     //!
545     //! \param    [in] streamState
546     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
547     //! \param    [out] indirectState
548     //!           Pointer to pointer to indirectState data. MHW can use this ptr to set data.
549     //! \param    [out] offset
550     //!           Offset of indirect state in the cmd buffer.
551     //! \param    [out] size
552     //!           Size of indirect state in the cmd buffer.
553     //!
554     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
555     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
556     //!
557     static MOS_STATUS GetIndirectState(
558         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
559         uint8_t **indirectState,
560         uint32_t &offset,
561         uint32_t &size);
563     //!
564     //! \brief    Setup indirect state
565     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Setup the indirect state region in cmd buffer.
566     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
567     //! \details  This interface is called to reserve the region of indirect state data in cmd buffer.
568     //! \details  Indirect state is a reserved region in cmd buffer which contains the data needed by execute Media kernel.
569     //!           The region is at the end of cmd buffer, size is only needed. Between each SubmitCommandBuffer, this interface should only be call once.
570     //!
571     //! \param    [in] streamState
572     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
573     //! \param    [in] size
574     //!           Size of indirect state in the cmd buffer.
575     //!
576     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
577     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
578     //!
579     static MOS_STATUS SetupIndirectState(
580         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
581         uint32_t size);
583     //!
584     //! \brief    Setup VE Attribute Buffer
585     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Setup VE Attribute Buffer into cmd buffer.
586     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
587     //! \details  This interface is called to setup into cmd buffer.
588     //!
589     //! \param    [in] streamState
590     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
591     //! \param    [out] cmdBuffer
592     //!           Cmd buffer to setup VE attribute.
593     //!
594     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
595     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
596     //!
597     static MOS_STATUS SetupAttributeVeBuffer(
598         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE     streamState,
599         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer);
601     //!
602     //! \brief    Get VE Attribute Buffer
603     //! \details  [Cmd Buffer Interface] Get VE Attribute Buffer from cmd buffer.
604     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
605     //! \details  This interface is called to get VE attribute buffer from cmd buffer if it contains one.
606     //!           If there is no VE attribute buffer returned, it means the cmd buffer has no such buffer
607     //!           in current MOS module. It is not error state if it is nullptr.
608     //!
609     //! \param    [out] cmdBuffer
610     //!           Cmd buffer to setup VE attribute.
611     //!
612     //! \return   MOS_CMD_BUF_ATTRI_VE*
613     //!           Return pointer of VE attribute buffer, nullptr if current cmdBuffer didn't contain attribute.
614     //!
615     static MOS_CMD_BUF_ATTRI_VE *GetAttributeVeBuffer(
616         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer);
618     //!
619     //! \brief    Get Cache Policy Memory Object
620     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Get Cache Policy Memory Object in GMM corresponding to the resource usage
621     //!           Caller: HAL & MHW
622     //!
623     //! \param    [in] streamState
624     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
625     //! \param    [in] mosUsage
626     //!           Resource usage as index to the memory object table
627     //!           If prociding unknown usage, default state will be returned
628     //!
629     //! \return   MEMORY_OBJECT_CONTROL_STATE
630     //!           The cache policy memory object got from MOS interface
631     //!
632     static MEMORY_OBJECT_CONTROL_STATE GetCachePolicyMemoryObject(
633         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
634         MOS_HW_RESOURCE_DEF mosUsage);
636     //!
637     //! \brief    Get Cache Policy L1 Config
638     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Get L1 Cache Config in GMM corresponding to the resource usage
639     //!           Caller: HAL & MHW
640     //!
641     //! \param    [in] streamState
642     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
643     //! \param    [in] mosUsage
644     //!           Resource usage as index to the memory object table
645     //!           If prociding unknown usage, default state will be returned
646     //!
647     //! \return   uint8_t
648     //!           The L1_Cache_Config got from MOS interface
649     //!
650     static uint8_t GetCachePolicyL1Config(
651         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
652         MOS_HW_RESOURCE_DEF mosUsage);
654     //!
655     //! \brief    Convert Resource From Ddi
656     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Convert Resource structure From OS/API specific to MOS reource.
657     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
658     //! \details  MOS resoure is the structure inside MOS module. DDI specific resource depends on OS/API verison.
659     //!           DDI call this to convert external resources (not created by hal) to Mos resources so that HAL & MHW can use them.
660     //!
661     //! \param    [in] osResource
662     //!           OS/API specific resource structure to convert.
663     //! \param    [out] resource
664     //!           Handle of Mos resource convert.
665     //! \param    UINT firstArraySlice
666     //!           [in] resource special info
667     //! \param    UINT mipSlice
668     //!           [in] resource special info
669     //!
670     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
671     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
672     //!
673     static MOS_STATUS ConvertResourceFromDdi(
674         OsSpecificRes osResource,
675         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE &resource,
676         uint32_t firstArraySlice,
677         uint32_t mipSlice);
679     //!
680     //! \brief    Create Os Specific Resource Info
681     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Create OS/API specific resource info structures.
682     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
683     //! \details  Os Specific resource info must be created before uing in DDI or converting to MOS resource.
684     //!           This interface doesn't allocate Os Specific Resource. It only create the decorated structure of that resource.
685     //!
686     //! \param    [in, out] resource
687     //!           OS/API specific resource structure to initialize.
688     //! \param    [in] isInternal
689     //!           Indicate if the resource is media internal.
690     //!
691     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
692     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
693     //!
694     static MOS_STATUS CreateOsSpecificResourceInfo(OsSpecificRes resource, bool isInternal = false);
696     //!
697     //! \brief    Destroy Os Specific Resource Info
698     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Destroy OS/API specific resource structure.
699     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
700     //! \details  Os Specific resource info must be destroied if the resource is not used anymore.
701     //!
702     //! \param    [in, out] resource
703     //!           OS/API specific resource structure to initialize.
704     //!
705     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
706     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
707     //!
708     static MOS_STATUS DestroySpecificResourceInfo(OsSpecificRes resource);
710     //!
711     //! \brief    Allocate Resource
712     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Allocate a graphic resource.
713     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
714     //! \details  Graphic resource is a buffer contain data used in the HW cmds.
715     //!           This interface allocates the gfx resource and its internal data structure.
716     //!           RegisterResource must be called when cmds in cmd buffer programmed are using this resource.
717     //!
718     //! \param    [in] streamState
719     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
720     //! \param    [in] params
721     //!           Pointer to the parameters for allocating resource
722     //! \param    [out] resource
723     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
724     //!
725     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
726     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
727     //!
728     static MOS_STATUS AllocateResource(
729         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
730         PMOS_ALLOC_GFXRES_PARAMS params,    // user provided va
731         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE &resource);
733     //!
734     //! \brief    Free Resource
735     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Free a graphic resource.
736     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
737     //! \details  Graphic resource is a buffer contain data used in the HW cmds.
738     //!           This interface frees the gfx resource and its internal data structure.
739     //!           This interface must be called when the resource is not used anymore.
740     //!
741     //! \param    [in] streamState
742     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
743     //! \param    [in] resource
744     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
745     //! \param    [in] flag
746     //!           User defined free flag of the resource.
747     //!
748     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
749     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
750     //!
751     static MOS_STATUS FreeResource(
752         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
753         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
754         uint32_t flag);
756     //!
757     //! \brief    Get Resource Info
758     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Get the info of a graphic resource.
759     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
760     //! \details  This interface gets the read-only detailed info of a graphic resource.
761     //!           Any modification of details provided by this interface will not impact the actual resource.
762     //!
763     //! \param    [in] streamState
764     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
765     //! \param    [in] resource
766     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
767     //! \param    [out] details
768     //!           Resource detailed info got.
769     //!
770     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
771     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
772     //!
773     static MOS_STATUS GetResourceInfo(
774         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
775         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
776         MosResourceInfo &details);
778     //!
779     //! \brief    Lock Resource
780     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Lock the gfx resource for CPU to access
781     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
782     //! \details  A sys memory ptr will be provided by this interface if executed successfully.
783     //! \details  The sys memory is mapped to the gfx memory inside MOS module.
784     //! \details  This interface is usually for driver to read/write data into a resource directly (without program HW cmd).
785     //! \details  Caller must make sure no access out of bound of the locked out data. UnlockResource must be called when finished access the locked data.
786     //!           A resource already been locked cannot be locked again.
787     //!           This is a blocking call if the resource is used by the cmdbuffer which already submitted to an existing GPU context.
788     //!           Unless SkipResourceSync is called. This interface will make sure the sync of Lock.
789     //! \details  If the resource is compressed, gfx memory decompression will be triggered.
790     //!
791     //! \param    [in] streamState
792     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
793     //! \param    [in] resource
794     //!           MOS Resource handle of the resource to lock.
795     //! \param    [in] flags
796     //!           Control flags of locking resource.
797     //!
798     //! \return   void *
799     //!           Locked memory data pointer, nullptr if lock failed.
800     //!
801     static void *LockMosResource(
802         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
803         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
804         PMOS_LOCK_PARAMS flags);
806     //!
807     //! \brief    Unlock Resource
808     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Unlock the gfx resource which is locked out.
809     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
810     //! \details  UnlockResource must be called when finished access the locked data of the resource.
811     //!           A resource already been unlocked cannot be unlocked again.
812     //! \details  Unlock resource will not trigger compressing or changing the layout of the resource.
813     //!
814     //! \param    [in] streamState
815     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
816     //! \param    [in] resource
817     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
818     //!
819     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
820     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
821     //!
822     static MOS_STATUS UnlockMosResource(
823         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
824         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource);
826     //!
827     //! \brief    Register Resource
828     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Register the resource to current streamState.
829     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
830     //! \details  Register resource to inform MOS that the resource is read/written by current cmd buffer being programmed
831     //!           and this cmd buffer will be submitted into current GPU context in streamState.
832     //! \details  RegisterResource must be called when cmds in cmd buffer programmed are using this resource.
833     //! \details  This interface is to make the residency of the resource and handle resource sync harzad between GPU contexts.
834     //! \details  Calling sequence is like:  SetGpuContext -> RegisterResource... -> SubmitCommandBuffer ->
835     //!           SetGpuContext(another) -> RegisterResource(another or same resource)... -> SubmitCommandBuffer
836     //! \details  If Register same resource to different GPU context when calling SetGpuContext, sync harzad will be handled.
837     //!           RegisterResource for the same resource can be called repeatedly. MOS will make sure no duplicated residency making and sync.
838     //!
839     //! \param    [in] streamState
840     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
841     //! \param    [out] resource
842     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
843     //! \param    [in] write
844     //!           Indicate if the resource is written by HW or just read.
845     //!
846     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
847     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
848     //!
849     static MOS_STATUS RegisterResource(
850         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
851         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
852         bool write);
854     //!
855     //! \brief    Get Resource Gfx Address
856     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Get the graphic virtual address of the resource.
857     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
858     //! \details  Only use this interface to add resource's address directly into cmd field.
859     //!           If MHW needs patch the address in the cmd field, GetResourceAllocationIndex should be called.
860     //!
861     //! \param    [in] streamState
862     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
863     //! \param    [in] resource
864     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
865     //!
866     //! \return   uint64_t
867     //!           64bit virtual graphic address got. 0x00000000 if execution failed.
868     //!
869     static uint64_t GetResourceGfxAddress(
870         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
871         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource);
873     //!
874     //! \brief    Get Resource Allocation index
875     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Get the allocation index of the resource.
876     //! \details  Caller: MHW only
877     //! \details  Allocation index is used when calling SetPatchEntry to add resource into cmd.
878     //!           If MHW needs patch the address in the cmd field, GetResourceAllocationIndex should be called.
879     //!
880     //! \param    [in] streamState
881     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
882     //! \param    [in] resource
883     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
884     //!
885     //! \return   uint32_t
886     //!           Allocation index got. 0 if execution failed.
887     //!
888     static uint32_t GetResourceAllocationIndex(
889         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
890         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource);
892     //!
893     //! \brief    Skip Resource Sync
894     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Skip the sync handling of the resource
895     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
896     //! \details  Indicate the resource provided needn't to be synced.
897     //!           The resource skipping sync can be accessed by different cmd buffers on different GPU contexts at the same time.
898     //! \details  RegisterResource and LockResource will not handling the sync of the resources between different GPU cotnexts.
899     //! \details  Usually the resource skipping sync is for the case like:
900     //!           Different cmd buffers at the same time access the non-overlapped region of the resource
901     //!
902     //! \param    [in] streamState
903     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
904     //! \param    [in] params
905     //!           Pointer to the parameters for allocating resource
906     //! \param    [out] resource
907     //!           MOS Resource handle of the allocated resource.
908     //!
909     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
910     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
911     //!
912     static MOS_STATUS SkipResourceSync(
913         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource);
915     //!
916     //! \brief    Sync on resource
917     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Explicit sync on resource
918     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
919     //! \details  Resource is shared by different cmd buffers on different GPU contexts.
920     //!           Adding sync object into requestor GPU context queue to resolve the hazard if necessary.
921     //!           This func is called by hal to declare the resource to consider the sync explicitly.
922     //!           It is a strong sync request for the resource.
923     //!
924     //! \param    [in] streamState
925     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
926     //! \param    [in] resource
927     //!           MOS Resource handle for the resource contain hazard of sync
928     //! \param    [in] writeOperation
929     //!           Indicate the current programming is to write resource or not
930     //! \param    [in] requsetorGpuContext
931     //!           GpuContext which programming the resource. Recommand not setting it and use current GPU context.
932     //!
933     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
934     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
935     //!
936     static MOS_STATUS SyncOnResource(
937         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
938         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
939         bool writeOperation,
942     //!
943     //! \brief    Resource Sync call back between Media and 3D for resource Sync
944     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Sync Call Back based on resource
945     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
946     //! \details  Resource is shared by different cmd buffers on different GPU contexts.
947     //!           Adding sync object into requestor GPU context queue to resolve the hazard if necessary.
948     //!           If there is a hazard, one cmd buffer in requestor GPU context queue will wait for the other cmd buffer in busy GPU context.
949     //!
950     //! \param    [in] resource
951     //!           OS specific resource handle for the resource contain hazard of sync
952     //! \param    [in] deviceContext
953     //!           Handle of Os Device Context
954     //! \param    [in] index
955     //!           Sub-resource index
956     //! \param    [in] hazardType
957     //!           Type of hazard: RAW, WAR, WAR
958     //! \param    [in] busyCtx
959     //!           GPU Context handle of the queue being waiting for.
960     //! \param    [in] requestorCtx
961     //!           GPU Context handle of current GPU which requesting to use the resoure and find the hazard to wait the busy context.
962     //! \param    [in] osRequestorHandle
963     //!           OS runtime handle of requestor context
964     //!
965     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
966     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
967     //!
968     static MOS_STATUS ResourceSyncCallback(
969         OsSpecificRes          resource,
970         MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE      deviceContext,
971         uint32_t               index,
972         SYNC_HAZARD            hazardType,
973         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE     busyCtx,
974         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE     requestorCtx,
975         OS_HANDLE              osRequestorHandle);
977     //!
978     //! \brief    Lock Sync Callback between Media and 3D
979     //! \details  [Resource Interface] Lock Sync Call Back
980     //! \details  Caller: DDI only
981     //! \details  Resource is used in a cmd buffer on an existing GPU context.
982     //!           Before Locking the resource, make sure the resource finished used by all GPU contexts which are using this resource.
983     //!           If there is a hazard, CPU side will wait for the cmd buffer in busy GPU context.
984     //!
985     //! \param    [in] resource
986     //!           OS specific resource handle for the resource contain hazard of sync
987     //! \param    [in] deviceContext
988     //!           Handle of Os Device Context
989     //! \param    [in] index
990     //!           Sub-resource index
991     //! \param    [in] hazardType
992     //!           Type of hazard: RAW, WAR, WAR
993     //! \param    [in] busyCtx
994     //!           GPU Context handle of the queue being waiting for.
995     //! \param    [in] doNotWait
996     //!           Indicate this is blocking call or not. When set to true, possibly return MOS_STATUS_STILL_DRAWING
997     //!
998     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
999     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, MOS_STATUS_STILL_DRAWING if doNotWait
1000     //!           is set to true and resoure is still being used in HW, otherwise failed
1001     //!
1002     static MOS_STATUS LockSyncCallback(
1003         OsSpecificRes           resource,
1004         MOS_DEVICE_HANDLE       deviceContext,
1005         uint32_t                index,
1006         SYNC_HAZARD             hazardType,
1007         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE      busyCtx,
1008         bool                    doNotWait);
1010     //!
1011     //! \brief    Wait For cmd Completion
1012     //! \details  [GPU Context Interface] Waiting for the completion of cmd in provided GPU context
1013     //! \details  Caller: HAL only
1014     //!
1015     //! \param    [in] streamState
1016     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1017     //! \param    [in] gpuCtx
1018     //!           GpuContext handle of the gpu context to wait cmd completion
1019     //!
1020     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1021     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1022     //!
1023     static MOS_STATUS WaitForCmdCompletion(
1024         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1025         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuCtx);
1027     //!
1028     //! \brief    Trim Residency
1029     //!
1030     //! \param    [in] periodicTrim
1031     //!           Indicate if the trim is periodic
1032     //! \param    [in] restartPeriodicTrim
1033     //!           Indicate if restarting periodic trim
1034     //! \param    [in] numBytesToTrim
1035     //!           Number bytes to trim
1036     //! \param    [in] trimToMinimum
1037     //!           Indicate if trim to minimum
1038     //! \param    [in] trimOnlyMediaResources
1039     //!           Indicate if only trim media resources.
1040     //!
1041     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1042     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1043     //!
1044     static MOS_STATUS TrimResidency(
1045         bool periodicTrim,
1046         bool restartPeriodicTrim,
1047         uint64_t &numBytesToTrim,
1048         bool trimToMinimum,
1049         bool trimOnlyMediaResources);
1051     // Memory compression interfaces
1053     //!
1054     //! \brief    Decompress resource
1055     //!
1056     //! \param    [in] streamState
1057     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1058     //! \param    [in] resource
1059     //!           MOS Resource handle of the resource to decompress.
1060     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1061     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1062     //!
1063     static MOS_STATUS DecompResource(
1064         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1065         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource);
1067     //!
1068     //! \brief  Set Memory Compression Mode
1069     //!
1070     //! \param    [in] streamState
1071     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1072     //! \param    [in, out] resource
1073     //!           MOS Resource handle
1074     //! \param    [in] resMmcMode
1075     //!           MMC mode
1076     //!
1077     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1078     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1079     //!
1080     static MOS_STATUS SetMemoryCompressionMode(
1081         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1082         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
1083         MOS_MEMCOMP_STATE resMmcMode);
1085     //!
1086     //! \brief  Get Memory Compression Mode
1087     //!
1088     //! \param    [in] streamState
1089     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1090     //! \param    [in] resource
1091     //!           MOS Resource handle
1092     //! \param    [out] resMmcMode
1093     //!           MMC mode
1094     //!
1095     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1096     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1097     //!
1098     static MOS_STATUS GetMemoryCompressionMode(
1099         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1100         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
1101         MOS_MEMCOMP_STATE &resMmcMode);
1103     //!
1104     //! \brief  Set Memory Compression Hint
1105     //!
1106     //! \param    [in] streamState
1107     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1108     //! \param    [in, out] resource
1109     //!           MOS Resource handle
1110     //! \param    [in] hintOn
1111     //!           Flag to set hint on or off
1112     //!
1113     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1114     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1115     //!
1116     static MOS_STATUS SetMemoryCompressionHint(
1117         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1118         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
1119         bool                hintOn);
1121     //!
1122     //! \brief  Get Memory Compression Format
1123     //!
1124     //! \param    [in] streamState
1125     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1126     //! \param    [in, out] resource
1127     //!           MOS Resource handle
1128     //! \param    [out] resMmcFormat
1129     //!           MMC format got
1130     //!
1131     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1132     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1133     //!
1134     static MOS_STATUS GetMemoryCompressionFormat(
1135         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1136         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
1137         uint32_t *resMmcFormat);
1139     //!
1140     //! \brief    Double buffer copy resource
1141     //!
1142     //! \param    [in] streamState
1143     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1144     //! \param    [in] inputResource
1145     //!           Input resource to copy.
1146     //! \param    [out] outputResource
1147     //!           Output resource.
1148     //! \param    [in] outputCompressed
1149     //!           Insdicate if output resource is compressed.
1150     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1151     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1152     //!
1153     static MOS_STATUS DoubleBufferCopyResource(
1154         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE   streamState,
1155         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE inputResource,
1156         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE outputResource,
1157         bool                outputCompressed);
1159     //!
1160     //! \brief    Copy Resource to Another Buffer
1161     //! \details  Decompress and Copy Resource to Another 2D Buffer
1162     //!
1163     //! \param    [in] streamState
1164     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1165     //! \param    inputResource
1166     //!           [in] Input Resource object
1167     //! \param    outputResource
1168     //!           [out] output Resource object
1169     //! \param    [in] copyWidth
1170     //!           The 2D surface Width
1171     //! \param    [in] copyHeight
1172     //!           The 2D surface height
1173     //! \param    [in] copyInputOffset
1174     //!           The offset of copied surface from
1175     //! \param    [in] copyOutputOffset
1176     //!           The offset of copied to
1177     //! \param    [in] outputCompressed
1178     //!           True means apply compression on output surface, else output uncompressed surface
1179     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1180     //!           MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful
1181     //!
1182     static MOS_STATUS MediaCopyResource2D(
1183         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE   streamState,
1184         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE inputResource,
1185         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE outputResource,
1186         uint32_t            copyWidth,
1187         uint32_t            copyHeight,
1188         uint32_t            copyInputOffset,
1189         uint32_t            copyOutputOffset,
1190         bool                outputCompressed);
1192     // GPU Status interfaces
1194     //!
1195     //! \brief   Get Gpu Status Tag
1196     //!
1197     //! \param    [in] streamState
1198     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1199     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
1200     //!           MOS GPU Context handle
1201     //!
1202     //! \return   uint32_t
1203     //!           Tag got from GPU Context indicated, 0 if failed to get the tag
1204     //!
1205     static uint32_t GetGpuStatusTag(
1206         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1207         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
1209     //!
1210     //! \brief   Increment Gpu Status Tag
1211     //!
1212     //! \param    [in] streamState
1213     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1214     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
1215     //!           MOS GPU Context handle
1216     //!
1217     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1218     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1219     //!
1220     static MOS_STATUS IncrementGpuStatusTag(
1221         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1222         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
1224     //!
1225     //! \brief   Get Gpu Status Sync Tag
1226     //!
1227     //! \param    [in] streamState
1228     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1229     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
1230     //!           MOS GPU Context handle
1231     //!
1232     //! \return   uint64_t
1233     //!           HW tag got from GPU context, 0 if get failed
1234     //!
1235     static uint64_t GetGpuStatusSyncTag(
1236         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1237         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
1239     //!
1240     //! \brief   Get Gpu Status Buffer Resource
1241     //!
1242     //! \param    [in] streamState
1243     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1244     //! \param    [out] resource
1245     //!           MOS resource handle of GPU status buffer got from current GPU context
1246     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
1247     //!           MOS GPU Context handle
1248     //!
1249     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1250     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1251     //!
1253     static MOS_STATUS GetGpuStatusBufferResource(
1254         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1255         MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE resource,
1256         GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE gpuContext);
1258     //!
1259     //! \brief   Get CP Interface
1260     //!
1261     //! \param    [in] streamState
1262     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1263     //!
1264     //! \return   MosCpInterface
1265     //!           CP Interface got from stream State, nullptr if get failed
1266     //!
1267     static MosCpInterface *GetCpInterface(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
1269     //!
1270     //! \brief   Get OCA Interface
1271     //!
1272     //! \param    [in] streamState
1273     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1274     //!
1275     //! \return   MosOcaInterface
1276     //!           OCA Interface got from stream State, nullptr if get failed
1277     //!
1278     static MosOcaInterface *GetOcaInterface(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
1280     //!
1281     //! \brief    Maps the specified executable module into the address space of
1282     //!           the calling process.
1283     //! \param    PMOS_INTERFACE pOsInterface
1284     //!           [in] A handle to OS interface.  This can be nullptr which allows a caller to
1285     //!           always get library from specified library path (function will never check
1286     //!           driver store) which is useful if there's a constant static path of a library
1287     //! \param    const PCCHAR lpLibFileName
1288     //!           [in] String containing resource name to load.  Absolute path is given here
1289     //!           if pOsInterface is nullptr, else only lib path is given, and driver will check store for path
1290     //! \param    PHMODULE phModule
1291     //!           [out] Handle to library given back to the caller
1292     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1293     //!           Returns one of the MOS_STATUS error codes if failed,
1294     //!           else MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS
1295     //!
1296     static MOS_STATUS MosLoadLibrary(
1297         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE           streamState,
1298         PCCHAR                      pFileName,
1299         PHMODULE                    phModule);
1301     //!
1302     //! \brief    Free the loaded dynamic-link library
1303     //! \details  Free the loaded dynamic-link library
1304     //! \param    [in] hLibModule
1305     //!           A handle to the loaded DLL module
1306     //! \return   int32_t
1307     //!           true if success else false
1308     //!
1309     static MOS_STATUS MosFreeLibrary(HMODULE hLibModule);
1311     //! \brief    Get Virtual Engine State
1312     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Get Virtual Engine State from streamState
1313     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1314     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) need to get a VE state
1315     //! \details  corresponding to current GPU context.
1316     //!
1317     //! \param    [in] streamState
1318     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1319     //!
1320     //! \return   MOS_VE_HANDLE
1321     //!           Handle of MOS virtual engine state, Invalid handle if get failed
1322     //!
1323     static MOS_VE_HANDLE GetVirtualEngineState(
1324         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE  streamState);
1326     //!
1327     //! \brief    Set Virtual Engine State
1328     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Set Virtual Engine State of provided streamState
1329     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1330     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) need to set an existing VE state
1331     //! \details  into provided stream.
1332     //!
1333     //! \param    [in] streamState
1334     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1335     //! \param    [in] veState
1336     //!           Handle of Virtual Engine State to set
1337     //!
1338     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1339     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1340     //!
1341     static MOS_STATUS SetVirtualEngineState(
1342         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1343         MOS_VE_HANDLE veState);
1345     //!
1346     //! \brief    Create Virtual Engine State
1347     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Create Virtual Engine State of provided streamState
1348     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1349     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) need to create a VE state
1350     //! \details  into provided stream.
1351     //!
1352     //! \param    [in] streamState
1353     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1354     //! \param    [in] veInitParms
1355     //!           Pointer of parameters to init ve staet
1356     //! \param    [out] veState
1357     //!           Reference of the handle of Virtual Engine State to created
1358     //!
1359     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1360     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1361     //!
1362     static MOS_STATUS CreateVirtualEngineState(
1363         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1365         MOS_VE_HANDLE    &veState);
1367     //!
1368     //! \brief    Destroy Virtual Engine State
1369     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Destroy Virtual Engine State of provided streamState
1370     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1371     //! \details  This func is called when a stream (Hal instance) need to destroy a VE state
1372     //! \details  into provided stream.
1373     //!
1374     //! \param    [in] streamState
1375     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1376     //! \param    [out] veState
1377     //!           Reference of the handle of Virtual Engine State to created
1378     //!
1379     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1380     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1381     //!
1382     static MOS_STATUS DestroyVirtualEngineState(
1383         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
1385     //!
1386     //! \brief    Set hint parameters
1387     //!
1388     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Set hint parameters into Virtual Engine State in provided stream
1389     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1390     //! \details  Set hint parameters for virtual engine state
1391     //!
1392     //! \param    [in] streamState
1393     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1394     //! \param    [in] veParams
1395     //!           pointer to VE parameter data structure to set
1396     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1397     //!           MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if success, else fail reason
1398     //!
1399     static MOS_STATUS SetVeHintParams(
1400         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1403     //!
1404     //! \brief    Get hint parameters
1405     //!
1406     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Get hint parameters from Virtual Engine State in provided stream
1407     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1408     //! \details  Get hint parameters from virtual engine state
1409     //!
1410     //! \param    [in] streamState
1411     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1412     //! \param    [in] scalableMode
1413     //!           flag to indicate if scalability mode
1414     //! \param    [out] hintParams
1415     //!           pointer to VE hint parameter address
1416     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1417     //!           MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if success, else fail reason
1418     //!
1419     static MOS_STATUS GetVeHintParams(
1420         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1421         bool scalableMode,
1422         PMOS_VIRTUALENGINE_HINT_PARAMS *hintParams);
1424     //!
1425     //! \brief    Set Virtual Engine Submission Type
1426     //!
1427     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Set submission type for the provided cmd buffer
1428     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1429     //! \details  Set submission type as per cmd buffer hint parameter. Must be set before submission.
1430     //!           Submission type is to set cmd buffer (primary or secondary) property to indicate
1431     //!           which pipe it belongs. See MOS_SUBMISSION_TYPE.
1432     //!
1433     //! \param    [in] streamState
1434     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1435     //! \param    [out] cmdBuf
1436     //!           Handle of cmd buffer to set submission type
1437     //! \param    [in] type
1438     //!           Submission type to set
1439     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1440     //!           MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if success, else fail reason
1441     //!
1442     static MOS_STATUS SetVeSubmissionType(
1443         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE     streamState,
1444         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuf,
1445         MOS_SUBMISSION_TYPE   type);
1448     //!
1449     //! \brief    Get engine count
1450     //!
1451     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Get engine count from Virtual Engine State in provided stream
1452     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1453     //! \details  Get engine count from virtual engine state
1454     //!
1455     //! \param    [in] streamState
1456     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1457     //! \return   uint8_t
1458     //!           Engine count
1459     //!
1460     static uint8_t GetVeEngineCount(
1461         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState);
1463     //!
1464     //! \brief    Get Engine Logic Id
1465     //! \details  [Virtual Engine Interface] Get engine Logic Id from Virtual Engine State in provided stream
1466     //! \details  Caller: Hal (Scalability) only
1467     //! \details  Get engine Logic Id from virtual engine state
1468     //!
1469     //! \param    [in] streamState
1470     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1471     //! \param    [in] instanceIdx
1472     //!           Engine instance index
1473     //! \return   uint8_t
1474     //!
1475     static uint8_t GetEngineLogicId(
1476         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1477         uint32_t instanceIdx);
1479 #endif // _DEBUG || _RELEASE_INTERNAL
1481 private:
1483     //!
1484     //! \brief    Compose Cmd buffer header
1485     //! \details  Compose Cmd buffer header if it contains header
1486     //!
1487     //! \param    [in] streamState
1488     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1489     //! \param    [out] cmdBuffer
1490     //!           Cmd buffer to compose header.
1491     //!
1492     //! \return   MOS_STATUS
1493     //!           Return MOS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise failed
1494     //!
1495     static MOS_STATUS ComposeCommandBufferHeader(
1496         MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState,
1497         COMMAND_BUFFER_HANDLE cmdBuffer);
1499     //!
1500     //! \brief   Get GpuContext
1501     //! \details MOS internal toolset func to get GPU context instance
1502     //!
1503     //! \param    [in] streamState
1504     //!           Handle of Os Stream State
1505     //! \param    [in] gpuContext
1506     //!           MOS GPU Context handle
1507     //!
1508     //! \return   GpuContextSpecificNext
1509     //!           GPU Context instance got by GPU context handle, nullptr if get failed
1510     //!
1511     static GpuContextSpecificNext *GetGpuContext(MOS_STREAM_HANDLE streamState, GPU_CONTEXT_HANDLE handle);
1512 };
1514 #endif  // __MOS_INTERFACE_H__