1 /* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * main.c
4  * Copyright (C) Kevin DeKorte 2006 <kdekorte@gmail.com>
5  *
6  * main.c is free software.
7  *
8  * You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
9  * GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
10  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
11  * any later version.
12  *
13  * main.c is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with main.c.  If not, write to:
20  * 	The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21  * 	51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
22  * 	Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
23  */
25 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
26 #include <config.h>
27 #endif
29 #include <sys/types.h>
30 #include <sys/stat.h>
31 #include <mntent_compat.h>
32 #include <unistd.h>
33 #include <string.h>
34 #include <stdio.h>
35 #include <libintl.h>
36 #include <signal.h>
38 //#include <bonobo.h>
39 // #include <gnome.h>
40 #include <glib/gstdio.h>
41 #include <glib/gi18n.h>
43 #include "common.h"
44 #include "support.h"
45 #include "dbus-interface.h"
46 #include "mpris-interface.h"
47 #include "gmtk.h"
48 #include "database.h"
50 static gint reallyverbose;
51 static gint last_x, last_y;
52 static gint stored_window_width, stored_window_height;
53 static gchar *rpname;
54 static gboolean use_volume_option;
55 //static gboolean restore_playlist;
56 //static gboolean restore_details;
57 //static gboolean restore_info;
58 static gboolean new_instance;
59 static gboolean use_pausing_keep_force;
60 static gboolean load_tracks_from_gpod;
61 // tv stuff
62 static gchar *tv_device;
63 static gchar *tv_driver;
64 static gchar *tv_input;
65 static gint tv_width;
66 static gint tv_height;
67 static gint tv_fps;
69 typedef struct _PlayData {
70     gchar uri[4096];
71     gboolean playlist;
72 } PlayData;
74 static GOptionEntry entries[] = {
75     {"window", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &embed_window, N_("Window to embed in"), "WID"},
76     {"width", 'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &window_x, N_("Width of window to embed in"), "X"},
77     {"height", 'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &window_y, N_("Height of window to embed in"), "Y"},
78     {"controlid", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &control_id, N_("Unique DBUS controller id"), "CID"},
79     {"playlist", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &playlist, N_("File Argument is a playlist"), NULL},
80     {"verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, N_("Show more output on the console"), NULL},
81     {"reallyverbose", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &reallyverbose,
82      N_("Show even more output on the console"), NULL},
83     {"fullscreen", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &init_fullscreen, N_("Start in fullscreen mode"), NULL},
84     {"softvol", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &softvol, N_("Use mplayer software volume control"), NULL},
85     {"remember_softvol", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &remember_softvol,
86      N_("When set to TRUE the last volume level is set as the default"), NULL},
87     {"volume_softvol", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &volume_softvol,
88      N_("Last software volume percentage- only applied when remember_softvol is set to TRUE"),
89      NULL},
90     {"mixer", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &(audio_device.alsa_mixer), N_("Mixer to use"), NULL},
91     {"volume", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &(pref_volume), N_("Set initial volume percentage"), NULL},
92     // note that sizeof(gint)==sizeof(gboolean), so we can give &showcontrols here
93     {"showcontrols", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &showcontrols, N_("Show the controls in window"),
94      "[0|1]"},
95     {"showsubtitles", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &showsubtitles, N_("Show the subtitles if available"),
96      "[0|1]"},
97     {"autostart", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &autostart,
98      N_("Autostart the media default to 1, set to 0 to load but don't play"), "[0|1]"},
99     {"disablecontextmenu", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_context_menu,
100      N_("Disable popup menu on right click"), NULL},
101     {"disablefullscreen", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_fullscreen,
102      N_("Disable fullscreen options in browser mode"), NULL},
103     {"loop", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &loop, N_("Play all files on the playlist forever"), NULL},
104     {"quit_on_complete", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &quit_on_complete,
105      N_("Quit application when last file on playlist is played"), NULL},
106     {"random", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &random_order, N_("Play items on playlist in random order"),
107      NULL},
108     {"cache", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &cache_size, N_("Set cache size"),
109      NULL},
110     {"ss", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &start_second, N_("Start Second (default to 0)"),
111      NULL},
112     {"endpos", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &play_length,
113      N_("Length of media to play from start second"),
114      NULL},
115     {"forcecache", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &forcecache, N_("Force cache usage on streaming sites"),
116      NULL},
117     {"disabledeinterlace", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_deinterlace,
118      N_("Disable the deinterlace filter"),
119      NULL},
120     {"disableframedrop", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_framedrop,
121      N_("Don't skip drawing frames to better keep sync"),
122      NULL},
123     {"disableass", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_ass,
124      N_("Use the old subtitle rendering system"),
125      NULL},
126     {"disableembeddedfonts", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_embeddedfonts,
127      N_("Don't use fonts embedded on matroska files"),
128      NULL},
129     {"vertical", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &vertical_layout, N_("Use Vertical Layout"),
130      NULL},
131     {"showplaylist", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &playlist_visible, N_("Start with playlist open"),
132      NULL},
133     {"showdetails", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &details_visible, N_("Start with details visible"),
134      NULL},
135     {"rpname", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rpname, N_("Real Player Name"), "NAME"},
136     {"rpconsole", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rpconsole, N_("Real Player Console ID"), "CONSOLE"},
137     {"rpcontrols", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rpcontrols, N_("Real Player Console Controls"),
138      "Control Name,..."},
139     {"subtitle", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &subtitle, N_("Subtitle file for first media file"),
140      "FILENAME"},
141     {"tvdevice", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &tv_device, N_("TV device name"), "DEVICE"},
142     {"tvdriver", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &tv_driver, N_("TV driver name (v4l|v4l2)"), "DRIVER"},
143     {"tvinput", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &tv_input, N_("TV input name"), "INPUT"},
144     {"tvwidth", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &tv_width, N_("Width of TV input"), "WIDTH"},
145     {"tvheight", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &tv_height, N_("Height of TV input"), "HEIGHT"},
146     {"tvfps", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &tv_fps, N_("Frames per second from TV input"), "FPS"},
147     {"single_instance", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &single_instance, N_("Only allow one instance"),
148      NULL},
149     {"replace_and_play", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &replace_and_play,
150      N_("Put single instance mode into replace and play mode"),
151      NULL},
152     {"large_buttons", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &large_buttons,
153      N_("Use large control buttons"),
154      NULL},
155     {"always_hide_after_timeout", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &always_hide_after_timeout,
156      N_("Hide control panel when mouse is not moving"),
157      NULL},
158     {"new_instance", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &new_instance,
159      N_("Ignore single instance preference for this instance"),
160      NULL},
161     {"keep_on_top", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &keep_on_top,
162      N_("Keep window on top"),
163      NULL},
164 #ifdef HAVE_GPOD
165     {"load_tracks_from_gpod", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &load_tracks_from_gpod,
166      N_("Load all tracks from media player using gpod"),
167      NULL},
168 #endif
169     {"disable_cover_art_fetch", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_cover_art_fetch,
170      N_("Don't fetch new cover art images"),
171      NULL},
172     {"dvd_device", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &option_dvd_device, N_("DVD Device Name"), "Path to device or folder"},
173     {"vo", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &option_vo, N_("Video Output Device Name"), "mplayer vo name"},
174     {"mplayer", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &mplayer_bin, N_("Use specified mplayer"), "Path to mplayer binary"},
175     {NULL}
176 };
async_play_iter(void * data)178 gboolean async_play_iter(void *data)
179 {
180     next_iter = (GtkTreeIter *) (data);
181     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "media state = %s",
182            gmtk_media_state_to_string(gmtk_media_player_get_media_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media))));
183     if (gmtk_media_player_get_media_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media)) == MEDIA_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
184         play_iter(next_iter, 0);
185         next_iter = NULL;
186     }
188     return FALSE;
189 }
play(void * data)191 gboolean play(void *data)
192 {
193     PlayData *p = (PlayData *) data;
195     if (ok_to_play && p != NULL) {
196         if (!gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(playliststore, &iter)) {
197             gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "iter is not valid, getting first one");
198             gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
199         }
200         gtk_list_store_set(playliststore, &iter, PLAYLIST_COLUMN, p->playlist, ITEM_COLUMN, p->uri, -1);
201         play_iter(&iter, 0);
202     }
203     g_free(p);
205     return FALSE;
206 }
play_next()209 void play_next()
210 {
211     gchar *filename;
212     gint count;
213     PlayData *p = NULL;
215     if (next_item_in_playlist(&iter)) {
216         if (gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(playliststore, &iter)) {
217             gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter, ITEM_COLUMN, &filename,
218                                COUNT_COLUMN, &count, PLAYLIST_COLUMN, &playlist, -1);
219             g_strlcpy(idledata->info, filename, sizeof(idledata->info));
220             g_idle_add(set_title_bar, idledata);
221             p = (PlayData *) g_malloc(sizeof(PlayData));
222             g_strlcpy(p->uri, filename, sizeof(p->uri));
223             p->playlist = playlist;
224             g_idle_add(play, p);
225             g_free(filename);
226         }
227     } else {
228         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "end of thread playlist is empty");
229         if (loop) {
230             if (is_first_item_in_playlist(&iter)) {
231                 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter, ITEM_COLUMN,
232                                    &filename, COUNT_COLUMN, &count, PLAYLIST_COLUMN, &playlist, -1);
233                 g_strlcpy(idledata->info, filename, sizeof(idledata->info));
234                 g_idle_add(set_title_bar, idledata);
235                 p = (PlayData *) g_malloc(sizeof(PlayData));
236                 g_strlcpy(p->uri, filename, sizeof(p->uri));
237                 p->playlist = playlist;
238                 g_idle_add(play, p);
239                 g_free(filename);
240             }
241         } else {
242             idledata->fullscreen = 0;
243             g_idle_add(set_fullscreen, idledata);
244             g_idle_add(set_stop, idledata);
245         }
247         if (quit_on_complete) {
248             g_idle_add(set_quit, idledata);
249         }
250     }
251 }
play_iter(GtkTreeIter * playiter,gint restart_second)254 gint play_iter(GtkTreeIter * playiter, gint restart_second)
255 {
257     gchar *subtitle = NULL;
258     gchar *audiofile = NULL;
259     GtkTreePath *path;
260     gchar *uri = NULL;
261     gint count;
262     gboolean playlist;
263     gchar *title = NULL;
264     gchar *artist = NULL;
265     gchar *album = NULL;
266     gchar *audio_codec;
267     gchar *video_codec = NULL;
268     GtkAllocation alloc;
269     gchar *demuxer = NULL;
270     gboolean playable = TRUE;
271     gint width;
272     gint height;
273     gfloat length_value;
274     gint i;
275     gchar *cover_art_file = NULL;
276     gchar *buffer = NULL;
277     gchar *message = NULL;
278     MetaData *metadata;
279 #ifdef GTK2_12_ENABLED
280     GtkRecentData *recent_data;
281 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
282     GFile *file;
283     GFileInfo *file_info;
284 #endif
285 #endif
287     gchar *position_text;
288 #endif
290     /*
291        if (!(gmtk_media_player_get_media_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media)) == MEDIA_STATE_UNKNOWN ||
292        gmtk_media_player_get_media_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media)) == MEDIA_STATE_QUIT)) {
293        while (gmtk_media_player_get_media_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media)) != MEDIA_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
294        gtk_main_iteration();
295        }
296        }
297      */
299     if (gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(playliststore, playiter)) {
300         gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), playiter, ITEM_COLUMN, &uri,
301                            DESCRIPTION_COLUMN, &title, LENGTH_VALUE_COLUMN, &length_value,
302                            ARTIST_COLUMN, &artist,
303                            ALBUM_COLUMN, &album,
304                            AUDIO_CODEC_COLUMN, &audio_codec,
305                            VIDEO_CODEC_COLUMN, &video_codec,
306                            VIDEO_WIDTH_COLUMN, &width,
307                            VIDEO_HEIGHT_COLUMN, &height,
308                            DEMUXER_COLUMN, &demuxer,
309                            COVERART_COLUMN, &cover_art_file,
310                            SUBTITLE_COLUMN, &subtitle,
311                            AUDIOFILE_COLUMN, &audiofile,
312                            COUNT_COLUMN, &count, PLAYLIST_COLUMN, &playlist, PLAYABLE_COLUMN, &playable, -1);
313         if (GTK_IS_TREE_SELECTION(selection)) {
314             path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), playiter);
315             if (path) {
316                 gtk_tree_selection_select_path(selection, path);
317                 if (GTK_IS_WIDGET(list))
318                     gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list), path, NULL, FALSE, 0, 0);
319                 buffer = gtk_tree_path_to_string(path);
320                 g_free(buffer);
321                 gtk_tree_path_free(path);
322             }
323         }
324         gtk_list_store_set(playliststore, playiter, COUNT_COLUMN, count + 1, -1);
325     } else {
326         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "iter is invalid, nothing to play");
327         return 0;
328     }
330     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "playing - %s", uri);
331     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "is playlist %s", gm_bool_to_string(playlist));
333     gmtk_get_allocation(GTK_WIDGET(media), &alloc);
334     if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
335         alloc.width = 16;
336         alloc.height = 16;
337     } else {
338         alloc.width = width;
339         alloc.height = height;
340     }
341     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "setting window size to %i x %i", alloc.width, alloc.height);
342     gtk_widget_size_allocate(GTK_WIDGET(media), &alloc);
343     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "waiting for all events to drain");
344     while (gtk_events_pending())
345         gtk_main_iteration();
347     /*
348        // wait for metadata to be available on this item
349        if (!streaming_media(uri) && !device_name(uri)) {
350        i = 0;
351        if (playable) {
352        while (demuxer == NULL && i < 50) {
353        g_free(title);
354        g_free(artist);
355        g_free(album);
356        g_free(audio_codec);
357        g_free(video_codec);
358        g_free(demuxer);
359        g_free(subtitle);
360        g_free(audiofile);
361        if (gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(playliststore, playiter)) {
362        gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), playiter, LENGTH_VALUE_COLUMN,
363        &length_value, DESCRIPTION_COLUMN, &title, ARTIST_COLUMN,
364        &artist, ALBUM_COLUMN, &album, AUDIO_CODEC_COLUMN,
365        &audio_codec, VIDEO_CODEC_COLUMN, &video_codec,
366        VIDEO_WIDTH_COLUMN, &width, VIDEO_HEIGHT_COLUMN, &height,
367        DEMUXER_COLUMN, &demuxer, COVERART_COLUMN, &pixbuf,
368        SUBTITLE_COLUMN, &subtitle, AUDIOFILE_COLUMN, &audiofile,
369        COUNT_COLUMN, &count, PLAYLIST_COLUMN, &playlist,
370        PLAYABLE_COLUMN, &playable, -1);
371        if (!playable) {
372        if (verbose)
373        printf("%s is not marked as playable (%i)\n", uri, i);
374        play_next();
375        return 0;
376        }
377        } else {
378        if (verbose)
379        printf("Current iter is not valid\n");
380        return 1;   // error condition
381        }
382        gtk_main_iteration();
383        i++;
384        if (demuxer == NULL)
385        g_usleep(10000);
386        }
387        } else {
388        if (verbose)
389        printf("%s is not marked as playable\n", uri);
390        play_next();
391        return 0;
392        }
394        }
395      */
396     // reset audio meter
397     for (i = 0; i < METER_BARS; i++) {
398         buckets[i] = 0;
399         max_buckets[i] = 0;
400     }
402     gmtk_media_tracker_set_text(tracker, _("Playing"));
403     gmtk_media_tracker_set_position(tracker, (gfloat) restart_second);
404     gmtk_media_tracker_set_length(tracker, length_value);
406     message = g_strdup_printf("<small>\n");
407     if (title == NULL) {
408         title = g_filename_display_basename(uri);
409     }
410     buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t<big><b>%s</b></big>\n", title);
411     message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
412     g_free(buffer);
414     if (artist != NULL) {
415         buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t<i>%s</i>\n", artist);
416         message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
417         g_free(buffer);
418     }
419     if (album != NULL) {
420         buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t%s\n", album);
421         message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
422         g_free(buffer);
423     }
424     //buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\n\t%s\n", uri);
425     //message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
426     //g_free(buffer);
428     message = g_strconcat(message, "</small>", NULL);
430     // probably not much cover art for random video files
431     if (cover_art_file == NULL && video_codec == NULL && !streaming_media(uri) && control_id == 0 && !playlist) {
432         metadata = (MetaData *) g_new0(MetaData, 1);
433         metadata->uri = g_strdup(uri);
434         if (title != NULL)
435             metadata->title = g_strstrip(g_strdup(title));
436         if (artist != NULL)
437             metadata->artist = g_strstrip(g_strdup(artist));
438         if (album != NULL)
439             metadata->album = g_strstrip(g_strdup(album));
440         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "starting get_cover_art(%s) thread", metadata->uri);
441         g_thread_create(get_cover_art, metadata, FALSE, NULL);
442     } else {
443         gtk_image_clear(GTK_IMAGE(cover_art));
444     }
446     g_strlcpy(idledata->media_info, message, sizeof(idledata->media_info));
447     g_strlcpy(idledata->display_name, title, sizeof(idledata->display_name));
448     g_free(message);
450     message = gm_tempname(NULL, "mplayer-af_exportXXXXXX");
451     g_strlcpy(idledata->af_export, message, sizeof(idledata->af_export));
452     g_free(message);
454     message = g_strdup("");
455     if (title == NULL) {
456         title = g_filename_display_basename(uri);
457     }
458     //buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t<b>%s</b>\n", title);
459     //message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
460     //g_free(buffer);
462     if (artist != NULL) {
463         buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t<i>%s</i>\n", artist);
464         message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
465         g_free(buffer);
466     }
467     if (album != NULL) {
468         buffer = g_markup_printf_escaped("\t%s\n", album);
469         message = g_strconcat(message, buffer, NULL);
470         g_free(buffer);
471     }
472     g_strlcpy(idledata->media_notification, message, sizeof(idledata->media_notification));
473     g_free(message);
475     if (control_id == 0) {
476         set_media_label(idledata);
477     } else {
478         gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem_view_info), FALSE);
479     }
481     if (subtitles)
482         gtk_container_forall(GTK_CONTAINER(subtitles), remove_langs, NULL);
483     gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(menuitem_edit_select_sub_lang), FALSE);
484     if (tracks)
485         gtk_container_forall(GTK_CONTAINER(tracks), remove_langs, NULL);
486     gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(menuitem_edit_select_audio_lang), FALSE);
487     lang_group = NULL;
488     audio_group = NULL;
491     if (subtitle != NULL) {
492         gmtk_media_player_set_attribute_string(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), ATTRIBUTE_SUBTITLE_FILE, subtitle);
493         g_free(subtitle);
494         subtitle = NULL;
495     }
496     if (audiofile != NULL) {
497         gmtk_media_player_set_attribute_string(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), ATTRIBUTE_AUDIO_TRACK_FILE, audiofile);
498         g_free(audiofile);
499         audiofile = NULL;
500     }
502     /*
503        if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(thread_data->filename, "") != 0) {
504        if (!device_name(thread_data->filename) && !streaming_media(thread_data->filename)) {
505        if (!g_file_test(thread_data->filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
506        error_msg = g_strdup_printf("%s not found\n", thread_data->filename);
507        dialog =
508        gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
509        GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, "%s", error_msg);
510        gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), "GNOME MPlayer Error");
511        gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
512        gtk_widget_destroy(dialog);
513        return 1;
514        }
515        }
516        }
517      */
518 #ifdef GTK2_12_ENABLED
519 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
520     // don't put it on the recent list, if it is running in plugin mode
521     if (control_id == 0 && !streaming_media(uri)) {
522         recent_data = (GtkRecentData *) g_new0(GtkRecentData, 1);
523         if (artist != NULL && strlen(artist) > 0) {
524             recent_data->display_name = g_strdup_printf("%s - %s", artist, title);
525         } else {
526             recent_data->display_name = g_strdup(title);
527         }
528         g_strlcpy(idledata->display_name, recent_data->display_name, sizeof(idledata->display_name));
531         file = g_file_new_for_uri(uri);
532         file_info = g_file_query_info(file,
533                                       G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE ","
534                                       G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL, NULL);
537         if (file_info) {
538             recent_data->mime_type = g_strdup(g_file_info_get_content_type(file_info));
539             g_object_unref(file_info);
540         }
541         g_object_unref(file);
542         recent_data->app_name = g_strdup("gnome-mplayer");
543         recent_data->app_exec = g_strdup("gnome-mplayer %u");
544         if (recent_data->mime_type != NULL) {
545             gtk_recent_manager_add_full(recent_manager, uri, recent_data);
546             g_free(recent_data->mime_type);
547         }
548         g_free(recent_data->app_name);
549         g_free(recent_data->app_exec);
550         g_free(recent_data);
552     }
553 #endif
554 #endif
555     g_free(title);
556     g_free(artist);
557     g_free(album);
558     if (demuxer != NULL) {
559         g_strlcpy(idledata->demuxer, demuxer, sizeof(idledata->demuxer));
560         g_free(demuxer);
561     } else {
562         g_strlcpy(idledata->demuxer, "", sizeof(idledata->demuxer));
563     }
565     last_x = 0;
566     last_y = 0;
567     idledata->width = width;
568     idledata->height = height;
570     idledata->retry_on_full_cache = FALSE;
571     idledata->cachepercent = -1.0;
572     g_strlcpy(idledata->info, uri, sizeof(idledata->info));
573     set_title_bar(idledata);
575     streaming = 0;
577     gm_store = gm_pref_store_new("gnome-mplayer");
578     forcecache = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, FORCECACHE);
579     gm_pref_store_free(gm_store);
582     if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(uri, "dvdnav://") == 0) {
583         gtk_widget_show(menu_event_box);
584     } else {
585         gtk_widget_hide(menu_event_box);
586     }
588     if (autostart) {
589         g_idle_add(hide_buttons, idledata);
590         js_state = STATE_PLAYING;
592         if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "mmshttp") || g_str_has_prefix(uri, "http") || g_str_has_prefix(uri, "mms")) {
593             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_NETWORK);
594         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "dvd") || g_str_has_prefix(uri, "dvdnav")) {
595             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_DVD);
596         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "cdda")) {
597             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_CD);
598         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "cddb")) {
599             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_CD);
600         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "vcd")) {
601             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_VCD);
602         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "tv")) {
603             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_TV);
604         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "dvb")) {
605             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_DVB);
606         } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "file")) {
607             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_FILE);
608         } else {
609             // if all else fails it must be a network type
610             gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_NETWORK);
611         }
613         gmtk_media_player_set_attribute_boolean(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), ATTRIBUTE_PLAYLIST, playlist);
614         gmtk_media_player_set_uri(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), uri);
616         metadata = get_db_metadata(db_connection, uri);
618         if (gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), NULL) == 1 && metadata->resumable
619             && (int) (metadata->position) > 0) {
620             position_text = seconds_to_string(metadata->position);
621             if (resume_mode == RESUME_ALWAYS_ASK) {
622                 GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(window),
623                                                            GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
624                                                            GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION,
625                                                            GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO,
626                                                            _("Resume Playback of %s at %s"),
627                                                            metadata->title, position_text);
628                 if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) {
629                     gmtk_media_tracker_set_length(tracker, metadata->length_value);
630                     gmtk_media_tracker_set_position(tracker, metadata->position);
631                     gmtk_media_player_set_attribute_double(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), ATTRIBUTE_START_TIME,
632                                                            metadata->position);
633                 }
634                 gtk_widget_destroy(dialog);
635                 g_free(position_text);
636             }
637             if (resume_mode == RESUME_BUT_NEVER_ASK) {
638                 gmtk_media_tracker_set_length(tracker, metadata->length_value);
639                 gmtk_media_tracker_set_position(tracker, metadata->position);
640                 gmtk_media_player_set_attribute_double(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), ATTRIBUTE_START_TIME,
641                                                        metadata->position);
642             }
643         }
644         free_metadata(metadata);
645 #endif
646         gmtk_media_player_set_state(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), MEDIA_STATE_PLAY);
648     }
650     return 0;
651 }
653 #ifndef OS_WIN32
hup_handler(int signum)654 static void hup_handler(int signum)
655 {
656     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "handling signal %i", signum);
657     delete_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL);
658     g_idle_add(set_destroy, NULL);
659 }
660 #endif
assign_default_keys()662 void assign_default_keys()
663 {
664     if (!accel_keys[FILE_OPEN_LOCATION]) {
665         accel_keys[FILE_OPEN_LOCATION] = g_strdup("4+l");
666     }
667     if (!accel_keys[EDIT_SCREENSHOT]) {
668         accel_keys[EDIT_SCREENSHOT] = g_strdup("4+t");
669     }
670     if (!accel_keys[EDIT_PREFERENCES]) {
671         accel_keys[EDIT_PREFERENCES] = g_strdup("4+p");
672     }
673     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_PLAYLIST]) {
674         accel_keys[VIEW_PLAYLIST] = g_strdup("F9");
675     }
676     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_INFO]) {
677         accel_keys[VIEW_INFO] = g_strdup("i");
678     }
679     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_DETAILS]) {
680         accel_keys[VIEW_DETAILS] = g_strdup("4+d");
681     }
682     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_METER]) {
683         accel_keys[VIEW_METER] = g_strdup("4+m");
684     }
685     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_FULLSCREEN]) {
686         accel_keys[VIEW_FULLSCREEN] = g_strdup("4+f");
687     }
688     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_ASPECT]) {
689         accel_keys[VIEW_ASPECT] = g_strdup("a");
690     }
691     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_SUBTITLES]) {
692         accel_keys[VIEW_SUBTITLES] = g_strdup("v");
693     }
694     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_DECREASE_SIZE]) {
695         accel_keys[VIEW_DECREASE_SIZE] = g_strdup("1+R");
696     }
697     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_INCREASE_SIZE]) {
698         accel_keys[VIEW_INCREASE_SIZE] = g_strdup("1+T");
699     }
700     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_ANGLE]) {
701         accel_keys[VIEW_ANGLE] = g_strdup("4+a");
702     }
703     if (!accel_keys[VIEW_CONTROLS]) {
704         accel_keys[VIEW_CONTROLS] = g_strdup("c");
705     }
706 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])708 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
709 {
710     struct stat buf = { 0 };
711     struct mntent *mnt = NULL;
712     FILE *fp = NULL;
713     gchar *uri;
714     gint fileindex = 1;
715     GError *error = NULL;
716     GOptionContext *context;
717     gint i;
718     gdouble volume = 100.0;
719     gchar *accelerator_keys;
720     gchar **parse;
721 #ifdef GTK3_ENABLED
722     GtkSettings *gtk_settings;
723 #endif
724     int stat_result;
726 #ifndef OS_WIN32
727     struct sigaction sa;
728 #endif
729     gboolean playiter = FALSE;
731 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
732     GFile *file;
733 #endif
735 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
736     bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR);
737     bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
738     textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
739 #endif
741     playlist = FALSE;
742     embed_window = 0;
743     control_id = 0;
744     window_x = 0;
745     window_y = 0;
746     last_window_width = 0;
747     last_window_height = 0;
748     showcontrols = TRUE;
749     showsubtitles = TRUE;
750     autostart = 1;
751     videopresent = FALSE;
752     disable_context_menu = FALSE;
753     dontplaynext = FALSE;
754     idledata = (IdleData *) g_new0(IdleData, 1);
755     idledata->videopresent = FALSE;
756     idledata->length = 0.0;
757     idledata->device = NULL;
758     idledata->cachepercent = -1.0;
759     selection = NULL;
760     path = NULL;
761     js_state = STATE_UNDEFINED;
762     control_instance = TRUE;
763     playlistname = NULL;
764     rpconsole = NULL;
765     subtitle = NULL;
766     tv_device = NULL;
767     tv_driver = NULL;
768     tv_width = 0;
769     tv_height = 0;
770     tv_fps = 0;
771     ok_to_play = TRUE;
772     alang = NULL;
773     slang = NULL;
774     metadata_codepage = NULL;
775     playlistname = NULL;
776     window_width = -1;
777     window_height = -1;
778     stored_window_width = -1;
779     stored_window_height = -1;
780     cache_size = 0;
781     forcecache = FALSE;
782     use_volume_option = FALSE;
783     vertical_layout = FALSE;
784     playlist_visible = FALSE;
785     disable_fullscreen = FALSE;
786     disable_framedrop = FALSE;
787     softvol = FALSE;
788     remember_softvol = FALSE;
789     volume_softvol = -1;
790     volume_gain = 0;
791     subtitlefont = NULL;
792     subtitle_codepage = NULL;
793     subtitle_color = NULL;
794     subtitle_outline = FALSE;
795     subtitle_shadow = FALSE;
796     subtitle_fuzziness = 0;
797     disable_embeddedfonts = FALSE;
798     quit_on_complete = FALSE;
799     verbose = 0;
800     reallyverbose = 0;
801     embedding_disabled = FALSE;
802     disable_pause_on_click = FALSE;
803     disable_animation = FALSE;
804     disable_cover_art_fetch = FALSE;
805     auto_hide_timeout = 3;
806     mouse_over_controls = FALSE;
807     use_mediakeys = TRUE;
808     use_defaultpl = FALSE;
809     mplayer_bin = NULL;
810     mplayer_dvd_device = NULL;
811     single_instance = FALSE;
812     disable_deinterlace = TRUE;
813     details_visible = FALSE;
814     replace_and_play = FALSE;
815     bring_to_front = FALSE;
816     keep_on_top = FALSE;
817     resize_on_new_media = FALSE;
818     use_pausing_keep_force = FALSE;
819     show_notification = TRUE;
820     show_status_icon = TRUE;
821     lang_group = NULL;
822     audio_group = NULL;
823     gpod_mount_point = NULL;
824     load_tracks_from_gpod = FALSE;
825     disable_cover_art_fetch = FALSE;
826     fullscreen = 0;
827     vo = NULL;
828     data = NULL;
829     max_data = NULL;
830     details_table = NULL;
831     large_buttons = FALSE;
832     button_size = GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON;
833     lastguistate = -1;
834     non_fs_height = 0;
835     non_fs_width = 0;
836     use_hw_audio = FALSE;
837     start_second = 0;
838     play_length = 0;
839     save_loc = TRUE;
840     screensaver_disabled = FALSE;
841     update_control_flag = FALSE;
842     skip_fixed_allocation_on_show = FALSE;
843     skip_fixed_allocation_on_hide = FALSE;
844     pref_volume = -1;
845     use_mplayer2 = FALSE;
846     enable_global_menu = FALSE;
847     cover_art_uri = NULL;
848     resume_mode = RESUME_ALWAYS_ASK;
851     // All Gtk docs say we need to call g_thread_init() and gdk_threads_init() before gtk_init()
852     //
853     // Why do we not call this? Why does the program seem to deadlock if we enable this call?
854     // I assume once we have truly fixed locking/threading this will work....
855     // gdk_threads_init();
856     if (!g_thread_supported())
857         g_thread_init(NULL);
859     g_type_init();
860     gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
861     g_setenv("PULSE_PROP_media.role", "video", TRUE);
863 #ifndef OS_WIN32
864     sa.sa_handler = hup_handler;
865     sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
866 #ifdef SA_RESTART
867     sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;   /* Restart functions if
868                                    interrupted by handler */
869 #endif
871     gm_log_name_this_thread("root");
873 #ifdef SIGINT
874     if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1)
875         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "SIGINT signal handler not installed");
876 #endif
877 #ifdef SIGHUP
878     if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) == -1)
879         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "SIGHUP signal handler not installed");
880 #endif
881 #ifdef SIGTERM
882     if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) == -1)
883         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "SIGTERM signal handler not installed");
884 #endif
885 #endif
887     uri = g_strdup_printf("%s/gnome-mplayer/cover_art", g_get_user_config_dir());
888     if (!g_file_test(uri, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
889         g_mkdir_with_parents(uri, 0775);
890     }
891     g_free(uri);
893     uri = g_strdup_printf("%s/gnome-mplayer/plugin", g_get_user_config_dir());
894     if (!g_file_test(uri, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
895         g_mkdir_with_parents(uri, 0775);
896     }
897     g_free(uri);
898     uri = NULL;
900     default_playlist = g_strdup_printf("file://%s/gnome-mplayer/default.pls", g_get_user_config_dir());
901     safe_to_save_default_playlist = TRUE;
903     gm_store = gm_pref_store_new("gnome-mplayer");
904     gmp_store = gm_pref_store_new("gecko-mediaplayer");
905     vo = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, VO);
906     audio_device.alsa_mixer = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, ALSA_MIXER);
907     use_hardware_codecs = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, USE_HARDWARE_CODECS);
908     use_crystalhd_codecs = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, USE_CRYSTALHD_CODECS);
909     osdlevel = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, OSDLEVEL);
910     pplevel = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, PPLEVEL);
911 #ifndef HAVE_ASOUNDLIB
912     volume = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, VOLUME);
913     if (pref_volume == -1) {
914         pref_volume = volume;
915     }
916 #endif
917     audio_channels = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, AUDIO_CHANNELS);
918     use_hw_audio = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, USE_HW_AUDIO);
919     fullscreen = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, FULLSCREEN);
920     softvol = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SOFTVOL);
921     remember_softvol = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, REMEMBER_SOFTVOL);
922     volume_softvol = gm_pref_store_get_float(gm_store, VOLUME_SOFTVOL);
923     volume_gain = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, VOLUME_GAIN);
924     forcecache = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, FORCECACHE);
925     vertical_layout = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, VERTICAL);
926     playlist_visible = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SHOWPLAYLIST);
927     details_visible = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SHOWDETAILS);
928     show_notification = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SHOW_NOTIFICATION);
929     show_status_icon = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SHOW_STATUS_ICON);
930     showcontrols = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, SHOW_CONTROLS, showcontrols);
931     restore_controls = showcontrols;
932     disable_deinterlace = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEDEINTERLACE);
933     disable_framedrop = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEFRAMEDROP);
934     disable_fullscreen = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEFULLSCREEN);
935     disable_context_menu = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLECONTEXTMENU);
936     disable_ass = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEASS);
937     disable_embeddedfonts = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEEMBEDDEDFONTS);
938     disable_pause_on_click = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEPAUSEONCLICK);
939     disable_animation = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLEANIMATION);
940     disable_cover_art_fetch =
941         gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, DISABLE_COVER_ART_FETCH, disable_cover_art_fetch);
942     auto_hide_timeout = gm_pref_store_get_int_with_default(gm_store, AUTOHIDETIMEOUT, auto_hide_timeout);
943     disable_cover_art_fetch = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, DISABLE_COVER_ART_FETCH);
944     use_mediakeys = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, USE_MEDIAKEYS, use_mediakeys);
945     use_defaultpl = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, USE_DEFAULTPL, use_defaultpl);
946     metadata_codepage = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, METADATACODEPAGE);
948     alang = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, AUDIO_LANG);
949     slang = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, SUBTITLE_LANG);
951     subtitlefont = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, SUBTITLEFONT);
952     subtitle_scale = gm_pref_store_get_float(gm_store, SUBTITLESCALE);
953     if (subtitle_scale < 0.25) {
954         subtitle_scale = 1.0;
955     }
956     subtitle_codepage = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, SUBTITLECODEPAGE);
957     subtitle_color = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, SUBTITLECOLOR);
958     subtitle_outline = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SUBTITLEOUTLINE);
959     subtitle_shadow = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SUBTITLESHADOW);
960     subtitle_margin = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, SUBTITLE_MARGIN);
961     subtitle_fuzziness = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, SUBTITLE_FUZZINESS);
962     showsubtitles = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, SHOW_SUBTITLES, TRUE);
964     resume_mode = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, RESUME_MODE);
966     qt_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_QT);
967     real_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_REAL);
968     wmp_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_WMP);
969     dvx_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_DVX);
970     midi_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_MIDI);
971     embedding_disabled = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_EMBEDDING);
972     disable_embedded_scaling = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gmp_store, DISABLE_EMBEDDED_SCALING);
973     if (embed_window == 0) {
974         single_instance = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, SINGLE_INSTANCE);
975         if (single_instance) {
976             replace_and_play = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, REPLACE_AND_PLAY);
977             bring_to_front = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, BRING_TO_FRONT);
978         }
979     }
980     enable_global_menu = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, ENABLE_GLOBAL_MENU);
981     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Enable global menu preference value is %s",
982            gm_bool_to_string(enable_global_menu));
983     if (!enable_global_menu) {
984         if (g_getenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY") != NULL) {
985             if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(g_getenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY"), "0") == 0)
986                 enable_global_menu = FALSE;
987             if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(g_getenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY"), "1") == 0)
988                 enable_global_menu = TRUE;
989         }
990         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
991                "Enable global menu preference value is %s after reading UBUNTU_MENUPROXY",
992                gm_bool_to_string(enable_global_menu));
993     }
995     enable_nautilus_plugin = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, ENABLE_NAUTILUS_PLUGIN, TRUE);
996     if (mplayer_bin == NULL)
997         mplayer_bin = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, MPLAYER_BIN);
998     if (mplayer_bin != NULL && !g_file_test(mplayer_bin, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
999         g_free(mplayer_bin);
1000         mplayer_bin = NULL;
1001     }
1002     mplayer_dvd_device = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, MPLAYER_DVD_DEVICE);
1003     extraopts = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, EXTRAOPTS);
1004     accelerator_keys = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, ACCELERATOR_KEYS);
1005     accel_keys = g_strv_new(KEY_COUNT);
1006     accel_keys_description = g_strv_new(KEY_COUNT);
1007     if (accelerator_keys != NULL) {
1008         parse = g_strsplit(accelerator_keys, " ", KEY_COUNT);
1009         for (i = 0; i < g_strv_length(parse); i++) {
1010             accel_keys[i] = g_strdup(parse[i]);
1011         }
1012         g_free(accelerator_keys);
1013         g_strfreev(parse);
1014     }
1015     assign_default_keys();
1016     accel_keys_description[FILE_OPEN_LOCATION] = g_strdup(_("Open Location"));
1017     accel_keys_description[EDIT_SCREENSHOT] = g_strdup(_("Take Screenshot"));
1018     accel_keys_description[EDIT_PREFERENCES] = g_strdup(_("Preferences"));
1019     accel_keys_description[VIEW_PLAYLIST] = g_strdup(_("Playlist"));
1020     accel_keys_description[VIEW_INFO] = g_strdup(_("Media Info"));
1021     accel_keys_description[VIEW_DETAILS] = g_strdup(_("Details"));
1022     accel_keys_description[VIEW_METER] = g_strdup(_("Audio Meter"));
1023     accel_keys_description[VIEW_FULLSCREEN] = g_strdup(_("Full Screen"));
1024     accel_keys_description[VIEW_ASPECT] = g_strdup(_("Aspect"));
1025     accel_keys_description[VIEW_SUBTITLES] = g_strdup(_("Subtitles"));
1026     accel_keys_description[VIEW_DECREASE_SIZE] = g_strdup(_("Decrease Subtitle Size"));
1027     accel_keys_description[VIEW_INCREASE_SIZE] = g_strdup(_("Increase Subtitle Size"));
1028     accel_keys_description[VIEW_ANGLE] = g_strdup(_("Switch Angle"));
1029     accel_keys_description[VIEW_CONTROLS] = g_strdup(_("Controls"));
1030     remember_loc = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, REMEMBER_LOC);
1031     loc_window_x = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, WINDOW_X);
1032     loc_window_y = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, WINDOW_Y);
1033     loc_window_height = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
1034     loc_window_width = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, WINDOW_WIDTH);
1035     loc_panel_position = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, PANEL_POSITION);
1036     keep_on_top = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, KEEP_ON_TOP);
1037     resize_on_new_media = gm_pref_store_get_boolean(gm_store, RESIZE_ON_NEW_MEDIA);
1038     mouse_wheel_changes_volume = gm_pref_store_get_boolean_with_default(gm_store, MOUSE_WHEEL_CHANGES_VOLUME, FALSE);
1039     audio_device_name = gm_pref_store_get_string(gm_store, AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME);
1040     audio_device.description = g_strdup(audio_device_name);
1041     context = g_option_context_new(_("[FILES...] - GNOME Media player based on MPlayer"));
1042 #ifdef GTK2_12_ENABLED
1043     g_option_context_set_translation_domain(context, "UTF-8");
1044     g_option_context_set_translate_func(context, (GTranslateFunc) gettext, NULL, NULL);
1045 #endif
1046     g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
1047     g_option_context_add_group(context, gtk_get_option_group(TRUE));
1048     g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error);
1049     g_option_context_free(context);
1050     if (new_instance)
1051         single_instance = FALSE;
1052     if (verbose == 0)
1053         verbose = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, VERBOSE);
1054     if (reallyverbose)
1055         verbose = 2;
1056     if (verbose) {
1057         printf(_("GNOME MPlayer v%s\n"), VERSION);
1058         printf(_("gmtk v%s\n"), gmtk_version());
1061         printf("GDA Enabled\n");
1062     }
1064     if (cache_size == 0)
1065         cache_size = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, CACHE_SIZE);
1066     if (cache_size == 0)
1067         cache_size = 2000;
1068     plugin_audio_cache_size = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, PLUGIN_AUDIO_CACHE_SIZE);
1069     if (plugin_audio_cache_size == 0)
1070         plugin_audio_cache_size = 2000;
1071     plugin_video_cache_size = gm_pref_store_get_int(gm_store, PLUGIN_VIDEO_CACHE_SIZE);
1072     if (plugin_video_cache_size == 0)
1073         plugin_video_cache_size = 2000;
1074     if (control_id != 0)
1075         cache_size = plugin_video_cache_size;
1076     gm_pref_store_free(gm_store);
1077     gm_pref_store_free(gmp_store);
1078     if (embed_window) {
1079         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "embedded in window id 0x%x", embed_window);
1080     }
1082     if (single_instance) {
1083         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Running in single instance mode");
1084     }
1085 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
1086     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Running with GIO support");
1087 #endif
1088 #ifdef ENABLE_PANSCAN
1089     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Running with panscan enabled (mplayer svn r29565 or higher required)");
1090 #endif
1091     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Using audio device: %s", audio_device_name);
1093     if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != 0) {
1094         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "CURL initialization failed");
1095     }
1096 #endif
1098     if (softvol) {
1099         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Using MPlayer Software Volume control");
1100         if (remember_softvol && volume_softvol != -1) {
1101             gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Using last volume of %f%%", volume_softvol * 100.0);
1102             volume = (gdouble) volume_softvol *100.0;
1103             audio_device.volume = volume / 100.0;
1104         } else {
1105             volume = 100.0;
1106         }
1107     }
1109     if (large_buttons)
1110         button_size = GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG;
1111     if (playlist_visible && control_id != 0)
1112         playlist_visible = FALSE;
1113     if (error != NULL) {
1114         printf("%s\n", error->message);
1115         printf(_("Run 'gnome-mplayer --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"));
1116         return 1;
1117     }
1118     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Threading support enabled = %s", gm_bool_to_string(g_thread_supported()));
1119     if (rpconsole == NULL)
1120         rpconsole = g_strdup("NONE");
1121     // setup playliststore
1122     playliststore =
1123         gtk_list_store_new(N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
1125                            G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING,
1126                            G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT,
1127                            G_TYPE_FLOAT, G_TYPE_FLOAT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
1128 #ifdef LIBGDA_ENABLED
1129     db_connection = open_db_connection();
1130 #endif
1131     // only use dark theme if not embedded, otherwise use the default theme
1132 #ifdef GTK3_ENABLED
1133     if (embed_window <= 0) {
1134         gtk_settings = gtk_settings_get_default();
1135         g_object_set(G_OBJECT(gtk_settings), "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", TRUE, NULL);
1136     }
1137 #endif
1139     create_window(embed_window);
1140     autopause = FALSE;
1141 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
1142     idledata->caching = g_mutex_new();
1143     idledata->caching_complete = g_cond_new();
1144 #endif
1145     retrieve_metadata_pool = g_thread_pool_new(retrieve_metadata, NULL, 10, TRUE, NULL);
1146     retrieve_mutex = g_mutex_new();
1147     set_mutex = g_mutex_new();
1148     if (argv[fileindex] != NULL) {
1149 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
1150         file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(argv[fileindex]);
1151         stat_result = -1;
1152         if (file != NULL) {
1153             GError *error = NULL;
1154             GFileInfo *file_info = g_file_query_info(file, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE, 0, NULL, &error);
1155             if (file_info != NULL) {
1156                 buf.st_mode = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32(file_info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE);
1157                 stat_result = 0;
1158                 g_object_unref(file_info);
1159             }
1160             if (error != NULL) {
1161                 gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "failed to get mode: %s", error->message);
1162                 g_error_free(error);
1163             }
1164             g_object_unref(file);
1165         }
1166 #else
1167         stat_result = g_stat(argv[fileindex], &buf);
1168 #endif
1169         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "opening %s", argv[fileindex]);
1170         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "stat_result = %i", stat_result);
1171         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "is block %s", gm_bool_to_string(S_ISBLK(buf.st_mode)));
1172         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "is character %s", gm_bool_to_string(S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode)));
1173         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "is reg %s", gm_bool_to_string(S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)));
1174         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "is dir %s", gm_bool_to_string(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)));
1175         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "playlist %s", gm_bool_to_string(playlist));
1176         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "embedded in window id 0x%x", embed_window);
1177         if (stat_result == 0 && S_ISBLK(buf.st_mode)) {
1178             // might have a block device, so could be a DVD
1180 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H
1181             fp = setmntent("/etc/mtab", "r");
1182             do {
1183                 mnt = getmntent(fp);
1184                 if (mnt)
1185                     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "%s is at %s", mnt->mnt_fsname, mnt->mnt_dir);
1186                 if (argv[fileindex] != NULL && mnt && mnt->mnt_fsname != NULL) {
1187                     if (strcmp(argv[fileindex], mnt->mnt_fsname) == 0)
1188                         break;
1189                 }
1190             }
1191             while (mnt);
1192             endmntent(fp);
1193 #endif
1194             if (mnt && mnt->mnt_dir) {
1195                 gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "%s is mounted on %s", argv[fileindex], mnt->mnt_dir);
1196                 uri = g_strdup_printf("%s/VIDEO_TS", mnt->mnt_dir);
1197                 stat(uri, &buf);
1198                 g_free(uri);
1199                 if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
1200                     add_item_to_playlist("dvdnav://", FALSE);
1201                     gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1202                     gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_DVD);
1203                     //play_iter(&iter, 0);
1204                     playiter = TRUE;
1205                 } else {
1206                     uri = g_strdup_printf("file://%s", mnt->mnt_dir);
1207                     create_folder_progress_window();
1208                     add_folder_to_playlist_callback(uri, NULL);
1209                     g_free(uri);
1210                     destroy_folder_progress_window();
1211                     if (random_order) {
1212                         gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1213                         randomize_playlist(playliststore);
1214                     }
1215                     if (first_item_in_playlist(playliststore, &iter)) {
1216                         // play_iter(&iter, 0);
1217                         playiter = TRUE;
1218                     }
1219                 }
1220             } else {
1221                 parse_cdda("cdda://");
1222                 if (random_order) {
1223                     gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1224                     randomize_playlist(playliststore);
1225                 }
1226                 //play_file("cdda://", playlist);
1227                 if (first_item_in_playlist(playliststore, &iter)) {
1228                     // play_iter(&iter, 0);
1229                     playiter = TRUE;
1230                 }
1231             }
1232         } else if (stat_result == 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
1233             uri = g_strdup_printf("%s/VIDEO_TS", argv[fileindex]);
1234             stat_result = g_stat(uri, &buf);
1235             g_free(uri);
1236             if (stat_result == 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
1237                 add_item_to_playlist("dvdnav://", FALSE);
1238                 gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1239                 gmtk_media_player_set_media_type(GMTK_MEDIA_PLAYER(media), TYPE_DVD);
1240                 //play_iter(&iter, 0);
1241                 playiter = TRUE;
1242             } else {
1243                 create_folder_progress_window();
1244                 uri = NULL;
1245 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
1246                 file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(argv[fileindex]);
1247                 if (file != NULL) {
1248                     uri = g_file_get_uri(file);
1249                     g_object_unref(file);
1250                 }
1251 #else
1252                 uri = g_filename_to_uri(argv[fileindex], NULL, NULL);
1253 #endif
1254                 add_folder_to_playlist_callback(uri, NULL);
1255                 g_free(uri);
1256                 destroy_folder_progress_window();
1257                 if (random_order) {
1258                     gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1259                     randomize_playlist(playliststore);
1260                 }
1261                 if (first_item_in_playlist(playliststore, &iter)) {
1262                     //play_iter(&iter, 0);
1263                     playiter = TRUE;
1264                 }
1265             }
1266         } else {
1267             // local file
1268             // detect if playlist here, so even if not specified it can be picked up
1269             i = fileindex;
1270             while (argv[i] != NULL) {
1271                 gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Argument %i is %s", i, argv[i]);
1272 #ifdef GIO_ENABLED
1273                 if (!device_name(argv[i])) {
1274                     file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(argv[i]);
1275                     if (file != NULL) {
1276                         uri = g_file_get_uri(file);
1277                         g_object_unref(file);
1278                     } else {
1279                         uri = g_strdup(argv[i]);
1280                     }
1281                 } else {
1282                     uri = g_strdup(argv[i]);
1283                 }
1284 #else
1285                 uri = g_filename_to_uri(argv[i], NULL, NULL);
1286 #endif
1287                 if (uri != NULL) {
1288                     if (playlist == FALSE)
1289                         playlist = detect_playlist(uri);
1290                     if (!playlist) {
1291                         add_item_to_playlist(uri, playlist);
1292                     } else {
1293                         if (!parse_playlist(uri)) {
1294                             add_item_to_playlist(uri, playlist);
1295                         }
1296                     }
1297                     g_free(uri);
1298                 }
1299                 i++;
1300             }
1302             if (random_order) {
1303                 gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playliststore), &iter);
1304                 randomize_playlist(playliststore);
1305             }
1306             if (first_item_in_playlist(playliststore, &iter)) {
1307                 playiter = TRUE;
1308             }
1309         }
1311     }
1312 #ifdef HAVE_GPOD
1313     if (load_tracks_from_gpod) {
1314         gpod_mount_point = find_gpod_mount_point();
1315         gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "mount point is %s", gpod_mount_point);
1316         if (gpod_mount_point != NULL) {
1317             gpod_load_tracks(gpod_mount_point);
1318         } else {
1319             gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "Unable to find gpod mount point");
1320         }
1321     }
1322 #endif
1324     gm_audio_update_device(&audio_device);
1325     // disabling this line seems to help with hangs on startup when using pulseaudio
1326     //gm_audio_get_volume(&audio_device);
1327     set_media_player_attributes(media);
1328     if (softvol) {
1329         if (pref_volume != -1) {
1330             audio_device.volume = (gdouble) pref_volume / 100.0;
1331             gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "The volume on '%s' is %f", audio_device.description,
1332                    audio_device.volume);
1333             volume = audio_device.volume * 100;
1334         } else {
1335             audio_device.volume = volume / 100.0;
1336         }
1337     }
1338     gm_log(verbose, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Volume is %lf Audio Device Volume = %f", volume, audio_device.volume);
1340 #ifdef GTK2_12_ENABLED
1341     gtk_scale_button_set_value(GTK_SCALE_BUTTON(vol_slider), audio_device.volume);
1342 #else
1343     gtk_range_set_value(GTK_RANGE(vol_slider), audio_device.volume);
1344 #endif
1345     use_volume_option = detect_volume_option();
1346     dbus_hookup(embed_window, control_id);
1347     // don't hook up MPRIS when running in embedded mode
1348     if (embed_window == 0) {
1349         mpris_hookup(control_id);
1350     }
1351     show_window(embed_window);
1352     if (playiter)
1353         play_iter(&iter, 0);
1354     if (argv[fileindex] == NULL && embed_window == 0) {
1355         // When running as apple.com external player, don't load the default playlist
1356         if (control_id == 0) {
1357             use_remember_loc = remember_loc;
1358             gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem_view_playlist), playlist_visible);
1359         } else {
1360             remember_loc = FALSE;
1361             use_remember_loc = FALSE;
1362             // prevents saving of a playlist with one item on it
1363             use_defaultpl = FALSE;
1364             // don't save the loc when launched with a single file
1365             save_loc = FALSE;
1366         }
1367     } else {
1368         // prevents saving of a playlist with one item on it
1369         use_defaultpl = FALSE;
1370         // don't save the loc when launched with a single file
1371         save_loc = FALSE;
1372     }
1374     if (single_instance && embed_window == 0) {
1375         if (control_id == 0) {
1376             use_remember_loc = remember_loc;
1377             gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem_view_playlist), playlist_visible);
1378         }
1379     }
1381     if (embed_window == 0) {
1382         if (remember_loc) {
1383             gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window), loc_window_x, loc_window_y);
1384             g_idle_add(set_pane_position, NULL);
1385         }
1386     }
1388     safe_to_save_default_playlist = FALSE;
1389     if (use_defaultpl) {
1390         create_folder_progress_window();
1391         parse_playlist(default_playlist);
1392         destroy_folder_progress_window();
1393     }
1394     safe_to_save_default_playlist = TRUE;
1395     // put the request to update the volume into the list of tasks to complete
1396     g_idle_add(hookup_volume, NULL);
1397     g_idle_add(set_volume, NULL);
1398     if (fullscreen && embed_window == 0)
1399         g_idle_add(set_fullscreen, NULL);
1400     gtk_main();
1401     return 0;
1402 }