1 /// A trait for describing vector operations used by vectorized searchers.
2 ///
3 /// The trait is highly constrained to low level vector operations needed. In
4 /// general, it was invented mostly to be generic over x86's __m128i and
5 /// __m256i types. It's likely that once std::simd becomes a thing, we can
6 /// migrate to that since the operations required are quite simple.
7 ///
8 /// TODO: Consider moving this trait up a level and using it to implement
9 /// memchr as well. The trait might need to grow one or two methods, but
10 /// otherwise should be close to sufficient already.
11 ///
12 /// # Safety
13 ///
14 /// All methods are not safe since they are intended to be implemented using
15 /// vendor intrinsics, which are also not safe. Callers must ensure that the
16 /// appropriate target features are enabled in the calling function, and that
17 /// the current CPU supports them. All implementations should avoid marking the
18 /// routines with #[target_feature] and instead mark them as #[inline(always)]
19 /// to ensure they get appropriately inlined. (inline(always) cannot be used
20 /// with target_feature.)
21 pub(crate) trait Vector: Copy + core::fmt::Debug {
22     /// _mm_set1_epi8 or _mm256_set1_epi8
splat(byte: u8) -> Self23     unsafe fn splat(byte: u8) -> Self;
24     /// _mm_loadu_si128 or _mm256_loadu_si256
load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> Self25     unsafe fn load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> Self;
26     /// _mm_movemask_epi8 or _mm256_movemask_epi8
movemask(self) -> u3227     unsafe fn movemask(self) -> u32;
28     /// _mm_cmpeq_epi8 or _mm256_cmpeq_epi8
cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> Self29     unsafe fn cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> Self;
30     /// _mm_and_si128 or _mm256_and_si256
and(self, vector2: Self) -> Self31     unsafe fn and(self, vector2: Self) -> Self;
32 }
34 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
35 mod x86sse {
36     use super::Vector;
37     use core::arch::x86_64::*;
39     impl Vector for __m128i {
40         #[inline(always)]
splat(byte: u8) -> __m128i41         unsafe fn splat(byte: u8) -> __m128i {
42             _mm_set1_epi8(byte as i8)
43         }
45         #[inline(always)]
load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> __m128i46         unsafe fn load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> __m128i {
47             _mm_loadu_si128(data as *const __m128i)
48         }
50         #[inline(always)]
movemask(self) -> u3251         unsafe fn movemask(self) -> u32 {
52             _mm_movemask_epi8(self) as u32
53         }
55         #[inline(always)]
cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> __m128i56         unsafe fn cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> __m128i {
57             _mm_cmpeq_epi8(self, vector2)
58         }
60         #[inline(always)]
and(self, vector2: Self) -> __m128i61         unsafe fn and(self, vector2: Self) -> __m128i {
62             _mm_and_si128(self, vector2)
63         }
64     }
65 }
67 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
68 mod x86avx {
69     use super::Vector;
70     use core::arch::x86_64::*;
72     impl Vector for __m256i {
73         #[inline(always)]
splat(byte: u8) -> __m256i74         unsafe fn splat(byte: u8) -> __m256i {
75             _mm256_set1_epi8(byte as i8)
76         }
78         #[inline(always)]
load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> __m256i79         unsafe fn load_unaligned(data: *const u8) -> __m256i {
80             _mm256_loadu_si256(data as *const __m256i)
81         }
83         #[inline(always)]
movemask(self) -> u3284         unsafe fn movemask(self) -> u32 {
85             _mm256_movemask_epi8(self) as u32
86         }
88         #[inline(always)]
cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> __m256i89         unsafe fn cmpeq(self, vector2: Self) -> __m256i {
90             _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(self, vector2)
91         }
93         #[inline(always)]
and(self, vector2: Self) -> __m256i94         unsafe fn and(self, vector2: Self) -> __m256i {
95             _mm256_and_si256(self, vector2)
96         }
97     }
98 }