1qt-gstreamer 1.2.0 (2014-07-08)
4    * Initial port to the GStreamer 1.0 series (BREAKS API & ABI)
6Further additions:
7    * Added QtQuick2 support, which includes:
8      - The qtquick2videosink gstreamer element
9      - The QtGStreamerQuick2 QML plugin
10      - The Qt5GStreamerQuick glue library
11      - The qmlplayer2 example
13Packaging changes:
14    * Tarballs are now distributed in .tar.xz format, together
15      with a .tar.xz.sha256sum check file, like the rest of the
16      GStreamer modules.
17    * Package is NOT fully co-installable with QtGStreamer 0.10.3
19Versioning changes:
20    * Version numbers are now going to be synced to the GStreamer API
21      that qt-gstreamer targets, to avoid confusion. So, this release,
22      instead of being version 1.0.0, it is 1.2.0.
24qt-gstreamer 0.10.3 (2013-10-14)
28    * Added Qt5 support.
29    * Added GstDiscoverer bindings.
30    * QGlib::Error can now be used in QGlib::Value
31    * Added convenience constructors for QGst::ClockTime
34    * Fixed qtglvideosink painting on QGLFrameBufferObject
35    * Fixed codegen compilation with bison 2.6
36    * Fixed example code in the QGst::Ui::GraphicsVideoSurface apidocs
37    * Many fixes for windows support
39Build system fixes and enhancements:
40    * Use recent cmake goodies:
41      * CMakePackageConfigHelpers, which simplifies QtGStreamerConfig.cmake
42        and adds version checking in find_package(QtGStreamer)
43      * CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE, which eliminates issues with
44        missing -fPIC / -fPIE
45      * GNUInstallDirs, which adds automagic support for debian multiarch
46        and also takes away the need for LIB_SUFFIX
47    * .dll's are now installed in the correct place ($prefix/bin) on windows
48    * cmake config files are now installed in $libdir/cmake/$package
49      instead of $libdir/$package
50    * Renamed signal.h to qglib_signal.h to avoid problems where the compiler
51      mixes it up with the C <signal.h>
52    * Determine whether to use OpenGLES or desktop OpenGL by looking at
53      what Qt is using on the target system instead of guessing.
55Changes in dependencies:
56    * CMake 2.8.9 is now required
57    * Drop completely automoc dependency in favor of cmake's internal automoc
58    * Qt5 can be used instead of Qt4. The resulting qt-gstreamer files
59        will be co-installable with the ones built using Qt4.
61qt-gstreamer 0.10.2 (2012-04-15)
65    * Added qHash(const RefPointer<T> &) function.
66    * Added Element::removePad() and Pad::setActive() methods.
67    * Added extra documentation about the design of the wrapping system.
68    * Added new examples: VoIP and QMLPlayer.
69    * Added new elements: qtvideosink and qtglvideosink.
70    * Added helper classes for painting video on QGraphicsView.
71    * Added QML plugin that provides an item for painting video.
74    * Fixed compilation with newer glib versions.
75    * Fixed compilation with boost 1.48 (QTBUG-22829).
76    * Fixed compilation with -DQT_NO_STL.
77    * Fixed Element::unlink() to work correctly.
78    * Fixed Structure::fromString() to actually compile.
80Build system fixes and enhancements:
81    * Utils/global.h is now properly installed.
82    * Support lib64.
83    * Support installing gstreamer plugins in the plugin directory indicated by pkg-config.
84    * Support cmake's internal automoc.
85    * Fixed error output when automoc4 is required and not found.
86    * Fixed cross-compilation issues.
87    * Made all examples compilable standalone with both qmake and cmake.
88    * Fixed FindGObject.cmake not to use pkg-config variables directly.
89    * Fixed UseDoxygen.cmake to not output latex docs by default.
91Changes in dependencies:
92    * GStreamer 0.10.33 is now required.
93    * Qt 4.7 is now required.
94    * Flex and bison are no longer required.
95    * Automoc is no longer a mandatory dependency, if cmake >= 2.8.6 is present.
97qt-gstreamer 0.10.1 (2011-01-23)
100Initial release.