1 /******************************************************************************\
2 Copyright (c) 2005-2020, Intel Corporation
3 All rights reserved.
5 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
7 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
11 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
15 This sample was distributed or derived from the Intel's Media Samples package.
16 The original version of this sample may be obtained from https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-media-server-studio
17 or https://software.intel.com/en-us/media-client-solutions-support.
18 \**********************************************************************************/
20 #include "mfx_samples_config.h"
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <memory>
24 #include "pipeline_encode.h"
25 #include "pipeline_user.h"
26 #include "pipeline_region_encode.h"
27 #include <stdarg.h>
28 #include <string>
29 #include "version.h"
31 #define VAL_CHECK(val, argIdx, argName) \
32 { \
33     if (val) \
34     { \
35     PrintHelp(NULL, MSDK_STRING("Input argument number %d \"%s\" require more parameters"), argIdx, argName); \
36     return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;\
37     } \
38 }
40 #ifndef MFX_VERSION
41 #error MFX_VERSION not defined
42 #endif
PrintHelp(msdk_char * strAppName,const msdk_char * strErrorMessage,...)44 void PrintHelp(msdk_char *strAppName, const msdk_char *strErrorMessage, ...)
45 {
46     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Encoding Sample Version %s\n\n"), GetMSDKSampleVersion().c_str());
48     if (strErrorMessage)
49     {
50         va_list args;
51         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("ERROR: "));
52         va_start(args, strErrorMessage);
53         msdk_vprintf(strErrorMessage, args);
54         va_end(args);
55         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\n\n"));
56     }
58     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Usage: %s <msdk-codecid> [<options>] -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height\n"), strAppName);
59     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\n"));
60     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Supported codecs, <msdk-codecid>:\n"));
61     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h264|mpeg2|vc1|mvc|jpeg - built-in Media SDK codecs\n"));
62     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h265|vp9                - in-box Media SDK plugins (may require separate downloading and installation)\n"));
63     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   If codecid is jpeg, -q option is mandatory.)\n"));
64     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Options: \n"));
65 #if defined(LINUX32) || defined(LINUX64)
66     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-device /path/to/device] - set graphics device for processing\n"));
67     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                                 For example: '-device /dev/dri/card0'\n"));
68     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                                              '-device /dev/dri/renderD128'\n"));
69     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                                 If not specified, defaults to the first Intel device found on the system\n"));
70 #endif
71 #if (defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)) && (MFX_VERSION >= 1031)
72     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dGfx] - preffer processing on dGfx (by default system decides)\n"));
73     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-iGfx] - preffer processing on iGfx (by default system decides)\n"));
74 #endif
75     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-nv12|nv16|yuy2|uyvy|ayuv|rgb4|p010|y210|y410|a2rgb10|p016|p210|y216] - input color format (by default YUV420 is expected).\n"));
76     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-msb10] - 10-bit color format is expected to have data in Most Significant Bits of words.\n                 (LSB data placement is expected by default).\n                 This option also disables data shifting during file reading.\n"));
77     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ec::p010|yuy2|nv12|nv16|rgb4|ayuv|uyvy|y210|y410|p016|y216] - force output color format for encoder (conversion will be made if necessary). Default value: input color format\n"));
78     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-tff|bff] - input stream is interlaced, top|bottom fielf first, if not specified progressive is expected\n"));
79     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-bref] - arrange B frames in B pyramid reference structure\n"));
80     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-nobref] -  do not use B-pyramid (by default the decision is made by library)\n"));
81     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-idr_interval size] - idr interval, default 0 means every I is an IDR, 1 means every other I frame is an IDR etc\n"));
82     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-f frameRate] - video frame rate (frames per second)\n"));
83     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-n number] - number of frames to process\n"));
84     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-b bitRate] - encoded bit rate (Kbits per second), valid for H.264, H.265, MPEG2 and MVC encoders \n"));
85     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-u usage] - target usage, valid for H.265, H.264, H.265, MPEG2 and MVC encoders. Expected values:\n"));
86     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                veryslow(quality), slower, slow, medium(balanced), fast, faster, veryfast(speed)\n"));
87     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-q quality] - mandatory quality parameter for JPEG encoder. In range [1,100]. 100 is the best quality. \n"));
88     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-r distance] - Distance between I- or P- key frames (1 means no B-frames) \n"));
89     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-g size] - GOP size (default 256)\n"));
90     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-x numRefs]   - number of reference frames\n"));
91     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-num_active_P numRefs]   - number of maximum allowed references for P frames (for HEVC only)\n"));
92     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-num_active_BL0 numRefs] - number of maximum allowed references for B frames in L0 (for HEVC only)\n"));
93     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-num_active_BL1 numRefs] - number of maximum allowed references for B frames in L1 (for HEVC only)\n"));
94 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
95     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-TargetBitDepthLuma] - Encoding target bit depth for luma samples, by default same as source one \n"));
96     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-TargetBitDepthChroma] - Encoding target bit depth for chroma samples, by default same as source one \n"));
97 #endif
98     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-la] - use the look ahead bitrate control algorithm (LA BRC) (by default constant bitrate control method is used)\n"));
99     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("           for H.264, H.265 encoder. Supported only with -hw option on 4th Generation Intel Core processors. \n"));
100     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("           if [-icq] option is also enabled simultaneously, then LA_ICQ bitrate control algotithm will be used. \n"));
101     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-la_ext] - use external LA plugin (compatible with H.264, H.265 encoders)\n"));
102     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-lad depth] - depth parameter for the LA BRC, the number of frames to be analyzed before encoding. In range [0,100] (0 - default: auto-select by mediasdk library).\n"));
103     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("            may be 1 in the case when -mss option is specified \n"));
104     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("            if [-icq] option is also enabled simultaneously, then LA_ICQ bitrate control algotithm will be used. \n"));
105     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dstw width] - destination picture width, invokes VPP resizing\n"));
106     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dsth height] - destination picture height, invokes VPP resizing\n"));
107     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-hw] - use platform specific SDK implementation (default)\n"));
108     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-sw] - use software implementation, if not specified platform specific SDK implementation is used\n"));
109     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p plugin] - encoder plugin. Supported values: hevce_sw, hevce_gacc, hevce_hw, vp8e_hw, vp9e_hw, hevce_fei_hw\n"));
110     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              (optional for Media SDK in-box plugins, required for user-encoder ones)\n"));
111     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-path path] - path to plugin (valid only in pair with -p option)\n"));
112     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-async]                 - depth of asynchronous pipeline. default value is 4. must be between 1 and 20.\n"));
113     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-gpucopy::<on,off>] Enable or disable GPU copy mode\n"));
114     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-robust:soft]           - Recovery from GPU hang by inserting an IDR\n"));
115     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vbr]                   - variable bitrate control\n"));
116     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-cbr]                   - constant bitrate control\n"));
117     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vcm]                   - Video Conferencing Mode (VCM) bitrate control method\n"));
118     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qvbr quality]          - variable bitrate control algorithm with constant quality. Quality in range [1,51]. 1 is the best quality.\n"));
119     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-icq quality]           - Intelligent Constant Quality (ICQ) bitrate control method. In range [1,51]. 1 is the best quality.\n"));
120     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              If [-la] or [-lad] options are enabled simultaneously, then LA_ICQ bitrate control method will be used.\n"));
121     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-avbr]                  - average variable bitrate control algorithm \n"));
122     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-convergence]           - bitrate convergence period for avbr, in the unit of frame \n"));
123     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-accuracy]              - bitrate accuracy for avbr, in the range of [1, 100] \n"));
124     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-cqp]                   - constant quantization parameter (CQP BRC) bitrate control method\n"));
125     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              (by default constant bitrate control method is used), should be used along with -qpi, -qpp, -qpb.\n"));
126     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpi]                   - constant quantizer for I frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, i.e.no limitations on QP.\n"));
127     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpp]                   - constant quantizer for P frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, i.e.no limitations on QP.\n"));
128     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpb]                   - constant quantizer for B frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, i.e.no limitations on QP.\n"));
129 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
130     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-round_offset_in file]  - use this file to set per frame inter/intra rounding offset(for AVC only)\n"));
131 #endif
132     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-lowpower:<on,off>]     - Turn this option ON to enable QuickSync Fixed Function (low-power HW) encoding mode\n"));
133     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ir_type]               - Intra refresh type. 0 - no refresh, 1 - vertical refresh, 2 - horisontal refresh, 3 - slice refresh\n"));
134     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ir_cycle_size]         - Number of pictures within refresh cycle starting from 2\n"));
135     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ir_qp_delta]           - QP difference for inserted intra MBs. This is signed value in [-51, 51] range\n"));
136     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ir_cycle_dist]         - Distance between the beginnings of the intra-refresh cycles in frames\n"));
137     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-gpb:<on,off>]          - Turn this option OFF to make HEVC encoder use regular P-frames instead of GPB\n"));
138     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-TransformSkip:<on,off>]- Turn this option ON to enable transformskip\n"));
139     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -AvcTemporalLayers [array:Layer.Scale]    Configures the temporal layers hierarchy\n"));
140     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -BaseLayerPID <pid>                       Sets priority ID for the base layer\n"));
141     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -SPSId <pid>                              Sets sequence parameter set ID\n"));
142     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -PPSId <pid>                              Sets picture parameter set ID\n"));
143     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -PicTimingSEI:<on,off>                    Enables or disables picture timing SEI\n"));
144     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -NalHrdConformance:<on,off>               Enables or disables picture HRD conformance\n"));
145     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  -VuiNalHrdParameters:<on,off>             Enables or disables NAL HRD parameters in VUI header\n"));
146     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ppyr:<on,off>]         - Turn this option ON to enable P-pyramid (by default the decision is made by library)\n"));
147     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-num_slice]             - number of slices in each video frame. 0 by default.\n"));
148     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              If num_slice equals zero, the encoder may choose any slice partitioning allowed by the codec standard.\n"));
149     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-mss]                   - maximum slice size in bytes. Supported only with -hw and h264 codec. This option is not compatible with -num_slice option.\n"));
150     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-mfs]                   - maximum frame size in bytes. Supported only with h264 and hevc codec for VBR mode.\n"));
151     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-BitrateLimit:<on,off>] - Turn this flag ON to set bitrate limitations imposed by the SDK encoder. Off by default.\n"));
152     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-re]                    - enable region encode mode. Works only with h265 encoder\n"));
153     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-trows rows]            - Number of rows for tiled encoding\n"));
154     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-tcols cols]            - Number of columns for tiled encoding\n"));
155     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-CodecProfile]          - specifies codec profile\n"));
156     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-CodecLevel]            - specifies codec level\n"));
157     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-GopOptFlag:closed]     - closed gop\n"));
158     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-GopOptFlag:strict]     - strict gop\n"));
159     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-AdaptiveI:<on,off>]    - Turn Adaptive I frames on/off\n"));
160     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-AdaptiveB:<on,off>]    - Turn Adaptive B frames on/off\n"));
161     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-InitialDelayInKB]      - the decoder starts decoding after the buffer reaches the initial size InitialDelayInKB, \
162                             which is equivalent to reaching an initial delay of InitialDelayInKB*8000/TargetKbps ms\n"));
163     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-BufferSizeInKB ]       - represents the maximum possible size of any compressed frames\n"));
164     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-MaxKbps ]              - for variable bitrate control, specifies the maximum bitrate at which \
165                             the encoded data enters the Video Buffering Verifier buffer\n"));
166     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ws]                    - specifies sliding window size in frames\n"));
167     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-wb]                    - specifies the maximum bitrate averaged over a sliding window in Kbps\n"));
168     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-amfs:<on,off>]         - adaptive max frame size. If set on, P or B frame size can exceed MaxFrameSize when the scene change is detected.\
169                             It can benefit the video quality \n"));
170 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1023)
171     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-LowDelayBRC]           - strictly obey average frame size set by MaxKbps\n"));
172 #endif
173     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-signal:tm ]            - represents transfer matrix coefficients for mfxExtVideoSignalInfo. 0 - unknown, 1 - BT709, 2 - BT601\n"));
174     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-WeightedPred:default|implicit ]   - enables weighted prediction mode\n"));
175     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-WeightedBiPred:default|implicit ] - enables weighted bi-prediction mode\n"));
176     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-timeout]               - encoding in cycle not less than specific time in seconds\n"));
177     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-perf_opt n]            - sets number of prefetched frames. In performance mode app preallocates buffer and loads first n frames\n"));
178     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-fps]                   - limits overall fps of pipeline\n"));
179     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-uncut]                 - do not cut output file in looped mode (in case of -timeout option)\n"));
180     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dump fileName]         - dump MSDK components configuration to the file in text form\n"));
181     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpfile <filepath>]     - if specified, the encoder will take frame parameters (frame number, QP, frame type) from text file\n"));
182     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-tcbrctestfile <filepath>] - if specified, the encoder will take targetFrameSize parameters for TCBRC test from text file\n"));
183     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-usei]                  - insert user data unregistered SEI. eg: 7fc92488825d11e7bb31be2e44b06b34:0:MSDK (uuid:type<0-preifx/1-suffix>:message)\n"));
184     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              the suffix SEI for HEVCe can be inserted when CQP used or HRD disabled\n"));
186     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dblk_alpha]            - alpha deblocking parameter. In range[-12,12]. 0 by default.\n"));
187     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dblk_beta]             - beta deblocking parameter. In range[-12,12]. 0 by default.\n"));
188 #endif
189 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1024)
190     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-extbrc:<on,off,implicit>] - External BRC for AVC and HEVC encoders\n"));
191 #endif
192 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1026)
193     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR:<on,off>] - Set AdaptiveLTR for implicit extbrc\n"));
194 #endif
195     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h265 -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -hw -p 2fca99749fdb49aeb121a5b63ef568f7\n"), strAppName);
196     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-preset <default,dss,conference,gaming>] - Use particular preset for encoding parameters\n"));
197     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-pp] - Print preset parameters\n"));
198     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-sys] - work with linear buffer in system memory\n"));
200     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d] - work with d3d surfaces\n"));
201     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d11] - work with d3d11 surfaces\n"));
202     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-single_texture_d3d11 ] - single texture mode for d3d11 allocator \n"));
203     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|h265|mpeg2|jpeg -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -d3d -hw \n"), strAppName);
204     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example for MVC: %s mvc -i InputYUVFile_1 -i InputYUVFile_2 -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height \n"), strAppName);
205 #endif
206 #ifdef LIBVA_SUPPORT
207     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vaapi] - work with vaapi surfaces\n"));
208     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|mpeg2|mvc -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -angle 180 -g 300 -r 1 \n"), strAppName);
209 #endif
210 #if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
211     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d]                            - Device video node (eg: /dev/video0)\n"));
212     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p]                            - Mipi Port number (eg: Port 0)\n"));
213     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-m]                            - Mipi Mode Configuration [PREVIEW/CONTINUOUS/STILL/VIDEO]\n"));
214     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-UYVY]                        - Input Raw format types V4L2 Encode\n"));
215     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-YUY2]                        - Input Raw format types V4L2 Encode\n"));
216     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-i::v4l2]                        - To enable v4l2 option\n"));
217     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|mpeg2|mvc -i::v4l2 -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -d /dev/video0 -UYVY -m preview -p 0\n"), strAppName);
218 #endif
219     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-viewoutput] - instruct the MVC encoder to output each view in separate bitstream buffer. Depending on the number of -o options behaves as follows:\n"));
220     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   1: two views are encoded in single file\n"));
221     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   2: two views are encoded in separate files\n"));
222     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   3: behaves like 2 -o opitons was used and then one -o\n\n"));
223     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s mvc -i InputYUVFile_1 -i InputYUVFile_2 -o OutputEncodedFile_1 -o OutputEncodedFile_2 -viewoutput -w width -h height \n"), strAppName);
224     // user module options
225     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("User module options: \n"));
226     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-angle 180] - enables 180 degrees picture rotation before encoding, CPU implementation by default. Rotation requires NV12 input. Options -tff|bff, -dstw, -dsth, -d3d are not effective together with this one, -nv12 is required.\n"));
227     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-opencl] - rotation implementation through OPENCL\n"));
228     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|h265|mpeg2|mvc|jpeg -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -angle 180 -opencl \n"), strAppName);
230     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\n"));
231 }
ParseAdditionalParams(msdk_char * strInput[],mfxU8 nArgNum,mfxU8 & i,sInputParams * pParams)233 mfxStatus ParseAdditionalParams(msdk_char *strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, mfxU8& i, sInputParams* pParams)
234 {
235     if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-AvcTemporalLayers")))
236     {
237         pParams->nAvcTemp = 1;
238         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
239         mfxU16 arr[8] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
240         int j;
241         msdk_sscanf(strInput[i + 1], MSDK_STRING("%hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu"), &arr[0], &arr[1], &arr[2], &arr[3], &arr[4], &arr[5], &arr[6], &arr[7]);
242         for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
243         {
244             pParams->nAvcTemporalLayers[j] = arr[j];
245         }
246         i += 1;
247     }
248     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-u")))
249     {
250         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
251         pParams->nTargetUsage = StrToTargetUsage(strInput[++i]);
252         if (!pParams->nTargetUsage)
253         {
254             msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: wrong '-u' parameter. Balanced will be used.\n"));
255             pParams->nTargetUsage = MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BALANCED;
256         }
257     }
258     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-tcbrctestfile")))
259     {
260         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
261         pParams->TCBRCFileMode = true;
262         pParams->strTCBRCFilePath = strInput[++i];
263         i += 1;
264     }
266     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-BaseLayerPID")))
267     {
268         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
269         if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nBaseLayerPID))
270         {
271             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("BaseLayerPID is invalid"));
272             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
273         }
274     }
276     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-SPSId")))
277     {
278         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
279         if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nSPSId))
280         {
281             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("SPSId is invalid"));
282             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
283         }
284     }
285     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-PPSId")))
286     {
287                     VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
288                     if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nPPSId))
289                     {
290                         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("PPSId is invalid"));
291                         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
292                     }
293     }
294     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-PicTimingSEI:on")))
295     {
296         pParams->nPicTimingSEI = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
297     }
298     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-PicTimingSEI:off")))
299     {
300         pParams->nPicTimingSEI = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
301     }
302     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-NalHrdConformance:on")))
303     {
304         pParams->nNalHrdConformance = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
305     }
306     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-NalHrdConformance:off")))
307     {
308         pParams->nNalHrdConformance = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
309     }
310     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-VuiNalHrdParameters:on")))
311     {
312         pParams->nVuiNalHrdParameters = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
313     }
314     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-VuiNalHrdParameters:off")))
315     {
316         pParams->nVuiNalHrdParameters = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
317     }
318     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-la_ext")))
319     {
320         pParams->bEnableExtLA            = true;
321         pParams->nRateControlMethod      = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_EXT;
322     }
323     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vcm")))
324     {
325         pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_VCM;
326     }
327     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p210")))
328     {
329         pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_P210;
330     }
331     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nv16")))
332     {
333         pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV16;
334     }
335 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1031)
336     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p016")))
337     {
338         pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_P016;
339     }
340     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-y216")))
341     {
342         pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y216;
343     }
344 #endif
345     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::yuy2")))
346     {
347         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_YUY2;
348     }
349     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::nv12")))
350     {
351         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
352     }
353     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::rgb4")))
354     {
355         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_RGB4;
356     }
357     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::ayuv")))
358     {
359         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_AYUV;
360     }
361     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::uyvy")))
362     {
363         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_UYVY;
364     }
365     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::nv16")))
366     {
367         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV16;
368     }
369 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
370     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::y210")))
371     {
372         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y210;
373     }
374     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::y410")))
375     {
376         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y410;
377     }
378 #endif
379 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1031)
380     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::p016")))
381     {
382         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_P016;
383     }
384     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::y216")))
385     {
386         pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y216;
387     }
388 #endif
389     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-fps")))
390     {
391         VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
393         if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxFPS))
394         {
395             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("overall fps is invalid"));
396             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
397         }
398 	}
399 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
400     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-TargetBitDepthLuma")))
401     {
402         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
404         if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->TargetBitDepthLuma))
405         {
406             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("TargetBitDepthLuma is invalid"));
407             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
408         }
409     }
410     else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-TargetBitDepthChroma")))
411     {
412         VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
414         if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->TargetBitDepthChroma))
415         {
416             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("TargetBitDepthChroma is invalid"));
417             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
418         }
419     }
420 #endif
421     else
422     {
423         return MFX_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
424     }
425     return MFX_ERR_NONE;
426 }
ParseInputString(msdk_char * strInput[],mfxU8 nArgNum,sInputParams * pParams)429 mfxStatus ParseInputString(msdk_char* strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, sInputParams* pParams)
430 {
432     if (1 == nArgNum)
433     {
434         PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
435         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
436     }
439     msdk_opt_read(MSDK_CPU_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);
441     // default implementation
442     pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
443     pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = false;
444     pParams->nNumFrames = 0;
445     pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_I420;
446     pParams->EncodeFourCC = 0;
447     pParams->nPRefType = MFX_P_REF_DEFAULT;
448     pParams->QPFileMode = false;
449     pParams->TCBRCFileMode = false;
450     pParams->BitrateLimit = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
451 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
452     pParams->RoundingOffsetFile = NULL;
453 #endif
454 #if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
455     pParams->MipiPort = -1;
456     pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
457     pParams->v4l2Format = NO_FORMAT;
458 #endif
460     // parse command line parameters
461     for (mfxU8 i = 1; i < nArgNum; i++)
462     {
463         MSDK_CHECK_POINTER(strInput[i], MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR);
465         if (MSDK_CHAR('-') != strInput[i][0])
466         {
467             mfxStatus sts = StrFormatToCodecFormatFourCC(strInput[i], pParams->CodecId);
468             if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
469             {
470                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
471                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
472             }
473             if (!IsEncodeCodecSupported(pParams->CodecId))
474             {
475                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported codec"));
476                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
477             }
478             if (pParams->CodecId == CODEC_MVC)
479             {
480                 pParams->CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
481                 pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_ENABLED;
482             }
483             continue;
484         }
486         // process multi-character options
487         if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dstw")))
488         {
489             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
490             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstWidth))
491             {
492                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Width is invalid"));
493                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
494             }
495         }
496         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dsth")))
497         {
498             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
499             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstHeight))
500             {
501                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Height is invalid"));
502                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
503             }
504         }
505 #if (defined(LINUX32) || defined(LINUX64))
506         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-device")))
507         {
508             if (!pParams->strDevicePath.empty())
509             {
510                 msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: you can specify only one device\n"));
511                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
512             }
513             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
514             pParams->strDevicePath = strInput[++i];
515         }
516 #endif
517 #if (defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)) && (MFX_VERSION >= 1031)
518         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dGfx")))
519         {
520             pParams->bPrefferdGfx = true;
521         }
522         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-iGfx")))
523         {
524             pParams->bPrefferiGfx = true;
525         }
526 #endif
527         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-trows")))
528         {
529             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
530             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nEncTileRows))
531             {
532                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Encoding tile row count is invalid"));
533                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
534             }
535         }
536         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-tcols")))
537         {
538             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
539             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nEncTileCols))
540             {
541                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Encoding tile column count is invalid"));
542                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
543             }
544         }
545         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sw")))
546         {
547             pParams->bUseHWLib = false;
548         }
549         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-hw")))
550         {
551             pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
552         }
553         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2")))
554         {
555             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_YUY2;
556         }
557         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nv12")))
558         {
559             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
560         }
561         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rgb4")))
562         {
563             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_RGB4;
564         }
565         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p010")))
566         {
567             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_P010;
568         }
569         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ayuv")))
570         {
571             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_AYUV;
572         }
573         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-uyvy")))
574         {
575             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_UYVY;
576         }
577 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
578         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-y210")))
579         {
580             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y210;
581         }
582         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-y410")))
583         {
584             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_Y410;
585         }
586 #endif
587         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-a2rgb10")))
588         {
589             pParams->FileInputFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_A2RGB10;
590         }
591         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ec::p010")))
592         {
593             pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_P010;
594         }
595         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-tff")))
596         {
597             pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_TFF;
598         }
599         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bff")))
600         {
601             pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_BFF;
602         }
603         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bref")))
604         {
605             pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_PYRAMID;
606         }
607         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nobref")))
608         {
609             pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_OFF;
610         }
611         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-idr_interval")))
612         {
613             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
614             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nIdrInterval))
615             {
616                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IdrInterval is invalid"));
617                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
618             }
619         }
620         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-msb10")))
621         {
622             pParams->IsSourceMSB = true;
623         }
624         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-angle")))
625         {
626             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
627             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRotationAngle))
628             {
629                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Rotation Angle is invalid"));
630                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
631             }
632         }
633         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-opencl")))
634         {
635             msdk_opt_read(MSDK_OCL_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);
636             pParams->nRotationAngle = 180;
637         }
638         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput")))
639         {
640             if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
641             {
642                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput option is supported only when mvc codec specified"));
643                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
644             }
645             pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_VIEWOUTPUT;
646         }
647         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-la")))
648         {
649             if (!pParams->nRateControlMethod)
650             {
651                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
652             }
653             else if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_ICQ)
654             {
655                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ;
656             }
657             else if (pParams->nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_LA &&
658                     pParams->nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ)
659             {
660                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("More than one BRC modes assigned, and another BRC mode isn't compatible with LA."));
661                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
662             }
663         }
664         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-lad")))
665         {
666             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
667             if (!pParams->nRateControlMethod)
668             {
669                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
670             }
671             else if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_ICQ)
672             {
673                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ;
674             }
675             else if (pParams->nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_LA &&
676                     pParams->nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ &&
677                     pParams->nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_EXT)
678             {
679                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("More than one BRC modes assigned, and another BRC mode isn't compatible with LA."));
680                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
681             }
683             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nLADepth))
684             {
685                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look Ahead Depth is invalid"));
686                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
687             }
688         }
689         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vbr")))
690         {
691             pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_VBR;
692         }
693         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-cbr")))
694         {
695             pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CBR;
696         }
697         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-single_texture_d3d11")))
698         {
699             pParams->bSingleTexture = true;
700         }
701         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qvbr")))
702         {
703             pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_QVBR;
704             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
706             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->QVBRQuality))
707             {
708                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("QVBRQuality param is invalid"));
709                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
710             }
711         }
712         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-avbr")))
713         {
714             pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_AVBR;
715         }
716         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-convergence")))
717         {
718             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
719             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Convergence))
720             {
721                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("convergence is invalid"));
722                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
723             }
724         }
725         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-accuracy")))
726         {
727             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
728             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Accuracy))
729             {
730                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("accuracy is invalid"));
731                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
732             }
733         }
734         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-mss")))
735         {
736             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
737             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxSliceSize))
738             {
739                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize is invalid"));
740                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
741             }
742         }
743         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-mfs")))
744         {
745             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
746             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxFrameSize))
747             {
748                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxFrameSize is invalid"));
749                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
750             }
751         }
752         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-BitrateLimit:on")))
753         {
754             pParams->BitrateLimit = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
755         }
756         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-BitrateLimit:off")))
757         {
758             pParams->BitrateLimit = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
759         }
760         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpfile")))
761         {
762             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
763             MSDK_CHECK_ERROR(msdk_strlen(strInput[i+1]), 0, MFX_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
764             pParams->QPFileMode = true;
765             pParams->strQPFilePath = strInput[++i];
766         }
767         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sys")))
768         {
769             pParams->memType = SYSTEM_MEMORY;
770         }
772         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d")))
773         {
774             pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
775         }
776         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d11")))
777         {
778             pParams->memType = D3D11_MEMORY;
779         }
780 #endif
781 #ifdef LIBVA_SUPPORT
782         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vaapi")))
783         {
784             pParams->memType = VAAPI_MEMORY;
785         }
786 #endif
787         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-async")))
788         {
789             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
791             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nAsyncDepth))
792             {
793                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Async Depth is invalid"));
794                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
795             }
796         }
797         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-CodecLevel")))
798         {
799             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
800             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->CodecLevel))
801             {
802                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("CodecLevel is invalid"));
803                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
804             }
805         }
806         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-CodecProfile")))
807         {
808             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
809             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->CodecProfile))
810             {
811                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("CodecProfile is invalid"));
812                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
813             }
814         }
815         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-GopOptFlag:closed")))
816         {
817             pParams->GopOptFlag = MFX_GOP_CLOSED;
818         }
819         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-GopOptFlag:strict")))
820         {
821             pParams->GopOptFlag = MFX_GOP_STRICT;
822         }
823         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-AdaptiveI:on")))
824         {
825             pParams->AdaptiveI = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
826         }
827         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-AdaptiveI:off")))
828         {
829             pParams->AdaptiveI = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
830         }
831         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-AdaptiveB:on")))
832         {
833             pParams->AdaptiveB = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
834         }
835         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-AdaptiveB:off")))
836         {
837             pParams->AdaptiveB = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
838         }
839         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-InitialDelayInKB")))
840         {
841             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
842             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->InitialDelayInKB))
843             {
844                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("InitialDelayInKB is invalid"));
845                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
846             }
847         }
848         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-MaxKbps")))
849         {
850             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
851             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MaxKbps))
852             {
853                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxKbps is invalid"));
854                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
855             }
856         }
857         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-LowDelayBRC")))
858         {
859             pParams->LowDelayBRC = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
860         }
861         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-BufferSizeInKB")))
862         {
863             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
864             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->BufferSizeInKB))
865             {
866                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("BufferSizeInKB is invalid"));
867                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
868             }
869         }
870         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ws")))
871         {
872             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
873             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->WinBRCSize))
874             {
875                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Sliding window size is invalid"));
876                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
877             }
878         }
879         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-wb")))
880         {
881             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
882             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->WinBRCMaxAvgKbps))
883             {
884                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Sliding window bitrate is invalid"));
885                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
886             }
887         }
888         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-timeout")))
889         {
890             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
892             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nTimeout))
893             {
894                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Timeout is invalid"));
895                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
896             }
897         }
898         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-signal:tm")))
899         {
900             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
902             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->TransferMatrix))
903             {
904                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Transfer matrix param is invalid"));
905                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
906             }
907         }
908         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ir_type")))
909         {
910             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
912             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->IntRefType))
913             {
914                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Intra refresh type is invalid"));
915                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
916             }
917         }
918         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ir_cycle_size")))
919         {
920             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
922             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->IntRefCycleSize))
923             {
924                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IR refresh cycle size param is invalid"));
925                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
926             }
927         }
928         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ir_qp_delta")))
929         {
930             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
932             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->IntRefQPDelta))
933             {
934                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IR QP delta param is invalid"));
935                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
936             }
937         }
938         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ir_cycle_dist")))
939         {
940             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
942             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->IntRefCycleDist))
943             {
944                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IR cycle distance param is invalid"));
945                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
946             }
947         }
948         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-perf_opt")))
949         {
950             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
952             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nPerfOpt))
953             {
954                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("perf_opt is invalid"));
955                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
956             }
957         }
958         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-WeightedPred:default")))
959         {
960             pParams->WeightedPred = MFX_WEIGHTED_PRED_DEFAULT;
961         }
962         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-WeightedPred:implicit")))
963         {
964             pParams->WeightedPred = MFX_WEIGHTED_PRED_IMPLICIT;
965         }
966         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-WeightedBiPred:default")))
967         {
968             pParams->WeightedBiPred = MFX_WEIGHTED_PRED_DEFAULT;
969         }
970         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-WeightedBiPred:implicit")))
971         {
972             pParams->WeightedBiPred = MFX_WEIGHTED_PRED_IMPLICIT;
973         }
974         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-uncut")))
975         {
976             pParams->bUncut = true;
977         }
978         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::on")))
979         {
980             pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_ON;
981         }
982         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::off")))
983         {
984             pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_OFF;
985         }
986         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dump")))
987         {
988             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
989             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DumpFileName))
990             {
991                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("File Name for dumping MSDK library configuration should be provided"));
992                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
993             }
994         }
995         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-usei")))
996         {
997             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
998             if (msdk_strlen(strInput[i + 1]) > MSDK_MAX_USER_DATA_UNREG_SEI_LEN)
999             {
1000                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("error: '-usei' arguments is too long\n"));
1001                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1002             }
1003             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->uSEI))
1004             {
1005                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("error: option '-usei' expects arguments\n"));
1006                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1007             }
1008             if (msdk_strlen(pParams->uSEI) < 32)
1009             {
1010                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("error: option '-usei' expects at least 32 char uuid\n"));
1011                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1012             }
1013         }
1014         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-icq")))
1015         {
1016             if (!pParams->nRateControlMethod)
1017             {
1018                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_ICQ;
1019             }
1020             else if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA)
1021             {
1022                 pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ;
1023             }
1024             else
1025             {
1026                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("More than one BRC modes assigned, and another BRC mode isn't compatible with ICQ.\n"));
1027                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1028             }
1030             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1031             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->ICQQuality))
1032             {
1033                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("ICQQuality is invalid"));
1034                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1035             }
1036         }
1037         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-cqp")))
1038         {
1039             pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CQP;
1040         }
1041         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpi")))
1042         {
1043             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1044             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPI))
1045             {
1046                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for I frames is invalid"));
1047                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1048             }
1049         }
1050         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpp")))
1051         {
1052             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1053             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPP))
1054             {
1055                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for P frames is invalid"));
1056                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1057             }
1058         }
1059         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpb")))
1060         {
1061             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1062             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPB))
1063             {
1064                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for B frames is invalid"));
1065                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1066             }
1067         }
1068 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1027)
1069         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-round_offset_in")))
1070         {
1071             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1072             pParams->RoundingOffsetFile = strInput[++i];
1073         }
1074 #endif
1075         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpb:on")))
1076         {
1077             pParams->nGPB = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
1078         }
1079         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpb:off")))
1080         {
1081             pParams->nGPB = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
1082         }
1083         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-TransformSkip:on")))
1084         {
1085             pParams->nTransformSkip = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
1086         }
1087         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-TransformSkip:off")))
1088         {
1089             pParams->nTransformSkip = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
1090         }
1091         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ppyr:on")))
1092         {
1093             pParams->nPRefType = MFX_P_REF_PYRAMID;
1094         }
1095         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ppyr:off")))
1096         {
1097             pParams->nPRefType = MFX_P_REF_SIMPLE;
1098         }
1099         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_active_P")))
1100         {
1101             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1102             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumRefActiveP))
1103             {
1104                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of active reference for P frames is invalid"));
1105                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1106             }
1107         }
1108         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_active_BL0")))
1109         {
1110             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1111             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumRefActiveBL0))
1112             {
1113                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of active reference for B frames (L0) is invalid"));
1114                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1115             }
1116         }
1117         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_active_BL1")))
1118         {
1119             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1120             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumRefActiveBL1))
1121             {
1122                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of active reference for B frames (L1) is invalid"));
1123                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1124             }
1125         }
1126 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1024)
1127         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-extbrc:on")))
1128         {
1129             pParams->nExtBRC= EXTBRC_ON;
1130         }
1131         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-extbrc:off")))
1132         {
1133             pParams->nExtBRC = EXTBRC_OFF;
1134         }
1135         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-extbrc:implicit")))
1136         {
1137             pParams->nExtBRC = EXTBRC_IMPLICIT;
1138         }
1139 #endif
1140 #if (MFX_VERSION >= 1026)
1141         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR:on")))
1142         {
1143             pParams->ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
1144         }
1145         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR:off")))
1146         {
1147             pParams->ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;;
1148         }
1149 #endif
1151         else if(0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dblk_alpha")))
1152         {
1153             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1154             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DeblockingAlphaTcOffset))
1155             {
1156                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Alpha deblocking parameter is invalid"));
1157                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1158             }
1159         }
1160         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dblk_beta")))
1161         {
1162             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1163             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DeblockingBetaOffset))
1164             {
1165                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Beta deblocking parameter is invalid"));
1166                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1167             }
1168         }
1169 #endif
1170         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-pp")))
1171         {
1172             pParams->shouldPrintPresets = true;
1173         }
1174         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-preset")))
1175         {
1176             msdk_char presetName[MSDK_MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
1177             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1178             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], presetName))
1179             {
1180                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Preset Name is not defined"));
1181                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1182             }
1184             pParams->PresetMode = CPresetManager::PresetNameToMode(presetName);
1185             if (pParams->PresetMode == PRESET_MAX_MODES)
1186             {
1187                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Preset Name is invalid"));
1188                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1189             }
1190         }
1191         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-amfs:on")))
1192         {
1193             pParams->nAdaptiveMaxFrameSize = MFX_CODINGOPTION_ON;
1194         }
1195         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-amfs:off")))
1196         {
1197             pParams->nAdaptiveMaxFrameSize = MFX_CODINGOPTION_OFF;
1198         }
1199         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qsv-ff")))
1200         {
1201             pParams->enableQSVFF=true;
1202         }
1203         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-lowpower:on")))
1204         {
1205             pParams->enableQSVFF=true;
1206         }
1207         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-lowpower:off")))
1208         {
1209             pParams->enableQSVFF=false;
1210         }
1211         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-robust:soft")))
1212         {
1213             pParams->bSoftRobustFlag = true;
1214         }
1215         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_slice")))
1216         {
1217             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1218             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumSlice))
1219             {
1220                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of slices is invalid"));
1221                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1222             }
1223         }
1224         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-n")))
1225         {
1227             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1228             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumFrames))
1229             {
1230                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of frames is invalid"));
1231                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1232             }
1233         }
1234         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-w")))
1235         {
1237             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1238             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWidth))
1239             {
1240                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Width is invalid"));
1241                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1242             }
1243         }
1244         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-h")))
1245         {
1247             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1248             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nHeight))
1249             {
1250                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Height of frames is invalid"));
1251                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1252             }
1253         }
1254         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-b")))
1255         {
1257             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1258             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nBitRate))
1259             {
1260                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Bitrate is invalid"));
1261                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1262             }
1263         }
1264         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-f")))
1265         {
1267             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1268             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->dFrameRate))
1269             {
1270                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Framerate is invalid"));
1271                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1272             }
1273         }
1274         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-x")))
1275         {
1277             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1278             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumRefFrame))
1279             {
1280                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("NumRefFrames is invalid"));
1281                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1282             }
1283         }
1284         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-g")))
1285         {
1287             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1288             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nGopPicSize))
1289             {
1290                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("GopSize is invalid"));
1291                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1292             }
1293         }
1294         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-r")))
1295         {
1296             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1297             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nGopRefDist))
1298             {
1299                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("GopRefDist is invalid"));
1300                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1301             }
1302         }
1303         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i")))
1304         {
1305             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1306             pParams->InputFiles.push_back(strInput[++i]);
1308         }
1309         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-o")))
1310         {
1311             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1312             pParams->dstFileBuff.push_back(strInput[++i]);
1313         }
1314         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p")))
1315         {
1316             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1317             pParams->pluginParams = ParsePluginGuid(strInput[++i]);
1318             if (AreGuidsEqual(pParams->pluginParams.pluginGuid, MSDK_PLUGINGUID_NULL))
1319             {
1320                 msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error:  invalid encoder guid\n"));
1321                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1322             }
1323         }
1324         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-q")))
1325         {
1326             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1327             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQuality))
1328             {
1329                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quality is invalid"));
1330                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1331             }
1332         }
1333         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-?")))
1334         {
1335             PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
1336             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1337         }
1338         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-path")))
1339         {
1340             VAL_CHECK(i + 1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1341             i++;
1342             pParams->pluginParams = ParsePluginPath(strInput[i]);
1343         }
1344         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-re")))
1345         {
1346             pParams->UseRegionEncode = true;
1347         }
1348 #if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
1349         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d")))
1350         {
1351             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1352             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DeviceName))
1353             {
1354                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
1355                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1356             }
1357         }
1358         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-YUY2")))
1359         {
1360             pParams->v4l2Format = YUY2;
1361         }
1362         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-UYVY")))
1363         {
1364             pParams->v4l2Format = UYVY;
1366         }
1367         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p")))
1368         {
1369             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1370             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiPort))
1371             {
1372                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Mipi-port is invalid"));
1373                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1374             }
1375         }
1376         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-m")))
1377         {
1378             VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
1379             if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiModeName))
1380             {
1381                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
1382                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1383             }
1385             if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"STILL") == 0)
1386                 pParams->MipiMode = STILL;
1387             else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"VIDEO") == 0)
1388                 pParams->MipiMode = VIDEO;
1389             else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"PREVIEW") == 0)
1390                 pParams->MipiMode = PREVIEW;
1391             else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"CONTINUOUS") == 0)
1392                 pParams->MipiMode = CONTINUOUS;
1393             else
1394                 pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
1395         }
1396         else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i::v4l2")))
1397         {
1398             pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = true;
1399         }
1400 #endif
1401         else
1402         {
1403             mfxStatus sts = ParseAdditionalParams(strInput, nArgNum, i, pParams);
1404             if (sts < MFX_ERR_NONE)
1405             {
1406                 msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Unknown option: %s\n"), strInput[i]);
1407                 PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
1408                 return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1409             }
1410         }
1411     }
1413     if(!pParams->memType) {
1414         pParams->memType = pParams->bUseHWLib ?
1415 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
1416         D3D11_MEMORY
1417 #else
1418         VAAPI_MEMORY
1419 #endif
1420         : SYSTEM_MEMORY;
1421     }
1423 #if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
1424     if (pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
1425     {
1426         if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->DeviceName))
1427         {
1428             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device Name not found"));
1429             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1430         }
1432         if ((pParams->MipiPort > -1 && pParams->MipiMode == NONE) ||
1433             (pParams->MipiPort < 0 && pParams->MipiMode != NONE))
1434         {
1435             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Invalid Mipi Configuration\n"));
1436             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1437         }
1439         if (pParams->v4l2Format == NO_FORMAT)
1440         {
1441             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("NO input v4l2 format\n"));
1442             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1443         }
1444     }
1445 #endif
1447     // check if all mandatory parameters were set
1448     if (!pParams->InputFiles.size() && !pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
1449     {
1450         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Source file name not found"));
1451         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1452     };
1455     if (0 == pParams->nWidth || 0 == pParams->nHeight)
1456     {
1457         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-w, -h must be specified"));
1458         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1459     }
1461     if (MFX_CODEC_MPEG2 != pParams->CodecId &&
1462         MFX_CODEC_AVC != pParams->CodecId &&
1463         MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId &&
1464         MFX_CODEC_HEVC != pParams->CodecId &&
1465         MFX_CODEC_VP9 != pParams->CodecId)
1466     {
1467         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
1468         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1469     }
1471     if (!pParams->EncodeFourCC)
1472     {
1473         if (pParams->FileInputFourCC == MFX_FOURCC_UYVY)
1474             // use YUY2 to get chroma subsampling 4:2:2 in encoded image
1475             pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_YUY2;
1476         else if (pParams->FileInputFourCC == MFX_FOURCC_I420)
1477             pParams->EncodeFourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
1478         else
1479             pParams->EncodeFourCC = pParams->FileInputFourCC;
1480     }
1482     if (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId && MFX_CODEC_HEVC != pParams->CodecId &&
1483         pParams->EncodeFourCC == MFX_FOURCC_YUY2 &&
1484         !pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
1485     {
1486         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2 option is supported only for JPEG or HEVC encoder"));
1487         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1488     }
1490     if (MFX_CODEC_HEVC != pParams->CodecId && MFX_CODEC_VP9 != pParams->CodecId && (pParams->EncodeFourCC == MFX_FOURCC_P010) )
1491     {
1492         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("P010 surfaces are supported only for HEVC and VP9 encoder"));
1493         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1494     }
1496     // check parameters validity
1497     if (pParams->nRotationAngle != 0 && pParams->nRotationAngle != 180)
1498     {
1499         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Angles other than 180 degrees are not supported."));
1500         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; // other than 180 are not supported
1501     }
1503     if (pParams->nQuality && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId))
1504     {
1505         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-q option is supported only for JPEG encoder"));
1506         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1507     }
1509     if ((pParams->nTargetUsage || pParams->nBitRate) && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG == pParams->CodecId))
1510     {
1511         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-u and -b options are supported only for H.264, MPEG2 and MVC encoders. For JPEG encoder use -q"));
1512         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1513     }
1515     if (!pParams->nQuality && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG == pParams->CodecId))
1516     {
1517         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-q must be specified for JPEG encoder"));
1518         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1519     }
1521     if (MFX_TRANSFERMATRIX_UNKNOWN != pParams->TransferMatrix &&
1522         MFX_TRANSFERMATRIX_BT601 != pParams->TransferMatrix &&
1523         MFX_TRANSFERMATRIX_BT709 != pParams->TransferMatrix)
1524     {
1525         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Invalid transfer matrix type"));
1526         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1527     }
1529     // set default values for optional parameters that were not set or were set incorrectly
1530     mfxU32 nviews = (mfxU32)pParams->InputFiles.size();
1531     if ((nviews <= 1) || (nviews > 2))
1532     {
1533         if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
1534         {
1535             pParams->numViews = 1;
1536         }
1537         else
1538         {
1539             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Only 2 views are supported right now in this sample."));
1540             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1541         }
1542     }
1543     else
1544     {
1545         pParams->numViews = nviews;
1546     }
1548     if (pParams->dFrameRate <= 0)
1549     {
1550         pParams->dFrameRate = 30;
1551     }
1553     // if no destination picture width or height wasn't specified set it to the source picture size
1554     if (pParams->nDstWidth == 0)
1555     {
1556         pParams->nDstWidth = pParams->nWidth;
1557     }
1559     if (pParams->nDstHeight == 0)
1560     {
1561         pParams->nDstHeight = pParams->nHeight;
1562     }
1564     if (!pParams->nPicStruct)
1565     {
1566         pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;
1567     }
1569     if ((pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
1570     {
1571         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look ahead BRC is supported only with -hw option!"));
1572         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1573     }
1575     if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
1576     {
1577         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with -hw option!"));
1578         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1579     }
1581     if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->nNumSlice))
1582     {
1583         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-mss and -num_slice options are not compatible!"));
1584         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1585     }
1587     if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA  &&
1588         pParams->CodecId == MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
1589     {
1590         pParams->bEnableExtLA            = true;
1591         pParams->nRateControlMethod      = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_EXT;
1592     }
1594     if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_AVC) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_HEVC))
1595     {
1596         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with H.264 and H.265(HEVC) encoder!"));
1597         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1598     }
1600     if ( (pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA ||
1601         pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_EXT ||
1602         pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_ICQ ||
1603         pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA_HRD) &&
1604         pParams->nLADepth > 100 )
1605     {
1606         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported value of -lad parameter, must be in range [1,100] or 0 for automatic selection"));
1607         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1608     }
1610     if (pParams->nNumRefActiveP || pParams->nNumRefActiveBL0 || pParams->nNumRefActiveBL1)
1611     {
1612         if (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
1613         {
1614             PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("NumRefActiveP/BL0/BL1 are supported only with HEVC encoder"));
1615             return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1616         }
1617     }
1619     // not all options are supported if rotate plugin is enabled
1620     if (pParams->nRotationAngle == 180 && (
1621         MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE != pParams->nPicStruct ||
1622         pParams->nDstWidth != pParams->nWidth ||
1623         pParams->nDstHeight != pParams->nHeight ||
1624         MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags ||
1625         pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA))
1626     {
1627         PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Some of the command line options are not supported with rotation plugin!"));
1628         return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
1629     }
1631     // Ignoring user-defined Async Depth for LA
1632     if (pParams->nMaxSliceSize)
1633     {
1634         pParams->nAsyncDepth = 1;
1635     }
1637     if(pParams->UseRegionEncode)
1638     {
1639         if(pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
1640         {
1641             msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is compatible with h265(HEVC) encoder only.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));
1642             pParams->UseRegionEncode=false;
1643         }
1644         if (pParams->nWidth  != pParams->nDstWidth ||
1645             pParams->nHeight != pParams->nDstHeight ||
1646             pParams->nRotationAngle!=0)
1647         {
1648             msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is not compatible with VPP processing and rotation plugin.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));
1649             pParams->UseRegionEncode=false;
1650         }
1651     }
1653     if (pParams->dstFileBuff.size() == 0)
1654     {
1655         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("File output is disabled as -o option isn't specified\n"));
1656     }
1658 #if (defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)) && (MFX_VERSION >= 1031)
1659     if (pParams->bPrefferdGfx && pParams->bPrefferiGfx)
1660     {
1661         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Warning: both dGfx and iGfx flags set. iGfx will be preffered"));
1662         pParams->bPrefferdGfx = false;
1663     }
1664 #endif
1666     mfxU16 mfxU16Limit = std::numeric_limits<mfxU16>::max();
1667     if (pParams->MaxKbps > mfxU16Limit || pParams->nBitRate > mfxU16Limit ||
1668         pParams->InitialDelayInKB > mfxU16Limit || pParams->BufferSizeInKB > mfxU16Limit)
1669     {
1670         mfxU32 maxVal = std::max<mfxU32>({ pParams->MaxKbps,
1671                                            pParams->nBitRate,
1672                                            pParams->InitialDelayInKB,
1673                                            pParams->BufferSizeInKB });
1674         pParams->nBitRateMultiplier = (mfxU16)std::ceil(static_cast<double>(maxVal) / mfxU16Limit);
1675         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("WARNING: BitRateMultiplier(-bm) was updated, new value - %d. \n"), pParams->nBitRateMultiplier);
1677         auto recalculate = [mfxU16Limit, pParams] (mfxU32 &param, msdk_string paramName)
1678         {
1679             if (param)
1680             {
1681                 if (param > mfxU16Limit)
1682                     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("WARNING: %s (%d) > allow limit (%d). \n"), paramName.c_str(), param, mfxU16Limit);
1683                 param = param / pParams->nBitRateMultiplier;
1684                 msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("WARNING: %s was updated, new value: %d. \n"), paramName.c_str(), param);
1685             }
1686         };
1688         recalculate(pParams->MaxKbps, MSDK_STRING("MaxKbps"));
1689         recalculate(pParams->nBitRate, MSDK_STRING("nBitRate(-b)"));
1690         recalculate(pParams->InitialDelayInKB, MSDK_STRING("InitialDelayInKB"));
1691         recalculate(pParams->BufferSizeInKB, MSDK_STRING("BufferSizeInKB"));
1692     }
1694     return MFX_ERR_NONE;
1695 }
ModifyParamsUsingPresets(sInputParams & params)1697 void ModifyParamsUsingPresets(sInputParams& params)
1698 {
1699     COutputPresetParameters presetParams = CPresetManager::Inst.GetPreset(params.PresetMode, params.CodecId,params.dFrameRate, params.nWidth, params.nHeight, params.bUseHWLib);
1701     if (params.shouldPrintPresets)
1702     {
1703         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Preset-controlled parameters (%s):\n"), presetParams.PresetName.c_str());
1704     }
1705     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nAdaptiveMaxFrameSize, AdaptiveMaxFrameSize,params.shouldPrintPresets);
1706     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nAsyncDepth, AsyncDepth, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1707     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nBRefType, BRefType, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1708 //    MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params., EnableBPyramid);
1709 //    MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params., EnablePPyramid);
1710     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nGopPicSize, GopPicSize, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1711     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nGopRefDist, GopRefDist, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1712     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.IntRefCycleDist, IntRefCycleDist, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1713     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.IntRefCycleSize, IntRefCycleSize, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1714     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.IntRefQPDelta, IntRefQPDelta, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1715     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.IntRefType, IntRefType, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1716     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nLADepth, LookAheadDepth, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1717     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.LowDelayBRC, LowDelayBRC, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1718     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nMaxFrameSize, MaxFrameSize, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1719     if (!params.nRateControlMethod)
1720     {
1721         // Use preset ExtBRC parameter only if rate control mode was not set manually
1722         MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM_EXT(params.nExtBRC, ExtBRCUsage, (ExtBRCType)presetParams.ExtBRCUsage, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1723     }
1724     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nRateControlMethod, RateControlMethod, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1726     if (params.nRateControlMethod != MFX_RATECONTROL_CQP)
1727     {
1728         MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nBitRate, TargetKbps, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1729         MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.MaxKbps, MaxKbps, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1730         presetParams.BufferSizeInKB = (mfxU16)params.nBitRate / 8; // Update bitrate to reflect manually set bitrate. BufferSize should be enough for 1 second of video
1731         MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.BufferSizeInKB, BufferSizeInKB, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1732     }
1734     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.nTargetUsage, TargetUsage, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1735     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.WeightedBiPred, WeightedBiPred, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1736     MODIFY_AND_PRINT_PARAM(params.WeightedPred, WeightedPred, params.shouldPrintPresets);
1737     if (params.shouldPrintPresets)
1738     {
1739         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\n"));
1740     }
1741 }
CreatePipeline(const sInputParams & params)1743 CEncodingPipeline* CreatePipeline(const sInputParams& params)
1744 {
1745     if(params.UseRegionEncode)
1746     {
1747         return new CRegionEncodingPipeline;
1748     }
1749     else if(params.nRotationAngle)
1750     {
1751         return new CUserPipeline;
1752     }
1753     else
1754     {
1755         return new CEncodingPipeline;
1756     }
1757 }
1760 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
_tmain(int argc,msdk_char * argv[])1761 int _tmain(int argc, msdk_char *argv[])
1762 #else
1763 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1764 #endif
1765 {
1766     sInputParams Params = {};   // input parameters from command line
1767     std::unique_ptr<CEncodingPipeline>  pPipeline;
1769     mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; // return value check
1771     // Parsing Input stream workign with presets
1772     sts = ParseInputString(argv, (mfxU8)argc, &Params);
1773     ModifyParamsUsingPresets(Params);
1777     // Choosing which pipeline to use
1778     pPipeline.reset(CreatePipeline(Params));
1782     if (MVC_ENABLED & Params.MVC_flags)
1783     {
1784         pPipeline->SetNumView(Params.numViews);
1785     }
1787     sts = pPipeline->Init(&Params);
1788     MSDK_CHECK_STATUS(sts, "pPipeline->Init failed");
1790     pPipeline->PrintInfo();
1792     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Processing started\n"));
1794     if (pPipeline->CaptureStartV4L2Pipeline() != MFX_ERR_NONE)
1795     {
1796         msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("V4l2 failure terminating the program\n"));
1797         return 0;
1798     }
1800     for (;;)
1801     {
1802         sts = pPipeline->Run();
1804         if (MFX_ERR_DEVICE_LOST == sts || MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED == sts)
1805         {
1806             msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nERROR: Hardware device was lost or returned an unexpected error. Recovering...\n"));
1807             sts = pPipeline->ResetDevice();
1808             MSDK_CHECK_STATUS(sts, "pPipeline->ResetDevice failed");
1810             sts = pPipeline->ResetMFXComponents(&Params);
1811             MSDK_CHECK_STATUS(sts, "pPipeline->ResetMFXComponents failed");
1812             continue;
1813         }
1814         else
1815         {
1816             MSDK_CHECK_STATUS(sts, "pPipeline->Run failed");
1817             break;
1818         }
1819     }
1821     pPipeline->CaptureStopV4L2Pipeline();
1823     pPipeline->Close();
1825     msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nProcessing finished\n"));
1827     return 0;
1828 }