1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
3  *  This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv
4  *
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6  *  See LICENSES/README.md for more information.
7  */
9 #include "VideoThumbLoader.h"
11 #include "FileItem.h"
12 #include "GUIUserMessages.h"
13 #include "ServiceBroker.h"
14 #include "TextureCache.h"
15 #include "URL.h"
16 #include "cores/VideoPlayer/DVDFileInfo.h"
17 #include "cores/VideoSettings.h"
18 #include "filesystem/Directory.h"
19 #include "filesystem/DirectoryCache.h"
20 #include "filesystem/StackDirectory.h"
21 #include "guilib/GUIComponent.h"
22 #include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h"
23 #include "guilib/StereoscopicsManager.h"
24 #include "music/MusicDatabase.h"
25 #include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h"
26 #include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h"
27 #include "settings/SettingUtils.h"
28 #include "settings/Settings.h"
29 #include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
30 #include "utils/EmbeddedArt.h"
31 #include "utils/StringUtils.h"
32 #include "utils/URIUtils.h"
33 #include "utils/log.h"
34 #include "video/VideoDatabase.h"
35 #include "video/VideoInfoTag.h"
36 #include "video/tags/VideoInfoTagLoaderFactory.h"
38 #include <algorithm>
39 #include <cstdlib>
40 #include <utility>
42 using namespace XFILE;
43 using namespace VIDEO;
CThumbExtractor(const CFileItem & item,const std::string & listpath,bool thumb,const std::string & target,int64_t pos,bool fillStreamDetails)45 CThumbExtractor::CThumbExtractor(const CFileItem& item,
46                                  const std::string& listpath,
47                                  bool thumb,
48                                  const std::string& target,
49                                  int64_t pos,
50                                  bool fillStreamDetails)
51 {
52   m_listpath = listpath;
53   m_target = target;
54   m_thumb = thumb;
55   m_item = item;
56   m_pos = pos;
57   m_fillStreamDetails = fillStreamDetails;
59   if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag())
60     m_item.SetPath(item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath);
62   if (m_item.IsStack())
63     m_item.SetPath(CStackDirectory::GetFirstStackedFile(m_item.GetPath()));
64 }
66 CThumbExtractor::~CThumbExtractor() = default;
operator ==(const CJob * job) const68 bool CThumbExtractor::operator==(const CJob* job) const
69 {
70   if (strcmp(job->GetType(),GetType()) == 0)
71   {
72     const CThumbExtractor* jobExtract = dynamic_cast<const CThumbExtractor*>(job);
73     if (jobExtract && jobExtract->m_listpath == m_listpath
74                    && jobExtract->m_target == m_target)
75       return true;
76   }
77   return false;
78 }
DoWork()80 bool CThumbExtractor::DoWork()
81 {
82   if (m_item.IsLiveTV()
83   // Due to a pvr addon api design flaw (no support for multiple concurrent streams
84   // per addon instance), pvr recording thumbnail extraction does not work (reliably).
85   ||  URIUtils::IsPVRRecording(m_item.GetDynPath())
86   ||  URIUtils::IsUPnP(m_item.GetPath())
87   ||  URIUtils::IsBluray(m_item.GetPath())
88   ||  URIUtils::IsPlugin(m_item.GetDynPath()) // plugin path not fully resolved
89   ||  m_item.IsBDFile()
90   ||  m_item.IsDVD()
91   ||  m_item.IsDiscImage()
92   ||  m_item.IsDVDFile(false, true)
93   ||  m_item.IsInternetStream()
94   ||  m_item.IsDiscStub()
95   ||  m_item.IsPlayList())
96     return false;
98   // For HTTP/FTP we only allow extraction when on a LAN
99   if (URIUtils::IsRemote(m_item.GetPath()) &&
100      !URIUtils::IsOnLAN(m_item.GetPath())  &&
101      (URIUtils::IsFTP(m_item.GetPath())    ||
102       URIUtils::IsHTTP(m_item.GetPath())))
103     return false;
105   bool result=false;
106   if (m_thumb)
107   {
108     CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - trying to extract thumb from video file %s", __FUNCTION__, CURL::GetRedacted(m_item.GetPath()).c_str());
109     // construct the thumb cache file
110     CTextureDetails details;
111     details.file = CTextureCache::GetCacheFile(m_target) + ".jpg";
112     result = CDVDFileInfo::ExtractThumb(m_item, details, m_fillStreamDetails ? &m_item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails : nullptr, m_pos);
113     if (result)
114     {
115       CTextureCache::GetInstance().AddCachedTexture(m_target, details);
116       m_item.SetProperty("HasAutoThumb", true);
117       m_item.SetProperty("AutoThumbImage", m_target);
118       m_item.SetArt("thumb", m_target);
120       CVideoInfoTag* info = m_item.GetVideoInfoTag();
121       if (info->m_iDbId > 0 && !info->m_type.empty())
122       {
123         CVideoDatabase db;
124         if (db.Open())
125         {
126           db.SetArtForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, "thumb", m_item.GetArt("thumb"));
127           db.Close();
128         }
129       }
130     }
131   }
132   else if (!m_item.IsPlugin() &&
133            (!m_item.HasVideoInfoTag() ||
134            !m_item.GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails()))
135   {
136     // No tag or no details set, so extract them
137     CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - trying to extract filestream details from video file %s", __FUNCTION__, CURL::GetRedacted(m_item.GetPath()).c_str());
138     result = CDVDFileInfo::GetFileStreamDetails(&m_item);
139   }
141   if (result)
142   {
143     CVideoInfoTag* info = m_item.GetVideoInfoTag();
144     CVideoDatabase db;
145     if (db.Open())
146     {
147       if (URIUtils::IsStack(m_listpath))
148       {
149         // Don't know the total time of the stack, so set duration to zero to avoid confusion
150         info->m_streamDetails.SetVideoDuration(0, 0);
152         // Restore original stack path
153         m_item.SetPath(m_listpath);
154       }
156       if (info->m_iFileId < 0)
157         db.SetStreamDetailsForFile(info->m_streamDetails, !info->m_strFileNameAndPath.empty() ? info->m_strFileNameAndPath : m_item.GetPath());
158       else
159         db.SetStreamDetailsForFileId(info->m_streamDetails, info->m_iFileId);
161       // overwrite the runtime value if the one from streamdetails is available
162       if (info->m_iDbId > 0
163           && info->GetStaticDuration() != info->GetDuration())
164       {
165         info->SetDuration(info->GetDuration());
167         // store the updated information in the database
168         db.SetDetailsForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, *info, m_item.GetArt());
169       }
171       db.Close();
172     }
173     return true;
174   }
176   return false;
177 }
CVideoThumbLoader()179 CVideoThumbLoader::CVideoThumbLoader() :
180   CThumbLoader(), CJobQueue(true, 1, CJob::PRIORITY_LOW_PAUSABLE)
181 {
182   m_videoDatabase = new CVideoDatabase();
183 }
~CVideoThumbLoader()185 CVideoThumbLoader::~CVideoThumbLoader()
186 {
187   StopThread();
188   delete m_videoDatabase;
189 }
OnLoaderStart()191 void CVideoThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart()
192 {
193   m_videoDatabase->Open();
194   m_artCache.clear();
195   CThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart();
196 }
OnLoaderFinish()198 void CVideoThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish()
199 {
200   m_videoDatabase->Close();
201   m_artCache.clear();
202   CThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish();
203 }
SetupRarOptions(CFileItem & item,const std::string & path)205 static void SetupRarOptions(CFileItem& item, const std::string& path)
206 {
207   std::string path2(path);
208   if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag())
209     path2 = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath;
210   CURL url(path2);
211   std::string opts = url.GetOptions();
212   if (opts.find("flags") != std::string::npos)
213     return;
214   if (opts.size())
215     opts += "&flags=8";
216   else
217     opts = "?flags=8";
218   url.SetOptions(opts);
219   if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag())
220     item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = url.Get();
221   else
222     item.SetPath(url.Get());
223   g_directoryCache.ClearDirectory(url.GetWithoutFilename());
224 }
226 namespace
227 {
GetSettingListAsString(const std::string & settingID)228 std::vector<std::string> GetSettingListAsString(const std::string& settingID)
229 {
230   std::vector<CVariant> values =
231     CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetList(settingID);
232   std::vector<std::string> result;
233   std::transform(values.begin(), values.end(), std::back_inserter(result),
234                  [](const CVariant& s) { return s.asString(); });
235   return result;
236 }
238 const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> artTypeDefaults = {
239   {MediaTypeEpisode, {"thumb"}},
240   {MediaTypeTvShow, {"poster", "fanart", "banner"}},
241   {MediaTypeSeason, {"poster", "fanart", "banner"}},
242   {MediaTypeMovie, {"poster", "fanart"}},
243   {MediaTypeVideoCollection, {"poster", "fanart"}},
244   {MediaTypeMusicVideo, {"poster", "fanart"}},
245   {MediaTypeNone, { "poster", "fanart", "banner", "thumb" }},
246 };
248 const std::vector<std::string> artTypeDefaultsFallback = {};
GetArtTypeDefault(const std::string & mediaType)250 const std::vector<std::string>& GetArtTypeDefault(const std::string& mediaType)
251 {
252   auto defaults = artTypeDefaults.find(mediaType);
253   if (defaults != artTypeDefaults.end())
254     return defaults->second;
255   return artTypeDefaultsFallback;
256 }
258 const std::map<std::string, std::string> artTypeSettings = {
263   {MediaTypeVideoCollection, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_MOVIEART_WHITELIST},
265 };
266 } // namespace
GetArtTypes(const std::string & type)268 std::vector<std::string> CVideoThumbLoader::GetArtTypes(const std::string &type)
269 {
270   int artworkLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(
272   if (artworkLevel == CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_NONE)
273   {
274     return {};
275   }
277   std::vector<std::string> result = GetArtTypeDefault(type);
278   if (artworkLevel != CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_CUSTOM)
279   {
280     return result;
281   }
283   auto settings = artTypeSettings.find(type);
284   if (settings == artTypeSettings.end())
285     return result;
287   for (auto& artType : GetSettingListAsString(settings->second))
288   {
289     if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), artType) == result.end())
290       result.push_back(artType);
291   }
293   return result;
294 }
IsValidArtType(const std::string & potentialArtType)296 bool CVideoThumbLoader::IsValidArtType(const std::string& potentialArtType)
297 {
298   return !potentialArtType.empty() && potentialArtType.length() <= 25 &&
299     std::find_if_not(
300       potentialArtType.begin(), potentialArtType.end(),
301       StringUtils::isasciialphanum
302     ) == potentialArtType.end();
303 }
IsArtTypeInWhitelist(const std::string & artType,const std::vector<std::string> & whitelist,bool exact)305 bool CVideoThumbLoader::IsArtTypeInWhitelist(const std::string& artType, const std::vector<std::string>& whitelist, bool exact)
306 {
307   // whitelist contains art "families", 'fanart' also matches 'fanart1', 'fanart2', and so on
308   std::string compareArtType = artType;
309   if (!exact)
310     StringUtils::TrimRight(compareArtType, "0123456789");
312   return std::find(whitelist.begin(), whitelist.end(), compareArtType) != whitelist.end();
313 }
315 /**
316  * Look for a thumbnail for pItem.  If one does not exist, look for an autogenerated
317  * thumbnail.  If that does not exist, attempt to autogenerate one.  Finally, check
318  * for the existence of fanart and set properties accordingly.
319  * @return: true if pItem has been modified
320  */
LoadItem(CFileItem * pItem)321 bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItem(CFileItem* pItem)
322 {
323   bool result  = LoadItemCached(pItem);
324        result |= LoadItemLookup(pItem);
326   return result;
327 }
LoadItemCached(CFileItem * pItem)329 bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItemCached(CFileItem* pItem)
330 {
331   if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive
332   ||  pItem->IsParentFolder())
333     return false;
335   m_videoDatabase->Open();
337   if (!pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() || !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails()) // no stream details
338   {
339     if ((pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_iFileId >= 0) // file (or maybe folder) is in the database
340     || (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo())) // Some other video file for which we haven't yet got any database details
341     {
342       if (m_videoDatabase->GetStreamDetails(*pItem))
343         pItem->SetInvalid();
344     }
345   }
347   // video db items normally have info in the database
348   if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->GetProperty("libraryartfilled").asBoolean())
349   {
350     FillLibraryArt(*pItem);
352     if (!pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type.empty()                &&
353          pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMovie      &&
354          pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeTvShow     &&
355          pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeEpisode    &&
356          pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMusicVideo)
357     {
358       m_videoDatabase->Close();
359       return true; // nothing else to be done
360     }
361   }
363   // if we have no art, look for it all
364   std::map<std::string, std::string> artwork = pItem->GetArt();
365   if (artwork.empty())
366   {
367     std::vector<std::string> artTypes = GetArtTypes(pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() ? pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type : "");
368     if (find(artTypes.begin(), artTypes.end(), "thumb") == artTypes.end())
369       artTypes.emplace_back("thumb"); // always look for "thumb" art for files
370     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = artTypes.begin(); i != artTypes.end(); ++i)
371     {
372       std::string type = *i;
373       std::string art = GetCachedImage(*pItem, type);
374       if (!art.empty())
375         artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art));
376     }
377     pItem->AppendArt(artwork);
378   }
380   m_videoDatabase->Close();
382   return true;
383 }
LoadItemLookup(CFileItem * pItem)385 bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItemLookup(CFileItem* pItem)
386 {
387   if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive || pItem->IsParentFolder() || pItem->GetPath() == "add")
388     return false;
390   if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag()                                &&
391      !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type.empty()                &&
392       pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMovie      &&
393       pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeTvShow     &&
394       pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeEpisode    &&
395       pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMusicVideo)
396     return false; // Nothing to do here
398   DetectAndAddMissingItemData(*pItem);
400   m_videoDatabase->Open();
402   std::map<std::string, std::string> artwork = pItem->GetArt();
403   std::vector<std::string> artTypes = GetArtTypes(pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() ? pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type : "");
404   if (find(artTypes.begin(), artTypes.end(), "thumb") == artTypes.end())
405     artTypes.emplace_back("thumb"); // always look for "thumb" art for files
406   for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = artTypes.begin(); i != artTypes.end(); ++i)
407   {
408     std::string type = *i;
409     if (!pItem->HasArt(type))
410     {
411       std::string art = GetLocalArt(*pItem, type, type=="fanart");
412       if (!art.empty()) // cache it
413       {
414         SetCachedImage(*pItem, type, art);
415         CTextureCache::GetInstance().BackgroundCacheImage(art);
416         artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art));
417       }
418       else
419       {
420         // If nothing was found, try embedded art
421         if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt.empty())
422         {
423           for (auto& it : pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt)
424           {
425             if (it.m_type == type)
426             {
427               art = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(pItem->GetPath(), "video_" + type);
428               artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art));
429             }
430           }
431         }
432       }
433     }
434   }
435   pItem->AppendArt(artwork);
437   // We can only extract flags/thumbs for file-like items
438   if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo())
439   {
440     // An auto-generated thumb may have been cached on a different device - check we have it here
441     std::string url = pItem->GetArt("thumb");
442     if (StringUtils::StartsWith(url, "image://video@") && !CTextureCache::GetInstance().HasCachedImage(url))
443       pItem->SetArt("thumb", "");
445     const std::shared_ptr<CSettings> settings = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings();
446     if (!pItem->HasArt("thumb"))
447     {
448       // create unique thumb for auto generated thumbs
449       std::string thumbURL = GetEmbeddedThumbURL(*pItem);
450       if (CTextureCache::GetInstance().HasCachedImage(thumbURL))
451       {
452         CTextureCache::GetInstance().BackgroundCacheImage(thumbURL);
453         pItem->SetProperty("HasAutoThumb", true);
454         pItem->SetProperty("AutoThumbImage", thumbURL);
455         pItem->SetArt("thumb", thumbURL);
457         if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag())
458         {
459           // Item has cached autogen image but no art entry. Save it to db.
460           CVideoInfoTag* info = pItem->GetVideoInfoTag();
461           if (info->m_iDbId > 0 && !info->m_type.empty())
462             m_videoDatabase->SetArtForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, "thumb", thumbURL);
463         }
464       }
465       else if (settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTTHUMB) &&
466                settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTFLAGS) &&
467                settings->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL) !=
468                    CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_NONE)
469       {
470         CFileItem item(*pItem);
471         std::string path(item.GetPath());
472         if (URIUtils::IsInRAR(item.GetPath()))
473           SetupRarOptions(item,path);
475         CThumbExtractor* extract = new CThumbExtractor(item, path, true, thumbURL);
476         AddJob(extract);
478         m_videoDatabase->Close();
479         return true;
480       }
481     }
483     // flag extraction
484     if (settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTFLAGS) &&
485        (!pItem->HasVideoInfoTag()                     ||
486         !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails() ) )
487     {
488       CFileItem item(*pItem);
489       std::string path(item.GetPath());
490       if (URIUtils::IsInRAR(item.GetPath()))
491         SetupRarOptions(item,path);
492       CThumbExtractor* extract = new CThumbExtractor(item,path,false);
493       AddJob(extract);
494     }
495   }
497   m_videoDatabase->Close();
498   return true;
499 }
FillLibraryArt(CFileItem & item)501 bool CVideoThumbLoader::FillLibraryArt(CFileItem &item)
502 {
503   CVideoInfoTag &tag = *item.GetVideoInfoTag();
504   std::map<std::string, std::string> artwork;
505   // Video item can be an album - either a
506   // a) search result with full details including music library album id, or
507   // b) musicvideo album that needs matching to a music album, storing id as well as fetch art.
508   if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeAlbum)
509   {
510     int idAlbum = -1;
511     if (item.HasMusicInfoTag()) // Album is a search result
512       idAlbum = item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetAlbumId();
513     CMusicDatabase database;
514     database.Open();
515     if (idAlbum < 0 && !tag.m_strAlbum.empty() &&
516         item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") == MediaTypeAlbum)
517     {
518       // Musicvideo album - try to match album in music db on artist(s) and album name.
519       // Get review if available and save the matching music library album id.
520       std::string strArtist = StringUtils::Join(
521           tag.m_artist,
522           CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_videoItemSeparator);
523       std::string strReview;
524       if (database.GetMatchingMusicVideoAlbum(
525           tag.m_strAlbum, strArtist, idAlbum, strReview))
526       {
527         item.SetProperty("album_musicid", idAlbum);
528         item.SetProperty("album_description", strReview);
529       }
530     }
531     // Get album art only (not related artist art)
532     if (database.GetArtForItem(idAlbum, MediaTypeAlbum, artwork))
533       item.SetArt(artwork);
534     database.Close();
535   }
536   else if (tag.m_type == "actor" && !tag.m_artist.empty() &&
537            item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") == MediaTypeArtist)
538   {
539     // Try to match artist in music db on name, get bio if available and fetch artist art
540     // Save the matching music library artist id.
541     CMusicDatabase database;
542     database.Open();
543     CArtist artist;
544     int idArtist = database.GetArtistByName(tag.m_artist[0]);
545     if (idArtist > 0)
546     {
547       database.GetArtist(idArtist, artist);
548       tag.m_strPlot = artist.strBiography;
549       item.SetProperty("artist_musicid", idArtist);
550     }
551     if (database.GetArtForItem(idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, artwork))
552       item.SetArt(artwork);
553     database.Close();
554   }
556   if (tag.m_iDbId > -1 && !tag.m_type.empty())
557   {
558     m_videoDatabase->Open();
559     if (m_videoDatabase->GetArtForItem(tag.m_iDbId, tag.m_type, artwork))
560       item.AppendArt(artwork);
561     else if (tag.m_type == "actor" && !tag.m_artist.empty() &&
562              item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") != MediaTypeArtist)
563     {
564       // Fallback to music library for actors without art
565       //! @todo Is m_artist set other than musicvideo? Remove this fallback if not.
566       CMusicDatabase database;
567       database.Open();
568       int idArtist = database.GetArtistByName(item.GetLabel());
569       if (database.GetArtForItem(idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, artwork))
570         item.SetArt(artwork);
571       database.Close();
572     }
574     if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeEpisode || tag.m_type == MediaTypeSeason)
575     {
576       // For episodes and seasons, we want to set fanart for that of the show
577       if (!item.HasArt("tvshow.fanart") && tag.m_iIdShow >= 0)
578       {
579         const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeTvShow, tag.m_iIdShow);
580         if (!artmap.empty())
581         {
582           item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeTvShow);
583           item.SetArtFallback("fanart", "tvshow.fanart");
584           item.SetArtFallback("tvshow.thumb", "tvshow.poster");
585         }
586       }
588       if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeEpisode && !item.HasArt("season.poster") && tag.m_iSeason > -1)
589       {
590         const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeSeason, tag.m_iIdSeason);
591         if (!artmap.empty())
592           item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeSeason);
593       }
594     }
595     else if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeMovie && tag.m_set.id >= 0 && !item.HasArt("set.fanart"))
596     {
597       const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeVideoCollection, tag.m_set.id);
598       if (!artmap.empty())
599         item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeVideoCollection);
600     }
601     m_videoDatabase->Close();
602   }
603   item.SetProperty("libraryartfilled", true);
604   return !item.GetArt().empty();
605 }
FillThumb(CFileItem & item)607 bool CVideoThumbLoader::FillThumb(CFileItem &item)
608 {
609   if (item.HasArt("thumb"))
610     return true;
611   std::string thumb = GetCachedImage(item, "thumb");
612   if (thumb.empty())
613   {
614     thumb = GetLocalArt(item, "thumb");
615     if (!thumb.empty())
616       SetCachedImage(item, "thumb", thumb);
617   }
618   if (!thumb.empty())
619     item.SetArt("thumb", thumb);
620   else
621   {
622     // If nothing was found, try embedded art
623     if (item.HasVideoInfoTag() && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt.empty())
624     {
625       for (auto& it : item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt)
626       {
627         if (it.m_type == "thumb")
628         {
629           thumb = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(item.GetPath(), "video_" + it.m_type);
630           item.SetArt(it.m_type, thumb);
631         }
632       }
633     }
634   }
636   return !thumb.empty();
637 }
GetLocalArt(const CFileItem & item,const std::string & type,bool checkFolder)639 std::string CVideoThumbLoader::GetLocalArt(const CFileItem &item, const std::string &type, bool checkFolder)
640 {
641   if (item.SkipLocalArt())
642     return "";
644   /* Cache directory for (sub) folders on streamed filesystems. We need to do this
645      else entering (new) directories from the app thread becomes much slower. This
646      is caused by the fact that Curl Stat/Exist() is really slow and that the
647      thumbloader thread accesses the streamed filesystem at the same time as the
648      App thread and the latter has to wait for it.
649    */
650   if (item.m_bIsFolder && (item.IsInternetStream(true) || CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_cacheBufferMode == CACHE_BUFFER_MODE_ALL))
651   {
652     CFileItemList items; // Dummy list
653     CDirectory::GetDirectory(item.GetPath(), items, "", DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_DIRS | DIR_FLAG_READ_CACHE | DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_INFO);
654   }
656   std::string art;
657   if (!type.empty())
658   {
659     art = item.FindLocalArt(type + ".jpg", checkFolder);
660     if (art.empty())
661       art = item.FindLocalArt(type + ".png", checkFolder);
662   }
663   if (art.empty() && (type.empty() || type == "thumb"))
664   { // backward compatibility
665     art = item.FindLocalArt("", false);
666     if (art.empty() && (checkFolder || (item.m_bIsFolder && !item.IsFileFolder()) || item.IsOpticalMediaFile()))
667     { // try movie.tbn
668       art = item.FindLocalArt("movie.tbn", true);
669       if (art.empty()) // try folder.jpg
670         art = item.FindLocalArt("folder.jpg", true);
671     }
672   }
674   return art;
675 }
GetEmbeddedThumbURL(const CFileItem & item)677 std::string CVideoThumbLoader::GetEmbeddedThumbURL(const CFileItem &item)
678 {
679   std::string path(item.GetPath());
680   if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag())
681     path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath;
682   if (URIUtils::IsStack(path))
683     path = CStackDirectory::GetFirstStackedFile(path);
685   return CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(path, "video");
686 }
GetEmbeddedThumb(const std::string & path,const std::string & type,EmbeddedArt & art)688 bool CVideoThumbLoader::GetEmbeddedThumb(const std::string& path,
689                                          const std::string& type, EmbeddedArt& art)
690 {
691   CFileItem item(path, false);
692   std::unique_ptr<IVideoInfoTagLoader> pLoader;
693   pLoader.reset(CVideoInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(item,ADDON::ScraperPtr(),false));
694   CVideoInfoTag tag;
695   std::vector<EmbeddedArt> artv;
696   if (pLoader)
697     pLoader->Load(tag, false, &artv);
699   for (const EmbeddedArt& it : artv)
700   {
701     if (it.m_type == type)
702     {
703       art = it;
704       break;
705     }
706   }
708   return !art.Empty();
709 }
OnJobComplete(unsigned int jobID,bool success,CJob * job)711 void CVideoThumbLoader::OnJobComplete(unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob* job)
712 {
713   if (success)
714   {
715     CThumbExtractor* loader = static_cast<CThumbExtractor*>(job);
716     loader->m_item.SetPath(loader->m_listpath);
718     if (m_pObserver)
719       m_pObserver->OnItemLoaded(&loader->m_item);
720     CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(loader->m_item));
721     CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL, 0, 0, GUI_MSG_UPDATE_ITEM, 0, pItem);
722     CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
723   }
724   CJobQueue::OnJobComplete(jobID, success, job);
725 }
DetectAndAddMissingItemData(CFileItem & item)727 void CVideoThumbLoader::DetectAndAddMissingItemData(CFileItem &item)
728 {
729   if (item.m_bIsFolder) return;
731   if (item.HasVideoInfoTag())
732   {
733     CStreamDetails& details = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails;
735     // add audio language properties
736     for (int i = 1; i <= details.GetAudioStreamCount(); i++)
737     {
738       std::string index = StringUtils::Format("%i", i);
739       item.SetProperty("AudioChannels." + index, details.GetAudioChannels(i));
740       item.SetProperty("AudioCodec."    + index, details.GetAudioCodec(i).c_str());
741       item.SetProperty("AudioLanguage." + index, details.GetAudioLanguage(i).c_str());
742     }
744     // add subtitle language properties
745     for (int i = 1; i <= details.GetSubtitleStreamCount(); i++)
746     {
747       std::string index = StringUtils::Format("%i", i);
748       item.SetProperty("SubtitleLanguage." + index, details.GetSubtitleLanguage(i).c_str());
749     }
750   }
752   const CStereoscopicsManager &stereoscopicsManager = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetStereoscopicsManager();
754   std::string stereoMode;
756   // detect stereomode for videos
757   if (item.HasVideoInfoTag())
758     stereoMode = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails.GetStereoMode();
760   if (stereoMode.empty())
761   {
762     std::string path = item.GetPath();
763     if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag())
764       path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath();
766     // check for custom stereomode setting in video settings
767     CVideoSettings itemVideoSettings;
768     m_videoDatabase->Open();
769     if (m_videoDatabase->GetVideoSettings(item, itemVideoSettings) && itemVideoSettings.m_StereoMode != RENDER_STEREO_MODE_OFF)
770     {
771       stereoMode = CStereoscopicsManager::ConvertGuiStereoModeToString(static_cast<RENDER_STEREO_MODE>(itemVideoSettings.m_StereoMode));
772     }
773     m_videoDatabase->Close();
775     // still empty, try grabbing from filename
776     //! @todo in case of too many false positives due to using the full path, extract the filename only using string utils
777     if (stereoMode.empty())
778       stereoMode = stereoscopicsManager.DetectStereoModeByString(path);
779   }
781   if (!stereoMode.empty())
782     item.SetProperty("stereomode", CStereoscopicsManager::NormalizeStereoMode(stereoMode));
783 }
GetArtFromCache(const std::string & mediaType,const int id)785 const ArtMap& CVideoThumbLoader::GetArtFromCache(const std::string &mediaType, const int id)
786 {
787   std::pair<MediaType, int> key = std::make_pair(mediaType, id);
788   auto it = m_artCache.find(key);
789   if (it == m_artCache.end())
790   {
791     ArtMap newart;
792     m_videoDatabase->GetArtForItem(id, mediaType, newart);
793     it = m_artCache.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::move(newart))).first;
794   }
795   return it->second;
796 }