1 /*  Copyright (c) MediaArea.net SARL. All Rights Reserved.
2  *
3  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
4  *  be found in the License.html file in the root of the source tree.
5  */
7 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
8 //
9 // Global configuration of MediaInfo
10 //
11 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 #ifndef MediaInfo_ConstH
15 #define MediaInfo_ConstH
16 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 #include <string>
20 #include <ZenLib/Conf.h>
21 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 namespace MediaInfoLib
24 {
26 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 /// \mainpage MediaInfoLib Index Page
28 ///
29 /// \section Interfaces
30 ///
31 /// There is 2 access methods
32 ///
33 /// - MediaInfo class \n
34 /// To manage one file, this is the simplest interface. \n
35 ///  - MediaInfo::Open to analyse file \n
36 ///  - MediaInfo::Inform to have a summary \n
37 ///  - MediaInfo::Get to retreive one piece of information \n
38 ///
39 /// - MediaInfoList class \n
40 /// To manage a list of files \n
41 ///  - MediaInfoList::Open to analyse file \n
42 ///  - MediaInfoList::Inform to have a summary \n
43 ///  - MediaInfoList::Get to retreive one piece of information \n
44 ///  - MediaInfoList::Close to close one file \n
45 ///
46 /// \section C C Interface (MediaInfo_*)
47 /// For compatibility and DLL interface \n
48 /// This is a C interface for the List class \n
49 /// Note : Don't forget to include the MediaInfoDLL.h file in your source file! \n
50 /// - Example of commands:
51 ///  - MediaInfo_Open to analyse file \n
52 ///  - MediaInfo_Inform to have a summary \n
53 ///  - MediaInfo_Get to retreive one piece of information \n
54 ///  - MediaInfo_Close to free memory \n
55 ///
56 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 /// @brief Kinds of Stream
60 enum stream_t
61 {
62     Stream_General,                 ///< StreamKind = General
63     Stream_Video,                   ///< StreamKind = Video
64     Stream_Audio,                   ///< StreamKind = Audio
65     Stream_Text,                    ///< StreamKind = Text
66     Stream_Other,                   ///< StreamKind = Chapters
67     Stream_Image,                   ///< StreamKind = Image
68     Stream_Menu,                    ///< StreamKind = Menu
69     Stream_Max
70 };
72 /// @brief Kind of information
73 enum info_t
74 {
75     Info_Name,                      ///< InfoKind = Unique name of parameter
76     Info_Text,                      ///< InfoKind = Value of parameter
77     Info_Measure,                   ///< InfoKind = Unique name of measure unit of parameter
78     Info_Options,                   ///< InfoKind = See infooptions_t
79     Info_Name_Text,                 ///< InfoKind = Translated name of parameter
80     Info_Measure_Text,              ///< InfoKind = Translated name of measure unit
81     Info_Info,                      ///< InfoKind = More information about the parameter
82     Info_HowTo,                     ///< InfoKind = How this parameter is supported, could be N (No), B (Beta), R (Read only), W (Read/Write)
83     Info_Domain,                    ///< InfoKind = Domain of this piece of information
84     Info_Max
85 };
87 /// Get(...)[infooptions_t] return a string like "YNYN..." \n
88 /// Use this enum to know at what correspond the Y (Yes) or N (No)
89 /// If Get(...)[0]==Y, then :
90 /// @brief Option if InfoKind = Info_Options
91 enum infooptions_t
92 {
93     InfoOption_ShowInInform,        ///< Show this parameter in Inform()
94     InfoOption_Reserved,            ///<
95     InfoOption_ShowInSupported,     ///< Internal use only (info : Must be showed in Info_Capacities() )
96     InfoOption_TypeOfValue,         ///< Value return by a standard Get() can be : T (Text), I (Integer, warning up to 64 bits), F (Float), D (Date), B (Binary datas coded Base64) (Numbers are in Base 10)
97     InfoOption_ShowInXml,           ///<
98     InfoOption_Max
99 };
101 /// @brief File opening options
102 enum fileoptions_t
103 {
104     FileOption_Nothing      =0x00,
105     FileOption_NoRecursive  =0x01,  ///< Do not browse folders recursively
106     FileOption_CloseAll     =0x02,  ///< Close all files before open
107     FileOption_Max          =0x04
108 };
110 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 //Char types
114 #undef  __T
115 #define __T(__x)     __T(__x)
116 #if defined(UNICODE) || defined (_UNICODE)
117     typedef wchar_t Char;                                               ///< Unicode/Ansi independant char
118     #undef  __T
119     #define __T(__x) L ## __x
120 #else
121     typedef char Char;                                                  ///< Unicode/Ansi independant char
122     #undef  __T
123     #define __T(__x) __x
124 #endif
125 typedef std::basic_string<MediaInfoLib::Char>        String;            ///< Unicode/Ansi independant string
126 typedef std::basic_stringstream<MediaInfoLib::Char>  StringStream;      ///< Unicode/Ansi independant stringstream
127 typedef std::basic_istringstream<MediaInfoLib::Char> tiStringStream;    ///< Unicode/Ansi independant istringstream
128 typedef std::basic_ostringstream<MediaInfoLib::Char> toStringStream;    ///< Unicode/Ansi independant ostringstream
129 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 } //NameSpace
133 #endif