1 // Copyright (c) 2017-2021, The rav1e contributors. All rights reserved
2 //
3 // This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
4 // the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
5 // was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
6 // obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
7 // Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
8 // PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10 #![deny(bare_trait_objects)]
11 #![allow(clippy::cast_lossless)]
12 #![allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)]
13 #![allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)]
14 #![allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)]
15 #![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
16 #![allow(clippy::verbose_bit_mask)]
17 #![allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)]
18 #![allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)]
19 #![warn(clippy::expl_impl_clone_on_copy)]
20 #![warn(clippy::linkedlist)]
21 #![warn(clippy::map_flatten)]
22 #![warn(clippy::mem_forget)]
23 #![warn(clippy::mut_mut)]
24 #![warn(clippy::mutex_integer)]
25 #![warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]
26 #![warn(clippy::needless_continue)]
27 #![warn(clippy::path_buf_push_overwrite)]
28 #![warn(clippy::range_plus_one)]
30 #[macro_use]
31 extern crate log;
33 mod common;
34 mod decoder;
35 mod error;
36 #[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
37 mod kv;
38 mod muxer;
39 mod stats;
41 use crate::common::*;
42 use crate::error::*;
43 use crate::stats::*;
44 use rav1e::config::CpuFeatureLevel;
45 use rav1e::prelude::*;
47 use crate::decoder::{Decoder, FrameBuilder, VideoDetails};
48 use crate::muxer::*;
49 use std::fs::File;
50 use std::io::{Read, Seek, Write};
51 use std::process::exit;
52 use std::sync::Arc;
54 impl<T: Pixel> FrameBuilder<T> for Context<T> {
new_frame(&self) -> Frame<T>55   fn new_frame(&self) -> Frame<T> {
56     Context::new_frame(self)
57   }
58 }
60 struct Source<D: Decoder> {
61   limit: usize,
62   count: usize,
63   input: D,
64   #[cfg(all(unix, feature = "signal-hook"))]
65   exit_requested: Arc<std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool>,
66 }
68 impl<D: Decoder> Source<D> {
69   cfg_if::cfg_if! {
70     if #[cfg(all(unix, feature = "signal-hook"))] {
71       fn new(limit: usize, input: D) -> Self {
72         use signal_hook::{flag, consts};
74         // Make sure double CTRL+C and similar kills
75         let exit_requested = Arc::new(std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::new(false));
76         for sig in consts::TERM_SIGNALS {
77             // When terminated by a second term signal, exit with exit code 1.
78             // This will do nothing the first time (because term_now is false).
79             flag::register_conditional_shutdown(*sig, 1, Arc::clone(&exit_requested)).unwrap();
80             // But this will "arm" the above for the second time, by setting it to true.
81             // The order of registering these is important, if you put this one first, it will
82             // first arm and then terminate ‒ all in the first round.
83             flag::register(*sig, Arc::clone(&exit_requested)).unwrap();
84         }
86         Self { limit, input, count: 0, exit_requested, }
87       }
88     } else {
89       fn new(limit: usize, input: D) -> Self {
90         Self { limit, input, count: 0, }
91       }
92     }
93   }
read_frame<T: Pixel>( &mut self, ctx: &mut Context<T>, video_info: VideoDetails, ) -> Result<(), CliError>95   fn read_frame<T: Pixel>(
96     &mut self, ctx: &mut Context<T>, video_info: VideoDetails,
97   ) -> Result<(), CliError> {
98     if self.limit != 0 && self.count == self.limit {
99       ctx.flush();
100       return Ok(());
101     }
103     #[cfg(all(unix, feature = "signal-hook"))]
104     {
105       if self.exit_requested.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) {
106         ctx.flush();
107         return Ok(());
108       }
109     }
111     match self.input.read_frame(ctx, &video_info) {
112       Ok(frame) => {
113         match video_info.bit_depth {
114           8 | 10 | 12 => {}
115           _ => return Err(CliError::new("Unsupported bit depth")),
116         }
117         self.count += 1;
118         let _ = ctx.send_frame(Some(Arc::new(frame)));
119       }
120       _ => {
121         ctx.flush();
122       }
123     };
124     Ok(())
125   }
126 }
128 // Encode and write a frame.
129 // Returns frame information in a `Result`.
process_frame<T: Pixel, D: Decoder>( ctx: &mut Context<T>, output_file: &mut dyn Muxer, source: &mut Source<D>, pass1file: Option<&mut File>, pass2file: Option<&mut File>, mut y4m_enc: Option<&mut y4m::Encoder<Box<dyn Write + Send>>>, metrics_cli: MetricsEnabled, ) -> Result<Option<Vec<FrameSummary>>, CliError>130 fn process_frame<T: Pixel, D: Decoder>(
131   ctx: &mut Context<T>, output_file: &mut dyn Muxer, source: &mut Source<D>,
132   pass1file: Option<&mut File>, pass2file: Option<&mut File>,
133   mut y4m_enc: Option<&mut y4m::Encoder<Box<dyn Write + Send>>>,
134   metrics_cli: MetricsEnabled,
135 ) -> Result<Option<Vec<FrameSummary>>, CliError> {
136   let y4m_details = source.input.get_video_details();
137   let mut frame_summaries = Vec::new();
138   let mut pass1file = pass1file;
139   let mut pass2file = pass2file;
141   // Submit first pass data to pass 2.
142   if let Some(passfile) = pass2file.as_mut() {
143     while ctx.rc_second_pass_data_required() > 0 {
144       let mut buflen = [0u8; 8];
145       passfile
146         .read_exact(&mut buflen)
147         .map_err(|e| e.context("Unable to read the two-pass data file."))?;
148       let mut data = vec![0u8; u64::from_be_bytes(buflen) as usize];
150       passfile
151         .read_exact(&mut data)
152         .map_err(|e| e.context("Unable to read the two-pass data file."))?;
154       ctx
155         .rc_send_pass_data(&data)
156         .map_err(|e| e.context("Corrupted first pass data"))?;
157     }
158   }
160   let pkt_wrapped = ctx.receive_packet();
161   let (ret, emit_pass_data) = match pkt_wrapped {
162     Ok(pkt) => {
163       output_file.write_frame(
164         pkt.input_frameno as u64,
165         pkt.data.as_ref(),
166         pkt.frame_type,
167       );
168       if let (Some(ref mut y4m_enc_uw), Some(ref rec)) =
169         (y4m_enc.as_mut(), &pkt.rec)
170       {
171         write_y4m_frame(y4m_enc_uw, rec, y4m_details);
172       }
173       frame_summaries.push(build_frame_summary(
174         pkt,
175         y4m_details.bit_depth,
176         y4m_details.chroma_sampling,
177         metrics_cli,
178       ));
179       (Ok(Some(frame_summaries)), true)
180     }
181     Err(EncoderStatus::NeedMoreData) => {
182       source.read_frame(ctx, y4m_details)?;
183       (Ok(Some(frame_summaries)), false)
184     }
185     Err(EncoderStatus::EnoughData) => {
186       unreachable!();
187     }
188     Err(EncoderStatus::LimitReached) => (Ok(None), true),
189     Err(e @ EncoderStatus::Failure) => {
190       (Err(e.context("Failed to encode video")), false)
191     }
192     Err(e @ EncoderStatus::NotReady) => {
193       (Err(e.context("Mismanaged handling of two-pass stats data")), false)
194     }
195     Err(EncoderStatus::Encoded) => (Ok(Some(frame_summaries)), true),
196   };
198   if ret.is_err() {
199     return ret;
200   }
202   // Save first pass data from pass 1.
203   if let Some(passfile) = pass1file.as_mut() {
204     if emit_pass_data {
205       match ctx.rc_receive_pass_data() {
206         Some(RcData::Frame(outbuf)) => {
207           let len = outbuf.len() as u64;
208           passfile.write_all(&len.to_be_bytes()).map_err(|e| {
209             e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file.")
210           })?;
212           passfile.write_all(&outbuf).map_err(|e| {
213             e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file.")
214           })?;
215         }
216         Some(RcData::Summary(outbuf)) => {
217           // The last packet of rate control data we get is the summary data.
218           // Let's put it at the start of the file.
219           passfile.seek(std::io::SeekFrom::Start(0)).map_err(|e| {
220             e.context("Unable to seek in the two-pass data file.")
221           })?;
222           let len = outbuf.len() as u64;
224           passfile.write_all(&len.to_be_bytes()).map_err(|e| {
225             e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file.")
226           })?;
228           passfile.write_all(&outbuf).map_err(|e| {
229             e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file.")
230           })?;
231         }
232         None => {}
233       }
234     }
235   }
237   ret
238 }
do_encode<T: Pixel, D: Decoder>( cfg: Config, verbose: Verbose, mut progress: ProgressInfo, output: &mut dyn Muxer, mut source: Source<D>, mut pass1file: Option<File>, mut pass2file: Option<File>, mut y4m_enc: Option<y4m::Encoder<Box<dyn Write + Send>>>, metrics_enabled: MetricsEnabled, ) -> Result<(), CliError>240 fn do_encode<T: Pixel, D: Decoder>(
241   cfg: Config, verbose: Verbose, mut progress: ProgressInfo,
242   output: &mut dyn Muxer, mut source: Source<D>, mut pass1file: Option<File>,
243   mut pass2file: Option<File>,
244   mut y4m_enc: Option<y4m::Encoder<Box<dyn Write + Send>>>,
245   metrics_enabled: MetricsEnabled,
246 ) -> Result<(), CliError> {
247   let mut ctx: Context<T> =
248     cfg.new_context().map_err(|e| e.context("Invalid encoder settings"))?;
250   // Let's write down a placeholder.
251   if let Some(passfile) = pass1file.as_mut() {
252     let len = ctx.rc_summary_size();
253     let buf = vec![0u8; len];
255     passfile
256       .write_all(&(len as u64).to_be_bytes())
257       .map_err(|e| e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file."))?;
259     passfile
260       .write_all(&buf)
261       .map_err(|e| e.context("Unable to write to two-pass data file."))?;
262   }
264   while let Some(frame_info) = process_frame(
265     &mut ctx,
266     &mut *output,
267     &mut source,
268     pass1file.as_mut(),
269     pass2file.as_mut(),
270     y4m_enc.as_mut(),
271     metrics_enabled,
272   )? {
273     if verbose != Verbose::Quiet {
274       for frame in frame_info {
275         progress.add_frame(frame.clone());
276         if verbose == Verbose::Verbose {
277           info!("{} - {}", frame, progress);
278         } else {
279           // Print a one-line progress indicator that overrides itself with every update
280           eprint!("\r{}                    ", progress);
281         };
282       }
284       output.flush().unwrap();
285     }
286   }
287   if verbose != Verbose::Quiet {
288     if verbose == Verbose::Verbose {
289       // Clear out the temporary progress indicator
290       eprint!("\r");
291     }
292     progress.print_summary(verbose == Verbose::Verbose);
293   }
294   Ok(())
295 }
main()297 fn main() {
298   #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
299   use rust_hawktracer::*;
300   init_logger();
302   #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
303   let instance = HawktracerInstance::new();
304   #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
305   let _listener = instance.create_listener(HawktracerListenerType::ToFile {
306     file_path: "trace.bin".into(),
307     buffer_size: 4096,
308   });
310   run().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
311     error::print_error(&e);
312     exit(1);
313   });
314 }
init_logger()316 fn init_logger() {
317   use std::str::FromStr;
318   fn level_colored(l: log::Level) -> console::StyledObject<&'static str> {
319     use console::style;
320     use log::Level;
321     match l {
322       Level::Trace => style("??").dim(),
323       Level::Debug => style("? ").dim(),
324       Level::Info => style("> ").green(),
325       Level::Warn => style("! ").yellow(),
326       Level::Error => style("!!").red(),
327     }
328   }
330   // this can be changed to flatten
331   let level = std::env::var("RAV1E_LOG")
332     .ok()
333     .map(|l| log::LevelFilter::from_str(&l).ok())
334     .unwrap_or(Some(log::LevelFilter::Info))
335     .unwrap();
337   fern::Dispatch::new()
338     .format(move |out, message, record| {
339       out.finish(format_args!(
340         "{level} {message}",
341         level = level_colored(record.level()),
342         message = message,
343       ));
344     })
345     // set the default log level. to filter out verbose log messages from dependencies, set
346     // this to Warn and overwrite the log level for your crate.
347     .level(log::LevelFilter::Warn)
348     // change log levels for individual modules. Note: This looks for the record's target
349     // field which defaults to the module path but can be overwritten with the `target`
350     // parameter:
351     // `info!(target="special_target", "This log message is about special_target");`
352     .level_for("rav1e", level)
353     // output to stdout
354     .chain(std::io::stderr())
355     .apply()
356     .unwrap();
357 }
359 cfg_if::cfg_if! {
360   if #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))] {
361     fn print_rusage() {
362       eprintln!("Windows benchmarking is not supported currently.");
363     }
364   } else {
365     fn print_rusage() {
366       let (utime, stime, maxrss) = unsafe {
367         let mut usage = std::mem::zeroed();
368         let _ = libc::getrusage(libc::RUSAGE_SELF, &mut usage);
369         (usage.ru_utime, usage.ru_stime, usage.ru_maxrss)
370       };
371       eprintln!(
372         "user time: {} s",
373         utime.tv_sec as f64 + utime.tv_usec as f64 / 1_000_000f64
374       );
375       eprintln!(
376         "system time: {} s",
377         stime.tv_sec as f64 + stime.tv_usec as f64 / 1_000_000f64
378       );
379       eprintln!("maximum rss: {} KB", maxrss);
380     }
381   }
382 }
run() -> Result<(), error::CliError>384 fn run() -> Result<(), error::CliError> {
385   let mut cli = parse_cli()?;
386   // Maximum frame size by specification + maximum y4m header
387   let limit = y4m::Limits {
388     // Use saturating operations to gracefully handle 32-bit architectures
389     bytes: 64usize
390       .saturating_mul(64)
391       .saturating_mul(4096)
392       .saturating_mul(2304)
393       .saturating_add(1024),
394   };
395   let mut y4m_dec = match y4m::Decoder::new_with_limits(cli.io.input, limit) {
396     Err(e) => {
397       return Err(CliError::new(match e {
398         y4m::Error::ParseError(_) => {
399           "Could not input video. Is it a y4m file?"
400         }
401         y4m::Error::UnknownColorspace => {
402           "Unknown colorspace or unsupported bit depth."
403         }
404         y4m::Error::OutOfMemory => "The video's frame size exceeds the limit.",
405         _ => unreachable!(),
406       }))
407     }
408     Ok(d) => d,
409   };
410   let video_info = y4m_dec.get_video_details();
411   let y4m_enc = cli.io.rec.map(|rec| {
412     y4m::encode(
413       video_info.width,
414       video_info.height,
415       y4m::Ratio::new(
416         video_info.time_base.den as usize,
417         video_info.time_base.num as usize,
418       ),
419     )
420     .with_colorspace(y4m_dec.get_colorspace())
421     .with_pixel_aspect(y4m::Ratio {
422       num: video_info.sample_aspect_ratio.num as usize,
423       den: video_info.sample_aspect_ratio.den as usize,
424     })
425     .write_header(rec)
426     .unwrap()
427   });
429   cli.enc.width = video_info.width;
430   cli.enc.height = video_info.height;
431   cli.enc.sample_aspect_ratio = video_info.sample_aspect_ratio;
432   cli.enc.bit_depth = video_info.bit_depth;
433   cli.enc.chroma_sampling = video_info.chroma_sampling;
434   cli.enc.chroma_sample_position = video_info.chroma_sample_position;
436   // If no pixel range is specified via CLI, assume limited,
437   // as it is the default for the Y4M format.
438   if !cli.color_range_specified {
439     cli.enc.pixel_range = PixelRange::Limited;
440   }
442   if !cli.override_time_base {
443     cli.enc.time_base = video_info.time_base;
444   }
446   let mut rc = RateControlConfig::new();
448   let pass2file = match cli.pass2file_name {
449     Some(f) => {
450       let mut f = File::open(f).map_err(|e| {
451         e.context("Unable to open file for reading two-pass data")
452       })?;
453       let mut buflen = [0u8; 8];
454       f.read_exact(&mut buflen)
455         .map_err(|e| e.context("Summary data too short"))?;
456       let len = i64::from_be_bytes(buflen);
457       let mut buf = vec![0u8; len as usize];
459       f.read_exact(&mut buf)
460         .map_err(|e| e.context("Summary data too short"))?;
462       rc = RateControlConfig::from_summary_slice(&buf)
463         .map_err(|e| e.context("Invalid summary"))?;
465       Some(f)
466     }
467     None => None,
468   };
470   let pass1file = match cli.pass1file_name {
471     Some(f) => {
472       let f = File::create(f).map_err(|e| {
473         e.context("Unable to open file for writing two-pass data")
474       })?;
475       rc = rc.with_emit_data(true);
476       Some(f)
477     }
478     None => None,
479   };
481   let cfg = Config::new()
482     .with_encoder_config(cli.enc)
483     .with_threads(cli.threads)
484     .with_rate_control(rc);
486   #[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
487   {
488     if let Some(save_config) = cli.save_config {
489       let mut out = File::create(save_config)
490         .map_err(|e| e.context("Cannot create configuration file"))?;
491       let s = toml::to_string(&cli.enc).unwrap();
492       out
493         .write_all(s.as_bytes())
494         .map_err(|e| e.context("Cannot write the configuration file"))?
495     }
496   }
498   cli.io.output.write_header(
499     video_info.width,
500     video_info.height,
501     cli.enc.time_base.den as usize,
502     cli.enc.time_base.num as usize,
503   );
505   let tiling =
506     cfg.tiling_info().map_err(|e| e.context("Invalid configuration"))?;
507   if cli.verbose != Verbose::Quiet {
508     info!("CPU Feature Level: {}", CpuFeatureLevel::default());
510     info!(
511       "Using y4m decoder: {}x{}p @ {}/{} fps, {}, {}-bit",
512       video_info.width,
513       video_info.height,
514       video_info.time_base.den,
515       video_info.time_base.num,
516       video_info.chroma_sampling,
517       video_info.bit_depth
518     );
519     info!("Encoding settings: {}", cli.enc);
521     if tiling.tile_count() == 1 {
522       info!("Using 1 tile");
523     } else {
524       info!(
525         "Using {} tiles ({}x{})",
526         tiling.tile_count(),
527         tiling.cols,
528         tiling.rows
529       );
530     }
531   }
533   let progress = ProgressInfo::new(
534     Rational { num: video_info.time_base.den, den: video_info.time_base.num },
535     if cli.limit == 0 { None } else { Some(cli.limit) },
536     cli.metrics_enabled,
537   );
539   for _ in 0..cli.skip {
540     match y4m_dec.read_frame() {
541       Ok(f) => f,
542       Err(_) => {
543         return Err(CliError::new("Skipped more frames than in the input"))
544       }
545     };
546   }
548   let source = Source::new(cli.limit, y4m_dec);
550   if video_info.bit_depth == 8 {
551     do_encode::<u8, y4m::Decoder<Box<dyn Read + Send>>>(
552       cfg,
553       cli.verbose,
554       progress,
555       &mut *cli.io.output,
556       source,
557       pass1file,
558       pass2file,
559       y4m_enc,
560       cli.metrics_enabled,
561     )?
562   } else {
563     do_encode::<u16, y4m::Decoder<Box<dyn Read + Send>>>(
564       cfg,
565       cli.verbose,
566       progress,
567       &mut *cli.io.output,
568       source,
569       pass1file,
570       pass2file,
571       y4m_enc,
572       cli.metrics_enabled,
573     )?
574   }
575   if cli.benchmark {
576     print_rusage();
577   }
579   Ok(())
580 }