1 /*
2  * fourcc.h
3  * This file is part of VIDIX
4  * Copyright 2002 Nick Kurshev
5  * Licence: GPL
6  * This interface is based on v4l2, fbvid.h, mga_vid.h projects
7  * and personally my ideas.
8 */
9 #ifndef FOURCC_H
10 #define FOURCC_H
12 /*  Four-character-code (FOURCC) */
13 #define vid_fourcc(a,b,c,d)\
14         (((unsigned)(a)<<0)|((unsigned)(b)<<8)|((unsigned)(c)<<16)|((unsigned)(d)<<24))
16 /* RGB fourcc */
17 #define IMGFMT_RGB332  vid_fourcc('R','G','B','1') /*  8  RGB-3-3-2     */
18 #define IMGFMT_RGB555  vid_fourcc('R','G','B','O') /* 16  RGB-5-5-5     */
19 #define IMGFMT_RGB565  vid_fourcc('R','G','B','P') /* 16  RGB-5-6-5     */
20 #define IMGFMT_RGB555X vid_fourcc('R','G','B','Q') /* 16  RGB-5-5-5 BE  */
21 #define IMGFMT_RGB565X vid_fourcc('R','G','B','R') /* 16  RGB-5-6-5 BE  */
22 #define IMGFMT_BGR15   vid_fourcc('B','G','R',15)  /* 15  BGR-5-5-5     */
23 #define IMGFMT_RGB15   vid_fourcc('R','G','B',15)  /* 15  RGB-5-5-5     */
24 #define IMGFMT_BGR16   vid_fourcc('B','G','R',16)  /* 32  BGR-5-6-5     */
25 #define IMGFMT_RGB16   vid_fourcc('R','G','B',16)  /* 32  RGB-5-6-5     */
26 #define IMGFMT_BGR24   vid_fourcc('B','G','R',24)  /* 24  BGR-8-8-8     */
27 #define IMGFMT_RGB24   vid_fourcc('R','G','B',24)  /* 24  RGB-8-8-8     */
28 #define IMGFMT_BGR32   vid_fourcc('B','G','R',32)  /* 32  BGR-8-8-8-8   */
29 #define IMGFMT_RGB32   vid_fourcc('R','G','B',32)  /* 32  RGB-8-8-8-8   */
31 /* Planar YUV Formats */
32 #define IMGFMT_YVU9    vid_fourcc('Y','V','U','9') /* 9   YVU 4:1:0 */
33 #define IMGFMT_IF09    vid_fourcc('I','F','0','9') /* 9.5 YUV 4:1:0 */
34 #define IMGFMT_YV12    vid_fourcc('Y','V','1','2') /* 12  YVU 4:2:0 */
35 #define IMGFMT_I420    vid_fourcc('I','4','2','0') /* 12  YUV 4:2:0 */
36 #define IMGFMT_IYUV    vid_fourcc('I','Y','U','V') /* 12  YUV 4:2:0 */
37 #define IMGFMT_CLPL    vid_fourcc('C','L','P','L') /* 12            */
38 #define IMGFMT_Y800    vid_fourcc('Y','8','0','0') /* 8   Y   Grayscale */
39 #define IMGFMT_NV12    vid_fourcc('N','V','1','2') /* 8   Y   Grayscale */
40 #define IMGFMT_Y8      vid_fourcc('Y','8',' ',' ') /* 8   Y   Grayscale */
42 /* Packed YUV Formats */
43 #define IMGFMT_IUYV    vid_fourcc('I','U','Y','V') /* 16 line order {0,2,4,...1,3,5} */
44 #define IMGFMT_IY41    vid_fourcc('I','Y','4','1') /* 12 line order {0,2,4,...1,3,5} */
45 #define IMGFMT_IYU1    vid_fourcc('I','Y','U','1') /* 12 IEEE 1394 Digital Camera */
46 #define IMGFMT_IYU2    vid_fourcc('I','Y','U','2') /* 24 IEEE 1394 Digital Camera */
47 #define IMGFMT_UYVY    vid_fourcc('U','Y','V','Y') /* 16 UYVY 4:2:2 */
48 #define IMGFMT_UYNV    vid_fourcc('U','Y','N','V') /* 16 UYVY 4:2:2 */
49 #define IMGFMT_cyuv    vid_fourcc('c','y','u','v') /* 16 */
50 #define IMGFMT_Y422    vid_fourcc('Y','4','2','2') /* 16 UYVY 4:2:2 */
51 #define IMGFMT_YUY2    vid_fourcc('Y','U','Y','2') /* 16 YUYV 4:2:2 */
52 #define IMGFMT_YUNV    vid_fourcc('Y','U','N','V') /* 16 YUYV 4:2:2 */
53 #define IMGFMT_YVYU    vid_fourcc('Y','V','Y','U') /* 16 YVYU 4:2:2 */
54 #define IMGFMT_Y41P    vid_fourcc('Y','4','1','P') /* 12 YUV 4:1:1 */
55 #define IMGFMT_Y211    vid_fourcc('Y','2','1','1') /* 8.5 YUV 2:1:1 */
56 #define IMGFMT_Y41T    vid_fourcc('Y','4','1','T') /* 12 YUV 4:1:1 */
57 #define IMGFMT_Y42T    vid_fourcc('Y','4','2','T') /* 16 UYVU 4:2:2 */
58 #define IMGFMT_V422    vid_fourcc('V','4','2','2') /* 16 YUY2 4:2:2 */
59 #define IMGFMT_V655    vid_fourcc('V','6','5','5') /* 16 YUV 4:2:2 */
60 #define IMGFMT_CLJR    vid_fourcc('C','L','J','R') /* 7.9 YUV 4:1:1 */
61 #define IMGFMT_YUVP    vid_fourcc('Y','U','V','P') /* 24 Y0U0Y1V0 */
62 #define IMGFMT_UYVP    vid_fourcc('U','Y','V','P') /* 24 U0Y0V0Y1 */
63 #define IMGFMT_411P    vid_fourcc('4','1','1','P') /* 12 alias of Y41B */
64 #define IMGFMT_422P    vid_fourcc('4','2','2','P') /* 16 alias of Y42B */
65 #define IMGFMT_444P    vid_fourcc('4','4','4','P') /* 24 alias of Y44B */
67 /*  Vendor-specific formats   */
68 #define IMGFMT_WNVA    vid_fourcc('W','N','V','A') /* Winnov hw compress */
70 #endif