1 #ifndef DDCI_H
2 #define DDCI_H
3 #include "adapter.h"
4 #include "pmt.h"
5 #include "tables.h"
7 // number of pids for each ddci adapter to be stored in the mapping table
8 #define MAX_CHANNELS_ON_CI 4
9 #define PIDS_FOR_ADAPTER 128
10 #define MAX_CA_PIDS 20
12 #define DDCI_BUFFER (100000 * 188)
14 // keeps PMT informations for the channels that are enabled on this ddci_device
15 typedef struct ddci_pmt {
16     int id;
17     int ver;
18     int pcr_pid;
19     char cc;
20 } ddci_pmt_t;
22 typedef struct ddci_device {
23     SMutex mutex;
24     int enabled;
25     int id;
26     int fd;
27     int channels;
28     int max_channels;
29     ddci_pmt_t pmt[MAX_CHANNELS_ON_CI + 1];
30     int cat_processed;
31     int capid[MAX_CA_PIDS + 1];
32     int ncapid;
33     unsigned char *out;
34     int ro[MAX_ADAPTERS], wo; // read offset per adapter
35     uint64_t last_pat, last_pmt;
36     int tid, ver;
37     char pat_cc;
38     SHashTable mapping;
39 } ddci_device_t;
41 // Use a hash table to store mapping_table entries
42 // the key is ad << 16 | pid to be able to search faster
43 // based on this key. This key is needed mostly for processing CAT, PMT, PAT
44 // to map from pids in original tables to destination ones.
45 typedef struct ddci_mapping_table {
46     int ad;
47     int pid;
48     int ddci_pid;
49     int ddci;
50     char rewrite;
51     int pmt[MAX_CHANNELS_ON_CI + 1];
52     int npmt;
53     int filter_id;
54     int pid_added;
55 } ddci_mapping_table_t;
57 typedef struct ddci_channel {
58     struct SDDCI {
59         uint8_t ddci;
60         uint64_t blacklisted_until;
61     } ddci[MAX_ADAPTERS];
62     int ddcis;
63     int pos;
64     int sid;
65     char name[50];
66     char locked;
67 } Sddci_channel;
69 void find_ddci_adapter(adapter **a);
70 void ddci_init();
71 int add_pid_mapping_table(int ad, int pid, int pmt, ddci_device_t *d,
72                           int force_add_pid);
73 int push_ts_to_adapter(adapter *ad, unsigned char *b, int new_pid, int *ad_pos);
74 int push_ts_to_ddci_buffer(ddci_device_t *d, unsigned char *b, int len);
75 void set_pid_ts(unsigned char *b, int pid);
76 int ddci_process_ts(adapter *ad, ddci_device_t *d);
77 int ddci_create_pat(ddci_device_t *d, uint8_t *b);
78 int ddci_create_pmt(ddci_device_t *d, SPMT *pmt, uint8_t *new_pmt, int pmt_size,
79                     int ver, int pcr_pid);
80 ddci_mapping_table_t *get_pid_mapping_allddci(int ad, int pid);
81 void save_channels(SHashTable *ch, char *file);
82 void load_channels(SHashTable *ch, char *file);
83 int ddci_process_pmt(adapter *ad, SPMT *pmt);
84 void blacklist_pmt_for_ddci(SPMT *pmt, int ddid);
85 int ddci_del_pmt(adapter *ad, SPMT *spmt);
86 #endif