1import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
3// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
4// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
6// This file was auto-generated by:
7// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtMultimedia 5.15'
9Module {
10    dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"]
11    Component {
12        name: "QAbstractItemModel"
13        prototype: "QObject"
14        Enum {
15            name: "LayoutChangeHint"
16            values: {
17                "NoLayoutChangeHint": 0,
18                "VerticalSortHint": 1,
19                "HorizontalSortHint": 2
20            }
21        }
22        Enum {
23            name: "CheckIndexOption"
24            values: {
25                "NoOption": 0,
26                "IndexIsValid": 1,
27                "DoNotUseParent": 2,
28                "ParentIsInvalid": 4
29            }
30        }
31        Signal {
32            name: "dataChanged"
33            Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
34            Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
35            Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QVector<int>" }
36        }
37        Signal {
38            name: "dataChanged"
39            Parameter { name: "topLeft"; type: "QModelIndex" }
40            Parameter { name: "bottomRight"; type: "QModelIndex" }
41        }
42        Signal {
43            name: "headerDataChanged"
44            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
45            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
46            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
47        }
48        Signal {
49            name: "layoutChanged"
50            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
51            Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
52        }
53        Signal {
54            name: "layoutChanged"
55            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
56        }
57        Signal { name: "layoutChanged" }
58        Signal {
59            name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
60            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
61            Parameter { name: "hint"; type: "QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint" }
62        }
63        Signal {
64            name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged"
65            Parameter { name: "parents"; type: "QList<QPersistentModelIndex>" }
66        }
67        Signal { name: "layoutAboutToBeChanged" }
68        Signal {
69            name: "rowsAboutToBeInserted"
70            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
71            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
72            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
73        }
74        Signal {
75            name: "rowsInserted"
76            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
77            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
78            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
79        }
80        Signal {
81            name: "rowsAboutToBeRemoved"
82            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
83            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
84            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
85        }
86        Signal {
87            name: "rowsRemoved"
88            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
89            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
90            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
91        }
92        Signal {
93            name: "columnsAboutToBeInserted"
94            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
95            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
96            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
97        }
98        Signal {
99            name: "columnsInserted"
100            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
101            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
102            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
103        }
104        Signal {
105            name: "columnsAboutToBeRemoved"
106            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
107            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
108            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
109        }
110        Signal {
111            name: "columnsRemoved"
112            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
113            Parameter { name: "first"; type: "int" }
114            Parameter { name: "last"; type: "int" }
115        }
116        Signal { name: "modelAboutToBeReset" }
117        Signal { name: "modelReset" }
118        Signal {
119            name: "rowsAboutToBeMoved"
120            Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
121            Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
122            Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
123            Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
124            Parameter { name: "destinationRow"; type: "int" }
125        }
126        Signal {
127            name: "rowsMoved"
128            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
129            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
130            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
131            Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
132            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
133        }
134        Signal {
135            name: "columnsAboutToBeMoved"
136            Parameter { name: "sourceParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
137            Parameter { name: "sourceStart"; type: "int" }
138            Parameter { name: "sourceEnd"; type: "int" }
139            Parameter { name: "destinationParent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
140            Parameter { name: "destinationColumn"; type: "int" }
141        }
142        Signal {
143            name: "columnsMoved"
144            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
145            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
146            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
147            Parameter { name: "destination"; type: "QModelIndex" }
148            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
149        }
150        Method { name: "submit"; type: "bool" }
151        Method { name: "revert" }
152        Method {
153            name: "hasIndex"
154            type: "bool"
155            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
156            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
157            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
158        }
159        Method {
160            name: "hasIndex"
161            type: "bool"
162            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
163            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
164        }
165        Method {
166            name: "index"
167            type: "QModelIndex"
168            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
169            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
170            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
171        }
172        Method {
173            name: "index"
174            type: "QModelIndex"
175            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
176            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
177        }
178        Method {
179            name: "parent"
180            type: "QModelIndex"
181            Parameter { name: "child"; type: "QModelIndex" }
182        }
183        Method {
184            name: "sibling"
185            type: "QModelIndex"
186            Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" }
187            Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" }
188            Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "QModelIndex" }
189        }
190        Method {
191            name: "rowCount"
192            type: "int"
193            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
194        }
195        Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" }
196        Method {
197            name: "columnCount"
198            type: "int"
199            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
200        }
201        Method { name: "columnCount"; type: "int" }
202        Method {
203            name: "hasChildren"
204            type: "bool"
205            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
206        }
207        Method { name: "hasChildren"; type: "bool" }
208        Method {
209            name: "data"
210            type: "QVariant"
211            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
212            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
213        }
214        Method {
215            name: "data"
216            type: "QVariant"
217            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
218        }
219        Method {
220            name: "setData"
221            type: "bool"
222            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
223            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
224            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
225        }
226        Method {
227            name: "setData"
228            type: "bool"
229            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
230            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
231        }
232        Method {
233            name: "headerData"
234            type: "QVariant"
235            Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
236            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
237            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
238        }
239        Method {
240            name: "headerData"
241            type: "QVariant"
242            Parameter { name: "section"; type: "int" }
243            Parameter { name: "orientation"; type: "Qt::Orientation" }
244        }
245        Method {
246            name: "fetchMore"
247            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
248        }
249        Method {
250            name: "canFetchMore"
251            type: "bool"
252            Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" }
253        }
254        Method {
255            name: "flags"
256            type: "Qt::ItemFlags"
257            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" }
258        }
259        Method {
260            name: "match"
261            type: "QModelIndexList"
262            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
263            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
264            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
265            Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
266            Parameter { name: "flags"; type: "Qt::MatchFlags" }
267        }
268        Method {
269            name: "match"
270            type: "QModelIndexList"
271            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
272            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
273            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
274            Parameter { name: "hits"; type: "int" }
275        }
276        Method {
277            name: "match"
278            type: "QModelIndexList"
279            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "QModelIndex" }
280            Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" }
281            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
282        }
283    }
284    Component { name: "QAbstractListModel"; prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" }
285    Component {
286        name: "QAbstractVideoFilter"
287        prototype: "QObject"
288        Property { name: "active"; type: "bool" }
289    }
290    Component {
291        name: "QAbstractVideoSurface"
292        prototype: "QObject"
293        Property { name: "nativeResolution"; type: "QSize"; isReadonly: true }
294        Signal {
295            name: "activeChanged"
296            Parameter { name: "active"; type: "bool" }
297        }
298        Signal {
299            name: "surfaceFormatChanged"
300            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "QVideoSurfaceFormat" }
301        }
302        Signal { name: "supportedFormatsChanged" }
303        Signal {
304            name: "nativeResolutionChanged"
305            Parameter { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
306        }
307    }
308    Component {
309        name: "QCamera"
310        prototype: "QMediaObject"
311        Enum {
312            name: "Status"
313            values: {
314                "UnavailableStatus": 0,
315                "UnloadedStatus": 1,
316                "LoadingStatus": 2,
317                "UnloadingStatus": 3,
318                "LoadedStatus": 4,
319                "StandbyStatus": 5,
320                "StartingStatus": 6,
321                "StoppingStatus": 7,
322                "ActiveStatus": 8
323            }
324        }
325        Enum {
326            name: "State"
327            values: {
328                "UnloadedState": 0,
329                "LoadedState": 1,
330                "ActiveState": 2
331            }
332        }
333        Enum {
334            name: "CaptureMode"
335            values: {
336                "CaptureViewfinder": 0,
337                "CaptureStillImage": 1,
338                "CaptureVideo": 2
339            }
340        }
341        Enum {
342            name: "Error"
343            values: {
344                "NoError": 0,
345                "CameraError": 1,
346                "InvalidRequestError": 2,
347                "ServiceMissingError": 3,
348                "NotSupportedFeatureError": 4
349            }
350        }
351        Enum {
352            name: "LockStatus"
353            values: {
354                "Unlocked": 0,
355                "Searching": 1,
356                "Locked": 2
357            }
358        }
359        Enum {
360            name: "LockChangeReason"
361            values: {
362                "UserRequest": 0,
363                "LockAcquired": 1,
364                "LockFailed": 2,
365                "LockLost": 3,
366                "LockTemporaryLost": 4
367            }
368        }
369        Enum {
370            name: "LockType"
371            values: {
372                "NoLock": 0,
373                "LockExposure": 1,
374                "LockWhiteBalance": 2,
375                "LockFocus": 4
376            }
377        }
378        Enum {
379            name: "Position"
380            values: {
381                "UnspecifiedPosition": 0,
382                "BackFace": 1,
383                "FrontFace": 2
384            }
385        }
386        Property { name: "state"; type: "QCamera::State"; isReadonly: true }
387        Property { name: "status"; type: "QCamera::Status"; isReadonly: true }
388        Property { name: "captureMode"; type: "QCamera::CaptureModes" }
389        Property { name: "lockStatus"; type: "QCamera::LockStatus"; isReadonly: true }
390        Signal {
391            name: "stateChanged"
392            Parameter { name: "state"; type: "QCamera::State" }
393        }
394        Signal {
395            name: "captureModeChanged"
396            Parameter { type: "QCamera::CaptureModes" }
397        }
398        Signal {
399            name: "statusChanged"
400            Parameter { name: "status"; type: "QCamera::Status" }
401        }
402        Signal { name: "locked" }
403        Signal { name: "lockFailed" }
404        Signal {
405            name: "lockStatusChanged"
406            Parameter { name: "status"; type: "QCamera::LockStatus" }
407            Parameter { name: "reason"; type: "QCamera::LockChangeReason" }
408        }
409        Signal {
410            name: "lockStatusChanged"
411            Parameter { name: "lock"; type: "QCamera::LockType" }
412            Parameter { name: "status"; type: "QCamera::LockStatus" }
413            Parameter { name: "reason"; type: "QCamera::LockChangeReason" }
414        }
415        Signal {
416            name: "error"
417            Parameter { type: "QCamera::Error" }
418        }
419        Method {
420            name: "setCaptureMode"
421            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "QCamera::CaptureModes" }
422        }
423        Method { name: "load" }
424        Method { name: "unload" }
425        Method { name: "start" }
426        Method { name: "stop" }
427        Method { name: "searchAndLock" }
428        Method { name: "unlock" }
429        Method {
430            name: "searchAndLock"
431            Parameter { name: "locks"; type: "QCamera::LockTypes" }
432        }
433        Method {
434            name: "unlock"
435            Parameter { name: "locks"; type: "QCamera::LockTypes" }
436        }
437    }
438    Component {
439        name: "QDeclarativeAudio"
440        prototype: "QObject"
441        exports: [
442            "QtMultimedia/Audio 5.0",
443            "QtMultimedia/Audio 5.11",
444            "QtMultimedia/Audio 5.6",
445            "QtMultimedia/Audio 5.9",
446            "QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer 5.0",
447            "QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer 5.11",
448            "QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer 5.15",
449            "QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer 5.6",
450            "QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer 5.9"
451        ]
452        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 3, 15, 1, 2]
453        Enum {
454            name: "Status"
455            values: {
456                "UnknownStatus": 0,
457                "NoMedia": 1,
458                "Loading": 2,
459                "Loaded": 3,
460                "Stalled": 4,
461                "Buffering": 5,
462                "Buffered": 6,
463                "EndOfMedia": 7,
464                "InvalidMedia": 8
465            }
466        }
467        Enum {
468            name: "Error"
469            values: {
470                "NoError": 0,
471                "ResourceError": 1,
472                "FormatError": 2,
473                "NetworkError": 3,
474                "AccessDenied": 4,
475                "ServiceMissing": 5
476            }
477        }
478        Enum {
479            name: "Loop"
480            values: {
481                "Infinite": -1
482            }
483        }
484        Enum {
485            name: "PlaybackState"
486            values: {
487                "PlayingState": 1,
488                "PausedState": 2,
489                "StoppedState": 0
490            }
491        }
492        Enum {
493            name: "Availability"
494            values: {
495                "Available": 0,
496                "Busy": 2,
497                "Unavailable": 1,
498                "ResourceMissing": 3
499            }
500        }
501        Enum {
502            name: "AudioRole"
503            values: {
504                "UnknownRole": 0,
505                "AccessibilityRole": 7,
506                "AlarmRole": 4,
507                "CustomRole": 10,
508                "GameRole": 9,
509                "MusicRole": 1,
510                "NotificationRole": 5,
511                "RingtoneRole": 6,
512                "SonificationRole": 8,
513                "VideoRole": 2,
514                "VoiceCommunicationRole": 3
515            }
516        }
517        Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
518        Property { name: "playlist"; revision: 1; type: "QDeclarativePlaylist"; isPointer: true }
519        Property { name: "loops"; type: "int" }
520        Property { name: "playbackState"; type: "PlaybackState"; isReadonly: true }
521        Property { name: "autoPlay"; type: "bool" }
522        Property { name: "autoLoad"; type: "bool" }
523        Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
524        Property { name: "duration"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
525        Property { name: "position"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
526        Property { name: "volume"; type: "double" }
527        Property { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
528        Property { name: "hasAudio"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
529        Property { name: "hasVideo"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
530        Property { name: "bufferProgress"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
531        Property { name: "seekable"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
532        Property { name: "playbackRate"; type: "double" }
533        Property { name: "error"; type: "Error"; isReadonly: true }
534        Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
535        Property {
536            name: "metaData"
537            type: "QDeclarativeMediaMetaData"
538            isReadonly: true
539            isPointer: true
540        }
541        Property { name: "mediaObject"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
542        Property { name: "availability"; type: "Availability"; isReadonly: true }
543        Property { name: "audioRole"; revision: 1; type: "AudioRole" }
544        Property { name: "customAudioRole"; revision: 3; type: "string" }
545        Property { name: "notifyInterval"; revision: 2; type: "int" }
546        Property { name: "videoOutput"; revision: 15; type: "QVariant" }
547        Signal { name: "playlistChanged"; revision: 1 }
548        Signal { name: "loopCountChanged" }
549        Signal { name: "paused" }
550        Signal { name: "stopped" }
551        Signal { name: "playing" }
552        Signal { name: "audioRoleChanged"; revision: 1 }
553        Signal { name: "customAudioRoleChanged"; revision: 3 }
554        Signal {
555            name: "availabilityChanged"
556            Parameter { name: "availability"; type: "Availability" }
557        }
558        Signal {
559            name: "error"
560            Parameter { name: "error"; type: "QDeclarativeAudio::Error" }
561            Parameter { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
562        }
563        Signal { name: "notifyIntervalChanged"; revision: 2 }
564        Signal { name: "videoOutputChanged"; revision: 15 }
565        Method { name: "play" }
566        Method { name: "pause" }
567        Method { name: "stop" }
568        Method {
569            name: "seek"
570            Parameter { name: "position"; type: "int" }
571        }
572        Method { name: "supportedAudioRoles"; revision: 1; type: "QJSValue" }
573    }
574    Component {
575        name: "QDeclarativeCamera"
576        prototype: "QObject"
577        exports: [
578            "QtMultimedia/Camera 5.0",
579            "QtMultimedia/Camera 5.4",
580            "QtMultimedia/Camera 5.5"
581        ]
582        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1, 2]
583        Enum {
584            name: "Position"
585            values: {
586                "UnspecifiedPosition": 0,
587                "BackFace": 1,
588                "FrontFace": 2
589            }
590        }
591        Enum {
592            name: "CaptureMode"
593            values: {
594                "CaptureViewfinder": 0,
595                "CaptureStillImage": 1,
596                "CaptureVideo": 2
597            }
598        }
599        Enum {
600            name: "State"
601            values: {
602                "ActiveState": 2,
603                "LoadedState": 1,
604                "UnloadedState": 0
605            }
606        }
607        Enum {
608            name: "Status"
609            values: {
610                "UnavailableStatus": 0,
611                "UnloadedStatus": 1,
612                "LoadingStatus": 2,
613                "UnloadingStatus": 3,
614                "LoadedStatus": 4,
615                "StandbyStatus": 5,
616                "StartingStatus": 6,
617                "StoppingStatus": 7,
618                "ActiveStatus": 8
619            }
620        }
621        Enum {
622            name: "LockStatus"
623            values: {
624                "Unlocked": 0,
625                "Searching": 1,
626                "Locked": 2
627            }
628        }
629        Enum {
630            name: "Error"
631            values: {
632                "NoError": 0,
633                "CameraError": 1,
634                "InvalidRequestError": 2,
635                "ServiceMissingError": 3,
636                "NotSupportedFeatureError": 4
637            }
638        }
639        Enum {
640            name: "FlashMode"
641            values: {
642                "FlashAuto": 1,
643                "FlashOff": 2,
644                "FlashOn": 4,
645                "FlashRedEyeReduction": 8,
646                "FlashFill": 16,
647                "FlashTorch": 32,
648                "FlashVideoLight": 64,
649                "FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain": 128,
650                "FlashSlowSyncRearCurtain": 256,
651                "FlashManual": 512
652            }
653        }
654        Enum {
655            name: "ExposureMode"
656            values: {
657                "ExposureAuto": 0,
658                "ExposureManual": 1,
659                "ExposurePortrait": 2,
660                "ExposureNight": 3,
661                "ExposureBacklight": 4,
662                "ExposureSpotlight": 5,
663                "ExposureSports": 6,
664                "ExposureSnow": 7,
665                "ExposureBeach": 8,
666                "ExposureLargeAperture": 9,
667                "ExposureSmallAperture": 10,
668                "ExposureAction": 11,
669                "ExposureLandscape": 12,
670                "ExposureNightPortrait": 13,
671                "ExposureTheatre": 14,
672                "ExposureSunset": 15,
673                "ExposureSteadyPhoto": 16,
674                "ExposureFireworks": 17,
675                "ExposureParty": 18,
676                "ExposureCandlelight": 19,
677                "ExposureBarcode": 20,
678                "ExposureModeVendor": 1000
679            }
680        }
681        Enum {
682            name: "MeteringMode"
683            values: {
684                "MeteringMatrix": 1,
685                "MeteringAverage": 2,
686                "MeteringSpot": 3
687            }
688        }
689        Enum {
690            name: "FocusMode"
691            values: {
692                "FocusManual": 1,
693                "FocusHyperfocal": 2,
694                "FocusInfinity": 4,
695                "FocusAuto": 8,
696                "FocusContinuous": 16,
697                "FocusMacro": 32
698            }
699        }
700        Enum {
701            name: "FocusPointMode"
702            values: {
703                "FocusPointAuto": 0,
704                "FocusPointCenter": 1,
705                "FocusPointFaceDetection": 2,
706                "FocusPointCustom": 3
707            }
708        }
709        Enum {
710            name: "FocusAreaStatus"
711            values: {
712                "FocusAreaUnused": 1,
713                "FocusAreaSelected": 2,
714                "FocusAreaFocused": 3
715            }
716        }
717        Enum {
718            name: "Availability"
719            values: {
720                "Available": 0,
721                "Busy": 2,
722                "Unavailable": 1,
723                "ResourceMissing": 3
724            }
725        }
726        Property { name: "deviceId"; revision: 1; type: "string" }
727        Property { name: "position"; revision: 1; type: "Position" }
728        Property { name: "displayName"; revision: 1; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
729        Property { name: "orientation"; revision: 1; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
730        Property { name: "captureMode"; type: "CaptureMode" }
731        Property { name: "cameraState"; type: "State" }
732        Property { name: "cameraStatus"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
733        Property { name: "lockStatus"; type: "LockStatus"; isReadonly: true }
734        Property { name: "errorCode"; type: "Error"; isReadonly: true }
735        Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
736        Property { name: "availability"; type: "Availability"; isReadonly: true }
737        Property { name: "opticalZoom"; type: "double" }
738        Property { name: "maximumOpticalZoom"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
739        Property { name: "digitalZoom"; type: "double" }
740        Property { name: "maximumDigitalZoom"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
741        Property { name: "mediaObject"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
742        Property {
743            name: "imageCapture"
744            type: "QDeclarativeCameraCapture"
745            isReadonly: true
746            isPointer: true
747        }
748        Property {
749            name: "videoRecorder"
750            type: "QDeclarativeCameraRecorder"
751            isReadonly: true
752            isPointer: true
753        }
754        Property {
755            name: "exposure"
756            type: "QDeclarativeCameraExposure"
757            isReadonly: true
758            isPointer: true
759        }
760        Property { name: "flash"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraFlash"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
761        Property { name: "focus"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraFocus"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
762        Property {
763            name: "imageProcessing"
764            type: "QDeclarativeCameraImageProcessing"
765            isReadonly: true
766            isPointer: true
767        }
768        Property {
769            name: "metaData"
770            revision: 1
771            type: "QDeclarativeMediaMetaData"
772            isReadonly: true
773            isPointer: true
774        }
775        Property {
776            name: "viewfinder"
777            revision: 1
778            type: "QDeclarativeCameraViewfinder"
779            isReadonly: true
780            isPointer: true
781        }
782        Signal { name: "errorChanged" }
783        Signal {
784            name: "error"
785            Parameter { name: "errorCode"; type: "QDeclarativeCamera::Error" }
786            Parameter { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
787        }
788        Signal { name: "deviceIdChanged"; revision: 1 }
789        Signal { name: "positionChanged"; revision: 1 }
790        Signal { name: "displayNameChanged"; revision: 1 }
791        Signal { name: "orientationChanged"; revision: 1 }
792        Signal {
793            name: "cameraStateChanged"
794            Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeCamera::State" }
795        }
796        Signal {
797            name: "opticalZoomChanged"
798            Parameter { type: "double" }
799        }
800        Signal {
801            name: "digitalZoomChanged"
802            Parameter { type: "double" }
803        }
804        Signal {
805            name: "maximumOpticalZoomChanged"
806            Parameter { type: "double" }
807        }
808        Signal {
809            name: "maximumDigitalZoomChanged"
810            Parameter { type: "double" }
811        }
812        Signal {
813            name: "availabilityChanged"
814            Parameter { name: "availability"; type: "Availability" }
815        }
816        Method {
817            name: "setCaptureMode"
818            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "CaptureMode" }
819        }
820        Method { name: "start" }
821        Method { name: "stop" }
822        Method {
823            name: "setCameraState"
824            Parameter { name: "state"; type: "State" }
825        }
826        Method { name: "searchAndLock" }
827        Method { name: "unlock" }
828        Method {
829            name: "setOpticalZoom"
830            Parameter { type: "double" }
831        }
832        Method {
833            name: "setDigitalZoom"
834            Parameter { type: "double" }
835        }
836        Method {
837            name: "supportedViewfinderResolutions"
838            revision: 2
839            type: "QJSValue"
840            Parameter { name: "minimumFrameRate"; type: "double" }
841            Parameter { name: "maximumFrameRate"; type: "double" }
842        }
843        Method {
844            name: "supportedViewfinderResolutions"
845            revision: 2
846            type: "QJSValue"
847            Parameter { name: "minimumFrameRate"; type: "double" }
848        }
849        Method { name: "supportedViewfinderResolutions"; revision: 2; type: "QJSValue" }
850        Method {
851            name: "supportedViewfinderFrameRateRanges"
852            revision: 2
853            type: "QJSValue"
854            Parameter { name: "resolution"; type: "QJSValue" }
855        }
856        Method { name: "supportedViewfinderFrameRateRanges"; revision: 2; type: "QJSValue" }
857    }
858    Component {
859        name: "QDeclarativeCameraCapture"
860        prototype: "QObject"
861        exports: [
862            "QtMultimedia/CameraCapture 5.0",
863            "QtMultimedia/CameraCapture 5.9"
864        ]
865        isCreatable: false
866        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
867        Property { name: "ready"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
868        Property { name: "capturedImagePath"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
869        Property { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
870        Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
871        Property { name: "supportedResolutions"; revision: 1; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
872        Signal {
873            name: "readyForCaptureChanged"
874            Parameter { type: "bool" }
875        }
876        Signal {
877            name: "imageExposed"
878            Parameter { name: "requestId"; type: "int" }
879        }
880        Signal {
881            name: "imageCaptured"
882            Parameter { name: "requestId"; type: "int" }
883            Parameter { name: "preview"; type: "string" }
884        }
885        Signal {
886            name: "imageMetadataAvailable"
887            Parameter { name: "requestId"; type: "int" }
888            Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
889            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
890        }
891        Signal {
892            name: "imageSaved"
893            Parameter { name: "requestId"; type: "int" }
894            Parameter { name: "path"; type: "string" }
895        }
896        Signal {
897            name: "captureFailed"
898            Parameter { name: "requestId"; type: "int" }
899            Parameter { name: "message"; type: "string" }
900        }
901        Signal {
902            name: "resolutionChanged"
903            Parameter { type: "QSize" }
904        }
905        Method { name: "capture"; type: "int" }
906        Method {
907            name: "captureToLocation"
908            type: "int"
909            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "string" }
910        }
911        Method { name: "cancelCapture" }
912        Method {
913            name: "setResolution"
914            Parameter { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
915        }
916        Method {
917            name: "setMetadata"
918            Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
919            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
920        }
921    }
922    Component {
923        name: "QDeclarativeCameraExposure"
924        prototype: "QObject"
925        exports: [
926            "QtMultimedia/CameraExposure 5.0",
927            "QtMultimedia/CameraExposure 5.11"
928        ]
929        isCreatable: false
930        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
931        Enum {
932            name: "ExposureMode"
933            values: {
934                "ExposureAuto": 0,
935                "ExposureManual": 1,
936                "ExposurePortrait": 2,
937                "ExposureNight": 3,
938                "ExposureBacklight": 4,
939                "ExposureSpotlight": 5,
940                "ExposureSports": 6,
941                "ExposureSnow": 7,
942                "ExposureBeach": 8,
943                "ExposureLargeAperture": 9,
944                "ExposureSmallAperture": 10,
945                "ExposureAction": 11,
946                "ExposureLandscape": 12,
947                "ExposureNightPortrait": 13,
948                "ExposureTheatre": 14,
949                "ExposureSunset": 15,
950                "ExposureSteadyPhoto": 16,
951                "ExposureFireworks": 17,
952                "ExposureParty": 18,
953                "ExposureCandlelight": 19,
954                "ExposureBarcode": 20,
955                "ExposureModeVendor": 1000
956            }
957        }
958        Enum {
959            name: "MeteringMode"
960            values: {
961                "MeteringMatrix": 1,
962                "MeteringAverage": 2,
963                "MeteringSpot": 3
964            }
965        }
966        Property { name: "exposureCompensation"; type: "double" }
967        Property { name: "iso"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
968        Property { name: "shutterSpeed"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
969        Property { name: "aperture"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
970        Property { name: "manualShutterSpeed"; type: "double" }
971        Property { name: "manualAperture"; type: "double" }
972        Property { name: "manualIso"; type: "double" }
973        Property { name: "exposureMode"; type: "ExposureMode" }
974        Property { name: "supportedExposureModes"; revision: 1; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
975        Property { name: "spotMeteringPoint"; type: "QPointF" }
976        Property { name: "meteringMode"; type: "MeteringMode" }
977        Signal {
978            name: "isoSensitivityChanged"
979            Parameter { type: "int" }
980        }
981        Signal {
982            name: "apertureChanged"
983            Parameter { type: "double" }
984        }
985        Signal {
986            name: "shutterSpeedChanged"
987            Parameter { type: "double" }
988        }
989        Signal {
990            name: "manualIsoSensitivityChanged"
991            Parameter { type: "int" }
992        }
993        Signal {
994            name: "manualApertureChanged"
995            Parameter { type: "double" }
996        }
997        Signal {
998            name: "manualShutterSpeedChanged"
999            Parameter { type: "double" }
1000        }
1001        Signal {
1002            name: "exposureCompensationChanged"
1003            Parameter { type: "double" }
1004        }
1005        Signal {
1006            name: "exposureModeChanged"
1007            Parameter { type: "ExposureMode" }
1008        }
1009        Signal {
1010            name: "meteringModeChanged"
1011            Parameter { type: "MeteringMode" }
1012        }
1013        Signal {
1014            name: "spotMeteringPointChanged"
1015            Parameter { type: "QPointF" }
1016        }
1017        Method {
1018            name: "setExposureMode"
1019            Parameter { type: "ExposureMode" }
1020        }
1021        Method {
1022            name: "setExposureCompensation"
1023            Parameter { name: "ev"; type: "double" }
1024        }
1025        Method {
1026            name: "setManualAperture"
1027            Parameter { type: "double" }
1028        }
1029        Method {
1030            name: "setManualShutterSpeed"
1031            Parameter { type: "double" }
1032        }
1033        Method {
1034            name: "setManualIsoSensitivity"
1035            Parameter { name: "iso"; type: "int" }
1036        }
1037        Method { name: "setAutoAperture" }
1038        Method { name: "setAutoShutterSpeed" }
1039        Method { name: "setAutoIsoSensitivity" }
1040    }
1041    Component {
1042        name: "QDeclarativeCameraFlash"
1043        prototype: "QObject"
1044        exports: [
1045            "QtMultimedia/CameraFlash 5.0",
1046            "QtMultimedia/CameraFlash 5.9"
1047        ]
1048        isCreatable: false
1049        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1050        Enum {
1051            name: "FlashMode"
1052            values: {
1053                "FlashAuto": 1,
1054                "FlashOff": 2,
1055                "FlashOn": 4,
1056                "FlashRedEyeReduction": 8,
1057                "FlashFill": 16,
1058                "FlashTorch": 32,
1059                "FlashVideoLight": 64,
1060                "FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain": 128,
1061                "FlashSlowSyncRearCurtain": 256,
1062                "FlashManual": 512
1063            }
1064        }
1065        Property { name: "ready"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1066        Property { name: "mode"; type: "FlashMode" }
1067        Property { name: "supportedModes"; revision: 1; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
1068        Signal {
1069            name: "flashReady"
1070            Parameter { name: "status"; type: "bool" }
1071        }
1072        Signal {
1073            name: "flashModeChanged"
1074            Parameter { type: "FlashMode" }
1075        }
1076        Method {
1077            name: "setFlashMode"
1078            Parameter { type: "FlashMode" }
1079        }
1080    }
1081    Component {
1082        name: "QDeclarativeCameraFocus"
1083        prototype: "QObject"
1084        exports: [
1085            "QtMultimedia/CameraFocus 5.0",
1086            "QtMultimedia/CameraFocus 5.11"
1087        ]
1088        isCreatable: false
1089        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1090        Enum {
1091            name: "FocusMode"
1092            values: {
1093                "FocusManual": 1,
1094                "FocusHyperfocal": 2,
1095                "FocusInfinity": 4,
1096                "FocusAuto": 8,
1097                "FocusContinuous": 16,
1098                "FocusMacro": 32
1099            }
1100        }
1101        Enum {
1102            name: "FocusPointMode"
1103            values: {
1104                "FocusPointAuto": 0,
1105                "FocusPointCenter": 1,
1106                "FocusPointFaceDetection": 2,
1107                "FocusPointCustom": 3
1108            }
1109        }
1110        Property { name: "focusMode"; type: "FocusMode" }
1111        Property { name: "supportedFocusModes"; revision: 1; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
1112        Property { name: "focusPointMode"; type: "FocusPointMode" }
1113        Property { name: "supportedFocusPointModes"; revision: 1; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
1114        Property { name: "customFocusPoint"; type: "QPointF" }
1115        Property { name: "focusZones"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
1116        Signal {
1117            name: "focusModeChanged"
1118            Parameter { type: "FocusMode" }
1119        }
1120        Signal {
1121            name: "focusPointModeChanged"
1122            Parameter { type: "FocusPointMode" }
1123        }
1124        Signal {
1125            name: "customFocusPointChanged"
1126            Parameter { type: "QPointF" }
1127        }
1128        Method {
1129            name: "setFocusMode"
1130            Parameter { type: "FocusMode" }
1131        }
1132        Method {
1133            name: "setFocusPointMode"
1134            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "FocusPointMode" }
1135        }
1136        Method {
1137            name: "setCustomFocusPoint"
1138            Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
1139        }
1140        Method {
1141            name: "isFocusModeSupported"
1142            type: "bool"
1143            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "FocusMode" }
1144        }
1145        Method {
1146            name: "isFocusPointModeSupported"
1147            type: "bool"
1148            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "FocusPointMode" }
1149        }
1150    }
1151    Component {
1152        name: "QDeclarativeCameraImageProcessing"
1153        prototype: "QObject"
1154        exports: [
1155            "QtMultimedia/CameraImageProcessing 5.0",
1156            "QtMultimedia/CameraImageProcessing 5.11",
1157            "QtMultimedia/CameraImageProcessing 5.5",
1158            "QtMultimedia/CameraImageProcessing 5.7"
1159        ]
1160        isCreatable: false
1161        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 3, 1, 2]
1162        Enum {
1163            name: "WhiteBalanceMode"
1164            values: {
1165                "WhiteBalanceAuto": 0,
1166                "WhiteBalanceManual": 1,
1167                "WhiteBalanceSunlight": 2,
1168                "WhiteBalanceCloudy": 3,
1169                "WhiteBalanceShade": 4,
1170                "WhiteBalanceTungsten": 5,
1171                "WhiteBalanceFluorescent": 6,
1172                "WhiteBalanceFlash": 7,
1173                "WhiteBalanceSunset": 8,
1174                "WhiteBalanceVendor": 1000
1175            }
1176        }
1177        Enum {
1178            name: "ColorFilter"
1179            values: {
1180                "ColorFilterNone": 0,
1181                "ColorFilterGrayscale": 1,
1182                "ColorFilterNegative": 2,
1183                "ColorFilterSolarize": 3,
1184                "ColorFilterSepia": 4,
1185                "ColorFilterPosterize": 5,
1186                "ColorFilterWhiteboard": 6,
1187                "ColorFilterBlackboard": 7,
1188                "ColorFilterAqua": 8,
1189                "ColorFilterVendor": 1000
1190            }
1191        }
1192        Property { name: "whiteBalanceMode"; type: "WhiteBalanceMode" }
1193        Property { name: "manualWhiteBalance"; type: "double" }
1194        Property { name: "brightness"; revision: 2; type: "double" }
1195        Property { name: "contrast"; type: "double" }
1196        Property { name: "saturation"; type: "double" }
1197        Property { name: "sharpeningLevel"; type: "double" }
1198        Property { name: "denoisingLevel"; type: "double" }
1199        Property { name: "colorFilter"; revision: 1; type: "ColorFilter" }
1200        Property { name: "available"; revision: 3; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1201        Property { name: "supportedColorFilters"; revision: 3; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true }
1202        Property {
1203            name: "supportedWhiteBalanceModes"
1204            revision: 3
1205            type: "QVariantList"
1206            isReadonly: true
1207        }
1208        Signal {
1209            name: "whiteBalanceModeChanged"
1210            Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeCameraImageProcessing::WhiteBalanceMode" }
1211        }
1212        Signal {
1213            name: "manualWhiteBalanceChanged"
1214            Parameter { type: "double" }
1215        }
1216        Signal {
1217            name: "brightnessChanged"
1218            revision: 2
1219            Parameter { type: "double" }
1220        }
1221        Signal {
1222            name: "contrastChanged"
1223            Parameter { type: "double" }
1224        }
1225        Signal {
1226            name: "saturationChanged"
1227            Parameter { type: "double" }
1228        }
1229        Signal {
1230            name: "sharpeningLevelChanged"
1231            Parameter { type: "double" }
1232        }
1233        Signal {
1234            name: "denoisingLevelChanged"
1235            Parameter { type: "double" }
1236        }
1237        Method {
1238            name: "setWhiteBalanceMode"
1239            Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraImageProcessing::WhiteBalanceMode" }
1240        }
1241        Method {
1242            name: "setManualWhiteBalance"
1243            Parameter { name: "colorTemp"; type: "double" }
1244        }
1245        Method {
1246            name: "setBrightness"
1247            revision: 2
1248            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "double" }
1249        }
1250        Method {
1251            name: "setContrast"
1252            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "double" }
1253        }
1254        Method {
1255            name: "setSaturation"
1256            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "double" }
1257        }
1258        Method {
1259            name: "setSharpeningLevel"
1260            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "double" }
1261        }
1262        Method {
1263            name: "setDenoisingLevel"
1264            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "double" }
1265        }
1266        Method {
1267            name: "setColorFilter"
1268            Parameter { name: "colorFilter"; type: "ColorFilter" }
1269        }
1270    }
1271    Component {
1272        name: "QDeclarativeCameraRecorder"
1273        prototype: "QObject"
1274        exports: ["QtMultimedia/CameraRecorder 5.0"]
1275        isCreatable: false
1276        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1277        Enum {
1278            name: "RecorderState"
1279            values: {
1280                "StoppedState": 0,
1281                "RecordingState": 1
1282            }
1283        }
1284        Enum {
1285            name: "RecorderStatus"
1286            values: {
1287                "UnavailableStatus": 0,
1288                "UnloadedStatus": 1,
1289                "LoadingStatus": 2,
1290                "LoadedStatus": 3,
1291                "StartingStatus": 4,
1292                "RecordingStatus": 5,
1293                "PausedStatus": 6,
1294                "FinalizingStatus": 7
1295            }
1296        }
1297        Enum {
1298            name: "EncodingMode"
1299            values: {
1300                "ConstantQualityEncoding": 0,
1301                "ConstantBitRateEncoding": 1,
1302                "AverageBitRateEncoding": 2
1303            }
1304        }
1305        Enum {
1306            name: "Error"
1307            values: {
1308                "NoError": 0,
1309                "ResourceError": 1,
1310                "FormatError": 2,
1311                "OutOfSpaceError": 3
1312            }
1313        }
1314        Property { name: "recorderState"; type: "RecorderState" }
1315        Property { name: "recorderStatus"; type: "RecorderStatus"; isReadonly: true }
1316        Property { name: "videoCodec"; type: "string" }
1317        Property { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
1318        Property { name: "frameRate"; type: "double" }
1319        Property { name: "videoBitRate"; type: "int" }
1320        Property { name: "videoEncodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1321        Property { name: "audioCodec"; type: "string" }
1322        Property { name: "audioBitRate"; type: "int" }
1323        Property { name: "audioChannels"; type: "int" }
1324        Property { name: "audioSampleRate"; type: "int" }
1325        Property { name: "audioEncodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1326        Property { name: "mediaContainer"; type: "string" }
1327        Property { name: "duration"; type: "qlonglong"; isReadonly: true }
1328        Property { name: "outputLocation"; type: "string" }
1329        Property { name: "actualLocation"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1330        Property { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1331        Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1332        Property { name: "errorCode"; type: "Error"; isReadonly: true }
1333        Signal {
1334            name: "recorderStateChanged"
1335            Parameter { name: "state"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraRecorder::RecorderState" }
1336        }
1337        Signal {
1338            name: "durationChanged"
1339            Parameter { name: "duration"; type: "qlonglong" }
1340        }
1341        Signal {
1342            name: "mutedChanged"
1343            Parameter { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1344        }
1345        Signal {
1346            name: "outputLocationChanged"
1347            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "string" }
1348        }
1349        Signal {
1350            name: "actualLocationChanged"
1351            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "string" }
1352        }
1353        Signal {
1354            name: "error"
1355            Parameter { name: "errorCode"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraRecorder::Error" }
1356            Parameter { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
1357        }
1358        Signal {
1359            name: "metaDataChanged"
1360            Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
1361            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
1362        }
1363        Signal {
1364            name: "captureResolutionChanged"
1365            Parameter { type: "QSize" }
1366        }
1367        Signal {
1368            name: "audioCodecChanged"
1369            Parameter { name: "codec"; type: "string" }
1370        }
1371        Signal {
1372            name: "videoCodecChanged"
1373            Parameter { name: "codec"; type: "string" }
1374        }
1375        Signal {
1376            name: "mediaContainerChanged"
1377            Parameter { name: "container"; type: "string" }
1378        }
1379        Signal {
1380            name: "frameRateChanged"
1381            Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "double" }
1382        }
1383        Signal {
1384            name: "videoBitRateChanged"
1385            Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
1386        }
1387        Signal {
1388            name: "audioBitRateChanged"
1389            Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
1390        }
1391        Signal {
1392            name: "audioChannelsChanged"
1393            Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
1394        }
1395        Signal {
1396            name: "audioSampleRateChanged"
1397            Parameter { name: "arg"; type: "int" }
1398        }
1399        Signal {
1400            name: "audioEncodingModeChanged"
1401            Parameter { name: "encodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1402        }
1403        Signal {
1404            name: "videoEncodingModeChanged"
1405            Parameter { name: "encodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1406        }
1407        Method {
1408            name: "setOutputLocation"
1409            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "string" }
1410        }
1411        Method { name: "record" }
1412        Method { name: "stop" }
1413        Method {
1414            name: "setRecorderState"
1415            Parameter { name: "state"; type: "QDeclarativeCameraRecorder::RecorderState" }
1416        }
1417        Method {
1418            name: "setMuted"
1419            Parameter { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1420        }
1421        Method {
1422            name: "setMetadata"
1423            Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
1424            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
1425        }
1426        Method {
1427            name: "setCaptureResolution"
1428            Parameter { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
1429        }
1430        Method {
1431            name: "setAudioCodec"
1432            Parameter { name: "codec"; type: "string" }
1433        }
1434        Method {
1435            name: "setVideoCodec"
1436            Parameter { name: "codec"; type: "string" }
1437        }
1438        Method {
1439            name: "setMediaContainer"
1440            Parameter { name: "container"; type: "string" }
1441        }
1442        Method {
1443            name: "setFrameRate"
1444            Parameter { name: "frameRate"; type: "double" }
1445        }
1446        Method {
1447            name: "setVideoBitRate"
1448            Parameter { name: "rate"; type: "int" }
1449        }
1450        Method {
1451            name: "setAudioBitRate"
1452            Parameter { name: "rate"; type: "int" }
1453        }
1454        Method {
1455            name: "setAudioChannels"
1456            Parameter { name: "channels"; type: "int" }
1457        }
1458        Method {
1459            name: "setAudioSampleRate"
1460            Parameter { name: "rate"; type: "int" }
1461        }
1462        Method {
1463            name: "setVideoEncodingMode"
1464            Parameter { name: "encodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1465        }
1466        Method {
1467            name: "setAudioEncodingMode"
1468            Parameter { name: "encodingMode"; type: "EncodingMode" }
1469        }
1470    }
1471    Component {
1472        name: "QDeclarativeCameraViewfinder"
1473        prototype: "QObject"
1474        exports: ["QtMultimedia/CameraViewfinder 5.4"]
1475        isCreatable: false
1476        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1477        Property { name: "resolution"; type: "QSize" }
1478        Property { name: "minimumFrameRate"; type: "double" }
1479        Property { name: "maximumFrameRate"; type: "double" }
1480    }
1481    Component {
1482        name: "QDeclarativeMediaMetaData"
1483        prototype: "QObject"
1484        Property { name: "title"; type: "QVariant" }
1485        Property { name: "subTitle"; type: "QVariant" }
1486        Property { name: "author"; type: "QVariant" }
1487        Property { name: "comment"; type: "QVariant" }
1488        Property { name: "description"; type: "QVariant" }
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1490        Property { name: "genre"; type: "QVariant" }
1491        Property { name: "year"; type: "QVariant" }
1492        Property { name: "date"; type: "QVariant" }
1493        Property { name: "userRating"; type: "QVariant" }
1494        Property { name: "keywords"; type: "QVariant" }
1495        Property { name: "language"; type: "QVariant" }
1496        Property { name: "publisher"; type: "QVariant" }
1497        Property { name: "copyright"; type: "QVariant" }
1498        Property { name: "parentalRating"; type: "QVariant" }
1499        Property { name: "ratingOrganization"; type: "QVariant" }
1500        Property { name: "size"; type: "QVariant" }
1501        Property { name: "mediaType"; type: "QVariant" }
1502        Property { name: "duration"; type: "QVariant" }
1503        Property { name: "audioBitRate"; type: "QVariant" }
1504        Property { name: "audioCodec"; type: "QVariant" }
1505        Property { name: "averageLevel"; type: "QVariant" }
1506        Property { name: "channelCount"; type: "QVariant" }
1507        Property { name: "peakValue"; type: "QVariant" }
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1512        Property { name: "composer"; type: "QVariant" }
1513        Property { name: "conductor"; type: "QVariant" }
1514        Property { name: "lyrics"; type: "QVariant" }
1515        Property { name: "mood"; type: "QVariant" }
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1519        Property { name: "coverArtUrlLarge"; type: "QVariant" }
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1523        Property { name: "videoBitRate"; type: "QVariant" }
1524        Property { name: "videoCodec"; type: "QVariant" }
1525        Property { name: "posterUrl"; type: "QVariant" }
1526        Property { name: "chapterNumber"; type: "QVariant" }
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1529        Property { name: "writer"; type: "QVariant" }
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1531        Property { name: "cameraModel"; type: "QVariant" }
1532        Property { name: "event"; type: "QVariant" }
1533        Property { name: "subject"; type: "QVariant" }
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1535        Property { name: "exposureTime"; type: "QVariant" }
1536        Property { name: "fNumber"; type: "QVariant" }
1537        Property { name: "exposureProgram"; type: "QVariant" }
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1539        Property { name: "exposureBiasValue"; type: "QVariant" }
1540        Property { name: "dateTimeOriginal"; type: "QVariant" }
1541        Property { name: "dateTimeDigitized"; type: "QVariant" }
1542        Property { name: "subjectDistance"; type: "QVariant" }
1543        Property { name: "meteringMode"; type: "QVariant" }
1544        Property { name: "lightSource"; type: "QVariant" }
1545        Property { name: "flash"; type: "QVariant" }
1546        Property { name: "focalLength"; type: "QVariant" }
1547        Property { name: "exposureMode"; type: "QVariant" }
1548        Property { name: "whiteBalance"; type: "QVariant" }
1549        Property { name: "digitalZoomRatio"; type: "QVariant" }
1550        Property { name: "focalLengthIn35mmFilm"; type: "QVariant" }
1551        Property { name: "sceneCaptureType"; type: "QVariant" }
1552        Property { name: "gainControl"; type: "QVariant" }
1553        Property { name: "contrast"; type: "QVariant" }
1554        Property { name: "saturation"; type: "QVariant" }
1555        Property { name: "sharpness"; type: "QVariant" }
1556        Property { name: "deviceSettingDescription"; type: "QVariant" }
1557        Property { name: "gpsLatitude"; type: "QVariant" }
1558        Property { name: "gpsLongitude"; type: "QVariant" }
1559        Property { name: "gpsAltitude"; type: "QVariant" }
1560        Property { name: "gpsTimeStamp"; type: "QVariant" }
1561        Property { name: "gpsSatellites"; type: "QVariant" }
1562        Property { name: "gpsStatus"; type: "QVariant" }
1563        Property { name: "gpsDOP"; type: "QVariant" }
1564        Property { name: "gpsSpeed"; type: "QVariant" }
1565        Property { name: "gpsTrack"; type: "QVariant" }
1566        Property { name: "gpsTrackRef"; type: "QVariant" }
1567        Property { name: "gpsImgDirection"; type: "QVariant" }
1568        Property { name: "gpsImgDirectionRef"; type: "QVariant" }
1569        Property { name: "gpsMapDatum"; type: "QVariant" }
1570        Property { name: "gpsProcessingMethod"; type: "QVariant" }
1571        Property { name: "gpsAreaInformation"; type: "QVariant" }
1572        Signal { name: "metaDataChanged" }
1573    }
1574    Component {
1575        name: "QDeclarativeMultimediaGlobal"
1576        prototype: "QObject"
1577        exports: ["QtMultimedia/QtMultimedia 5.4"]
1578        isCreatable: false
1579        isSingleton: true
1580        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1581        Enum {
1582            name: "VolumeScale"
1583            values: {
1584                "LinearVolumeScale": 0,
1585                "CubicVolumeScale": 1,
1586                "LogarithmicVolumeScale": 2,
1587                "DecibelVolumeScale": 3
1588            }
1589        }
1590        Property { name: "defaultCamera"; type: "QJSValue"; isReadonly: true }
1591        Property { name: "availableCameras"; type: "QJSValue"; isReadonly: true }
1592        Method {
1593            name: "convertVolume"
1594            type: "double"
1595            Parameter { name: "volume"; type: "double" }
1596            Parameter { name: "from"; type: "VolumeScale" }
1597            Parameter { name: "to"; type: "VolumeScale" }
1598        }
1599    }
1600    Component {
1601        name: "QDeclarativePlaylist"
1602        defaultProperty: "items"
1603        prototype: "QAbstractListModel"
1604        exports: ["QtMultimedia/Playlist 5.6", "QtMultimedia/Playlist 5.7"]
1605        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
1606        Enum {
1607            name: "PlaybackMode"
1608            values: {
1609                "CurrentItemOnce": 0,
1610                "CurrentItemInLoop": 1,
1611                "Sequential": 2,
1612                "Loop": 3,
1613                "Random": 4
1614            }
1615        }
1616        Enum {
1617            name: "Error"
1618            values: {
1619                "NoError": 0,
1620                "FormatError": 1,
1621                "FormatNotSupportedError": 2,
1622                "NetworkError": 3,
1623                "AccessDeniedError": 4
1624            }
1625        }
1626        Property { name: "playbackMode"; type: "PlaybackMode" }
1627        Property { name: "currentItemSource"; type: "QUrl"; isReadonly: true }
1628        Property { name: "currentIndex"; type: "int" }
1629        Property { name: "itemCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1630        Property { name: "readOnly"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1631        Property { name: "error"; type: "Error"; isReadonly: true }
1632        Property { name: "errorString"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1633        Property { name: "items"; type: "QDeclarativePlaylistItem"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
1634        Signal {
1635            name: "itemAboutToBeInserted"
1636            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1637            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1638        }
1639        Signal {
1640            name: "itemInserted"
1641            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1642            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1643        }
1644        Signal {
1645            name: "itemAboutToBeRemoved"
1646            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1647            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1648        }
1649        Signal {
1650            name: "itemRemoved"
1651            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1652            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1653        }
1654        Signal {
1655            name: "itemChanged"
1656            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1657            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1658        }
1659        Signal { name: "loaded" }
1660        Signal { name: "loadFailed" }
1661        Signal {
1662            name: "error"
1663            Parameter { name: "error"; type: "QDeclarativePlaylist::Error" }
1664            Parameter { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
1665        }
1666        Method {
1667            name: "itemSource"
1668            type: "QUrl"
1669            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
1670        }
1671        Method {
1672            name: "nextIndex"
1673            type: "int"
1674            Parameter { name: "steps"; type: "int" }
1675        }
1676        Method { name: "nextIndex"; type: "int" }
1677        Method {
1678            name: "previousIndex"
1679            type: "int"
1680            Parameter { name: "steps"; type: "int" }
1681        }
1682        Method { name: "previousIndex"; type: "int" }
1683        Method { name: "next" }
1684        Method { name: "previous" }
1685        Method { name: "shuffle" }
1686        Method {
1687            name: "load"
1688            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "QUrl" }
1689            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "string" }
1690        }
1691        Method {
1692            name: "load"
1693            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "QUrl" }
1694        }
1695        Method {
1696            name: "save"
1697            type: "bool"
1698            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "QUrl" }
1699            Parameter { name: "format"; type: "string" }
1700        }
1701        Method {
1702            name: "save"
1703            type: "bool"
1704            Parameter { name: "location"; type: "QUrl" }
1705        }
1706        Method {
1707            name: "addItem"
1708            type: "bool"
1709            Parameter { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
1710        }
1711        Method {
1712            name: "addItems"
1713            revision: 1
1714            type: "bool"
1715            Parameter { name: "sources"; type: "QList<QUrl>" }
1716        }
1717        Method {
1718            name: "insertItem"
1719            type: "bool"
1720            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
1721            Parameter { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
1722        }
1723        Method {
1724            name: "insertItems"
1725            revision: 1
1726            type: "bool"
1727            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
1728            Parameter { name: "sources"; type: "QList<QUrl>" }
1729        }
1730        Method {
1731            name: "moveItem"
1732            revision: 1
1733            type: "bool"
1734            Parameter { name: "from"; type: "int" }
1735            Parameter { name: "to"; type: "int" }
1736        }
1737        Method {
1738            name: "removeItem"
1739            type: "bool"
1740            Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
1741        }
1742        Method {
1743            name: "removeItems"
1744            revision: 1
1745            type: "bool"
1746            Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
1747            Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
1748        }
1749        Method { name: "clear"; type: "bool" }
1750    }
1751    Component {
1752        name: "QDeclarativePlaylistItem"
1753        prototype: "QObject"
1754        exports: ["QtMultimedia/PlaylistItem 5.6"]
1755        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1756        Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
1757    }
1758    Component {
1759        name: "QDeclarativeRadio"
1760        prototype: "QObject"
1761        exports: ["QtMultimedia/Radio 5.0"]
1762        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1763        Enum {
1764            name: "State"
1765            values: {
1766                "ActiveState": 0,
1767                "StoppedState": 1
1768            }
1769        }
1770        Enum {
1771            name: "Band"
1772            values: {
1773                "AM": 0,
1774                "FM": 1,
1775                "SW": 2,
1776                "LW": 3,
1777                "FM2": 4
1778            }
1779        }
1780        Enum {
1781            name: "Error"
1782            values: {
1783                "NoError": 0,
1784                "ResourceError": 1,
1785                "OpenError": 2,
1786                "OutOfRangeError": 3
1787            }
1788        }
1789        Enum {
1790            name: "StereoMode"
1791            values: {
1792                "ForceStereo": 0,
1793                "ForceMono": 1,
1794                "Auto": 2
1795            }
1796        }
1797        Enum {
1798            name: "SearchMode"
1799            values: {
1800                "SearchFast": 0,
1801                "SearchGetStationId": 1
1802            }
1803        }
1804        Enum {
1805            name: "Availability"
1806            values: {
1807                "Available": 0,
1808                "Busy": 2,
1809                "Unavailable": 1,
1810                "ResourceMissing": 3
1811            }
1812        }
1813        Property { name: "state"; type: "State"; isReadonly: true }
1814        Property { name: "band"; type: "Band" }
1815        Property { name: "frequency"; type: "int" }
1816        Property { name: "stereo"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1817        Property { name: "stereoMode"; type: "StereoMode" }
1818        Property { name: "signalStrength"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1819        Property { name: "volume"; type: "int" }
1820        Property { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1821        Property { name: "searching"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1822        Property { name: "frequencyStep"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1823        Property { name: "minimumFrequency"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1824        Property { name: "maximumFrequency"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
1825        Property { name: "antennaConnected"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
1826        Property { name: "availability"; type: "Availability"; isReadonly: true }
1827        Property { name: "radioData"; type: "QDeclarativeRadioData"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
1828        Signal {
1829            name: "stateChanged"
1830            Parameter { name: "state"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::State" }
1831        }
1832        Signal {
1833            name: "bandChanged"
1834            Parameter { name: "band"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::Band" }
1835        }
1836        Signal {
1837            name: "frequencyChanged"
1838            Parameter { name: "frequency"; type: "int" }
1839        }
1840        Signal {
1841            name: "stereoStatusChanged"
1842            Parameter { name: "stereo"; type: "bool" }
1843        }
1844        Signal {
1845            name: "searchingChanged"
1846            Parameter { name: "searching"; type: "bool" }
1847        }
1848        Signal {
1849            name: "signalStrengthChanged"
1850            Parameter { name: "signalStrength"; type: "int" }
1851        }
1852        Signal {
1853            name: "volumeChanged"
1854            Parameter { name: "volume"; type: "int" }
1855        }
1856        Signal {
1857            name: "mutedChanged"
1858            Parameter { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1859        }
1860        Signal {
1861            name: "stationFound"
1862            Parameter { name: "frequency"; type: "int" }
1863            Parameter { name: "stationId"; type: "string" }
1864        }
1865        Signal {
1866            name: "antennaConnectedChanged"
1867            Parameter { name: "connectionStatus"; type: "bool" }
1868        }
1869        Signal {
1870            name: "availabilityChanged"
1871            Parameter { name: "availability"; type: "Availability" }
1872        }
1873        Signal { name: "errorChanged" }
1874        Signal {
1875            name: "error"
1876            Parameter { name: "errorCode"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::Error" }
1877        }
1878        Method {
1879            name: "setBand"
1880            Parameter { name: "band"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::Band" }
1881        }
1882        Method {
1883            name: "setFrequency"
1884            Parameter { name: "frequency"; type: "int" }
1885        }
1886        Method {
1887            name: "setStereoMode"
1888            Parameter { name: "stereoMode"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::StereoMode" }
1889        }
1890        Method {
1891            name: "setVolume"
1892            Parameter { name: "volume"; type: "int" }
1893        }
1894        Method {
1895            name: "setMuted"
1896            Parameter { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
1897        }
1898        Method { name: "cancelScan" }
1899        Method { name: "scanDown" }
1900        Method { name: "scanUp" }
1901        Method { name: "tuneUp" }
1902        Method { name: "tuneDown" }
1903        Method {
1904            name: "searchAllStations"
1905            Parameter { name: "searchMode"; type: "QDeclarativeRadio::SearchMode" }
1906        }
1907        Method { name: "searchAllStations" }
1908        Method { name: "start" }
1909        Method { name: "stop" }
1910        Method { name: "isAvailable"; type: "bool" }
1911    }
1912    Component {
1913        name: "QDeclarativeRadioData"
1914        prototype: "QObject"
1915        exports: ["QtMultimedia/RadioData 5.0"]
1916        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
1917        Enum {
1918            name: "Error"
1919            values: {
1920                "NoError": 0,
1921                "ResourceError": 1,
1922                "OpenError": 2,
1923                "OutOfRangeError": 3
1924            }
1925        }
1926        Enum {
1927            name: "ProgramType"
1928            values: {
1929                "Undefined": 0,
1930                "News": 1,
1931                "CurrentAffairs": 2,
1932                "Information": 3,
1933                "Sport": 4,
1934                "Education": 5,
1935                "Drama": 6,
1936                "Culture": 7,
1937                "Science": 8,
1938                "Varied": 9,
1939                "PopMusic": 10,
1940                "RockMusic": 11,
1941                "EasyListening": 12,
1942                "LightClassical": 13,
1943                "SeriousClassical": 14,
1944                "OtherMusic": 15,
1945                "Weather": 16,
1946                "Finance": 17,
1947                "ChildrensProgrammes": 18,
1948                "SocialAffairs": 19,
1949                "Religion": 20,
1950                "PhoneIn": 21,
1951                "Travel": 22,
1952                "Leisure": 23,
1953                "JazzMusic": 24,
1954                "CountryMusic": 25,
1955                "NationalMusic": 26,
1956                "OldiesMusic": 27,
1957                "FolkMusic": 28,
1958                "Documentary": 29,
1959                "AlarmTest": 30,
1960                "Alarm": 31,
1961                "Talk": 32,
1962                "ClassicRock": 33,
1963                "AdultHits": 34,
1964                "SoftRock": 35,
1965                "Top40": 36,
1966                "Soft": 37,
1967                "Nostalgia": 38,
1968                "Classical": 39,
1969                "RhythmAndBlues": 40,
1970                "SoftRhythmAndBlues": 41,
1971                "Language": 42,
1972                "ReligiousMusic": 43,
1973                "ReligiousTalk": 44,
1974                "Personality": 45,
1975                "Public": 46,
1976                "College": 47
1977            }
1978        }
1979        Enum {
1980            name: "Availability"
1981            values: {
1982                "Available": 0,
1983                "Busy": 2,
1984                "Unavailable": 1,
1985                "ResourceMissing": 3
1986            }
1987        }
1988        Property { name: "stationId"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1989        Property { name: "programType"; type: "QDeclarativeRadioData::ProgramType"; isReadonly: true }
1990        Property { name: "programTypeName"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1991        Property { name: "stationName"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1992        Property { name: "radioText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
1993        Property { name: "alternativeFrequenciesEnabled"; type: "bool" }
1994        Property { name: "availability"; type: "Availability"; isReadonly: true }
1995        Signal {
1996            name: "stationIdChanged"
1997            Parameter { name: "stationId"; type: "string" }
1998        }
1999        Signal {
2000            name: "programTypeChanged"
2001            Parameter { name: "programType"; type: "QDeclarativeRadioData::ProgramType" }
2002        }
2003        Signal {
2004            name: "programTypeNameChanged"
2005            Parameter { name: "programTypeName"; type: "string" }
2006        }
2007        Signal {
2008            name: "stationNameChanged"
2009            Parameter { name: "stationName"; type: "string" }
2010        }
2011        Signal {
2012            name: "radioTextChanged"
2013            Parameter { name: "radioText"; type: "string" }
2014        }
2015        Signal {
2016            name: "alternativeFrequenciesEnabledChanged"
2017            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
2018        }
2019        Signal {
2020            name: "availabilityChanged"
2021            Parameter { name: "availability"; type: "Availability" }
2022        }
2023        Signal { name: "errorChanged" }
2024        Signal {
2025            name: "error"
2026            Parameter { name: "errorCode"; type: "QDeclarativeRadioData::Error" }
2027        }
2028        Method {
2029            name: "setAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled"
2030            Parameter { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
2031        }
2032        Method { name: "isAvailable"; type: "bool" }
2033    }
2034    Component {
2035        name: "QDeclarativeTorch"
2036        prototype: "QObject"
2037        exports: ["QtMultimedia/Torch 5.0"]
2038        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
2039        Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
2040        Property { name: "power"; type: "int" }
2041    }
2042    Component {
2043        name: "QDeclarativeVideoOutput"
2044        defaultProperty: "data"
2045        prototype: "QQuickItem"
2046        exports: [
2047            "QtMultimedia/VideoOutput 5.0",
2048            "QtMultimedia/VideoOutput 5.13",
2049            "QtMultimedia/VideoOutput 5.15",
2050            "QtMultimedia/VideoOutput 5.2"
2051        ]
2052        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 13, 15, 2]
2053        Enum {
2054            name: "FlushMode"
2055            values: {
2056                "EmptyFrame": 0,
2057                "FirstFrame": 1,
2058                "LastFrame": 2
2059            }
2060        }
2061        Enum {
2062            name: "FillMode"
2063            values: {
2064                "Stretch": 0,
2065                "PreserveAspectFit": 1,
2066                "PreserveAspectCrop": 2
2067            }
2068        }
2069        Property { name: "source"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
2070        Property { name: "fillMode"; type: "FillMode" }
2071        Property { name: "orientation"; type: "int" }
2072        Property { name: "autoOrientation"; revision: 2; type: "bool" }
2073        Property { name: "sourceRect"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
2074        Property { name: "contentRect"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
2075        Property { name: "filters"; type: "QAbstractVideoFilter"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
2076        Property { name: "flushMode"; revision: 13; type: "FlushMode" }
2077        Property {
2078            name: "videoSurface"
2079            revision: 15
2080            type: "QAbstractVideoSurface"
2081            isReadonly: true
2082            isPointer: true
2083        }
2084        Signal {
2085            name: "fillModeChanged"
2086            Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeVideoOutput::FillMode" }
2087        }
2088        Method {
2089            name: "mapPointToItem"
2090            type: "QPointF"
2091            Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
2092        }
2093        Method {
2094            name: "mapRectToItem"
2095            type: "QRectF"
2096            Parameter { name: "rectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
2097        }
2098        Method {
2099            name: "mapNormalizedPointToItem"
2100            type: "QPointF"
2101            Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
2102        }
2103        Method {
2104            name: "mapNormalizedRectToItem"
2105            type: "QRectF"
2106            Parameter { name: "rectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
2107        }
2108        Method {
2109            name: "mapPointToSource"
2110            type: "QPointF"
2111            Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
2112        }
2113        Method {
2114            name: "mapRectToSource"
2115            type: "QRectF"
2116            Parameter { name: "rectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
2117        }
2118        Method {
2119            name: "mapPointToSourceNormalized"
2120            type: "QPointF"
2121            Parameter { name: "point"; type: "QPointF" }
2122        }
2123        Method {
2124            name: "mapRectToSourceNormalized"
2125            type: "QRectF"
2126            Parameter { name: "rectangle"; type: "QRectF" }
2127        }
2128    }
2129    Component {
2130        name: "QMediaObject"
2131        prototype: "QObject"
2132        Property { name: "notifyInterval"; type: "int" }
2133        Signal {
2134            name: "notifyIntervalChanged"
2135            Parameter { name: "milliSeconds"; type: "int" }
2136        }
2137        Signal {
2138            name: "metaDataAvailableChanged"
2139            Parameter { name: "available"; type: "bool" }
2140        }
2141        Signal { name: "metaDataChanged" }
2142        Signal {
2143            name: "metaDataChanged"
2144            Parameter { name: "key"; type: "string" }
2145            Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
2146        }
2147        Signal {
2148            name: "availabilityChanged"
2149            Parameter { name: "available"; type: "bool" }
2150        }
2151        Signal {
2152            name: "availabilityChanged"
2153            Parameter { name: "availability"; type: "QMultimedia::AvailabilityStatus" }
2154        }
2155    }
2156    Component { name: "QSGVideoItemSurface"; prototype: "QAbstractVideoSurface" }
2157    Component {
2158        name: "QSoundEffect"
2159        prototype: "QObject"
2160        exports: [
2161            "QtMultimedia/SoundEffect 5.0",
2162            "QtMultimedia/SoundEffect 5.3",
2163            "QtMultimedia/SoundEffect 5.8"
2164        ]
2165        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 0, 0]
2166        Enum {
2167            name: "Loop"
2168            values: {
2169                "Infinite": -2
2170            }
2171        }
2172        Enum {
2173            name: "Status"
2174            values: {
2175                "Null": 0,
2176                "Loading": 1,
2177                "Ready": 2,
2178                "Error": 3
2179            }
2180        }
2181        Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
2182        Property { name: "loops"; type: "int" }
2183        Property { name: "loopsRemaining"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
2184        Property { name: "volume"; type: "double" }
2185        Property { name: "muted"; type: "bool" }
2186        Property { name: "playing"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
2187        Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
2188        Property { name: "category"; type: "string" }
2189        Signal { name: "loopCountChanged" }
2190        Signal { name: "loadedChanged" }
2191        Method { name: "play" }
2192        Method { name: "stop" }
2193    }