1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Fredrik Mellbin
3 *
4 * This file is part of VapourSynth.
5 *
6 * VapourSynth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * VapourSynth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with VapourSynth; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 */
21 #include "../core/x86utils.h"
22 #include "../core/cpufeatures.h"
23 #include "avisynth_compat.h"
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <cstdarg>
26 #include <limits>
27 #include "../common/vsutf16.h"
29 #define NOMINMAX
30 #include <Windows.h>
32 extern const AVS_Linkage* const AVS_linkage;
34 namespace {
operator ""_s(const char * str,size_t len)35 std::string operator""_s(const char *str, size_t len) { return{ str, len }; }
36 } // namespace
39 namespace AvisynthCompat {
VSFormatToAVSPixelType(const VSFormat * fi)41 static int VSFormatToAVSPixelType(const VSFormat *fi) {
42     if (fi->id == pfCompatBGR32)
43         return VideoInfo::CS_BGR32;
44     else if (fi->id == pfCompatYUY2)
45         return VideoInfo::CS_YUY2;
46     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444P8)
47         return VideoInfo::CS_YV24;
48     else if (fi->id == pfYUV422P8)
49         return VideoInfo::CS_YV16;
50     else if (fi->id == pfYUV420P8)
51         return VideoInfo::CS_YV12;
52     else if (fi->id == pfYUV410P8)
53         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV9;
54     else if (fi->id == pfYUV411P8)
55         return VideoInfo::CS_YV411;
56     else if (fi->id == pfGray8)
57         return VideoInfo::CS_Y8;
58     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444P10)
59         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P10;
60     else if (fi->id == pfYUV422P10)
61         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P10;
62     else if (fi->id == pfYUV420P10)
63         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P10;
64     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 10 && fi->colorFamily == cmGray && fi->sampleType == stInteger)
65         return VideoInfo::CS_Y10;
66     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444P12)
67         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P12;
68     else if (fi->id == pfYUV422P12)
69         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P12;
70     else if (fi->id == pfYUV420P12)
71         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P12;
72     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 12 && fi->colorFamily == cmGray && fi->sampleType == stInteger)
73         return VideoInfo::CS_Y12;
74     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444P14)
75         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P14;
76     else if (fi->id == pfYUV422P14)
77         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P14;
78     else if (fi->id == pfYUV420P14)
79         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P14;
80     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 14 && fi->colorFamily == cmGray && fi->sampleType == stInteger)
81         return VideoInfo::CS_Y14;
82     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444P16)
83         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV444P16;
84     else if (fi->id == pfYUV422P16)
85         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV422P16;
86     else if (fi->id == pfYUV420P16)
87         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P16;
88     else if (fi->id == pfGray16)
89         return VideoInfo::CS_Y16;
90     else if (fi->id == pfYUV444PS)
91         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV444PS;
92     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 32 && fi->colorFamily == cmYUV && fi->sampleType == stFloat && fi->subSamplingH == 0 && fi->subSamplingW == 1)
93         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV422PS;
94     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 32 && fi->colorFamily == cmYUV && fi->sampleType == stFloat && fi->subSamplingH == 1 && fi->subSamplingW == 1)
95         return VideoInfo::CS_YUV420PS;
96     else if (fi->id == pfGrayS)
97         return VideoInfo::CS_Y32;
98     else if (fi->id == pfRGB24)
99         return VideoInfo::CS_RGBP;
100     else if (fi->id == pfRGB30)
101         return VideoInfo::CS_RGBP10;
102     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 12 && fi->colorFamily == cmRGB)
103         return VideoInfo::CS_RGBP12;
104     else if (fi->bitsPerSample == 14 && fi->colorFamily == cmRGB)
105         return VideoInfo::CS_RGBP14;
106     else if (fi->id == pfRGB48)
107         return VideoInfo::CS_RGBP16;
108     else if (fi->id == pfGrayS)
109         return VideoInfo::CS_Y32;
110     else
111         return 0;
112 }
AVSPixelTypeToVSFormat(const VideoInfo & vi,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)114 static const VSFormat *AVSPixelTypeToVSFormat(const VideoInfo &vi, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
115     if (vi.IsYUY2())
116         return vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfCompatYUY2, core);
117     else if (vi.IsRGB32())
118         return vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfCompatBGR32, core);
120     if (vi.IsPlanar()) {
121         bool hasSubSampling = vi.IsYUV();
122         int colorspace = vi.IsYUV() ? cmYUV : (vi.IsRGB() ? cmRGB : (vi.IsY() ? cmGray : 0));
123         if (colorspace)
124             return vsapi->registerFormat(colorspace, vi.BitsPerComponent() == 32 ? stFloat : stInteger, vi.BitsPerComponent(), hasSubSampling ? vi.GetPlaneWidthSubsampling(PLANAR_U) : 0, hasSubSampling ? vi.GetPlaneHeightSubsampling(PLANAR_U) : 0, core);
125     }
127     return nullptr;
128 }
avsToVSFrame(VideoFrame * frame)130 const VSFrameRef *FakeAvisynth::avsToVSFrame(VideoFrame *frame) {
131     const VSFrameRef *ref = nullptr;
132     std::map<VideoFrame *, const VSFrameRef *>::iterator it = ownedFrames.find(frame);
134     if (it != ownedFrames.end()) {
135         ref = vsapi->cloneFrameRef(it->second);
136     } else {
137         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "unreachable condition");
138         assert(false);
139     }
141     it = ownedFrames.begin();
143     while (it != ownedFrames.end()) {
144         if (it->first->refcount == 0 || it->first->refcount == 9000) {
145             delete it->first;
146             vsapi->freeFrame(it->second);
147             it = ownedFrames.erase(it);
148         } else {
149             ++it;
150         }
151     }
153     assert(ref);
154     return ref;
155 }
~FakeAvisynth()157 FakeAvisynth::~FakeAvisynth() {
158     std::map<VideoFrame *, const VSFrameRef *>::iterator it = ownedFrames.begin();
160     while (it != ownedFrames.end()) {
161         delete it->first;
162         vsapi->freeFrame(it->second);
163         it = ownedFrames.erase(it);
164     }
166     ownedFrames.clear();
167 }
GetCPUFlags()169 int FakeAvisynth::GetCPUFlags() {
170     const CPUFeatures *cpuf = getCPUFeatures();
171     int flags = CPUF_FPU | CPUF_MMX | CPUF_INTEGER_SSE | CPUF_SSE | CPUF_SSE2; // minimum to run VS
172     if (cpuf->sse3)      flags |= CPUF_SSE3;
173     if (cpuf->ssse3)     flags |= CPUF_SSSE3;
174     if (cpuf->sse4_1)    flags |= CPUF_SSE4_1;
175     if (cpuf->sse4_2)    flags |= CPUF_SSE4_2;
176     if (cpuf->avx)       flags |= CPUF_AVX;
177     if (cpuf->avx2)      flags |= CPUF_AVX2;
178     if (cpuf->fma3)      flags |= CPUF_FMA3;
179     if (cpuf->f16c)      flags |= CPUF_F16C;
180     if (cpuf->avx512_f)  flags |= CPUF_AVX512F;
181     if (cpuf->avx512_bw) flags |= CPUF_AVX512BW;
182     if (cpuf->avx512_dq) flags |= CPUF_AVX512DQ;
183     if (cpuf->avx512_cd) flags |= CPUF_AVX512CD;
184     if (cpuf->avx512_vl) flags |= CPUF_AVX512VL;
185     return flags;
186 }
SaveString(const char * s,int length)188 char *FakeAvisynth::SaveString(const char *s, int length) {
189     auto strIter = (length >= 0) ? savedStrings.emplace(s, length) : savedStrings.emplace(s);
190     // UGLY
191     // Cast away the const because nobody would actually try to write to a saved string (except possibly an avisynth plugin developer)
192     return const_cast<char *>(strIter.first->c_str());
193 }
Sprintf(const char * fmt,...)195 char *FakeAvisynth::Sprintf(const char *fmt, ...) {
196     va_list val;
197     va_start(val, fmt);
198     char *result = VSprintf(fmt, val);
199     va_end(val);
200     return result;
201 }
VSprintf(const char * fmt,void * val)203 char *FakeAvisynth::VSprintf(const char *fmt, void *val) {
204     std::vector<char> buf;
205     int size = 0, count = -1;
207     while (count == -1) {
208         buf.resize(buf.size() + 4096);
209         count = vsnprintf(buf.data(), size - 1, fmt, (va_list)val);
210     }
212     char *i = SaveString(buf.data());
213     return i;
214 }
ThrowError(const char * fmt,...)216 void FakeAvisynth::ThrowError(const char *fmt, ...) {
217     va_list val;
218     va_start(val, fmt);
219     char buf[8192];
220     _vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fmt, val);
221     va_end(val);
222     buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
223     throw AvisynthError(SaveString(buf));
224 }
charToFilterArgumentString(char c)226 std::string FakeAvisynth::charToFilterArgumentString(char c) {
227     switch (c) {
228     case 'i':
229     case 'b':
230         return "int";
231     case 'f':
232         return "float";
233     case 's':
234         return "data";
235     case 'c':
236         return "clip";
237     default:
238         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Avisynth Compat: invalid argument type character, I quit");
239         return "";
240     }
241 }
VSClip(VSNodeRef * clip,FakeAvisynth * fakeEnv,const VSAPI * vsapi)243 VSClip::VSClip(VSNodeRef *clip, FakeAvisynth *fakeEnv, const VSAPI *vsapi)
244     : clip(clip), fakeEnv(fakeEnv), vsapi(vsapi), numSlowWarnings(0) {
245     const ::VSVideoInfo *srcVi = vsapi->getVideoInfo(clip);
246     vi = {};
247     vi.width = srcVi->width;
248     vi.height = srcVi->height;
250     vi.pixel_type = VSFormatToAVSPixelType(srcVi->format);
251     if (!vi.pixel_type)
252         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Bad colorspace");
254     vi.image_type = VideoInfo::IT_BFF;
255     vi.fps_numerator = int64ToIntS(srcVi->fpsNum);
256     vi.fps_denominator = int64ToIntS(srcVi->fpsDen);
257     vi.num_frames = srcVi->numFrames;
258     vi.sample_type = SAMPLE_INT16;
259 }
GetFrame(int n,IScriptEnvironment * env)261 PVideoFrame VSClip::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment *env) {
262     const VSFrameRef *ref;
263     n = std::min(std::max(0, n), vi.num_frames - 1);
265     if (fakeEnv->initializing)
266         ref = vsapi->getFrame(n, clip, nullptr, 0);
267     else
268         ref = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, clip, fakeEnv->uglyCtx);
270     std::vector<char> buf(1024);
272     if (!ref) {
273         if (numSlowWarnings < 200) {
274             numSlowWarnings++;
275             std::string s = "Avisynth Compat: requested frame "_s + std::to_string(n) + " not prefetched, using slow method";
276             vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, s.c_str());
277         }
278         ref = vsapi->getFrame(n, clip, buf.data(), static_cast<int>(buf.size()));
279     }
281     if (!ref)
282         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, ("Avisynth Compat: error while getting input frame synchronously: "_s + buf.data()).c_str());
284     bool isMultiplePlanes = (vi.pixel_type & VideoInfo::CS_PLANAR) && !(vi.pixel_type & VideoInfo::CS_INTERLEAVED);
286     const uint8_t *firstPlanePtr = vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, 0);
288     VideoFrame *vfb = new VideoFrame(
289         // the data will never be modified due to the writable protections embedded in this mess
290         (BYTE *)firstPlanePtr,
291         false,
292         0,
293         vsapi->getStride(ref, 0),
294         vsapi->getFrameWidth(ref, 0) * vsapi->getFrameFormat(ref)->bytesPerSample,
295         vsapi->getFrameHeight(ref, 0),
296         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, 1) - firstPlanePtr : 0,
297         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, 2) - firstPlanePtr : 0,
298         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getStride(ref, 1) : 0,
299         vsapi->getFrameWidth(ref, 1) * vsapi->getFrameFormat(ref)->bytesPerSample,
300         vsapi->getFrameHeight(ref, 1));
301     PVideoFrame pvf(vfb);
302     fakeEnv->ownedFrames.insert(std::make_pair(vfb, ref));
303     return pvf;
304 }
WrappedClip(const std::string & filterName,const PClip & clip,const std::vector<VSNodeRef * > & preFetchClips,const PrefetchInfo & prefetchInfo,FakeAvisynth * fakeEnv)306 WrappedClip::WrappedClip(const std::string &filterName, const PClip &clip, const std::vector<VSNodeRef *> &preFetchClips, const PrefetchInfo &prefetchInfo, FakeAvisynth *fakeEnv)
307     : filterName(filterName), prefetchInfo(prefetchInfo), preFetchClips(preFetchClips), clip(clip), fakeEnv(fakeEnv) {
308 }
prefetchHelper(int n,VSNodeRef * node,const PrefetchInfo & p,VSFrameContext * frameCtx,const VSAPI * vsapi)310 static void prefetchHelper(int n, VSNodeRef *node, const PrefetchInfo &p, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
311     n /= p.div;
312     n *= p.mul;
314     for (int i = n + p.from; i <= n + p.to; i++) {
315         if (i < 0)
316             continue;
318         vsapi->requestFrameFilter(i, node, frameCtx);
319     }
320 }
322 #define WARNING(fname, warning) if (name == #fname) vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, "Avisynth Compat: "_s + #fname + " - " + #warning).c_str());
323 #define BROKEN(fname) if (name == #fname) vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, ("Avisynth Compat: Invoking known broken function "_s + name).c_str());
324 #define OTHER(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, 0, 0);
325 #define SOURCE(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, 0, 0);
326 #define PREFETCHR0(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, 0, 0);
327 #define PREFETCHR1(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, -1, 1);
328 #define PREFETCHR2(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, -2, 2);
329 #define PREFETCHR3(fname) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, -3, 3);
330 #define PREFETCH(fname, div, mul, from, to) if (name == #fname) return PrefetchInfo(div, mul, from, to);
getPrefetchInfo(const std::string & name,const VSMap * in,const VSAPI * vsapi)332 static PrefetchInfo getPrefetchInfo(const std::string &name, const VSMap *in, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
333     int err;
334     int temp;
335     // FFMS2
336     OTHER(FFIndex)
337     SOURCE(FFVideoSource)
338     PREFETCHR0(SWScale)
339     OTHER(FFSetLogLevel)
340     OTHER(FFGetLogLevel)
341     OTHER(FFGetVersion)
342     // TNLMeans
343     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "Az", 0, &err));
344     PREFETCH(TNLMeans, 1, 1, -temp, temp)
345     // yadif*
346     PREFETCHR1(Yadif)
347     PREFETCHR0(yadifmod)
348     // *EDI*
349     PREFETCHR0(eedi3)
350     PREFETCHR0(eedi3_rpow2)
351     PREFETCHR0(nnedi2)
352     PREFETCHR0(nnedi2_rpow2)
353     PREFETCHR0(nnedi3)
354     PREFETCHR0(nnedi3_rpow2)
355     // mixed Tritical
356     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "mode", 0, &err));
357     switch(temp) {
358     case 0:
359     case -1:
360     case -2:
361         PREFETCHR2(TDeint); break;
362     case 2:
363         PREFETCHR3(TDeint); break;
364     case 1:
365         PREFETCH(TDeint, 2, 1, -2, 2); break;
366     }
367     BROKEN(ColorMatrix)
368     PREFETCHR1(Cnr2)
369     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "tbsize", 0, &err));
370     PREFETCH(dfttest, 1, 1, -(temp / 2), temp / 2)
372     // MPEG2DEC
373     SOURCE(MPEG2Source)
374     PREFETCHR0(LumaYV12)
375     PREFETCHR0(BlindPP)
376     PREFETCHR0(Deblock)
378     // Meow
379     SOURCE(DGSource)
380     PREFETCHR0(DGDenoise)
381     PREFETCHR0(DGSharpen)
382     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "mode", 0, &err));
383     PREFETCH(DGBob, (temp > 0) ? 2 : 1, 1, -2, 2) // close enough?
384     BROKEN(IsCombed)
385     PREFETCHR0(FieldDeinterlace)
386     PREFETCH(Telecide, 1, 1, -2, 10) // not good
387     PREFETCH(DGTelecide, 1, 1, -2, 10) // also not good
388     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "cycle", 0, &err));
389     PREFETCH(DGDecimate, temp - 1, temp, -(temp + 3), temp + 3) // probably suboptimal
390     PREFETCH(Decimate, temp - 1, temp, -(temp + 3), temp + 3) // probably suboptimal too
392     // Masktools2
393     PREFETCHR0(mt_edge)
394     PREFETCHR1(mt_motion)
395     PREFETCHR0(mt_expand)
396     PREFETCHR0(mt_inpand)
397     PREFETCHR0(mt_inflate)
398     PREFETCHR0(mt_lut)
399     PREFETCHR0(mt_lutxy)
400     PREFETCHR0(mt_lutf)
401     PREFETCHR0(mt_luts)
402     PREFETCHR0(mt_makediff)
403     PREFETCHR0(mt_adddiff)
404     PREFETCHR0(mt_average)
405     PREFETCHR0(mt_clamp)
406     PREFETCHR0(mt_merge)
407     PREFETCHR0(mt_logic)
408     PREFETCHR0(mt_hysteresis)
409     PREFETCHR0(mt_invert)
410     PREFETCHR0(mt_binarize)
411     PREFETCHR0(mt_convolution)
412     PREFETCHR0(mt_mappedblur)
413     OTHER(mt_circle)
414     OTHER(mt_square)
415     OTHER(mt_diamond)
416     OTHER(mt_losange)
417     OTHER(mt_rectangle)
418     OTHER(mt_ellipse)
419     OTHER(mt_polish)
420     // Mixed
421     BROKEN(RemoveGrain)
422     BROKEN(Repair)
423     PREFETCHR0(VagueDenoiser)
424     PREFETCHR0(UnDot)
425     PREFETCHR0(SangNom)
426     PREFETCHR0(gradfun2db)
427     PREFETCHR0(debilinear)
428     PREFETCHR0(debilinearY)
429     SOURCE(dss2)
430     SOURCE(DirectShowSource)
431     PREFETCHR0(SCXvid)
432     PREFETCHR0(ResampleHQ)
433     PREFETCHR0(AssRender)
434     PREFETCHR0(TextSub)
435     PREFETCHR0(VobSub)
436     PREFETCHR2(fft3dGPU)
437     PREFETCHR2(FFT3DFilter)
438     PREFETCHR1(Convolution3D)
439     PREFETCHR1(deen)
440     PREFETCHR0(eDeen)
441     // Mvtools
442     PREFETCHR0(MSuper)
443     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "delta", 0, &err));
444     if (temp < 1)
445         temp = 1;
446     PREFETCH(MAnalyse, 1, 1, -temp, temp)
447     PREFETCHR3(MDegrain1)
448     PREFETCHR3(MDegrain2)
449     PREFETCHR3(MDegrain3)
450     PREFETCHR3(MCompensate)
451     PREFETCHR0(MMask)
452     PREFETCHR0(MSCDetection)
453     PREFETCHR0(MShow)
454     PREFETCHR0(MDepan)
455     PREFETCHR0(MFlow)
456     PREFETCHR1(MFlowInter)
457     PREFETCHR1(MFlowFps)
458     PREFETCHR1(MBlockFps)
459     PREFETCHR1(MFlowBlur)
460     PREFETCHR1(MRecalculate)
462     // aWarpShit
463     PREFETCHR0(aBlur)
464     PREFETCHR0(aSobel)
465     PREFETCHR0(aWarp)
466     PREFETCHR0(aWarp4)
467     PREFETCHR0(aWarpSharp)
468     PREFETCHR0(aWarpSharp2)
470     // CullResize
471     PREFETCHR0(CullBilinearResize)
472     PREFETCHR0(CullBicubicResize)
473     PREFETCHR0(CullLanczosResize)
474     PREFETCHR0(CullLanczos4Resize)
475     PREFETCHR0(CullBlackmanResize)
476     PREFETCHR0(CullSpline16Resize)
477     PREFETCHR0(CullSpline36Resize)
478     PREFETCHR0(CullSpline64Resize)
479     PREFETCHR0(CullGaussResize)
481     // Spline resize
482     PREFETCHR0(Spline100Resize)
483     PREFETCHR0(Spline144Resize)
485     // PVBob
486     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "mode", 0, &err));
487     PREFETCH(DGBob, (temp > 0) ? 2 : 1, 1, -2, 2)
488     PREFETCH(PVBob, (temp > 0) ? 2 : 1, 1, -2, 2)
490     // Avisynth internal
491     PREFETCH(Bob, 2, 1, 0, 0)
492     PREFETCH(TemporalSoften, 1, 1, -5, 5)
494     // AutoAdjust
495     temp = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "temporal_radius", 0, &err));
496     if (err || temp < 0)
497         temp = 20;
498     PREFETCH(AutoAdjust, 1, 1, -temp, temp)
500     // prefetch nothing by default
501     return PrefetchInfo(1, 1, 0, -1);
502 }
avisynthFilterInit(VSMap * in,VSMap * out,void ** instanceData,VSNode * node,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)504 static void VS_CC avisynthFilterInit(VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void **instanceData, VSNode *node, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
505     WrappedClip *clip = (WrappedClip *) * instanceData;
507     if (!clip->preFetchClips.empty())
508         clip->fakeEnv->uglyNode = clip->preFetchClips.front();
510     const VideoInfo &viAvs = clip->clip->GetVideoInfo();
511     ::VSVideoInfo vi;
512     vi.height = viAvs.height;
513     vi.width = viAvs.width;
514     vi.numFrames = viAvs.num_frames;
515     vi.fpsNum = viAvs.fps_numerator;
516     vi.fpsDen = viAvs.fps_denominator;
517     vs_normalizeRational(&vi.fpsNum, &vi.fpsDen);
519     vi.format = AVSPixelTypeToVSFormat(viAvs, core, vsapi);
521     if (!vi.format)
522         vsapi->setError(out, "Avisynth Compat: bad format!");
524     vi.flags = 0;
525     vsapi->setVideoInfo(&vi, 1, node);
526 }
avisynthFilterGetFrame(int n,int activationReason,void ** instanceData,void ** frameData,VSFrameContext * frameCtx,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)528 static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC avisynthFilterGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
529     WrappedClip *clip = (WrappedClip *) * instanceData;
530     PVideoFrame frame;
531     n = std::min(n, clip->clip->GetVideoInfo().num_frames - 1);
533     if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady || (activationReason == arInitial && (clip->preFetchClips.empty() || clip->prefetchInfo.from > clip->prefetchInfo.to))) {
534         // Ready the global stuff needed to make things work behind the scenes, the locking model makes this technically safe but quite ugly.
535         // The frame number is needed to pass through frame attributes for filters that create a new frame to return, the context is for GetFrame().
536         if (!clip->preFetchClips.empty()) {
537             clip->fakeEnv->uglyN = n;
538             clip->fakeEnv->uglyCtx = frameCtx;
539         }
541         try {
542             frame = clip->clip->GetFrame(n, clip->fakeEnv);
544             if (!frame)
545                 vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Avisynth Error: no frame returned");
546         } catch (const AvisynthError &e) {
547             vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, ("Avisynth Error: avisynth errors in GetFrame() are unrecoverable, crashing... "_s + e.msg).c_str());
548         } catch (const IScriptEnvironment::NotFound &) {
549             vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Avisynth Error: escaped IScriptEnvironment::NotFound exceptions are non-recoverable, crashing... ");
550         } catch (...) {
551             vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Avisynth Error: avisynth errors are unrecoverable, crashing...");
552         }
554         clip->fakeEnv->uglyCtx = nullptr;
555     } else if (activationReason == arInitial) {
556         for (VSNodeRef *c : clip->preFetchClips)
557             prefetchHelper(n, c, clip->prefetchInfo, frameCtx, vsapi);
558     } else if (activationReason == arError) {
559         return nullptr;
560     }
562     // Enjoy the casting to trigger the void * operator. Please contact me if you can make it pretty.
564     const VSFrameRef *ref = nullptr;
566     if (frame)
567         ref = clip->fakeEnv->avsToVSFrame((VideoFrame *)((void *)frame));
569     return ref;
570 }
avisynthFilterFree(void * instanceData,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)572 static void VS_CC avisynthFilterFree(void *instanceData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
573     WrappedClip *clip = (WrappedClip *)instanceData;
574     delete clip;
575 }
isSupportedPF(const VSFormat * f,int interfaceVersion)577 static bool isSupportedPF(const VSFormat *f, int interfaceVersion) {
578     if (interfaceVersion == 2)
579         return (f->id == pfYUV420P8) || (f->id == pfCompatYUY2) || (f->id == pfCompatBGR32);
580     else
581         return !!VSFormatToAVSPixelType(f);
582 }
fakeAvisynthFunctionWrapper(const VSMap * in,VSMap * out,void * userData,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)584 static void VS_CC fakeAvisynthFunctionWrapper(const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *userData,
585         VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
586     WrappedFunction *wf = (WrappedFunction *)userData;
587     FakeAvisynth *fakeEnv = new FakeAvisynth(wf->interfaceVersion, core, vsapi);
588     std::vector<AVSValue> inArgs(wf->parsedArgs.size());
589     std::vector<VSNodeRef *> preFetchClips;
591     for (size_t i = 0; i < inArgs.size(); i++) {
592         const AvisynthArgs &parsedArg = wf->parsedArgs.at(i);
594         if (vsapi->propNumElements(in, parsedArg.name.data()) > 0) {
595             switch (parsedArg.type) {
596             case 'i':
597                 inArgs[i] = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, parsedArg.name.c_str(), 0, nullptr));
598                 break;
599             case 'f':
600                 inArgs[i] = vsapi->propGetFloat(in, parsedArg.name.c_str(), 0, nullptr);
601                 break;
602             case 'b':
603                 inArgs[i] = !!vsapi->propGetInt(in, parsedArg.name.c_str(), 0, nullptr);
604                 break;
605             case 's':
606                 inArgs[i] = vsapi->propGetData(in, parsedArg.name.c_str(), 0, nullptr);
607                 break;
608             case 'c':
609                 VSNodeRef *cr = vsapi->propGetNode(in, parsedArg.name.c_str(), 0, nullptr);
610                 const VSVideoInfo *vi = vsapi->getVideoInfo(cr);
611                 if (!isConstantFormat(vi) || !isSupportedPF(vi->format, wf->interfaceVersion)) {
612                     vsapi->setError(out, "Invalid avisynth colorspace in one of the input clips");
613                     vsapi->freeNode(cr);
614                     delete fakeEnv;
615                     return;
616                 }
618                 preFetchClips.push_back(cr);
619                 inArgs[i] = new VSClip(cr, fakeEnv, vsapi);
620                 break;
621             }
622         }
623     }
625     AVSValue inArgAVSValue(inArgs.data(), static_cast<int>(wf->parsedArgs.size()));
626     AVSValue ret;
628     try {
629         ret = wf->apply(inArgAVSValue, wf->avsUserData, fakeEnv);
630     } catch (const AvisynthError &e) {
631         vsapi->setError(out, e.msg);
632         return;
633     } catch (const IScriptEnvironment::NotFound &) {
634         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Avisynth Error: escaped IScriptEnvironment::NotFound exceptions are non-recoverable, crashing... ");
635     }
637     fakeEnv->initializing = false;
639     if (ret.IsClip()) {
640         PrefetchInfo prefetchInfo = getPrefetchInfo(wf->name, in, vsapi);
641         WrappedClip *filterData = new WrappedClip(wf->name, ret.AsClip(), preFetchClips, prefetchInfo, fakeEnv);
642         vsapi->createFilter(
643                                     in,
644                                     out,
645                                     wf->name.c_str(),
646                                     avisynthFilterInit,
647                                     avisynthFilterGetFrame,
648                                     avisynthFilterFree,
649                                     (preFetchClips.empty() || prefetchInfo.from > prefetchInfo.to) ? fmSerial : fmParallelRequests,
650                                     0,
651                                     filterData,
652                                     core);
653     } else if (ret.IsBool()) {
654         vsapi->propSetInt(out, "val", ret.AsBool() ? 1 : 0, paReplace);
655     } else if (ret.IsInt()) {
656         vsapi->propSetInt(out, "val", ret.AsInt(), paReplace);
657     } else if (ret.IsFloat()) {
658         vsapi->propSetFloat(out, "val", ret.AsFloat(), paReplace);
659     } else if (ret.IsString()) {
660         vsapi->propSetData(out, "val", ret.AsString(), -1, paReplace);
661     }
662 }
AddFunction(const char * name,const char * params,ApplyFunc apply,void * user_data)664 void FakeAvisynth::AddFunction(const char *name, const char *params, ApplyFunc apply, void *user_data) {
665     size_t paramLength = strlen(params);
666     size_t paramPos = 0;
667     int argNum = 1;
668     int numArgs = 0;
669     std::vector<AvisynthArgs> parsedArgs;
670     std::string newArgs;
671     std::string fname(name);
673     if (fname == "RemoveGrain" || fname == "Repair" || fname == "ColorMatrix" || fname == "IsCombed") {
674         vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, ("Avisynth Compat: rejected adding Avisynth function " + fname + "because it is too broken").c_str());
675         return;
676     }
678     if (fname == "FFMS2" || fname == "FFCopyrightInfringement") {
679         vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, ("Avisynth Compat: rejected adding Avisynth function " + fname + "because it calls invoke").c_str());
680         return;
681     }
683     while (paramPos < paramLength) {
684         if (params[paramPos] == '*' || params[paramPos] == '+' || params[paramPos] == '.') {
685             vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, ("Avisynth Compat: varargs not implemented so I'm just gonna skip importing " + fname).c_str());
686             return;
687         }
689         if (params[paramPos] == '[') { // named argument start
690             std::string argName(params);
691             size_t nameStart = ++paramPos;
693             while (paramPos < paramLength) {
694                 if (params[paramPos++] == ']') {
695                     argName = argName.substr(nameStart, paramPos - nameStart - 1);
696                     break;
697                 }
698             }
700             newArgs += argName + ":" + charToFilterArgumentString(params[paramPos]) + ":opt;";
701             parsedArgs.push_back(AvisynthArgs(argName, params[paramPos++], false));
702         } else {
703             newArgs += params[paramPos] + std::to_string(argNum) + ":" + charToFilterArgumentString(params[paramPos]) + ";";
704             parsedArgs.push_back(AvisynthArgs((params[paramPos] + std::to_string(argNum)), params[paramPos], true));
705             paramPos++;
706             argNum++;
707         }
709         numArgs++;
710     }
712     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(registerFunctionLock);
714     if (registeredFunctions.count(fname)) {
715         for (size_t i = 2; i < SIZE_MAX; i++) {
716             std::string numberedName = fname + "_" + std::to_string(i);
717             if (!registeredFunctions.count(numberedName)) {
718                 fname = numberedName;
719                 break;
720             }
721         }
722     }
724     registeredFunctions.insert(fname);
725     vsapi->registerFunction(fname.c_str(), newArgs.c_str(), fakeAvisynthFunctionWrapper, new WrappedFunction(fname, apply, parsedArgs, user_data, interfaceVersion), vsapi->getPluginById("com.vapoursynth.avisynth", core));
726 }
FunctionExists(const char * name)728 bool FakeAvisynth::FunctionExists(const char *name) {
729     vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, "FunctionExists not implemented");
730     return false;
731 }
Invoke(const char * name,const AVSValue args,const char * const * arg_names)733 AVSValue FakeAvisynth::Invoke(const char *name, const AVSValue args, const char* const* arg_names) {
734     if (!_stricmp(name, "Cache") || !_stricmp(name, "InternalCache")) {
735         return args;
736     }
738     if (!_stricmp(name, "Crop")) {
739         vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, "Invoke not fully implemented, tried to call Crop() but I will do nothing");
740         return args[0];
741     }
743     if (!_stricmp(name, "AudioDub")) {
744         vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, "Invoke not fully implemented, tried to call AudioDub() but I will do nothing");
745         return args[0];
746     }
748     vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, ("Invoke not fully implemented, tried to call: "_s + name + " but I will pretend it doesn't exist").c_str());
749     throw IScriptEnvironment::NotFound();
750     return AVSValue();
751 }
GetVar(const char * name)753 AVSValue FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char *name) {
754     return AVSValue();
755 }
SetVar(const char * name,const AVSValue & val)757 bool FakeAvisynth::SetVar(const char *name, const AVSValue &val) {
758     return true;
759 }
SetGlobalVar(const char * name,const AVSValue & val)761 bool FakeAvisynth::SetGlobalVar(const char *name, const AVSValue &val) {
762     return true;
763 }
PushContext(int level)765 void FakeAvisynth::PushContext(int level) {
766     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "PushContext not implemented");
767 }
PopContext()769 void FakeAvisynth::PopContext() {
770     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "PopContext not implemented");
771 }
NewVideoFrame(const VideoInfo & vi,int align)773 PVideoFrame FakeAvisynth::NewVideoFrame(const VideoInfo &vi, int align) {
774     VSFrameRef *ref = nullptr;
775     assert(vi.width > 0);
776     assert(vi.height > 0);
778     // attempt to copy over the right set of properties, assuming that frame n in is also n out
779     const VSFrameRef *propSrc = nullptr;
781     if (uglyNode && uglyCtx)
782         propSrc = vsapi->getFrameFilter(uglyN, uglyNode, uglyCtx);
784     bool isMultiplePlanes = (vi.pixel_type & VideoInfo::CS_PLANAR) && !(vi.pixel_type & VideoInfo::CS_INTERLEAVED);
786     const VSFormat *f = AVSPixelTypeToVSFormat(vi, core, vsapi);
788     if (!f)
789         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Unsupported frame format in newvideoframe (alpha and/or packed RGB not supported)");
791     ref = vsapi->newVideoFrame(f, vi.width, vi.height, propSrc, core);
793     if (propSrc)
794         vsapi->freeFrame(propSrc);
796     uint8_t *firstPlanePtr = vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 0);
797     VideoFrame *vfb = new VideoFrame(
798         (BYTE *)firstPlanePtr,
799         true,
800         0,
801         vsapi->getStride(ref, 0),
802         vi.width * vsapi->getFrameFormat(ref)->bytesPerSample,
803         vi.height,
804         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 1) - firstPlanePtr : 0,
805         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 2) - firstPlanePtr : 0,
806         isMultiplePlanes ? vsapi->getStride(ref, 1) : 0,
807         vsapi->getFrameWidth(ref, 1) * vsapi->getFrameFormat(ref)->bytesPerSample,
808         vsapi->getFrameHeight(ref, 1));
810     PVideoFrame pvf(vfb);
811     ownedFrames.insert(std::make_pair(vfb, ref));
812     return pvf;
813 }
MakeWritable(PVideoFrame * pvf)815 bool FakeAvisynth::MakeWritable(PVideoFrame *pvf) {
816     // Find the backing frame, copy it, wrap the new frame into a avisynth PVideoFrame
817     VideoFrame *vfb = (VideoFrame *)(void *)(*pvf);
818     auto it = ownedFrames.find(vfb);
819     assert(it != ownedFrames.end());
820     VSFrameRef *ref = vsapi->copyFrame(it->second, core);
821     uint8_t *firstPlanePtr = vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 0);
822     VideoFrame *newVfb = new VideoFrame(
823         // the data will never be modified due to the writable protections embedded in this mess
824         (BYTE *)firstPlanePtr,
825         true,
826         0,
827         vsapi->getStride(ref, 0),
828         (*pvf)->row_size,
829         (*pvf)->height,
830         vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 1) - firstPlanePtr,
831         vsapi->getWritePtr(ref, 2) - firstPlanePtr,
832         vsapi->getStride(ref, 1),
833         (*pvf)->row_sizeUV,
834         (*pvf)->heightUV);
835     *pvf = PVideoFrame(newVfb);
836     ownedFrames.insert(std::make_pair(newVfb, ref));
837     return true;
838 }
BitBlt(BYTE * dstp,int dst_pitch,const BYTE * srcp,int src_pitch,int row_size,int height)840 void FakeAvisynth::BitBlt(BYTE* dstp, int dst_pitch, const BYTE* srcp, int src_pitch, int row_size, int height) {
841     if (src_pitch == dst_pitch && dst_pitch == row_size) {
842         memcpy(dstp, srcp, row_size * height);
843     } else {
844         for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
845             memcpy(dstp, srcp, row_size);
846             dstp += dst_pitch;
847             srcp += src_pitch;
848         }
849     }
850 }
AtExit(ShutdownFunc function,void * user_data)852 void FakeAvisynth::AtExit(ShutdownFunc function, void *user_data) {
853     // intentionally ignored to prevent issues when multiple cores load the sample plugin in the same process
854 }
CheckVersion(int version)856 void FakeAvisynth::CheckVersion(int version) {
857     if (version > AVISYNTH_INTERFACE_VERSION)
858         ThrowError("Plugin was designed for a later version of Avisynth (%d)", version);
859 }
Subframe(PVideoFrame src,int rel_offset,int new_pitch,int new_row_size,int new_height)861 PVideoFrame FakeAvisynth::Subframe(PVideoFrame src, int rel_offset, int new_pitch, int new_row_size, int new_height) {
862     if (src->row_size != new_row_size)
863         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Subframe only partially implemented (row_size != new_row_size)");
864     // not pretty at all, but the underlying frame has to be fished out to have any idea what the input really is
865     const VSFrameRef *f = avsToVSFrame((VideoFrame *)(void *)src);
866     const VSFormat *fi = vsapi->getFrameFormat(f);
867     VideoInfo vi;
868     vi.height = new_height;
869     vi.width = vsapi->getFrameWidth(f, 0);
871     if (fi->id == pfCompatYUY2)
872         vi.pixel_type = VideoInfo::CS_YUY2;
873     else if (fi->id == pfCompatBGR32)
874         vi.pixel_type = VideoInfo::CS_BGR32;
875     else
876         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Bad colorspace");
878     PVideoFrame dst = NewVideoFrame(vi);
879     BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(), dst->GetPitch(), src->GetReadPtr() + rel_offset, new_pitch, new_row_size, new_height);
881     return dst;
882 }
SetMemoryMax(int mem)884 int FakeAvisynth::SetMemoryMax(int mem) {
885     // ignore
886     return 0;
887 }
SetWorkingDir(const char * newdir)889 int FakeAvisynth::SetWorkingDir(const char *newdir) {
890     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "SetWorkingDir not implemented");
891     return 1;
892 }
ManageCache(int key,void * data)894 void *FakeAvisynth::ManageCache(int key, void *data) {
895     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "ManageCache not implemented");
896     return nullptr;
897 }
PlanarChromaAlignment(PlanarChromaAlignmentMode key)899 bool FakeAvisynth::PlanarChromaAlignment(PlanarChromaAlignmentMode key) {
900     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "PlanarChromaAlignment not implemented");
901     return true;
902 }
SubframePlanar(PVideoFrame src,int rel_offset,int new_pitch,int new_row_size,int new_height,int rel_offsetU,int rel_offsetV,int new_pitchUV)904 PVideoFrame FakeAvisynth::SubframePlanar(PVideoFrame src, int rel_offset, int new_pitch, int new_row_size, int new_height, int rel_offsetU, int rel_offsetV, int new_pitchUV) {
905     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "SubframePlanar not implemented");
906     if (src->row_size != new_row_size)
907         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "SubframePlanar only partially implemented");
908     // not pretty at all, but the underlying frame has to be fished out to have any idea what the input really is
909     const VSFrameRef *f = avsToVSFrame((VideoFrame *)(void *)src);
910     const VSFormat *fi = vsapi->getFrameFormat(f);
911     VideoInfo vi;
912     vi.height = new_height;
913     vi.width = vsapi->getFrameWidth(f, 0);
915     vi.pixel_type = VSFormatToAVSPixelType(fi);
917     if (!vi.pixel_type)
918         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Bad colorspace, bad!");
920     PVideoFrame dst = NewVideoFrame(vi);
922     vsapi->logMessage(mtWarning, "Subframeplanar only partially implemented, report if it crashed or not (especially if not using YV12)");
923     BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_Y), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_Y), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_Y) + rel_offset, new_pitch, new_row_size, new_height);
924     BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_U), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_U), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_U) + rel_offsetU, new_pitchUV, new_row_size/2, new_height/2);
925     BitBlt(dst->GetWritePtr(PLANAR_V), dst->GetPitch(PLANAR_V), src->GetReadPtr(PLANAR_V) + rel_offsetV, new_pitchUV, new_row_size/2, new_height/2);
926     return dst;
927 }
DeleteScriptEnvironment()929 void FakeAvisynth::DeleteScriptEnvironment() {
930     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "DeleteScriptEnvironment not implemented");
931 }
ApplyMessage(PVideoFrame * frame,const VideoInfo & vi,const char * message,int size,int textcolor,int halocolor,int bgcolor)933 void FakeAvisynth::ApplyMessage(PVideoFrame* frame, const VideoInfo& vi, const char* message, int size,
934     int textcolor, int halocolor, int bgcolor) {
935     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "ApplyMessage not implemented");
936 }
GetAVSLinkage()938 const AVS_Linkage* const FakeAvisynth::GetAVSLinkage() {
939     return AVS_linkage;
940 }
GetVarDef(const char * name,const AVSValue & def)942 AVSValue FakeAvisynth::GetVarDef(const char* name, const AVSValue& def) {
943     return def;
944 }
GetProperty(AvsEnvProperty prop)946 size_t  FakeAvisynth::GetProperty(AvsEnvProperty prop) {
947     switch (prop) {
949         return 1;
950     case AEP_PHYSICAL_CPUS:
951         return 1;
952     case AEP_LOGICAL_CPUS:
953         return 1;
954     case AEP_THREAD_ID:
955         return 0;
957         return 1;
958     case AEP_VERSION:
959         return 0;
960     default:
961         this->ThrowError("Invalid property request.");
962         return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
963     }
965     assert(0);
966 }
GetVar(const char * name,AVSValue * val) const968 bool FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char* name, AVSValue *val) const {
969     return val;
970 }
GetVar(const char * name,bool def) const972 bool FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char* name, bool def) const {
973     return def;
974 }
GetVar(const char * name,int def) const976 int FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char* name, int def) const {
977     return def;
978 }
GetVar(const char * name,double def) const980 double FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char* name, double def) const {
981     return def;
982 }
GetVar(const char * name,const char * def) const984 const char* FakeAvisynth::GetVar(const char* name, const char* def) const {
985     return def;
986 }
LoadPlugin(const char * filePath,bool throwOnError,AVSValue * result)988 bool FakeAvisynth::LoadPlugin(const char* filePath, bool throwOnError, AVSValue *result) {
989     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Plugin loading not implemented");
990     return false;
991 }
AddAutoloadDir(const char * dirPath,bool toFront)993 void FakeAvisynth::AddAutoloadDir(const char* dirPath, bool toFront) {
994     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Autoloading dirs not implemented");
995 }
ClearAutoloadDirs()997 void FakeAvisynth::ClearAutoloadDirs() {
998     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Clearing autoload dirs not implemented");
999 }
AutoloadPlugins()1001 void FakeAvisynth::AutoloadPlugins() {
1002     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Autoloading not implemented");
1003 }
AddFunction(const char * name,const char * params,ApplyFunc apply,void * user_data,const char * exportVar)1005 void FakeAvisynth::AddFunction(const char* name, const char* params, ApplyFunc apply, void* user_data, const char *exportVar) {
1006     AddFunction(name, params, apply, user_data);
1007 }
InternalFunctionExists(const char * name)1009 bool FakeAvisynth::InternalFunctionExists(const char* name) {
1010     return false;
1011 }
SetFilterMTMode(const char * filter,MtMode mode,bool force)1013 void FakeAvisynth::SetFilterMTMode(const char* filter, MtMode mode, bool force) {
1014     // do nothing
1015 }
NewCompletion(size_t capacity)1017 IJobCompletion* FakeAvisynth::NewCompletion(size_t capacity) {
1018     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Completions not implemented");
1019     return nullptr;
1020 }
ParallelJob(ThreadWorkerFuncPtr jobFunc,void * jobData,IJobCompletion * completion)1022 void FakeAvisynth::ParallelJob(ThreadWorkerFuncPtr jobFunc, void* jobData, IJobCompletion* completion) {
1023     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "Threadpool not implemented");
1024 }
1026 // This version of Invoke will return false instead of throwing NotFound().
Invoke(AVSValue * result,const char * name,const AVSValue & args,const char * const * arg_names)1027 bool FakeAvisynth::Invoke(AVSValue *result, const char* name, const AVSValue& args, const char* const* arg_names) {
1028     try {
1029         *result = Invoke(name, args, arg_names);
1030         return true;
1031     } catch (NotFound &) {
1032         return false;
1033     }
1034 }
1036 // Support functions
Allocate(size_t nBytes,size_t alignment,AvsAllocType type)1037 void* FakeAvisynth::Allocate(size_t nBytes, size_t alignment, AvsAllocType type) {
1038     return vs_aligned_malloc(nBytes, alignment);
1039 }
Free(void * ptr)1041 void FakeAvisynth::Free(void* ptr) {
1042     vs_aligned_free(ptr);
1043 }
SubframePlanarA(PVideoFrame src,int rel_offset,int new_pitch,int new_row_size,int new_height,int rel_offsetU,int rel_offsetV,int new_pitchUV,int rel_offsetA)1045 PVideoFrame FakeAvisynth::SubframePlanarA(PVideoFrame src, int rel_offset, int new_pitch, int new_row_size,
1046     int new_height, int rel_offsetU, int rel_offsetV, int new_pitchUV, int rel_offsetA) {
1047     vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, "SubframePlanarA not implemented");
1048     return PVideoFrame();
1049 }
avsLoadPlugin(const VSMap * in,VSMap * out,void * userData,VSCore * core,const VSAPI * vsapi)1051 static void VS_CC avsLoadPlugin(const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *userData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
1052     const char *rawPath = vsapi->propGetData(in, "path", 0, nullptr);
1053     std::wstring wPath = utf16_from_utf8(rawPath);
1055     HMODULE plugin = LoadLibraryW(wPath.c_str());
1057     typedef const char *(__stdcall *AvisynthPluginInit2Func)(IScriptEnvironment *env);
1058     typedef const char *(__stdcall *AvisynthPluginInit3Func)(IScriptEnvironment *env, const AVS_Linkage *const vectors);
1060     if (!plugin) {
1061         vsapi->setError(out, "Avisynth Loader: failed to load module");
1062         return;
1063     }
1065     AvisynthPluginInit2Func avisynthPluginInit2 = nullptr;
1066     AvisynthPluginInit3Func avisynthPluginInit3 = (AvisynthPluginInit3Func)GetProcAddress(plugin, "AvisynthPluginInit3");
1068     if (!avisynthPluginInit3)
1069         avisynthPluginInit3 = (AvisynthPluginInit3Func)GetProcAddress(plugin, "_AvisynthPluginInit3@8");
1071     if (!avisynthPluginInit3) {
1072         avisynthPluginInit2 = (AvisynthPluginInit2Func)GetProcAddress(plugin, "AvisynthPluginInit2");
1074         if (!avisynthPluginInit2)
1075             avisynthPluginInit2 = (AvisynthPluginInit2Func)GetProcAddress(plugin, "_AvisynthPluginInit2@4");
1076     }
1078     if (!avisynthPluginInit3 && !avisynthPluginInit2) {
1079         vsapi->setError(out, "Avisynth Loader: no entry point found");
1080         FreeLibrary(plugin);
1081         return;
1082     }
1084     if (avisynthPluginInit3) {
1085         FakeAvisynth *avs = new FakeAvisynth(3, core, vsapi);
1086         avisynthPluginInit3(avs, AVS_linkage);
1087         delete avs;
1088     } else {
1089 #ifdef _WIN64
1090         vsapi->setError(out, "Avisynth Loader: 2.5 plugins can't be loaded on x64");
1091         return;
1092 #else
1093         FakeAvisynth *avs = new FakeAvisynth(2, core, vsapi);
1094         avisynthPluginInit2(avs);
1095         delete avs;
1096 #endif
1097     }
1100     if (!vs_isSSEStateOk())
1101         vsapi->logMessage(mtFatal, ("Bad SSE state detected after loading "_s + rawPath).c_str());
1102 #endif
1103 }
WrappedFunction(const std::string & name,FakeAvisynth::ApplyFunc apply,const std::vector<AvisynthArgs> & parsedArgs,void * avsUserData,int interfaceVersion)1105 WrappedFunction::WrappedFunction(const std::string &name, FakeAvisynth::ApplyFunc apply, const std::vector<AvisynthArgs> &parsedArgs, void *avsUserData, int interfaceVersion) :
1106     name(name), apply(apply), parsedArgs(parsedArgs), avsUserData(avsUserData), interfaceVersion(interfaceVersion) {
1107 }
VapourSynthPluginInit(VSConfigPlugin configFunc,VSRegisterFunction registerFunc,VSPlugin * plugin)1109 VS_EXTERNAL_API(void) VapourSynthPluginInit(VSConfigPlugin configFunc, VSRegisterFunction registerFunc, VSPlugin *plugin) {
1110     configFunc("com.vapoursynth.avisynth", "avs", "VapourSynth Avisynth Compatibility", VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION, 0, plugin);
1111     registerFunc("LoadPlugin", "path:data;", &avsLoadPlugin, plugin, plugin);
1112 }
1114 }