1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * builder.cpp
3  *****************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 2003 the VideoLAN team
5  * $Id: eef3e1c29c9696c6ee782bd141f72a146da7057d $
6  *
7  * Authors: Cyril Deguet     <asmax@via.ecp.fr>
8  *          Olivier Teulière <ipkiss@via.ecp.fr>
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13  * (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
23  *****************************************************************************/
25 #include "builder.hpp"
26 #include "builder_data.hpp"
27 #include "interpreter.hpp"
28 #include "skin_parser.hpp"
29 #include "../src/file_bitmap.hpp"
30 #include "../src/os_factory.hpp"
31 #include "../src/generic_bitmap.hpp"
32 #include "../src/top_window.hpp"
33 #include "../src/fsc_window.hpp"
34 #include "../src/anchor.hpp"
35 #include "../src/bitmap_font.hpp"
36 #include "../src/ft2_font.hpp"
37 #include "../src/ini_file.hpp"
38 #include "../src/generic_layout.hpp"
39 #include "../src/popup.hpp"
40 #include "../src/theme.hpp"
41 #include "../src/window_manager.hpp"
42 #include "../src/vout_manager.hpp"
43 #include "../commands/cmd_generic.hpp"
44 #include "../controls/ctrl_button.hpp"
45 #include "../controls/ctrl_checkbox.hpp"
46 #include "../controls/ctrl_image.hpp"
47 #include "../controls/ctrl_list.hpp"
48 #include "../controls/ctrl_move.hpp"
49 #include "../controls/ctrl_resize.hpp"
50 #include "../controls/ctrl_slider.hpp"
51 #include "../controls/ctrl_radialslider.hpp"
52 #include "../controls/ctrl_text.hpp"
53 #include "../controls/ctrl_tree.hpp"
54 #include "../controls/ctrl_video.hpp"
55 #include "../utils/bezier.hpp"
56 #include "../utils/position.hpp"
57 #include "../utils/var_bool.hpp"
58 #include "../utils/var_text.hpp"
60 #include <sys/stat.h>
61 #include <vlc_fs.h>
62 #include <vlc_image.h>
Builder(intf_thread_t * pIntf,const BuilderData & rData,const std::string & rPath)65 Builder::Builder( intf_thread_t *pIntf, const BuilderData &rData,
66                   const std::string &rPath ):
67     SkinObject( pIntf ), m_rData( rData ), m_path( rPath ), m_pTheme( NULL )
68 {
69     m_pImageHandler = image_HandlerCreate( pIntf );
70 }
~Builder()72 Builder::~Builder()
73 {
74     if( m_pImageHandler ) image_HandlerDelete( m_pImageHandler );
75 }
parseAction(const std::string & rAction)77 CmdGeneric *Builder::parseAction( const std::string &rAction )
78 {
79     return Interpreter::instance( getIntf() )->parseAction( rAction, m_pTheme );
80 }
82 template<class T> inline
add_objects(const std::list<T> & list,void (Builder::* addfn)(const T &))83 void Builder::add_objects(const std::list<T> &list,
84                           void (Builder::*addfn)(const T &))
85 {
86     typename std::list<T>::const_iterator i;
87     for( i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i )
88         (this->*addfn)( *i );
89 }
build()91 Theme *Builder::build()
92 {
93 #define ADD_OBJECTS( type ) \
94     add_objects(m_rData.m_list##type,&Builder::add##type)
96     m_pTheme = new (std::nothrow) Theme( getIntf() );
97     if( m_pTheme == NULL )
98         return NULL;
100     // Create everything from the data in the XML
101     ADD_OBJECTS( Theme );
102     ADD_OBJECTS( IniFile );
103     ADD_OBJECTS( Bitmap );
104     ADD_OBJECTS( SubBitmap );
105     ADD_OBJECTS( BitmapFont );
106     ADD_OBJECTS( Font );
107     ADD_OBJECTS( Window );
108     // XXX: PopupMenus are created after the windows, so that the Win32Factory
109     // (at least) can give a valid window handle to the OSPopup objects
110     ADD_OBJECTS( PopupMenu );
111     ADD_OBJECTS( Layout );
112     ADD_OBJECTS( Panel );
113     ADD_OBJECTS( Anchor );
114     ADD_OBJECTS( Button );
115     ADD_OBJECTS( Checkbox );
116     ADD_OBJECTS( Image );
117     ADD_OBJECTS( Text );
118     ADD_OBJECTS( RadialSlider );
119     ADD_OBJECTS( Slider );
120     ADD_OBJECTS( List );
121     ADD_OBJECTS( Tree );
122     ADD_OBJECTS( Video );
123     // MenuItems must be created after all the rest, so that the IDs of the
124     // other elements exist and can be parsed in the actions
125     ADD_OBJECTS( MenuItem );
126     ADD_OBJECTS( MenuSeparator );
128     return m_pTheme;
130 #undef  ADD_OBJECTS
131 }
134 // Macro to get a bitmap by its ID in the builder
135 #define GET_BMP( pBmp, id, abort ) \
136     if( id != "none" ) \
137     { \
138         pBmp = m_pTheme->getBitmapById(id); \
139         if( pBmp == NULL ) \
140         { \
141             msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown bitmap id: %s", id.c_str() ); \
142             return; \
143         } \
144     } \
145     else if( abort )\
146     { \
147         msg_Err( getIntf(), "bitmap required for id: %s", rData.m_id.c_str() ); \
148         return; \
149     }
151 // macro to check bitmap size consistency for button and checkbox
152 #define CHECK_BMP( pBmp, pBmpRef, id) \
153     if( pBmp != pBmpRef ) \
154     { \
155         int w_ref = pBmpRef->getWidth(); \
156         int h_ref = pBmpRef->getHeight() / pBmpRef->getNbFrames(); \
157         int w = pBmp->getWidth(); \
158         int h = pBmp->getHeight() / pBmp->getNbFrames(); \
159         if( w != w_ref || h != h_ref ) \
160             msg_Err( getIntf(), "pls, check bitmap sizes for id: %s", id.c_str() ); \
161     }
163 // macro to check resize policy of button and checkbox
164 #define CHECK_RESIZE_POLICY( lefttop, rightbottom, xkeepratio, ykeepratio, id )\
165     if( (!xkeepratio && lefttop != rightbottom) || \
166         (!ykeepratio && lefttop != rightbottom) ) \
167     { \
168         msg_Err( getIntf(), "pls, check resize policy for id: %s", \
169                             id.c_str() ); \
170         rightbottom = lefttop; \
171     }
173 // Macro to get the parent box of a control, given the panel ID
174 #define GET_BOX( pRect, id, pLayout ) \
175     if( id == "none" ) \
176         pRect = &pLayout->getRect(); \
177     else \
178     { \
179         const Position *pParent = \
180             m_pTheme->getPositionById( rData.m_panelId ); \
181         if( pParent == NULL ) \
182         { \
183             msg_Err( getIntf(), "parent panel could not be found: %s", \
184                      rData.m_panelId.c_str() ); \
185             return; \
186         } \
187         pRect = pParent; \
188     }
addTheme(const BuilderData::Theme & rData)191 void Builder::addTheme( const BuilderData::Theme &rData )
192 {
193     WindowManager &rManager = m_pTheme->getWindowManager();
194     rManager.setMagnetValue( rData.m_magnet );
195     rManager.setAlphaValue( rData.m_alpha );
196     rManager.setMoveAlphaValue( rData.m_moveAlpha );
197     GenericFont *pFont = getFont( rData.m_tooltipfont );
198     if( pFont )
199     {
200         rManager.createTooltip( *pFont );
201     }
202     else
203     {
204         msg_Warn( getIntf(), "invalid tooltip font: %s",
205                   rData.m_tooltipfont.c_str() );
206     }
207 }
addIniFile(const BuilderData::IniFile & rData)210 void Builder::addIniFile( const BuilderData::IniFile &rData )
211 {
212     // Parse the INI file
213     std::string full_path = getFilePath( rData.m_file );
214     if( !full_path.size() )
215         return;
217     IniFile iniFile( getIntf(), rData.m_id, full_path );
218     iniFile.parseFile();
219 }
addBitmap(const BuilderData::Bitmap & rData)222 void Builder::addBitmap( const BuilderData::Bitmap &rData )
223 {
224     std::string full_path = getFilePath( rData.m_fileName );
225     if( !full_path.size() )
226         return;
228     GenericBitmap *pBmp =
229         new FileBitmap( getIntf(), m_pImageHandler,
230                         full_path, rData.m_alphaColor,
231                         rData.m_nbFrames, rData.m_fps, rData.m_nbLoops );
232     if( !pBmp->getData() )
233     {
234         // Invalid bitmap
235         delete pBmp;
236         return;
237     }
238     m_pTheme->m_bitmaps[rData.m_id] = GenericBitmapPtr( pBmp );
239 }
addSubBitmap(const BuilderData::SubBitmap & rData)242 void Builder::addSubBitmap( const BuilderData::SubBitmap &rData )
243 {
244     if( m_pTheme->m_bitmaps.find( rData.m_id ) != m_pTheme->m_bitmaps.end() )
245     {
246         msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "bitmap %s already exists", rData.m_id.c_str() );
247         return;
248     }
250     // Get the parent bitmap
251     GenericBitmap *pParentBmp = NULL;
252     GET_BMP( pParentBmp, rData.m_parent, true );
254     // Copy a region of the parent bitmap to the new one
255     BitmapImpl *pBmp =
256         new BitmapImpl( getIntf(), rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
257                         rData.m_nbFrames, rData.m_fps, rData.m_nbLoops );
258     bool res = pBmp->drawBitmap( *pParentBmp, rData.m_x, rData.m_y, 0, 0,
259                                  rData.m_width, rData.m_height );
260     if( !res )
261     {
262         // Invalid sub-bitmap
263         delete pBmp;
264         msg_Warn( getIntf(), "sub-bitmap %s ignored", rData.m_id.c_str() );
265         return;
266     }
267     m_pTheme->m_bitmaps[rData.m_id] = GenericBitmapPtr( pBmp );
268 }
addBitmapFont(const BuilderData::BitmapFont & rData)271 void Builder::addBitmapFont( const BuilderData::BitmapFont &rData )
272 {
273     if( m_pTheme->m_fonts.find( rData.m_id ) != m_pTheme->m_fonts.end() )
274     {
275         msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "font %s already exists", rData.m_id.c_str() );
276         return;
277     }
279     std::string full_path = getFilePath( rData.m_file );
280     if( !full_path.size() )
281         return;
283     GenericBitmap *pBmp =
284         new FileBitmap( getIntf(), m_pImageHandler, full_path, 0 );
285     if( !pBmp->getData() )
286     {
287         // Invalid bitmap
288         delete pBmp;
289         return;
290     }
292     m_pTheme->m_bitmaps[rData.m_id] = GenericBitmapPtr( pBmp );
294     GenericFont *pFont = new BitmapFont( getIntf(), *pBmp, rData.m_type );
295     if( pFont->init() )
296     {
297         m_pTheme->m_fonts[rData.m_id] = GenericFontPtr( pFont );
298     }
299     else
300     {
301         delete pFont;
302     }
303 }
addFont(const BuilderData::Font & rData)306 void Builder::addFont( const BuilderData::Font &rData )
307 {
308     // Try to load the font from the theme directory
309     std::string full_path = getFilePath( rData.m_fontFile );
310     if( full_path.size() )
311     {
312         GenericFont *pFont = new FT2Font( getIntf(), full_path, rData.m_size );
313         if( pFont->init() )
314         {
315             m_pTheme->m_fonts[rData.m_id] = GenericFontPtr( pFont );
316             return;
317         }
318         delete pFont;
319     }
321     // Font not found; try in the resource path
322     OSFactory *pOSFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
323     const std::list<std::string> &resPath = pOSFactory->getResourcePath();
324     const std::string &sep = pOSFactory->getDirSeparator();
326     std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it;
327     for( it = resPath.begin(); it != resPath.end(); ++it )
328     {
329         std::string path = (*it) + sep + "fonts" + sep + rData.m_fontFile;
330         GenericFont *pFont = new FT2Font( getIntf(), path, rData.m_size );
331         if( pFont->init() )
332         {
333             // Font loaded successfully
334             m_pTheme->m_fonts[rData.m_id] = GenericFontPtr( pFont );
335             return;
336         }
337         delete pFont;
338     }
339 }
addPopupMenu(const BuilderData::PopupMenu & rData)342 void Builder::addPopupMenu( const BuilderData::PopupMenu &rData )
343 {
344     Popup *pPopup = new Popup( getIntf(), m_pTheme->getWindowManager() );
346     m_pTheme->m_popups[rData.m_id] = PopupPtr( pPopup );
347 }
addMenuItem(const BuilderData::MenuItem & rData)350 void Builder::addMenuItem( const BuilderData::MenuItem &rData )
351 {
352     Popup *pPopup = m_pTheme->getPopupById( rData.m_popupId );
353     if( pPopup == NULL )
354     {
355         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown popup id: %s", rData.m_popupId.c_str() );
356         return;
357     }
359     CmdGeneric *pCommand = parseAction( rData.m_action );
360     if( pCommand == NULL )
361     {
362         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid action: %s", rData.m_action.c_str() );
363         return;
364     }
366     pPopup->addItem( rData.m_label, *pCommand, rData.m_pos );
367 }
addMenuSeparator(const BuilderData::MenuSeparator & rData)370 void Builder::addMenuSeparator( const BuilderData::MenuSeparator &rData )
371 {
372     Popup *pPopup = m_pTheme->getPopupById( rData.m_popupId );
373     if( pPopup == NULL )
374     {
375         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown popup id: %s", rData.m_popupId.c_str() );
376         return;
377     }
379     pPopup->addSeparator( rData.m_pos );
380 }
addWindow(const BuilderData::Window & rData)383 void Builder::addWindow( const BuilderData::Window &rData )
384 {
385     TopWindow *pWin;
386     if( rData.m_id == "fullscreenController" )
387     {
388         pWin = new FscWindow( getIntf(), rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
389                        m_pTheme->getWindowManager(),
390                        rData.m_dragDrop, rData.m_playOnDrop,
391                        rData.m_visible );
392     }
393     else
394     {
395         pWin = new TopWindow( getIntf(), rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
396                        m_pTheme->getWindowManager(),
397                        rData.m_dragDrop, rData.m_playOnDrop,
398                        rData.m_visible );
399     }
400     m_pTheme->m_windows[rData.m_id] = TopWindowPtr( pWin );
401 }
addLayout(const BuilderData::Layout & rData)404 void Builder::addLayout( const BuilderData::Layout &rData )
405 {
406     TopWindow *pWin = m_pTheme->getWindowById( rData.m_windowId );
407     if( pWin == NULL )
408     {
409         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown window id: %s", rData.m_windowId.c_str() );
410         return;
411     }
413     int minWidth = rData.m_minWidth != -1 ? rData.m_minWidth : rData.m_width;
414     int maxWidth = rData.m_maxWidth != -1 ? rData.m_maxWidth : rData.m_width;
415     int minHeight = rData.m_minHeight != -1 ? rData.m_minHeight :
416                     rData.m_height;
417     int maxHeight = rData.m_maxHeight != -1 ? rData.m_maxHeight :
418                     rData.m_height;
419     GenericLayout *pLayout = new GenericLayout( getIntf(), rData.m_width,
420                                                 rData.m_height,
421                                                 minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight,
422                                                 maxHeight );
423     m_pTheme->m_layouts[rData.m_id] = GenericLayoutPtr( pLayout );
425     // Attach the layout to its window
426     m_pTheme->getWindowManager().addLayout( *pWin, *pLayout );
427 }
addAnchor(const BuilderData::Anchor & rData)430 void Builder::addAnchor( const BuilderData::Anchor &rData )
431 {
432     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
433     if( pLayout == NULL )
434     {
435         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
436         return;
437     }
439     Bezier *pCurve = getPoints( rData.m_points.c_str() );
440     if( pCurve == NULL )
441     {
442         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid format in tag points=\"%s\"",
443                  rData.m_points.c_str() );
444         return;
445     }
446     m_pTheme->m_curves.push_back( BezierPtr( pCurve ) );
448     // Compute the position of the anchor
449     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_leftTop,
450                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
451                                        pCurve->getWidth(),
452                                        pCurve->getHeight(),
453                                        pLayout->getRect() );
455     Anchor *pAnc = new Anchor( getIntf(), pos, rData.m_range, rData.m_priority,
456                                *pCurve, *pLayout );
457     pLayout->addAnchor( pAnc );
458 }
addButton(const BuilderData::Button & rData)461 void Builder::addButton( const BuilderData::Button &rData )
462 {
463     // Get the bitmaps of the button
464     GenericBitmap *pBmpUp = NULL;
465     GET_BMP( pBmpUp, rData.m_upId, true );
467     GenericBitmap *pBmpDown = pBmpUp;
468     GET_BMP( pBmpDown, rData.m_downId, false );
470     GenericBitmap *pBmpOver = pBmpUp;
471     GET_BMP( pBmpOver, rData.m_overId, false );
473     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
474     if( pLayout == NULL )
475     {
476         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
477         return;
478     }
480     CmdGeneric *pCommand = parseAction( rData.m_actionId );
481     if( pCommand == NULL )
482     {
483         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid action: %s", rData.m_actionId.c_str() );
484         return;
485     }
487     // Get the visibility variable
488     // XXX check when it is null
489     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
490     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
492     CtrlButton *pButton = new CtrlButton( getIntf(), *pBmpUp, *pBmpOver,
493         *pBmpDown, *pCommand, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip.c_str() ),
494         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
495     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pButton );
497     // width and height are set up from the 'up' bitmap size
498     int width = pBmpUp->getWidth();
499     int height = pBmpUp->getHeight() / pBmpUp->getNbFrames();
500     bool xkeepratio = rData.m_xKeepRatio;
501     bool ykeepratio = rData.m_yKeepRatio;
502     std::string lefttop( rData.m_leftTop );
503     std::string rightbottom( rData.m_rightBottom );
505     // various checks to help skin developers debug their skin
506     CHECK_BMP( pBmpDown, pBmpUp, rData.m_id );
507     CHECK_BMP( pBmpOver, pBmpUp, rData.m_id );
508     CHECK_RESIZE_POLICY( lefttop, rightbottom, xkeepratio, ykeepratio,
509                          rData.m_id );
511     // Compute the position of the control
512     // XXX (we suppose all the images have the same size...)
513     const GenericRect *pRect;
514     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
515     const Position pos = makePosition( lefttop, rightbottom,
516                              rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos, width, height,
517                              *pRect, xkeepratio, ykeepratio );
519     pLayout->addControl( pButton, pos, rData.m_layer );
520 }
addCheckbox(const BuilderData::Checkbox & rData)523 void Builder::addCheckbox( const BuilderData::Checkbox &rData )
524 {
525     // Get the bitmaps of the checkbox
526     GenericBitmap *pBmpUp1 = NULL;
527     GET_BMP( pBmpUp1, rData.m_up1Id, true );
529     GenericBitmap *pBmpDown1 = pBmpUp1;
530     GET_BMP( pBmpDown1, rData.m_down1Id, false );
532     GenericBitmap *pBmpOver1 = pBmpUp1;
533     GET_BMP( pBmpOver1, rData.m_over1Id, false );
535     GenericBitmap *pBmpUp2 = NULL;
536     GET_BMP( pBmpUp2, rData.m_up2Id, true );
538     GenericBitmap *pBmpDown2 = pBmpUp2;
539     GET_BMP( pBmpDown2, rData.m_down2Id, false );
541     GenericBitmap *pBmpOver2 = pBmpUp2;
542     GET_BMP( pBmpOver2, rData.m_over2Id, false );
544     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
545     if( pLayout == NULL )
546     {
547         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
548         return;
549     }
551     CmdGeneric *pCommand1 = parseAction( rData.m_action1 );
552     if( pCommand1 == NULL )
553     {
554         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid action: %s", rData.m_action1.c_str() );
555         return;
556     }
558     CmdGeneric *pCommand2 = parseAction( rData.m_action2 );
559     if( pCommand2 == NULL )
560     {
561         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid action: %s", rData.m_action2.c_str() );
562         return;
563     }
565     // Get the state variable
566     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
567     VarBool *pVar = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_state, m_pTheme );
568     if( pVar == NULL )
569     {
570         // TODO: default state
571         return;
572     }
574     // Get the visibility variable
575     // XXX check when it is null
576     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
578     // width and height are set up from the 'up1' bitmap size
579     int width = pBmpUp1->getWidth();
580     int height = pBmpUp1->getHeight() / pBmpUp1->getNbFrames();
581     bool xkeepratio = rData.m_xKeepRatio;
582     bool ykeepratio = rData.m_yKeepRatio;
583     std::string lefttop( rData.m_leftTop );
584     std::string rightbottom( rData.m_rightBottom );
587     // various checks to help skin developers debug their skin
588     CHECK_BMP( pBmpDown1, pBmpUp1, rData.m_id );
589     CHECK_BMP( pBmpOver1, pBmpUp1, rData.m_id );
590     CHECK_BMP( pBmpUp2, pBmpUp1, rData.m_id );
591     CHECK_BMP( pBmpDown2, pBmpUp1, rData.m_id );
592     CHECK_BMP( pBmpOver2, pBmpUp1, rData.m_id );
593     CHECK_RESIZE_POLICY( lefttop, rightbottom, xkeepratio, ykeepratio,
594                          rData.m_id );
596     // Create the control
597     CtrlCheckbox *pCheckbox = new CtrlCheckbox( getIntf(), *pBmpUp1,
598         *pBmpOver1, *pBmpDown1, *pBmpUp2, *pBmpOver2, *pBmpDown2, *pCommand1,
599         *pCommand2, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip1.c_str() ),
600         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip2.c_str() ), *pVar,
601         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
602     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCheckbox );
604     // Compute the position of the control
605     // XXX (we suppose all the images have the same size...)
606     const GenericRect *pRect;
607     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
608     const Position pos = makePosition( lefttop, rightbottom,
609                              rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos, width, height,
610                              *pRect, xkeepratio, ykeepratio );
612     pLayout->addControl( pCheckbox, pos, rData.m_layer );
613 }
addImage(const BuilderData::Image & rData)616 void Builder::addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData )
617 {
618     GenericBitmap *pBmp = NULL;
619     GET_BMP( pBmp, rData.m_bmpId, true );
621     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
622     if( pLayout == NULL )
623     {
624         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
625         return;
626     }
628     TopWindow *pWindow = m_pTheme->getWindowById( rData.m_windowId );
629     if( pWindow == NULL )
630     {
631         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown window id: %s", rData.m_windowId.c_str() );
632         return;
633     }
635     CmdGeneric *pCommand = parseAction( rData.m_action2Id );
636     if( pCommand == NULL )
637     {
638         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid action: %s", rData.m_action2Id.c_str() );
639         return;
640     }
642     // Get the visibility variable
643     // XXX check when it is null
644     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
645     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
647     CtrlImage::resize_t resizeMethod =
648         rData.m_resize == "scale"  ? CtrlImage::kScale :
649         rData.m_resize == "mosaic" ? CtrlImage::kMosaic :
650                                      CtrlImage::kScaleAndRatioPreserved;
651     CtrlImage *pImage = new CtrlImage( getIntf(), *pBmp, *pCommand,
652         resizeMethod, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
653         rData.m_art );
654     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pImage );
656     // Compute the position of the control
657     const GenericRect *pRect;
658     int width = (rData.m_width > 0) ? rData.m_width : pBmp->getWidth();
659     int height = (rData.m_height > 0) ? rData.m_height : pBmp->getHeight();
660     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
661     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
662                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
663                                        width, height,
664                                        *pRect, rData.m_xKeepRatio,
665                                        rData.m_yKeepRatio );
667     if( rData.m_actionId == "move" )
668     {
669         CtrlMove *pMove = new CtrlMove( getIntf(), m_pTheme->getWindowManager(),
670              *pImage, *pWindow, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ),
671              pVisible );
672         m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_move"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pMove );
673         pLayout->addControl( pMove, pos, rData.m_layer );
674     }
675     else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeS" )
676     {
677         CtrlResize *pResize = new CtrlResize( getIntf(),
678                 m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
679                 UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
680                 WindowManager::kResizeS );
681         m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
682         pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
683     }
684     else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeE" )
685     {
686         CtrlResize *pResize = new CtrlResize( getIntf(),
687                 m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
688                 UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
689                 WindowManager::kResizeE );
690         m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
691         pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
692     }
693     else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeSE" )
694     {
695         CtrlResize *pResize = new CtrlResize( getIntf(),
696                 m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
697                 UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
698                 WindowManager::kResizeSE );
699         m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
700         pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
701     }
702     else
703     {
704         pLayout->addControl( pImage, pos, rData.m_layer );
705     }
706 }
addPanel(const BuilderData::Panel & rData)709 void Builder::addPanel( const BuilderData::Panel &rData )
710 {
711     // This method makes the assumption that the Panels are created in the
712     // order of the XML, because each child Panel expects its parent Panel
713     // in order to be fully created
715     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
716     if( pLayout == NULL )
717     {
718         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
719         return;
720     }
722     const GenericRect *pRect;
723     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
724     Position *pPos =
725         new Position( makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
726                                     rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
727                                     rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
728                                     *pRect, rData.m_xKeepRatio,
729                                     rData.m_yKeepRatio ) );
730     m_pTheme->m_positions[rData.m_id] = PositionPtr( pPos );
731 }
addText(const BuilderData::Text & rData)734 void Builder::addText( const BuilderData::Text &rData )
735 {
736     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
737     if( pLayout == NULL )
738     {
739         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
740         return;
741     }
743     GenericFont *pFont = getFont( rData.m_fontId );
744     if( pFont == NULL )
745     {
746         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown font id: %s", rData.m_fontId.c_str() );
747         return;
748     }
750     // Convert the scrolling mode
751     CtrlText::Scrolling_t scrolling;
752     if( rData.m_scrolling == "auto" )
753         scrolling = CtrlText::kAutomatic;
754     else if( rData.m_scrolling == "manual" )
755         scrolling = CtrlText::kManual;
756     else if( rData.m_scrolling == "none" )
757         scrolling = CtrlText::kNone;
758     else
759     {
760         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid scrolling mode: %s",
761                  rData.m_scrolling.c_str() );
762         return;
763     }
765     // Convert the alignment
766     CtrlText::Align_t alignment;
767     if( rData.m_alignment == "left" )
768         alignment = CtrlText::kLeft;
769     else if( rData.m_alignment == "center" || rData.m_alignment == "centre" )
770         alignment = CtrlText::kCenter;
771     else if( rData.m_alignment == "right" )
772         alignment = CtrlText::kRight;
773     else
774     {
775         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid alignment: %s",
776                  rData.m_alignment.c_str() );
777         return;
778     }
780     // Create a text variable
781     VarText *pVar = new VarText( getIntf() );
782     m_pTheme->m_vars.push_back( VariablePtr( pVar ) );
784     // Set the text of the control
785     UString msg( getIntf(), rData.m_text.c_str() );
786     pVar->set( msg );
788     // Get the visibility variable
789     // XXX check when it is null
790     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
791     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
792     VarBool *pFocus = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_focus, m_pTheme );
794     CtrlText *pText = new CtrlText( getIntf(), *pVar, *pFont,
795         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), rData.m_color,
796         pVisible, pFocus, scrolling, alignment );
797     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pText );
799     int height = pFont->getSize();
801     // Compute the position of the control
802     const GenericRect *pRect;
803     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
804     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
805                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
806                                        rData.m_width, height, *pRect,
807                                        rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
809     pLayout->addControl( pText, pos, rData.m_layer );
811 }
addRadialSlider(const BuilderData::RadialSlider & rData)814 void Builder::addRadialSlider( const BuilderData::RadialSlider &rData )
815 {
816     // Get the bitmaps of the slider
817     GenericBitmap *pSeq = NULL;
818     GET_BMP( pSeq, rData.m_sequence, true );
820     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
821     if( pLayout == NULL )
822     {
823         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
824         return;
825     }
827     // Get the variable associated to the slider
828     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
829     VarPercent *pVar = pInterpreter->getVarPercent( rData.m_value, m_pTheme );
830     if( pVar == NULL )
831     {
832         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown slider value: %s", rData.m_value.c_str() );
833         return;
834     }
836     // Get the visibility variable
837     // XXX check when it is null
838     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
840     // Create the control
841     CtrlRadialSlider *pRadial =
842         new CtrlRadialSlider( getIntf(), *pSeq, rData.m_nbImages, *pVar,
843                               rData.m_minAngle, rData.m_maxAngle,
844                               UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ),
845                               pVisible );
846     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pRadial );
848     // XXX: resizing is not supported
849     // Compute the position of the control
850     const GenericRect *pRect;
851     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
852     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
853                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
854                                        pSeq->getWidth(),
855                                        pSeq->getHeight() / rData.m_nbImages,
856                                        *pRect,
857                                        rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
859     pLayout->addControl( pRadial, pos, rData.m_layer );
860 }
addSlider(const BuilderData::Slider & rData)863 void Builder::addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData )
864 {
865     // Add the background first, so that we will still have something almost
866     // functional if the cursor cannot be created properly (this happens for
867     // some winamp2 skins, where the images of the cursor are not always
868     // present)
870     // Get the bitmaps of the background
871     GenericBitmap *pBgImage = NULL;
872     GET_BMP( pBgImage, rData.m_imageId, false );
874     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
875     if( pLayout == NULL )
876     {
877         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
878         return;
879     }
881     Bezier *pCurve = getPoints( rData.m_points.c_str() );
882     if( pCurve == NULL )
883     {
884         msg_Err( getIntf(), "invalid format in tag points=\"%s\"",
885                  rData.m_points.c_str() );
886         return;
887     }
888     m_pTheme->m_curves.push_back( BezierPtr( pCurve ) );
890     // Get the visibility variable
891     // XXX check when it is null
892     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
893     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
895     // Get the variable associated to the slider
896     VarPercent *pVar = pInterpreter->getVarPercent( rData.m_value, m_pTheme );
897     if( pVar == NULL )
898     {
899         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown slider value: %s", rData.m_value.c_str() );
900         return;
901     }
903     // Create the background control
904     CtrlSliderBg *pBackground = new CtrlSliderBg( getIntf(),
905         *pCurve, *pVar, rData.m_thickness, pBgImage, rData.m_nbHoriz,
906         rData.m_nbVert, rData.m_padHoriz, rData.m_padVert,
907         pVisible, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
908     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_bg"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pBackground );
910     // Compute the position of the control
911     int width = (rData.m_width > 0) ? rData.m_width : pCurve->getWidth();
912     int height = (rData.m_height > 0) ? rData.m_height : pCurve->getHeight();
913     const GenericRect *pRect;
914     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
915     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
916                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
917                                        width, height, *pRect,
918                                        rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
920     pLayout->addControl( pBackground, pos, rData.m_layer );
922     // Get the bitmaps of the cursor
923     GenericBitmap *pBmpUp = NULL;
924     GET_BMP( pBmpUp, rData.m_upId, true );
926     GenericBitmap *pBmpDown = pBmpUp;
927     GET_BMP( pBmpDown, rData.m_downId, false );
929     GenericBitmap *pBmpOver = pBmpUp;
930     GET_BMP( pBmpOver, rData.m_overId, false );
932     // Create the cursor control
933     CtrlSliderCursor *pCursor = new CtrlSliderCursor( getIntf(), *pBmpUp,
934         *pBmpOver, *pBmpDown, *pCurve, *pVar, pVisible,
935         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip.c_str() ),
936         UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
937     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCursor );
939     pLayout->addControl( pCursor, pos, rData.m_layer );
941     // Associate the cursor to the background
942     pBackground->associateCursor( *pCursor );
943 }
addList(const BuilderData::List & rData)946 void Builder::addList( const BuilderData::List &rData )
947 {
948     // Get the background bitmap, if any
949     GenericBitmap *pBgBmp = NULL;
950     GET_BMP( pBgBmp, rData.m_bgImageId, false );
952     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
953     if( pLayout == NULL )
954     {
955         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
956         return;
957     }
959     GenericFont *pFont = getFont( rData.m_fontId );
960     if( pFont == NULL )
961     {
962         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown font id: %s", rData.m_fontId.c_str() );
963         return;
964     }
966     // Get the list variable
967     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
968     VarList *pVar = pInterpreter->getVarList( rData.m_var, m_pTheme );
969     if( pVar == NULL )
970     {
971         msg_Err( getIntf(), "no such list variable: %s", rData.m_var.c_str() );
972         return;
973     }
975     // Get the visibility variable
976     // XXX check when it is null
977     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
979     // Get the color values
980     uint32_t fgColor = getColor( rData.m_fgColor );
981     uint32_t playColor = getColor( rData.m_playColor );
982     uint32_t bgColor1 = getColor( rData.m_bgColor1 );
983     uint32_t bgColor2 = getColor( rData.m_bgColor2 );
984     uint32_t selColor = getColor( rData.m_selColor );
986     // Create the list control
987     CtrlList *pList = new CtrlList( getIntf(), *pVar, *pFont, pBgBmp,
988        fgColor, playColor, bgColor1, bgColor2, selColor,
989        UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
990     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pList );
992     // Compute the position of the control
993     const GenericRect *pRect;
994     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
995     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
996                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
997                                        rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
998                                        *pRect,
999                                        rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
1001     pLayout->addControl( pList, pos, rData.m_layer );
1002 }
addTree(const BuilderData::Tree & rData)1004 void Builder::addTree( const BuilderData::Tree &rData )
1005 {
1006     // Get the bitmaps, if any
1007     GenericBitmap *pBgBmp = NULL;
1008     GenericBitmap *pItemBmp = NULL;
1009     GenericBitmap *pOpenBmp = NULL;
1010     GenericBitmap *pClosedBmp = NULL;
1011     GET_BMP( pBgBmp, rData.m_bgImageId, false );
1012     GET_BMP( pItemBmp, rData.m_itemImageId, false );
1013     GET_BMP( pOpenBmp, rData.m_openImageId, false );
1014     GET_BMP( pClosedBmp, rData.m_closedImageId, false );
1016     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
1017     if( pLayout == NULL )
1018     {
1019         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
1020         return;
1021     }
1023     GenericFont *pFont = getFont( rData.m_fontId );
1024     if( pFont == NULL )
1025     {
1026         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown font id: %s", rData.m_fontId.c_str() );
1027         return;
1028     }
1030     // Get the list variable
1031     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
1032     VarTree *pVar = pInterpreter->getVarTree( rData.m_var, m_pTheme );
1033     if( pVar == NULL )
1034     {
1035         msg_Err( getIntf(), "no such list variable: %s", rData.m_var.c_str() );
1036         return;
1037     }
1039     // Get the visibility variable
1040     // XXX check when it is null
1041     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_visible, m_pTheme );
1042     VarBool *pFlat = pInterpreter->getVarBool( rData.m_flat, m_pTheme );
1044     // Get the color values
1045     uint32_t fgColor = getColor( rData.m_fgColor );
1046     uint32_t playColor = getColor( rData.m_playColor );
1047     uint32_t bgColor1 = getColor( rData.m_bgColor1 );
1048     uint32_t bgColor2 = getColor( rData.m_bgColor2 );
1049     uint32_t selColor = getColor( rData.m_selColor );
1051     // Create the list control
1052     CtrlTree *pTree = new CtrlTree( getIntf(), *pVar, *pFont, pBgBmp,
1053        pItemBmp, pOpenBmp, pClosedBmp,
1054        fgColor, playColor, bgColor1, bgColor2, selColor,
1055        UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible, pFlat );
1056     m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pTree );
1058     // Compute the position of the control
1059     const GenericRect *pRect;
1060     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
1061     const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
1062                                        rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
1063                                        rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
1064                                        *pRect,
1065                                        rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
1067     pLayout->addControl( pTree, pos, rData.m_layer );
1068 }
addVideo(const BuilderData::Video & rData)1070 void Builder::addVideo( const BuilderData::Video &rData )
1071 {
1072     GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
1073     if( pLayout == NULL )
1074     {
1075         msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
1076         return;
1077     }
1079     BuilderData::Video Data = rData;
1080     if( Data.m_autoResize )
1081     {
1082         // force autoresize to false if the control is not able to
1083         // freely resize within its container
1084         if( Data.m_xKeepRatio || Data.m_yKeepRatio ||
1085             !( Data.m_leftTop == "lefttop" &&
1086                Data.m_rightBottom == "rightbottom" ) )
1087         {
1088             msg_Err( getIntf(),
1089                 "video: resize policy and autoresize are not compatible" );
1090             Data.m_autoResize = false;
1091         }
1092     }
1093     if( !(Data.m_width > 0 && Data.m_height > 0) )
1094     {
1095         msg_Err( getIntf(),
1096             "pls, provide a valid size for the video control id: %s "
1097              "(dropping the video control)", Data.m_id.c_str() );
1098         return;
1099     }
1101     // Get the visibility variable
1102     // XXX check when it is null
1103     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
1104     VarBool *pVisible = pInterpreter->getVarBool( Data.m_visible, m_pTheme );
1106     CtrlVideo *pVideo = new CtrlVideo( getIntf(), *pLayout,
1107         Data.m_autoResize, UString( getIntf(), Data.m_help.c_str() ),
1108         pVisible );
1109     m_pTheme->m_controls[Data.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pVideo );
1111     // Compute the position of the control
1112     const GenericRect *pRect;
1113     GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
1114     const Position pos = makePosition( Data.m_leftTop, Data.m_rightBottom,
1115                                        Data.m_xPos, Data.m_yPos,
1116                                        Data.m_width, Data.m_height,
1117                                        *pRect,
1118                                        Data.m_xKeepRatio, Data.m_yKeepRatio );
1120     pLayout->addControl( pVideo, pos, Data.m_layer );
1121 }
makePosition(const std::string & rLeftTop,const std::string & rRightBottom,int xPos,int yPos,int width,int height,const GenericRect & rRect,bool xKeepRatio,bool yKeepRatio) const1124 const Position Builder::makePosition( const std::string &rLeftTop,
1125                                       const std::string &rRightBottom,
1126                                       int xPos, int yPos, int width,
1127                                       int height, const GenericRect &rRect,
1128                                       bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio ) const
1129 {
1130     int left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0;
1131     Position::Ref_t refLeftTop = Position::kLeftTop;
1132     Position::Ref_t refRightBottom = Position::kLeftTop;
1134     int boxWidth = rRect.getWidth();
1135     int boxHeight = rRect.getHeight();
1137     // Position of the left top corner
1138     if( rLeftTop == "lefttop" )
1139     {
1140         left = xPos;
1141         top = yPos;
1142         refLeftTop = Position::kLeftTop;
1143     }
1144     else if( rLeftTop == "righttop" )
1145     {
1146         left = xPos - boxWidth + 1;
1147         top = yPos;
1148         refLeftTop = Position::kRightTop;
1149     }
1150     else if( rLeftTop == "leftbottom" )
1151     {
1152         left = xPos;
1153         top = yPos - boxHeight + 1;
1154         refLeftTop = Position::kLeftBottom;
1155     }
1156     else if( rLeftTop == "rightbottom" )
1157     {
1158         left = xPos - boxWidth + 1;
1159         top = yPos - boxHeight + 1;
1160         refLeftTop = Position::kRightBottom;
1161     }
1163     // Position of the right bottom corner
1164     if( rRightBottom == "lefttop" )
1165     {
1166         right = xPos + width - 1;
1167         bottom = yPos + height - 1;
1168         refRightBottom = Position::kLeftTop;
1169     }
1170     else if( rRightBottom == "righttop" )
1171     {
1172         right = xPos + width - boxWidth;
1173         bottom = yPos + height - 1;
1174         refRightBottom = Position::kRightTop;
1175     }
1176     else if( rRightBottom == "leftbottom" )
1177     {
1178         right = xPos + width - 1;
1179         bottom = yPos + height - boxHeight;
1180         refRightBottom = Position::kLeftBottom;
1181     }
1182     else if( rRightBottom == "rightbottom" )
1183     {
1184         right = xPos + width - boxWidth;
1185         bottom = yPos + height - boxHeight;
1186         refRightBottom = Position::kRightBottom;
1187     }
1189     // In "keep ratio" mode, overwrite the previously computed values with the
1190     // actual ones
1191     // XXX: this coupling between makePosition and the Position class should
1192     // be reduced...
1193     if( xKeepRatio )
1194     {
1195         left = xPos;
1196         right = xPos + width;
1197     }
1198     if( yKeepRatio )
1199     {
1200         top = yPos;
1201         bottom = yPos + height;
1202     }
1204     return Position( left, top, right, bottom, rRect, refLeftTop,
1205                      refRightBottom, xKeepRatio, yKeepRatio );
1206 }
getFont(const std::string & fontId)1209 GenericFont *Builder::getFont( const std::string &fontId )
1210 {
1211     GenericFont *pFont = m_pTheme->getFontById(fontId);
1212     if( !pFont && fontId == "defaultfont" )
1213     {
1214         // Get the resource path and try to load the default font
1215         OSFactory *pOSFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
1216         const std::list<std::string> &resPath = pOSFactory->getResourcePath();
1217         const std::string &sep = pOSFactory->getDirSeparator();
1219         std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it;
1220         for( it = resPath.begin(); it != resPath.end(); ++it )
1221         {
1222             std::string path = (*it) + sep + "fonts" + sep + "FreeSans.ttf";
1223             pFont = new FT2Font( getIntf(), path, 12 );
1224             if( pFont->init() )
1225             {
1226                 // Font loaded successfully
1227                 m_pTheme->m_fonts["defaultfont"] = GenericFontPtr( pFont );
1228                 break;
1229             }
1230             else
1231             {
1232                 delete pFont;
1233                 pFont = NULL;
1234             }
1235         }
1236         if( !pFont )
1237         {
1238             msg_Err( getIntf(), "failed to open the default font" );
1239         }
1240     }
1241     return pFont;
1242 }
getFilePath(const std::string & rFileName) const1245 std::string Builder::getFilePath( const std::string &rFileName ) const
1246 {
1247     OSFactory *pFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
1248     const std::string &sep = pFactory->getDirSeparator();
1250     std::string file = rFileName;
1251     if( file.find( "\\" ) != std::string::npos )
1252     {
1253         // For skins to be valid on both Linux and Win32,
1254         // slash should be used as path separator for both OSs.
1255         msg_Warn( getIntf(), "use of '/' is preferred to '\\' for paths" );
1256         std::string::size_type pos;
1257         while( ( pos = file.find( "\\" ) ) != std::string::npos )
1258            file[pos] = '/';
1259     }
1261 #if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( __OS2__ )
1262     std::string::size_type pos;
1263     while( ( pos = file.find( "/" ) ) != std::string::npos )
1264        file.replace( pos, 1, sep );
1265 #endif
1267     std::string full_path = m_path + sep + file;
1269     // check that the file exists
1270     struct stat stat;
1271     if( vlc_stat( full_path.c_str(), &stat ) )
1272     {
1273         msg_Err( getIntf(), "missing file: %s", file.c_str() );
1274         full_path = "";
1275     }
1277     return full_path;
1278 }
getPoints(const char * pTag) const1282 Bezier *Builder::getPoints( const char *pTag ) const
1283 {
1284     std::vector<float> xBez, yBez;
1285     int x, y, n;
1286     while( 1 )
1287     {
1288         if( sscanf( pTag, "(%d,%d)%n", &x, &y, &n ) < 1 )
1289         {
1290             return NULL;
1291         }
1293         xBez.push_back( x );
1294         yBez.push_back( y );
1295         pTag += n;
1296         if( *pTag == '\0' )
1297         {
1298             break;
1299         }
1300         if( *(pTag++) != ',' )
1301         {
1302             return NULL;
1303         }
1304     }
1306     // Create the Bezier curve
1307     return new Bezier( getIntf(), xBez, yBez );
1308 }
getColor(const std::string & rVal) const1311 uint32_t Builder::getColor( const std::string &rVal ) const
1312 {
1313     // Check it the value is a registered constant
1314     Interpreter *pInterpreter = Interpreter::instance( getIntf() );
1315     std::string val = pInterpreter->getConstant( rVal );
1317     // Convert to an int value
1318     return SkinParser::convertColor( val.c_str() );
1319 }