1 // This is a part of Chrono.
2 // See README.md and LICENSE.txt for details.
4 //! Formatting (and parsing) utilities for date and time.
5 //!
6 //! This module provides the common types and routines to implement,
7 //! for example, [`DateTime::format`](../struct.DateTime.html#method.format) or
8 //! [`DateTime::parse_from_str`](../struct.DateTime.html#method.parse_from_str) methods.
9 //! For most cases you should use these high-level interfaces.
10 //!
11 //! Internally the formatting and parsing shares the same abstract **formatting items**,
12 //! which are just an [`Iterator`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html) of
13 //! the [`Item`](./enum.Item.html) type.
14 //! They are generated from more readable **format strings**;
15 //! currently Chrono supports [one built-in syntax closely resembling
16 //! C's `strftime` format](./strftime/index.html).
18 #![allow(ellipsis_inclusive_range_patterns)]
20 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
21 use alloc::boxed::Box;
22 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
23 use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
24 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
25 use core::borrow::Borrow;
26 use core::fmt;
27 use core::str::FromStr;
28 #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
29 use std::error::Error;
31 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
32 use div::{div_floor, mod_floor};
33 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
34 use naive::{NaiveDate, NaiveTime};
35 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
36 use offset::{FixedOffset, Offset};
37 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
38 use {Datelike, Timelike};
39 use {ParseWeekdayError, Weekday};
41 pub use self::parse::parse;
42 pub use self::parsed::Parsed;
43 pub use self::strftime::StrftimeItems;
45 /// An uninhabited type used for `InternalNumeric` and `InternalFixed` below.
46 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
47 enum Void {}
49 /// Padding characters for numeric items.
50 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
51 pub enum Pad {
52     /// No padding.
53     None,
54     /// Zero (`0`) padding.
55     Zero,
56     /// Space padding.
57     Space,
58 }
60 /// Numeric item types.
61 /// They have associated formatting width (FW) and parsing width (PW).
62 ///
63 /// The **formatting width** is the minimal width to be formatted.
64 /// If the number is too short, and the padding is not [`Pad::None`](./enum.Pad.html#variant.None),
65 /// then it is left-padded.
66 /// If the number is too long or (in some cases) negative, it is printed as is.
67 ///
68 /// The **parsing width** is the maximal width to be scanned.
69 /// The parser only tries to consume from one to given number of digits (greedily).
70 /// It also trims the preceding whitespace if any.
71 /// It cannot parse the negative number, so some date and time cannot be formatted then
72 /// parsed with the same formatting items.
73 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
74 pub enum Numeric {
75     /// Full Gregorian year (FW=4, PW=∞).
76     /// May accept years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, given an initial sign.
77     Year,
78     /// Gregorian year divided by 100 (century number; FW=PW=2). Implies the non-negative year.
79     YearDiv100,
80     /// Gregorian year modulo 100 (FW=PW=2). Cannot be negative.
81     YearMod100,
82     /// Year in the ISO week date (FW=4, PW=∞).
83     /// May accept years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, given an initial sign.
84     IsoYear,
85     /// Year in the ISO week date, divided by 100 (FW=PW=2). Implies the non-negative year.
86     IsoYearDiv100,
87     /// Year in the ISO week date, modulo 100 (FW=PW=2). Cannot be negative.
88     IsoYearMod100,
89     /// Month (FW=PW=2).
90     Month,
91     /// Day of the month (FW=PW=2).
92     Day,
93     /// Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Sunday of January (FW=PW=2).
94     WeekFromSun,
95     /// Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Monday of January (FW=PW=2).
96     WeekFromMon,
97     /// Week number in the ISO week date (FW=PW=2).
98     IsoWeek,
99     /// Day of the week, where Sunday = 0 and Saturday = 6 (FW=PW=1).
100     NumDaysFromSun,
101     /// Day of the week, where Monday = 1 and Sunday = 7 (FW=PW=1).
102     WeekdayFromMon,
103     /// Day of the year (FW=PW=3).
104     Ordinal,
105     /// Hour number in the 24-hour clocks (FW=PW=2).
106     Hour,
107     /// Hour number in the 12-hour clocks (FW=PW=2).
108     Hour12,
109     /// The number of minutes since the last whole hour (FW=PW=2).
110     Minute,
111     /// The number of seconds since the last whole minute (FW=PW=2).
112     Second,
113     /// The number of nanoseconds since the last whole second (FW=PW=9).
114     /// Note that this is *not* left-aligned;
115     /// see also [`Fixed::Nanosecond`](./enum.Fixed.html#variant.Nanosecond).
116     Nanosecond,
117     /// The number of non-leap seconds since the midnight UTC on January 1, 1970 (FW=1, PW=∞).
118     /// For formatting, it assumes UTC upon the absence of time zone offset.
119     Timestamp,
121     /// Internal uses only.
122     ///
123     /// This item exists so that one can add additional internal-only formatting
124     /// without breaking major compatibility (as enum variants cannot be selectively private).
125     Internal(InternalNumeric),
126 }
128 /// An opaque type representing numeric item types for internal uses only.
129 pub struct InternalNumeric {
130     _dummy: Void,
131 }
133 impl Clone for InternalNumeric {
clone(&self) -> Self134     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
135         match self._dummy {}
136     }
137 }
139 impl PartialEq for InternalNumeric {
eq(&self, _other: &InternalNumeric) -> bool140     fn eq(&self, _other: &InternalNumeric) -> bool {
141         match self._dummy {}
142     }
143 }
145 impl Eq for InternalNumeric {}
147 impl fmt::Debug for InternalNumeric {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result148     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
149         write!(f, "<InternalNumeric>")
150     }
151 }
153 /// Fixed-format item types.
154 ///
155 /// They have their own rules of formatting and parsing.
156 /// Otherwise noted, they print in the specified cases but parse case-insensitively.
157 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
158 pub enum Fixed {
159     /// Abbreviated month names.
160     ///
161     /// Prints a three-letter-long name in the title case, reads the same name in any case.
162     ShortMonthName,
163     /// Full month names.
164     ///
165     /// Prints a full name in the title case, reads either a short or full name in any case.
166     LongMonthName,
167     /// Abbreviated day of the week names.
168     ///
169     /// Prints a three-letter-long name in the title case, reads the same name in any case.
170     ShortWeekdayName,
171     /// Full day of the week names.
172     ///
173     /// Prints a full name in the title case, reads either a short or full name in any case.
174     LongWeekdayName,
175     /// AM/PM.
176     ///
177     /// Prints in lower case, reads in any case.
178     LowerAmPm,
179     /// AM/PM.
180     ///
181     /// Prints in upper case, reads in any case.
182     UpperAmPm,
183     /// An optional dot plus one or more digits for left-aligned nanoseconds.
184     /// May print nothing, 3, 6 or 9 digits according to the available accuracy.
185     /// See also [`Numeric::Nanosecond`](./enum.Numeric.html#variant.Nanosecond).
186     Nanosecond,
187     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 3.
188     Nanosecond3,
189     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 6.
190     Nanosecond6,
191     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 9.
192     Nanosecond9,
193     /// Timezone name.
194     ///
195     /// It does not support parsing, its use in the parser is an immediate failure.
196     TimezoneName,
197     /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `+00:00`).
198     ///
199     /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace.
200     /// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`,
201     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
202     TimezoneOffsetColon,
203     /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `Z`).
204     ///
205     /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace,
206     /// and `Z` can be either in upper case or in lower case.
207     /// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`,
208     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
209     TimezoneOffsetColonZ,
210     /// Same as [`TimezoneOffsetColon`](#variant.TimezoneOffsetColon) but prints no colon.
211     /// Parsing allows an optional colon.
212     TimezoneOffset,
213     /// Same as [`TimezoneOffsetColonZ`](#variant.TimezoneOffsetColonZ) but prints no colon.
214     /// Parsing allows an optional colon.
215     TimezoneOffsetZ,
216     /// RFC 2822 date and time syntax. Commonly used for email and MIME date and time.
217     RFC2822,
218     /// RFC 3339 & ISO 8601 date and time syntax.
219     RFC3339,
221     /// Internal uses only.
222     ///
223     /// This item exists so that one can add additional internal-only formatting
224     /// without breaking major compatibility (as enum variants cannot be selectively private).
225     Internal(InternalFixed),
226 }
228 /// An opaque type representing fixed-format item types for internal uses only.
229 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
230 pub struct InternalFixed {
231     val: InternalInternal,
232 }
234 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
235 enum InternalInternal {
236     /// Same as [`TimezoneOffsetColonZ`](#variant.TimezoneOffsetColonZ), but
237     /// allows missing minutes (per [ISO 8601][iso8601]).
238     ///
239     /// # Panics
240     ///
241     /// If you try to use this for printing.
242     ///
243     /// [iso8601]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_offsets_from_UTC
244     TimezoneOffsetPermissive,
245     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 3 and there is no leading dot.
246     Nanosecond3NoDot,
247     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 6 and there is no leading dot.
248     Nanosecond6NoDot,
249     /// Same as [`Nanosecond`](#variant.Nanosecond) but the accuracy is fixed to 9 and there is no leading dot.
250     Nanosecond9NoDot,
251 }
253 /// A single formatting item. This is used for both formatting and parsing.
254 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
255 pub enum Item<'a> {
256     /// A literally printed and parsed text.
257     Literal(&'a str),
258     /// Same as `Literal` but with the string owned by the item.
259     #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
260     OwnedLiteral(Box<str>),
261     /// Whitespace. Prints literally but reads zero or more whitespace.
262     Space(&'a str),
263     /// Same as `Space` but with the string owned by the item.
264     #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
265     OwnedSpace(Box<str>),
266     /// Numeric item. Can be optionally padded to the maximal length (if any) when formatting;
267     /// the parser simply ignores any padded whitespace and zeroes.
268     Numeric(Numeric, Pad),
269     /// Fixed-format item.
270     Fixed(Fixed),
271     /// Issues a formatting error. Used to signal an invalid format string.
272     Error,
273 }
275 macro_rules! lit {
276     ($x:expr) => {
277         Item::Literal($x)
278     };
279 }
280 macro_rules! sp {
281     ($x:expr) => {
282         Item::Space($x)
283     };
284 }
285 macro_rules! num {
286     ($x:ident) => {
287         Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::None)
288     };
289 }
290 macro_rules! num0 {
291     ($x:ident) => {
292         Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::Zero)
293     };
294 }
295 macro_rules! nums {
296     ($x:ident) => {
297         Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::Space)
298     };
299 }
300 macro_rules! fix {
301     ($x:ident) => {
302         Item::Fixed(Fixed::$x)
303     };
304 }
305 macro_rules! internal_fix {
306     ($x:ident) => {
307         Item::Fixed(Fixed::Internal(InternalFixed { val: InternalInternal::$x }))
308     };
309 }
311 /// An error from the `parse` function.
312 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Copy)]
313 pub struct ParseError(ParseErrorKind);
315 /// The category of parse error
316 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Copy)]
317 enum ParseErrorKind {
318     /// Given field is out of permitted range.
319     OutOfRange,
321     /// There is no possible date and time value with given set of fields.
322     ///
323     /// This does not include the out-of-range conditions, which are trivially invalid.
324     /// It includes the case that there are one or more fields that are inconsistent to each other.
325     Impossible,
327     /// Given set of fields is not enough to make a requested date and time value.
328     ///
329     /// Note that there *may* be a case that given fields constrain the possible values so much
330     /// that there is a unique possible value. Chrono only tries to be correct for
331     /// most useful sets of fields however, as such constraint solving can be expensive.
332     NotEnough,
334     /// The input string has some invalid character sequence for given formatting items.
335     Invalid,
337     /// The input string has been prematurely ended.
338     TooShort,
340     /// All formatting items have been read but there is a remaining input.
341     TooLong,
343     /// There was an error on the formatting string, or there were non-supported formating items.
344     BadFormat,
345 }
347 /// Same as `Result<T, ParseError>`.
348 pub type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError>;
350 impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result351     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
352         match self.0 {
353             ParseErrorKind::OutOfRange => write!(f, "input is out of range"),
354             ParseErrorKind::Impossible => write!(f, "no possible date and time matching input"),
355             ParseErrorKind::NotEnough => write!(f, "input is not enough for unique date and time"),
356             ParseErrorKind::Invalid => write!(f, "input contains invalid characters"),
357             ParseErrorKind::TooShort => write!(f, "premature end of input"),
358             ParseErrorKind::TooLong => write!(f, "trailing input"),
359             ParseErrorKind::BadFormat => write!(f, "bad or unsupported format string"),
360         }
361     }
362 }
364 #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
365 impl Error for ParseError {
366     #[allow(deprecated)]
description(&self) -> &str367     fn description(&self) -> &str {
368         "parser error, see to_string() for details"
369     }
370 }
372 // to be used in this module and submodules
373 const OUT_OF_RANGE: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::OutOfRange);
374 const IMPOSSIBLE: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::Impossible);
375 const NOT_ENOUGH: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::NotEnough);
376 const INVALID: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::Invalid);
377 const TOO_SHORT: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::TooShort);
378 const TOO_LONG: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::TooLong);
379 const BAD_FORMAT: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::BadFormat);
381 /// Formats single formatting item
382 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
format_item<'a>( w: &mut fmt::Formatter, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Option<&NaiveTime>, off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>, item: &Item<'a>, ) -> fmt::Result383 pub fn format_item<'a>(
384     w: &mut fmt::Formatter,
385     date: Option<&NaiveDate>,
386     time: Option<&NaiveTime>,
387     off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>,
388     item: &Item<'a>,
389 ) -> fmt::Result {
390     let mut result = String::new();
391     format_inner(&mut result, date, time, off, item)?;
392     w.pad(&result)
393 }
395 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
format_inner<'a>( result: &mut String, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Option<&NaiveTime>, off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>, item: &Item<'a>, ) -> fmt::Result396 fn format_inner<'a>(
397     result: &mut String,
398     date: Option<&NaiveDate>,
399     time: Option<&NaiveTime>,
400     off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>,
401     item: &Item<'a>,
402 ) -> fmt::Result {
403     // full and abbreviated month and weekday names
404     static SHORT_MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] =
405         ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
406     static LONG_MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] = [
407         "January",
408         "February",
409         "March",
410         "April",
411         "May",
412         "June",
413         "July",
414         "August",
415         "September",
416         "October",
417         "November",
418         "December",
419     ];
420     static SHORT_WEEKDAYS: [&'static str; 7] = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
421     static LONG_WEEKDAYS: [&'static str; 7] =
422         ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
424     use core::fmt::Write;
426     match *item {
427         Item::Literal(s) | Item::Space(s) => result.push_str(s),
428         #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
429         Item::OwnedLiteral(ref s) | Item::OwnedSpace(ref s) => result.push_str(s),
431         Item::Numeric(ref spec, ref pad) => {
432             use self::Numeric::*;
434             let week_from_sun = |d: &NaiveDate| {
435                 (d.ordinal() as i32 - d.weekday().num_days_from_sunday() as i32 + 7) / 7
436             };
437             let week_from_mon = |d: &NaiveDate| {
438                 (d.ordinal() as i32 - d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as i32 + 7) / 7
439             };
441             let (width, v) = match *spec {
442                 Year => (4, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.year()))),
443                 YearDiv100 => (2, date.map(|d| div_floor(i64::from(d.year()), 100))),
444                 YearMod100 => (2, date.map(|d| mod_floor(i64::from(d.year()), 100))),
445                 IsoYear => (4, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.iso_week().year()))),
446                 IsoYearDiv100 => (2, date.map(|d| div_floor(i64::from(d.iso_week().year()), 100))),
447                 IsoYearMod100 => (2, date.map(|d| mod_floor(i64::from(d.iso_week().year()), 100))),
448                 Month => (2, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.month()))),
449                 Day => (2, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.day()))),
450                 WeekFromSun => (2, date.map(|d| i64::from(week_from_sun(d)))),
451                 WeekFromMon => (2, date.map(|d| i64::from(week_from_mon(d)))),
452                 IsoWeek => (2, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.iso_week().week()))),
453                 NumDaysFromSun => (1, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.weekday().num_days_from_sunday()))),
454                 WeekdayFromMon => (1, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.weekday().number_from_monday()))),
455                 Ordinal => (3, date.map(|d| i64::from(d.ordinal()))),
456                 Hour => (2, time.map(|t| i64::from(t.hour()))),
457                 Hour12 => (2, time.map(|t| i64::from(t.hour12().1))),
458                 Minute => (2, time.map(|t| i64::from(t.minute()))),
459                 Second => (2, time.map(|t| i64::from(t.second() + t.nanosecond() / 1_000_000_000))),
460                 Nanosecond => (9, time.map(|t| i64::from(t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000))),
461                 Timestamp => (
462                     1,
463                     match (date, time, off) {
464                         (Some(d), Some(t), None) => Some(d.and_time(*t).timestamp()),
465                         (Some(d), Some(t), Some(&(_, off))) => {
466                             Some((d.and_time(*t) - off).timestamp())
467                         }
468                         (_, _, _) => None,
469                     },
470                 ),
472                 // for the future expansion
473                 Internal(ref int) => match int._dummy {},
474             };
476             if let Some(v) = v {
477                 if (spec == &Year || spec == &IsoYear) && !(0 <= v && v < 10_000) {
478                     // non-four-digit years require an explicit sign as per ISO 8601
479                     match *pad {
480                         Pad::None => write!(result, "{:+}", v),
481                         Pad::Zero => write!(result, "{:+01$}", v, width + 1),
482                         Pad::Space => write!(result, "{:+1$}", v, width + 1),
483                     }
484                 } else {
485                     match *pad {
486                         Pad::None => write!(result, "{}", v),
487                         Pad::Zero => write!(result, "{:01$}", v, width),
488                         Pad::Space => write!(result, "{:1$}", v, width),
489                     }
490                 }?
491             } else {
492                 return Err(fmt::Error); // insufficient arguments for given format
493             }
494         }
496         Item::Fixed(ref spec) => {
497             use self::Fixed::*;
499             /// Prints an offset from UTC in the format of `+HHMM` or `+HH:MM`.
500             /// `Z` instead of `+00[:]00` is allowed when `allow_zulu` is true.
501             fn write_local_minus_utc(
502                 result: &mut String,
503                 off: FixedOffset,
504                 allow_zulu: bool,
505                 use_colon: bool,
506             ) -> fmt::Result {
507                 let off = off.local_minus_utc();
508                 if !allow_zulu || off != 0 {
509                     let (sign, off) = if off < 0 { ('-', -off) } else { ('+', off) };
510                     if use_colon {
511                         write!(result, "{}{:02}:{:02}", sign, off / 3600, off / 60 % 60)
512                     } else {
513                         write!(result, "{}{:02}{:02}", sign, off / 3600, off / 60 % 60)
514                     }
515                 } else {
516                     result.push_str("Z");
517                     Ok(())
518                 }
519             }
521             let ret =
522                 match *spec {
523                     ShortMonthName => date.map(|d| {
524                         result.push_str(SHORT_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize]);
525                         Ok(())
526                     }),
527                     LongMonthName => date.map(|d| {
528                         result.push_str(LONG_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize]);
529                         Ok(())
530                     }),
531                     ShortWeekdayName => date.map(|d| {
532                         result
533                             .push_str(SHORT_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize]);
534                         Ok(())
535                     }),
536                     LongWeekdayName => date.map(|d| {
537                         result.push_str(LONG_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize]);
538                         Ok(())
539                     }),
540                     LowerAmPm => time.map(|t| {
541                         result.push_str(if t.hour12().0 { "pm" } else { "am" });
542                         Ok(())
543                     }),
544                     UpperAmPm => time.map(|t| {
545                         result.push_str(if t.hour12().0 { "PM" } else { "AM" });
546                         Ok(())
547                     }),
548                     Nanosecond => time.map(|t| {
549                         let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
550                         if nano == 0 {
551                             Ok(())
552                         } else if nano % 1_000_000 == 0 {
553                             write!(result, ".{:03}", nano / 1_000_000)
554                         } else if nano % 1_000 == 0 {
555                             write!(result, ".{:06}", nano / 1_000)
556                         } else {
557                             write!(result, ".{:09}", nano)
558                         }
559                     }),
560                     Nanosecond3 => time.map(|t| {
561                         let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
562                         write!(result, ".{:03}", nano / 1_000_000)
563                     }),
564                     Nanosecond6 => time.map(|t| {
565                         let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
566                         write!(result, ".{:06}", nano / 1_000)
567                     }),
568                     Nanosecond9 => time.map(|t| {
569                         let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
570                         write!(result, ".{:09}", nano)
571                     }),
572                     Internal(InternalFixed { val: InternalInternal::Nanosecond3NoDot }) => time
573                         .map(|t| {
574                             let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
575                             write!(result, "{:03}", nano / 1_000_000)
576                         }),
577                     Internal(InternalFixed { val: InternalInternal::Nanosecond6NoDot }) => time
578                         .map(|t| {
579                             let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
580                             write!(result, "{:06}", nano / 1_000)
581                         }),
582                     Internal(InternalFixed { val: InternalInternal::Nanosecond9NoDot }) => time
583                         .map(|t| {
584                             let nano = t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000;
585                             write!(result, "{:09}", nano)
586                         }),
587                     TimezoneName => off.map(|&(ref name, _)| {
588                         result.push_str(name);
589                         Ok(())
590                     }),
591                     TimezoneOffsetColon => {
592                         off.map(|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(result, off, false, true))
593                     }
594                     TimezoneOffsetColonZ => {
595                         off.map(|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(result, off, true, true))
596                     }
597                     TimezoneOffset => {
598                         off.map(|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(result, off, false, false))
599                     }
600                     TimezoneOffsetZ => {
601                         off.map(|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(result, off, true, false))
602                     }
603                     Internal(InternalFixed { val: InternalInternal::TimezoneOffsetPermissive }) => {
604                         panic!("Do not try to write %#z it is undefined")
605                     }
606                     RFC2822 =>
607                     // same as `%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z`
608                     {
609                         if let (Some(d), Some(t), Some(&(_, off))) = (date, time, off) {
610                             let sec = t.second() + t.nanosecond() / 1_000_000_000;
611                             write!(
612                                 result,
613                                 "{}, {:02} {} {:04} {:02}:{:02}:{:02} ",
614                                 SHORT_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize],
615                                 d.day(),
616                                 SHORT_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize],
617                                 d.year(),
618                                 t.hour(),
619                                 t.minute(),
620                                 sec
621                             )?;
622                             Some(write_local_minus_utc(result, off, false, false))
623                         } else {
624                             None
625                         }
626                     }
627                     RFC3339 =>
628                     // same as `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.f%:z`
629                     {
630                         if let (Some(d), Some(t), Some(&(_, off))) = (date, time, off) {
631                             // reuse `Debug` impls which already print ISO 8601 format.
632                             // this is faster in this way.
633                             write!(result, "{:?}T{:?}", d, t)?;
634                             Some(write_local_minus_utc(result, off, false, true))
635                         } else {
636                             None
637                         }
638                     }
639                 };
641             match ret {
642                 Some(ret) => ret?,
643                 None => return Err(fmt::Error), // insufficient arguments for given format
644             }
645         }
647         Item::Error => return Err(fmt::Error),
648     }
649     Ok(())
650 }
652 /// Tries to format given arguments with given formatting items.
653 /// Internally used by `DelayedFormat`.
654 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
format<'a, I, B>( w: &mut fmt::Formatter, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Option<&NaiveTime>, off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>, items: I, ) -> fmt::Result where I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone, B: Borrow<Item<'a>>,655 pub fn format<'a, I, B>(
656     w: &mut fmt::Formatter,
657     date: Option<&NaiveDate>,
658     time: Option<&NaiveTime>,
659     off: Option<&(String, FixedOffset)>,
660     items: I,
661 ) -> fmt::Result
662 where
663     I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone,
664     B: Borrow<Item<'a>>,
665 {
666     let mut result = String::new();
667     for item in items {
668         format_inner(&mut result, date, time, off, item.borrow())?;
669     }
670     w.pad(&result)
671 }
673 mod parsed;
675 // due to the size of parsing routines, they are in separate modules.
676 mod parse;
677 mod scan;
679 pub mod strftime;
681 /// A *temporary* object which can be used as an argument to `format!` or others.
682 /// This is normally constructed via `format` methods of each date and time type.
683 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
684 #[derive(Debug)]
685 pub struct DelayedFormat<I> {
686     /// The date view, if any.
687     date: Option<NaiveDate>,
688     /// The time view, if any.
689     time: Option<NaiveTime>,
690     /// The name and local-to-UTC difference for the offset (timezone), if any.
691     off: Option<(String, FixedOffset)>,
692     /// An iterator returning formatting items.
693     items: I,
694 }
696 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
697 impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone, B: Borrow<Item<'a>>> DelayedFormat<I> {
698     /// Makes a new `DelayedFormat` value out of local date and time.
new(date: Option<NaiveDate>, time: Option<NaiveTime>, items: I) -> DelayedFormat<I>699     pub fn new(date: Option<NaiveDate>, time: Option<NaiveTime>, items: I) -> DelayedFormat<I> {
700         DelayedFormat { date: date, time: time, off: None, items: items }
701     }
703     /// Makes a new `DelayedFormat` value out of local date and time and UTC offset.
new_with_offset<Off>( date: Option<NaiveDate>, time: Option<NaiveTime>, offset: &Off, items: I, ) -> DelayedFormat<I> where Off: Offset + fmt::Display,704     pub fn new_with_offset<Off>(
705         date: Option<NaiveDate>,
706         time: Option<NaiveTime>,
707         offset: &Off,
708         items: I,
709     ) -> DelayedFormat<I>
710     where
711         Off: Offset + fmt::Display,
712     {
713         let name_and_diff = (offset.to_string(), offset.fix());
714         DelayedFormat { date: date, time: time, off: Some(name_and_diff), items: items }
715     }
716 }
718 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
719 impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item = B> + Clone, B: Borrow<Item<'a>>> fmt::Display for DelayedFormat<I> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result720     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
721         format(f, self.date.as_ref(), self.time.as_ref(), self.off.as_ref(), self.items.clone())
722     }
723 }
725 // this implementation is here only because we need some private code from `scan`
727 /// Parsing a `str` into a `Weekday` uses the format [`%W`](./format/strftime/index.html).
728 ///
729 /// # Example
730 ///
731 /// ~~~~
732 /// use chrono::Weekday;
733 ///
734 /// assert_eq!("Sunday".parse::<Weekday>(), Ok(Weekday::Sun));
735 /// assert!("any day".parse::<Weekday>().is_err());
736 /// ~~~~
737 ///
738 /// The parsing is case-insensitive.
739 ///
740 /// ~~~~
741 /// # use chrono::Weekday;
742 /// assert_eq!("mON".parse::<Weekday>(), Ok(Weekday::Mon));
743 /// ~~~~
744 ///
745 /// Only the shortest form (e.g. `sun`) and the longest form (e.g. `sunday`) is accepted.
746 ///
747 /// ~~~~
748 /// # use chrono::Weekday;
749 /// assert!("thurs".parse::<Weekday>().is_err());
750 /// ~~~~
751 impl FromStr for Weekday {
752     type Err = ParseWeekdayError;
from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>754     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
755         if let Ok(("", w)) = scan::short_or_long_weekday(s) {
756             Ok(w)
757         } else {
758             Err(ParseWeekdayError { _dummy: () })
759         }
760     }
761 }