1 // Copyright 2013 The rust-url developers.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7 // except according to those terms.
9 //! Punycode ([RFC 3492](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492)) implementation.
10 //!
11 //! Since Punycode fundamentally works on unicode code points,
12 //! `encode` and `decode` take and return slices and vectors of `char`.
13 //! `encode_str` and `decode_to_string` provide convenience wrappers
14 //! that convert from and to Rust’s UTF-8 based `str` and `String` types.
16 use std::u32;
17 use std::char;
18 #[allow(unused_imports, deprecated)]
19 use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
21 // Bootstring parameters for Punycode
22 static BASE: u32 = 36;
23 static T_MIN: u32 = 1;
24 static T_MAX: u32 = 26;
25 static SKEW: u32 = 38;
26 static DAMP: u32 = 700;
27 static INITIAL_BIAS: u32 = 72;
28 static INITIAL_N: u32 = 0x80;
29 static DELIMITER: char = '-';
32 #[inline]
adapt(mut delta: u32, num_points: u32, first_time: bool) -> u3233 fn adapt(mut delta: u32, num_points: u32, first_time: bool) -> u32 {
34     delta /= if first_time { DAMP } else { 2 };
35     delta += delta / num_points;
36     let mut k = 0;
37     while delta > ((BASE - T_MIN) * T_MAX) / 2 {
38         delta /= BASE - T_MIN;
39         k += BASE;
40     }
41     k + (((BASE - T_MIN + 1) * delta) / (delta + SKEW))
42 }
45 /// Convert Punycode to an Unicode `String`.
46 ///
47 /// This is a convenience wrapper around `decode`.
48 #[inline]
decode_to_string(input: &str) -> Option<String>49 pub fn decode_to_string(input: &str) -> Option<String> {
50     decode(input).map(|chars| chars.into_iter().collect())
51 }
54 /// Convert Punycode to Unicode.
55 ///
56 /// Return None on malformed input or overflow.
57 /// Overflow can only happen on inputs that take more than
58 /// 63 encoded bytes, the DNS limit on domain name labels.
decode(input: &str) -> Option<Vec<char>>59 pub fn decode(input: &str) -> Option<Vec<char>> {
60     // Handle "basic" (ASCII) code points.
61     // They are encoded as-is before the last delimiter, if any.
62     let (mut output, input) = match input.rfind(DELIMITER) {
63         None => (Vec::new(), input),
64         Some(position) => (
65             input[..position].chars().collect(),
66             if position > 0 { &input[position + 1..] } else { input }
67         )
68     };
69     let mut code_point = INITIAL_N;
70     let mut bias = INITIAL_BIAS;
71     let mut i = 0;
72     let mut iter = input.bytes();
73     loop {
74         let previous_i = i;
75         let mut weight = 1;
76         let mut k = BASE;
77         let mut byte = match iter.next() {
78             None => break,
79             Some(byte) => byte,
80         };
81         // Decode a generalized variable-length integer into delta,
82         // which gets added to i.
83         loop {
84             let digit = match byte {
85                 byte @ b'0' ... b'9' => byte - b'0' + 26,
86                 byte @ b'A' ... b'Z' => byte - b'A',
87                 byte @ b'a' ... b'z' => byte - b'a',
88                 _ => return None
89             } as u32;
90             if digit > (u32::MAX - i) / weight {
91                 return None  // Overflow
92             }
93             i += digit * weight;
94             let t = if k <= bias { T_MIN }
95                     else if k >= bias + T_MAX { T_MAX }
96                     else { k - bias };
97             if digit < t {
98                 break
99             }
100             if weight > u32::MAX / (BASE - t) {
101                 return None  // Overflow
102             }
103             weight *= BASE - t;
104             k += BASE;
105             byte = match iter.next() {
106                 None => return None,  // End of input before the end of this delta
107                 Some(byte) => byte,
108             };
109         }
110         let length = output.len() as u32;
111         bias = adapt(i - previous_i, length + 1, previous_i == 0);
112         if i / (length + 1) > u32::MAX - code_point {
113             return None  // Overflow
114         }
115         // i was supposed to wrap around from length+1 to 0,
116         // incrementing code_point each time.
117         code_point += i / (length + 1);
118         i %= length + 1;
119         let c = match char::from_u32(code_point) {
120             Some(c) => c,
121             None => return None
122         };
123         output.insert(i as usize, c);
124         i += 1;
125     }
126     Some(output)
127 }
130 /// Convert an Unicode `str` to Punycode.
131 ///
132 /// This is a convenience wrapper around `encode`.
133 #[inline]
encode_str(input: &str) -> Option<String>134 pub fn encode_str(input: &str) -> Option<String> {
135     encode(&input.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>())
136 }
139 /// Convert Unicode to Punycode.
140 ///
141 /// Return None on overflow, which can only happen on inputs that would take more than
142 /// 63 encoded bytes, the DNS limit on domain name labels.
encode(input: &[char]) -> Option<String>143 pub fn encode(input: &[char]) -> Option<String> {
144     // Handle "basic" (ASCII) code points. They are encoded as-is.
145     let output_bytes = input.iter().filter_map(|&c|
146         if c.is_ascii() { Some(c as u8) } else { None }
147     ).collect();
148     let mut output = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output_bytes) };
149     let basic_length = output.len() as u32;
150     if basic_length > 0 {
151         output.push_str("-")
152     }
153     let mut code_point = INITIAL_N;
154     let mut delta = 0;
155     let mut bias = INITIAL_BIAS;
156     let mut processed = basic_length;
157     let input_length = input.len() as u32;
158     while processed < input_length {
159         // All code points < code_point have been handled already.
160         // Find the next larger one.
161         let min_code_point = input.iter().map(|&c| c as u32)
162                                   .filter(|&c| c >= code_point).min().unwrap();
163         if min_code_point - code_point > (u32::MAX - delta) / (processed + 1) {
164             return None  // Overflow
165         }
166         // Increase delta to advance the decoder’s <code_point,i> state to <min_code_point,0>
167         delta += (min_code_point - code_point) * (processed + 1);
168         code_point = min_code_point;
169         for &c in input {
170             let c = c as u32;
171             if c < code_point {
172                 delta += 1;
173                 if delta == 0 {
174                     return None  // Overflow
175                 }
176             }
177             if c == code_point {
178                 // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer:
179                 let mut q = delta;
180                 let mut k = BASE;
181                 loop {
182                     let t = if k <= bias { T_MIN }
183                             else if k >= bias + T_MAX { T_MAX }
184                             else { k - bias };
185                     if q < t {
186                         break
187                     }
188                     let value = t + ((q - t) % (BASE - t));
189                     output.push(value_to_digit(value));
190                     q = (q - t) / (BASE - t);
191                     k += BASE;
192                 }
193                 output.push(value_to_digit(q));
194                 bias = adapt(delta, processed + 1, processed == basic_length);
195                 delta = 0;
196                 processed += 1;
197             }
198         }
199         delta += 1;
200         code_point += 1;
201     }
202     Some(output)
203 }
206 #[inline]
value_to_digit(value: u32) -> char207 fn value_to_digit(value: u32) -> char {
208     match value {
209         0 ... 25 => (value as u8 + 'a' as u8) as char,  // a..z
210         26 ... 35 => (value as u8 - 26 + '0' as u8) as char,  // 0..9
211         _ => panic!()
212     }
213 }