1 use futures::{future, StreamExt};
2 use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
3 use std::{
4     io::{Read, Write},
5     net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream as StdTcpStream},
6     sync::Mutex,
7 };
8 use tokio::{
9     io::{copy, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt},
10     net::TcpListener,
11     runtime::Runtime,
12 };
13 use tokio_socks::{
14     tcp::{Socks5Listener, Socks5Stream},
15     Result,
16 };
18 pub const PROXY_ADDR: &'static str = "";
19 pub const ECHO_SERVER_ADDR: &'static str = "localhost:10007";
20 pub const MSG: &[u8] = b"hello";
echo_server() -> Result<()>22 pub async fn echo_server() -> Result<()> {
23     let mut listener = TcpListener::bind(&SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], 10007))).await?;
24     listener
25         .incoming()
26         .for_each(|tcp_stream| {
27             if let Ok(mut stream) = tcp_stream {
28                 tokio::spawn(async move {
29                     let (mut reader, mut writer) = stream.split();
30                     copy(&mut reader, &mut writer).await.unwrap();
31                 });
32             }
34             future::ready(())
35         })
36         .await;
37     Ok(())
38 }
reply_response(mut socket: Socks5Stream) -> Result<[u8; 5]>40 pub async fn reply_response(mut socket: Socks5Stream) -> Result<[u8; 5]> {
41     socket.write_all(MSG).await?;
42     let mut buf = [0; 5];
43     socket.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
44     Ok(buf)
45 }
test_connect(socket: Socks5Stream) -> Result<()>47 pub async fn test_connect(socket: Socks5Stream) -> Result<()> {
48     let res = reply_response(socket).await?;
49     assert_eq!(&res[..], MSG);
50     Ok(())
51 }
test_bind(listener: Socks5Listener) -> Result<()>53 pub fn test_bind(listener: Socks5Listener) -> Result<()> {
54     let bind_addr = listener.bind_addr().to_owned();
55     runtime().lock().unwrap().spawn(async move {
56         let mut stream = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
57         let (mut reader, mut writer) = stream.split();
58         copy(&mut reader, &mut writer).await.unwrap();
59     });
61     let mut tcp = StdTcpStream::connect(bind_addr)?;
62     tcp.write_all(MSG)?;
63     let mut buf = [0; 5];
64     tcp.read_exact(&mut buf[..])?;
65     assert_eq!(&buf[..], MSG);
66     Ok(())
67 }
runtime() -> &'static Mutex<Runtime>69 pub fn runtime() -> &'static Mutex<Runtime> {
70     static RUNTIME: OnceCell<Mutex<Runtime>> = OnceCell::new();
71     RUNTIME.get_or_init(|| {
72         let runtime = Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create runtime");
73         runtime.spawn(async { echo_server().await.expect("Unable to bind") });
74         Mutex::new(runtime)
75     })
76 }