1 /*
2   Copyright (c) 2006-2019 by Jakob Schröter <js@camaya.net>
3   This file is part of the gloox library. http://camaya.net/gloox
5   This software is distributed under a license. The full license
6   agreement can be found in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
7   This software may not be copied, modified, sold or distributed
8   other than expressed in the named license agreement.
10   This software is distributed without any warranty.
11 */
18 #include "gloox.h"
19 #include "presence.h"
20 #include "disco.h"
22 #include <string>
24 namespace gloox
25 {
27   class JID;
28   class MUCRoom;
29   class Message;
30   class DataForm;
32   /**
33    * Describes a participant in a MUC room.
34    */
35   struct MUCRoomParticipant
36   {
37     JID* nick;                      /**< Pointer to a JID holding the participant's full JID
38                                      * in the form @c room\@service/nick. <br>
39                                      * @note The MUC server @b may change the chosen nickname.
40                                      * If the @b self member of this struct is true, one should
41                                      * check the resource of this member if the actual nickname
42                                      * is important. */
43     MUCRoomAffiliation affiliation; /**< The participant's affiliation with the room. */
44     MUCRoomRole role;               /**< The participant's role with the room. */
45     JID* jid;                       /**< Pointer to the occupant's full JID in a non-anonymous room or
46                                      * in a semi-anonymous room if the user (of gloox) has a role of
47                                      * moderator.
48                                      * 0 if the MUC service doesn't provide the JID. */
49     int flags;                      /**< ORed MUCUserFlag values. Indicate conditions like: user has
50                                      * been kicked or banned from the room. Also may indicate that
51                                      * this struct refers to this instance's user.
52                                      * (MUC servers send presence to all room occupants, including
53                                      * the originator of the presence.) */
54     std::string reason;             /**< If the presence change is the result of an action where the
55                                      * actor can provide a reason for the action, this reason is stored
56                                      * here. Examples: Kicking, banning, leaving the room. */
57     JID* actor;                     /**< If the presence change is the result of an action of a room
58                                      * member, a pointer to the actor's JID is stored here, if the
59                                      * actor chose to disclose his or her identity. Examples: Kicking
60                                      * and banning.
61                                      * 0 if the identity is not disclosed. */
62     std::string newNick;            /**< In case of a nickname change, this holds the new nick, while the
63                                      * nick member holds the old room nick (in JID form). @c newNick is only
64                                      * set if @c flags contains @b UserNickChanged. If @c flags contains
65                                      * @b UserSelf as well, a foregoing nick change request (using
66                                      * MUCRoom::setNick()) can be considered acknowledged. In any case
67                                      * the user's presence sent with the nick change acknowledgement
68                                      * is of type @c unavailable. Another presence of type @c available
69                                      * (or whatever the user's presence was at the time of the nick change
70                                      * request) will follow (not necessarily immediately) coming from the
71                                      * user's new nickname. Empty if there is no nick change in progress. */
72     std::string status;             /**< If the presence packet contained a status message, it is stored
73                                      * here. */
74     JID* alternate;                 /**< If @c flags contains UserRoomDestroyed, and if the user who
75                                      * destroyed the room specified an alternate room, this member holds
76                                      * a pointer to the alternate room's JID, else it is 0. */
77   };
79   /**
80    * @brief This interface enables inheriting classes to be notified about certain events in a MUC room.
81    *
82    * See MUCRoom for examples how to use this interface.
83    *
84    * @note This interface does not notify about room configuration related events. Use
85    * MUCRoomConfigHandler for that puprose.
86    *
87    * @author Jakob Schröter <js@camaya.net>
88    * @since 0.9
89    */
90   class GLOOX_API MUCRoomHandler
91   {
92     public:
93       /**
94        * Virtual Destructor.
95        */
~MUCRoomHandler()96       virtual ~MUCRoomHandler() {}
98       /**
99        * This function is called whenever a room occupant enters the room, changes presence
100        * inside the room, or leaves the room.
101        * @note The MUCRoomParticipant struct, including pointers to JIDs, will be cleaned up after
102        * this function returned.
103        * @param room The room.
104        * @param participant A struct describing the occupant's status and/or action.
105        * @param presence The occupant's full presence.
106        */
107       virtual void handleMUCParticipantPresence( MUCRoom* room, const MUCRoomParticipant participant,
108           const Presence& presence ) = 0;
110       /**
111        * This function is called when a message arrives through the room.
112        * @note This may be a private message! If the message is private, and you want to answer
113        * it privately, you should create a new MessageSession to the user's full room nick and use
114        * that for any further private communication with the user.
115        * @param room The room the message came from.
116        * @param msg The entire Message.
117        * @param priv Indicates whether this is a private message.
118        * @note The sender's nick name can be obtained with this call:
119        * @code
120        * const std::string nick = msg.from().resource();
121        * @endcode
122        * @note The message may contain an extension of type DelayedDelivery describing the
123        * date/time when the message was originally sent. The presence of such an extension
124        * usually indicates that the message is sent as part of the room history. This extension
125        * can be obtained with this call:
126        * @code
127        * const DelayedDelivery* dd = msg.when(); // may be 0 if no such extension exists
128        * @endcode
129        */
130       virtual void handleMUCMessage( MUCRoom* room, const Message& msg, bool priv ) = 0;
132       /**
133        * This function is called if the room that was just joined didn't exist prior to the attempted
134        * join. Therfore the room was created by MUC service. To accept the default configuration of
135        * the room assigned by the MUC service, return @b true from this function. The room will be opened
136        * by the MUC service and available for other users to join. If you don't want to accept the default
137        * room configuration, return @b false from this function. The room will stay locked until it is
138        * either fully configured, created as an instant room, or creation is canceled.
139        *
140        * If you returned false from this function you should use one of the following options:
141        * @li use MUCRoom::cancelRoomCreation() to abort creation and delete the room,
142        * @li use MUCRoom::acknowledgeInstantRoom() to accept the room's default configuration, or
143        * @li use MUCRoom::requestRoomConfig() to request the room's configuration form.
144        *
145        * @param room The room.
146        * @return @b True to accept the default room configuration, @b false to keep the room locked
147        * until configured manually by the room owner.
148        */
149       virtual bool handleMUCRoomCreation( MUCRoom* room ) = 0;
151       /**
152        * This function is called when the room subject has been changed.
153        * @param room The room.
154        * @param nick The nick of the occupant that changed the room subject.
155        * @note With some MUC services the nick may be empty when a room is first entered.
156        * @param subject The new room subject.
157        */
158       virtual void handleMUCSubject( MUCRoom* room, const std::string& nick,
159                                      const std::string& subject ) = 0;
161       /**
162        * This function is called when the user invited somebody (e.g., by using MUCRoom::invite())
163        * to the room, but the invitation was declined by that person.
164        * @param room The room.
165        * @param invitee The JID if the person that declined the invitation.
166        * @param reason An optional  reason for declining the invitation.
167        */
168       virtual void handleMUCInviteDecline( MUCRoom* room, const JID& invitee,
169                                            const std::string& reason ) = 0;
171       /**
172        * This function is called when an error occurs in the room or when entering the room.
173        * @note The following error conditions are specified for MUC:
174        * @li @b Not @b Authorized: Password required.
175        * @li @b Forbidden: Access denied, user is banned.
176        * @li @b Item @b Not @b Found: The room does not exist.
177        * @li @b Not @b Allowed: Room creation is restricted.
178        * @li @b Not @b Acceptable: Room nicks are locked down.
179        * @li @b Registration @b Required: User is not on the member list.
180        * @li @b Conflict: Desired room nickname is in use or registered by another user.
181        * @li @b Service @b Unavailable: Maximum number of users has been reached.
182        *
183        * Other errors might appear, depending on the service implementation.
184        * @param room The room.
185        * @param error The error.
186        */
187       virtual void handleMUCError( MUCRoom* room, StanzaError error ) = 0;
189       /**
190        * This function usually (see below) is called in response to a call to MUCRoom::getRoomInfo().
191        * @param room The room.
192        * @param features ORed MUCRoomFlag's.
193        * @param name The room's name as returned by Service Discovery.
194        * @param infoForm A DataForm containing extended room information. May be 0 if the service
195        * doesn't support extended room information. See Section 15.5 of @xep{0045} for defined
196        * field types. You should not delete the form.
197        *
198        * @note This function may be called without a prior call to MUCRoom::getRoomInfo(). This
199        * happens if the room config is changed, e.g. by a room admin.
200        */
201       virtual void handleMUCInfo( MUCRoom* room, int features, const std::string& name,
202                                   const DataForm* infoForm ) = 0;
204       /**
205        * This function is called in response to a call to MUCRoom::getRoomItems().
206        * @param room The room.
207        * @param items A map of room participants. The key is the name, the value is the occupant's
208        * room JID. The map may be empty if such info is private.
209        */
210       virtual void handleMUCItems( MUCRoom* room, const Disco::ItemList& items ) = 0;
212   };
214 }
216 #endif// MUCROOMHANDLER_H__