1 /*
2 	Kopete Oscar Protocol
3 	servicesetuptask.cpp - Set up the services for the BOS connection
5 	Copyright (c) 2004 Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org>
7 	Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>
9 	*************************************************************************
10 	*                                                                       *
11 	* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
12 	* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
13 	* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
14 	* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
15 	*                                                                       *
16 	*************************************************************************
17 */
18 #include "servicesetuptask.h"
20 #include <kdebug.h>
21 #include "blmlimitstask.h"
22 #include "connection.h"
23 #include "clientreadytask.h"
24 #include "icbmparamstask.h"
25 #include "locationrightstask.h"
26 #include "ownuserinfotask.h"
27 #include "prmparamstask.h"
28 #include "profiletask.h"
29 #include "senddcinfotask.h"
30 #include "sendidletimetask.h"
31 #include "ssiactivatetask.h"
32 #include "ssilisttask.h"
33 #include "contactmanager.h"
34 #include "ssiparamstask.h"
35 #include "transfer.h"
36 #include <QList>
ServiceSetupTask(Task * parent)38 ServiceSetupTask::ServiceSetupTask( Task* parent )
39 	: Task( parent )
40 {
41 	m_finishedTaskCount = 0;
42 	m_locRightsTask = new LocationRightsTask( parent );
43 	m_profileTask = new ProfileTask( parent );
44 	m_blmLimitsTask = new BLMLimitsTask( parent );
45 	m_icbmTask = new ICBMParamsTask( parent );
46 	m_prmTask = new PRMParamsTask( parent );
47 	m_ssiParamTask = new SSIParamsTask( parent );
48 	m_ssiListTask = new SSIListTask( parent );
49 	m_ssiActivateTask = new SSIActivateTask( parent );
51 	m_profileTask->setCapabilities( true );
53 	QObject::connect( m_ssiListTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
54 	QObject::connect( m_ssiParamTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
55 	QObject::connect( m_prmTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
56 	QObject::connect( m_icbmTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
57 	QObject::connect( m_blmLimitsTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
58 	QObject::connect( m_profileTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
59 	QObject::connect( m_locRightsTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
60 	QObject::connect( m_ssiActivateTask, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(childTaskFinished()) );
61 }
~ServiceSetupTask()63 ServiceSetupTask::~ServiceSetupTask()
64 {
65 	delete m_locRightsTask;
66 	delete m_profileTask;
67 	delete m_blmLimitsTask;
68 	delete m_icbmTask;
69 	//delete m_prmTask;
70 	//delete m_ssiParamTask;
71 	delete m_ssiListTask;
72 }
forMe(const Transfer * transfer) const74 bool ServiceSetupTask::forMe( const Transfer* transfer ) const
75 {
76 	Q_UNUSED( transfer );
77 	return false;
78 }
take(Transfer * transfer)80 bool ServiceSetupTask::take( Transfer* transfer )
81 {
82 	Q_UNUSED( transfer );
83 	return false;
84 }
childTaskFinished()86 void ServiceSetupTask::childTaskFinished()
87 {
88 	m_finishedTaskCount++;
90 // 	kDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << "Finished count is " << m_finishedTaskCount;
92 	if ( m_finishedTaskCount == 7 )
93 	{
94 		if ( client()->ssiManager()->listComplete() )
95 			m_ssiActivateTask->go( Task::AutoDelete );
97 		kDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << "Sending DC info and client ready";
98 		SendIdleTimeTask* sitt = new SendIdleTimeTask( client()->rootTask() );
99 		QList<int> familyList;
100 		familyList.append( 0x0001 );
101 		familyList.append( 0x0002 );
102 		familyList.append( 0x0003 );
103 		familyList.append( 0x0004 );
104 		familyList.append( 0x0006 );
105 		familyList.append( 0x0008 );
106 		familyList.append( 0x0009 );
107 		familyList.append( 0x000A );
108 		familyList.append( 0x0013 );
109 		ClientReadyTask* crt = new ClientReadyTask( client()->rootTask() );
110 		crt->setFamilies( familyList );
111 		sitt->go( Task::AutoDelete );
112 		crt->go( Task::AutoDelete ); //autodelete
113 	}
115 	if ( m_finishedTaskCount == 8 )
116 	{
117 		kDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << "Service setup finished";
118 		setSuccess( 0, QString() );
119 	}
120 }
onGo()122 void ServiceSetupTask::onGo()
123 {
124 	m_locRightsTask->go();
125 	m_profileTask->go();
126 	m_blmLimitsTask->go();
127 	m_icbmTask->go();
128 	m_prmTask->go( Task::AutoDelete );
129 	m_ssiParamTask->go( Task::AutoDelete );
130 	m_ssiListTask->go();
131 }