1 //! PE/COFF definitions.
2 //!
3 //! These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement
4 //! some traits useful for those.
5 //!
6 //! This module is based heavily on "winnt.h" (10.0.17763.0).
8 #![allow(missing_docs)]
10 use crate::endian::{LittleEndian as LE, U16Bytes, U32Bytes, I32, U16, U32, U64};
11 use crate::pod::Pod;
13 /// MZ
14 pub const IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x5A4D;
15 /// NE
16 pub const IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x454E;
17 /// LE
18 pub const IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE: u16 = 0x454C;
19 /// LE
20 pub const IMAGE_VXD_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x454C;
21 /// PE00
22 pub const IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE: u32 = 0x0000_4550;
24 /// DOS .EXE header
25 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
26 #[repr(C)]
27 pub struct ImageDosHeader {
28     /// Magic number
29     pub e_magic: U16<LE>,
30     /// Bytes on last page of file
31     pub e_cblp: U16<LE>,
32     /// Pages in file
33     pub e_cp: U16<LE>,
34     /// Relocations
35     pub e_crlc: U16<LE>,
36     /// Size of header in paragraphs
37     pub e_cparhdr: U16<LE>,
38     /// Minimum extra paragraphs needed
39     pub e_minalloc: U16<LE>,
40     /// Maximum extra paragraphs needed
41     pub e_maxalloc: U16<LE>,
42     /// Initial (relative) SS value
43     pub e_ss: U16<LE>,
44     /// Initial SP value
45     pub e_sp: U16<LE>,
46     /// Checksum
47     pub e_csum: U16<LE>,
48     /// Initial IP value
49     pub e_ip: U16<LE>,
50     /// Initial (relative) CS value
51     pub e_cs: U16<LE>,
52     /// File address of relocation table
53     pub e_lfarlc: U16<LE>,
54     /// Overlay number
55     pub e_ovno: U16<LE>,
56     /// Reserved words
57     pub e_res: [U16<LE>; 4],
58     /// OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
59     pub e_oemid: U16<LE>,
60     /// OEM information; e_oemid specific
61     pub e_oeminfo: U16<LE>,
62     /// Reserved words
63     pub e_res2: [U16<LE>; 10],
64     /// File address of new exe header
65     pub e_lfanew: U32<LE>,
66 }
68 /// OS/2 .EXE header
69 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
70 #[repr(C)]
71 pub struct ImageOs2Header {
72     /// Magic number
73     pub ne_magic: U16<LE>,
74     /// Version number
75     pub ne_ver: i8,
76     /// Revision number
77     pub ne_rev: i8,
78     /// Offset of Entry Table
79     pub ne_enttab: U16<LE>,
80     /// Number of bytes in Entry Table
81     pub ne_cbenttab: U16<LE>,
82     /// Checksum of whole file
83     pub ne_crc: I32<LE>,
84     /// Flag word
85     pub ne_flags: U16<LE>,
86     /// Automatic data segment number
87     pub ne_autodata: U16<LE>,
88     /// Initial heap allocation
89     pub ne_heap: U16<LE>,
90     /// Initial stack allocation
91     pub ne_stack: U16<LE>,
92     /// Initial CS:IP setting
93     pub ne_csip: I32<LE>,
94     /// Initial SS:SP setting
95     pub ne_sssp: I32<LE>,
96     /// Count of file segments
97     pub ne_cseg: U16<LE>,
98     /// Entries in Module Reference Table
99     pub ne_cmod: U16<LE>,
100     /// Size of non-resident name table
101     pub ne_cbnrestab: U16<LE>,
102     /// Offset of Segment Table
103     pub ne_segtab: U16<LE>,
104     /// Offset of Resource Table
105     pub ne_rsrctab: U16<LE>,
106     /// Offset of resident name table
107     pub ne_restab: U16<LE>,
108     /// Offset of Module Reference Table
109     pub ne_modtab: U16<LE>,
110     /// Offset of Imported Names Table
111     pub ne_imptab: U16<LE>,
112     /// Offset of Non-resident Names Table
113     pub ne_nrestab: I32<LE>,
114     /// Count of movable entries
115     pub ne_cmovent: U16<LE>,
116     /// Segment alignment shift count
117     pub ne_align: U16<LE>,
118     /// Count of resource segments
119     pub ne_cres: U16<LE>,
120     /// Target Operating system
121     pub ne_exetyp: u8,
122     /// Other .EXE flags
123     pub ne_flagsothers: u8,
124     /// offset to return thunks
125     pub ne_pretthunks: U16<LE>,
126     /// offset to segment ref. bytes
127     pub ne_psegrefbytes: U16<LE>,
128     /// Minimum code swap area size
129     pub ne_swaparea: U16<LE>,
130     /// Expected Windows version number
131     pub ne_expver: U16<LE>,
132 }
134 /// Windows VXD header
135 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
136 #[repr(C)]
137 pub struct ImageVxdHeader {
138     /// Magic number
139     pub e32_magic: U16<LE>,
140     /// The byte ordering for the VXD
141     pub e32_border: u8,
142     /// The word ordering for the VXD
143     pub e32_worder: u8,
144     /// The EXE format level for now = 0
145     pub e32_level: U32<LE>,
146     /// The CPU type
147     pub e32_cpu: U16<LE>,
148     /// The OS type
149     pub e32_os: U16<LE>,
150     /// Module version
151     pub e32_ver: U32<LE>,
152     /// Module flags
153     pub e32_mflags: U32<LE>,
154     /// Module # pages
155     pub e32_mpages: U32<LE>,
156     /// Object # for instruction pointer
157     pub e32_startobj: U32<LE>,
158     /// Extended instruction pointer
159     pub e32_eip: U32<LE>,
160     /// Object # for stack pointer
161     pub e32_stackobj: U32<LE>,
162     /// Extended stack pointer
163     pub e32_esp: U32<LE>,
164     /// VXD page size
165     pub e32_pagesize: U32<LE>,
166     /// Last page size in VXD
167     pub e32_lastpagesize: U32<LE>,
168     /// Fixup section size
169     pub e32_fixupsize: U32<LE>,
170     /// Fixup section checksum
171     pub e32_fixupsum: U32<LE>,
172     /// Loader section size
173     pub e32_ldrsize: U32<LE>,
174     /// Loader section checksum
175     pub e32_ldrsum: U32<LE>,
176     /// Object table offset
177     pub e32_objtab: U32<LE>,
178     /// Number of objects in module
179     pub e32_objcnt: U32<LE>,
180     /// Object page map offset
181     pub e32_objmap: U32<LE>,
182     /// Object iterated data map offset
183     pub e32_itermap: U32<LE>,
184     /// Offset of Resource Table
185     pub e32_rsrctab: U32<LE>,
186     /// Number of resource entries
187     pub e32_rsrccnt: U32<LE>,
188     /// Offset of resident name table
189     pub e32_restab: U32<LE>,
190     /// Offset of Entry Table
191     pub e32_enttab: U32<LE>,
192     /// Offset of Module Directive Table
193     pub e32_dirtab: U32<LE>,
194     /// Number of module directives
195     pub e32_dircnt: U32<LE>,
196     /// Offset of Fixup Page Table
197     pub e32_fpagetab: U32<LE>,
198     /// Offset of Fixup Record Table
199     pub e32_frectab: U32<LE>,
200     /// Offset of Import Module Name Table
201     pub e32_impmod: U32<LE>,
202     /// Number of entries in Import Module Name Table
203     pub e32_impmodcnt: U32<LE>,
204     /// Offset of Import Procedure Name Table
205     pub e32_impproc: U32<LE>,
206     /// Offset of Per-Page Checksum Table
207     pub e32_pagesum: U32<LE>,
208     /// Offset of Enumerated Data Pages
209     pub e32_datapage: U32<LE>,
210     /// Number of preload pages
211     pub e32_preload: U32<LE>,
212     /// Offset of Non-resident Names Table
213     pub e32_nrestab: U32<LE>,
214     /// Size of Non-resident Name Table
215     pub e32_cbnrestab: U32<LE>,
216     /// Non-resident Name Table Checksum
217     pub e32_nressum: U32<LE>,
218     /// Object # for automatic data object
219     pub e32_autodata: U32<LE>,
220     /// Offset of the debugging information
221     pub e32_debuginfo: U32<LE>,
222     /// The length of the debugging info. in bytes
223     pub e32_debuglen: U32<LE>,
224     /// Number of instance pages in preload section of VXD file
225     pub e32_instpreload: U32<LE>,
226     /// Number of instance pages in demand load section of VXD file
227     pub e32_instdemand: U32<LE>,
228     /// Size of heap - for 16-bit apps
229     pub e32_heapsize: U32<LE>,
230     /// Reserved words
231     pub e32_res3: [u8; 12],
232     pub e32_winresoff: U32<LE>,
233     pub e32_winreslen: U32<LE>,
234     /// Device ID for VxD
235     pub e32_devid: U16<LE>,
236     /// DDK version for VxD
237     pub e32_ddkver: U16<LE>,
238 }
240 //
241 // File header format.
242 //
244 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
245 #[repr(C)]
246 pub struct ImageFileHeader {
247     pub machine: U16<LE>,
248     pub number_of_sections: U16<LE>,
249     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
250     pub pointer_to_symbol_table: U32<LE>,
251     pub number_of_symbols: U32<LE>,
252     pub size_of_optional_header: U16<LE>,
253     pub characteristics: U16<LE>,
254 }
256 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER: usize = 20;
258 /// Relocation info stripped from file.
259 pub const IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0001;
260 /// File is executable  (i.e. no unresolved external references).
261 pub const IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE: u16 = 0x0002;
262 /// Line nunbers stripped from file.
263 pub const IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0004;
264 /// Local symbols stripped from file.
265 pub const IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0008;
266 /// Aggressively trim working set
267 pub const IMAGE_FILE_AGGRESIVE_WS_TRIM: u16 = 0x0010;
268 /// App can handle >2gb addresses
269 pub const IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE: u16 = 0x0020;
270 /// Bytes of machine word are reversed.
271 pub const IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_LO: u16 = 0x0080;
272 /// 32 bit word machine.
273 pub const IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE: u16 = 0x0100;
274 /// Debugging info stripped from file in .DBG file
275 pub const IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0200;
276 /// If Image is on removable media, copy and run from the swap file.
277 pub const IMAGE_FILE_REMOVABLE_RUN_FROM_SWAP: u16 = 0x0400;
278 /// If Image is on Net, copy and run from the swap file.
279 pub const IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP: u16 = 0x0800;
280 /// System File.
281 pub const IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM: u16 = 0x1000;
282 /// File is a DLL.
283 pub const IMAGE_FILE_DLL: u16 = 0x2000;
284 /// File should only be run on a UP machine
285 pub const IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY: u16 = 0x4000;
286 /// Bytes of machine word are reversed.
287 pub const IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_HI: u16 = 0x8000;
289 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN: u16 = 0;
290 /// Useful for indicating we want to interact with the host and not a WoW guest.
291 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TARGET_HOST: u16 = 0x0001;
292 /// Intel 386.
293 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: u16 = 0x014c;
294 /// MIPS little-endian, 0x160 big-endian
295 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000: u16 = 0x0162;
296 /// MIPS little-endian
297 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000: u16 = 0x0166;
298 /// MIPS little-endian
299 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R10000: u16 = 0x0168;
300 /// MIPS little-endian WCE v2
301 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2: u16 = 0x0169;
302 /// Alpha_AXP
303 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA: u16 = 0x0184;
304 /// SH3 little-endian
305 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3: u16 = 0x01a2;
306 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP: u16 = 0x01a3;
307 /// SH3E little-endian
308 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3E: u16 = 0x01a4;
309 /// SH4 little-endian
310 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4: u16 = 0x01a6;
311 /// SH5
312 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5: u16 = 0x01a8;
313 /// ARM Little-Endian
314 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM: u16 = 0x01c0;
315 /// ARM Thumb/Thumb-2 Little-Endian
316 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB: u16 = 0x01c2;
317 /// ARM Thumb-2 Little-Endian
318 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT: u16 = 0x01c4;
319 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33: u16 = 0x01d3;
320 /// IBM PowerPC Little-Endian
321 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC: u16 = 0x01F0;
322 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP: u16 = 0x01f1;
323 /// Intel 64
324 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: u16 = 0x0200;
325 /// MIPS
326 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16: u16 = 0x0266;
327 /// ALPHA64
328 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA64: u16 = 0x0284;
329 /// MIPS
330 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU: u16 = 0x0366;
331 /// MIPS
332 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16: u16 = 0x0466;
334 /// Infineon
335 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TRICORE: u16 = 0x0520;
336 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEF: u16 = 0x0CEF;
337 /// EFI Byte Code
338 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC: u16 = 0x0EBC;
339 /// AMD64 (K8)
340 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: u16 = 0x8664;
341 /// M32R little-endian
342 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R: u16 = 0x9041;
343 /// ARM64 Little-Endian
344 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64: u16 = 0xAA64;
345 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEE: u16 = 0xC0EE;
347 //
348 // Directory format.
349 //
351 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
352 #[repr(C)]
353 pub struct ImageDataDirectory {
354     pub virtual_address: U32<LE>,
355     pub size: U32<LE>,
356 }
358 pub const IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES: usize = 16;
360 //
361 // Optional header format.
362 //
364 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
365 #[repr(C)]
366 pub struct ImageOptionalHeader32 {
367     // Standard fields.
368     pub magic: U16<LE>,
369     pub major_linker_version: u8,
370     pub minor_linker_version: u8,
371     pub size_of_code: U32<LE>,
372     pub size_of_initialized_data: U32<LE>,
373     pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32<LE>,
374     pub address_of_entry_point: U32<LE>,
375     pub base_of_code: U32<LE>,
376     pub base_of_data: U32<LE>,
378     // NT additional fields.
379     pub image_base: U32<LE>,
380     pub section_alignment: U32<LE>,
381     pub file_alignment: U32<LE>,
382     pub major_operating_system_version: U16<LE>,
383     pub minor_operating_system_version: U16<LE>,
384     pub major_image_version: U16<LE>,
385     pub minor_image_version: U16<LE>,
386     pub major_subsystem_version: U16<LE>,
387     pub minor_subsystem_version: U16<LE>,
388     pub win32_version_value: U32<LE>,
389     pub size_of_image: U32<LE>,
390     pub size_of_headers: U32<LE>,
391     pub check_sum: U32<LE>,
392     pub subsystem: U16<LE>,
393     pub dll_characteristics: U16<LE>,
394     pub size_of_stack_reserve: U32<LE>,
395     pub size_of_stack_commit: U32<LE>,
396     pub size_of_heap_reserve: U32<LE>,
397     pub size_of_heap_commit: U32<LE>,
398     pub loader_flags: U32<LE>,
399     pub number_of_rva_and_sizes: U32<LE>,
400     //pub data_directory: [ImageDataDirectory; IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES],
401 }
403 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
404 #[repr(C)]
405 pub struct ImageRomOptionalHeader {
406     pub magic: U16<LE>,
407     pub major_linker_version: u8,
408     pub minor_linker_version: u8,
409     pub size_of_code: U32<LE>,
410     pub size_of_initialized_data: U32<LE>,
411     pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32<LE>,
412     pub address_of_entry_point: U32<LE>,
413     pub base_of_code: U32<LE>,
414     pub base_of_data: U32<LE>,
415     pub base_of_bss: U32<LE>,
416     pub gpr_mask: U32<LE>,
417     pub cpr_mask: [U32<LE>; 4],
418     pub gp_value: U32<LE>,
419 }
421 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
422 #[repr(C)]
423 pub struct ImageOptionalHeader64 {
424     pub magic: U16<LE>,
425     pub major_linker_version: u8,
426     pub minor_linker_version: u8,
427     pub size_of_code: U32<LE>,
428     pub size_of_initialized_data: U32<LE>,
429     pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32<LE>,
430     pub address_of_entry_point: U32<LE>,
431     pub base_of_code: U32<LE>,
432     pub image_base: U64<LE>,
433     pub section_alignment: U32<LE>,
434     pub file_alignment: U32<LE>,
435     pub major_operating_system_version: U16<LE>,
436     pub minor_operating_system_version: U16<LE>,
437     pub major_image_version: U16<LE>,
438     pub minor_image_version: U16<LE>,
439     pub major_subsystem_version: U16<LE>,
440     pub minor_subsystem_version: U16<LE>,
441     pub win32_version_value: U32<LE>,
442     pub size_of_image: U32<LE>,
443     pub size_of_headers: U32<LE>,
444     pub check_sum: U32<LE>,
445     pub subsystem: U16<LE>,
446     pub dll_characteristics: U16<LE>,
447     pub size_of_stack_reserve: U64<LE>,
448     pub size_of_stack_commit: U64<LE>,
449     pub size_of_heap_reserve: U64<LE>,
450     pub size_of_heap_commit: U64<LE>,
451     pub loader_flags: U32<LE>,
452     pub number_of_rva_and_sizes: U32<LE>,
453     //pub data_directory: [ImageDataDirectory; IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES],
454 }
456 pub const IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC: u16 = 0x10b;
457 pub const IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC: u16 = 0x20b;
458 pub const IMAGE_ROM_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC: u16 = 0x107;
460 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
461 #[repr(C)]
462 pub struct ImageNtHeaders64 {
463     pub signature: U32<LE>,
464     pub file_header: ImageFileHeader,
465     pub optional_header: ImageOptionalHeader64,
466 }
468 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
469 #[repr(C)]
470 pub struct ImageNtHeaders32 {
471     pub signature: U32<LE>,
472     pub file_header: ImageFileHeader,
473     pub optional_header: ImageOptionalHeader32,
474 }
476 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
477 #[repr(C)]
478 pub struct ImageRomHeaders {
479     pub file_header: ImageFileHeader,
480     pub optional_header: ImageRomOptionalHeader,
481 }
483 // Values for `ImageOptionalHeader*::subsystem`.
485 /// Unknown subsystem.
486 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN: u16 = 0;
487 /// Image doesn't require a subsystem.
488 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE: u16 = 1;
489 /// Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem.
490 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI: u16 = 2;
491 /// Image runs in the Windows character subsystem.
492 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI: u16 = 3;
493 /// image runs in the OS/2 character subsystem.
494 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI: u16 = 5;
495 /// image runs in the Posix character subsystem.
496 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI: u16 = 7;
497 /// image is a native Win9x driver.
498 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE_WINDOWS: u16 = 8;
499 /// Image runs in the Windows CE subsystem.
500 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI: u16 = 9;
501 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION: u16 = 10;
504 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_ROM: u16 = 13;
505 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX: u16 = 14;
507 pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX_CODE_CATALOG: u16 = 17;
509 // Values for `ImageOptionalHeader*::dll_characteristics`.
511 //      IMAGE_LIBRARY_PROCESS_INIT            0x0001     // Reserved.
512 //      IMAGE_LIBRARY_PROCESS_TERM            0x0002     // Reserved.
513 //      IMAGE_LIBRARY_THREAD_INIT             0x0004     // Reserved.
514 //      IMAGE_LIBRARY_THREAD_TERM             0x0008     // Reserved.
515 /// Image can handle a high entropy 64-bit virtual address space.
517 /// DLL can move.
519 /// Code Integrity Image
521 /// Image is NX compatible
522 pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT: u16 = 0x0100;
523 /// Image understands isolation and doesn't want it
525 /// Image does not use SEH.  No SE handler may reside in this image
526 pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH: u16 = 0x0400;
527 /// Do not bind this image.
528 pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND: u16 = 0x0800;
529 /// Image should execute in an AppContainer
531 /// Driver uses WDM model
532 pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER: u16 = 0x2000;
533 /// Image supports Control Flow Guard.
534 pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_GUARD_CF: u16 = 0x4000;
537 // Indices for `ImageOptionalHeader*::data_directory`.
539 /// Export Directory
540 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT: usize = 0;
541 /// Import Directory
542 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: usize = 1;
543 /// Resource Directory
544 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE: usize = 2;
545 /// Exception Directory
546 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION: usize = 3;
547 /// Security Directory
548 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY: usize = 4;
549 /// Base Relocation Table
550 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC: usize = 5;
551 /// Debug Directory
552 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG: usize = 6;
553 //      IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT       7   // (X86 usage)
554 /// Architecture Specific Data
556 /// RVA of GP
557 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR: usize = 8;
558 /// TLS Directory
559 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS: usize = 9;
560 /// Load Configuration Directory
561 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG: usize = 10;
562 /// Bound Import Directory in headers
563 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT: usize = 11;
564 /// Import Address Table
565 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT: usize = 12;
566 /// Delay Load Import Descriptors
567 pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT: usize = 13;
568 /// COM Runtime descriptor
571 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
572 #[repr(C)]
573 pub struct Guid {
574     pub data1: U32<LE>,
575     pub data2: U16<LE>,
576     pub data3: U16<LE>,
577     pub data4: [u8; 8],
578 }
580 pub type ClsId = Guid;
582 /// Non-COFF Object file header
583 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
584 #[repr(C)]
585 pub struct AnonObjectHeader {
587     pub sig1: U16<LE>,
588     /// Must be 0xffff
589     pub sig2: U16<LE>,
590     /// >= 1 (implies the ClsId field is present)
591     pub version: U16<LE>,
592     pub machine: U16<LE>,
593     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
594     /// Used to invoke CoCreateInstance
595     pub class_id: ClsId,
596     /// Size of data that follows the header
597     pub size_of_data: U32<LE>,
598 }
600 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
601 #[repr(C)]
602 pub struct AnonObjectHeaderV2 {
604     pub sig1: U16<LE>,
605     /// Must be 0xffff
606     pub sig2: U16<LE>,
607     /// >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present - otherwise V1)
608     pub version: U16<LE>,
609     pub machine: U16<LE>,
610     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
611     /// Used to invoke CoCreateInstance
612     pub class_id: ClsId,
613     /// Size of data that follows the header
614     pub size_of_data: U32<LE>,
615     /// 0x1 -> contains metadata
616     pub flags: U32<LE>,
617     /// Size of CLR metadata
618     pub meta_data_size: U32<LE>,
619     /// Offset of CLR metadata
620     pub meta_data_offset: U32<LE>,
621 }
623 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
624 #[repr(C)]
625 pub struct AnonObjectHeaderBigobj {
626     /* same as ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 */
628     pub sig1: U16<LE>,
629     /// Must be 0xffff
630     pub sig2: U16<LE>,
631     /// >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present)
632     pub version: U16<LE>,
633     /// Actual machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_xxx
634     pub machine: U16<LE>,
635     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
636     /// {D1BAA1C7-BAEE-4ba9-AF20-FAF66AA4DCB8}
637     pub class_id: ClsId,
638     /// Size of data that follows the header
639     pub size_of_data: U32<LE>,
640     /// 0x1 -> contains metadata
641     pub flags: U32<LE>,
642     /// Size of CLR metadata
643     pub meta_data_size: U32<LE>,
644     /// Offset of CLR metadata
645     pub meta_data_offset: U32<LE>,
647     /* bigobj specifics */
648     /// extended from WORD
649     pub number_of_sections: U32<LE>,
650     pub pointer_to_symbol_table: U32<LE>,
651     pub number_of_symbols: U32<LE>,
652 }
654 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME: usize = 8;
656 //
657 // Section header format.
658 //
660 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
661 #[repr(C)]
662 pub struct ImageSectionHeader {
663     pub name: [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME],
664     pub virtual_size: U32<LE>,
665     pub virtual_address: U32<LE>,
666     pub size_of_raw_data: U32<LE>,
667     pub pointer_to_raw_data: U32<LE>,
668     pub pointer_to_relocations: U32<LE>,
669     pub pointer_to_linenumbers: U32<LE>,
670     pub number_of_relocations: U16<LE>,
671     pub number_of_linenumbers: U16<LE>,
672     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
673 }
675 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER: usize = 40;
677 // Values for `ImageSectionHeader::characteristics`.
679 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_REG                   0x00000000  // Reserved.
680 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_DSECT                 0x00000001  // Reserved.
681 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NOLOAD                0x00000002  // Reserved.
682 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_GROUP                 0x00000004  // Reserved.
683 /// Reserved.
684 pub const IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD: u32 = 0x0000_0008;
685 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_COPY                  0x00000010  // Reserved.
687 /// Section contains code.
688 pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE: u32 = 0x0000_0020;
689 /// Section contains initialized data.
690 pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA: u32 = 0x0000_0040;
691 /// Section contains uninitialized data.
692 pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA: u32 = 0x0000_0080;
694 /// Reserved.
695 pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER: u32 = 0x0000_0100;
696 /// Section contains comments or some other type of information.
697 pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO: u32 = 0x0000_0200;
698 //      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_OVER                  0x00000400  // Reserved.
699 /// Section contents will not become part of image.
700 pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE: u32 = 0x0000_0800;
701 /// Section contents comdat.
702 pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT: u32 = 0x0000_1000;
703 //                                           0x00002000  // Reserved.
704 //      IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PROTECTED - Obsolete   0x00004000
705 /// Reset speculative exceptions handling bits in the TLB entries for this section.
706 pub const IMAGE_SCN_NO_DEFER_SPEC_EXC: u32 = 0x0000_4000;
707 /// Section content can be accessed relative to GP
708 pub const IMAGE_SCN_GPREL: u32 = 0x0000_8000;
709 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA: u32 = 0x0000_8000;
710 //      IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SYSHEAP  - Obsolete    0x00010000
711 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE: u32 = 0x0002_0000;
712 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT: u32 = 0x0002_0000;
713 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED: u32 = 0x0004_0000;
714 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD: u32 = 0x0008_0000;
716 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES: u32 = 0x0010_0000;
717 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES: u32 = 0x0020_0000;
718 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES: u32 = 0x0030_0000;
719 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES: u32 = 0x0040_0000;
720 /// Default alignment if no others are specified.
721 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES: u32 = 0x0050_0000;
722 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES: u32 = 0x0060_0000;
723 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES: u32 = 0x0070_0000;
724 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES: u32 = 0x0080_0000;
725 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES: u32 = 0x0090_0000;
726 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES: u32 = 0x00A0_0000;
727 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES: u32 = 0x00B0_0000;
728 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES: u32 = 0x00C0_0000;
729 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES: u32 = 0x00D0_0000;
730 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES: u32 = 0x00E0_0000;
731 // Unused                                    0x00F0_0000
732 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK: u32 = 0x00F0_0000;
734 /// Section contains extended relocations.
735 pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL: u32 = 0x0100_0000;
736 /// Section can be discarded.
737 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE: u32 = 0x0200_0000;
738 /// Section is not cachable.
739 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED: u32 = 0x0400_0000;
740 /// Section is not pageable.
741 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED: u32 = 0x0800_0000;
742 /// Section is shareable.
743 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED: u32 = 0x1000_0000;
744 /// Section is executable.
745 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE: u32 = 0x2000_0000;
746 /// Section is readable.
747 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ: u32 = 0x4000_0000;
748 /// Section is writeable.
749 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
751 //
752 // TLS Characteristic Flags
753 //
754 /// Tls index is scaled
755 pub const IMAGE_SCN_SCALE_INDEX: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
757 //
758 // Symbol format.
759 //
761 // This struct has alignment 1.
762 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
763 #[repr(C)]
764 pub struct ImageSymbol {
765     /// If first 4 bytes are 0, then second 4 bytes are offset into string table.
766     pub name: [u8; 8],
767     pub value: U32Bytes<LE>,
768     pub section_number: U16Bytes<LE>,
769     pub typ: U16Bytes<LE>,
770     pub storage_class: u8,
771     pub number_of_aux_symbols: u8,
772 }
774 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL: usize = 18;
776 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
777 #[repr(C)]
778 pub struct ImageSymbolBytes(pub [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL]);
780 // This struct has alignment 1.
781 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
782 #[repr(C)]
783 pub struct ImageSymbolEx {
784     /// If first 4 bytes are 0, then second 4 bytes are offset into string table.
785     pub name: [u8; 8],
786     pub value: U32Bytes<LE>,
787     pub section_number: U32Bytes<LE>,
788     pub typ: U16Bytes<LE>,
789     pub storage_class: u8,
790     pub number_of_aux_symbols: u8,
791 }
793 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL_EX: usize = 20;
795 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
796 #[repr(C)]
797 pub struct ImageSymbolExBytes(pub [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL_EX]);
799 // Values for `ImageSymbol::section_number`.
800 //
801 // Symbols have a section number of the section in which they are
802 // defined. Otherwise, section numbers have the following meanings:
804 /// Symbol is undefined or is common.
805 pub const IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED: u16 = 0;
806 /// Symbol is an absolute value.
807 pub const IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0xffff;
808 /// Symbol is a special debug item.
809 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG: u16 = 0xfffe;
810 /// Values 0xFF00-0xFFFF are special
811 pub const IMAGE_SYM_SECTION_MAX: u16 = 0xFEFF;
812 pub const IMAGE_SYM_SECTION_MAX_EX: u32 = 0x7fff_ffff;
814 // Values for `ImageSymbol::typ` (basic component).
816 /// no type.
817 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL: u16 = 0x0000;
818 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_VOID: u16 = 0x0001;
819 /// type character.
820 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_CHAR: u16 = 0x0002;
821 /// type short integer.
822 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_SHORT: u16 = 0x0003;
823 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_INT: u16 = 0x0004;
824 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_LONG: u16 = 0x0005;
825 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_FLOAT: u16 = 0x0006;
826 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DOUBLE: u16 = 0x0007;
827 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_STRUCT: u16 = 0x0008;
828 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UNION: u16 = 0x0009;
829 /// enumeration.
830 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_ENUM: u16 = 0x000A;
831 /// member of enumeration.
832 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_MOE: u16 = 0x000B;
833 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_BYTE: u16 = 0x000C;
834 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_WORD: u16 = 0x000D;
835 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UINT: u16 = 0x000E;
836 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DWORD: u16 = 0x000F;
837 pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_PCODE: u16 = 0x8000;
839 // Values for `ImageSymbol::typ` (derived component).
841 /// no derived type.
842 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_NULL: u16 = 0;
843 /// pointer.
844 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_POINTER: u16 = 1;
845 /// function.
846 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION: u16 = 2;
847 /// array.
848 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_ARRAY: u16 = 3;
850 // Values for `ImageSymbol::storage_class`.
851 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_FUNCTION: u8 = 0xff;
852 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_NULL: u8 = 0x00;
853 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_AUTOMATIC: u8 = 0x01;
854 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x02;
855 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC: u8 = 0x03;
856 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER: u8 = 0x04;
857 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL_DEF: u8 = 0x05;
858 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_LABEL: u8 = 0x06;
859 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_LABEL: u8 = 0x07;
860 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_STRUCT: u8 = 0x08;
861 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ARGUMENT: u8 = 0x09;
862 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STRUCT_TAG: u8 = 0x0A;
863 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_UNION: u8 = 0x0B;
864 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNION_TAG: u8 = 0x0C;
865 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_TYPE_DEFINITION: u8 = 0x0D;
866 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_STATIC: u8 = 0x0E;
867 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ENUM_TAG: u8 = 0x0F;
868 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_ENUM: u8 = 0x10;
869 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER_PARAM: u8 = 0x11;
870 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BIT_FIELD: u8 = 0x12;
872 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FAR_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x44;
874 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BLOCK: u8 = 0x64;
875 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FUNCTION: u8 = 0x65;
876 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_STRUCT: u8 = 0x66;
877 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FILE: u8 = 0x67;
878 // new
879 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_SECTION: u8 = 0x68;
880 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_WEAK_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x69;
882 pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_CLR_TOKEN: u8 = 0x6B;
884 // type packing constants
886 pub const N_BTMASK: u16 = 0x000F;
887 pub const N_TMASK: u16 = 0x0030;
888 pub const N_TMASK1: u16 = 0x00C0;
889 pub const N_TMASK2: u16 = 0x00F0;
890 pub const N_BTSHFT: usize = 4;
891 pub const N_TSHIFT: usize = 2;
893 pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_SHIFT: usize = N_BTSHFT;
895 impl ImageSymbol {
896     #[inline]
base_type(&self) -> u16897     pub fn base_type(&self) -> u16 {
898         self.typ.get(LE) & N_BTMASK
899     }
901     #[inline]
derived_type(&self) -> u16902     pub fn derived_type(&self) -> u16 {
903         (self.typ.get(LE) & N_TMASK) >> N_BTSHFT
904     }
905 }
907 impl ImageSymbolEx {
908     #[inline]
base_type(&self) -> u16909     pub fn base_type(&self) -> u16 {
910         self.typ.get(LE) & N_BTMASK
911     }
913     #[inline]
derived_type(&self) -> u16914     pub fn derived_type(&self) -> u16 {
915         (self.typ.get(LE) & N_TMASK) >> N_BTSHFT
916     }
917 }
919 //
920 // Auxiliary entry format.
921 //
923 // Used for both ImageSymbol and ImageSymbolEx (with padding).
924 // This struct has alignment 1.
925 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
926 #[repr(C)]
927 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolTokenDef {
929     pub aux_type: u8,
930     /// Must be 0
931     pub reserved1: u8,
932     pub symbol_table_index: U32Bytes<LE>,
933     /// Must be 0
934     pub reserved2: [u8; 12],
935 }
937 pub const IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE_TOKEN_DEF: u16 = 1;
939 /// Auxiliary symbol format 1: function definitions.
940 // This struct has alignment 1.
941 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
942 #[repr(C)]
943 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolFunction {
944     pub tag_index: U32Bytes<LE>,
945     pub total_size: U32Bytes<LE>,
946     pub pointer_to_linenumber: U32Bytes<LE>,
947     pub pointer_to_next_function: U32Bytes<LE>,
948     pub unused: [u8; 2],
949 }
951 /// Auxiliary symbol format 2: .bf and .ef symbols.
952 // This struct has alignment 1.
953 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
954 #[repr(C)]
955 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolFunctionBeginEnd {
956     pub unused1: [u8; 4],
957     /// declaration line number
958     pub linenumber: U16Bytes<LE>,
959     pub unused2: [u8; 6],
960     pub pointer_to_next_function: U32Bytes<LE>,
961     pub unused3: [u8; 2],
962 }
964 /// Auxiliary symbol format 3: weak externals.
965 ///
966 /// Used for both `ImageSymbol` and `ImageSymbolEx` (both with padding).
967 // This struct has alignment 1.
968 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
969 #[repr(C)]
970 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolWeak {
971     /// the weak extern default symbol index
972     pub weak_default_sym_index: U32Bytes<LE>,
973     pub weak_search_type: U32Bytes<LE>,
974 }
976 /// Auxiliary symbol format 5: sections.
977 ///
978 /// Used for both `ImageSymbol` and `ImageSymbolEx` (with padding).
979 // This struct has alignment 1.
980 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
981 #[repr(C)]
982 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolSection {
983     /// section length
984     pub length: U32Bytes<LE>,
985     /// number of relocation entries
986     pub number_of_relocations: U16Bytes<LE>,
987     /// number of line numbers
988     pub number_of_linenumbers: U16Bytes<LE>,
989     /// checksum for communal
990     pub check_sum: U32Bytes<LE>,
991     /// section number to associate with
992     pub number: U16Bytes<LE>,
993     /// communal selection type
994     pub selection: u8,
995     pub reserved: u8,
996     /// high bits of the section number
997     pub high_number: U16Bytes<LE>,
998 }
1000 // Used for both ImageSymbol and ImageSymbolEx (both with padding).
1001 // This struct has alignment 1.
1002 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1003 #[repr(C)]
1004 pub struct ImageAuxSymbolCrc {
1005     pub crc: U32Bytes<LE>,
1006 }
1008 //
1009 // Communal selection types.
1010 //
1013 pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ANY: u8 = 2;
1014 pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_SAME_SIZE: u8 = 3;
1015 pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_EXACT_MATCH: u8 = 4;
1017 pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_LARGEST: u8 = 6;
1018 pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_NEWEST: u8 = 7;
1021 pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_SEARCH_LIBRARY: u16 = 2;
1022 pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_SEARCH_ALIAS: u16 = 3;
1023 pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_ANTI_DEPENDENCY: u16 = 4;
1025 //
1026 // Relocation format.
1027 //
1029 // This struct has alignment 1.
1030 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1031 #[repr(C)]
1032 pub struct ImageRelocation {
1033     /// Also `RelocCount` when IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL is set
1034     pub virtual_address: U32Bytes<LE>,
1035     pub symbol_table_index: U32Bytes<LE>,
1036     pub typ: U16Bytes<LE>,
1037 }
1039 //
1040 // I386 relocation types.
1041 //
1042 /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary
1043 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1044 /// Direct 16-bit reference to the symbols virtual address
1045 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16: u16 = 0x0001;
1046 /// PC-relative 16-bit reference to the symbols virtual address
1047 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16: u16 = 0x0002;
1048 /// Direct 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address
1049 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32: u16 = 0x0006;
1050 /// Direct 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address, base not included
1051 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB: u16 = 0x0007;
1052 /// Direct 16-bit reference to the segment-selector bits of a 32-bit virtual address
1053 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SEG12: u16 = 0x0009;
1054 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A;
1055 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B;
1056 /// clr token
1057 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000C;
1058 /// 7 bit offset from base of section containing target
1059 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL7: u16 = 0x000D;
1060 /// PC-relative 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address
1061 pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32: u16 = 0x0014;
1063 //
1064 // MIPS relocation types.
1065 //
1066 /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary
1067 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1068 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0001;
1069 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFWORD: u16 = 0x0002;
1070 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_JMPADDR: u16 = 0x0003;
1071 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFHI: u16 = 0x0004;
1072 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFLO: u16 = 0x0005;
1073 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_GPREL: u16 = 0x0006;
1074 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_LITERAL: u16 = 0x0007;
1075 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A;
1076 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B;
1077 /// Low 16-bit section relative referemce (used for >32k TLS)
1078 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x000C;
1079 /// High 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS)
1080 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x000D;
1081 /// clr token
1082 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000E;
1083 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_JMPADDR16: u16 = 0x0010;
1084 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFWORDNB: u16 = 0x0022;
1085 pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_PAIR: u16 = 0x0025;
1087 //
1088 // Alpha Relocation types.
1089 //
1090 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1091 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLONG: u16 = 0x0001;
1092 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQUAD: u16 = 0x0002;
1093 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPREL32: u16 = 0x0003;
1094 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_LITERAL: u16 = 0x0004;
1095 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_LITUSE: u16 = 0x0005;
1096 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPDISP: u16 = 0x0006;
1097 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_BRADDR: u16 = 0x0007;
1098 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_HINT: u16 = 0x0008;
1099 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_INLINE_REFLONG: u16 = 0x0009;
1100 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFHI: u16 = 0x000A;
1101 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLO: u16 = 0x000B;
1102 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_PAIR: u16 = 0x000C;
1103 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_MATCH: u16 = 0x000D;
1104 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E;
1105 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F;
1106 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLONGNB: u16 = 0x0010;
1107 /// Low 16-bit section relative reference
1108 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x0011;
1109 /// High 16-bit section relative reference
1110 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x0012;
1111 /// High 16 bits of 48 bit reference
1112 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ3: u16 = 0x0013;
1113 /// Middle 16 bits of 48 bit reference
1114 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ2: u16 = 0x0014;
1115 /// Low 16 bits of 48 bit reference
1116 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ1: u16 = 0x0015;
1117 /// Low 16-bit GP relative reference
1118 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPRELLO: u16 = 0x0016;
1119 /// High 16-bit GP relative reference
1120 pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPRELHI: u16 = 0x0017;
1122 //
1123 // IBM PowerPC relocation types.
1124 //
1125 /// NOP
1126 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1127 /// 64-bit address
1128 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0001;
1129 /// 32-bit address
1130 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0002;
1131 /// 26-bit address, shifted left 2 (branch absolute)
1132 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR24: u16 = 0x0003;
1133 /// 16-bit address
1134 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR16: u16 = 0x0004;
1135 /// 16-bit address, shifted left 2 (load doubleword)
1136 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14: u16 = 0x0005;
1137 /// 26-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (branch relative)
1138 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL24: u16 = 0x0006;
1139 /// 16-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (br cond relative)
1140 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL14: u16 = 0x0007;
1141 /// 16-bit offset from TOC base
1142 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16: u16 = 0x0008;
1143 /// 16-bit offset from TOC base, shifted left 2 (load doubleword)
1144 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL14: u16 = 0x0009;
1146 /// 32-bit addr w/o image base
1147 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x000A;
1148 /// va of containing section (as in an image sectionhdr)
1149 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B;
1150 /// sectionheader number
1151 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C;
1152 /// substitute TOC restore instruction iff symbol is glue code
1153 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_IFGLUE: u16 = 0x000D;
1154 /// symbol is glue code; virtual address is TOC restore instruction
1155 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_IMGLUE: u16 = 0x000E;
1156 /// va of containing section (limited to 16 bits)
1157 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL16: u16 = 0x000F;
1158 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI: u16 = 0x0010;
1159 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFLO: u16 = 0x0011;
1160 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR: u16 = 0x0012;
1161 /// Low 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS)
1162 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x0013;
1163 /// High 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS)
1164 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x0014;
1165 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_GPREL: u16 = 0x0015;
1166 /// clr token
1167 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0016;
1169 /// mask to isolate above values in IMAGE_RELOCATION.Type
1170 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TYPEMASK: u16 = 0x00FF;
1172 // Flag bits in `ImageRelocation::typ`.
1174 /// subtract reloc value rather than adding it
1175 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG: u16 = 0x0100;
1176 /// fix branch prediction bit to predict branch taken
1177 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN: u16 = 0x0200;
1178 /// fix branch prediction bit to predict branch not taken
1179 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN: u16 = 0x0400;
1180 /// toc slot defined in file (or, data in toc)
1181 pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN: u16 = 0x0800;
1183 //
1184 // Hitachi SH3 relocation types.
1185 //
1186 /// No relocation
1187 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1188 /// 16 bit direct
1189 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT16: u16 = 0x0001;
1190 /// 32 bit direct
1191 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT32: u16 = 0x0002;
1192 /// 8 bit direct, -128..255
1193 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8: u16 = 0x0003;
1194 /// 8 bit direct .W (0 ext.)
1195 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8_WORD: u16 = 0x0004;
1196 /// 8 bit direct .L (0 ext.)
1197 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8_LONG: u16 = 0x0005;
1198 /// 4 bit direct (0 ext.)
1199 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4: u16 = 0x0006;
1200 /// 4 bit direct .W (0 ext.)
1201 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4_WORD: u16 = 0x0007;
1202 /// 4 bit direct .L (0 ext.)
1203 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4_LONG: u16 = 0x0008;
1204 /// 8 bit PC relative .W
1205 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL8_WORD: u16 = 0x0009;
1206 /// 8 bit PC relative .L
1207 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL8_LONG: u16 = 0x000A;
1208 /// 12 LSB PC relative .W
1209 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL12_WORD: u16 = 0x000B;
1210 /// Start of EXE section
1211 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_STARTOF_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C;
1212 /// Size of EXE section
1213 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SIZEOF_SECTION: u16 = 0x000D;
1214 /// Section table index
1215 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E;
1216 /// Offset within section
1217 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F;
1218 /// 32 bit direct not based
1219 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT32_NB: u16 = 0x0010;
1220 /// GP-relative addressing
1221 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_GPREL4_LONG: u16 = 0x0011;
1222 /// clr token
1223 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0012;
1224 /// Offset from current instruction in longwords
1225 /// if not NOMODE, insert the inverse of the low bit at bit 32 to select PTA/PTB
1226 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_PCRELPT: u16 = 0x0013;
1227 /// Low bits of 32-bit address
1228 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_REFLO: u16 = 0x0014;
1229 /// High bits of 32-bit address
1230 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0015;
1231 /// Low bits of relative reference
1232 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_RELLO: u16 = 0x0016;
1233 /// High bits of relative reference
1234 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_RELHALF: u16 = 0x0017;
1235 /// offset operand for relocation
1236 pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_PAIR: u16 = 0x0018;
1238 /// relocation ignores section mode
1239 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH_NOMODE: u16 = 0x8000;
1241 /// No relocation required
1242 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1243 /// 32 bit address
1244 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1245 /// 32 bit address w/o image base
1246 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002;
1247 /// 24 bit offset << 2 & sign ext.
1248 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24: u16 = 0x0003;
1249 /// Thumb: 2 11 bit offsets
1250 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH11: u16 = 0x0004;
1251 /// clr token
1252 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0005;
1253 /// GP-relative addressing (ARM)
1254 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_GPREL12: u16 = 0x0006;
1255 /// GP-relative addressing (Thumb)
1256 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_GPREL7: u16 = 0x0007;
1257 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX24: u16 = 0x0008;
1258 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX11: u16 = 0x0009;
1259 /// Section table index
1260 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E;
1261 /// Offset within section
1262 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F;
1263 /// ARM: MOVW/MOVT
1264 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32A: u16 = 0x0010;
1265 /// ARM: MOVW/MOVT (deprecated)
1266 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32: u16 = 0x0010;
1267 /// Thumb: MOVW/MOVT
1268 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T: u16 = 0x0011;
1269 /// Thumb: MOVW/MOVT (deprecated)
1270 pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_MOV32: u16 = 0x0011;
1271 /// Thumb: 32-bit conditional B
1272 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH20T: u16 = 0x0012;
1273 /// Thumb: 32-bit conditional B (deprecated)
1274 pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BRANCH20: u16 = 0x0012;
1275 /// Thumb: 32-bit B or BL
1276 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24T: u16 = 0x0014;
1277 /// Thumb: 32-bit B or BL (deprecated)
1278 pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BRANCH24: u16 = 0x0014;
1279 /// Thumb: BLX immediate
1280 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX23T: u16 = 0x0015;
1281 /// Thumb: BLX immediate (deprecated)
1282 pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BLX23: u16 = 0x0015;
1284 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1285 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1286 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002;
1287 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_CALL32: u16 = 0x0003;
1288 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_FUNCINFO: u16 = 0x0004;
1289 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_REL32_1: u16 = 0x0005;
1290 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_REL32_2: u16 = 0x0006;
1291 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_SECREL: u16 = 0x0007;
1292 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_SECTION: u16 = 0x0008;
1293 pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0009;
1295 //
1296 // ARM64 relocations types.
1297 //
1299 /// No relocation required
1300 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1301 /// 32 bit address. Review! do we need it?
1302 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1303 /// 32 bit address w/o image base (RVA: for Data/PData/XData)
1304 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002;
1305 /// 26 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. for B & BL
1306 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26: u16 = 0x0003;
1307 /// ADRP
1308 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21: u16 = 0x0004;
1309 /// ADR
1310 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_REL21: u16 = 0x0005;
1311 /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for page offset
1312 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A: u16 = 0x0006;
1313 /// LDR (indexed, unsigned immediate), for page offset
1314 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12L: u16 = 0x0007;
1315 /// Offset within section
1316 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL: u16 = 0x0008;
1317 /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for bit 0:11 of section offset
1318 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_LOW12A: u16 = 0x0009;
1319 /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for bit 12:23 of section offset
1320 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_HIGH12A: u16 = 0x000A;
1321 /// LDR (indexed, unsigned immediate), for bit 0:11 of section offset
1322 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_LOW12L: u16 = 0x000B;
1323 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000C;
1324 /// Section table index
1325 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000D;
1326 /// 64 bit address
1327 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR64: u16 = 0x000E;
1328 /// 19 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. for conditional B
1329 pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH19: u16 = 0x000F;
1331 //
1332 // x64 relocations
1333 //
1334 /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary
1335 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1336 /// 64-bit address (VA).
1337 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0001;
1338 /// 32-bit address (VA).
1339 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0002;
1340 /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA).
1341 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003;
1342 /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc
1343 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32: u16 = 0x0004;
1344 /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 1 from reloc
1345 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1: u16 = 0x0005;
1346 /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 2 from reloc
1347 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2: u16 = 0x0006;
1348 /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 3 from reloc
1349 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3: u16 = 0x0007;
1350 /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 4 from reloc
1351 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4: u16 = 0x0008;
1352 /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 5 from reloc
1353 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5: u16 = 0x0009;
1354 /// Section index
1355 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A;
1356 /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target
1357 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B;
1358 /// 7 bit unsigned offset from base of section containing target
1359 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7: u16 = 0x000C;
1360 /// 32 bit metadata token
1361 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000D;
1362 /// 32 bit signed span-dependent value emitted into object
1363 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32: u16 = 0x000E;
1364 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR: u16 = 0x000F;
1365 /// 32 bit signed span-dependent value applied at link time
1366 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32: u16 = 0x0010;
1367 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_EHANDLER: u16 = 0x0011;
1368 /// Indirect branch to an import
1369 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_IMPORT_BR: u16 = 0x0012;
1370 /// Indirect call to an import
1371 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_IMPORT_CALL: u16 = 0x0013;
1372 /// Indirect branch to a CFG check
1373 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_BR: u16 = 0x0014;
1374 /// Indirect branch to a CFG check, with REX.W prefix
1375 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_BR_REX: u16 = 0x0015;
1376 /// Indirect call to a CFG check
1377 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_CALL: u16 = 0x0016;
1378 /// Indirect branch to a target in RAX (no CFG)
1379 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR: u16 = 0x0017;
1380 /// Indirect branch to a target in RAX, with REX.W prefix (no CFG)
1381 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_REX: u16 = 0x0018;
1382 /// Indirect call to a target in RAX (no CFG)
1383 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_CALL: u16 = 0x0019;
1384 /// Indirect branch for a switch table using Reg 0 (RAX)
1385 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_SWITCHTABLE_FIRST: u16 = 0x0020;
1386 /// Indirect branch for a switch table using Reg 15 (R15)
1387 pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_SWITCHTABLE_LAST: u16 = 0x002F;
1389 //
1390 // IA64 relocation types.
1391 //
1392 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1393 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM14: u16 = 0x0001;
1394 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM22: u16 = 0x0002;
1395 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM64: u16 = 0x0003;
1396 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR32: u16 = 0x0004;
1397 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR64: u16 = 0x0005;
1398 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21B: u16 = 0x0006;
1399 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21M: u16 = 0x0007;
1400 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21F: u16 = 0x0008;
1401 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_GPREL22: u16 = 0x0009;
1402 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_LTOFF22: u16 = 0x000A;
1403 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000B;
1404 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL22: u16 = 0x000C;
1405 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL64I: u16 = 0x000D;
1406 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL32: u16 = 0x000E;
1407 //
1408 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR32NB: u16 = 0x0010;
1409 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL14: u16 = 0x0011;
1410 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL22: u16 = 0x0012;
1411 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL32: u16 = 0x0013;
1412 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_UREL32: u16 = 0x0014;
1413 /// This is always a BRL and never converted
1414 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60X: u16 = 0x0015;
1415 /// If possible, convert to MBB bundle with NOP.B in slot 1
1416 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60B: u16 = 0x0016;
1417 /// If possible, convert to MFB bundle with NOP.F in slot 1
1418 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60F: u16 = 0x0017;
1419 /// If possible, convert to MIB bundle with NOP.I in slot 1
1420 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60I: u16 = 0x0018;
1421 /// If possible, convert to MMB bundle with NOP.M in slot 1
1422 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60M: u16 = 0x0019;
1423 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMMGPREL64: u16 = 0x001A;
1424 /// clr token
1425 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x001B;
1426 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_GPREL32: u16 = 0x001C;
1427 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_ADDEND: u16 = 0x001F;
1429 //
1430 // CEF relocation types.
1431 //
1432 /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary
1433 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1434 /// 32-bit address (VA).
1435 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1436 /// 64-bit address (VA).
1437 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0002;
1438 /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA).
1439 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003;
1440 /// Section index
1441 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_SECTION: u16 = 0x0004;
1442 /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target
1443 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_SECREL: u16 = 0x0005;
1444 /// 32 bit metadata token
1445 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0006;
1447 //
1448 // clr relocation types.
1449 //
1450 /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary
1451 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1452 /// 32-bit address (VA).
1453 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1454 /// 64-bit address (VA).
1455 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0002;
1456 /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA).
1457 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003;
1458 /// Section index
1459 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_SECTION: u16 = 0x0004;
1460 /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target
1461 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_SECREL: u16 = 0x0005;
1462 /// 32 bit metadata token
1463 pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0006;
1465 /// No relocation required
1466 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1467 /// 32 bit address
1468 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001;
1469 /// 32 bit address w/o image base
1470 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002;
1471 /// 24 bit address
1472 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR24: u16 = 0x0003;
1473 /// GP relative addressing
1474 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_GPREL16: u16 = 0x0004;
1475 /// 24 bit offset << 2 & sign ext.
1476 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL24: u16 = 0x0005;
1477 /// 16 bit offset << 2 & sign ext.
1478 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL16: u16 = 0x0006;
1479 /// 8 bit offset << 2 & sign ext.
1480 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL8: u16 = 0x0007;
1481 /// 16 MSBs
1482 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0008;
1483 /// 16 MSBs; adj for LSB sign ext.
1484 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFHI: u16 = 0x0009;
1485 /// 16 LSBs
1486 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFLO: u16 = 0x000A;
1487 /// Link HI and LO
1488 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PAIR: u16 = 0x000B;
1489 /// Section table index
1490 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C;
1491 /// 32 bit section relative reference
1492 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_SECREL32: u16 = 0x000D;
1493 /// clr token
1494 pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000E;
1496 /// No relocation required
1497 pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000;
1498 /// 32 bit address w/o image base
1499 pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0001;
1500 /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc
1501 pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_REL32: u16 = 0x0002;
1502 /// Section table index
1503 pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_SECTION: u16 = 0x0003;
1504 /// Offset within section
1505 pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_SECREL: u16 = 0x0004;
1507 /*
1508 // TODO?
1509 #define EXT_IMM64(Value, Address, Size, InstPos, ValPos)  /* Intel-IA64-Filler */           \
1510     Value |= (((ULONGLONG)((*(Address) >> InstPos) & (((ULONGLONG)1 << Size) - 1))) << ValPos)  // Intel-IA64-Filler
1512 #define INS_IMM64(Value, Address, Size, InstPos, ValPos)  /* Intel-IA64-Filler */\
1513     *(PDWORD)Address = (*(PDWORD)Address & ~(((1 << Size) - 1) << InstPos)) | /* Intel-IA64-Filler */\
1514           ((DWORD)((((ULONGLONG)Value >> ValPos) & (((ULONGLONG)1 << Size) - 1))) << InstPos)  // Intel-IA64-Filler
1515 */
1517 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1518 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1519 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1520 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_SIZE_X: u16 = 7;
1521 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1522 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 4;
1523 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1524 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1526 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1527 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1528 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1529 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_SIZE_X: u16 = 9;
1530 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1531 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 18;
1532 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1533 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 7;
1535 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1536 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1537 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1538 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_SIZE_X: u16 = 5;
1539 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1540 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 13;
1541 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1542 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 16;
1544 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1545 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1546 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1547 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_SIZE_X: u16 = 1;
1548 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1549 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 12;
1550 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1551 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 21;
1553 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1554 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1;
1555 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1556 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_SIZE_X: u16 = 10;
1557 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1558 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 14;
1559 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1560 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 22;
1562 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1563 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1;
1564 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1565 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_SIZE_X: u16 = 8;
1566 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1567 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 24;
1568 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1569 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 32;
1571 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1572 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2;
1573 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1574 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_SIZE_X: u16 = 23;
1575 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1576 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1577 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1578 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 40;
1580 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1581 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1582 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1583 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_SIZE_X: u16 = 1;
1584 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1585 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 27;
1586 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1587 pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 63;
1589 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1590 pub const X3_OPCODE_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1591 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1592 pub const X3_OPCODE_SIZE_X: u16 = 4;
1593 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1594 pub const X3_OPCODE_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 28;
1595 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1596 pub const X3_OPCODE_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1598 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1599 pub const X3_I_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1600 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1601 pub const X3_I_SIZE_X: u16 = 1;
1602 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1603 pub const X3_I_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 27;
1604 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1605 pub const X3_I_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 59;
1607 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1608 pub const X3_D_WH_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1609 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1610 pub const X3_D_WH_SIZE_X: u16 = 3;
1611 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1612 pub const X3_D_WH_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 24;
1613 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1614 pub const X3_D_WH_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1616 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1617 pub const X3_IMM20_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1618 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1619 pub const X3_IMM20_SIZE_X: u16 = 20;
1620 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1621 pub const X3_IMM20_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 4;
1622 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1623 pub const X3_IMM20_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1625 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1626 pub const X3_IMM39_1_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2;
1627 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1628 pub const X3_IMM39_1_SIZE_X: u16 = 23;
1629 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1630 pub const X3_IMM39_1_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1631 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1632 pub const X3_IMM39_1_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 36;
1634 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1635 pub const X3_IMM39_2_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1;
1636 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1637 pub const X3_IMM39_2_SIZE_X: u16 = 16;
1638 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1639 pub const X3_IMM39_2_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 16;
1640 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1641 pub const X3_IMM39_2_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 20;
1643 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1644 pub const X3_P_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3;
1645 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1646 pub const X3_P_SIZE_X: u16 = 4;
1647 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1648 pub const X3_P_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1649 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1650 pub const X3_P_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1652 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1653 pub const X3_TMPLT_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 0;
1654 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1655 pub const X3_TMPLT_SIZE_X: u16 = 4;
1656 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1657 pub const X3_TMPLT_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1658 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1659 pub const X3_TMPLT_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1661 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1662 pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2;
1663 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1664 pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_SIZE_X: u16 = 9;
1665 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1666 pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 23;
1667 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1668 pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1670 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1671 pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1;
1672 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1673 pub const X3_EMPTY_SIZE_X: u16 = 2;
1674 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1675 pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 14;
1676 /// Intel-IA64-Filler
1677 pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0;
1679 //
1680 // Line number format.
1681 //
1683 // This struct has alignment 1.
1684 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1685 #[repr(C)]
1686 pub struct ImageLinenumber {
1687     /// Symbol table index of function name if Linenumber is 0.
1688     /// Otherwise virtual address of line number.
1689     pub symbol_table_index_or_virtual_address: U32Bytes<LE>,
1690     /// Line number.
1691     pub linenumber: U16Bytes<LE>,
1692 }
1694 //
1695 // Based relocation format.
1696 //
1698 // This struct has alignment 1.
1699 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1700 #[repr(C)]
1701 pub struct ImageBaseRelocation {
1702     pub virtual_address: U32Bytes<LE>,
1703     pub size_of_block: U32Bytes<LE>,
1704     //  pub type_offset[1]: U16<LE>,
1705 }
1707 //
1708 // Based relocation types.
1709 //
1711 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0;
1712 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH: u16 = 1;
1713 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW: u16 = 2;
1714 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW: u16 = 3;
1715 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ: u16 = 4;
1716 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_5: u16 = 5;
1717 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_RESERVED: u16 = 6;
1718 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_7: u16 = 7;
1719 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_8: u16 = 8;
1720 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_9: u16 = 9;
1721 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: u16 = 10;
1723 //
1724 // Platform-specific based relocation types.
1725 //
1727 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_IA64_IMM64: u16 = 9;
1729 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR: u16 = 5;
1730 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR16: u16 = 9;
1732 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32: u16 = 5;
1733 pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_THUMB_MOV32: u16 = 7;
1735 //
1736 // Archive format.
1737 //
1739 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START_SIZE: usize = 8;
1740 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START: &[u8; 8] = b"!<arch>\n";
1741 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_END: &[u8] = b"`\n";
1742 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_PAD: &[u8] = b"\n";
1743 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_LINKER_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"/               ";
1744 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_LONGNAMES_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"//              ";
1745 pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_HYBRIDMAP_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"/<HYBRIDMAP>/   ";
1747 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1748 #[repr(C)]
1749 pub struct ImageArchiveMemberHeader {
1750     /// File member name - `/' terminated.
1751     pub name: [u8; 16],
1752     /// File member date - decimal.
1753     pub date: [u8; 12],
1754     /// File member user id - decimal.
1755     pub user_id: [u8; 6],
1756     /// File member group id - decimal.
1757     pub group_id: [u8; 6],
1758     /// File member mode - octal.
1759     pub mode: [u8; 8],
1760     /// File member size - decimal.
1761     pub size: [u8; 10],
1762     /// String to end header.
1763     pub end_header: [u8; 2],
1764 }
1766 pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HDR: u16 = 60;
1768 //
1769 // DLL support.
1770 //
1772 //
1773 // Export Format
1774 //
1776 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1777 #[repr(C)]
1778 pub struct ImageExportDirectory {
1779     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
1780     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
1781     pub major_version: U16<LE>,
1782     pub minor_version: U16<LE>,
1783     pub name: U32<LE>,
1784     pub base: U32<LE>,
1785     pub number_of_functions: U32<LE>,
1786     pub number_of_names: U32<LE>,
1787     /// RVA from base of image
1788     pub address_of_functions: U32<LE>,
1789     /// RVA from base of image
1790     pub address_of_names: U32<LE>,
1791     /// RVA from base of image
1792     pub address_of_name_ordinals: U32<LE>,
1793 }
1795 //
1796 // Import Format
1797 //
1799 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1800 #[repr(C)]
1801 pub struct ImageImportByName {
1802     pub hint: U16<LE>,
1803     //pub name: [i8; 1],
1804 }
1806 /*
1807 // TODO? unions
1809 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1810 #[repr(C)]
1811 pub struct ImageThunkData64 {
1812     union {
1813 /// PBYTE
1814         pub forwarder_string: U64<LE>,
1815 /// PDWORD
1816         pub function: U64<LE>,
1817         pub ordinal: U64<LE>,
1819         pub address_of_data: U64<LE>,
1820     } u1;
1821 }
1823 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1824 #[repr(C)]
1825 pub struct ImageThunkData32 {
1826     union {
1827 /// PBYTE
1828         pub forwarder_string: U32<LE>,
1829 /// PDWORD
1830         pub function: U32<LE>,
1831         pub ordinal: U32<LE>,
1833         pub address_of_data: U32<LE>,
1834     } u1;
1835 }
1836 */
1838 pub const IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64: u64 = 0x8000000000000000;
1839 pub const IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32: u32 = 0x80000000;
1841 /*
1842 #define IMAGE_ORDINAL64(Ordinal) (Ordinal & 0xffff)
1843 #define IMAGE_ORDINAL32(Ordinal) (Ordinal & 0xffff)
1844 #define IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL64(Ordinal) ((Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64) != 0)
1845 #define IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL32(Ordinal) ((Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) != 0)
1847 */
1849 //
1850 // Thread Local Storage
1851 //
1853 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1854 #[repr(C)]
1855 pub struct ImageTlsDirectory64 {
1856     pub start_address_of_raw_data: U64<LE>,
1857     pub end_address_of_raw_data: U64<LE>,
1858     /// PDWORD
1859     pub address_of_index: U64<LE>,
1860     /// PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK *;
1861     pub address_of_call_backs: U64<LE>,
1862     pub size_of_zero_fill: U32<LE>,
1863     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
1864 }
1866 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1867 #[repr(C)]
1868 pub struct ImageTlsDirectory32 {
1869     pub start_address_of_raw_data: U32<LE>,
1870     pub end_address_of_raw_data: U32<LE>,
1871     /// PDWORD
1872     pub address_of_index: U32<LE>,
1873     /// PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK *
1874     pub address_of_call_backs: U32<LE>,
1875     pub size_of_zero_fill: U32<LE>,
1876     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
1877 }
1879 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1880 #[repr(C)]
1881 pub struct ImageImportDescriptor {
1882     /// RVA to original unbound IAT (`ImageThunkData32`/`ImageThunkData64`)
1883     /// 0 for terminating null import descriptor
1884     pub original_first_thunk: U32Bytes<LE>,
1885     /// 0 if not bound,
1886     /// -1 if bound, and real date\time stamp
1888     /// O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND)
1889     pub time_date_stamp: U32Bytes<LE>,
1890     /// -1 if no forwarders
1891     pub forwarder_chain: U32Bytes<LE>,
1892     pub name: U32Bytes<LE>,
1893     /// RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses)
1894     pub first_thunk: U32Bytes<LE>,
1895 }
1897 //
1898 // New format import descriptors pointed to by DataDirectory[ IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT ]
1899 //
1901 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1902 #[repr(C)]
1903 pub struct ImageBoundImportDescriptor {
1904     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
1905     pub offset_module_name: U16<LE>,
1906     pub number_of_module_forwarder_refs: U16<LE>,
1907     // Array of zero or more IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF follows
1908 }
1910 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1911 #[repr(C)]
1912 pub struct ImageBoundForwarderRef {
1913     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
1914     pub offset_module_name: U16<LE>,
1915     pub reserved: U16<LE>,
1916 }
1918 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1919 #[repr(C)]
1920 pub struct ImageDelayloadDescriptor {
1921     pub attributes: U32<LE>,
1923     /// RVA to the name of the target library (NULL-terminate ASCII string)
1924     pub dll_name_rva: U32<LE>,
1925     /// RVA to the HMODULE caching location (PHMODULE)
1926     pub module_handle_rva: U32<LE>,
1927     /// RVA to the start of the IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)
1928     pub import_address_table_rva: U32<LE>,
1929     /// RVA to the start of the name table (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA::AddressOfData)
1930     pub import_name_table_rva: U32<LE>,
1931     /// RVA to an optional bound IAT
1932     pub bound_import_address_table_rva: U32<LE>,
1933     /// RVA to an optional unload info table
1934     pub unload_information_table_rva: U32<LE>,
1935     /// 0 if not bound, otherwise, date/time of the target DLL
1936     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
1937 }
1939 /// Delay load version 2 flag for `ImageDelayloadDescriptor::attributes`.
1940 pub const IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_RVA_BASED: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
1942 //
1943 // Resource Format.
1944 //
1946 //
1947 // Resource directory consists of two counts, following by a variable length
1948 // array of directory entries.  The first count is the number of entries at
1949 // beginning of the array that have actual names associated with each entry.
1950 // The entries are in ascending order, case insensitive strings.  The second
1951 // count is the number of entries that immediately follow the named entries.
1952 // This second count identifies the number of entries that have 16-bit integer
1953 // Ids as their name.  These entries are also sorted in ascending order.
1954 //
1955 // This structure allows fast lookup by either name or number, but for any
1956 // given resource entry only one form of lookup is supported, not both.
1957 // This is consistant with the syntax of the .RC file and the .RES file.
1958 //
1960 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1961 #[repr(C)]
1962 pub struct ImageResourceDirectory {
1963     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
1964     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
1965     pub major_version: U16<LE>,
1966     pub minor_version: U16<LE>,
1967     pub number_of_named_entries: U16<LE>,
1968     pub number_of_id_entries: U16<LE>,
1969     // DirectoryEntries[ImageResourceDirectoryEntry];
1970 }
1972 pub const IMAGE_RESOURCE_NAME_IS_STRING: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
1973 pub const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_IS_DIRECTORY: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
1974 //
1975 // Each directory contains the 32-bit Name of the entry and an offset,
1976 // relative to the beginning of the resource directory of the data associated
1977 // with this directory entry.  If the name of the entry is an actual text
1978 // string instead of an integer Id, then the high order bit of the name field
1979 // is set to one and the low order 31-bits are an offset, relative to the
1980 // beginning of the resource directory of the string, which is of type
1981 // IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_STRING.  Otherwise the high bit is clear and the
1982 // low-order 16-bits are the integer Id that identify this resource directory
1983 // entry. If the directory entry is yet another resource directory (i.e. a
1984 // subdirectory), then the high order bit of the offset field will be
1985 // set to indicate this.  Otherwise the high bit is clear and the offset
1986 // field points to a resource data entry.
1987 //
1989 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1990 #[repr(C)]
1991 pub struct ImageResourceDirectoryEntry {
1992     pub name_or_id: U32<LE>,
1993     pub offset_to_data_or_directory: U32<LE>,
1994 }
1996 //
1997 // For resource directory entries that have actual string names, the Name
1998 // field of the directory entry points to an object of the following type.
1999 // All of these string objects are stored together after the last resource
2000 // directory entry and before the first resource data object.  This minimizes
2001 // the impact of these variable length objects on the alignment of the fixed
2002 // size directory entry objects.
2003 //
2005 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2006 #[repr(C)]
2007 pub struct ImageResourceDirectoryString {
2008     pub length: U16<LE>,
2009     //pub name_string: [i8; 1],
2010 }
2012 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2013 #[repr(C)]
2014 pub struct ImageResourceDirStringU {
2015     pub length: U16<LE>,
2016     //pub name_string: [U16<LE>; 1],
2017 }
2019 //
2020 // Each resource data entry describes a leaf node in the resource directory
2021 // tree.  It contains an offset, relative to the beginning of the resource
2022 // directory of the data for the resource, a size field that gives the number
2023 // of bytes of data at that offset, a CodePage that should be used when
2024 // decoding code point values within the resource data.  Typically for new
2025 // applications the code page would be the unicode code page.
2026 //
2028 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2029 #[repr(C)]
2030 pub struct ImageResourceDataEntry {
2031     pub offset_to_data: U32<LE>,
2032     pub size: U32<LE>,
2033     pub code_page: U32<LE>,
2034     pub reserved: U32<LE>,
2035 }
2037 //
2038 // Code Integrity in loadconfig (CI)
2039 //
2041 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2042 #[repr(C)]
2043 pub struct ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity {
2044     /// Flags to indicate if CI information is available, etc.
2045     pub flags: U16<LE>,
2046     /// 0xFFFF means not available
2047     pub catalog: U16<LE>,
2048     pub catalog_offset: U32<LE>,
2049     /// Additional bitmask to be defined later
2050     pub reserved: U32<LE>,
2051 }
2053 //
2054 // Dynamic value relocation table in loadconfig
2055 //
2057 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2058 #[repr(C)]
2059 pub struct ImageDynamicRelocationTable {
2060     pub version: U32<LE>,
2061     pub size: U32<LE>,
2062     // DynamicRelocations: [ImageDynamicRelocation; 0],
2063 }
2065 //
2066 // Dynamic value relocation entries following IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_TABLE
2067 //
2069 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2070 #[repr(C)]
2071 pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation32 {
2072     pub symbol: U32<LE>,
2073     pub base_reloc_size: U32<LE>,
2074     // BaseRelocations: [ImageBaseRelocation; 0],
2075 }
2077 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2078 #[repr(C)]
2079 pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation64 {
2080     pub symbol: U64<LE>,
2081     pub base_reloc_size: U32<LE>,
2082     // BaseRelocations: [ImageBaseRelocation; 0],
2083 }
2085 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2086 #[repr(C)]
2087 pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation32V2 {
2088     pub header_size: U32<LE>,
2089     pub fixup_info_size: U32<LE>,
2090     pub symbol: U32<LE>,
2091     pub symbol_group: U32<LE>,
2092     pub flags: U32<LE>,
2093     // ...     variable length header fields
2094     // pub     fixup_info: [u8; fixup_info_size]
2095 }
2097 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2098 #[repr(C)]
2099 pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation64V2 {
2100     pub header_size: U32<LE>,
2101     pub fixup_info_size: U32<LE>,
2102     pub symbol: U64<LE>,
2103     pub symbol_group: U32<LE>,
2104     pub flags: U32<LE>,
2105     // ...     variable length header fields
2106     // pub     fixup_info[u8; fixup_info_size]
2107 }
2109 //
2110 // Defined symbolic dynamic relocation entries.
2111 //
2113 pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_RF_PROLOGUE: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2114 pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_RF_EPILOGUE: u32 = 0x0000_0002;
2119 // This struct has alignment 1.
2120 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2121 #[repr(C)]
2122 pub struct ImagePrologueDynamicRelocationHeader {
2123     pub prologue_byte_count: u8,
2124     // pub prologue_bytes: [u8; prologue_byte_count],
2125 }
2127 // This struct has alignment 1.
2128 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2129 #[repr(C)]
2130 pub struct ImageEpilogueDynamicRelocationHeader {
2131     pub epilogue_count: U32Bytes<LE>,
2132     pub epilogue_byte_count: u8,
2133     pub branch_descriptor_element_size: u8,
2134     pub branch_descriptor_count: U16Bytes<LE>,
2135     // pub branch_descriptors[...],
2136     // pub branch_descriptor_bit_map[...],
2137 }
2139 /*
2140 // TODO? bitfields
2141 // TODO: unaligned?
2142 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2143 #[repr(C)]
2144 pub struct ImageImportControlTransferDynamicRelocation {
2145     DWORD       PageRelativeOffset : 12;
2146     DWORD       IndirectCall       : 1;
2147     DWORD       IATIndex           : 19;
2148 }
2150 // TODO: unaligned?
2151 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2152 #[repr(C)]
2153 pub struct ImageIndirControlTransferDynamicRelocation {
2154     WORD        PageRelativeOffset : 12;
2155     WORD        IndirectCall       : 1;
2156     WORD        RexWPrefix         : 1;
2157     WORD        CfgCheck           : 1;
2158     WORD        Reserved           : 1;
2159 }
2161 // TODO: unaligned?
2162 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2163 #[repr(C)]
2164 pub struct ImageSwitchtableBranchDynamicRelocation {
2165     WORD        PageRelativeOffset : 12;
2166     WORD        RegisterNumber     : 4;
2167 }
2168 */
2170 //
2171 // Load Configuration Directory Entry
2172 //
2174 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2175 #[repr(C)]
2176 pub struct ImageLoadConfigDirectory32 {
2177     pub size: U32<LE>,
2178     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2179     pub major_version: U16<LE>,
2180     pub minor_version: U16<LE>,
2181     pub global_flags_clear: U32<LE>,
2182     pub global_flags_set: U32<LE>,
2183     pub critical_section_default_timeout: U32<LE>,
2184     pub de_commit_free_block_threshold: U32<LE>,
2185     pub de_commit_total_free_threshold: U32<LE>,
2186     /// VA
2187     pub lock_prefix_table: U32<LE>,
2188     pub maximum_allocation_size: U32<LE>,
2189     pub virtual_memory_threshold: U32<LE>,
2190     pub process_heap_flags: U32<LE>,
2191     pub process_affinity_mask: U32<LE>,
2192     pub csd_version: U16<LE>,
2193     pub dependent_load_flags: U16<LE>,
2194     /// VA
2195     pub edit_list: U32<LE>,
2196     /// VA
2197     pub security_cookie: U32<LE>,
2198     /// VA
2199     pub sehandler_table: U32<LE>,
2200     pub sehandler_count: U32<LE>,
2201     /// VA
2202     pub guard_cf_check_function_pointer: U32<LE>,
2203     /// VA
2204     pub guard_cf_dispatch_function_pointer: U32<LE>,
2205     /// VA
2206     pub guard_cf_function_table: U32<LE>,
2207     pub guard_cf_function_count: U32<LE>,
2208     pub guard_flags: U32<LE>,
2209     pub code_integrity: ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity,
2210     /// VA
2211     pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_table: U32<LE>,
2212     pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_count: U32<LE>,
2213     /// VA
2214     pub guard_long_jump_target_table: U32<LE>,
2215     pub guard_long_jump_target_count: U32<LE>,
2216     /// VA
2217     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table: U32<LE>,
2218     pub chpe_metadata_pointer: U32<LE>,
2219     /// VA
2220     pub guard_rf_failure_routine: U32<LE>,
2221     /// VA
2222     pub guard_rf_failure_routine_function_pointer: U32<LE>,
2223     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_offset: U32<LE>,
2224     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_section: U16<LE>,
2225     pub reserved2: U16<LE>,
2226     /// VA
2227     pub guard_rf_verify_stack_pointer_function_pointer: U32<LE>,
2228     pub hot_patch_table_offset: U32<LE>,
2229     pub reserved3: U32<LE>,
2230     /// VA
2231     pub enclave_configuration_pointer: U32<LE>,
2232     /// VA
2233     pub volatile_metadata_pointer: U32<LE>,
2234 }
2236 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2237 #[repr(C)]
2238 pub struct ImageLoadConfigDirectory64 {
2239     pub size: U32<LE>,
2240     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2241     pub major_version: U16<LE>,
2242     pub minor_version: U16<LE>,
2243     pub global_flags_clear: U32<LE>,
2244     pub global_flags_set: U32<LE>,
2245     pub critical_section_default_timeout: U32<LE>,
2246     pub de_commit_free_block_threshold: U64<LE>,
2247     pub de_commit_total_free_threshold: U64<LE>,
2248     /// VA
2249     pub lock_prefix_table: U64<LE>,
2250     pub maximum_allocation_size: U64<LE>,
2251     pub virtual_memory_threshold: U64<LE>,
2252     pub process_affinity_mask: U64<LE>,
2253     pub process_heap_flags: U32<LE>,
2254     pub csd_version: U16<LE>,
2255     pub dependent_load_flags: U16<LE>,
2256     /// VA
2257     pub edit_list: U64<LE>,
2258     /// VA
2259     pub security_cookie: U64<LE>,
2260     /// VA
2261     pub sehandler_table: U64<LE>,
2262     pub sehandler_count: U64<LE>,
2263     /// VA
2264     pub guard_cf_check_function_pointer: U64<LE>,
2265     /// VA
2266     pub guard_cf_dispatch_function_pointer: U64<LE>,
2267     /// VA
2268     pub guard_cf_function_table: U64<LE>,
2269     pub guard_cf_function_count: U64<LE>,
2270     pub guard_flags: U32<LE>,
2271     pub code_integrity: ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity,
2272     /// VA
2273     pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_table: U64<LE>,
2274     pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_count: U64<LE>,
2275     /// VA
2276     pub guard_long_jump_target_table: U64<LE>,
2277     pub guard_long_jump_target_count: U64<LE>,
2278     /// VA
2279     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table: U64<LE>,
2280     /// VA
2281     pub chpe_metadata_pointer: U64<LE>,
2282     /// VA
2283     pub guard_rf_failure_routine: U64<LE>,
2284     /// VA
2285     pub guard_rf_failure_routine_function_pointer: U64<LE>,
2286     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_offset: U32<LE>,
2287     pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_section: U16<LE>,
2288     pub reserved2: U16<LE>,
2289     /// VA
2290     pub guard_rf_verify_stack_pointer_function_pointer: U64<LE>,
2291     pub hot_patch_table_offset: U32<LE>,
2292     pub reserved3: U32<LE>,
2293     /// VA
2294     pub enclave_configuration_pointer: U64<LE>,
2295     /// VA
2296     pub volatile_metadata_pointer: U64<LE>,
2297 }
2299 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2300 #[repr(C)]
2301 pub struct ImageHotPatchInfo {
2302     pub version: U32<LE>,
2303     pub size: U32<LE>,
2304     pub sequence_number: U32<LE>,
2305     pub base_image_list: U32<LE>,
2306     pub base_image_count: U32<LE>,
2307     /// Version 2 and later
2308     pub buffer_offset: U32<LE>,
2309     /// Version 3 and later
2310     pub extra_patch_size: U32<LE>,
2311 }
2313 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2314 #[repr(C)]
2315 pub struct ImageHotPatchBase {
2316     pub sequence_number: U32<LE>,
2317     pub flags: U32<LE>,
2318     pub original_time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2319     pub original_check_sum: U32<LE>,
2320     pub code_integrity_info: U32<LE>,
2321     pub code_integrity_size: U32<LE>,
2322     pub patch_table: U32<LE>,
2323     /// Version 2 and later
2324     pub buffer_offset: U32<LE>,
2325 }
2327 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2328 #[repr(C)]
2329 pub struct ImageHotPatchHashes {
2330     pub sha256: [u8; 32],
2331     pub sha1: [u8; 20],
2332 }
2334 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_BASE_OBLIGATORY: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2335 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_BASE_CAN_ROLL_BACK: u32 = 0x0000_0002;
2337 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_INVERSE: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
2338 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_OBLIGATORY: u32 = 0x4000_0000;
2339 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_RESERVED: u32 = 0x3FF0_3000;
2340 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_TYPE: u32 = 0x000F_C000;
2341 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_SOURCE_RVA: u32 = 0x0000_8000;
2342 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_TARGET_RVA: u32 = 0x0000_4000;
2343 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_SIZE: u32 = 0x0000_0FFF;
2345 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_NONE: u32 = 0x0000_0000;
2346 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_FUNCTION: u32 = 0x0001_C000;
2347 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_ABSOLUTE: u32 = 0x0002_C000;
2348 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_REL32: u32 = 0x0003_C000;
2349 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CALL_TARGET: u32 = 0x0004_4000;
2350 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_INDIRECT: u32 = 0x0005_C000;
2351 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_NO_CALL_TARGET: u32 = 0x0006_4000;
2352 pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_DYNAMIC_VALUE: u32 = 0x0007_8000;
2354 /// Module performs control flow integrity checks using system-supplied support
2355 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0000_0100;
2356 /// Module performs control flow and write integrity checks
2357 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CFW_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0000_0200;
2358 /// Module contains valid control flow target metadata
2359 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_FUNCTION_TABLE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0000_0400;
2360 /// Module does not make use of the /GS security cookie
2361 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_SECURITY_COOKIE_UNUSED: u32 = 0x0000_0800;
2362 /// Module supports read only delay load IAT
2363 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_PROTECT_DELAYLOAD_IAT: u32 = 0x0000_1000;
2364 /// Delayload import table in its own .didat section (with nothing else in it) that can be freely reprotected
2365 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_DELAYLOAD_IAT_IN_ITS_OWN_SECTION: u32 = 0x0000_2000;
2366 /// Module contains suppressed export information.
2367 ///
2368 /// This also infers that the address taken taken IAT table is also present in the load config.
2369 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_EXPORT_SUPPRESSION_INFO_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0000_4000;
2370 /// Module enables suppression of exports
2371 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_ENABLE_EXPORT_SUPPRESSION: u32 = 0x0000_8000;
2372 /// Module contains longjmp target information
2373 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_LONGJUMP_TABLE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0001_0000;
2374 /// Module contains return flow instrumentation and metadata
2375 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0002_0000;
2376 /// Module requests that the OS enable return flow protection
2377 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_ENABLE: u32 = 0x0004_0000;
2378 /// Module requests that the OS enable return flow protection in strict mode
2379 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_STRICT: u32 = 0x0008_0000;
2380 /// Module was built with retpoline support
2381 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RETPOLINE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0010_0000;
2383 /// Stride of Guard CF function table encoded in these bits (additional count of bytes per element)
2384 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_FUNCTION_TABLE_SIZE_MASK: u32 = 0xF000_0000;
2385 /// Shift to right-justify Guard CF function table stride
2388 //
2389 // GFIDS table entry flags.
2390 //
2392 /// The containing GFID entry is suppressed
2393 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_FLAG_FID_SUPPRESSED: u16 = 0x01;
2394 /// The containing GFID entry is export suppressed
2395 pub const IMAGE_GUARD_FLAG_EXPORT_SUPPRESSED: u16 = 0x02;
2397 //
2398 // WIN CE Exception table format
2399 //
2401 //
2402 // Function table entry format.  Function table is pointed to by the
2403 // IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory entry.
2404 //
2406 /*
2407 // TODO? bitfields
2408 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2409 #[repr(C)]
2410 pub struct ImageCeRuntimeFunctionEntry {
2411     pub func_start: U32<LE>,
2412     DWORD PrologLen : 8;
2413     DWORD FuncLen : 22;
2414     DWORD ThirtyTwoBit : 1;
2415     DWORD ExceptionFlag : 1;
2416 }
2417 */
2419 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2420 #[repr(C)]
2421 pub struct ImageArmRuntimeFunctionEntry {
2422     pub begin_address: U32<LE>,
2423     pub unwind_data: U32<LE>,
2424 }
2426 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2427 #[repr(C)]
2428 pub struct ImageArm64RuntimeFunctionEntry {
2429     pub begin_address: U32<LE>,
2430     pub unwind_data: U32<LE>,
2431 }
2433 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2434 #[repr(C)]
2435 pub struct ImageAlpha64RuntimeFunctionEntry {
2436     pub begin_address: U64<LE>,
2437     pub end_address: U64<LE>,
2438     pub exception_handler: U64<LE>,
2439     pub handler_data: U64<LE>,
2440     pub prolog_end_address: U64<LE>,
2441 }
2443 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2444 #[repr(C)]
2445 pub struct ImageAlphaRuntimeFunctionEntry {
2446     pub begin_address: U32<LE>,
2447     pub end_address: U32<LE>,
2448     pub exception_handler: U32<LE>,
2449     pub handler_data: U32<LE>,
2450     pub prolog_end_address: U32<LE>,
2451 }
2453 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2454 #[repr(C)]
2455 pub struct ImageRuntimeFunctionEntry {
2456     pub begin_address: U32<LE>,
2457     pub end_address: U32<LE>,
2458     pub unwind_info_address_or_data: U32<LE>,
2459 }
2461 //
2462 // Sofware enclave information
2463 //
2465 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_LONG_ID_LENGTH: usize = 32;
2466 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH: usize = 16;
2468 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2469 #[repr(C)]
2470 pub struct ImageEnclaveConfig32 {
2471     pub size: U32<LE>,
2472     pub minimum_required_config_size: U32<LE>,
2473     pub policy_flags: U32<LE>,
2474     pub number_of_imports: U32<LE>,
2475     pub import_list: U32<LE>,
2476     pub import_entry_size: U32<LE>,
2477     pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2478     pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2479     pub image_version: U32<LE>,
2480     pub security_version: U32<LE>,
2481     pub enclave_size: U32<LE>,
2482     pub number_of_threads: U32<LE>,
2483     pub enclave_flags: U32<LE>,
2484 }
2486 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2487 #[repr(C)]
2488 pub struct ImageEnclaveConfig64 {
2489     pub size: U32<LE>,
2490     pub minimum_required_config_size: U32<LE>,
2491     pub policy_flags: U32<LE>,
2492     pub number_of_imports: U32<LE>,
2493     pub import_list: U32<LE>,
2494     pub import_entry_size: U32<LE>,
2495     pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2496     pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2497     pub image_version: U32<LE>,
2498     pub security_version: U32<LE>,
2499     pub enclave_size: U64<LE>,
2500     pub number_of_threads: U32<LE>,
2501     pub enclave_flags: U32<LE>,
2502 }
2506 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_POLICY_DEBUGGABLE: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2508 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_FLAG_PRIMARY_IMAGE: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2510 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2511 #[repr(C)]
2512 pub struct ImageEnclaveImport {
2513     pub match_type: U32<LE>,
2514     pub minimum_security_version: U32<LE>,
2515     pub unique_or_author_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_LONG_ID_LENGTH],
2516     pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2517     pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH],
2518     pub import_name: U32<LE>,
2519     pub reserved: U32<LE>,
2520 }
2522 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_NONE: u32 = 0x0000_0000;
2523 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_UNIQUE_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2524 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_AUTHOR_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0002;
2525 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_FAMILY_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0003;
2526 pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_IMAGE_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0004;
2528 //
2529 // Debug Format
2530 //
2532 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2533 #[repr(C)]
2534 pub struct ImageDebugDirectory {
2535     pub characteristics: U32<LE>,
2536     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2537     pub major_version: U16<LE>,
2538     pub minor_version: U16<LE>,
2539     pub typ: U32<LE>,
2540     pub size_of_data: U32<LE>,
2541     pub address_of_raw_data: U32<LE>,
2542     pub pointer_to_raw_data: U32<LE>,
2543 }
2545 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_UNKNOWN: u32 = 0;
2546 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_COFF: u32 = 1;
2547 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW: u32 = 2;
2548 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FPO: u32 = 3;
2549 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC: u32 = 4;
2550 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_EXCEPTION: u32 = 5;
2551 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FIXUP: u32 = 6;
2552 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_TO_SRC: u32 = 7;
2553 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_FROM_SRC: u32 = 8;
2554 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_BORLAND: u32 = 9;
2555 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_RESERVED10: u32 = 10;
2556 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CLSID: u32 = 11;
2557 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_VC_FEATURE: u32 = 12;
2558 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_POGO: u32 = 13;
2559 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_ILTCG: u32 = 14;
2560 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MPX: u32 = 15;
2561 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_REPRO: u32 = 16;
2563 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2564 #[repr(C)]
2565 pub struct ImageCoffSymbolsHeader {
2566     pub number_of_symbols: U32<LE>,
2567     pub lva_to_first_symbol: U32<LE>,
2568     pub number_of_linenumbers: U32<LE>,
2569     pub lva_to_first_linenumber: U32<LE>,
2570     pub rva_to_first_byte_of_code: U32<LE>,
2571     pub rva_to_last_byte_of_code: U32<LE>,
2572     pub rva_to_first_byte_of_data: U32<LE>,
2573     pub rva_to_last_byte_of_data: U32<LE>,
2574 }
2576 pub const FRAME_FPO: u16 = 0;
2577 pub const FRAME_TRAP: u16 = 1;
2578 pub const FRAME_TSS: u16 = 2;
2579 pub const FRAME_NONFPO: u16 = 3;
2581 /*
2582 // TODO? bitfields
2583 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2584 #[repr(C)]
2585 pub struct FpoData {
2586 /// offset 1st byte of function code
2587     pub ul_off_start: U32<LE>,
2588 /// # bytes in function
2589     pub cb_proc_size: U32<LE>,
2590 /// # bytes in locals/4
2591     pub cdw_locals: U32<LE>,
2592 /// # bytes in params/4
2593     pub cdw_params: U16<LE>,
2594 /// # bytes in prolog
2595     WORD        cbProlog : 8;
2596 /// # regs saved
2597     WORD        cbRegs   : 3;
2598 /// TRUE if SEH in func
2599     WORD        fHasSEH  : 1;
2600 /// TRUE if EBP has been allocated
2601     WORD        fUseBP   : 1;
2602 /// reserved for future use
2603     WORD        reserved : 1;
2604 /// frame type
2605     WORD        cbFrame  : 2;
2606 }
2607 pub const SIZEOF_RFPO_DATA: usize = 16;
2608 */
2610 pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC_EXENAME: u16 = 1;
2612 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2613 #[repr(C)]
2614 pub struct ImageDebugMisc {
2615     /// type of misc data, see defines
2616     pub data_type: U32<LE>,
2617     /// total length of record, rounded to four byte multiple.
2618     pub length: U32<LE>,
2619     /// TRUE if data is unicode string
2620     pub unicode: u8,
2621     pub reserved: [u8; 3],
2622     // Actual data
2623     //pub data: [u8; 1],
2624 }
2626 //
2627 // Function table extracted from MIPS/ALPHA/IA64 images.  Does not contain
2628 // information needed only for runtime support.  Just those fields for
2629 // each entry needed by a debugger.
2630 //
2632 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2633 #[repr(C)]
2634 pub struct ImageFunctionEntry {
2635     pub starting_address: U32<LE>,
2636     pub ending_address: U32<LE>,
2637     pub end_of_prologue: U32<LE>,
2638 }
2640 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2641 #[repr(C)]
2642 pub struct ImageFunctionEntry64 {
2643     pub starting_address: U64<LE>,
2644     pub ending_address: U64<LE>,
2645     pub end_of_prologue_or_unwind_info_address: U64<LE>,
2646 }
2648 //
2649 // Debugging information can be stripped from an image file and placed
2650 // in a separate .DBG file, whose file name part is the same as the
2651 // image file name part (e.g. symbols for CMD.EXE could be stripped
2652 // and placed in CMD.DBG).  This is indicated by the IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED
2653 // flag in the Characteristics field of the file header.  The beginning of
2654 // the .DBG file contains the following structure which captures certain
2655 // information from the image file.  This allows a debug to proceed even if
2656 // the original image file is not accessable.  This header is followed by
2657 // zero of more IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structures, followed by zero or more
2658 // IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY structures.  The latter structures and those in
2659 // the image file contain file offsets relative to the beginning of the
2660 // .DBG file.
2661 //
2662 // If symbols have been stripped from an image, the IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC structure
2663 // is left in the image file, but not mapped.  This allows a debugger to
2664 // compute the name of the .DBG file, from the name of the image in the
2665 // IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC structure.
2666 //
2668 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2669 #[repr(C)]
2670 pub struct ImageSeparateDebugHeader {
2671     pub signature: U16<LE>,
2672     pub flags: U16<LE>,
2673     pub machine: U16<LE>,
2674     pub characteristics: U16<LE>,
2675     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2676     pub check_sum: U32<LE>,
2677     pub image_base: U32<LE>,
2678     pub size_of_image: U32<LE>,
2679     pub number_of_sections: U32<LE>,
2680     pub exported_names_size: U32<LE>,
2681     pub debug_directory_size: U32<LE>,
2682     pub section_alignment: U32<LE>,
2683     pub reserved: [U32<LE>; 2],
2684 }
2686 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2687 #[repr(C)]
2688 pub struct NonPagedDebugInfo {
2689     pub signature: U16<LE>,
2690     pub flags: U16<LE>,
2691     pub size: U32<LE>,
2692     pub machine: U16<LE>,
2693     pub characteristics: U16<LE>,
2694     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2695     pub check_sum: U32<LE>,
2696     pub size_of_image: U32<LE>,
2697     pub image_base: U64<LE>,
2698     //debug_directory_size
2699     //ImageDebugDirectory
2700 }
2702 pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x4944;
2703 pub const NON_PAGED_DEBUG_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x494E;
2705 pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_FLAGS_MASK: u16 = 0x8000;
2706 /// when DBG was updated, the old checksum didn't match.
2707 pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_MISMATCH: u16 = 0x8000;
2709 //
2710 //  The .arch section is made up of headers, each describing an amask position/value
2711 //  pointing to an array of IMAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENTRY's.  Each "array" (both the header
2712 //  and entry arrays) are terminiated by a quadword of 0xffffffffL.
2713 //
2714 //  NOTE: There may be quadwords of 0 sprinkled around and must be skipped.
2715 //
2717 /*
2718 // TODO? bitfields
2719 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2720 #[repr(C)]
2721 pub struct ImageArchitectureHeader {
2722     /// 1 -> code section depends on mask bit
2723     /// 0 -> new instruction depends on mask bit
2724     unsigned int AmaskValue: 1;
2725     /// MBZ
2726     int :7;
2727     /// Amask bit in question for this fixup
2728     unsigned int AmaskShift: 8;
2729     /// MBZ
2730     int :16;
2731     /// RVA into .arch section to array of ARCHITECTURE_ENTRY's
2732     pub first_entry_rva: U32<LE>,
2733 }
2734 */
2736 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2737 #[repr(C)]
2738 pub struct ImageArchitectureEntry {
2739     /// RVA of instruction to fixup
2740     pub fixup_inst_rva: U32<LE>,
2741     /// fixup instruction (see alphaops.h)
2742     pub new_inst: U32<LE>,
2743 }
2745 // The following structure defines the new import object.  Note the values of the first two fields,
2746 // which must be set as stated in order to differentiate old and new import members.
2747 // Following this structure, the linker emits two null-terminated strings used to recreate the
2748 // import at the time of use.  The first string is the import's name, the second is the dll's name.
2750 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_HDR_SIG2: u16 = 0xffff;
2752 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2753 #[repr(C)]
2754 pub struct ImportObjectHeader {
2756     pub sig1: U16<LE>,
2757     /// Must be IMPORT_OBJECT_HDR_SIG2.
2758     pub sig2: U16<LE>,
2759     pub version: U16<LE>,
2760     pub machine: U16<LE>,
2761     /// Time/date stamp
2762     pub time_date_stamp: U32<LE>,
2763     /// particularly useful for incremental links
2764     pub size_of_data: U32<LE>,
2766     /// if grf & IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL
2767     pub ordinal_or_hint: U16<LE>,
2769     // WORD    Type : 2;
2770     // WORD    NameType : 3;
2771     // WORD    Reserved : 11;
2772     pub name_type: U16<LE>,
2773 }
2775 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_CODE: u16 = 0;
2776 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_DATA: u16 = 1;
2777 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_CONST: u16 = 2;
2779 /// Import by ordinal
2780 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL: u16 = 0;
2781 /// Import name == public symbol name.
2782 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME: u16 = 1;
2783 /// Import name == public symbol name skipping leading ?, @, or optionally _.
2784 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_NO_PREFIX: u16 = 2;
2785 /// Import name == public symbol name skipping leading ?, @, or optionally _ and truncating at first @.
2786 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_UNDECORATE: u16 = 3;
2787 /// Import name == a name is explicitly provided after the DLL name.
2788 pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_EXPORTAS: u16 = 4;
2790 // COM+ Header entry point flags.
2791 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY: u32 = 0x0000_0001;
2792 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED: u32 = 0x0000_0002;
2793 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY: u32 = 0x0000_0004;
2794 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED: u32 = 0x0000_0008;
2795 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT: u32 = 0x0000_0010;
2796 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_TRACKDEBUGDATA: u32 = 0x0001_0000;
2797 pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITPREFERRED: u32 = 0x0002_0000;
2799 // Version flags for image.
2800 pub const COR_VERSION_MAJOR_V2: u16 = 2;
2802 pub const COR_VERSION_MINOR: u16 = 5;
2803 pub const COR_DELETED_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 8;
2804 pub const COR_VTABLEGAP_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 8;
2806 // Maximum size of a NativeType descriptor.
2807 pub const NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB: u16 = 1;
2810 // Consts for the MIH FLAGS
2811 pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_METHODRVA: u16 = 0x01;
2812 pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_EHRVA: u16 = 0x02;
2813 pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_BASICBLOCK: u16 = 0x08;
2815 // V-table constants
2816 /// V-table slots are 32-bits in size.
2817 pub const COR_VTABLE_32BIT: u16 = 0x01;
2818 /// V-table slots are 64-bits in size.
2819 pub const COR_VTABLE_64BIT: u16 = 0x02;
2820 /// If set, transition from unmanaged.
2821 pub const COR_VTABLE_FROM_UNMANAGED: u16 = 0x04;
2822 /// If set, transition from unmanaged with keeping the current appdomain.
2824 /// Call most derived method described by
2825 pub const COR_VTABLE_CALL_MOST_DERIVED: u16 = 0x10;
2827 // EATJ constants
2828 /// Size of a jump thunk reserved range.
2829 pub const IMAGE_COR_EATJ_THUNK_SIZE: usize = 32;
2831 // Max name lengths
2832 pub const MAX_CLASS_NAME: usize = 1024;
2833 pub const MAX_PACKAGE_NAME: usize = 1024;
2835 // CLR 2.0 header structure.
2836 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
2837 #[repr(C)]
2838 pub struct ImageCor20Header {
2839     // Header versioning
2840     pub cb: U32<LE>,
2841     pub major_runtime_version: U16<LE>,
2842     pub minor_runtime_version: U16<LE>,
2844     // Symbol table and startup information
2845     pub meta_data: ImageDataDirectory,
2846     pub flags: U32<LE>,
2848     // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is not set, EntryPointToken represents a managed entrypoint.
2849     // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is set, EntryPointRVA represents an RVA to a native entrypoint.
2850     pub entry_point_token_or_rva: U32<LE>,
2852     // Binding information
2853     pub resources: ImageDataDirectory,
2854     pub strong_name_signature: ImageDataDirectory,
2856     // Regular fixup and binding information
2857     pub code_manager_table: ImageDataDirectory,
2858     pub vtable_fixups: ImageDataDirectory,
2859     pub export_address_table_jumps: ImageDataDirectory,
2861     // Precompiled image info (internal use only - set to zero)
2862     pub managed_native_header: ImageDataDirectory,
2863 }
2865 unsafe_impl_pod!(
2866     ImageDosHeader,
2867     ImageOs2Header,
2868     ImageVxdHeader,
2869     ImageFileHeader,
2870     ImageDataDirectory,
2871     ImageOptionalHeader32,
2872     ImageRomOptionalHeader,
2873     ImageOptionalHeader64,
2874     ImageNtHeaders64,
2875     ImageNtHeaders32,
2876     ImageRomHeaders,
2877     Guid,
2878     AnonObjectHeader,
2879     AnonObjectHeaderV2,
2880     AnonObjectHeaderBigobj,
2881     ImageSectionHeader,
2882     ImageSymbol,
2883     ImageSymbolBytes,
2884     ImageSymbolEx,
2885     ImageSymbolExBytes,
2886     ImageAuxSymbolTokenDef,
2887     ImageAuxSymbolFunction,
2888     ImageAuxSymbolFunctionBeginEnd,
2889     ImageAuxSymbolWeak,
2890     ImageAuxSymbolSection,
2891     ImageAuxSymbolCrc,
2892     ImageRelocation,
2893     ImageLinenumber,
2894     ImageBaseRelocation,
2895     ImageArchiveMemberHeader,
2896     ImageExportDirectory,
2897     ImageImportByName,
2898     //ImageThunkData64,
2899     //ImageThunkData32,
2900     ImageTlsDirectory64,
2901     ImageTlsDirectory32,
2902     ImageImportDescriptor,
2903     ImageBoundImportDescriptor,
2904     ImageBoundForwarderRef,
2905     ImageDelayloadDescriptor,
2906     ImageResourceDirectory,
2907     ImageResourceDirectoryEntry,
2908     ImageResourceDirectoryString,
2909     ImageResourceDirStringU,
2910     ImageResourceDataEntry,
2911     ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity,
2912     ImageDynamicRelocationTable,
2913     ImageDynamicRelocation32,
2914     ImageDynamicRelocation64,
2915     ImageDynamicRelocation32V2,
2916     ImageDynamicRelocation64V2,
2917     ImagePrologueDynamicRelocationHeader,
2918     ImageEpilogueDynamicRelocationHeader,
2919     //ImageImportControlTransferDynamicRelocation,
2920     //ImageIndirControlTransferDynamicRelocation,
2921     //ImageSwitchtableBranchDynamicRelocation,
2922     ImageLoadConfigDirectory32,
2923     ImageLoadConfigDirectory64,
2924     ImageHotPatchInfo,
2925     ImageHotPatchBase,
2926     ImageHotPatchHashes,
2927     //ImageCeRuntimeFunctionEntry,
2928     ImageArmRuntimeFunctionEntry,
2929     ImageArm64RuntimeFunctionEntry,
2930     ImageAlpha64RuntimeFunctionEntry,
2931     ImageAlphaRuntimeFunctionEntry,
2932     ImageRuntimeFunctionEntry,
2933     ImageEnclaveConfig32,
2934     ImageEnclaveConfig64,
2935     ImageEnclaveImport,
2936     ImageDebugDirectory,
2937     ImageCoffSymbolsHeader,
2938     //FpoData,
2939     ImageDebugMisc,
2940     ImageFunctionEntry,
2941     ImageFunctionEntry64,
2942     ImageSeparateDebugHeader,
2943     NonPagedDebugInfo,
2944     //ImageArchitectureHeader,
2945     ImageArchitectureEntry,
2946     ImportObjectHeader,
2947     ImageCor20Header,
2948 );