1# Licq Dock Theme Guide v1.0
2# Graham Roff
4# This is the howto guide to writing a dock icon theme for Licq.
5# It is written as an example dock config file and can be edited to suit
6# a new theme easily.
7# Like skins and icons, dock themes are placed in the licq share directory
8# in the qt-gui subdirectory in dock.<name>/, and the config file is
9# called <name>.dock
11# The first section details the main images to be used in the dock.
12# There are four, depending on what combination of messages are waiting:
13# none, regular, system, or both.
14# Each type also has a mask associated with (a 2-bit pixmap where anything
15# white will be transparent).
16# Any value can be set to "none" to have nothing be shown, but be warned
17# that this will make the dock icon a 1x1 square.  The same pixmap can
18# be used in multiple places.
20NoMessages = nomsg.xpm
21NoMessagesMask = mask.xpm
22RegularMessages = regmsg.xpm
23RegularMessagesMask = mask.xpm
24SystemMessages = sysmsg.xpm
25SystemMessagesMask = mask.xpm
26BothMessages = bothmsg.xpm
27BothMessagesMask = mask.xpm
29# This section is the overlays which will be used depending on what status
30# you are in.  These do not typically represent full images but merely
31# a part of one of the above full images which will be drawn on top of it.
32# The mask specifies which parts of the image are to be drawn.
33# This section can be omitted or values can be set to "none" if no status
34# pictures are desired.
36Mask = statusmask.xpm
37Online = online.xpm
38Offline = offline.xpm
39Away = away.xpm
40NA = na.xpm
41Occupied = occupied.xpm
42DND = dnd.xpm
43FFC = ffc.xpm
44Invisible = invisible.xpm