1{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
2-- | The main test loop.
4#ifndef NO_TYPEABLE
5{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
10module Test.QuickCheck.Test where
13-- imports
15import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
16import Test.QuickCheck.Property hiding ( Result( reason, theException, labels, classes, tables ), (.&.) )
17import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as P
18import Test.QuickCheck.Text
19import Test.QuickCheck.State hiding (labels, classes, tables, requiredCoverage)
20import qualified Test.QuickCheck.State as S
21import Test.QuickCheck.Exception
22import Test.QuickCheck.Random
23import System.Random(split)
24#if defined(MIN_VERSION_containers)
25#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
26import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
28import qualified Data.Map as Map
31import qualified Data.Map as Map
33import qualified Data.Set as Set
34import Data.Set(Set)
35import Data.Map(Map)
37import Data.Char
38  ( isSpace
39  )
41import Data.List
42  ( sort
43  , sortBy
44  , group
45  , intersperse
46  )
48import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe, isNothing, catMaybes)
49import Data.Ord(comparing)
50import Text.Printf(printf)
51import Control.Monad
52import Data.Bits
54#ifndef NO_TYPEABLE
55import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
59-- quickCheck
61-- * Running tests
63-- | Args specifies arguments to the QuickCheck driver
64data Args
65  = Args
66  { replay          :: Maybe (QCGen,Int)
67    -- ^ Should we replay a previous test?
68    -- Note: saving a seed from one version of QuickCheck and
69    -- replaying it in another is not supported.
70    -- If you want to store a test case permanently you should save
71    -- the test case itself.
72  , maxSuccess      :: Int
73    -- ^ Maximum number of successful tests before succeeding. Testing stops
74    -- at the first failure. If all tests are passing and you want to run more tests,
75    -- increase this number.
76  , maxDiscardRatio :: Int
77    -- ^ Maximum number of discarded tests per successful test before giving up
78  , maxSize         :: Int
79    -- ^ Size to use for the biggest test cases
80  , chatty          :: Bool
81    -- ^ Whether to print anything
82  , maxShrinks      :: Int
83    -- ^ Maximum number of shrinks to before giving up. Setting this to zero
84    --   turns shrinking off.
85  }
86 deriving ( Show, Read
87#ifndef NO_TYPEABLE
88  , Typeable
90  )
92-- | Result represents the test result
93data Result
94  -- | A successful test run
95  = Success
96    { numTests     :: Int
97      -- ^ Number of tests performed
98    , numDiscarded :: Int
99      -- ^ Number of tests skipped
100    , labels       :: !(Map [String] Int)
101      -- ^ The number of test cases having each combination of labels (see 'label')
102    , classes      :: !(Map String Int)
103      -- ^ The number of test cases having each class (see 'classify')
104    , tables       :: !(Map String (Map String Int))
105      -- ^ Data collected by 'tabulate'
106    , output       :: String
107      -- ^ Printed output
108    }
109  -- | Given up
110  | GaveUp
111    { numTests     :: Int
112    , numDiscarded :: Int
113      -- ^ Number of tests skipped
114    , labels       :: !(Map [String] Int)
115    , classes      :: !(Map String Int)
116    , tables       :: !(Map String (Map String Int))
117    , output       :: String
118    }
119  -- | A failed test run
120  | Failure
121    { numTests        :: Int
122    , numDiscarded    :: Int
123      -- ^ Number of tests skipped
124    , numShrinks      :: Int
125      -- ^ Number of successful shrinking steps performed
126    , numShrinkTries  :: Int
127      -- ^ Number of unsuccessful shrinking steps performed
128    , numShrinkFinal  :: Int
129      -- ^ Number of unsuccessful shrinking steps performed since last successful shrink
130    , usedSeed        :: QCGen
131      -- ^ What seed was used
132    , usedSize        :: Int
133      -- ^ What was the test size
134    , reason          :: String
135      -- ^ Why did the property fail
136    , theException    :: Maybe AnException
137      -- ^ The exception the property threw, if any
138    , output          :: String
139    , failingTestCase :: [String]
140      -- ^ The test case which provoked the failure
141    , failingLabels   :: [String]
142      -- ^ The test case's labels (see 'label')
143    , failingClasses  :: Set String
144      -- ^ The test case's classes (see 'classify')
145    }
146  -- | A property that should have failed did not
147  | NoExpectedFailure
148    { numTests     :: Int
149    , numDiscarded :: Int
150      -- ^ Number of tests skipped
151    , labels       :: !(Map [String] Int)
152    , classes      :: !(Map String Int)
153    , tables       :: !(Map String (Map String Int))
154    , output       :: String
155    }
156 deriving ( Show )
158-- | Check if the test run result was a success
159isSuccess :: Result -> Bool
160isSuccess Success{} = True
161isSuccess _         = False
163-- | The default test arguments
164stdArgs :: Args
165stdArgs = Args
166  { replay          = Nothing
167  , maxSuccess      = 100
168  , maxDiscardRatio = 10
169  , maxSize         = 100
170  , chatty          = True
171  , maxShrinks      = maxBound
172  }
174-- | Tests a property and prints the results to 'stdout'.
176-- By default up to 100 tests are performed, which may not be enough
177-- to find all bugs. To run more tests, use 'withMaxSuccess'.
179-- If you want to get the counterexample as a Haskell value,
180-- rather than just printing it, try the
181-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/quickcheck-with-counterexamples quickcheck-with-counterexamples>
182-- package.
184quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()
185quickCheck p = quickCheckWith stdArgs p
187-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results to 'stdout'.
188quickCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO ()
189quickCheckWith args p = quickCheckWithResult args p >> return ()
191-- | Tests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results to 'stdout'.
192quickCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO Result
193quickCheckResult p = quickCheckWithResult stdArgs p
195-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, produces a test result, and prints the results to 'stdout'.
196quickCheckWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO Result
197quickCheckWithResult a p =
198  withState a (\s -> test s (property p))
200withState :: Args -> (State -> IO a) -> IO a
201withState a test = (if chatty a then withStdioTerminal else withNullTerminal) $ \tm -> do
202     rnd <- case replay a of
203              Nothing      -> newQCGen
204              Just (rnd,_) -> return rnd
205     test MkState{ terminal                  = tm
206                 , maxSuccessTests           = maxSuccess a
207                 , coverageConfidence        = Nothing
208                 , maxDiscardedRatio         = maxDiscardRatio a
209                 , computeSize               = case replay a of
210                                                 Nothing    -> computeSize'
211                                                 Just (_,s) -> computeSize' `at0` s
212                 , numTotMaxShrinks          = maxShrinks a
213                 , numSuccessTests           = 0
214                 , numDiscardedTests         = 0
215                 , numRecentlyDiscardedTests = 0
216                 , S.labels                  = Map.empty
217                 , S.classes                 = Map.empty
218                 , S.tables                  = Map.empty
219                 , S.requiredCoverage        = Map.empty
220                 , expected                  = True
221                 , randomSeed                = rnd
222                 , numSuccessShrinks         = 0
223                 , numTryShrinks             = 0
224                 , numTotTryShrinks          = 0
225                 }
226  where computeSize' n d
227          -- e.g. with maxSuccess = 250, maxSize = 100, goes like this:
228          -- 0, 1, 2, ..., 99, 0, 1, 2, ..., 99, 0, 2, 4, ..., 98.
229          | n `roundTo` maxSize a + maxSize a <= maxSuccess a ||
230            n >= maxSuccess a ||
231            maxSuccess a `mod` maxSize a == 0 = (n `mod` maxSize a + d `div` 10) `min` maxSize a
232          | otherwise =
233            ((n `mod` maxSize a) * maxSize a `div` (maxSuccess a `mod` maxSize a) + d `div` 10) `min` maxSize a
234        n `roundTo` m = (n `div` m) * m
235        at0 f s 0 0 = s
236        at0 f s n d = f n d
238-- | Tests a property and prints the results and all test cases generated to 'stdout'.
239-- This is just a convenience function that means the same as @'quickCheck' . 'verbose'@.
241-- Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out /after/
242-- the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an
243-- infinite loop, use 'within' to add a timeout instead.
244verboseCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()
245verboseCheck p = quickCheck (verbose p)
247-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results and all test cases generated to 'stdout'.
248-- This is just a convenience function that combines 'quickCheckWith' and 'verbose'.
250-- Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out /after/
251-- the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an
252-- infinite loop, use 'within' to add a timeout instead.
253verboseCheckWith :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO ()
254verboseCheckWith args p = quickCheckWith args (verbose p)
256-- | Tests a property, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to 'stdout'.
257-- This is just a convenience function that combines 'quickCheckResult' and 'verbose'.
259-- Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out /after/
260-- the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an
261-- infinite loop, use 'within' to add a timeout instead.
262verboseCheckResult :: Testable prop => prop -> IO Result
263verboseCheckResult p = quickCheckResult (verbose p)
265-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, produces a test result, and prints the results and all test cases generated to 'stdout'.
266-- This is just a convenience function that combines 'quickCheckWithResult' and 'verbose'.
268-- Note: for technical reasons, the test case is printed out /after/
269-- the property is tested. To debug a property that goes into an
270-- infinite loop, use 'within' to add a timeout instead.
271verboseCheckWithResult :: Testable prop => Args -> prop -> IO Result
272verboseCheckWithResult a p = quickCheckWithResult a (verbose p)
275-- main test loop
277test :: State -> Property -> IO Result
278test st f
279  | numSuccessTests st   >= maxSuccessTests st && isNothing (coverageConfidence st) =
280    doneTesting st f
281  | numDiscardedTests st >= maxDiscardedRatio st * max (numSuccessTests st) (maxSuccessTests st) =
282    giveUp st f
283  | otherwise =
284    runATest st f
286doneTesting :: State -> Property -> IO Result
287doneTesting st _f
288  | expected st == False = do
289      putPart (terminal st)
290        ( bold ("*** Failed!")
291       ++ " Passed "
292       ++ showTestCount st
293       ++ " (expected failure)"
294        )
295      finished NoExpectedFailure
296  | otherwise = do
297      putPart (terminal st)
298        ( "+++ OK, passed "
299       ++ showTestCount st
300        )
301      finished Success
302  where
303    finished k = do
304      success st
305      theOutput <- terminalOutput (terminal st)
306      return (k (numSuccessTests st) (numDiscardedTests st) (S.labels st) (S.classes st) (S.tables st) theOutput)
308giveUp :: State -> Property -> IO Result
309giveUp st _f =
310  do -- CALLBACK gave_up?
311     putPart (terminal st)
312       ( bold ("*** Gave up!")
313      ++ " Passed only "
314      ++ showTestCount st
315      ++ " tests"
316       )
317     success st
318     theOutput <- terminalOutput (terminal st)
319     return GaveUp{ numTests     = numSuccessTests st
320                  , numDiscarded = numDiscardedTests st
321                  , labels       = S.labels st
322                  , classes      = S.classes st
323                  , tables       = S.tables st
324                  , output       = theOutput
325                  }
327showTestCount :: State -> String
328showTestCount st =
329     number (numSuccessTests st) "test"
330  ++ concat [ "; " ++ show (numDiscardedTests st) ++ " discarded"
331            | numDiscardedTests st > 0
332            ]
334runATest :: State -> Property -> IO Result
335runATest st f =
336  do -- CALLBACK before_test
337     putTemp (terminal st)
338        ( "("
339       ++ showTestCount st
340       ++ ")"
341        )
342     let powerOfTwo n = n .&. (n - 1) == 0
343     let f_or_cov =
344           case coverageConfidence st of
345             Just confidence | (1 + numSuccessTests st) `mod` 100 == 0 && powerOfTwo ((1 + numSuccessTests st) `div` 100) ->
346               addCoverageCheck confidence st f
347             _ -> f
348     let size = computeSize st (numSuccessTests st) (numRecentlyDiscardedTests st)
349     MkRose res ts <- protectRose (reduceRose (unProp (unGen (unProperty f_or_cov) rnd1 size)))
350     res <- callbackPostTest st res
352     let continue break st' | abort res = break st'
353                            | otherwise = test st'
355     let st' = st{ coverageConfidence = maybeCheckCoverage res `mplus` coverageConfidence st
356                 , maxSuccessTests = fromMaybe (maxSuccessTests st) (maybeNumTests res)
357                 , S.labels = Map.insertWith (+) (P.labels res) 1 (S.labels st)
358                 , S.classes = Map.unionWith (+) (S.classes st) (Map.fromList (zip (P.classes res) (repeat 1)))
359                 , S.tables =
360                   foldr (\(tab, x) -> Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (+)) tab (Map.singleton x 1))
361                     (S.tables st) (P.tables res)
362                 , S.requiredCoverage =
363                   foldr (\(key, value, p) -> Map.insertWith max (key, value) p)
364                     (S.requiredCoverage st) (P.requiredCoverage res)
365                 , expected = expect res }
367     case res of
368       MkResult{ok = Just True} -> -- successful test
369         do continue doneTesting
370              st'{ numSuccessTests           = numSuccessTests st' + 1
371                 , numRecentlyDiscardedTests = 0
372                 , randomSeed = rnd2
373                 } f
375       MkResult{ok = Nothing, expect = expect, maybeNumTests = mnt, maybeCheckCoverage = mcc} -> -- discarded test
376         do continue giveUp
377              -- Don't add coverage info from this test
378              st{ numDiscardedTests         = numDiscardedTests st' + 1
379                , numRecentlyDiscardedTests = numRecentlyDiscardedTests st' + 1
380                , randomSeed = rnd2
381                } f
383       MkResult{ok = Just False} -> -- failed test
384         do (numShrinks, totFailed, lastFailed, res) <- foundFailure st' res ts
385            theOutput <- terminalOutput (terminal st')
386            if not (expect res) then
387              return Success{ labels = S.labels st',
388                              classes = S.classes st',
389                              tables = S.tables st',
390                              numTests = numSuccessTests st'+1,
391                              numDiscarded = numDiscardedTests st',
392                              output = theOutput }
393             else do
394              testCase <- mapM showCounterexample (P.testCase res)
395              return Failure{ usedSeed        = randomSeed st' -- correct! (this will be split first)
396                            , usedSize        = size
397                            , numTests        = numSuccessTests st'+1
398                            , numDiscarded    = numDiscardedTests st'
399                            , numShrinks      = numShrinks
400                            , numShrinkTries  = totFailed
401                            , numShrinkFinal  = lastFailed
402                            , output          = theOutput
403                            , reason          = P.reason res
404                            , theException    = P.theException res
405                            , failingTestCase = testCase
406                            , failingLabels   = P.labels res
407                            , failingClasses  = Set.fromList (P.classes res)
408                            }
409 where
410  (rnd1,rnd2) = split (randomSeed st)
412failureSummary :: State -> P.Result -> String
413failureSummary st res = fst (failureSummaryAndReason st res)
415failureReason :: State -> P.Result -> [String]
416failureReason st res = snd (failureSummaryAndReason st res)
418failureSummaryAndReason :: State -> P.Result -> (String, [String])
419failureSummaryAndReason st res = (summary, full)
420  where
421    summary =
422      header ++
423      short 26 (oneLine theReason ++ " ") ++
424      count True ++ "..."
426    full =
427      (header ++
428       (if isOneLine theReason then theReason ++ " " else "") ++
429       count False ++ ":"):
430      if isOneLine theReason then [] else lines theReason
432    theReason = P.reason res
434    header =
435      if expect res then
436        bold "*** Failed! "
437      else "+++ OK, failed as expected. "
439    count full =
440      "(after " ++ number (numSuccessTests st+1) "test" ++
441      concat [
442        " and " ++
443        show (numSuccessShrinks st) ++
444        concat [ "." ++ show (numTryShrinks st) | showNumTryShrinks ] ++
445        " shrink" ++
446        (if numSuccessShrinks st == 1 && not showNumTryShrinks then "" else "s")
447        | numSuccessShrinks st > 0 || showNumTryShrinks ] ++
448      ")"
449      where
450        showNumTryShrinks = full && numTryShrinks st > 0
452success :: State -> IO ()
453success st = do
454  mapM_ (putLine $ terminal st) (paragraphs [short, long])
455  where
456    (short, long) =
457      case labelsAndTables st of
458        ([msg], long) ->
459          ([" (" ++ dropWhile isSpace msg ++ ")."], long)
460        ([], long) ->
461          (["."], long)
462        (short, long) ->
463          (":":short, long)
465labelsAndTables :: State -> ([String], [String])
466labelsAndTables st = (theLabels, theTables)
467  where
468    theLabels :: [String]
469    theLabels =
470      paragraphs $
471        [ showTable (numSuccessTests st) Nothing m
472        | m <- S.classes st:Map.elems numberedLabels ]
474    numberedLabels :: Map Int (Map String Int)
475    numberedLabels =
476      Map.fromListWith (Map.unionWith (+)) $
477        [ (i, Map.singleton l n)
478        | (labels, n) <- Map.toList (S.labels st),
479          (i, l) <- zip [0..] labels ]
481    theTables :: [String]
482    theTables =
483      paragraphs $
484        [ showTable (sum (Map.elems m)) (Just table) m
485        | (table, m) <- Map.toList (S.tables st) ] ++
486        [[ (case mtable of Nothing -> "Only "; Just table -> "Table '" ++ table ++ "' had only ")
487         ++ lpercent n tot ++ " " ++ label ++ ", but expected " ++ lpercentage p tot
488         | (mtable, label, tot, n, p) <- allCoverage st,
489           insufficientlyCovered (fmap certainty (coverageConfidence st)) tot n p ]]
491showTable :: Int -> Maybe String -> Map String Int -> [String]
492showTable k mtable m =
493  [table ++ " " ++ total ++ ":" | Just table <- [mtable]] ++
494  (map format .
495   -- Descending order of occurrences
496   reverse . sortBy (comparing snd) .
497   -- If #occurences the same, sort in increasing order of key
498   -- (note: works because sortBy is stable)
499   reverse . sortBy (comparing fst) $ Map.toList m)
500  where
501    format (key, v) =
502      rpercent v k ++ " " ++ key
504    total = printf "(%d in total)" k
507-- main shrinking loop
509foundFailure :: State -> P.Result -> [Rose P.Result] -> IO (Int, Int, Int, P.Result)
510foundFailure st res ts =
511  do localMin st{ numTryShrinks = 0 } res ts
513localMin :: State -> P.Result -> [Rose P.Result] -> IO (Int, Int, Int, P.Result)
514-- Don't try to shrink for too long
515localMin st res ts
516  | numSuccessShrinks st + numTotTryShrinks st >= numTotMaxShrinks st =
517    localMinFound st res
518localMin st res ts = do
519  r <- tryEvaluateIO $
520    putTemp (terminal st) (failureSummary st res)
521  case r of
522    Left err ->
523      localMinFound st (exception "Exception while printing status message" err) { callbacks = callbacks res }
524    Right () -> do
525      r <- tryEvaluate ts
526      case r of
527        Left err ->
528          localMinFound st
529            (exception "Exception while generating shrink-list" err) { callbacks = callbacks res }
530        Right ts' -> localMin' st res ts'
532localMin' :: State -> P.Result -> [Rose P.Result] -> IO (Int, Int, Int, P.Result)
533localMin' st res [] = localMinFound st res
534localMin' st res (t:ts) =
535  do -- CALLBACK before_test
536    MkRose res' ts' <- protectRose (reduceRose t)
537    res' <- callbackPostTest st res'
538    if ok res' == Just False
539      then localMin st{ numSuccessShrinks = numSuccessShrinks st + 1,
540                        numTryShrinks     = 0 } res' ts'
541      else localMin st{ numTryShrinks    = numTryShrinks st + 1,
542                        numTotTryShrinks = numTotTryShrinks st + 1 } res ts
544localMinFound :: State -> P.Result -> IO (Int, Int, Int, P.Result)
545localMinFound st res =
546  do sequence_ [ putLine (terminal st) msg | msg <- failureReason st res ]
547     callbackPostFinalFailure st res
548     -- NB no need to check if callbacks threw an exception because
549     -- we are about to return to the user anyway
550     return (numSuccessShrinks st, numTotTryShrinks st - numTryShrinks st, numTryShrinks st, res)
553-- callbacks
555callbackPostTest :: State -> P.Result -> IO P.Result
556callbackPostTest st res = protect (exception "Exception running callback") $ do
557  sequence_ [ f st res | PostTest _ f <- callbacks res ]
558  return res
560callbackPostFinalFailure :: State -> P.Result -> IO ()
561callbackPostFinalFailure st res = do
562  x <- tryEvaluateIO $ sequence_ [ f st res | PostFinalFailure _ f <- callbacks res ]
563  case x of
564    Left err -> do
565      putLine (terminal st) "*** Exception running callback: "
566      tryEvaluateIO $ putLine (terminal st) (show err)
567      return ()
568    Right () -> return ()
571-- computing coverage
573sufficientlyCovered :: Confidence -> Int -> Int -> Double -> Bool
574sufficientlyCovered confidence n k p =
575  -- Accept the coverage if, with high confidence, the actual probability is
576  -- at least 0.9 times the required one.
577  wilsonLow (fromIntegral k) (fromIntegral n) (1 / fromIntegral err) >= tol * p
578  where
579    err = certainty confidence
580    tol = tolerance confidence
582insufficientlyCovered :: Maybe Integer -> Int -> Int -> Double -> Bool
583insufficientlyCovered Nothing n k p =
584  fromIntegral k < p * fromIntegral n
585insufficientlyCovered (Just err) n k p =
586  wilsonHigh (fromIntegral k) (fromIntegral n) (1 / fromIntegral err) < p
588-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval#Wilson_score_interval
589-- Note:
590-- https://www.ncss.com/wp-content/themes/ncss/pdf/Procedures/PASS/Confidence_Intervals_for_One_Proportion.pdf
591-- suggests we should use a instead of a/2 for a one-sided test. Look
592-- into this.
593wilson :: Integer -> Integer -> Double -> Double
594wilson k n z =
595  (p + z*z/(2*nf) + z*sqrt (p*(1-p)/nf + z*z/(4*nf*nf)))/(1 + z*z/nf)
596  where
597    nf = fromIntegral n
598    p = fromIntegral k / fromIntegral n
600wilsonLow :: Integer -> Integer -> Double -> Double
601wilsonLow k n a = wilson k n (invnormcdf (a/2))
603wilsonHigh :: Integer -> Integer -> Double -> Double
604wilsonHigh k n a = wilson k n (invnormcdf (1-a/2))
606-- Algorithm taken from
607-- https://web.archive.org/web/20151110174102/http://home.online.no/~pjacklam/notes/invnorm/
608-- Accurate to about one part in 10^9.
610-- The 'erf' package uses the same algorithm, but with an extra step
611-- to get a fully accurate result, which we skip because it requires
612-- the 'erfc' function.
613invnormcdf :: Double -> Double
614invnormcdf p
615  | p < 0  = 0/0
616  | p > 1  = 0/0
617  | p == 0 = -1/0
618  | p == 1 = 1/0
619  | p < p_low =
620    let
621      q = sqrt(-2*log(p))
622    in
623      (((((c1*q+c2)*q+c3)*q+c4)*q+c5)*q+c6) /
624      ((((d1*q+d2)*q+d3)*q+d4)*q+1)
625  | p <= p_high =
626    let
627      q = p - 0.5
628      r = q*q
629    in
630      (((((a1*r+a2)*r+a3)*r+a4)*r+a5)*r+a6)*q /
631      (((((b1*r+b2)*r+b3)*r+b4)*r+b5)*r+1)
632  | otherwise =
633    let
634      q = sqrt(-2*log(1-p))
635    in
636      -(((((c1*q+c2)*q+c3)*q+c4)*q+c5)*q+c6) /
637       ((((d1*q+d2)*q+d3)*q+d4)*q+1)
638  where
639    a1 = -3.969683028665376e+01
640    a2 =  2.209460984245205e+02
641    a3 = -2.759285104469687e+02
642    a4 =  1.383577518672690e+02
643    a5 = -3.066479806614716e+01
644    a6 =  2.506628277459239e+00
646    b1 = -5.447609879822406e+01
647    b2 =  1.615858368580409e+02
648    b3 = -1.556989798598866e+02
649    b4 =  6.680131188771972e+01
650    b5 = -1.328068155288572e+01
652    c1 = -7.784894002430293e-03
653    c2 = -3.223964580411365e-01
654    c3 = -2.400758277161838e+00
655    c4 = -2.549732539343734e+00
656    c5 =  4.374664141464968e+00
657    c6 =  2.938163982698783e+00
659    d1 =  7.784695709041462e-03
660    d2 =  3.224671290700398e-01
661    d3 =  2.445134137142996e+00
662    d4 =  3.754408661907416e+00
664    p_low  = 0.02425
665    p_high = 1 - p_low
667addCoverageCheck :: Confidence -> State -> Property -> Property
668addCoverageCheck confidence st prop
669  | and [ sufficientlyCovered confidence tot n p
670        | (_, _, tot, n, p) <- allCoverage st ] =
671    -- Note: run prop once more so that we get labels for this test case run
672    once prop
673  | or [ insufficientlyCovered (Just (certainty confidence)) tot n p
674       | (_, _, tot, n, p) <- allCoverage st ] =
675    let (theLabels, theTables) = labelsAndTables st in
676    foldr counterexample (property failed{P.reason = "Insufficient coverage"})
677      (paragraphs [theLabels, theTables])
678  | otherwise = prop
680allCoverage :: State -> [(Maybe String, String, Int, Int, Double)]
681allCoverage st =
682  [ (key, value, tot, n, p)
683  | ((key, value), p) <- Map.toList (S.requiredCoverage st),
684    let tot =
685          case key of
686            Just key -> Map.findWithDefault 0 key totals
687            Nothing -> numSuccessTests st,
688    let n = Map.findWithDefault 0 value (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty key combinedCounts) ]
689  where
690    combinedCounts :: Map (Maybe String) (Map String Int)
691    combinedCounts =
692      Map.insert Nothing (S.classes st)
693        (Map.mapKeys Just (S.tables st))
695    totals :: Map String Int
696    totals = fmap (sum . Map.elems) (S.tables st)
699-- the end.