1local http = require "net.http";
2local json = require "util.json";
3local st = require "util.stanza";
4local xml = require "util.xml";
5local unpack = rawget(_G, "unpack") or table.unpack;
7local url = module:get_option_string("component_post_url");
8assert(url, "Missing required config option 'component_post_url'");
10local stanza_kinds = module:get_option_set("post_stanza_types", { "message" });
12local http_error_map = {
13	[0]   = { "cancel", "remote-server-timeout", "Connection failure" };
14	-- 4xx
15	[400] = { "modify", "bad-request" };
16	[401] = { "auth", "not-authorized" };
17	[402] = { "auth", "forbidden", "Payment required" };
18	[403] = { "auth", "forbidden" };
19	[404] = { "cancel", "item-not-found" };
20	[410] = { "cancel", "gone" };
21	-- 5xx
22	[500] = { "cancel", "internal-server-error" };
23	[501] = { "cancel", "feature-not-implemented" };
24	[502] = { "cancel", "remote-server-timeout", "Bad gateway" };
25	[503] = { "wait", "remote-server-timeout", "Service temporarily unavailable" };
26	[504] = { "wait", "remote-server-timeout", "Gateway timeout" };
29local function error_reply(stanza, code)
30	local error = http_error_map[code] or { "cancel", "service-unavailable" };
31	return st.error_reply(stanza, unpack(error, 1, 3));
34function handle_stanza(event)
35	local stanza = event.stanza;
36	local request_body = json.encode({
37		to = stanza.attr.to;
38		from = stanza.attr.from;
39		kind = stanza.name;
40		body = stanza.name == "message" and stanza:get_child_text("body") or nil;
41		stanza = tostring(stanza);
42	});
43	http.request(url, {
44		body = request_body;
45	}, function (response_text, code, response)
46		if stanza.attr.type == "error" then return; end -- Avoid error loops, don't reply to error stanzas
47		if code == 200 and response_text and response.headers["content-type"] == "application/json" then
48			local response_data = json.decode(response_text);
49			if response_data.stanza then
50				local reply_stanza = xml.parse(response_data.stanza);
51				if reply_stanza then
52					reply_stanza.attr.from, reply_stanza.attr.to = stanza.attr.to, stanza.attr.from;
53					module:send(reply_stanza);
54				else
55					module:log("warn", "Unable to parse reply stanza");
56				end
57			else
58				local stanza_kind = response_data.kind or "message";
59				local to = response_data.to or stanza.attr.from;
60				local from = response_data.from or stanza.attr.to;
61				local reply_stanza = st.stanza(stanza_kind, {
62					to = to, from = from;
63					type = response_data.type or (stanza_kind == "message" and "chat") or nil;
64				});
65				if stanza_kind == "message" and response_data.body then
66					reply_stanza:tag("body"):text(tostring(response_data.body)):up();
67				end
68				module:log("debug", "Sending %s", tostring(reply_stanza));
69				module:send(reply_stanza);
70			end
71		elseif code >= 200 and code <= 299 then
72			return;
73		else
74			module:send(error_reply(stanza, code));
75		end
76		return true;
77	end);
78	return true;
81for stanza_kind in stanza_kinds do
82	for _, jid_type in ipairs({ "host", "bare", "full" }) do
83		module:hook(stanza_kind.."/"..jid_type, handle_stanza);
84	end
87-- Simple handler for an always-online JID that allows everyone to subscribe to presence
88local function default_presence_handler(event)
89	local stanza = event.stanza;
90	module:log("debug", "Handling %s", tostring(stanza));
91	if stanza.attr.type == "probe" then
92		module:send(st.presence({ to = stanza.attr.from, from = stanza.attr.to.."/default" }));
93	elseif stanza.attr.type == "subscribe" then
94		module:send(st.presence({ type = "subscribed", to = stanza.attr.from, from = stanza.attr.to.."/default" }));
95		module:send(st.presence({ to = stanza.attr.from, from = stanza.attr.to.."/default" }));
96	elseif stanza.attr.type == "unsubscribe" then
97		module:send(st.presence({ type = "unavailable", to = stanza.attr.from, from = stanza.attr.to.."/default" }));
98	end
99	return true;
102module:hook("presence/bare", default_presence_handler, -1);