1-- Prosody IM
2-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
3-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
5-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
6-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
9local softreq = require"util.dependencies".softreq;
10local ssl = softreq"ssl";
11if not ssl then
12	return {
13		create_context = function ()
14			return nil, "LuaSec (required for encryption) was not found";
15		end;
16		reload_ssl_config = function () end;
17	}
20local configmanager = require "core.configmanager";
21local log = require "util.logger".init("certmanager");
22local ssl_context = ssl.context or softreq"ssl.context";
23local ssl_x509 = ssl.x509 or softreq"ssl.x509";
24local ssl_newcontext = ssl.newcontext;
25local new_config = require"util.sslconfig".new;
26local stat = require "lfs".attributes;
28local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring;
29local pairs = pairs;
30local t_remove = table.remove;
31local type = type;
32local io_open = io.open;
33local select = select;
35local prosody = prosody;
36local resolve_path = require"util.paths".resolve_relative_path;
37local config_path = prosody.paths.config or ".";
39local function test_option(option)
40	return not not ssl_newcontext({mode="server",protocol="sslv23",options={ option }});
43local luasec_major, luasec_minor = ssl._VERSION:match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)");
44local luasec_version = tonumber(luasec_major) * 100 + tonumber(luasec_minor);
45local luasec_has = ssl.config or softreq"ssl.config" or {
46	algorithms = {
47		ec = luasec_version >= 5;
48	};
49	capabilities = {
50		curves_list = luasec_version >= 7;
51	};
52	options = {
53		cipher_server_preference = test_option("cipher_server_preference");
54		no_ticket = test_option("no_ticket");
55		no_compression = test_option("no_compression");
56		single_dh_use = test_option("single_dh_use");
57		single_ecdh_use = test_option("single_ecdh_use");
58		no_renegotiation = test_option("no_renegotiation");
59	};
62local _ENV = nil;
63-- luacheck: std none
65-- Global SSL options if not overridden per-host
66local global_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "ssl");
68local global_certificates = configmanager.get("*", "certificates") or "certs";
70local crt_try = { "", "/%s.crt", "/%s/fullchain.pem", "/%s.pem", };
71local key_try = { "", "/%s.key", "/%s/privkey.pem",   "/%s.pem", };
73local function find_cert(user_certs, name)
74	local certs = resolve_path(config_path, user_certs or global_certificates);
75	log("debug", "Searching %s for a key and certificate for %s...", certs, name);
76	for i = 1, #crt_try do
77		local crt_path = certs .. crt_try[i]:format(name);
78		local key_path = certs .. key_try[i]:format(name);
80		if stat(crt_path, "mode") == "file" then
81			if crt_path == key_path then
82				if key_path:sub(-4) == ".crt" then
83					key_path = key_path:sub(1, -4) .. "key";
84				elseif key_path:sub(-13) == "fullchain.pem" then
85					key_path = key_path:sub(1, -14) .. "privkey.pem";
86				end
87			end
89			if stat(key_path, "mode") == "file" then
90				log("debug", "Selecting certificate %s with key %s for %s", crt_path, key_path, name);
91				return { certificate = crt_path, key = key_path };
92			end
93		end
94	end
95	log("debug", "No certificate/key found for %s", name);
98local function find_host_cert(host)
99	if not host then return nil; end
100	return find_cert(configmanager.get(host, "certificate"), host) or find_host_cert(host:match("%.(.+)$"));
103local function find_service_cert(service, port)
104	local cert_config = configmanager.get("*", service.."_certificate");
105	if type(cert_config) == "table" then
106		cert_config = cert_config[port] or cert_config.default;
107	end
108	return find_cert(cert_config, service);
111-- Built-in defaults
112local core_defaults = {
113	capath = "/etc/ssl/certs";
114	depth = 9;
115	protocol = "tlsv1+";
116	verify = (ssl_x509 and { "peer", "client_once", }) or "none";
117	options = {
118		cipher_server_preference = luasec_has.options.cipher_server_preference;
119		no_ticket = luasec_has.options.no_ticket;
120		no_compression = luasec_has.options.no_compression and configmanager.get("*", "ssl_compression") ~= true;
121		single_dh_use = luasec_has.options.single_dh_use;
122		single_ecdh_use = luasec_has.options.single_ecdh_use;
123		no_renegotiation = luasec_has.options.no_renegotiation;
124	};
125	verifyext = { "lsec_continue", "lsec_ignore_purpose" };
126	curve = luasec_has.algorithms.ec and not luasec_has.capabilities.curves_list and "secp384r1";
127	curveslist = {
128		"X25519",
129		"P-384",
130		"P-256",
131		"P-521",
132	};
133	ciphers = {      -- Enabled ciphers in order of preference:
134		"HIGH+kEECDH", -- Ephemeral Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange
135		"HIGH+kEDH",   -- Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange, if a 'dhparam' file is set
136		"HIGH",        -- Other "High strength" ciphers
137		               -- Disabled cipher suites:
138		"!PSK",        -- Pre-Shared Key - not used for XMPP
139		"!SRP",        -- Secure Remote Password - not used for XMPP
140		"!3DES",       -- 3DES - slow and of questionable security
141		"!aNULL",      -- Ciphers that does not authenticate the connection
142	};
145if luasec_has.curves then
146	for i = #core_defaults.curveslist, 1, -1 do
147		if not luasec_has.curves[ core_defaults.curveslist[i] ] then
148			t_remove(core_defaults.curveslist, i);
149		end
150	end
152	core_defaults.curveslist = nil;
155local path_options = { -- These we pass through resolve_path()
156	key = true, certificate = true, cafile = true, capath = true, dhparam = true
159if luasec_version < 5 and ssl_x509 then
160	-- COMPAT mw/luasec-hg
161	for i=1,#core_defaults.verifyext do -- Remove lsec_ prefix
162		core_defaults.verify[#core_defaults.verify+1] = core_defaults.verifyext[i]:sub(6);
163	end
166local function create_context(host, mode, ...)
167	local cfg = new_config();
168	cfg:apply(core_defaults);
169	local service_name, port = host:match("^(%S+) port (%d+)$");
170	if service_name then
171		cfg:apply(find_service_cert(service_name, tonumber(port)));
172	else
173		cfg:apply(find_host_cert(host));
174	end
175	cfg:apply({
176		mode = mode,
177		-- We can't read the password interactively when daemonized
178		password = function() log("error", "Encrypted certificate for %s requires 'ssl' 'password' to be set in config", host); end;
179	});
180	cfg:apply(global_ssl_config);
182	for i = select('#', ...), 1, -1 do
183		cfg:apply(select(i, ...));
184	end
185	local user_ssl_config = cfg:final();
187	if mode == "server" then
188		if not user_ssl_config.certificate then return nil, "No certificate present in SSL/TLS configuration for "..host; end
189		if not user_ssl_config.key then return nil, "No key present in SSL/TLS configuration for "..host; end
190	end
192	for option in pairs(path_options) do
193		if type(user_ssl_config[option]) == "string" then
194			user_ssl_config[option] = resolve_path(config_path, user_ssl_config[option]);
195		else
196			user_ssl_config[option] = nil;
197		end
198	end
200	-- LuaSec expects dhparam to be a callback that takes two arguments.
201	-- We ignore those because it is mostly used for having a separate
202	-- set of params for EXPORT ciphers, which we don't have by default.
203	if type(user_ssl_config.dhparam) == "string" then
204		local f, err = io_open(user_ssl_config.dhparam);
205		if not f then return nil, "Could not open DH parameters: "..err end
206		local dhparam = f:read("*a");
207		f:close();
208		user_ssl_config.dhparam = function() return dhparam; end
209	end
211	local ctx, err = ssl_newcontext(user_ssl_config);
213	-- COMPAT Older LuaSec ignores the cipher list from the config, so we have to take care
214	-- of it ourselves (W/A for #x)
215	if ctx and user_ssl_config.ciphers then
216		local success;
217		success, err = ssl_context.setcipher(ctx, user_ssl_config.ciphers);
218		if not success then ctx = nil; end
219	end
221	if not ctx then
222		err = err or "invalid ssl config"
223		local file = err:match("^error loading (.-) %(");
224		if file then
225			local typ;
226			if file == "private key" then
227				typ = file;
228				file = user_ssl_config.key or "your private key";
229			elseif file == "certificate" then
230				typ = file;
231				file = user_ssl_config.certificate or "your certificate file";
232			end
233			local reason = err:match("%((.+)%)$") or "some reason";
234			if reason == "Permission denied" then
235				reason = "Check that the permissions allow Prosody to read this file.";
236			elseif reason == "No such file or directory" then
237				reason = "Check that the path is correct, and the file exists.";
238			elseif reason == "system lib" then
239				reason = "Previous error (see logs), or other system error.";
240			elseif reason == "no start line" then
241				reason = "Check that the file contains a "..(typ or file);
242			elseif reason == "(null)" or not reason then
243				reason = "Check that the file exists and the permissions are correct";
244			else
245				reason = "Reason: "..tostring(reason):lower();
246			end
247			log("error", "SSL/TLS: Failed to load '%s': %s (for %s)", file, reason, host);
248		else
249			log("error", "SSL/TLS: Error initialising for %s: %s", host, err);
250		end
251	end
252	return ctx, err, user_ssl_config;
255local function reload_ssl_config()
256	global_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "ssl");
257	global_certificates = configmanager.get("*", "certificates") or "certs";
258	if luasec_has.options.no_compression then
259		core_defaults.options.no_compression = configmanager.get("*", "ssl_compression") ~= true;
260	end
263prosody.events.add_handler("config-reloaded", reload_ssl_config);
265return {
266	create_context = create_context;
267	reload_ssl_config = reload_ssl_config;
268	find_cert = find_cert;