1 /*
2  * simplecli.cpp - Simple CommandLine Interface parser / manager
3  * Copyright (C) 2009  Maciej Niedzielski
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18  *
19  */
21 #include "simplecli.h"
23 #include <QDebug>
25 /**
26  * \class SimpleCli
27  * \brief Simple Commandline Interface parser.
28  *
29  * This class allows you to define Commandline Interface for your application
30  * and then use this information to convert argv to a map of options and their values.
31  *
32  * Please note that support for short options (-x) is very limited
33  * and provided only to support options like -h and -v.
34  */
37 /**
38   * \brief Define a switch (option that does not have a value)
39   */
defineSwitch(const QByteArray & name,const QString & help)40 void SimpleCli::defineSwitch(const QByteArray& name, const QString& help)
41 {
42 	argdefs[name] = Arg(name, "", help, false);
43 	aliases[name] = name;
44 }
46 /**
47   * \brief Define a parameter (option that requires a value)
48   */
defineParam(const QByteArray & name,const QString & valueHelp,const QString & help)49 void SimpleCli::defineParam(const QByteArray& name, const QString& valueHelp, const QString& help)
50 {
51 	argdefs[name] = Arg(name, valueHelp, help, true);
52 	aliases[name] = name;
53 }
55 /**
56   * \brief Add alias for already existing option.
57   * \a alias will be mapped to \a originalName in parse() result.
58   */
defineAlias(const QByteArray & alias,const QByteArray & originalName)59 void SimpleCli::defineAlias(const QByteArray& alias, const QByteArray& originalName)
60 {
61 	if (!argdefs.contains(originalName)) {
62 		qDebug("CLI: cannot add alias '%s' because name '%s' does not exist",
63 			   alias.constData(), originalName.constData());
64 		return;
65 	}
66 	argdefs[originalName].aliases.append(alias);
67 	aliases[alias] = originalName;
68 	if (alias.length() == 1 && argdefs[originalName].shortName.isNull()) {
69 		argdefs[originalName].shortName = alias.at(0);
70 	}
71 }
73 /**
74   * \brief Parse \a argv into a name,value map.
75   * \param terminalArgs stop parsing when one of these options is found (it will be included in result)
76   * \param safeArgs if not NULL, will be used to pass number of arguments before terminal argument (or argc if there was no terminal argument)
77   *
78   * Supported options syntax: --switch; --param=value; --param value; -switch; -param=value; -param value.
79   * Additionally on Windows: /switch; /param:value; /param value.
80   *
81   * When creating the map, alias names are converted to original option names.
82   *
83   * Use \a terminalArgs if you want need to stop parsing after certain options for security reasons, etc.
84   */
parse(int argc,char * argv[],const QList<QByteArray> & terminalArgs,int * safeArgc)85 QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> SimpleCli::parse(int argc, char* argv[], const QList<QByteArray>& terminalArgs, int* safeArgc)
86 {
87 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
88 	const bool winmode = true;
89 #else
90 	const bool winmode = false;
91 #endif
93 	QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> map;
94 	int safe = 1;
95 	int n = 1;
96 	for (; n < argc; ++n) {
97 		QByteArray str = QByteArray(argv[n]);
98 		QByteArray left, right;
99 		int sep = str.indexOf('=');
100 		if (sep == -1) {
101 			left = str;
102 		} else {
103 			left = str.mid(0, sep);
104 			right = str.mid(sep + 1);
105 		}
107 		bool unnamedArgument = true;
108 		if (left.startsWith("--")) {
109 			left = left.mid(2);
110 			unnamedArgument = false;
111 		} else if (left.startsWith('-')  ||  (left.startsWith('/') && winmode)) {
112 			left = left.mid(1);
113 			unnamedArgument = false;
114 		} else if (n == 1 && left.startsWith("xmpp:")) {
115 			unnamedArgument = false;
116 			left = "uri";
117 			right = str;
118 		}
120 		QByteArray name, value;
121 		if (unnamedArgument) {
122 			value = left;
123 		} else {
124 			name = left;
125 			value = right;
126 			if (aliases.contains(name)) {
127 				name = argdefs[aliases[name]].name;
128 				if (argdefs[name].needsValue && value.isNull() && n + 1 < argc) {
129 					value = QByteArray(argv[++n]);
130 				}
131 			}
133 		}
135 		if (map.contains(name)) {
136 			qDebug("CLI: Ignoring next value ('%s') for '%s' arg.",
137 				   value.constData(), name.constData());
138 		} else {
139 			map[name] = value;
140 		}
142 		if (terminalArgs.contains(name)) {
143 			break;
144 		} else {
145 			safe = n + 1;
146 		}
147 	}
149 	if (safeArgc) {
150 		*safeArgc = safe;
151 	}
152 	return map;
153 }
155 /**
156   * \brief Produce options description, for use in --help.
157   * \param textWidth wrap text when wider than \a textWidth
158   */
optionsHelp(int textWidth)159 QString SimpleCli::optionsHelp(int textWidth)
160 {
161 	QString ret;
163 	int margin = 2;
165 	int longest = -1;
166 	bool foundShort = false;
168 	foreach (Arg arg, argdefs) {
169 		if (arg.needsValue) {
170 			longest = qMax(arg.name.length() + arg.valueHelp.length() + 1, longest);
171 		} else {
172 			longest = qMax(arg.name.length(), longest);
173 		}
175 		foundShort = foundShort || !arg.shortName.isNull();
176 	}
177 	longest += 2;	// 2 = length("--")
178 	int helpPadding = longest + 6;	// 6 = 2 (left margin) + 2 (space before help) + 2 (next line indent)
179 	if (foundShort) {
180 		helpPadding += 4;	// 4 = length("-x, ")
181 	}
183 	foreach (Arg arg, argdefs) {
184 		QString line;
185 		line.fill(' ', margin);
186 		if (foundShort) {
187 			if (arg.shortName.isNull()) {
188 				line += "    ";
189 			} else {
190 				line += '-' + arg.shortName + ", ";
191 			}
192 		}
193 		QString longarg = "--" + arg.name;
194 		if (arg.needsValue) {
195 			longarg += '=' + arg.valueHelp;
196 		}
197 		line += longarg;
198 		line += QString().fill(' ', longest - longarg.length() + 2); // 2 (space before help)
199 		line += arg.help;
201 		ret += wrap(line, textWidth, helpPadding, 0);
202 	}
204 	return ret;
205 }
207 /**
208   * \brief Wrap text for printing on console.
209   * \param text text to be wrapped
210   * \param width width of the text
211   * \param margin left margin (filled with spaces)
212   * \param firstMargin margin in first line
213   * Note: This function is designed for text that do not contain tabs or line breaks.
214   * Results may be not pretty if such \a text is passed.
215   */
wrap(QString text,int width,int margin,int firstMargin)216 QString SimpleCli::wrap(QString text, int width, int margin, int firstMargin)
217 {
218 	if (firstMargin < 0) {
219 		firstMargin = margin;
220 	}
222 	QString output;
224 	int prevBreak = -1;
225 	int currentMargin = firstMargin;
226 	int nextBreak;
228 	do {
229 		nextBreak = prevBreak + width + 1 - currentMargin;
230 		if (nextBreak < text.length()) {
231 			int lastSpace = text.lastIndexOf(' ', nextBreak);
232 			if (lastSpace > prevBreak) {
233 				nextBreak = lastSpace;
234 			} else {
235 				// will be a bit longer...
236 				nextBreak = text.indexOf(' ', nextBreak);
237 				if (nextBreak == -1) {
238 					nextBreak = text.length();
239 				}
240 			}
241 		} else {
242 			nextBreak = text.length();
243 		}
245 		output += QString().fill(' ', currentMargin);
246 		output += text.mid(prevBreak + 1, nextBreak - prevBreak - 1);
247 		output += '\n';
249 		prevBreak = nextBreak;
250 		currentMargin = margin;
251 	} while (nextBreak < text.length());
253 	return output;
254 }