1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <iterator>
15 #include <memory>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <utility>
19 #include "absl/strings/match.h"
20 #include "modules/audio_coding/audio_network_adaptor/audio_network_adaptor_impl.h"
21 #include "modules/audio_coding/audio_network_adaptor/controller_manager.h"
22 #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_coder_opus_common.h"
23 #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/opus_interface.h"
24 #include "rtc_base/arraysize.h"
25 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
26 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
27 #include "rtc_base/numerics/exp_filter.h"
28 #include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
29 #include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
30 #include "rtc_base/string_encode.h"
31 #include "rtc_base/string_to_number.h"
32 #include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
33 #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
35 namespace webrtc {
37 namespace {
39 // Codec parameters for Opus.
40 // draft-spittka-payload-rtp-opus-03
42 // Recommended bitrates:
43 // 8-12 kb/s for NB speech,
44 // 16-20 kb/s for WB speech,
45 // 28-40 kb/s for FB speech,
46 // 48-64 kb/s for FB mono music, and
47 // 64-128 kb/s for FB stereo music.
48 // The current implementation applies the following values to mono signals,
49 // and multiplies them by 2 for stereo.
50 constexpr int kOpusBitrateNbBps = 12000;
51 constexpr int kOpusBitrateWbBps = 20000;
52 constexpr int kOpusBitrateFbBps = 32000;
54 constexpr int kRtpTimestampRateHz = 48000;
55 constexpr int kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate = 48000;
57 // These two lists must be sorted from low to high
59 constexpr int kANASupportedFrameLengths[] = {20, 40, 60, 120};
60 constexpr int kOpusSupportedFrameLengths[] = {10, 20, 40, 60, 120};
61 #else
62 constexpr int kANASupportedFrameLengths[] = {20, 40, 60};
63 constexpr int kOpusSupportedFrameLengths[] = {10, 20, 40, 60};
64 #endif
66 // PacketLossFractionSmoother uses an exponential filter with a time constant
67 // of -1.0 / ln(0.9999) = 10000 ms.
68 constexpr float kAlphaForPacketLossFractionSmoother = 0.9999f;
69 constexpr float kMaxPacketLossFraction = 0.2f;
CalculateDefaultBitrate(int max_playback_rate,size_t num_channels)71 int CalculateDefaultBitrate(int max_playback_rate, size_t num_channels) {
72   const int bitrate = [&] {
73     if (max_playback_rate <= 8000) {
74       return kOpusBitrateNbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
75     } else if (max_playback_rate <= 16000) {
76       return kOpusBitrateWbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
77     } else {
78       return kOpusBitrateFbBps * rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(num_channels);
79     }
80   }();
81   RTC_DCHECK_GE(bitrate, AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps);
82   RTC_DCHECK_LE(bitrate, AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps);
83   return bitrate;
84 }
86 // Get the maxaveragebitrate parameter in string-form, so we can properly figure
87 // out how invalid it is and accurately log invalid values.
CalculateBitrate(int max_playback_rate_hz,size_t num_channels,absl::optional<std::string> bitrate_param)88 int CalculateBitrate(int max_playback_rate_hz,
89                      size_t num_channels,
90                      absl::optional<std::string> bitrate_param) {
91   const int default_bitrate =
92       CalculateDefaultBitrate(max_playback_rate_hz, num_channels);
94   if (bitrate_param) {
95     const auto bitrate = rtc::StringToNumber<int>(*bitrate_param);
96     if (bitrate) {
97       const int chosen_bitrate =
98           std::max(AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps,
99                    std::min(*bitrate, AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps));
100       if (bitrate != chosen_bitrate) {
101         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid maxaveragebitrate " << *bitrate
102                             << " clamped to " << chosen_bitrate;
103       }
104       return chosen_bitrate;
105     }
106     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid maxaveragebitrate \"" << *bitrate_param
107                         << "\" replaced by default bitrate " << default_bitrate;
108   }
110   return default_bitrate;
111 }
GetChannelCount(const SdpAudioFormat & format)113 int GetChannelCount(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
114   const auto param = GetFormatParameter(format, "stereo");
115   if (param == "1") {
116     return 2;
117   } else {
118     return 1;
119   }
120 }
GetMaxPlaybackRate(const SdpAudioFormat & format)122 int GetMaxPlaybackRate(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
123   const auto param = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "maxplaybackrate");
124   if (param && *param >= 8000) {
125     return std::min(*param, kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate);
126   }
127   return kDefaultMaxPlaybackRate;
128 }
GetFrameSizeMs(const SdpAudioFormat & format)130 int GetFrameSizeMs(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
131   const auto ptime = GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "ptime");
132   if (ptime) {
133     // Pick the next highest supported frame length from
134     // kOpusSupportedFrameLengths.
135     for (const int supported_frame_length : kOpusSupportedFrameLengths) {
136       if (supported_frame_length >= *ptime) {
137         return supported_frame_length;
138       }
139     }
140     // If none was found, return the largest supported frame length.
141     return *(std::end(kOpusSupportedFrameLengths) - 1);
142   }
144   return AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kDefaultFrameSizeMs;
145 }
FindSupportedFrameLengths(int min_frame_length_ms,int max_frame_length_ms,std::vector<int> * out)147 void FindSupportedFrameLengths(int min_frame_length_ms,
148                                int max_frame_length_ms,
149                                std::vector<int>* out) {
150   out->clear();
151   std::copy_if(std::begin(kANASupportedFrameLengths),
152                std::end(kANASupportedFrameLengths), std::back_inserter(*out),
153                [&](int frame_length_ms) {
154                  return frame_length_ms >= min_frame_length_ms &&
155                         frame_length_ms <= max_frame_length_ms;
156                });
157   RTC_DCHECK(std::is_sorted(out->begin(), out->end()));
158 }
GetBitrateBps(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config)160 int GetBitrateBps(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config) {
161   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
162   return *config.bitrate_bps;
163 }
GetBitrateMultipliers()165 std::vector<float> GetBitrateMultipliers() {
166   constexpr char kBitrateMultipliersName[] =
167       "WebRTC-Audio-OpusBitrateMultipliers";
168   const bool use_bitrate_multipliers =
169       webrtc::field_trial::IsEnabled(kBitrateMultipliersName);
170   if (use_bitrate_multipliers) {
171     const std::string field_trial_string =
172         webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBitrateMultipliersName);
173     std::vector<std::string> pieces;
174     rtc::tokenize(field_trial_string, '-', &pieces);
175     if (pieces.size() < 2 || pieces[0] != "Enabled") {
176       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Invalid parameters for "
177                           << kBitrateMultipliersName
178                           << ", not using custom values.";
179       return std::vector<float>();
180     }
181     std::vector<float> multipliers(pieces.size() - 1);
182     for (size_t i = 1; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
183       if (!rtc::FromString(pieces[i], &multipliers[i - 1])) {
184         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)
185             << "Invalid parameters for " << kBitrateMultipliersName
186             << ", not using custom values.";
187         return std::vector<float>();
188       }
189     }
190     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Using custom bitrate multipliers: "
191                      << field_trial_string;
192     return multipliers;
193   }
194   return std::vector<float>();
195 }
GetMultipliedBitrate(int bitrate,const std::vector<float> & multipliers)197 int GetMultipliedBitrate(int bitrate, const std::vector<float>& multipliers) {
198   // The multipliers are valid from 5 kbps.
199   const size_t bitrate_kbps = static_cast<size_t>(bitrate / 1000);
200   if (bitrate_kbps < 5 || bitrate_kbps >= multipliers.size() + 5) {
201     return bitrate;
202   }
203   return static_cast<int>(multipliers[bitrate_kbps - 5] * bitrate);
204 }
205 }  // namespace
AppendSupportedEncoders(std::vector<AudioCodecSpec> * specs)207 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::AppendSupportedEncoders(
208     std::vector<AudioCodecSpec>* specs) {
209   const SdpAudioFormat fmt = {"opus",
210                               kRtpTimestampRateHz,
211                               2,
212                               {{"minptime", "10"}, {"useinbandfec", "1"}}};
213   const AudioCodecInfo info = QueryAudioEncoder(*SdpToConfig(fmt));
214   specs->push_back({fmt, info});
215 }
QueryAudioEncoder(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config)217 AudioCodecInfo AudioEncoderOpusImpl::QueryAudioEncoder(
218     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config) {
219   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
220   AudioCodecInfo info(config.sample_rate_hz, config.num_channels,
221                       *config.bitrate_bps,
222                       AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps,
223                       AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps);
224   info.allow_comfort_noise = false;
225   info.supports_network_adaption = true;
226   return info;
227 }
MakeAudioEncoder(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config,int payload_type)229 std::unique_ptr<AudioEncoder> AudioEncoderOpusImpl::MakeAudioEncoder(
230     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config,
231     int payload_type) {
232   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
233   return std::make_unique<AudioEncoderOpusImpl>(config, payload_type);
234 }
SdpToConfig(const SdpAudioFormat & format)236 absl::optional<AudioEncoderOpusConfig> AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SdpToConfig(
237     const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
238   if (!absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(format.name, "opus") ||
239       format.clockrate_hz != kRtpTimestampRateHz || format.num_channels != 2) {
240     return absl::nullopt;
241   }
243   AudioEncoderOpusConfig config;
244   config.num_channels = GetChannelCount(format);
245   config.frame_size_ms = GetFrameSizeMs(format);
246   config.max_playback_rate_hz = GetMaxPlaybackRate(format);
247   config.fec_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "useinbandfec") == "1");
248   config.dtx_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "usedtx") == "1");
249   config.cbr_enabled = (GetFormatParameter(format, "cbr") == "1");
250   config.bitrate_bps =
251       CalculateBitrate(config.max_playback_rate_hz, config.num_channels,
252                        GetFormatParameter(format, "maxaveragebitrate"));
253   config.application = config.num_channels == 1
254                            ? AudioEncoderOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kVoip
255                            : AudioEncoderOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kAudio;
257   constexpr int kMinANAFrameLength = kANASupportedFrameLengths[0];
258   constexpr int kMaxANAFrameLength =
259       kANASupportedFrameLengths[arraysize(kANASupportedFrameLengths) - 1];
261   // For now, minptime and maxptime are only used with ANA. If ptime is outside
262   // of this range, it will get adjusted once ANA takes hold. Ideally, we'd know
263   // if ANA was to be used when setting up the config, and adjust accordingly.
264   const int min_frame_length_ms =
265       GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "minptime").value_or(kMinANAFrameLength);
266   const int max_frame_length_ms =
267       GetFormatParameter<int>(format, "maxptime").value_or(kMaxANAFrameLength);
269   FindSupportedFrameLengths(min_frame_length_ms, max_frame_length_ms,
270                             &config.supported_frame_lengths_ms);
271   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
272   return config;
273 }
GetNewComplexity(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config)275 absl::optional<int> AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetNewComplexity(
276     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config) {
277   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
278   const int bitrate_bps = GetBitrateBps(config);
279   if (bitrate_bps >= config.complexity_threshold_bps -
280                          config.complexity_threshold_window_bps &&
281       bitrate_bps <= config.complexity_threshold_bps +
282                          config.complexity_threshold_window_bps) {
283     // Within the hysteresis window; make no change.
284     return absl::nullopt;
285   } else {
286     return bitrate_bps <= config.complexity_threshold_bps
287                ? config.low_rate_complexity
288                : config.complexity;
289   }
290 }
GetNewBandwidth(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config,OpusEncInst * inst)292 absl::optional<int> AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetNewBandwidth(
293     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config,
294     OpusEncInst* inst) {
295   constexpr int kMinWidebandBitrate = 8000;
296   constexpr int kMaxNarrowbandBitrate = 9000;
297   constexpr int kAutomaticThreshold = 11000;
298   RTC_DCHECK(config.IsOk());
299   const int bitrate = GetBitrateBps(config);
300   if (bitrate > kAutomaticThreshold) {
301     return absl::optional<int>(OPUS_AUTO);
302   }
303   const int bandwidth = WebRtcOpus_GetBandwidth(inst);
304   RTC_DCHECK_GE(bandwidth, 0);
305   if (bitrate > kMaxNarrowbandBitrate && bandwidth < OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND) {
306     return absl::optional<int>(OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND);
307   } else if (bitrate < kMinWidebandBitrate &&
308              bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND) {
309     return absl::optional<int>(OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND);
310   }
311   return absl::optional<int>();
312 }
314 class AudioEncoderOpusImpl::PacketLossFractionSmoother {
315  public:
PacketLossFractionSmoother()316   explicit PacketLossFractionSmoother()
317       : last_sample_time_ms_(rtc::TimeMillis()),
318         smoother_(kAlphaForPacketLossFractionSmoother) {}
320   // Gets the smoothed packet loss fraction.
GetAverage() const321   float GetAverage() const {
322     float value = smoother_.filtered();
323     return (value == rtc::ExpFilter::kValueUndefined) ? 0.0f : value;
324   }
326   // Add new observation to the packet loss fraction smoother.
AddSample(float packet_loss_fraction)327   void AddSample(float packet_loss_fraction) {
328     int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
329     smoother_.Apply(static_cast<float>(now_ms - last_sample_time_ms_),
330                     packet_loss_fraction);
331     last_sample_time_ms_ = now_ms;
332   }
334  private:
335   int64_t last_sample_time_ms_;
337   // An exponential filter is used to smooth the packet loss fraction.
338   rtc::ExpFilter smoother_;
339 };
AudioEncoderOpusImpl(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config,int payload_type)341 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::AudioEncoderOpusImpl(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config,
342                                            int payload_type)
343     : AudioEncoderOpusImpl(
344           config,
345           payload_type,
346           [this](const std::string& config_string, RtcEventLog* event_log) {
347             return DefaultAudioNetworkAdaptorCreator(config_string, event_log);
348           },
349           // We choose 5sec as initial time constant due to empirical data.
350           std::make_unique<SmoothingFilterImpl>(5000)) {}
AudioEncoderOpusImpl(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config,int payload_type,const AudioNetworkAdaptorCreator & audio_network_adaptor_creator,std::unique_ptr<SmoothingFilter> bitrate_smoother)352 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::AudioEncoderOpusImpl(
353     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config,
354     int payload_type,
355     const AudioNetworkAdaptorCreator& audio_network_adaptor_creator,
356     std::unique_ptr<SmoothingFilter> bitrate_smoother)
357     : payload_type_(payload_type),
358       send_side_bwe_with_overhead_(
359           !webrtc::field_trial::IsDisabled("WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead")),
360       use_stable_target_for_adaptation_(!webrtc::field_trial::IsDisabled(
361           "WebRTC-Audio-StableTargetAdaptation")),
362       adjust_bandwidth_(
363           webrtc::field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-AdjustOpusBandwidth")),
364       bitrate_changed_(true),
365       bitrate_multipliers_(GetBitrateMultipliers()),
366       packet_loss_rate_(0.0),
367       inst_(nullptr),
368       packet_loss_fraction_smoother_(new PacketLossFractionSmoother()),
369       audio_network_adaptor_creator_(audio_network_adaptor_creator),
370       bitrate_smoother_(std::move(bitrate_smoother)),
371       consecutive_dtx_frames_(0) {
372   RTC_DCHECK(0 <= payload_type && payload_type <= 127);
374   // Sanity check of the redundant payload type field that we want to get rid
375   // of. See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=7847
376   RTC_CHECK(config.payload_type == -1 || config.payload_type == payload_type);
378   RTC_CHECK(RecreateEncoderInstance(config));
379   SetProjectedPacketLossRate(packet_loss_rate_);
380 }
AudioEncoderOpusImpl(int payload_type,const SdpAudioFormat & format)382 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::AudioEncoderOpusImpl(int payload_type,
383                                            const SdpAudioFormat& format)
384     : AudioEncoderOpusImpl(*SdpToConfig(format), payload_type) {}
~AudioEncoderOpusImpl()386 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::~AudioEncoderOpusImpl() {
387   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(inst_));
388 }
SampleRateHz() const390 int AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SampleRateHz() const {
391   return config_.sample_rate_hz;
392 }
NumChannels() const394 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::NumChannels() const {
395   return config_.num_channels;
396 }
RtpTimestampRateHz() const398 int AudioEncoderOpusImpl::RtpTimestampRateHz() const {
399   return kRtpTimestampRateHz;
400 }
Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const402 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const {
403   return Num10msFramesPerPacket();
404 }
Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const406 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const {
407   return Num10msFramesPerPacket();
408 }
GetTargetBitrate() const410 int AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetTargetBitrate() const {
411   return GetBitrateBps(config_);
412 }
Reset()414 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::Reset() {
415   RTC_CHECK(RecreateEncoderInstance(config_));
416 }
SetFec(bool enable)418 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetFec(bool enable) {
419   if (enable) {
420     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableFec(inst_));
421   } else {
422     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableFec(inst_));
423   }
424   config_.fec_enabled = enable;
425   return true;
426 }
SetDtx(bool enable)428 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetDtx(bool enable) {
429   if (enable) {
430     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableDtx(inst_));
431   } else {
432     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableDtx(inst_));
433   }
434   config_.dtx_enabled = enable;
435   return true;
436 }
GetDtx() const438 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetDtx() const {
439   return config_.dtx_enabled;
440 }
SetApplication(Application application)442 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetApplication(Application application) {
443   auto conf = config_;
444   switch (application) {
445     case Application::kSpeech:
446       conf.application = AudioEncoderOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kVoip;
447       break;
448     case Application::kAudio:
449       conf.application = AudioEncoderOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kAudio;
450       break;
451   }
452   return RecreateEncoderInstance(conf);
453 }
SetMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz)455 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz) {
456   auto conf = config_;
457   conf.max_playback_rate_hz = frequency_hz;
458   RTC_CHECK(RecreateEncoderInstance(conf));
459 }
EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor(const std::string & config_string,RtcEventLog * event_log)461 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor(
462     const std::string& config_string,
463     RtcEventLog* event_log) {
464   audio_network_adaptor_ =
465       audio_network_adaptor_creator_(config_string, event_log);
466   return audio_network_adaptor_.get() != nullptr;
467 }
DisableAudioNetworkAdaptor()469 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::DisableAudioNetworkAdaptor() {
470   audio_network_adaptor_.reset(nullptr);
471 }
OnReceivedUplinkPacketLossFraction(float uplink_packet_loss_fraction)473 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedUplinkPacketLossFraction(
474     float uplink_packet_loss_fraction) {
475   if (audio_network_adaptor_) {
476     audio_network_adaptor_->SetUplinkPacketLossFraction(
477         uplink_packet_loss_fraction);
478     ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor();
479   }
480   packet_loss_fraction_smoother_->AddSample(uplink_packet_loss_fraction);
481   float average_fraction_loss = packet_loss_fraction_smoother_->GetAverage();
482   SetProjectedPacketLossRate(average_fraction_loss);
483 }
OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_audio_bitrate_bps)485 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(
486     int target_audio_bitrate_bps) {
487   SetTargetBitrate(target_audio_bitrate_bps);
488 }
OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(int target_audio_bitrate_bps,absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms,absl::optional<int64_t> stable_target_bitrate_bps)490 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(
491     int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
492     absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms,
493     absl::optional<int64_t> stable_target_bitrate_bps) {
494   if (audio_network_adaptor_) {
495     audio_network_adaptor_->SetTargetAudioBitrate(target_audio_bitrate_bps);
496     if (use_stable_target_for_adaptation_) {
497       if (stable_target_bitrate_bps)
498         audio_network_adaptor_->SetUplinkBandwidth(*stable_target_bitrate_bps);
499     } else {
500       // We give smoothed bitrate allocation to audio network adaptor as
501       // the uplink bandwidth.
502       // The BWE spikes should not affect the bitrate smoother more than 25%.
503       // To simplify the calculations we use a step response as input signal.
504       // The step response of an exponential filter is
505       // u(t) = 1 - e^(-t / time_constant).
506       // In order to limit the affect of a BWE spike within 25% of its value
507       // before
508       // the next BWE update, we would choose a time constant that fulfills
509       // 1 - e^(-bwe_period_ms / time_constant) < 0.25
510       // Then 4 * bwe_period_ms is a good choice.
511       if (bwe_period_ms)
512         bitrate_smoother_->SetTimeConstantMs(*bwe_period_ms * 4);
513       bitrate_smoother_->AddSample(target_audio_bitrate_bps);
514     }
516     ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor();
517   } else if (send_side_bwe_with_overhead_) {
518     if (!overhead_bytes_per_packet_) {
519       RTC_LOG(LS_INFO)
520           << "AudioEncoderOpusImpl: Overhead unknown, target audio bitrate "
521           << target_audio_bitrate_bps << " bps is ignored.";
522       return;
523     }
524     const int overhead_bps = static_cast<int>(
525         *overhead_bytes_per_packet_ * 8 * 100 / Num10MsFramesInNextPacket());
526     SetTargetBitrate(
527         std::min(AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps,
528                  std::max(AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps,
529                           target_audio_bitrate_bps - overhead_bps)));
530   } else {
531     SetTargetBitrate(target_audio_bitrate_bps);
532   }
533 }
OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(int target_audio_bitrate_bps,absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms)534 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(
535     int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
536     absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms) {
537   OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(target_audio_bitrate_bps, bwe_period_ms,
538                             absl::nullopt);
539 }
OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(BitrateAllocationUpdate update)541 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(
542     BitrateAllocationUpdate update) {
543   OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(update.target_bitrate.bps(), update.bwe_period.ms(),
544                             update.stable_target_bitrate.bps());
545 }
OnReceivedRtt(int rtt_ms)547 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedRtt(int rtt_ms) {
548   if (!audio_network_adaptor_)
549     return;
550   audio_network_adaptor_->SetRtt(rtt_ms);
551   ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor();
552 }
OnReceivedOverhead(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet)554 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::OnReceivedOverhead(
555     size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet) {
556   if (audio_network_adaptor_) {
557     audio_network_adaptor_->SetOverhead(overhead_bytes_per_packet);
558     ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor();
559   } else {
560     overhead_bytes_per_packet_ = overhead_bytes_per_packet;
561   }
562 }
SetReceiverFrameLengthRange(int min_frame_length_ms,int max_frame_length_ms)564 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetReceiverFrameLengthRange(
565     int min_frame_length_ms,
566     int max_frame_length_ms) {
567   // Ensure that |SetReceiverFrameLengthRange| is called before
568   // |EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor|, otherwise we need to recreate
569   // |audio_network_adaptor_|, which is not a needed use case.
570   RTC_DCHECK(!audio_network_adaptor_);
571   FindSupportedFrameLengths(min_frame_length_ms, max_frame_length_ms,
572                             &config_.supported_frame_lengths_ms);
573 }
EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,rtc::Buffer * encoded)575 AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoderOpusImpl::EncodeImpl(
576     uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
577     rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
578     rtc::Buffer* encoded) {
579   MaybeUpdateUplinkBandwidth();
581   if (input_buffer_.empty())
582     first_timestamp_in_buffer_ = rtp_timestamp;
584   input_buffer_.insert(input_buffer_.end(), audio.cbegin(), audio.cend());
585   if (input_buffer_.size() <
586       (Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame())) {
587     return EncodedInfo();
588   }
589   RTC_CHECK_EQ(input_buffer_.size(),
590                Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame());
592   const size_t max_encoded_bytes = SufficientOutputBufferSize();
593   EncodedInfo info;
594   info.encoded_bytes = encoded->AppendData(
595       max_encoded_bytes, [&](rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> encoded) {
596         int status = WebRtcOpus_Encode(
597             inst_, &input_buffer_[0],
598             rtc::CheckedDivExact(input_buffer_.size(), config_.num_channels),
599             rtc::saturated_cast<int16_t>(max_encoded_bytes), encoded.data());
601         RTC_CHECK_GE(status, 0);  // Fails only if fed invalid data.
603         return static_cast<size_t>(status);
604       });
605   input_buffer_.clear();
607   bool dtx_frame = (info.encoded_bytes <= 2);
609   // Will use new packet size for next encoding.
610   config_.frame_size_ms = next_frame_length_ms_;
612   if (adjust_bandwidth_ && bitrate_changed_) {
613     const auto bandwidth = GetNewBandwidth(config_, inst_);
614     if (bandwidth) {
615       RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetBandwidth(inst_, *bandwidth));
616     }
617     bitrate_changed_ = false;
618   }
620   info.encoded_timestamp = first_timestamp_in_buffer_;
621   info.payload_type = payload_type_;
622   info.send_even_if_empty = true;  // Allows Opus to send empty packets.
623   // After 20 DTX frames (MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DTX) Opus will send a frame
624   // coding the background noise. Avoid flagging this frame as speech
625   // (even though there is a probability of the frame being speech).
626   info.speech = !dtx_frame && (consecutive_dtx_frames_ != 20);
627   info.encoder_type = CodecType::kOpus;
629   // Increase or reset DTX counter.
630   consecutive_dtx_frames_ = (dtx_frame) ? (consecutive_dtx_frames_ + 1) : (0);
632   return info;
633 }
Num10msFramesPerPacket() const635 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::Num10msFramesPerPacket() const {
636   return static_cast<size_t>(rtc::CheckedDivExact(config_.frame_size_ms, 10));
637 }
SamplesPer10msFrame() const639 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SamplesPer10msFrame() const {
640   return rtc::CheckedDivExact(config_.sample_rate_hz, 100) *
641          config_.num_channels;
642 }
SufficientOutputBufferSize() const644 size_t AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SufficientOutputBufferSize() const {
645   // Calculate the number of bytes we expect the encoder to produce,
646   // then multiply by two to give a wide margin for error.
647   const size_t bytes_per_millisecond =
648       static_cast<size_t>(GetBitrateBps(config_) / (1000 * 8) + 1);
649   const size_t approx_encoded_bytes =
650       Num10msFramesPerPacket() * 10 * bytes_per_millisecond;
651   return 2 * approx_encoded_bytes;
652 }
654 // If the given config is OK, recreate the Opus encoder instance with those
655 // settings, save the config, and return true. Otherwise, do nothing and return
656 // false.
RecreateEncoderInstance(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig & config)657 bool AudioEncoderOpusImpl::RecreateEncoderInstance(
658     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig& config) {
659   if (!config.IsOk())
660     return false;
661   config_ = config;
662   if (inst_)
663     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(inst_));
664   input_buffer_.clear();
665   input_buffer_.reserve(Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame());
666   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EncoderCreate(
667                       &inst_, config.num_channels,
668                       config.application ==
669                               AudioEncoderOpusConfig::ApplicationMode::kVoip
670                           ? 0
671                           : 1,
672                       config.sample_rate_hz));
673   const int bitrate = GetBitrateBps(config);
674   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetBitRate(inst_, bitrate));
675   RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus bitrate to " << bitrate << " bps.";
676   if (config.fec_enabled) {
677     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableFec(inst_));
678   } else {
679     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableFec(inst_));
680   }
682       0, WebRtcOpus_SetMaxPlaybackRate(inst_, config.max_playback_rate_hz));
683   // Use the default complexity if the start bitrate is within the hysteresis
684   // window.
685   complexity_ = GetNewComplexity(config).value_or(config.complexity);
686   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetComplexity(inst_, complexity_));
687   bitrate_changed_ = true;
688   if (config.dtx_enabled) {
689     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableDtx(inst_));
690   } else {
691     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableDtx(inst_));
692   }
693   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0,
694                WebRtcOpus_SetPacketLossRate(
695                    inst_, static_cast<int32_t>(packet_loss_rate_ * 100 + .5)));
696   if (config.cbr_enabled) {
697     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_EnableCbr(inst_));
698   } else {
699     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_DisableCbr(inst_));
700   }
701   num_channels_to_encode_ = NumChannels();
702   next_frame_length_ms_ = config_.frame_size_ms;
703   return true;
704 }
SetFrameLength(int frame_length_ms)706 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetFrameLength(int frame_length_ms) {
707   next_frame_length_ms_ = frame_length_ms;
708 }
SetNumChannelsToEncode(size_t num_channels_to_encode)710 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetNumChannelsToEncode(
711     size_t num_channels_to_encode) {
712   RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_channels_to_encode, 0);
713   RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_channels_to_encode, config_.num_channels);
715   if (num_channels_to_encode_ == num_channels_to_encode)
716     return;
718   RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetForceChannels(inst_, num_channels_to_encode));
719   num_channels_to_encode_ = num_channels_to_encode;
720 }
SetProjectedPacketLossRate(float fraction)722 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetProjectedPacketLossRate(float fraction) {
723   fraction = std::min(std::max(fraction, 0.0f), kMaxPacketLossFraction);
724   if (packet_loss_rate_ != fraction) {
725     packet_loss_rate_ = fraction;
726     RTC_CHECK_EQ(
727         0, WebRtcOpus_SetPacketLossRate(
728                inst_, static_cast<int32_t>(packet_loss_rate_ * 100 + .5)));
729   }
730 }
SetTargetBitrate(int bits_per_second)732 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::SetTargetBitrate(int bits_per_second) {
733   const int new_bitrate = rtc::SafeClamp<int>(
734       bits_per_second, AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps,
735       AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps);
736   if (config_.bitrate_bps && *config_.bitrate_bps != new_bitrate) {
737     config_.bitrate_bps = new_bitrate;
738     RTC_DCHECK(config_.IsOk());
739     const int bitrate = GetBitrateBps(config_);
740     RTC_CHECK_EQ(
741         0, WebRtcOpus_SetBitRate(
742                inst_, GetMultipliedBitrate(bitrate, bitrate_multipliers_)));
743     RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Set Opus bitrate to " << bitrate << " bps.";
744     bitrate_changed_ = true;
745   }
747   const auto new_complexity = GetNewComplexity(config_);
748   if (new_complexity && complexity_ != *new_complexity) {
749     complexity_ = *new_complexity;
750     RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetComplexity(inst_, complexity_));
751   }
752 }
ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor()754 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::ApplyAudioNetworkAdaptor() {
755   auto config = audio_network_adaptor_->GetEncoderRuntimeConfig();
757   if (config.bitrate_bps)
758     SetTargetBitrate(*config.bitrate_bps);
759   if (config.frame_length_ms)
760     SetFrameLength(*config.frame_length_ms);
761   if (config.enable_dtx)
762     SetDtx(*config.enable_dtx);
763   if (config.num_channels)
764     SetNumChannelsToEncode(*config.num_channels);
765 }
767 std::unique_ptr<AudioNetworkAdaptor>
DefaultAudioNetworkAdaptorCreator(const std::string & config_string,RtcEventLog * event_log) const768 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::DefaultAudioNetworkAdaptorCreator(
769     const std::string& config_string,
770     RtcEventLog* event_log) const {
771   AudioNetworkAdaptorImpl::Config config;
772   config.event_log = event_log;
773   return std::unique_ptr<AudioNetworkAdaptor>(new AudioNetworkAdaptorImpl(
774       config, ControllerManagerImpl::Create(
775                   config_string, NumChannels(), supported_frame_lengths_ms(),
776                   AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps,
777                   num_channels_to_encode_, next_frame_length_ms_,
778                   GetTargetBitrate(), config_.fec_enabled, GetDtx())));
779 }
MaybeUpdateUplinkBandwidth()781 void AudioEncoderOpusImpl::MaybeUpdateUplinkBandwidth() {
782   if (audio_network_adaptor_ && !use_stable_target_for_adaptation_) {
783     int64_t now_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
784     if (!bitrate_smoother_last_update_time_ ||
785         now_ms - *bitrate_smoother_last_update_time_ >=
786             config_.uplink_bandwidth_update_interval_ms) {
787       absl::optional<float> smoothed_bitrate = bitrate_smoother_->GetAverage();
788       if (smoothed_bitrate)
789         audio_network_adaptor_->SetUplinkBandwidth(*smoothed_bitrate);
790       bitrate_smoother_last_update_time_ = now_ms;
791     }
792   }
793 }
GetANAStats() const795 ANAStats AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetANAStats() const {
796   if (audio_network_adaptor_) {
797     return audio_network_adaptor_->GetStats();
798   }
799   return ANAStats();
800 }
802 absl::optional<std::pair<TimeDelta, TimeDelta> >
GetFrameLengthRange() const803 AudioEncoderOpusImpl::GetFrameLengthRange() const {
804   if (config_.supported_frame_lengths_ms.empty()) {
805     return absl::nullopt;
806   } else if (audio_network_adaptor_) {
807     return {{TimeDelta::Millis(config_.supported_frame_lengths_ms.front()),
808              TimeDelta::Millis(config_.supported_frame_lengths_ms.back())}};
809   } else {
810     return {{TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms),
811              TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms)}};
812   }
813 }
815 }  // namespace webrtc