1Could not send fail-count-p0=\(null\) update via attrd: connection failed
2Could not send fail-count-p0=<none> update via attrd: connection failed
3Could not send s1=\(null\) update via attrd: connection failed
4Could not send s1=<none> update via attrd: connection failed
5Error performing operation: The object/attribute does not exist
6Error setting fail-count-p0=5 \(section=status, set=status-node1\): The object/attribute does not exist
7Error setting s1=1 2 3 \(section=status, set=status-node1\): The object/attribute does not exist
8Error signing on to the CRMd service
9Error connecting to the controller
10Error performing operation: Transport endpoint is not connected
11.EXT crm_resource --list-standards
12.EXT crm_resource --list-ocf-alternatives Delay
13.EXT crm_resource --list-ocf-alternatives Dummy
14^\.EXT crmd version
15^\.EXT cibadmin \-Ql
16^\.EXT crm_verify \-VV \-p
17^\.EXT cibadmin \-p \-P
18^\.EXT crm_diff \-\-help
19^\.EXT crm_diff \-o [^ ]+ \-n \-
20^\.EXT crm_diff \-\-no\-version \-o [^ ]+ \-n \-
21^\.EXT sed ['][^']+
22^\.EXT sed ["][^"]+
23^\.EXT [a-zA-Z]+ validate-all
24^[ ]+File ["][^"]+
25^WARNING\: ([0-9]+\: )?\(cluster\_status\) 	warning\: Fencing and resource management disabled due to lack of quorum