$Header: /usr/src/docbook-to-man/cmd/RCS/docbook-to-man.sh,v 1.3 1996/06/17 03:36:49 fld Exp $

transcript compatibility for postscript use.

synopsis: .P! <file.ps>

\. .fl \" force out current output buffer \\!%PB \\!/showpage{}def the following is from Ken Flowers -- it prevents dictionary overflows
\\!/tempdict 200 dict def tempdict begin .fl \" prolog .sy cat \\$1\" bring in postscript file the following line matches the tempdict above
\\!end % tempdict % \\!PE \\!. .. .. . ft \\*(f4 . ds f4\" ' br \} . ft \\*(f3 . ds f3\" ' br \} . ft \\*(f2 . ds f2\" ' br \} . ft \\*(f1 . ds f1\" ' br \} ..
"flow-tag" "1"
flow-tag \(em Apply tags to flow files.

flow-tag [-hk] [-b big|little] [-C comment] [-d debug_level] [-t tag_fname] [-T tag_definition] [-v variable binding]


The flow-tag utility is used to add or modify source and destination tags in flow records. Tags are 32 bit identifiers derived from rules and fields in a flow record. Tags can be used to group flows with common prefixes, autonomous systems, next hops, exporter id and/or input/output interface. flow-stat can be used with tagged flows to produce group based reports. For example, all outbound traffic for a customer where the customer is defined by a list of IP prefixes.

"-b big|little" 10
Byte order of output.
"-C Comment" 10
Add a comment.
"-d debug_level" 10
Enable debugging.
"-h" 10
Display help.
"-k" 10
Keep time from input.
"-t tag_fname" 10
Load tags from tag_name. Defaults to /usr/local/etc/flow-tools/tag
"-T active_def|" 10
Use active_def as the active tag definition(s).
"-v variable binding" 10
Set a variable FOO=bar.

The configuration file is a collection of actions and definitions. An action is triggered by a definition and a definition is invoked only if listed with the -T flag. Lines begining with # are treated as comments and ignored.

Words in the configuration file of the form @VAR or @{VAR:default} will be expanded at run-time by setting variable names with the -v option.

tag-action command Description/Example
tag-action Begin tag-action section
 tag-action foo

type Configure the type of action, one of
 source-prefix, destination-prefix, prefix,
 source-as, destination-as, as, next-hop,
 tcp-source-port, tcp-destination-port,
 tcp-port, udp-source-port,
 udp-destination-port, udp-port,
 tos, exporter, source-ip-address,
 destination-ip-address, ip-address,
 input-interface, output-interface,
 interface, any.
 type src-prefix

match Match criteria. The match condition
 depends on the type. Following the
 match condition is one of
 set-destination, set-source,
 or-destination, or-source to
 set or logically or a value to the
 source or destination tag.
 match 128.146/16 set-destination 0x010001

Multiple actions may match and set tags on the same flow. Note that
listing many actions will cause tags to be applied in O(actions) time.
The actions try to run in O(1) time. For example if 10 prefixes are
listed in a single action it will take about the same CPU as if 100
prefixes are used. Listing 100 actions will require 100 times the
CPU as 1 action.

tag-action types Description

source-prefix Source Prefix

destination-prefix Destination Prefix

prefix Source or Destination Prefix

source-as Source AS

destination-as Destination AS

as Source or Destination AS

next-hop IP Next Hop

tcp-source-port TCP Source Port

tcp-destination-port TCP Destination Port

tcp-port TCP Source or Destination Port

udp-source-port UDP Source Port

udp-destination-port UDP Destination Port

udp-port UDP Source or Destination Port

tos Type of Service

exporter Exporter IP Address

source-ip-address Source IP Address

destination-ip-address Destination IP Address

ip-address Source or Destination IP Address

input-interface Input Interface

output-interface Output Interface

interface Input or Output Interface

any Match any flows

tag-action matches Description

set-destination Set the destination tag, replacing
 any previous tag.

set-source Set the source tag, replacing any
 previous tag.

or-destination Logically or this value to the
 existing destination tag

or-source Logically or this value to the
 existing source tag

A definition lists a set of actions which are evaluated if the filter criteria is met. Each definition is built with terms. A term has its action(s) evaluated if the filter is passed.

definition command Description/Example
tag-definition Begin tag-defintion secrion
 tag-definition bar

term Begin a list of actions to be
 evaluated that match the filter

input-filter List of input ifIndexes the flow
 must match.
 input-filter 1,2,3,4

output-filter List of output ifIndexes the flow
 must match.
 output-filter 1,2,3,4

exporter IP address of exporter the flow must

action Name of action to evaluate. Actions
 are evaluated in the order they
 appear in a definition.
 action foo


The meaning of a tag is user defined. The following example uses 16 bits of a tag as a customer ID and 4 bits as a customer type. flow-xlate can be used to apply a mask to these fields.

# file: gigapop-tags
# tag format
# 0 7 15 23 31
# 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (32 bits)
# | | | Site name
# | | Site type
# | Reserved
# SITE_TYPE_MASK = 0x00FF0000
# ID Name
# 0x0001 OSU
# 0x0002 CWRU
# 0x0003 BGSU 
# ... etc
# 0x0019 MULTICAST
# ID Type 
# 0x01 Participant
# 0x02 SEGP
# 0x03 Sponsored-Participant
# 0x04 Gigapop

 type destination-prefix
 match 128.146/16 set-destination 0x010001
 match 164.107/16 set-destination 0x010001
 match 140.254/16 set-destination 0x010001
 match 192.153.26/24 set-destination 0x010001
 match 129.22/16 set-destination 0x010002
 match 192.5.110/24 set-destination 0x010002
 match 129.1/16 set-destination 0x010003
# ...etc
 match 224/4 set-destination 0x050019

 type source-prefix
 match 128.146/16 set-source 0x010001
 match 164.107/16 set-source 0x010001
 match 140.254/16 set-source 0x010001
 match 192.153.26/24 set-source 0x010001
 match 129.22/16 set-source 0x010002
 match 192.5.110/24 set-source 0x010002
 match 129.1/16 set-source 0x010003
# ...etc

tag-action OTHER_DST
 type destination-prefix
 match 0/0 set-destination 0x0
tag-action OTHER_SRC
 type source-prefix
 match 0/0 set-source 0x0

tag-definition OHIO-GIGAPOP
# Abilene interface
 input-filter 25
# clear tag first -- it defaults to 0, so this may not be necessary.
 action OTHER_DST
# Abilene interface
 output-filter 25
# clear tag first -- it defaults to 0, so this may not be necessary.
 action OTHER_SRC

First populate /usr/local/etc/flow-tools/tag for flow-stat to use as symbols.

0x0001 OSU
0x0002 CWRU
0x0003 BGSU
0x010000 PART
0x020000 SEGP
0x030000 SPART
0x040000 GIGAPOP
0x050000 MULTICAST

To generate a report for outgoing traffic to Abilene based on customer ID:

flow-cat flows | flow-filter -I25 | flow-tag -t gigapop-tags -TOHIO-GIGAPOP | flow-xlate -t0x0000FFFF | flow-stat -n -f30 -S2

# --- ---- ---- Report Information --- --- ---
# Fields: Total
# Symbols: Enabled
# Sorting: Descending Field 2
# Name: Source Tag
# Args: ../flow-stat -n -f30 -S2 
# Src Tag flows octets packets
OSU 4942230 181326237007 302476793
CWRU 874883 54358312807 70589318
BGSU 1008797 7600209852 22060870

To generate a report for inbound traffic from Abilene based on customer type:

flow-cat flows | flow-filter -i25 | flow-tag -t gigapop-tags -TOHIO-GIGAPOP | flow-xlate -T0xFF0000 | flow-stat -n -f31 -S2

# --- ---- ---- Report Information --- --- ---
# Fields: Total
# Symbols: Enabled
# Sorting: Descending Field 2
# Name: Destination Tag
# Args: ../flow-stat -n -f31 -S2 
# Dst Tag flows octets packets
PART 15923156 663289954569 981163979
SEGP 4995795 135525076170 196534917
MULTICAST 45171 49866825003 137798118
GIGAPOP 942209 26422533266 23199961
SPART 73998 5170323905 7597985

Configuration files: Symbols - /usr/local/etc/flow-tools/*. Tag - /usr/local/etc/flow-tools/tag.cfg.


None known.


Mark Fullmer maf@splintered.net


flow-tools(1) created by instant / docbook-to-man, Thu 11 Feb 2021, 21:34