1<a id="Introduction"></a>Introduction
4Welcome to the Icinga Director, the bleeding edge configuration tool for
5Icinga 2! Developed as an Icinga Web 2 module it aims to be your new
6favorite Icinga config deployment tool. Even if you prefer plain text
7files and manual configuration, chances are good that the Director will
8change your mind.
10Director is here to make your life easier. As an Icinga 2 pro you know
11all the knobs and tricks Icinga2 provides. However, you are not willing
12to do the same work again and again. Someone wants to add a new server,
13tweak some thresholds, adjust notifications? They shouldn't need to
14bother you.
16No way, you might think. You do not trust your users, they might break
17things. Well... no. Not with the Director. It provides an audit log that
18shows any single change. You can re-deploy old configurations at any time.
19And you will be allowed to restrict what your users are allowed to do in
20a very granular way.
22Doing automation? Want to feed your monitoring from your configuration
23management tool, or from your CMDB? You'll love the endless possibilities
24Director provides.
27Basic architecture
30Icinga Director uses the Icinga 2 API to talk to your monitoring system.
31It will help you to deploy your configuration, regardless of whether you
32are using a single node Icinga installation or a distributed setup with
33multiple masters and satellites.
35    +------------+     +--------------+    +------------+
36    | Sat 1 / EU |     | Sat 2 / Asia |    | Sat 3 / US |
37    +------------+     +--------------+    +------------+
38            \           /                    /
39             \         /                    /
40           +-------------+       +-------------+
41           |  Master 1   | <===> |  Master 2   |  (Master-Zone)
42           +-------------+       +-------------+
43                 ^                       ^
44                 |   Icinga 2 REST API   :
45                 |                       :
46               +----------------------------+
47               |       Icinga Director      |
48               +----------------------------+
50Using the Icinga 2 Agent? Perfect, the Director will make your life much