3        --  ctinb-info-mib
4        --  Revision:   01.00.00
5        --  Date: October 14, 1996
7        --  Cabletron Systems, Inc.
8        --  35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
9        --  Rochester, NH 03867-0505
10        --  (603) 332-9400
11        --  support@ctron.com
13        --
14        --  This module will be extended, as needed.
15        --
17        --  Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in
18        --  specification and other information contained in this document
19        --  without prior notice.  The reader should consult Cabletron Systems
20        --  to determine whether any such changes have been made.
21        --
22        --  In no event shall Cabletron Systems be liable for any incidental,
23        --  indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including
24        --  but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this
25        --  document or the information contained in it, even if Cabletron
26        --  Systems has been advised of, known, or should have known, the
27        --  possibility of such damages.
28        --
29        --  Cabletron grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties
30        --  a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection
31        --  with the management of Cabletron products.
33        --  Copyright August 96 Cabletron Systems
35        IMPORTS
36                Counter, TimeTicks
37                        FROM RFC1155-SMI
38                OBJECT-TYPE
39                        FROM RFC-1212
40                ctINBinfo
41                        FROM CTRON-MIB-NAMES ;
45-- The inbMonarchsystem table represents the Monarch(INB mgr) information
46-- on a per INB basis
49        inbMonarchSystem      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctINBinfo 1 }
51        inbMonarchSystemTable  OBJECT-TYPE
52            SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF InbMonarchSystemEntry
53            ACCESS  not-accessible
54            STATUS  mandatory
55            ::= { inbMonarchSystem 1 }
57        inbMonarchSystemEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
58            SYNTAX  InbMonarchSystemEntry
59            ACCESS  not-accessible
60            STATUS  mandatory
61            INDEX   { inbMonarchINB }
62            ::= { inbMonarchSystemTable 1 }
64        InbMonarchSystemEntry ::=
65            SEQUENCE {
66                inbMonarchSystemINB
67                    INTEGER,
68                inbMonarchStatusTimeStamp
69                    TimeTicks,
70                inbMonarchBandwidth
71                    INTEGER,
72                inbMonarchTDMSlotMode
73                    INTEGER,
74                inbMonarchTDMSlotTotal
75                    INTEGER,
76                inbMonarchSystemTDMSlotActual
77                    INTEGER,
78                inbMonarchTDMSlotbandwidth
79                    INTEGER
80          }
82        inbMonarchSystemINB  OBJECT-TYPE
83            SYNTAX  INTEGER{
84               inbA(1),
85               inbB(2)
86             }
87            ACCESS  read-only
88            STATUS  mandatory
89            DESCRIPTION
90                    "Two physical INB's may exist on a module. This
91                    object distinquishes which INB, INB-A or INB-B."
92            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 1 }
94         inbMonarchStatusTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
95            SYNTAX  TimeTicks
96            ACCESS  read-only
97         STATUS  mandatory
98         DESCRIPTION
99                    "This object represents the value of sysUptime when
100                     the Monarch last changed."
101            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 2 }
103         inbMonarchBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
104            SYNTAX  INTEGER
105            ACCESS  read-only
106            STATUS  mandatory
107            DESCRIPTION
108                    "The bandwidth of this INB in Megabits."
109            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 3 }
111         inbMonarchTDMSlotMode OBJECT-TYPE
112            SYNTAX  INTEGER {
113                  automatic(1),
114                  userPolicy(2)
115               }
116            ACCESS  read-write
117        STATUS  mandatory
118        DESCRIPTION
119                    "The automatic TDM mode overides any preset TDM
120                     allocation. All boards get an equal number of
121                     pre-allocated TDM slots, adding up to 100% of total
122                     INB bandwidth, and have Round Robin enabled. The
123                     automatic mode will, in effect, provide each board
124                     with a 1/(number of boards) minimum guarantee
125                     INB bandwidth.
127                     The userPolicy mode will have the per board policy
128                     enforced. Each board will have a level of service
129                     (TDM slots, Round Robin arbitration from the
130                     inbMonarchTable) associated with it to take effect
131                     when this object is set to user_policy. Newly
132                     inserted boards will default to Round Robin and
133                     share the remaining fixed INB bandwidth
134                     (inbMonarchTDMSlotTotal - inbMonarchTDMSlotActual)."
135            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 4 }
137        inbMonarchTDMSlotTotal OBJECT-TYPE
138            SYNTAX  INTEGER
139            ACCESS  read-only
140        STATUS  mandatory
141        DESCRIPTION
142                    "This object represents the total possible number of INB
143                     backplane TDM slots."
144            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 5 }
146        inbMonarchSystemTDMSlotActual OBJECT-TYPE
147            SYNTAX  INTEGER
148            ACCESS  read-only
149        STATUS  mandatory
150        DESCRIPTION
151                    "This object represents the total number of allocated INB
152                     backplane TDM slots. This is the sum of all instances of
153                     inbMonarchTDMSlotRequest in userPolicy mode. In automatic
154                     mode this number would represent the number of inserted
155                     boards."
156            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 6 }
158        inbMonarchTDMSlotbandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
159            SYNTAX  INTEGER
160            ACCESS  read-only
161        STATUS  mandatory
162        DESCRIPTION
163                    "This object represents the bandwidth in bits that
164                     each slot represents on the backplane."
166            ::= { inbMonarchSystemEntry 7 }
168-- The inbMonarchTable table represents the Monarch(INB mgr) configuration information
169-- on a per board/slot basis
172        inbMonarch            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctINBinfo 2 }
174        inbMonarchTable  OBJECT-TYPE
175            SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF InbMonarchEntry
176            ACCESS  not-accessible
177            STATUS  mandatory
178            ::= { inbMonarch 1 }
180        inbMonarchEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
181            SYNTAX  InbMonarchEntry
182            ACCESS  not-accessible
183            STATUS  mandatory
184            INDEX   { inbMonarchSlot,
185                      inbMonarchINB }
186            ::= { inbMonarchTable 1 }
188        InbMonarchEntry ::=
189            SEQUENCE {
190                inbMonarchSlot
191                    INTEGER,
192                inbMonarchINB
193                    INTEGER,
194                inbMonarchStatus
195                    INTEGER,
196                inbMonarchLinkStatus
197                    INTEGER,
198                inbMonarchLinkCapacity
199                    INTEGER,
200                inbMonarchTDMSlotRequest
201                    INTEGER,
202                inbMonarchTDMSlotActual
203                    INTEGER,
204                inbMonarchRoundRobinControl
205                    INTEGER
206            }
208        inbMonarchSlot  OBJECT-TYPE
209            SYNTAX  INTEGER
210            ACCESS  read-only
211            STATUS  mandatory
212            DESCRIPTION
213                    "The slot number containing this module."
214            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 1 }
216        inbMonarchINB  OBJECT-TYPE
217            SYNTAX  INTEGER{
218               inbA(1),
219               inbB(2)
220             }
221            ACCESS  read-only
222            STATUS  mandatory
223            DESCRIPTION
224                    "Two physical INB interfaces may exist on a module. This
225                    object distinquishes which INB, INB-A or INB-B."
226            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 2 }
228        inbMonarchStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
229            SYNTAX  INTEGER {
230               standBy(1),
231               sysUndefined(2),
232               operational(3)
233             }
234            ACCESS  read-only
235        STATUS  mandatory
236        DESCRIPTION
237                    "Application state of the monarch application on this
238                    module. Standby - indicates this module is not the
239                    monarch but can be. SysUndefined - indicates this
240                    module can not be monarch. Operational - says this
241                    module is the monarch. "
242            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 3 }
244        inbMonarchLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
245            SYNTAX  INTEGER {
246               linkUp(1),
247               linkDown(2)
248             }
249            ACCESS  read-only
250        STATUS  mandatory
251        DESCRIPTION
252                    "This object describes the state of the backplane. LinkUp
253                     is when this INB detects the clock on the backplane.
254                     LinkDown is when no backplane clock has been detected."
255            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 4 }
257        inbMonarchLinkCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
258            SYNTAX  INTEGER
259            ACCESS  read-only
260        STATUS  mandatory
261        DESCRIPTION
262                    "The bandwidth capacity of this board in Megabytes."
263            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 5 }
266        inbMonarchTDMSlotRequest OBJECT-TYPE
267            SYNTAX  INTEGER
268            ACCESS  read-write
269            STATUS  mandatory
270            DESCRIPTION
271                    "This object is the number of fixed TDM slots requested
272                     for this board . NOTE: new request will take effect the
273                     next time the inbMonarchTDMSlotMode object is set to
274                     userPolicy. NOTE: this value has no meaning when the
275                     inbMonarchTDMSlotMode is automatic."
276            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 6 }
278        inbMonarchTDMSlotActual OBJECT-TYPE
279            SYNTAX  INTEGER
280            ACCESS  read-write
281            STATUS  mandatory
282            DESCRIPTION
283                    "This object is the actual number of fixed TDM slots
284                     given to this board. In automatic mode, this value is the
285                     total number of slots divided by the number of inserted
286                     boards, in userPolicy mode, this reflects the
287                     inbMonarchTDMSlotRequest value at the last time the
288                     chassis entered userPolicy mode."
289            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 7 }
291        inbMonarchRoundRobinControl  OBJECT-TYPE
292            SYNTAX  INTEGER {
293                        enabled(1),
294                        disabled(2)
295                    }
296            ACCESS  read-only
297            STATUS  mandatory
298            DESCRIPTION
299                    "This object enables or disable this INB the ability to
300                     participate in the Round Robin arbitration phase."
301            ::= { inbMonarchEntry 8 }
306-- inbstats are the basic per board INB statistics
315        inbStats              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctINBinfo 3 }
317        inbStatsTable  OBJECT-TYPE
318            SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF InbStatsEntry
319            ACCESS  not-accessible
320            STATUS  mandatory
321            ::= { inbStats 1 }
323        inbStatsEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
324            SYNTAX  InbStatsEntry
325            ACCESS  not-accessible
326            STATUS  mandatory
327            INDEX   { inbStatsSlot,
328                      inbStatsINB }
329            ::= { inbStatsTable 1 }
331        InbStatsEntry ::=
332            SEQUENCE {
333                inbStatsSlot
334                    INTEGER,
335                inbStatsINB
336                    INTEGER,
337                inbStatsIfindex
338                    INTEGER,
339                inbStatsUniCastCells
340                    Counter,
341                inbStatsMultiCastCells
342                    Counter,
343                inbStatsBroadCastCells
344                    Counter,
345                inbStatsXmitCells
346                    Counter,
347                inbStatsRecvSeqErrs
348                    Counter,
349                inbStatsRecvChksumErrs
350                    Counter,
351                inbStatsxmitToFps
352                    Counter,
353                inbStatsToFpsDrops
354                    Counter,
355                inbStatsFromInbErrs
356                    Counter,
357                inbStatsToINBDrops
358                    Counter,
359                inbStatsToInbErrs
360                    Counter
361            }
363        inbStatsSlot  OBJECT-TYPE
364            SYNTAX  INTEGER
365            ACCESS  read-only
366            STATUS  mandatory
367            DESCRIPTION
368                    "The slot number containing this module."
369            ::= { inbStatsEntry 1 }
371        inbStatsINB  OBJECT-TYPE
372            SYNTAX  INTEGER {
373                 inbA(1),
374                 inbB(2)
375             }
376            ACCESS  read-only
377            STATUS  mandatory
378            DESCRIPTION
379                    "Two physical INB interfaces may exist on a module. This
380                    object distinquishes which INB, INB-A or INB-B."
381            ::= { inbStatsEntry 2 }
383        inbStatsIfindex OBJECT-TYPE
384            SYNTAX  INTEGER
385            ACCESS  read-only
386            STATUS  mandatory
387            DESCRIPTION
388                    "The interface number of the INB. The interface
389                     identified by a particular value of this
390                     object is the same interface as identified by the
391                     same value of the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1213."
392            ::= { inbStatsEntry 3 }
394        inbStatsUniCastCells  OBJECT-TYPE
395            SYNTAX  Counter
396            ACCESS  read-only
397            STATUS  mandatory
398            DESCRIPTION
399                    "Number of UniCast INB cells received from the backplane."
400            ::= { inbStatsEntry 4 }
402        inbStatsMultiCastCells  OBJECT-TYPE
403            SYNTAX  Counter
404            ACCESS  read-only
405            STATUS  mandatory
406            DESCRIPTION
407                    "Number of multi-cast INB cells received from the backplane."
408            ::= { inbStatsEntry 5 }
410        inbStatsBroadCastCells  OBJECT-TYPE
411            SYNTAX  Counter
412            ACCESS  read-only
413            STATUS  mandatory
414            DESCRIPTION
415                    "Number of broadcast INB cells received from the backplane."
416            ::= { inbStatsEntry 6 }
418        inbStatsXmitCells  OBJECT-TYPE
419            SYNTAX  Counter
420            ACCESS  read-only
421            STATUS  mandatory
422            DESCRIPTION
423                    "Number of INB cells transmitted to the backplane."
424            ::= { inbStatsEntry 7 }
427        inbStatsRecvSeqErrs  OBJECT-TYPE
428            SYNTAX  Counter
429            ACCESS  read-only
430            STATUS  mandatory
431            DESCRIPTION
432                    "Number of pkts with sequence errors received from
433                     the backplane."
434            ::= { inbStatsEntry 8 }
436        inbStatsRecvChksumErrs  OBJECT-TYPE
437            SYNTAX  Counter
438            ACCESS  read-only
439            STATUS  mandatory
440            DESCRIPTION
441                    "Number of pkts with checksum errors received from
442                     the backplane."
443            ::= { inbStatsEntry 9 }
445        inbStatsxmitToFps  OBJECT-TYPE
446            SYNTAX  Counter
447            ACCESS  read-only
448            STATUS  mandatory
449            DESCRIPTION
450                    "Number of transmit errors to FPS."
451            ::= { inbStatsEntry 10 }
453        inbStatsToFpsDrops  OBJECT-TYPE
454            SYNTAX  Counter
455            ACCESS  read-only
456            STATUS  mandatory
457            DESCRIPTION
458                    "INBC receive fifo full count. This represents the
459                     number of cells that were not forwarded to the FPS."
460            ::= { inbStatsEntry 11 }
462        inbStatsFromInbErrs  OBJECT-TYPE
463            SYNTAX  Counter
464            ACCESS  read-only
465            STATUS  mandatory
466            DESCRIPTION
467                    "Number of INB receive errors from the backplane. This
468                     includes FPSC xmit errors(inbStatsxmitToFps), INBC
469                     receive sequence errors (inbStatsRecvSeqErrs)
470                     and INBC checksum errors(inbStatsRecvChksumErrs)."
471            ::= { inbStatsEntry 12 }
473        inbStatsToINBDrops  OBJECT-TYPE
474            SYNTAX  Counter
475            ACCESS  read-only
476            STATUS  mandatory
477            DESCRIPTION
478                    "Number of FPSC recv frame drop count. This represents
479                     the number of frames that were not sent out on the INB
480                     backplane."
481            ::= { inbStatsEntry 13 }
483        inbStatsToInbErrs  OBJECT-TYPE
484            SYNTAX  Counter
485            ACCESS  read-only
486            STATUS  mandatory
487            DESCRIPTION
488                    "Number of INB backplane transmit errors. This includes
489                     FPSC receive timeout errors"
490            ::= { inbStatsEntry 14 }