3       IMPORTS
4           Integer32, Gauge32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY
5               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
6           DisplayString, RowStatus, TDomain, TAddress, TruthValue
7               FROM SNMPv2-TC
9               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
10           hpicfObjectModules, hpicfCommon
11               FROM HP-ICF-OID
12           InetAddressType, InetAddress
13               FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;           -- RFC2851(-> 3291)
16       hpicfDownloadMib MODULE-IDENTITY
17            LAST-UPDATED "200504042143Z"  -- April 4, 2005
18            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
19                          Procurve Networking Business"
20            CONTACT-INFO
21                    "Hewlett Packard Company
22                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
23                     Roseville, CA 95747"
24            DESCRIPTION
25                    "This MIB module manages the network download
26                    capabilities for devices in the HP Integrated
27                    Communication Facility product line."
29            REVISION     "200011032216Z"  -- November 3, 2000
30            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name."
32            REVISION     "9703060336Z"  -- March 6, 1997
33            DESCRIPTION
34                    "Added some ranges that were missing."
35            REVISION     "9609100225Z"  -- September 10, 1996
36            DESCRIPTION
37                    "Updated division name in ORGANIZATION clause."
38            REVISION     "9601250356Z"  -- January 25, 1996
39            DESCRIPTION
40                    "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
41                    hp-icf MIB."
42            REVISION     "9507130000Z"  -- July 13, 1995
43            DESCRIPTION
44                    "Version of MIB module that added support for
45                    specifying the download destination, and
46                    tracking progress using octet count and passes
47                    remaining."
48            REVISION     "9411200000Z"  -- November 20, 1994
49            DESCRIPTION
50                    "Version of MIB module that expanded the error
51                    codes for download status."
52            REVISION    "9402250000Z"  -- February 25, 1994
53            DESCRIPTION
54                    "Initial version of this MIB module."
55            ::= { hpicfObjectModules 4 }
58       hpicfDownload
59           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 3 }
63-- Deprecated Download Table
67       hpicfDownloadTable OBJECT-TYPE
68           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfDownloadEntry
69           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
70           STATUS     deprecated
71           DESCRIPTION
72                   "A table of firmware downloads to this device.
73                   There will at any time be either 0 or 1 rows in
74                   this table, and the only valid index for this
75                   table is 1.  It is only a table so that we may
76                   take advantage of the RowStatus textual convention
77                   for configuring the download parameters.
78                   Since this table does not support IPv6, it is
79                   deprecated in favor of hpicfDownloadInetTable."
80           ::= { hpicfDownload 1 }
82       hpicfDownloadEntry OBJECT-TYPE
83           SYNTAX     HpicfDownloadEntry
84           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
85           STATUS     deprecated
86           DESCRIPTION
87                   "The row in the hpicfDownloadTable containing the
88                   download parameters.
89                   Since this table does not support IPv6, it is depreca                   ted in favor of hpicfDownloadInetEntry."
90           INDEX      { hpicfDownloadIndex }
91           ::= { hpicfDownloadTable 1 }
93       HpicfDownloadEntry ::=
94           SEQUENCE {
95               hpicfDownloadIndex              INTEGER,
96               hpicfDownloadOwnerAddress       TAddress,
97               hpicfDownloadOwnerDomain        TDomain,
98               hpicfDownloadTAddress           TAddress,
99               hpicfDownloadTDomain            TDomain,
100               hpicfDownloadFilename           DisplayString,
101               hpicfDownloadResetType          INTEGER,
102               hpicfDownloadErrorStatus        INTEGER,
103               hpicfDownloadErrorText          DisplayString,
104               hpicfDownloadStatus             RowStatus,
105               hpicfDownloadPassesLeft         Integer32,
106               hpicfDownloadOctetCount         Integer32,
107               hpicfDownloadDestination        DisplayString
108           }
111       hpicfDownloadIndex OBJECT-TYPE
112           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
113                          dlInstance(1)
114                      }
115           MAX-ACCESS read-only
116           STATUS     deprecated
117           DESCRIPTION
118                   "The index which uniquely identifies this row.
119                   The only legal value for this object is 1."
120           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 1 }
122       hpicfDownloadOwnerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
123           SYNTAX     TAddress
124           MAX-ACCESS read-only
125           STATUS     deprecated
126           DESCRIPTION
127                   "The transport address of the management station
128                   that initiated this download attempt, formatted
129                   according to the value of the associated instance
130                   of hpicfDownloadOwnerDomain."
131           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 2 }
133       hpicfDownloadOwnerDomain  OBJECT-TYPE
134           SYNTAX     TDomain
135           MAX-ACCESS read-only
136           STATUS     deprecated
137           DESCRIPTION
138                   "The kind of transport service used by the
139                   management station that initiated this download
140                   attempt."
141           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 3 }
143       hpicfDownloadTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
144           SYNTAX     TAddress
145           MAX-ACCESS read-create
146           STATUS     deprecated
147           DESCRIPTION
148                   "The transport address of the node to download
149                   firmware from, formatted according to the value of
150                   the associated instance of hpicfDownloadTDomain.
152                   An attempt to modify this value will fail if the
153                   associated hpicfDownloadStatus object would be
154                   equal to 'active' both before and after the
155                   modification attempt."
156           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 4 }
158       hpicfDownloadTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
159           SYNTAX     TDomain
160           MAX-ACCESS read-create
161           STATUS     deprecated
162           DESCRIPTION
163                   "The kind of transport service to be used for the
164                   download.  Currently supports snmpUDPDomain and
165                   snmpIPXDomain.
167                   An attempt to modify this value will fail if the
168                   associated hpicfDownloadStatus object would be
169                   equal to 'active' both before and after the
170                   modification attempt."
171           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 5 }
173       hpicfDownloadFilename OBJECT-TYPE
174           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
175           MAX-ACCESS read-create
176           STATUS     deprecated
177           DESCRIPTION
178                   "Filename and path of file to download (maximum
179                   length of 63 characters + NULL).
181                   An attempt to modify this value will fail if the
182                   associated hpicfDownloadStatus object would be
183                   equal to 'active' both before and after the
184                   modification attempt."
185           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 6 }
187       hpicfDownloadResetType OBJECT-TYPE
188           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
189                          noReset(1),
190                          warmReset(2),
191                          factoryReset(3)
192                      }
193           MAX-ACCESS read-create
194           STATUS     deprecated
195           DESCRIPTION
196                   "The type of reset to perform after completion of
197                   the firmware download.  Note that not all agents
198                   will support all possible values, and there may
199                   be other agent-specific values for this object."
200           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 7 }
202       hpicfDownloadErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
203           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
204                          fileNotFound(1),
205                          accessViolation(2),
206                          diskFull(3),
207                          illegalOperation(4),
208                          unknownTID(5),
209                          fileExists(6),
210                          noSuchUser(7),
211                          notDefined(8),
212                          corruptFile(9),
213                          noServer(10),
214                          tftpTimeout(11),
215                          hardwareError(12),
216                          success(13),
217                          aborted(14),
218                          inProgress(15),
219                          idle(16),
220                          erasingEeprom(17),
221                          incompleteFirmware(18),
222                          requirePowerCycle(19),
223                          cannotUpgrade(20),
224                          cannotDowngrade(21)
225                      }
226           MAX-ACCESS read-only
227           STATUS     deprecated
228           DESCRIPTION
229                   "Status of download.  The first seven codes are
230                   equal to the codes defined by the TFTP protocol.
231                   'notDefined' is the same as TFTP protocol error 0.
232                   The following are the other possible values for this
233                   object:
235                     corruptFile        - the agent detected a problem
236                                          with the download file format.
237                     noServer           - the TFTP server at
238                                          hpicfDownloadTAddress did not
239                                          respond to the TFTP request.
240                     tftpTimeout        - the download was aborted due
241                                          to excessive timeouts.
242                     hardwareError      - there was a hardware problem
243                                          on the agent that forced an
244                                          abort of the download (see
245                                          hpicfDownloadErrorText for
246                                          more detailed information).
247                     success            - the download has completed
248                                          successfully.
249                     aborted            - the download was aborted by
250                                          setting the
251                                          hpicfDownloadStatus to
252                                          'notInService' or 'delete'.
253                     inProgress         - the TFTP transfer is currently
254                                          active.
255                     idle               - means that the download has
256                                          not yet started (i.e. the
257                                          value of hpicfDownloadStatus
258                                          has not yet been set to
259                                          'active').
260                     erasingEeprom      - the agent is currently erasing
261                                          the EEPROM device.  Currently
262                                          only used on JetDirect agents.
263                     incompleteFirmware - the agent is running an
264                                          incomplete version of firmware
265                                          and requires a download.
266                                          Currently only used on
267                                          JetDirect agents.
268                     requirePowerCycle  - the agent must be power cycled
269                                          to run the newly downloaded
270                                          firmware.  Currently only used
271                                          on JetDirect agents.
272                     cannotUpgrade      - the agent's current firmware
273                                          revision cannot be upgraded to
274                                          the revision in the download
275                                          file.
276                     cannotDowngrade    - the agent's current firmware
277                                          revision cannot be downgraded
278                                          to the revision in the
279                                          download file."
280           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 8 }
282       hpicfDownloadErrorText OBJECT-TYPE
283           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
284           MAX-ACCESS read-only
285           STATUS     deprecated
286           DESCRIPTION
287                   "A textual description of the current error status
288                   of the firmware download."
289           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 9 }
291       hpicfDownloadStatus OBJECT-TYPE
292           SYNTAX     RowStatus
293           MAX-ACCESS read-create
294           STATUS     deprecated
295           DESCRIPTION
296                   "The status of this download entry.  This object
297                   may not be set to 'active' unless the following
298                   columnar objects exist in this row:
299                   hpicfDownloadTAddress, hpicfDownloadTDomain,
300                   hpicfDownloadFilename, and
301                   hpicfDownloadResetType."
302           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 10 }
304       hpicfDownloadPassesLeft OBJECT-TYPE
305           SYNTAX     Integer32
306           MAX-ACCESS read-only
307           STATUS     deprecated
308           DESCRIPTION
309                   "The number of passes remaining in the current
310                   download attempt.  Some agents (currently JetDirect
311                   agents) require multiple passes through the download
312                   file in order to download a firmware image.  This
313                   object indicates the number of passes remaining,
314                   including the current pass.  The object is
315                   initialized by the agent to the number of passes
316                   required to complete the download when the
317                   corresponding instance of hpicfDownloadStatus is set
318                   to 'active'.  It is decremented by one each time a
319                   pass completes."
320           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 11 }
322       hpicfDownloadOctetCount OBJECT-TYPE
323           SYNTAX     Integer32
324           MAX-ACCESS read-only
325           STATUS     deprecated
326           DESCRIPTION
327                   "The number of octets that have been transferred
328                   during the current pass.  This object is initialized
329                   to zero by the agent when the corresponding instance
330                   of hpicfDownloadStatus is set to 'active', and
331                   reinitialized to zero at the beginning of each pass."
332           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 12 }
334       hpicfDownloadDestination OBJECT-TYPE
335           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
336           MAX-ACCESS read-create
337           STATUS     deprecated
338           DESCRIPTION
339                   "The destination of the download file on the agent.
340                   The allowable destination names depend on the type
341                   of agent being downloaded.  In all cases, a
342                   destination of '/os/primary' or '/os/secondary'
343                   indicates that this is a download of the agent's
344                   firmware image.  The agent will use '/os/primary'
345                   as the default value for this object when the row
346                   is created.
348                   ICF router agents also allow a download of a config
349                   file.  Currently, the name of the config file on the
350                   agent is '/config'.
352                   An agent should reject an attempt to set this object
353                   to a destination name that does not make sense for
354                   this type of agent."
355           DEFVAL  { "/os/primary" } -- public
356           ::= { hpicfDownloadEntry 13 }
358       hpicfDownloadLogMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
359           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
360           MAX-ACCESS read-only
361           STATUS     current
362           DESCRIPTION
363                   "The maximum number of the download log entries
364                   supported by this agent.  Note that 0 is a
365                   legal value for this variable."
366           ::= { hpicfDownload 2 }
368       hpicfDownloadLogSize OBJECT-TYPE
369           SYNTAX     Gauge32 (0..65535)
370           MAX-ACCESS read-only
371           STATUS     current
372           DESCRIPTION
373                   "The number of download log entries currently in
374                   the hpicfDownloadLogTable."
375           ::= { hpicfDownload 3 }
377       hpicfDownloadLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
378           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfDownloadLogEntry
379           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
380           STATUS     current
381           DESCRIPTION
382                   "A log of the hpicfDownloadSize most recent
383                   download attempts to this device.  The first entry
384                   in the table is the oldest."
385           ::= { hpicfDownload 4 }
387       hpicfDownloadLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
388           SYNTAX     HpicfDownloadLogEntry
389           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
390           STATUS     current
391           DESCRIPTION
392                   "An entry in the hpicfDownloadLogTable containing
393                   information about a single download attempt."
394           INDEX      { hpicfDlLogIndex }
395           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogTable 1 }
397       HpicfDownloadLogEntry ::=
398           SEQUENCE {
399               hpicfDlLogIndex                 Integer32,
400               hpicfDlLogOwnerAddress          TAddress,
401               hpicfDlLogOwnerDomain           TDomain,
402               hpicfDlLogTAddress              TAddress,
403               hpicfDlLogTDomain               TDomain,
404               hpicfDlLogFilename              DisplayString,
405               hpicfDlLogResetType             INTEGER,
406               hpicfDlLogErrorStatus           INTEGER,
407               hpicfDlLogErrorText             DisplayString
408           }
410       hpicfDlLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE
411           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
412           MAX-ACCESS read-only
413           STATUS     current
414           DESCRIPTION
415                   "The index of this entry in the download log
416                   table.  Index 1 will always contain the oldest
417                   entry.  If the table is full when a download
418                   attempt is made, the new entry becomes the last
419                   entry (hpicfDownloadLogMaxSize), and all earlier
420                   entries are shifted down by one entry, removing
421                   the old index 1."
422           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 1 }
424       hpicfDlLogOwnerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
425           SYNTAX     TAddress
426           MAX-ACCESS read-only
427           STATUS     current
428           DESCRIPTION
429                   "The transport address of the management station
430                   that attempted to initiate a download of this
431                   device, formatted according to the value of
432                   hpicfDlLastOwnerDomain."
433           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 2 }
435       hpicfDlLogOwnerDomain OBJECT-TYPE
436           SYNTAX     TDomain
437           MAX-ACCESS read-only
438           STATUS     current
439           DESCRIPTION
440                   "The kind of transport service used by the
441                   management station that attempted to initiate a
442                   download of this device."
443           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 3 }
445       hpicfDlLogTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
446           SYNTAX     TAddress
447           MAX-ACCESS read-only
448           STATUS     current
449           DESCRIPTION
450                   "The transport address of the node from which this
451                   device attempted to download firmware, formatted
452                   according to the value of hpicfDlLastTDomain."
453           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 4 }
455       hpicfDlLogTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
456           SYNTAX     TDomain
457           MAX-ACCESS read-only
458           STATUS     current
459           DESCRIPTION
460                   "The kind of transport service which was used for
461                   the attempt to download firmware to this device."
462           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 5 }
464       hpicfDlLogFilename OBJECT-TYPE
465           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
466           MAX-ACCESS read-only
467           STATUS     current
468           DESCRIPTION
469                   "The filename from which this device attempted to
470                   download firmware."
471           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 6 }
473       hpicfDlLogResetType OBJECT-TYPE
474           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
475                          noReset(1),
476                          warmReset(2),
477                          factoryReset(3)
478                      }
479           MAX-ACCESS read-only
480           STATUS     current
481           DESCRIPTION
482                   "The type of reset requested to be  performed
483                   after completion of the firmware download
484                   attempt."
485           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 7 }
487       hpicfDlLogErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
488           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
489                          fileNotFound(1),
490                          accessViolation(2),
491                          diskFull(3),
492                          illegalOperation(4),
493                          unknownTID(5),
494                          fileExists(6),
495                          noSuchUser(7),
496                          notDefined(8),
497                          corruptFile(9),
498                          noServer(10),
499                          tftpTimeout(11),
500                          hardwareError(12),
501                          success(13),
502                          aborted(14)
503                      }
504           MAX-ACCESS read-only
505           STATUS     current
506           DESCRIPTION
507                   "The result of the attempt to download firmware to
508                   this device.  The values are the same as the
509                   corresponding values of hpicfDownloadErrorStatus."
510           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 8 }
512       hpicfDlLogErrorText OBJECT-TYPE
513           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
514           MAX-ACCESS read-only
515           STATUS     current
516           DESCRIPTION
517                   "A textual description of the final error status
518                   of the attempt to download firmware to this
519                   device."
520           ::= { hpicfDownloadLogEntry 9 }
522       hpicfDownloadTftpConfig OBJECT-TYPE
523        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
524                        disabled(1),
525                        enabled(2)
526                    }
527        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
528        STATUS      current
529        DESCRIPTION "This object allows switch to enable or disable
530                     tftp. Default value is 2. Cannot be enabled if
531                     sftp is enabled."
532        ::= { hpicfDownload 5 }
534        hpicfDownloadTftpServerConfig OBJECT-TYPE
535        SYNTAX      TruthValue
536        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
537        STATUS      current
538        DESCRIPTION "When this is true(1), the TFTP server is enabled
539                     and will process incoming requests. When this is
540                     false(2), the TFTP server will be shut down and
541                     will not accept incoming connections."
542        ::= { hpicfDownload 6 }
544        hpicfDownloadTftp6Config OBJECT-TYPE
545        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
546                        disabled(1),
547                        enabled(2)
548                    }
549        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
550        STATUS      current
551        DESCRIPTION "This object allows switch to enable or disable
552                     tftp. Default value is 2. Cannot be enabled if
553                     sftp is enabled."
554        ::= { hpicfDownload 7 }
556        hpicfDownloadTftp6ServerConfig OBJECT-TYPE
557        SYNTAX      TruthValue
558        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
559        STATUS      current
560        DESCRIPTION "When this is true(1), the TFTP server is enabled
561                     and will process incoming requests. When this is
562                     false(2), the TFTP server will be shut down and
563                     will not accept incoming connections."
564        ::= { hpicfDownload 8 }
567-- Download Table
570       hpicfDownloadInetTable OBJECT-TYPE
571           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfDownloadInetEntry
572           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
573           STATUS     current
574           DESCRIPTION
575                   "A table of firmware downloads to this device.
576                   There will at any time be either 0 or 1 rows in
577                   this table, and the only valid index for this
578                   table is 1.  It is only a table so that we may
579                   take advantage of the RowStatus textual convention
580                   for configuring the download parameters."
581           ::= { hpicfDownload 9 }
583       hpicfDownloadInetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
584           SYNTAX     HpicfDownloadInetEntry
585           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
586           STATUS     current
587           DESCRIPTION
588                   "The row in the hpicfDownloadInetTable containing the download parameters."
589           INDEX      { hpicfDownloadInetIndex }
590           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetTable 1 }
592       HpicfDownloadInetEntry ::=
593           SEQUENCE {
594               hpicfDownloadInetIndex              Integer32,
595               hpicfDownloadInetTAddressType       InetAddressType,
596               hpicfDownloadInetTAddress           InetAddress,
597               hpicfDownloadInetFilename           DisplayString,
598               hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddressType   InetAddressType,
599               hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddress       InetAddress,
600               hpicfDownloadInetSourcePort         Integer32,
601               hpicfDownloadInetDestinationPort    Integer32,
602               hpicfDownloadInetFileTransferType   INTEGER,
603               hpicfDownloadInetResetType          INTEGER,
604               hpicfDownloadInetErrorStatus        INTEGER,
605               hpicfDownloadInetErrorText          DisplayString,
606               hpicfDownloadInetStatus             RowStatus,
607               hpicfDownloadInetPassesLeft         Integer32,
608               hpicfDownloadInetOctetCount         Integer32,
609               hpicfDownloadInetDestination        DisplayString,
610               hpicfDownloadInetOpType             INTEGER
611           }
612     hpicfDownloadInetIndex OBJECT-TYPE
613           SYNTAX     Integer32
614           MAX-ACCESS read-only
615           STATUS     current
616           DESCRIPTION
617                   "The index which uniquely identifies this row."
618           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 1 }
620      hpicfDownloadInetTAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
621           SYNTAX     InetAddressType
622           MAX-ACCESS read-write
623           STATUS     current
624           DESCRIPTION
625                   "The type of address in the corresponding
626                    hpicfDownloadTAddress object. An attempt to
627                    modify this value will fail if the  associated
628                    hpicfDownloadInetStatus object would be equal to
629                    'active' both before and after the  modification attempt."
630           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 2 }
632       hpicfDownloadInetTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
633           SYNTAX     InetAddress
634           MAX-ACCESS read-create
635           STATUS     current
636           DESCRIPTION
637                   "The transport address of the node to download
638                   firmware from, formatted according to the value of
639                   the associated instance of hpicfDownloadInetTAddressType.
640                   An attempt to modify this value will fail if the
641                   associated hpicfDownloadInetStatus object would be
642                   equal to 'active' both before and after the
643                   modification attempt."
644           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 3 }
646       hpicfDownloadInetFilename OBJECT-TYPE
647           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
648           MAX-ACCESS read-create
649           STATUS     current
650           DESCRIPTION
651                   "Filename and path of file to download (maximum
652                   length of 63 characters + NULL).
653                   An attempt to modify this value will fail if the
654                   associated hpicfDownloadInetStatus object would be
655                   equal to 'active' both before and after the
656                   modification attempt."
657           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 4 }
659       hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
660           SYNTAX     InetAddressType
661           MAX-ACCESS read-write
662           STATUS     current
663           DESCRIPTION
664                   "The type of address in the corresponding
665                    hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddress object."
666           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 5 }
668       hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
669           SYNTAX     InetAddress
670           MAX-ACCESS read-only
671           STATUS     current
672           DESCRIPTION
673                   "The transport address of the management station
674                   that initiated this download attempt, formatted
675                   according to the value of the associated instance
676                   of hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddressType."
677           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 6 }
679       hpicfDownloadInetSourcePort OBJECT-TYPE
680           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
681           MAX-ACCESS read-write
682           STATUS     current
683           DESCRIPTION
684                   "The port of the management station
685                   that initiated this download attempt."
686           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 7 }
688       hpicfDownloadInetDestinationPort OBJECT-TYPE
689           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
690           MAX-ACCESS read-write
691           STATUS     current
692           DESCRIPTION
693                   "The port of the management station
694                   that initiated this download attempt."
695           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 8 }
697       hpicfDownloadInetFileTransferType OBJECT-TYPE
698           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
699                          usb(1),
700                          tftp(2),
701                          xmodem(3)
702                      }
703           MAX-ACCESS read-write
704           STATUS     current
705           DESCRIPTION
706                   "The FileTransfer Method used by the management station
707                    to initiate the download attempt."
708           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 9 }
711       hpicfDownloadInetResetType OBJECT-TYPE
712           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
713                          noReset(1),
714                          warmReset(2),
715                          factoryReset(3)
716                      }
717           MAX-ACCESS read-create
718           STATUS     current
719           DESCRIPTION
720                   "The type of reset to perform after completion of
721                   the firmware download.  Note that not all agents
722                   will support all possible values, and there may
723                   be other agent-specific values for this object."
724           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 10 }
726       hpicfDownloadInetErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
727           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
728                          fileNotFound(1),
729                          accessViolation(2),
730                          diskFull(3),
731                          illegalOperation(4),
732                          unknownTID(5),
733                          fileExists(6),
734                          noSuchUser(7),
735                          notDefined(8),
736                          corruptFile(9),
737                          noServer(10),
738                          tftpTimeout(11),
739                          hardwareError(12),
740                          success(13),
741                          aborted(14),
742                          inProgress(15),
743                          idle(16),
744                          erasingEeprom(17),
745                          incompleteFirmware(18),
746                          requirePowerCycle(19),
747                          cannotUpgrade(20),
748                          cannotDowngrade(21)
749                      }
750           MAX-ACCESS read-only
751           STATUS     current
752           DESCRIPTION
753                   "Status of download.  The first seven codes are
754                   equal to the codes defined by the TFTP protocol.
755                   'notDefined' is the same as TFTP protocol error 0.
756                   The following are the other possible values for this
757                   object:
759                     corruptFile        - the agent detected a problem
760                                          with the download file format.
761                     noServer           - the TFTP server at
762                                          hpicfDownloadTAddress did not
763                                          respond to the TFTP request.
764                     tftpTimeout        - the download was aborted due
765                                          to excessive timeouts.
766                     hardwareError      - there was a hardware problem
767                                          on the agent that forced an
768                                          abort of the download (see
769                                          hpicfDownloadErrorText for
770                                          more detailed information).
771                     success            - the download has completed
772                                          successfully.
773                     aborted            - the download was aborted by
774                                          setting the
775                                          hpicfDownloadStatus to
776                                          'notInService' or 'delete'.
777                     inProgress         - the TFTP transfer is currently
778                                          active.
779                     idle               - means that the download has
780                                          not yet started (i.e. the
781                                          value of hpicfDownloadStatus
782                                          has not yet been set to
783                                          'active').
784                     erasingEeprom      - the agent is currently erasing
785                                          the EEPROM device.  Currently
786                                          only used on JetDirect agents.
787                     incompleteFirmware - the agent is running an
788                                          incomplete version of firmware
789                                          and requires a download.
790                                          Currently only used on
791                                          JetDirect agents.
792                     requirePowerCycle  - the agent must be power cycled
793                                          to run the newly downloaded
794                                          firmware.  Currently only used
795                                          on JetDirect agents.
796                     cannotUpgrade      - the agent's current firmware
797                                          revision cannot be upgraded to
798                                          the revision in the download
799                                          file.
800                     cannotDowngrade    - the agent's current firmware
801                                          revision cannot be downgraded
802                                          to the revision in the
803                                          download file."
804           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 11 }
806       hpicfDownloadInetErrorText OBJECT-TYPE
807           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
808           MAX-ACCESS read-only
809           STATUS     current
810           DESCRIPTION
811                   "A textual description of the current error status
812                   of the firmware download."
813           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 12 }
815       hpicfDownloadInetStatus OBJECT-TYPE
816           SYNTAX     RowStatus
817           MAX-ACCESS read-create
818           STATUS     current
819           DESCRIPTION
820                   "The status of this download entry.  This object
821                   may not be set to 'active' unless the following
822                   columnar objects exist in this row:
823                   hpicfDownloadInetTAddress, hpicfDownloadInetTAddressType,
824                   hpicfDownloadInetFilename, and
825                   hpicfDownloadInetResetType."
826           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 13 }
828       hpicfDownloadInetPassesLeft OBJECT-TYPE
829           SYNTAX     Integer32
830           MAX-ACCESS read-only
831           STATUS     current
832           DESCRIPTION
833                   "The number of passes remaining in the current
834                   download attempt.  Some agents (currently JetDirect
835                   agents) require multiple passes through the download
836                   file in order to download a firmware image.  This
837                   object indicates the number of passes remaining,
838                   including the current pass.  The object is
839                   initialized by the agent to the number of passes
840                   required to complete the download when the
841                   corresponding instance of hpicfDownloadStatus is set
842                   to 'active'.  It is decremented by one each time a
843                   pass completes."
844           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 14 }
846       hpicfDownloadInetOctetCount OBJECT-TYPE
847           SYNTAX     Integer32
848           MAX-ACCESS read-only
849           STATUS     current
850           DESCRIPTION
851                   "The number of octets that have been transferred
852                   during the current pass.  This object is initialized
853                   to zero by the agent when the corresponding instance
854                   of hpicfDownloadStatus is set to 'active', and
855                   reinitialized to zero at the beginning of each pass."
856           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 15 }
858       hpicfDownloadInetDestination OBJECT-TYPE
859           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
860           MAX-ACCESS read-create
861           STATUS     current
862           DESCRIPTION
863                   "The destination of the download file on the agent.
864                   The allowable destination names depend on the type
865                   of agent being downloaded.  In all cases, a
866                   destination of '/os/primary' or '/os/secondary'
867     indicates that this is a download of the agent's
868                   firmware image.  The agent will use '/os/primary'
869     as the default value for this object when the row
870                   is created.
872                   ICF router agents also allow a download of a config
873                   file.  Currently, the name of the config file on the
874                   agent is '/config'.
876                   An agent should reject an attempt to set this object
877                   to a destination name that does not make sense for
878                   this type of agent."
879           DEFVAL  { "/os/primary" } -- public
880           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 16 }
882      hpicfDownloadInetOpType OBJECT-TYPE
883           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
884                               ftget(1),
885                               ftput(2)
886                              }
887           MAX-ACCESS read-write
888           STATUS     current
889           DESCRIPTION
890                   "The OpType which is used for Geting or Puting
891                                                                            file from to the server."
892           ::= { hpicfDownloadInetEntry 17 }
894       -- conformance information
896       hpicfDownloadConformance
897           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfDownloadMib 1 }
899       hpicfDownloadCompliances
900           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfDownloadConformance 1 }
901       hpicfDownloadGroups
902           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfDownloadConformance 2 }
905       -- compliance statements
907       hpicfDownloadCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
908           STATUS     deprecated
909           DESCRIPTION
910                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********
912                   The compliance statement for HP ICF network
913                   downloadable devices."
914           MODULE
915               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfDownloadGroup }
917               GROUP    hpicfDownloadLogGroup
918               DESCRIPTION
919                       "This group should be implemented by devices
920                       that are able to keep log of network download
921                       attempts."
923               ::= { hpicfDownloadCompliances 1 }
925       hpicfDownloadConfigCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
926           STATUS     deprecated
927           DESCRIPTION
928                   "New version of the compliance statement for
929                   HP ICF network downloadable devices that allows
930                   for monitoring in-progress downloads and for
931                   directing a download to different destinations
932                   on the device."
933           MODULE
934               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfDownloadConfigGroup }
936               GROUP    hpicfDownloadLogGroup
937               DESCRIPTION
938                       "This group should be implemented by devices
939                       that are able to keep log of network download
940                       attempts."
942               ::= { hpicfDownloadCompliances 2 }
944       hpicfDownloadConfigInetCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
945           STATUS     current
946           DESCRIPTION
947                   "New version of the compliance statement for
948                   HP ICF network downloadable devices that allows
949                   for monitoring in-progress downloads and for
950                   directing a download to different destinations
951                   on the device."
952           MODULE
953               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfDownloadConfigInetGroup }
955               GROUP    hpicfDownloadLogGroup
956               DESCRIPTION
957                       "This group should be implemented by devices
958                       that are able to keep log of network download
959                       attempts."
961               ::= { hpicfDownloadCompliances 3 }
965       -- units of conformance
967       hpicfDownloadGroup OBJECT-GROUP
968           OBJECTS    { hpicfDownloadIndex,
969                        hpicfDownloadOwnerAddress,
970                        hpicfDownloadOwnerDomain,
971                        hpicfDownloadTAddress,
972                        hpicfDownloadTDomain,
973                        hpicfDownloadFilename,
974                        hpicfDownloadResetType,
975                        hpicfDownloadErrorStatus,
976                        hpicfDownloadErrorText,
977                        hpicfDownloadStatus,
978                        hpicfDownloadLogMaxSize,
979                        hpicfDownloadLogSize
980                      }
981           STATUS     deprecated
982           DESCRIPTION
983                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********
985                   A collection of objects for controlling network
986                   download of device firmware to ICF devices."
987           ::= { hpicfDownloadGroups 1 }
989       hpicfDownloadLogGroup OBJECT-GROUP
990           OBJECTS    { hpicfDlLogIndex,
991                        hpicfDlLogOwnerAddress,
992                        hpicfDlLogOwnerDomain,
993                        hpicfDlLogTAddress,
994                        hpicfDlLogTDomain,
995                        hpicfDlLogFilename,
996                        hpicfDlLogResetType,
997                        hpicfDlLogErrorStatus,
998                        hpicfDlLogErrorText
999                      }
1000           STATUS     current
1001           DESCRIPTION
1002                   "A collection of objects for maintaining a log of
1003                   network download attempts to ICF devices."
1004           ::= { hpicfDownloadGroups 2 }
1006       hpicfDownloadConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1007           OBJECTS    { hpicfDownloadIndex,
1008                        hpicfDownloadOwnerAddress,
1009                        hpicfDownloadOwnerDomain,
1010                        hpicfDownloadTAddress,
1011                        hpicfDownloadTDomain,
1012                        hpicfDownloadFilename,
1013                        hpicfDownloadResetType,
1014                        hpicfDownloadErrorStatus,
1015                        hpicfDownloadErrorText,
1016                        hpicfDownloadStatus,
1017                        hpicfDownloadPassesLeft,
1018                        hpicfDownloadOctetCount,
1019                        hpicfDownloadDestination,
1020                        hpicfDownloadLogMaxSize,
1021                        hpicfDownloadLogSize
1022                      }
1023           STATUS     deprecated
1024           DESCRIPTION
1025                   "A collection of objects for controlling and
1026                   monitoring network download of device firmware to
1027                   ICF devices."
1028           ::= { hpicfDownloadGroups 3 }
1030       hpicfDownloadConfigInetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1031           OBJECTS    {
1032                        hpicfDownloadLogMaxSize,
1033                        hpicfDownloadLogSize,
1034                        hpicfDownloadInetIndex,
1035                        hpicfDownloadInetTAddressType,
1036                        hpicfDownloadInetTAddress,
1037                        hpicfDownloadInetFilename,
1038                        hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddressType,
1039                        hpicfDownloadInetOwnerAddress,
1040                        hpicfDownloadInetSourcePort,
1041                        hpicfDownloadInetDestinationPort,
1042                        hpicfDownloadInetFileTransferType,
1043                        hpicfDownloadInetResetType,
1044                        hpicfDownloadInetErrorStatus,
1045                        hpicfDownloadInetErrorText,
1046                        hpicfDownloadInetStatus,
1047                        hpicfDownloadInetPassesLeft,
1048                        hpicfDownloadInetOctetCount,
1049                        hpicfDownloadInetDestination,
1050                        hpicfDownloadInetOpType
1051                      }
1052           STATUS     current
1053           DESCRIPTION
1054                   "A collection of objects for controlling and
1055                   monitoring network download of device firmware to
1056                   ICF devices."
1057           ::= { hpicfDownloadGroups 4 }
1061       END