5        Unsigned32
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7        PhysAddress, RowStatus
8            FROM SNMPv2-TC
10            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
11        ifIndex, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero
12            FROM IF-MIB
13        InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength
15        ipCidrRouteEntry, inetCidrRouteEntry
16            FROM IP-FORWARD-MIB
17        hpSwitch
18            FROM HP-ICF-OID
19								ipDefaultRouterEntry
20								    FROM IP-MIB;
22    hpicfIpRouting MODULE-IDENTITY
23        LAST-UPDATED "200704200000Z" -- Apr 20, 2007
24        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
25                      Workgroup Networks Division"
26        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
27                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
28                      Roseville, CA 95747"
29        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module contains HP proprietary
30                     objects for managing IP Routing."
32        REVISION     "200704200000Z" -- Apr 20, 2007
33        DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfArpAgingTime."
35        REVISION     "200508130228Z" -- Aug 08, 2005
36        DESCRIPTION  "Added hpicfInetCidrRouteTable augmenting inetCidrRouteTable."
38        REVISION     "200508050000Z" -- Aug 5, 2005
39        DESCRIPTION  "Added import objects."
41        REVISION     "200305130228Z" -- May 13, 2003
42        DESCRIPTION  "Added static route configuration objects."
44        REVISION     "200210312353Z" -- October 31, 2002
45        DESCRIPTION  "Added Source Route Global Enable."
47        REVISION     "200205231738Z" -- May 23, 2002
48        DESCRIPTION  "Added ICMP Rate Limiting and Directed Broadcast
49                     forwarding objects."
51        REVISION     "200007150022Z" -- July 15, 2000
52        DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision."
53        ::= { hpSwitch 15 }
55    hpicfIpRoutingObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRouting 1 }
57    -- ICMP Router Discovery Protocol objects
59    hpicfIcmpRdisc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 1 }
61    hpicfRdiscAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
62        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
63                        enable(1),
64                        disable(2)
65                    }
66        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
67        STATUS      current
68        DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of the ICMP Router
69                    Discovery protocol."
70        ::= { hpicfIcmpRdisc 1 }
72    hpicfRdiscIfCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
73        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry
74        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
75        STATUS      current
76        DESCRIPTION "Per-interface configuration for the ICMP Router
77                    Discovery protocol."
78        ::= { hpicfIcmpRdisc 2 }
80    hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
81        SYNTAX      HpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry
82        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
83        STATUS      current
84        DESCRIPTION "Router discovery configuration information for
85                    a single interface."
86        INDEX       { ifIndex }
87        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgTable 1 }
89    HpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry ::=
90        SEQUENCE {
91            hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus          INTEGER,
92            hpicfRdiscIfAdvertAddress        INTEGER,
93            hpicfRdiscIfMaxAdvertInterval    Integer32,
94            hpicfRdiscIfMinAdvertInterval    Integer32,
95            hpicfRdiscIfAdvertLifetime       Integer32,
96            hpicfRdiscIfPreference           Integer32
97        }
99    hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
100        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
101                        enable(1),
102                        disable(2)
103                    }
104        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
105        STATUS      current
106        DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of the ICMP Router
107                    Discovery protocol on this interface."
108        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 1 }
110    hpicfRdiscIfAdvertAddress OBJECT-TYPE
111        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
112                        multicast(1),
113                        broadcast(2)
114                    }
115        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
116        STATUS      current
117        DESCRIPTION "The destination address to be used for router
118                    advertisements on this interface.  If the value
119                    of this object is 'multicast' (the default),
120                    router advertisements sent on this interface will
121                    be sent to the all-hosts multicast address,
122                    If the value of this object is 'broadcast',
123                    router advertisements sent on this interface will
124                    be sent to the limitied broadcast address,
125          "
126        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 2 }
128    hpicfRdiscIfMaxAdvertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
129        SYNTAX      Integer32 (4..1800)
130        UNITS       "seconds"
131        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
132        STATUS      current
133        DESCRIPTION "The maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited
134                    Router Advertisements on this interface."
135        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 3 }
137    hpicfRdiscIfMinAdvertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
138        SYNTAX      Integer32 (3..1800)
139        UNITS       "seconds"
140        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
141        STATUS      current
142        DESCRIPTION "The minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited
143                    Router Advertisements on this interface.  Must be
144                    no greater than hpicfRdiscMaxAdvertInterval."
145        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 4 }
147    hpicfRdiscIfAdvertLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
148        SYNTAX      Integer32 (4..9000)
149        UNITS       "seconds"
150        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
151        STATUS      current
152        DESCRIPTION "The value to b placed in the Lifetime field of
153                    Router Advertisements sent on this interface.
154                    Must be no less than hpicfRdiscMaxAdvertInterval."
155        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 5 }
157    hpicfRdiscIfPreference OBJECT-TYPE
158        SYNTAX      Integer32
159        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
160        STATUS      current
161        DESCRIPTION "The preferability of the router as a default
162                    router, relative to the other routers on the same
163                    subnet.  Higher values are more preferable.  The
164                    minimum value (0x80000000) is used to indicate
165                    that the router, even though it may be advertised,
166                    is not to be used by neighboring hosts as a default
167                    router."
168        ::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 6 }
170    -- ICMP Rate Limiting Objects
171    hpicfIcmpRateLimits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 2 }
173    hpicfIcmpBoxLimits  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIcmpRateLimits 1 }
175    hpicfIcmpReplyLimitEnable OBJECT-TYPE
176        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
177                        enable(1),
178                        disable(2)
179                    }
180       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
181       STATUS      current
182       DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ICMP replies."
183       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 1 }
185    hpicfIcmpReplyLimit OBJECT-TYPE
186       SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..1000000)
187       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
188       STATUS      current
189       DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of icmp replies to send per second."
190       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 2 }
192    hpicfIcmpRedirectEnable OBJECT-TYPE
193        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
194                        enable(1),
195                        disable(2)
196                    }
197       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
198       STATUS      current
199       DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable redirect error messages.."
200       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 3 }
202    hpicfIcmpDestUnreachEnable OBJECT-TYPE
203        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
204                        enable(1),
205                        disable(2)
206                    }
207       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
208       STATUS      current
209       DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable destination unreachable error messages."
210       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 4 }
212    hpicfIcmpAddrMaskReplyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
213        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
214                        enable(1),
215                        disable(2)
216                    }
217       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
218       STATUS      current
219       DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable address mask replies."
220       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 5 }
222    hpicfIcmpEchoBroadcastReplyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
223        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
224                        enable(1),
225                        disable(2)
226                    }
227       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
228       STATUS      current
229       DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable echo replies to directed
230                    broadcast echo requests.."
231       ::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 6 }
233    -- hp BSD broadcast forwarding enable/disable flags
234    hpicfGlobalIpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 3 }
236    hpicfDBroadcastFwdEnable OBJECT-TYPE
237        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
238                        enable(1),
239                        disable(2)
240                    }
241        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
242        STATUS      current
243        DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable directed broadcast forwarding."
244        ::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 1 }
246    hpicfSourceRouteEnable OBJECT-TYPE
247        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
248                        enable(1),
249                        disable(2)
250                    }
251        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
252        STATUS      current
253        DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable source routed forwarding."
254        ::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 2 }
256    hpicfIpMaximumPaths OBJECT-TYPE
257        SYNTAX      Integer32
258        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
259        STATUS      current
260        DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of equal cost paths to a destination
261                     that we will add to the IP routing table."
262        ::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 3 }
264    -- HP Static Route Configuration objects
265    hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
266        { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 4 }
268    hpicfIpStaticRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
269        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry
270        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
271        STATUS      current
272        DESCRIPTION "Table of configured IP static routes.  This table
273                    uses a protocol-independent format, so that it
274                    can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 static routes.
275                    Rows configured in this table should be stored in
276                    non-volatile storage."
277        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig 1 }
279    hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
280        SYNTAX      HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry
281        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
282        STATUS      current
283        DESCRIPTION "A row in the static route table, containing
284                    information about a single configured static
285                    route.
287                    There are 3 legal cases for the indexing this
288                    table:
290                    1. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType ==
291                         hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType) &&
292                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr is IP address of
293                         appropriate type) &&
294                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex == 0))
296                       Normal, remote static route.  hpicfIpStaticRouteType
297                       will be equal to 'remote'.
298                       Note that the first condition that the FwdAddrType
299                       must equal the PrefixType exactly is not strictly
300                       true.  For example, in IPv6, it is quite legal
301                       and expected to configure a static route where
302                       the PrefixType is ipv6, and the Prefix is a 16
303                       byte IPv6 destination address, but the FwdAddrType
304                       is ipv6z and the FwdAddr is a 20 byte scoped
305                       IPv6 link-local address.
307                    2. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType == 'unknown') &&
308                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr == zero-length string) &&
309                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex != 0))
311                       Interface route.  Treated like a connected route.
312                       hpicfIpStaticRouteType will be equal to 'local'.
314                    3. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType == 'unknown') &&
315                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr == zero-length string) &&
316                        (hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex == 0))
318                       Discard route.  hpicfStaticRouteType will be equal
319                       to either 'reject' or 'discard'."
320        INDEX       { hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType,
321                      hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix,
322                      hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength,
323                      hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType,
324                      hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr,
325                      hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex }
326        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteTable 1 }
328    HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry ::=
329        SEQUENCE {
330            hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType     InetAddressType,
331            hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix         InetAddress,
332            hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength   InetAddressPrefixLength,
333            hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType    InetAddressType,
334            hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr        InetAddress,
335            hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex     InterfaceIndexOrZero,
336            hpicfIpStaticRouteType           INTEGER,
337            hpicfIpStaticRouteDistance       Integer32,
338            hpicfIpStaticRouteTag            Unsigned32,
339            hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus         RowStatus
340        }
342    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
343        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
344        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
345        STATUS      current
346        DESCRIPTION "The type of destination prefix specified by this
347                    route.  The value 'dns(16)' is not supported.
348                    This object specifies the type of destination
349                    address prefix in the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix
350                    object."
351        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 1 }
353    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix OBJECT-TYPE
354        SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(0..36))
355        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
356        STATUS      current
357        DESCRIPTION "The destination address prefix of this route.
358                    The type of address specified by this route is
359                    indicated by the corresponding instance of the
360                    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object.
362                    An attempt to create a row in which the length
363                    of this object is not consistent with the type
364                    specified by hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType must
365                    be rejected.
367                    An attempt to create a row in which the value
368                    X of this object, logically ANDed with the
369                    value of the mask formed from the corresponding
370                    instance of the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength
371                    object, is not equal to X must be rejected,
372                    i.e., this prefix may not have any 'host' bits
373                    set."
374        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 2 }
376    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
377        SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
378        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
379        STATUS      current
380        DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of leading
381                    one bits which form the mask to be logically
382                    ANDed with a destination address before
383                    comparison with the corresponding instance of
384                    the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix object for a route
385                    match operation.
387                    An attempt to create a row in which the value
388                    of this object is longer than the maximum legal
389                    length of an address of the type indicated by
390                    the corresponding instance of the
391                    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object must be
392                    rejected.
394                    An attempt to create a row in which the value of
395                    the mask formed from this object logically ANDed
396                    with the value of the corresponding instance of the
397                    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix object is not equal to
398                    the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix."
399        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 3 }
401    hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
402        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
403        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
404        STATUS      current
405        DESCRIPTION "The type of forwarding address for this route.
406                    The value of this object must be equal either to
407                    'unknown' or to a value appropriate for the
408                    corresponding instance of the
409                    hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object.  For non-remote
410                    routes, the value of this object must be 'unknown'."
411        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 4 }
413    hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr OBJECT-TYPE
414        SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(0..36))
415        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
416        STATUS      current
417        DESCRIPTION "For remote routes, the value of the next specified
418                    router to use for forwarding packets to the
419                    destination specified by this route.  Note that this
420                    router does not need to be directly connected.  In
421                    the case where it is not, the actual routing table
422                    entry will use a next hop determined by looking
423                    up the best route to this forwarding address.
425                    For non-remote routes, the value of this object will
426                    be a zero-length string.
428                    An attempt to create a row in which the length
429                    of this object is not consistent with the type
430                    specified by hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType must
431                    be rejected.
433                    An attempt to create a row with a value for this
434                    object other than a zero-length string must be
435                    rejected if the corresponding instance of the
436                    hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex object is non-zero."
437        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 5 }
439    hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
440        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
441        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
442        STATUS      current
443        DESCRIPTION "For remote routes, the value of this object must
444                    be zero.
446                    For reject or blackhole routes, the value of this
447                    object must be zero.
449                    For local routes, this object indicates the ifIndex
450                    of the local interface to use to reach this
451                    destination."
452        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 6 }
454    hpicfIpStaticRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
455        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
456                        other(1),
457                        reject(2),
458                        local(3),
459                        remote(4),
460                        blackhole(5)
461                    }
462        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
463        STATUS      current
464        DESCRIPTION "The type of route.  The value 'other' is not supported,
465                    and is included only for compatiblity with the IP
466                    Forwarding Table MIB.  The value 'local' indicates
467                    that the destination is treated as if it were
468                    directly connected.  The value 'remote' indicates that
469                    the forwarding address will be used to reach the
470                    destination.  The value 'reject' indicates that if
471                    this route is matched, a packet to the destination is
472                    discarded and a notification (e.g. ICMP error) is
473                    returned to the packet sender.  The value
474                    'blackhole' indicates that if the route is matched,
475                    a packet to the destination is silently dropped.
477                    The value of this object must be consistent with
478                    the forwarding address information used to index
479                    the route."
480        DEFVAL      { remote }
481        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 7 }
483    hpicfIpStaticRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
484        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
485        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
486        STATUS      current
487        DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance to associate with
488                    this static route.  Routes with lower distances
489                    are preferred.  By default, static routes are
490                    created with an administrative distance of 1,
491                    meaning they are preferred over all routes
492                    except directly connected routes.  Setting a
493                    higher administrative distance for a route
494                    can be used for the following reasons:
495                    - by configuring multiple static routes to
496                      the same destination, one with the default
497                      distance and one with a higher distance,
498                      one can configure backup static routes
499                    - by configuring a static route with an
500                      administrative distance higher than
501                      the distance for a particular dynamic
502                      routing protocol, one can allow a static
503                      route to be overridden by dynamic
504                      routing information.
505                    Routes with an administrative distance of 255
506                    will never be entered in the routing table."
507        DEFVAL      { 1 }
508        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 8 }
510    hpicfIpStaticRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE
511        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
512        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
513        STATUS      current
514        DESCRIPTION "Tag value that can be used to filter redistribution
515                    of this route via route maps."
516        DEFVAL      { 0 }
517        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 9 }
519    hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
520        SYNTAX      RowStatus
521        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
522        STATUS      current
523        DESCRIPTION "Status of this route entry.  All writable
524                    columns in this table can be modified while the
525                    corresponding row is active."
526        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 10 }
529    hpicfIpStaticNeighborTable OBJECT-TYPE
530        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry
531        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
532        STATUS      current
533        DESCRIPTION "Table of configured IP static neighbors.  This
534                    table uses a protocol-independent format, so that
535                    it can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 static
536                    neighbors. Rows configured in this table should be
537                    stored in non-volatile storage."
538        ::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig 2 }
540    hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry OBJECT-TYPE
541        SYNTAX      HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry
542        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
543        STATUS      current
544        DESCRIPTION "A row in the static neighbor table, containing
545                    information about a single configured static
546                    neighbor."
547        INDEX       { hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex,
548                      hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType,
549                      hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress }
550        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborTable 1 }
552    HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry ::=
553        SEQUENCE {
554            hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex     InterfaceIndex,
555            hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType InetAddressType,
556            hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress  InetAddress,
557            hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress PhysAddress,
558            hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus      RowStatus
559        }
561    hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
562        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
563        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
564        STATUS      current
565        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value for the interface used to reach
566                    this neighbor."
567        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 1 }
569    hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
570        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
571        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
572        STATUS      current
573        DESCRIPTION "The type of network address specified by this
574                    entry.  Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv6(2)'
575                    are expected.  This object specifies the type of
576                    neighbor network address prefix in the
577                    hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress object."
578        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 2 }
580    hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
581        SYNTAX      InetAddress
582        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
583        STATUS      current
584        DESCRIPTION "The neighbor network address of this configured
585                    static neighbor.  The type of address specified
586                    by this entry is indicated by the corresponding
587                    instance of the hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType
588                    object.
590                    An attempt to create a row in which the length
591                    of this object is not consistent with the type
592                    specified by hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType
593                    must be rejected."
594        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 3 }
596    hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
597        SYNTAX      PhysAddress
598        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
599        STATUS      current
600        DESCRIPTION "The media-dependent physical address used to
601                    reach this neighbor.  The size of this
602                    address depends on the media type of the
603                    interface identified by
604                    hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex."
605        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 4 }
607    hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus OBJECT-TYPE
608        SYNTAX      RowStatus
609        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
610        STATUS      current
611        DESCRIPTION "Status of this neighbor entry.  All writable
612                    columns in this table can be modified while the
613                    corresponding row is active."
614        ::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 5 }
617    -- HP Routing table extensions
618    hpicfIpRouteStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 5 }
620    hpicfIpCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
621        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpCidrRouteEntry
622        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
623        STATUS      current
624        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the ipCidrRouteTable."
625        ::= { hpicfIpRouteStats 1 }
627    hpicfIpCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
628        SYNTAX      HpicfIpCidrRouteEntry
629        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
630        STATUS      current
631        DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
632        AUGMENTS    { ipCidrRouteEntry }
633        ::= { hpicfIpCidrRouteTable 1 }
635    HpicfIpCidrRouteEntry ::=
636        SEQUENCE {
637            hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance         Integer32
638        }
640    hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
641        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
642        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
643        STATUS      current
644        DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of this route."
645        ::= { hpicfIpCidrRouteEntry 1 }
647    hpicfInetCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
648        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry
649        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
650        STATUS      current
651        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the inetCidrRouteTable."
652        ::= { hpicfIpRouteStats 2 }
654    hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
655        SYNTAX      HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry
656        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
657        STATUS      current
658        DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
659        AUGMENTS    { inetCidrRouteEntry }
660        ::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteTable 1 }
662    HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry ::=
663        SEQUENCE {
664            hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance         Integer32,
665            hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo             OBJECT IDENTIFIER
666        }
668    hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
669        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
670        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
671        STATUS      current
672        DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of this route."
673        ::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry 1 }
675    hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
677       MAX-ACCESS read-only
678       STATUS   current
680          "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
681          particular  routing protocol which is responsi-
682          ble for this route, as determined by the  value
683          specified  in the route's inetCidrRouteProto value.
684          If this information is not present,  its  value
685          should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 },
686          which is a syntactically valid object  identif-
687          ier, and any implementation conforming to ASN.1
688          and the Basic Encoding Rules must  be  able  to
689          generate and recognize this value."
690       ::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry 2 }
693    -- HP Arp (address resolution protocol) objects
695    hpicfArpInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 6 }
697    hpicfArpAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
698        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..16666666)
699        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
700        STATUS      current
701        DESCRIPTION "The timeout period in minutes for aging out
702                     an arp entry in the arp cache.  Default value
703                     is 20 minutes.  Allowable values for the HP
704                     implementation are 1-1440 and 0. The value of 0
705                     indicates that an infinite ageout is to be
706                     used. The value 16666666 minutes (32 years) is
707                     used internally to effectively indicate
708                     an infinite timeout."
709        DEFVAL { 20 }
710        ::= { hpicfArpInfo 1 }
712    -- HP Default Router objects
714    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 7 }
716    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE
717        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry
718        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
719        STATUS      current
720        DESCRIPTION "Table of default routers learnt through auto-config
721        This Table will be used in conjunction of ipDefaultRouterTable
722        defined in RFC 4293 to get the attributes of the default routers
723        learnt through auto-config"
724        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixInfo 1 }
726    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
727        SYNTAX      HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry
728        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
729        STATUS      current
730        DESCRIPTION "A row in the default router table, containing
731                    information about a single learnt default router"
732        INDEX       {
733                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddressType,
734                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddress,
735                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterIfIndex,
736                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixType,
737                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefix,
738                      hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixLength}
739        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixTable 1 }
741    HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry ::=
742        SEQUENCE {
743                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddressType InetAddressType,
744                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddress InetAddress,
745                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
746                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixType InetAddressType,
747                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefix InetAddress,
748                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,
749                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixOnLink TruthValue,
750                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixAutonomous TruthValue,
751                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixValidLifeTime Unsigned32,
752                  hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixPrefdLifeTime Unsigned32}
754    hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
755        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
756        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
757        STATUS      current
758        DESCRIPTION "The address type of the default router.
759        The only supported type is IPV6 as of now"
760        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 1 }
762    hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddress OBJECT-TYPE
763        SYNTAX      InetAddress
764        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
765        STATUS      current
766        DESCRIPTION "The address of the default router."
767        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 2 }
769    hpicfIpDefaultRouterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
770        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
771        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
772        STATUS      current
773        DESCRIPTION "The address of the default router."
774        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 3 }
776    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
777        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
778        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
779        STATUS      current
780        DESCRIPTION "Type of the prefix."
781        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 4 }
783    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
784        SYNTAX      InetAddress
785        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
786        STATUS      current
787        DESCRIPTION "The prefix."
788        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 5 }
790     hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
791        SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
792        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
793        STATUS      current
794        DESCRIPTION "Length of the prefix."
795        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 6 }
797   hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixOnLink OBJECT-TYPE
798        SYNTAX      TruthValue
799        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
800        STATUS      current
801        DESCRIPTION "The object has the value true (1) if the prefix can
802        be used for on-link determination, otherwise the value is false(2)"
803        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 7 }
805   hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixAutonomous OBJECT-TYPE
806        SYNTAX      TruthValue
807        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
808        STATUS      current
809        DESCRIPTION "The object has the value true(1) if this prefix can be
810        used for autonomous address configuration. If the value is false(2),
811        the prefix is not used to autoconfigure a local interface address"
812        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 8 }
814   hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixValidLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
815        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
816        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
817        STATUS      current
818        DESCRIPTION "The valid life time for the router."
819        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 9 }
821    hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixPrefdLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
822        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
823        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
824        STATUS      current
825        DESCRIPTION "The preferred life time for the router."
826        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 10 }
828   -- Default Router table extensions
829    hpicfIpDefaultRouterProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
830				                                   { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 8 }
832    hpicfIpDefaultRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE
833        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry
834        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
835        STATUS      current
836        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the ipDefaultRouterTable."
837        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterProperties 1 }
839    hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
840        SYNTAX      HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry
841        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
842        STATUS      current
843        DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
844        AUGMENTS    { ipDefaultRouterEntry }
845        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterTable 1 }
847    HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry ::=
848        SEQUENCE {
849            hpicfIpDefaultRouterMTU         Integer32,
850												hpicfIpDefaultRouterHopLimit         Integer32
851        }
853    hpicfIpDefaultRouterMTU OBJECT-TYPE
854        SYNTAX      Integer32
855        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
856        STATUS      current
857        DESCRIPTION "The link MTU size advertised by the router. The selected Mlink TU may be different from this one."
858        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry 1 }
860    hpicfIpDefaultRouterHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
861        SYNTAX      Integer32
862        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
863        STATUS      current
864        DESCRIPTION "The hop limit to be used by the host on outgoing packets."
865        ::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry 2 }
867    hpicfIpRoutingConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRouting 2 }
869    hpicfIpRoutingGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingConformance 1 }
871    hpicfRdiscBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
872        OBJECTS     { hpicfRdiscAdminStatus }
873        STATUS      current
874        DESCRIPTION "Basic ICMP Router Discovery configuration
875                    objects."
876        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 1 }
878    hpicfRdiscIfCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP
879        OBJECTS     { hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus,
880                      hpicfRdiscIfAdvertAddress,
881                      hpicfRdiscIfMaxAdvertInterval,
882                      hpicfRdiscIfMinAdvertInterval,
883                      hpicfRdiscIfAdvertLifetime,
884                      hpicfRdiscIfPreference }
885        STATUS      current
886        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing per-interface
887                    configuration of ICMP Router Discovery operation."
888        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 2 }
890    hpicfIcmpReplyBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
891        OBJECTS     { hpicfIcmpRedirectEnable,
892                      hpicfIcmpDestUnreachEnable,
893                      hpicfIcmpAddrMaskReplyEnable,
894                      hpicfIcmpEchoBroadcastReplyEnable }
895        STATUS      current
896        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
897                    ICMP Redirect operation."
898        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 3 }
900    hpicfIcmpReplyLimitGroup OBJECT-GROUP
901        OBJECTS     { hpicfIcmpReplyLimitEnable,
902                      hpicfIcmpReplyLimit }
903        STATUS      current
904        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
905                    ICMP Reply rate limiting."
906        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 4 }
908    hpicfIpRouteCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP
909        OBJECTS     {  hpicfDBroadcastFwdEnable,
910                       hpicfSourceRouteEnable }
911        STATUS      current
912        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
913                    IP global enables."
914        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 5 }
916    hpicfIpStaticRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
917        OBJECTS     { hpicfIpStaticRouteType,
918                      hpicfIpStaticRouteDistance,
919                      hpicfIpStaticRouteTag,
920                      hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus }
921        STATUS      current
922        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring IP static
923                    routes."
924        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 6 }
926    hpicfIpStaticNeighborGroup OBJECT-GROUP
927        OBJECTS     { hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress,
928                      hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus }
929        STATUS      current
930        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring IP static
931                    neighbors."
932        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 7 }
934    hpicfIpCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
935        OBJECTS     { hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance }
936        STATUS      current
937        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for retrieving extended
938                    information about routes in the routing table."
939        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 8 }
941    hpicfInetCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
942        OBJECTS     { hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance,
943                      hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo }
944        STATUS      current
945        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for retrieving extended
946                    information about routes in the routing table."
947        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 9 }
949    hpicfArpBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
950        OBJECTS     { hpicfArpAgingTime }
951        STATUS      current
952        DESCRIPTION "Basic ARP (address resolution protocol) configuration
953                    objects."
954        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 10 }
956    hpicfIpRoutingCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
957         { hpicfIpRoutingConformance 2 }
959    hpicfIcmpRdiscCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
960        STATUS      current
961        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
962                    that support ICMP Router Discovery."
963        MODULE
964            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfRdiscBaseGroup }
966            GROUP       hpicfRdiscIfCfgGroup
967            DESCRIPTION "This group is recommended for implementations
968                        that allow configuring ICMP Router Discovery
969                        parameters for each interface."
971        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 1 }
973    hpicfIcmpReplyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
974        STATUS      current
975        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
976                    that support ICMP Reply Limiting."
977        MODULE
978            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfIcmpReplyBaseGroup }
980            GROUP       hpicfIcmpReplyLimitGroup
981            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for implementations
982                        that allow configuring ICMP Reply Limit
983                        configuration."
985        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 2 }
987    hpicfIpRouterCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
988        STATUS      current
989        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches."
990        MODULE
991            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfRdiscBaseGroup,
992                               hpicfRdiscIfCfgGroup,
993                               hpicfIcmpReplyBaseGroup,
994                               hpicfIcmpReplyLimitGroup,
995                               hpicfIpRouteCfgGroup,
996                               hpicfIpStaticRouteGroup,
997                               hpicfIpStaticNeighborGroup,
998                               hpicfIpCidrRouteGroup }
999        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 3 }
1001    hpicfArpInfoCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1002        STATUS      current
1003        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
1004                    that support ARP."
1005        MODULE
1006            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfArpBaseGroup }
1008        ::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 4 }