5        Integer32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
8            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
9        TruthValue, RowStatus
10            FROM SNMPv2-TC
11        pimCandidateRPEntry, pimInterfaceEntry, pimComponentEntry,
12        pimRPSetComponent
13            FROM PIM-MIB
14        hpSwitch
15            FROM HP-ICF-OID;
18        LAST-UPDATED "200508041619Z"  -- August 4, 2005
19        ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
20                      ProCurve Networking Business"
21        CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
22                      8000 Foothills Blvd.
23                      Roseville, CA 95747"
24        DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module contains HP proprietary
25                     extensions to the standard PIM MIB (RFC 2934)."
27        REVISION     "200508041619Z"  -- August 4, 2005
28        DESCRIPTION  "Added PIM-SM objects."
30        REVISION     "200406300000Z"  -- June 30, 2004
31        DESCRIPTION  "Initial revision."
32        ::= { hpSwitch 20 }
34-- **********************************************************************
35-- The PIM MIB Groups
36-- **********************************************************************
38    hpicfPimObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimMIB 1 }
39    hpicfPimTraps       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimObjects 0 }
40    hpicfPim            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimObjects 1 }
42    hpicfPimConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimMIB 2 }
43    hpicfPimGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimConformance 1 }
44    hpicfPimCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfPimConformance 2 }
46-- **********************************************************************
47-- Start of MIB objects
48-- **********************************************************************
50    hpicfPimAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
51        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
52                        enable(1),
53                        disable(2)
54                    }
55        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
56        STATUS      current
57        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the PIM routing protocol
58                    on this router. Default is disabled."
59        DEFVAL      { disable }
60        ::= { hpicfPim 1 }
62    hpicfPimStateRefreshInterval OBJECT-TYPE
63        SYNTAX      Integer32 (10..300)
64        UNITS       "seconds"
65        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
66        STATUS      current
67        DESCRIPTION "The interval between successive State Refresh
68                    messages originated by this router.
69                    Default is 60 seconds."
70        DEFVAL { 60 }
71        ::= { hpicfPim 2 }
73    hpicfPimSPTThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
74        SYNTAX      Integer32
75        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
76        STATUS      current
77        DESCRIPTION "Specifies a threshold for switching to the Shortest
78                    Path Tree (SPT) on this router. If the object has
79                    the special value of -1, the Shared Tree rooted to the
80                    Rendezvous Point (RP) will be used indefinitely on the
81                    router. Default is -1."
82        DEFVAL { -1 }
83        ::= { hpicfPim 3 }
85    hpicfPimTrapControl OBJECT-TYPE
86        SYNTAX       BITS {
87                         neighborLoss(0),
88                         hardMrtFull(1),
89                         softMrtFull(2)
90                     }
91        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
92        STATUS       current
93        DESCRIPTION  "Indicates whether the PIM-enabled router will generate
94                     SNMP traps for PIM events. The set bit means 'enabled'.
96                     - neighborLoss(0)
97                       This bit controls whether the notification trap is
98                       allowed to be send when the neighbour timer expires
99                       and the router has no other neighbours on the same
100                       interface with a lower IP address than itself.
102                     - hardMrtFull(1)
103                       This bit controls whether the notification trap is
104                       allowed to be send when the MRT table is full and
105                       the error has been originated by hardware.
107                     - softMrtFull(2)
108                       This bit controls whether the notification trap is
109                       allowed to be send when the MRT table is full and
110                       the error has been originated by software."
111        ::= { hpicfPim 4 }
113-- **********************************************************************
114-- The PIM Static RP-Set Table
115-- **********************************************************************
117    hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable OBJECT-TYPE
118        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry
119        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
120        STATUS      current
121        DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table containing statically
122                    configured Rendezvous Points (RPs) for IP multicast
123                    group mappings. This information is being used
124                    in the PIM Sparse mode only."
125        ::= { hpicfPim 5 }
127    hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
128        SYNTAX      HpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry
129        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
130        STATUS      current
131        DESCRIPTION "An entry (row) in the hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable.
132                    NOTE: the pimRPSetComponent is an index that uniquely
133                    identifies the component. Each protocol instance
134                    connected to a separate domain should have a different
135                    index value."
136        INDEX      { pimRPSetComponent,
137                     hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress,
138                     hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask,
139                     hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress }
140        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetTable 1 }
142    HpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry ::=
143        SEQUENCE {
144            hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress      IpAddress,
145            hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask         IpAddress,
146            hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress           IpAddress,
147            hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride          TruthValue,
148            hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus         RowStatus
149    }
151    hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
152        SYNTAX      IpAddress
153        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
154        STATUS      current
155        DESCRIPTION "The IP multicast group address which, when combined
156                    with hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask, gives the group
157                    prefix for which this entry contains information
158                    about the statically configured RP."
159        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 1 }
161    hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupMask OBJECT-TYPE
162        SYNTAX      IpAddress
163        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
164        STATUS      current
165        DESCRIPTION "The multicast group address mask which, when combined
166                    with hpicfPimStaticRPSetGroupAddress, gives the group
167                    prefix for which this entry contains information about
168                    the statically configured RP."
169        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 2 }
171    hpicfPimStaticRPSetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
172        SYNTAX      IpAddress
173        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
174        STATUS      current
175        DESCRIPTION "The IP address of statically configured RP for the
176                    given IP multicast group(s)."
177        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 3 }
179    hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride OBJECT-TYPE
180        SYNTAX      TruthValue
181        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
182        STATUS      current
183        DESCRIPTION "If true, indicates that the router should ignore the
184                    information learned by a BSR if there is a conflict
185                    between the information this static entry contains and
186                    the information that is learned by the BSR.
187                    Default is false."
188        DEFVAL { false }
189        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 4 }
191    hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
192        SYNTAX     RowStatus
193        MAX-ACCESS read-create
194        STATUS     current
195        DESCRIPTION "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
196                    created, or old entries deleted from this table."
197        ::= { hpicfPimStaticRPSetEntry 5 }
199-- **********************************************************************
200-- The Extensions to the PIM Interface Table (RFC 2934)
201-- **********************************************************************
203    hpicfPimIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
204        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfPimIfEntry
205        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
206        STATUS      current
207        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the pimInterfaceTable."
208        ::= { hpicfPim 6 }
210    hpicfPimIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
211        SYNTAX      HpicfPimIfEntry
212        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
213        STATUS      current
214        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the pimInterfaceTable."
215        AUGMENTS    { pimInterfaceEntry }
216        ::= { hpicfPimIfTable 1 }
218    HpicfPimIfEntry ::=
219        SEQUENCE {
220            hpicfPimIfAddress            IpAddress,
221            hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval  Integer32,
222            hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime      Integer32,
223            hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay      TruthValue,
224            hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay   Integer32,
225            hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval   Integer32,
226            hpicfPimIfGenerationID       TruthValue,
227            hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime  Unsigned32,
228            hpicfPimIfGraftRetryInterval Integer32,
229            hpicfPimIfMaxGraftRetries    Integer32,
230            hpicfPimIfSRTTLThreshold     Unsigned32,
231            hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled    TruthValue,
232            hpicfPimIfSRCapable          TruthValue,
233            hpicfPimIfDRPriority         Unsigned32,
234            hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout         Integer32
235        }
237    hpicfPimIfAddress OBJECT-TYPE
238        SYNTAX      IpAddress
239        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
240        STATUS      current
241        DESCRIPTION "This is copy of pimInterfaceAddress with read-create
242                    access. PIM uses this source address to send its
243                    protocol packets out on this interface. This address can
244                    be set to one of IP addresses of the interface or
245           if the address is determined dynamically
246                    based on the current IP configuration.
247                    The currently used source address is value of
248                    pimInterfaceAddress in the latter case."
249        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 1 }
251    hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE
252        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..5)
253        UNITS       "seconds"
254        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
255        STATUS      current
256        DESCRIPTION "The maximum time before a triggered PIM Hello message
257                    is transmitted on this interface. Default is 5 seconds."
258        DEFVAL { 5 }
259        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 2 }
261    hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime OBJECT-TYPE
262        SYNTAX      Integer32 (17..1050)
263        UNITS       "seconds"
264        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
265        STATUS      current
266        DESCRIPTION "The value set in the Holdtime field of Hello messages
267                    transmitted on this interface.  This should be 3.5
268                    times the value of pimInterfaceHelloInterval.
269                    Default is 105 seconds."
270        DEFVAL { 105 }
271        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 3 }
273    hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay OBJECT-TYPE
274        SYNTAX      TruthValue
275        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
276        STATUS      current
277        DESCRIPTION "Turns the LAN Prune Delay Option off and on on this
278                     interface. Default is true."
279        DEFVAL { true }
280        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 4 }
282    hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay OBJECT-TYPE
283        SYNTAX      Integer32 (250..2000)
284        UNITS       "milliseconds"
285        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
286        STATUS      current
287        DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the LAN Prune Delay field of a
288                     LAN Prune Delay option on this interface.
289                     Default is 500 milliseconds."
290        DEFVAL { 500 }
291        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 5 }
293    hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval OBJECT-TYPE
294        SYNTAX      Integer32 (500..6000)
295        UNITS       "milliseconds"
296        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
297        STATUS      current
298        DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the Override Interval field of
299                     a LAN Prune Delay option on this interface.
300                     Default is 2500 milliseconds."
301        DEFVAL { 2500 }
302        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 6 }
304    hpicfPimIfGenerationID OBJECT-TYPE
305        SYNTAX      TruthValue
306        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
307        STATUS      current
308        DESCRIPTION "Turns the Generation ID Option off and on on this
309                    interface. Default is false."
310        DEFVAL { false }
311        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 7 }
313    hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime OBJECT-TYPE
314        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
315        UNITS       "seconds"
316        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
317        STATUS      current
318        DESCRIPTION "The value inserted into the Holdtime field of a Join/
319                    Prune message sent on this interface.  The value should
320                    be 3.5 times pimInterfaceJoinPruneInterval.
321                    Default is 210 seconds."
322        DEFVAL { 210 }
323        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 8 }
325    hpicfPimIfGraftRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
326        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..10)
327        UNITS       "seconds"
328        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
329        STATUS      current
330        DESCRIPTION "The interval a PIM router waits for a Graft Ack before
331                    re-sending a Graft on this interface.
332                    Default is 3 seconds."
333        DEFVAL { 3 }
334        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 9 }
336    hpicfPimIfMaxGraftRetries OBJECT-TYPE
337        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..10)
338        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
339        STATUS      current
340        DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of times this router will re-send a
341                     Graft on this interface. Default is 2."
342        DEFVAL { 2 }
343        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 10 }
345    hpicfPimIfSRTTLThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
346        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
347        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
348        STATUS      current
349        DESCRIPTION "The Time To Live in a PIM-DM State Refresh message at
350                    which it is not forwarded on this interface. Default is 0."
351        DEFVAL { 0 }
352        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 11 }
354    hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
355        SYNTAX      TruthValue
356        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
357        STATUS      current
358        DESCRIPTION "Evaluates to TRUE if all routers on this interface are
359                    using the LAN Prune Delay Option."
360        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 12 }
362    hpicfPimIfSRCapable OBJECT-TYPE
363        SYNTAX      TruthValue
364        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
365        STATUS      current
366        DESCRIPTION "Evaluates to TRUE if all routers on this interface are
367                    using the State Refresh Capable Option."
368        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 13 }
370    hpicfPimIfDRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
371        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
372        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
373        STATUS      current
374        DESCRIPTION "The Designated Router Priority inserted into the DR
375                    priority option on this interface. Default is 1."
376        DEFVAL { 1 }
377        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 14 }
379    hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
380        SYNTAX      Integer32 (60..8000)
381        UNITS       "seconds"
382        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
383        STATUS      current
384        DESCRIPTION "Time interval after which the router will consider a
385                    neighbour to not be present, if no PIM Hello messages
386                    arrived on the interface. Default is 180 seconds."
387        DEFVAL { 180 }
388        ::= { hpicfPimIfEntry 15 }
390-- **********************************************************************
391-- The Extensions to the PIM Component Table (RFC 2934)
392-- **********************************************************************
394    hpicfPimComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE
395        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpicfPimComponentEntry
396        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
397        STATUS      current
398        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the pimComponentTable - the
399                    (conceptual) table containing objects specific to a
400                    PIM domain. One row exists for each domain to which
401                    the router is connected. Typically, a PIM-SM router
402                    will be a member of exactly one domain, however, the
403                    table also supports routers which may form a border
404                    between two PIM-SM domains and do not forward Bootstrap
405                    messages between them."
406        ::= { hpicfPim 7 }
408    hpicfPimComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
409        SYNTAX      HpicfPimComponentEntry
410        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
411        STATUS      current
412        DESCRIPTION "HP extensions for an entry in the pimComponentTable."
413        AUGMENTS    { pimComponentEntry }
414        ::= { hpicfPimComponentTable 1 }
416    HpicfPimComponentEntry ::=
417        SEQUENCE {
418            -- ------------------
419            -- read-write objects
420            -- ------------------
421            hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus        INTEGER,
422            hpicfPimComponentCBSRAddress            IpAddress,
423            hpicfPimComponentCBSRPriority           Integer32,
424            hpicfPimComponentCBSRHashMaskLength     Integer32,
425            hpicfPimComponentCBSRMessageInterval    Integer32,
426            hpicfPimComponentCRPPriority            Integer32,
427            -- ------------------
428            -- read-only objects
429            -- ------------------
430            hpicfPimComponentCRPAdvInterval         Unsigned32,
431            hpicfPimComponentBSRPriority            Unsigned32,
432            hpicfPimComponentBSRHashMaskLength      Unsigned32,
433            hpicfPimComponentBSRUpTime              TimeTicks,
434            hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage         TimeTicks
435        }
437    hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
438        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
439                        enable(1),
440                        disable(2)
441                    }
442        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
443        STATUS      current
444        DESCRIPTION "This objects specifies whether or not the router
445                    configured to be a Candidate BSR for the local
446                    PIM region. Default is disabled."
447        DEFVAL      { disable }
448        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 1 }
450    hpicfPimComponentCBSRAddress OBJECT-TYPE
451        SYNTAX      IpAddress
452        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
453        STATUS      current
454        DESCRIPTION "The IP address the Candidate BSR router will advertise
455                    for the local PIM region."
456        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 2 }
458    hpicfPimComponentCBSRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
459        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
460        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
461        STATUS      current
462        DESCRIPTION "The priority for Candidate BSR router. In BSR election
463                    process the candidate BSR with the highest (numerically
464                    bigger) priority becomes the BSR. If the priority values
465                    are the same, the router with the larger IP address is
466                    the BSR. Default is 0."
467        DEFVAL { 0 }
468        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 3 }
470    hpicfPimComponentCBSRHashMaskLength OBJECT-TYPE
471        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..128)
472        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
473        STATUS      current
474        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the length (in bits) of a multicast group
475                    address to use when mapping a group to one of the
476                    candidate RPs from the RP-Set whose group-prefix
477                    includes the group. The recommended value for IPv4
478                    is 30, for IPv6 is 126. Default is 30."
479        DEFVAL { 30 }
480        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 4 }
482    hpicfPimComponentCBSRMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
483        SYNTAX      Integer32 (5..65535)
484        UNITS       "seconds"
485        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
486        STATUS      current
487        DESCRIPTION "If this router is the elected BSR, then this is the
488                    interval for sending (multicast out) periodic Bootstrap
489                    (RP-Set) messages on all PIM SM interfaces.
490                    Default is 60 seconds."
491        DEFVAL { 60 }
492        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 5 }
494    hpicfPimComponentCRPPriority OBJECT-TYPE
495        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
496        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
497        STATUS      current
498        DESCRIPTION "The priority for the Candidate RP for the local PIM
499                    domain. Determines which Candidate RPs get selected by
500                    the BSR to be in the RP Set. The smaller value means
501                    the higher priority (a value of zero is the highest
502                    possible priority). Default is 192."
503        DEFVAL { 192 }
504        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 6 }
506    hpicfPimComponentCRPAdvInterval OBJECT-TYPE
507        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
508        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
509        STATUS      current
510        DESCRIPTION "The interval at which the Candidate RP transmits
511                    (unicast to the elected BSR) advertise messages in
512                    the local PIM domain."
513        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 7 }
515    hpicfPimComponentBSRPriority OBJECT-TYPE
516        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
517        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
518        STATUS      current
519        DESCRIPTION "The priority of the Bootstrap Router (BSR) elected
520                    for the local PIM region."
521        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 8 }
523    hpicfPimComponentBSRHashMaskLength OBJECT-TYPE
524        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
525        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
526        STATUS      current
527        DESCRIPTION "The hash mask length of the elected Bootstrap
528                    Router (BSR)."
529        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 9 }
531    hpicfPimComponentBSRUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
532        SYNTAX      TimeTicks
533        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
534        STATUS      current
535        DESCRIPTION "Length of time that the elected Bootstrap Router (BSR)
536                    has been up."
537        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 10 }
539    hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage OBJECT-TYPE
540        SYNTAX      TimeTicks
541        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
542        STATUS      current
543        DESCRIPTION "Time in which the next bootstrap message is due from
544                    the elected Bootstrap Router (BSR)."
545        ::= { hpicfPimComponentEntry 11 }
547-- **********************************************************************
548-- PIM Notifications Trap Definitions
549-- **********************************************************************
551    hpicfPimHardMRTFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
552        STATUS      current
553        DESCRIPTION "This notification signifies that the MRT table is
554                    full and the error has been originated by hardware.
555                    This trap should be generated whenever a multicast
556                    flow or MRT  entry cannot be added."
557        ::= { hpicfPimTraps 1 }
559    hpicfPimSoftMRTFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
560        STATUS      current
561        DESCRIPTION "This notification signifies that the MRT table is
562                    full and the error has been originated by software.
563                    This trap should be generated whenever a multicast
564                    flow or MRT entry cannot be added."
565        ::= { hpicfPimTraps 2 }
567-- **********************************************************************
568-- Conformance Information
569-- **********************************************************************
571    hpicfPimNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
573                    { hpicfPimHardMRTFull,
574                      hpicfPimSoftMRTFull }
575        STATUS      current
576        DESCRIPTION "A collection of notifications that extends
577                     notifications defined in RFC 2934 - used for signalling
578                     important PIM events."
579        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 1 }
581    hpicfPimBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
582        OBJECTS     { hpicfPimAdminStatus,
583                      hpicfPimStateRefreshInterval,
584                      hpicfPimSPTThreshold,
585                      hpicfPimTrapControl }
586        STATUS      current
587        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects to support basic PIM
588                    configuration information on HP routers."
589        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 2 }
591    hpicfPimStaticRPSetMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
592        OBJECTS     { hpicfPimStaticRPSetOverride,
593                      hpicfPimStaticRPSetRowStatus }
594        STATUS      current
595        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects to support management of
596                    static Rendezvous Point (RP) to IP multicast group
597                    mappings."
598        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 3 }
600    hpicfPimSparseIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
601        OBJECTS     { hpicfPimIfAddress,
602                      hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval,
603                      hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime,
604                      hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay,
605                      hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay,
606                      hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval,
607                      hpicfPimIfGenerationID,
608                      hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime,
609                      hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled,
610                      hpicfPimIfDRPriority,
611                      hpicfPimIfNBRTimeout }
612        STATUS      current
613        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
614                    in pimInterfaceTable and used to support management of
615                    interfaces operating in PIM Sparse Mode."
616        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 4 }
618    hpicfPimDenseIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
619        OBJECTS     { hpicfPimIfAddress,
620                      hpicfPimIfTrigHelloInterval,
621                      hpicfPimIfHelloHoldtime,
622                      hpicfPimIfLanPruneDelay,
623                      hpicfPimIfPropagationDelay,
624                      hpicfPimIfOverrideInterval,
625                      hpicfPimIfGenerationID,
626                      hpicfPimIfJoinPruneHoldtime,
627                      hpicfPimIfGraftRetryInterval,
628                      hpicfPimIfMaxGraftRetries,
629                      hpicfPimIfSRTTLThreshold,
630                      hpicfPimIfLanDelayEnabled,
631                      hpicfPimIfSRCapable,
632                      hpicfPimIfDRPriority }
633        STATUS      current
634        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
635                    in pimInterfaceTable and used to support management of
636                    interfaces operating in PIM Dense Mode."
637        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 5 }
639    hpicfPimComponentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
640        OBJECTS     { hpicfPimComponentCBSRAdminStatus,
641                      hpicfPimComponentCBSRAddress,
642                      hpicfPimComponentCBSRPriority,
643                      hpicfPimComponentCBSRHashMaskLength,
644                      hpicfPimComponentCBSRMessageInterval,
645                      hpicfPimComponentCRPPriority,
646                      hpicfPimComponentCRPAdvInterval,
647                      hpicfPimComponentBSRPriority,
648                      hpicfPimComponentBSRHashMaskLength,
649                      hpicfPimComponentBSRUpTime,
650                      hpicfPimComponentBSRNextMessage }
651        STATUS      current
652        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that extends objects defined
653                    in pimComponentTable (RFC 2934)."
654        ::= { hpicfPimGroups 6 }
656-- **********************************************************************
657-- Compliance statements
658-- **********************************************************************
660    hpicfPimSparseMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
661        STATUS      current
662        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers running
663                    PIM Sparse Mode and implementing the HP-ICF-PIM MIB."
664        MODULE  -- this module
665            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfPimBaseGroup,
666                               hpicfPimStaticRPSetMappingGroup,
667                               hpicfPimSparseIfGroup,
668                               hpicfPimComponentGroup }
669        ::= { hpicfPimCompliances 1 }
671    hpicfPimDenseMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
672        STATUS      current
673        DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers running
674                    PIM Dense Mode and implementing the HP-ICF-PIM MIB."
675        MODULE  -- this module
676            MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfPimBaseGroup,
677                               hpicfPimDenseIfGroup }
678        ::= { hpicfPimCompliances 2 }