3       IMPORTS
4           Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY
5               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
6           DisplayString, TruthValue
7               FROM SNMPv2-TC
9               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
10           entPhysicalIndex
11               FROM ENTITY-MIB
12           hpicfObjectModules, hpicfCommon
13               FROM HP-ICF-OID;
15       hpicfStackMib MODULE-IDENTITY
16            LAST-UPDATED "200011032225Z"  -- November 3, 2000
17            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
18                          Network Infrastructure Solutions"
19            CONTACT-INFO
20                    "Hewlett Packard Company
21                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
22                     Roseville, CA 95747"
23            DESCRIPTION
24                    "This MIB module contains object definitions for
25                    managing HP stackable devices."
27            REVISION     "200011032225Z"  -- November 3, 2000
28            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name."
30            REVISION     "9609062228Z"  -- September 6, 1996
31            DESCRIPTION
32                    "Initial version of this MIB module."
33           ::= { hpicfObjectModules 6 }
36       hpicfStack   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfCommon 5 }
38       hpicfStackBoxTable OBJECT-TYPE
39           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfStackBoxEntry
40           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
41           STATUS     current
42           DESCRIPTION
43                   "This table contains a list of physical boxes
44                   currently in the stack."
45           ::= { hpicfStack 1 }
47       hpicfStackBoxEntry OBJECT-TYPE
48           SYNTAX     HpicfStackBoxEntry
49           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
50           STATUS     current
51           DESCRIPTION
52                   "An entry containing information about a physical
53                   box in the stack.  This table is indexed by
54                   the value of entPhysicalIndex that corresponds to
55                   the row in the entPhysicalTable for this box."
56           INDEX      { entPhysicalIndex }
57           ::= { hpicfStackBoxTable 1 }
59       HpicfStackBoxEntry ::=
60           SEQUENCE {
61               hpicfStackBoxId                 OCTET STRING,
62               hpicfStackBoxName               DisplayString
63           }
65       hpicfStackBoxId OBJECT-TYPE
66           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(5))
67           MAX-ACCESS read-only
68           STATUS     current
69           DESCRIPTION
70                   "The box identifier that uniquely identifies this
71                   physical box.  The value of this object is the serial
72                   number of the box."
73           ::= { hpicfStackBoxEntry 1 }
75       hpicfStackBoxName OBJECT-TYPE
76           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..16))
77           MAX-ACCESS read-write
78           STATUS     current
79           DESCRIPTION
80                   "A settable name for this box.  This name defaults
81                   to an ASCII representation of the base MAC address
82                   of the box, but may be set to a user-friendly
83                   display string by a management application."
84           ::= { hpicfStackBoxEntry 2 }
87       hpicfStackAgentTable OBJECT-TYPE
88           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfStackAgentEntry
89           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
90           STATUS     current
91           DESCRIPTION
92                   "This table provides a list of SNMP agent cards in
93                   the stack that are capable of managing the stack.
94                   Note that this table is redundant, since this
95                   information is available in the Entity MIB, but is
96                   provided for the convenience of management
97                   applications, so that they are not required to scan
98                   the entire entPhysicalTable to determine what agent
99                   cards are present."
100           ::= { hpicfStack 2 }
102       hpicfStackAgentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
103           SYNTAX     HpicfStackAgentEntry
104           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
105           STATUS     current
106           DESCRIPTION
107                   "An entry in the hpicfStackAgentTable representing
108                   a single agent card.  This table is indexed by
109                   the value of entPhysicalIndex that corresponds to
110                   the row in the entPhysicalTable for this agent
111                   card."
112           INDEX      { entPhysicalIndex }
113           ::= { hpicfStackAgentTable 1 }
115       HpicfStackAgentEntry ::=
116           SEQUENCE {
117               hpicfStackAgentBoxId            OCTET STRING
118           }
120       hpicfStackAgentBoxId OBJECT-TYPE
121           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(5))
122           MAX-ACCESS read-only
123           STATUS     current
124           DESCRIPTION
125                   "The value of hpicfStackBoxId for the box containing
126                   this agent card.  Note that this object is redundant
127                   since containment information is available in the
128                   Entity MIB, but is provided for the convenience of
129                   manament applications (and so that there would be at
130                   least one accessible column in this table)."
131           ::= { hpicfStackAgentEntry 1 }
134       hpicfStackActiveAgent OBJECT-TYPE
135           SYNTAX     Integer32
136           MAX-ACCESS read-write
137           STATUS     current
138           DESCRIPTION
139                   "The value of entPhysicalIndex for the agent that is
140                   currently managing this stack.  A set to this value
141                   will also set hpicfStackAgentForced to 'true'.  Note
142                   that setting this object to a value different from
143                   the current value will cause this agent to reset.
144                   After reset, the current agent will no longer be
145                   active, because the new agent will take over."
146           ::= { hpicfStack 3 }
148       hpicfStackAgentForced OBJECT-TYPE
149           SYNTAX     TruthValue
150           MAX-ACCESS read-only
151           STATUS     current
152           DESCRIPTION
153                   "A value of 'true' indicates that the current active
154                   agent card has been chosen by a management action as
155                   the active agent.  This management action may have
156                   been performed through a console user interface
157                   command, or by setting the hpicfStackActiveAgent
158                   object.  The reason for this is to allow the network
159                   administrator to prevent an added redundant agent
160                   from taking over when there is a configured agent
161                   card in the stack."
162           ::= { hpicfStack 4 }
165       -- conformance information
167       hpicfStackConformance
168           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfStackMib 1 }
170       hpicfStackCompliances
171           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfStackConformance 1 }
172       hpicfStackGroups
173           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfStackConformance 2 }
176       -- compliance statements
178       hpicfStackCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
179           STATUS     current
180           DESCRIPTION
181                   "The compliance statement for agents managing
182                   a stack of HP boxes."
183           MODULE
184               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfStackBasicGroup }
186               GROUP      hpicfStackMultiAgentGroup
187               DESCRIPTION
188                       "This group is implemented by all agents for
189                       stackable devices that support redundant
190                       management cards."
192           ::= { hpicfStackCompliances 1 }
195       -- units of conformance
197       hpicfStackBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
198           OBJECTS    { hpicfStackBoxId,
199                        hpicfStackBoxName
200                      }
201           STATUS     current
202           DESCRIPTION
203                   "A collection of objects for managing boxes in a
204                   stack."
205           ::= { hpicfStackGroups 1 }
207       hpicfStackMultiAgentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
208           OBJECTS    { hpicfStackAgentBoxId,
209                        hpicfStackActiveAgent,
210                        hpicfStackAgentForced
211                      }
212           STATUS     current
213           DESCRIPTION
214                   "A collection of objects for managing redundant
215                   agents in a stack of HP boxes."
216           ::= { hpicfStackGroups 2 }
218       END